1 .. —0One of the speakers at the union _ prayer. services being held in Belle- “now —STao INK SLINGS. . ——Well, we didn’t have to swear off this year anyway. — Surely the righteous had trouble in trying to stand in slippery places yesterday. If the Mexican earthquake had struck the right spot it might have been forgiven. — Leap year is with us and there are various other reasons why the girls should get busy. ——On the question of beer the Su- preme court appears to be giving a “continuous performance.” — “Hope springs eternal in the human breast,” but the brewers ap- pear to be working the wish-bone over-time. ——The coal strike is over but no- body has been able to discover even a symptom of decreasing prices of coal in consequence. We dread Congressional inves- tigations. Some one of these commit- tees may discover that President Wil- son “struck Billy Patterson.” . . —The census man on his round of counting noses will probably find few- er of the luminous variety than he would have had his work been done a year ago. * — Senator Vare didn’t witness the inauguration of Hampy Moore as Mayor of Philadelphia but we are willing to make a small bet that he has heard of it by this time. —We have just made the painful discovery that there will be fifty-three Fridays in 1920 and we'll have to pub- lish fifty-one editions of the “Watch- man” instead of the usual fifty. Pity the poor printer. —1Tt is wonderful winter weather that we have been having but the fre- quent visits to the coal pile that it compels reminds us that the high cost of keeping warm is really what bust- ed the old Bellefonte steam heating plant. —That cow up at Snow Shoe Inter- section that recently dropped three calves should have a niche in the bo- vine hall of fame right between the one that jumped over the moon and the other that kicked over the lamp that set Chicago afire.’ — This thing of following civil serv- ice to the point of making a Republi- can postmaster of the great city of Boston will sound beautiful in an ac- ademic discussion of the ideals of great political parties and it will build ours up like the old woman kept tav- ern out west. A g onte t served w that liquor has gone’ must follow in the wake of old Joh Barleycorn. And after the coffin tacks are pulled out from between our teeth what next will we be asked to dis- pense with. ; —With Mr. Bryan backing McAdoo for the Presidential nomination and Joe Tumulty backing Palmer signs are good for some fun in our party before long. Don’t underestimate the strength of the Nebraska apostle of grape juice. how he does it, but he does it just the same and he might stage a come-back in politics that will throw consterna- tion into the camps of ‘some of the other “favorite sons” who are trying to suppress the son-in-law. —It was ever thus. The fellow who invents or discovers something rarely reaps the reward of his pioneering. Now Ralph Hartsock, who once had an ambition to step out of the County Auditor’s office into that of the Com- missioners, made the * discovery that the County Commissioners have the power to appoint a clerk for the board of Auditors. Ralph was fitted for the position and he told the Commission- ers of his discovery and of his fitness. They were pleased with part of the news. So pleased that they forthwith appointed some one else for the job. —The Supreme court has knocked the last ray of hope off the horizon of the liquor business by declaring that the Volstead Prohibition act is consti- tutional and dismissing all injunctions seeking to prevent interference with the brewing and sale of two and three-quarter beer. It’s all off fel- lows, and what’s worse, it now ap- pears that even if you do happen to have a little cache of the O be-joyful around your house somewhere it will be unlawful to carry even a nip of it with you on any kind of an expedi- tion. It must be put by January 16th and then it has to stay put. You can’t carry any of it along to cheer you up while hunting or to cure pos- sible snake-bites while fishing. —There is likely to be a little fun in this Congressional district over the matter of delegates to the coming Republican National convention. Al- ready there are five candidates in the field and a lively contest is looked for, though the first flush of strength shows that Scott, of Centre, and Gaffney, of McKean, are in greatest favor. They are the organization’s candidates and Gillett, of McKean, and Booze, of Clearfield, will have to build their own fences, as none are already made for them. Booze, how- ever, is not looked on as a serious contender because he is regarded as a perennial candidate with only a small strength that gets him nowhere. He is partially committed to Gen. Leonard Woods’ candidacy and that, in itself, is enough to put a quietus on him, for it isn’t part of Penrose’s present plans to let Wood get too strong. week served notice that a3. ets, five Few people understand | STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. yol os, Jackson Day in Washington. Just about the time we are putting this issue of the “Democratic Watch- man” to press, the big-wigs, grand- sachems and high-muck-a-mucks of the Democratic party are assembling their legs under “groaning” tables in Washington, not exactly to pick a candidate for the voters of that po- litical faith, for President, but to trot out those aspiring availables, real or imaginary, to show their intellectual paces to those of the voters who are able and anxious to make measure- ments. It is customary, at this time every fourth year, to stage this exhi- bition of Presidential timber, and out | of compliment to an illustrious Dem- ocrat, it is called uary 8th. This year the event conveys more | than ordinary interest and carries more than usual significance for the reason that it is expected to reveal secrets of the highest magnitude and greatest importance not only to the voters of Democratic proclivities but to voters of all complexions in this country and people throughout the civilized world. It is expected, for example, that President Wilson will avail himself of the opportunity to express his purposes with respect to the third term and his hopes as to the ratification of the League of Nations. It is likewise, let us say feared, in some quarters, that Mr. William Jen- nings Bryan will do something or other that may result in “spilling the beans.” Notwithstanding the gravity of the matter, however, there is a humorous ! According to reports published in the prints a num- side to the situation. ber of aspirants for the Democratic nomination for' President will speak on the occasien. Among these the name of A. Mitchell Palmer is con- spicuous. With the view, no doubt, of creating a favorable impression of his powers, the Democratic State committee: of Pennsylvania purchased a hundred or more banquet tickets, to be used by lusty-lunged admirers of the Attorney General, and it is safe to say they will be heard from. Whether or mot the price of the ts, BEG the piece, was ta from the campaign fund of the party is a matter of conjecture. ——Because the President didn’t buy the sugar crop of Cuba without authority, according to Republican critics, he is a traitorous coward. If he had usurped the authority the same critics would have denounced him for imperialism. It’s hard to please those unwilling to be pleased. Hoke Smith’s Sinister Purpose. Senator Hoke Smith, of Georgia, may imagine he is fooling somebody besides himself in his efforts to em- barrass the administration in Wash- ington with respect to the peace treaty. Mr. Smith holds title to his office as a Democrat and makes loud professions of faith in the principles of that party. But he has long been a quibbler and fault finder and con- spicuous among those who pretend to think that the covenant of the league of nations surrenders to somebody some of the sovereignty of the gov- ernment of the United States which is sacred. It is precisely what Sen- ators Lodge and Penrose and Knox want him to think and what the Pop- ulists in and out of Congress pretend | to believe. There never was a treaty between nations that did not surrender some- thing for the common good of both signatories. That is precisely what a treaty is for. It binds each of those concerned in it to make common cause ' of the question involved so that both may derive benefit and neither act selfishly. From the beginning of the government of the United States such treaties have been made with one country or another and always to the advantage of both parties to the com- pact. The covenant of the league of nations does this and nothing less or . nothing more. It binds this country to the precise things that it binds every other country which joins the league and impairs the sovereignty of none. ' Grover Cleveland was one of our greatest Presidents but he was human and made mistakes. Onc of his mis- takes, and probably among the grav- est, was to dig out of obscurity, one Hoke Smith, who did more to discred- it the Cleveland administration and impair the interests of the Democrat- ic party than any other man in the country. He injected his Southern prejudices against Union veterans in- to his office at the head of the pension service and drove thousands of voters out of the party. But of late his loy- alty to the government he tried to de- stroy in 1861 has become so intense that he is afraid a league of nations might do harm. His real fear, how- ever, is that Populism will die out. ——Senator Borah is probably sor- ry the world didn’t come to an end last month. That would have defeat- ed the League of Nations surely. “Jackson Day.” Grand “Old Hickory” was born Jan- tick- ken na | Two Rewards with One Office. - When Mitchell Palmer and Vance McCormick “bolted” the Democratic candidate for Governor in 1918, we suspected some influence other than altruism was operating in their pon- derous minds. It was known that Mr. Palmer had been a class-mate of the Republican candidate and it was pos- sibly reasoned that his social rela- tions with the Executive Mansion in Harrisburg would be more intimate with a personal rather than a polit- ical friend in possession. Events since the election have justified such conjectures completely. The Gover- nor has not only been a generous eu- logist of his college chum, Mr. Pal- mer, but his house has been an asylum in illness and he has been a “guide, philosopher and friend.” But until last week nobody imag- ined that sordid or sinister thoughts ever entered, much less found lodg- ment, in the mind of Mr. McCormick. He simply lived and moved in the public interest and he radiated benev- olence. mittee, of which, by the way, he was ' not a member, and in sobbing, falset- to voice denounced the candidate who had defeated his dummy, there was no answer. The committee proceed- ed, according to program and in obe- dience to orders, to hamstring the nominee and deliver the party over to its enemy. As chairman of the Na- tional Democratic committee that act of perfidy was so overwhelming that no voice was raised to. protest. Last week Mitchell Palmer, who had been appointed a member of the Commission to Revise the Constitu- tion of the State, by Governor Sproul, “declined the office. He has been so busy in Washington giving out inter- views and promising reforms that he was unable to give attention to the duties of an office without emolument. But happily there was a way to “save the Commonwealth.” The Governor promptly accepted his resignation and bestowed the honor upon his “angel”. Vance McCormick. It was an expedi~ ent solution of a mixed problem, and igler: as the late Uncle Jake stone. Vane 7 ? ifications for the office but “what’s the constitution’ among friends.” —Herbert Hoover might make his escape from Presidential lightning absolutely certain by laying down the proposition that he won’t run for the office unless Senator Jim Reed, of Missouri, asks him to become a can- didate. ‘Philadelphia’s New Mayor. The inauguration of J. Hampton Moore as Mayor of Philadelphia, on Monday, may mark the beginning of a decided improvement in the govern- ment of that city and a considerable change in the affairs of the State. He has chosen his official advisers with care and judgment and in other ways indicated a purpose to 1aove forward independently of the atrocious Vare machine. The controversy which en- sued was exceedingly sharp. Not only the Vares but Dave Lane, Sena- tor Dave Martin and other so-called ! party leaders became involved and the Mayor-elect had to stand firmly against strong pressure, to resist them. That he did so is both surpris- ing and gratifying. . Mayor-elect Moore has been a ma- chine politician, obedient to whoever happened to be boss for a good many ‘years. His first experience in politics was as secretary to the notorious Mayor Ashbridge after which he serv- ed a term as city treasurer and acted as receiver of one of the wrecked banks of the city. Fourteen years ago he was elected to Congress and has occupied the seat ever since. In that capacity he developed considerable ‘aptitude and had attained a seat in the committee on Ways and Means well up toward the top of the list. At the organization of the present Con- gress he was gravely considered among the eligibles for the office of Speaker. In entering upon the duties of his office Mayor Moore has made ample | promises and assumed an attitude which looks like business. If he makes good his election will be of great advantage to the people of Phil- _adelphia. Probably no city in the country has been looted as Philadel- phia has been within the last genera- tion and an honest government will not only serve as an inspiration there but will strengthen the hopes of the people of the State for it will mark ‘the end of ballot pollution that has on ‘more than one occasion reversed the result of important elections. | ——Those employers who. are dis- | tributing big bonusses among their | employees would serve a better pur- pose by reducing the price of their . commodities. | ——The trouble with General Wood |is that it is practically impossible to | make a military hero out of a “carpet knight.” Therefore when he arose at | a meeting of the packed State com- | 0. BELLEFONTE, PA., JANUARY 9, 192 Proper Ban on Berger. i The authorities of Jersey City have very properly forbidden a speech in _ that city to Victor L. Berger, of Mil- waukee, recently re-elected to Con- gress, after having been refused ad- mission to that body upon a previous election. Of course Mr. Berger will denounce this action as a denial of the constitutional right of free speech. He and those who think as he does will vehemently declare that the ost sacred and cherished rights of ‘ American citizenship have been be- ‘trayed. They will insist that the first duty of government is to protect per- , Bons while violating the law. But a vast majority of the people will adopt the opposite opinion and the rule of “the majority is a real fundamental in this country. While on this subject, however, a Eo many clear minded persons may j wonder why Victor L. Berger is in “position to speak in Jersey City, or ‘any. other city in the United States, fo a public audience, at this time. ome months ago he was tried and ¢ nvicted, in a court of competent jurisdiction, and sentenced to penal ‘servitude, for violating the espionage act of Congress. No snap judgment was taken against him. The hearing in court was long drawn out and he was given every legal and technical facility and opportunity to refute the ‘charges against him. But his guilt ‘was proved beyond a question, and if ‘our memory is not at fault he was rather proud of the fact. At leasthe openly flouted the court. The question then is, why isn’t he serving the sentence? The offence was committed while he was a candi- date for Congress in 1918. Upon the assembling of the body he appeared to claim the seat but it was refused ‘him. Thereupon he took “the stump” and entered upon a series of denunci- ations of the government which have been continued ever since. His en- gagement to speak in Jersey City was in pursuance of this program. The authorities of Jersey City were equal to the occasion, however, though the casion for refusal. If the Russian’ Soviets ‘would cut out the expenses of - propaganda in this country they could feed mil- are starving over there. Bad Remedy for an Evil. If it be true that the organized railroad machinists have voted to strike legislation now pending is en- acted into law, they are taking’ coun- sel from a doubtful source. islation in question is faulty, beyond question. Forbidding' strikes by law is a poor expedient. But defying ed to enforce the law so long as it is the law. Therefore resistance of the anti-strike law by striking: would make a conflict certain to prove dis- astrous to labor inevitable. There are better ways of meeting bad laws than resisting them by force. If rail- road machinists are wise they will find a better way. An act of Congress declaring refus- al to work a crime would. be unconsti- tutional. The right of a man to quit work is inherent and indefeasible. But the right of the public to such service tain. A strike which would deprive the form of a conspiracy and might | tion of the criminal courts. | preservation is as much the first law | of communities as of nature and any i government has the right to protect | and conserve the lives of the people. {In fact that is one of the most im- | portant functions of government. A ‘labor organization that denies this | plain fact will get in wrong. | The courts afford the only remedy {the people have against unwise or | vicious legislation. There is and has ‘been a growing suspicion that some | of the courts of this country are influ- enced to decisions between capital and ‘labor by considerations other than | justice and equity. It may be possi- ble to cite instances in which this has | been done. But they are exceptions that prove the rule that the courts ef law in this country are just and im- | partial. If the anti-strike provision | of the pending railroad legislation is enacted into law, it will be vetoed by | the President or nullified by the | courts. voke the courts rather than strike. ——Strangley enough Mr. Bryan's | description of the Democratic candi- date for President is an exact likeness of Mr. Bryan himself. ——Senator Lodge is going to see that Germany loses as little as possi- ‘ ble by the war. - matter never ought to have, been put 44D fo. Shem - Ghee rere in Prison, was convicted, there would be no oc-" lions of men, women and children who “walk out” in the event that the anti- The leg- Congress is an equally dangerous ex- periment for the government is oblig- | as is requisite to life is quite as cer-! the public of such service would take easily be brought within the jurisdic- Self- | In view of this palpable fact | rallroad machinists would better in- NO. 2. The “Red” Raids. From the Philadelphia Record. Two or three thousand persons, nearly all foreign born, and a large part of them not even naturalized, have been arrested as enemies of’ the government, and a great proportion of them will follow the involuntary pas- sengers of the Buford to some country where they may possibly be welcome, and where their right to remain is more obvious than their right to re- main here. > ; These people have not been arrest- ed for their opinicns. They have not even been arrested for expressing their opinions. There is nothing in their arrest and deportation that'is in- imical to the freedom of residence and the freedom of speech, of the press and of assembly, within the limits of the right of the community to protect itself, its institutions and its government. These people had a right to advo- cate a social State in which there are no institutions and no government. They would not have been arrested for urging that the Constitution be repealed and that all civil offices be vacated on a certain date. But they did not stop with this. They are charged, according to the language of the warrants on which they were arrested, with being “members of, or affiliated with, an organization that entertains a belief in the overthrow by force or violence of the government of the United States, or advocates the overthrow by force or violence of “all forms of law, . . . . or teaches opposition to all organized govern- ment.” The people of this country organ- ized their government, and they can change it or ‘dissolve it when they like. We have had plenty of revolu- tionary proposals, oral and in print, with which the officers of the law have never. concerned themselves. Peace- ful agitation for the most revolution- ary purposes would be tolerated. But the communists or anarchists are not content with peaceful agitation. They urge the shooting of officials, the use of dynamite and armed resistance to make government impossible. The nation defended itself against secession, against insurrection. It will deport foreigners who come here for the pur- pose of using force or violence against | al and primary right possessed even “The majority are: entitled - not to.be depriv- rights, and they are ed of them by firearms and infernal machines. . Our Horizon Line. From the ‘Philadelphia’ Press (Rep). When we of the United States shudder at the debt that the war has {put upon us and wonder when and how we can get out from beneath the burden, we have but to consider the conditions that face the other great nations of the world to picture a fu- ‘ture that is very far from dark. Our . debt is roughly some twenty-one bil- lion dollars. It is true that this is large, but it is only about eight per cent. of our national wealth, and that is indebtedness that can be paid off without national calamity. - We are so | much better off than are the nations with whom we stood | den is a very light one. The sum that Great Britain owes is over forty per cent. of her national | wealth. And so is that of France, of | Italy, and of Russia. Nor do those | figures tell the whole story. In France there has been an enormous destruc- | | tion of wealth and an appalling death | roll. Cities have been burned, lands i laid waste, mines destroyed, machin- ery ruined. Italy has suffered like- | wise to a smaller extent. Russia has had both of these types of calamity. Great Britain has lost tremendously in her man power. The United States has escaped such ravages. Our farm | production is at its height, our manu- facturing plants are equipped for maximum output, our shipping has multiplied many fold. Nor must we cherish the pessimis- tic thought that after-war recupera- tion is a long and seemingly endless climb. It has not been so in the past, it will not be so now. Gigantic debts have come to other nations as the in- evitable payment for war. They have not been crushed. There has been in- which opened the way to tremendous commercial and territorial expansion. The belligerent nations of Europe have already started out anew, with high courage and wise planning. There is no occasion for us to mourn over our own condition. tion and frugality in Government ex- penses will gradually roll away the burden. And we must be alive indus- | trially and keen to meet the new spir- it and the trade rivalry that will come from the warring nations now at peace. It is a time for action, not for gloom. Italy’s Surplus Population. From the Pittsburgh Dispatch. Owing to the stoppage of emigra- tion during the war, Italy finds itself | with 2,000,000 surplus population and no work for them. One case where ‘ the theory of war as a reducer of over-population didn’t work. ———An invasion of Mexico would | be an enticing adventure to a great many citizens of the United States. The anti-saloon league is not in con- trol down there. and it will defend - itself | the government. It enjoys the natur- 1 za shoulder to | ' shoulder that in comparison our bur- | stead the spur to renewed exertions | Wise taxa- | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Burglars early on Monday secured $250 in jewelry and cash at the home of Rev. J. C. Clark, of Harrisburg, director of the eastern Pennsylvania division for Near East relief. —“I am going away. The next time you see me I will be dead.” This note was found in the room of Miss Lucy Huey, aged twenty-one, who disappeared from her home in Dorranceton, near Wilkes- Barre, on Sunday. No trace of her has since been found. —Contracts for the erection of homes for workingmen and their families, totalling $300,000, have been let by the Milton Hous~ ing company, a corporation recently form=- ed to meet the housing problem in. Milton. The H. A. Moore company, of Milton, se~ cured the contract. —The Morris Packing company plant at | McKeesport was totally destroyed -by fire of undetermined origin Sunday night. Loss on the building, a four story strue- ture, had not been ascertained, but it was estimated that more than $50,000 worth of stock in the building was destroyed. —A group of followers of the Spiritual- list seet are drilling for oil in McKean county, following directions from ‘spir=- its.” They claim that they have been in communication with the spirits and that they have been given minute instructions as to where to drill to strike rich gushers. —H. L. Beck, a Sunbury resident, whe operates a coal washery near Port Trever= ton, has received a black hand letter threatening him with death unless he places $2,000 at a certain spot on a moum- tain top near the latter place. He says if the writers expect the money they are due to be disappointed. —Jifteen head of Guernsey cattle from the Packer Island farm near Sunbury were shipped last week to Harrisburg where they will be killed. The cows were loaded into a special car for the trip. The ani- mals are suffering with tuberculosis and are being killed, as are hundreds of others in the State to prevent the spread of the disease. ‘ —Miss Laura Gilbert, a member of Em- manuel church, of Pottstown, has not missed a Sunday school session for thirty- two years, a record that is probably hard to duplicate anywhere. Secretary I. B. Stichter has held that position in the Sun- day school for forty-five years, and pre- vious to that long period was assistant secretary for two years. —The Public Service Commission has approved the merger of the Lindsey and Punxsutawney Water companies, includ- ing four companies, into the consolidated Water Company of Pumxsutawney, but re- fused the application for a certificate of valuation. It has alse approved the mer- ger of the Clarion Gas company with the United Natural, Gas company. * —The sum of $3,800 was found on the person” of aged Louis Heisler, a supposed ly impoverished inventor, who was found dead In his lodging house at Lancaster. The discovery was made by the undertak- or in preparing the body for interment. The money was contained in a small bag thdt was tied about the man’s body. Rel- atives of the deceased have been found, to whom the cash was given. —Antonio Cuza, said to be a son of a wealthy , plantation owner in Cuba, was in the Delaware county court at Media on | New Year's day for the killing of Harry | Schrieber, a guard employed at the Bald- | win Locomotive plant at Eddystone. Cu- was charged with robbing fifteen | boarders in a Spanish boarding house at Leiperville, and when placed under arrest by Schreiber, it is alleged, he shot the of- | ficer. —Pennsylvania and New Jersey State health officials are taking steps to prevent any spread of infection because of Robert | Henderson, a Princeton student, living at | Huntingdon, being stricken with smali- | pox. Henderson went home on vacation | and was taken ill the latter part of the i week, after having attended a number of | social affairs. Wholesale vaccination has | been oredered among people with whom | the young man was in contact, and Prince- | ton authorities also notified. { —Using a rope ladder which- they ob- | tained in some manner as yet. unknown, Steve Meneski, aged nineteen years, Silo Moliski, aged twenty years, James Gillip- sie, aged twenty years, Harry Houp, aged twenty-two years, and Charles W. Giltz, aged twenty-three years, all but one held on robbery charge and all from Shamokin, and Mount Carmel, escaped from the Northumberland county jail at Sunbury, about seven o'clock Sunday evening by going over the jail yard wall. —Arraigned before a coroner’s jury to answer to the charge of being instrumen- tal in the death of Tommy Bomer, a pupil of the Herbert school, in Fayette county, Braden Hurst Hays, principal of that school, who was placed under arrest upon { his return from his honeymoon, was for- mally exonerated. The direct cause of death was given as cerebro-meningitis, the coroner declining to attempt to trace the origin of the disease. It was indicafed that criminal prosecution against the prin- cipal will be brought by the family of the dead lad. : —QGeorge C. Tompkins, of Philadelphia, convicted of murdering Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mund I. Humphreys and their son, Ed- mund Jr., near Carrolltown, nearly three { years ago, was sentenced to be electrocut- !ed by Judge M. B. Stephens, in criminal | court at Ebensburg on Monday. Torp- | kins appeared unaffected when the death sentence was pronounced and he showed little interest in the proceedings. Humph- reys, a wealthy coal operator, and his wife and son were shot to death in their auto- mobile near Carrolltown on July 15th, 1917. Tompkins was tried and convicted of first degree murder, but he appealed. A new trial was recently refused. i { — Pinned in the wreckage of the Pemn- sylvania-Lehigh express, Pittsburgh to Raston, at Ranshaw, three miles east of Shamokin, Saturdiy night, C. BE. Halder- man, fireman, of Sunbury, was held pris- oner three hours while officials and work- men toiled to release him. Halderman was caught in the cabin of the engine, and both legs were crushed when the big lo- comotive plunged over a thirty-foot em- bankment. It was impossible to release him until acetylene gas torches were used to cut the steel and iron that held him prisoner. While rescuers applied the flame to the steel Halderman calmly ate a hot meal and directed men in charge of the torches where to melt the metal - Three physicians were in attendance to, adminis- ter stimulants. When released Halderman was taken to the Shamokin State hospital, where surgeons say hoe will recover, found. guilty of murder iu the first degree = .