Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 02, 1920, Image 3

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    or Somer v1 at the Paul
Bellefonte, Pa., January 2, 1920.
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
To all our readers a Happy New
J. C. Keith and family spent Christ-
mas with friends at Enosville.
Squire D. W. Miller transacted
business in Tyrone last Friday. .
Lumberman Elmer Long came in
with a large red fox last Friday.
Farmer Charles Homan last week
purchased an International tractor.
Measles and whooping tough are
the predominating ailments among
the children in this section.
Morris Smith, wife and children, of
Altoona, spent Christmas at the J. R.
Smith home on Main street.
After a three week’s visit in and
around Harrisburg Miss Clara Tros-
tle returned home last Friday.
W. S. Tate, of Bellwood, spent sev-
eral hours in town last Friday look-
ing after some business interests.
The finder of an auto tire chain,
31x20, will be liberally rewarded by
notifying G. E. Harper, of Pine Grove
Rev. J. E. Fisher and wife and Rev.
A. M. Lutton and wife spent a portion
of the holiday season with friends in
Altoona. :
Miss Alda Louck was the lucky
winner of a handsome doll given
away at the E. M. Wait store on
John Lytle, of Altoona, and Miss
Ruth Ferguson, of State College, were
visitors at the W. A. Lytle home at
Rock Springs last week.
The Odd Fellows are having the in-
terior of their spacious hall repaper-
ed and painted and done over gener-
ally. S. E. Ward has the job.
Charles Whitehill, who is holding
down a good job at carpentering in
Philipsburg, spent the Christmas sea-
son with his family at Sunnyside.
W. F. Swabb and daughter Ruth
are visiting Mr. Swabb’s daughters,
Mrs. Tillie and Mrs. Blanche Erb, in
Maryland, expecting to take in the
sights in Baltimore and Harrisburg
before returning home.
J. F. Kimport is looking for the
man who shot his favorite dog last
Saturday. The dog was properly tag-
ged and labelled and was entitled to
the protection of the law, as long as
he was guilty of no offense.
The regular Christmas spirit pre-
vailed in this section last Thursday,
with Christmas trees and big dinners
galore. Quite a number of families
had turkey dinners but more were
content with duck or chicken.
NThe Stork was quite liberal during
tthe" yuletide, leaving a little boy, the
ome; a little daughter, No. 9, at the
WFrancis Miller home, and another lit-
‘tle daughter, No. 8, at the C. M. Ross
y Mrs. Charles Whitehill returned
home last week after spending three
‘~~“months among relatives in Michigan
and Illinois. She was accompanied
home by her nephew, Harry Jordon,
and as it is his first trip east he is
naturally making the most of it.
W. E. Johnson and family started
for Bellwood on Christmas morning
with a big dinner in anticipation but
had gone only ten miles when their
auto cast a tire and having no spare
one with them they were compelled to
return home, so missed the dinner.
Samuel Cramer, who looked after
F. 0. Homan’s farm work during the
hunting season, has gone to the Jacob
Hoy farm to help get everything in
shape for the big sale Mr. Hoy will
have in March, after which he will
quit the farm and move to Bellefonte.
Mrs. Cyrus Goss returned last week
from spending three weeks with her
son Fred, at Braddock, who has just
recovered from an operation for ap-
pendecitis, and is now making prepa-
rations to close her home here and go
to Harrisburg to spend the winter
with her son Charles and family.
Paul Rupp and bride came in from
Pitcairn and spent Christmas with
friends in town. Mr. Rupp served in
the engineer corps in France and that
was the first American unit to get in-
to conflict with the Germans, throw-
ing down their picks and shovels and
grabbing guns to enter the fight.
While the H. McWilliams family
were away from home on Christmas
night some nimble fingered gentleman
entered their home and carried off a
number of packages as well as some
valuable papers belonging to the Wil-
liam Thompson family. Efforts are
being made to trace the stolen prop-
An old fashioned shooting match
was held here on Christmas morning
by Messrs. Gearhart and Kline. Dr.
Miller, of Stonevalley, took the big
bird, a thirty pound gobbler. A bunch
of crack shots from State College got
one lonely duck. Norman Slagle, of
Boalsburg, took a pair of pigs and
two pair of ducks.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sweet and
brother, of Elk county; Mr. and Mrs.
William Homan, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Fye, of Centre Hall, were en-
tertained at dinner on Sunday at the
William Mayes home, and it so hap-
pened that five of those surrounding
the festive board answered to the
name of William.
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Glasgow, who
have lived in North Dakota the past
eight years, have returned to Centre
county and are at present spending
the time among relatives, expecting
later to go to Lancaster county wit
the intention of purchasing a farm.
Mrs. Glasgow before her marriage
was Miss Nannie O’Bryan.
Sleighing is §o0d in this section of
the county and the result is many
sledding parties are being pulled off.
Last Friday evening a big party pull-
ed in at the Burwell home east of
town. It is needless to say that
everybody spent a most enjoyable
evening. There are four school
teachers in the Burwell family and as
all of them are noted for their ability
in getting up entertainments there
was no trouble in improvising a full
program for the evening.
The Christmas entertainment in the
Lutheran church on Christmas eve
was well attended and a splendid pro-
gram was rendered. Rev. A. M. Lut-
ton, the pastor, was in charge with
Mrs. Anna Fry as organist. She was
presented with a purse of $14.00 and
Rev. Lutton one of $40.00. The Pine
Hall congregation gave Rev. Lutton
three big rockers and a beautiful au-
to robe while the gift of the Gates-
burg congregation was a purse of
$110.00. A splendid entertainment
was held in the Reformed church at
Pine Hall on Christmas evening which
was in charge of J. D. Neidigh and W.
K. Corl. One hundred little folks took
part. A collection for the orphan’s
home amounted to $23.20.
A happy and prosperous New Year
to all.
Herbert Merriman, who is employed
in Akron, Ohio, spent Christmas with
his family here.
Miss Lizzie Yarger, of Bellefonte,
spent Christmas night with her sister,
Mrs. A. S. Stover.
Mrs. A. S. King spent a few days
in Mill Hall with her husband, who
is employed in that place.
Mrs. Ed. Swarm and two daughters
spent Christmas with Mrs. Swarm’s
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Limbert.
Mr. and Mrs. Eben Bower, of Belle-
fonte, spent Christmas with Mr. Bow-
er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Bow-
Mrs. Henry Mowery and Mrs. C. E.
Musser spent Christmas in Altoona,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc-
Vey; Mrs. McVey being Mrs. Mow-
ery’s daughter.
Corp. Earl Cummings came up from
Carlisle (where he is still in govern-
ment service in the hospital), and is
spending some time with his mother,
Mrs. Charles Wolfe.
Mr. Kerstetter, of Loganton, is
spending some time with his cousin,
T. C. Bower. Mr. Kerstetter was
called here by the death of his aged
uncle, Cornelius Bower.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mingle
and little daughter, of Akron, Ohio,
spent Christmas under the parental
roofs of Mr and Mrs. E. G. Mingle
and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stover.
William Behm, of Youngstown,
Ohio, has been circulating among rel-
atives and friends in this section.
While in the village he was the guest
of Squire and Mrs. A. S. Stover.
John Bright, of Akron, is spending
his Christmas vacation at his home in
| the village. Towell Acker, also of Ak-
ron, made a flying trip to see his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Acker.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Crouse went
down to Sunbury on Wednesday after-
noon and spent the night and ate their
Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Hain; Mrs. Hain, being their
Mrs. Daniel Musser had the misfor-
tune to fall and severely hurt her
hand. She is not improving as rapid-
ly as her family desire; however, itis
to be hoped the hand may soon be
quite all right again.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McHose, of New
Kensington, were seen on our streets
on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. McHore
were former residents of our village
and their neighbors and friends are
always glad to see them.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crouse spent
Christmas in Bellefonte with Mr. and
Mrs. Boyd Vonada, who entertained
at Christmas dinner Mrs Vonada’'s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crouse, and Mr.
Vonada’s parents and brother Earl.
The Christmas service held in the
Lutheran church on Christmas even-
ing was well attended, so much so
that some people failed to gain en-
trance. The service was one of the
very best ever held in that church.
Those who had the difficult part of
preparing the program and drilling
the ones who participated in the serv-
ice are to be greatly commended for
their splendid success, as also are the
ones who performed their parts so
Last week we had the coldest
weather of the season.
Fred Bottorf spent the holiday sea-
son among friends in Pittsburgh.
William Ishler had the misfortune
to lose one of his best horses last
The Christmas entertainments at
the different churches were well at-
Mrs. Sarah Etters, who has been on
the sick list for some time, is slowly
Samuel Evey, who spent the sum-
mer at the home of his brother, E. W.
Fwey: returned to his home in Flor-
P. W. Knepp, who holds a fine po-
sition at the Warren hospital for the
insane, is home for a ten day’s vaca-
George Houser and family, of Ne-
braska, came to town to spend a few
months with relatives in and around
Mrs. Williams and Mrs. George
Johnstonbaugh, of Cooperstown, vis-
ited at the home of George Williams
on Saturday.
Last Sunday evening while Peter
Shuey was trying to start his car it
backfired, jerked the crank out of his
hand and broke his right arm.
Earl Ratcliff, who has been manag-
ing the Hoy farm for The Pennsyl-
vania State College, has secured a fine
job in Indiana, made sale Friday and
will leave in a few days for his new
home in the west.
Samuel Shuey came in from the
west to enjoy a visit at the home of
his father, Harry Shuey, and it is
hoped that he will have a pleasanter
time than he had while here last year,
when he was suffering from a wound
received while in the army. His
wound has healed now and he is en-
joying fine health.
Mrs David Confer has been quite 1ll
but is somewhat improved.
Mrs. Frank DeLong, who has been
ill, has improved so that she is able to
be about her household tasks.
The Misses Lois and Doris Young,
who have been attending High school
at Howard, spent Christmas with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred
Young. They are looking well.
Mrs. Mary V. Shearer visited
friends and relatives in both ends of
our little town. We are always glad
to see sister Shearer, and our regret
is that we do not live in the same vil-
lage, so we could neighbor oftener.
Come again when you can stay longer.
Miss Bessie Watson, of the lower
works, who has bgen employed in
Lock Haven at the silk mill, returned
home to spend Christmas with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Watson
and sister, Rena. Miss Watson is
looking well and is doing well at her
work. She likes it and that is half
the task. .
Mr. and Mrs. Louis MacDonald, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Hume and Alexander
Hume, of Lock Haven, spent Christ-
mas with the home folks, Mr. and
Mrs. Hume, of the upper works. Bil-
lie Hume-Jones was delighted to see
his mamma and new papa and declar-
ed “it am the bestest Christmas I see
in my life.”
Mrs. Harry Singer was made hap-
py by a visit from her mother and sis-
ter, Mrs. and Miss Counsil, of Ty-
rone. They came just in time to
spend a merry Christmas with Mrs.
Singer and the little ones. They re-
turned home Saturday, as Mrs. Coun-
sil, being a widow, must keep the
family pot boiling.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woomer, of
Romola, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Wilson, of Beech Creek, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herr and
family, parents of the two ladies, and
also visited with Mr. Woomer’s aunt,
Mrs. Rickard, and other friends at
the upper works. Come again, we
are always glad to see you.
Owing to lack of coal the two Or-
viston brick plants were compelled to
suspend operations for a time but
thanks to the good Lord, who directs
all our ways, the settlement of the
coal strike came as a universal Christ-
mas gift and the folks around here
are rejoicing, as both plants are now
obtaining coal, with a promise of
plenty in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Deim, of Lock
Haven, spent the Holidays with Mrs.
Diem’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Marshall, of the Creek Side Inn. The
Christmas tree decorated by Roy was
quite a work of art, and his imitation
fire place quite realistic. Roy is a
genius above the average, and de-
serves a lot of credit for his many
little inventions and time savers. His
imitation aeroplanes are worth going
to see.
The Christmas entertainment under
the able direction of Newton Cameron
was an unqualified success. Mr. Cam-
eron as the “Queer Old Man;” Mrs.
Garland Patterson as the “Queer Old
Woman;” Charles Powell as the
“Ragged Old Man,” and Leonard W.
Shearer, as the “Storm King,” were
all splendid. Special credit is due
Leonard, as he only had opportunity
to practice twice, and he acquitted
himself in a creditable manner. Miss
Marian Daley, as soloist, was excel-
lent as always. Miss Nora Jodon is
another of our Orviston girls whose
voice is far above the ordinary. All
the youngsters did splendidly and
gave the Orviston folks a real treat.
Miss Grace Croll, who -is employed
in the Miller shoe store, Lock Haven,
was home to spend the day with her
mother on Christmas.
little family tried to be cheerful, for
the little one’s sake, it was rather
hard to bear, as this was the first
time that Christmas was spent with-
out the father. “Watchman” readers
may recall the sudden death of Mr.
Croll in the clay mine last spring. One
little tot, Mildred, prayed that the
“Goody Man” would send her papa
home for his little girl’s Christmas.
The day passed without him, but Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Hume called, Mrs.
Hume being her aunt, and the little
one climbed on her uncle Louis’ knee
and declared he was her new papa the
“Goody Man” had sent, and cried to
go with him. Her uncle says she
shall not want for a papa while he is
Mrs. Harry Fetzer and three chil-
dren spent Sunday at Snow Shoe.
Edward Lucas visited over Christ-
mas at Orviston, with his son Wil-
Franklin Lucas spent Christmas at
Altoona with his sister, Mrs. E. R.
Mrs. Cora Witherite is spending
two weeks visiting with her son at
Osceola Mills.
Master Samuel Furl spent last
week at Philipsburg, at the home of
his uncle, E. R. Hancock.
Mrs. John Furl and son Arthur
spent Christmas day at Bellefonte, at
the home of Mrs. Clara Lucas.
Miss Mary Erb and friend, of Al-
toona, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Erb, last Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Edna Rodgers, of Pittsburgh,
spent Christmas at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodg-
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker left last
Wednesday to spend Christmas at
Falls Creek, with Mrs. Walker's
Phildel Rodgers departed last Mon-
day for Cripple Creek, Colorado, after
spending several weeks visiting his
parents in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dewey and little
son, of Akron, Ohio, are visiting at
the home of Mrs. Dewey’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Lucas.
Bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
D400 10)
Although the |
Miss Sarah J. Keller spent a few
days in Bellefonte last week. i
Miss Rhoda Bower spent several
days at her home in Aaronsburg.
Miss Anna S. Sweeney transacted
business in Bellefonte on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reitz and son
Henry, of Stonevalley, were visitors
in town on Christmas. :
Miss Rosalie McCormick, of Hub- |
lershurg, visited her aunt, Mrs. Jen- |
nie Fortney, last week.
Mrs. Mabel Mothersbaugh and son |
Daniel, of Aaronsburg, as visiting at’
the home of Roy Coxey. |
Miss Henrietta MecGirk, of Belle
fonte, visited at the home of her
grandmother, Mrs. Henrietta Dale, |
last week. :
John S. Dale, of State College, ac- |
companied by his sons, Messrs. Nor-
man C. and Edwin Dale, were visit- |
ors in town recently. |
Mr. and Mrs. William Sweet and |
sons, William and Perry, and Frank |
Sweet, of Instanter, were guests at |
the home of William Meyers for a |
week. |
Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart god |
George Jr., Mr. and Mrs. David Stu-
art and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stuart |
and daughter Elizabeth, of Pitts-
burgh, spent the Christmas season at
the home of Mrs. E. E. Stuart, and
with other friends.
Cyril Zechman, of Susquehanna
University, Selinsgrove; Fred Brouse,
of the Mont Alto forestry school;
Russell Ishler and Charles Hoster-
man, of Penn State; Albert Meyer, of
Pittsburgh, and Cyrus Wagner, of Al-
toona, spent some time with their |
parents during the Christmas season. |
County Farm Agent Olmstead, of
Bellefonte, was honor guest at a far- |
mer’s party at the home of William
Stuart on Monday evening. Other
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me-
Farlane, Major Theodore Davis Boal,
Mr. and Mrs. John Kimport, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Mothersbaugh, Mr. and
Mrs. Matthew Goheen, Mr. and Mrs.
George Fortney. Subjects interesting
to farmers were discussed and excel-
lent refreshments were served.
Christmas is past, now let us hope
for a happy New Year.
The body of Mrs. Mary Grove, who
for the past year has made her home
in Milesburg with Mr. and Mrs.
| Pressler, was brought here Friday
afternoon for burial.
Doyle Hoy, of East Pittsburgh,
spent his Christmas vacation under
the parental roof.
The farmers are busy hauling
away their wheat, some to Bellefonte
and some to Howard.
William Bartley and family are
busy packing their household goods
| and expect to move to Beech Creek.
Miss Rosalie McCormick and
friend, Lewis Lenhart, spent the
week-end at the former’s home, Dr.
and Mrs. McCormick.
D. L. Markle, of State College, and
Lewis E. Markle, of Pittsburgh, spent
the week-end with their parents and
friends at this place.
William Faust, Charles and Wil-
liam Noll, who were home for their
Christmas vacation, have returned to
their work in Williamsport.
Mr. Pencil, who spent the past
month in the J. D. Miller home, re-
turned to his home in Altoona, accom-
panied by Mrs. J. D. Miller.
“A quotient is the answer to a
| quotation,” according to a school boy
and “a mountain pass 1s a pass given
by a railroad to its employees so that
they can spend their vacations in the
Stiff Neck,
Aches and Pains of Rheumatism
Sometimes Almost Unbearable.
There are weather conditions that
make rheumatism worse. They are
not the same in the cases of all per-
sons. Some victims of this disease
suffer more in dry, warm weather
than in moist, cold weather, but all
suffer more or less all the time.
The cause of rhemuatism is an ex-
cess of uric acid in the blood, affect-
ing the muscles and joints. Hence
the blood must have attention for
permanent results in the treatment of
this disease.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla has given en-
tire satisfaction in thousands of
cases. Do not fail to give it a trial.
If a laxative is needed, take Hood’s
Pills—they don’t gripe. 64-49
* wal elm wm eet
The railways of the United States are more than one-third,
pearly one - half, of all the railways
carry a yearly traffic so JG, Basics than t of 2
her country that there is no basis for compari-
son. Indeed, the traffic of any two nations may
bined, and still it does not approach the commerce of
of the world. They
be com-
America borne upon American railways.
«United States Senator Cummins,
Ask Any Doughboy Who
Was ‘ ‘Over There’
and he will tell you that American railroads are
the best in the world.
He saw the foreign roads —in England and
France, the best in Europe — and in other Coz-
tinental countries — and he knows. :
The part railroads have played in the develop-
ment of the United States is beyond measure.
American railroads have achieved high stand-
ards of public service by far-sighted and courage-
ous investment of capital, and by the constant
striving of managers and men for rewards for work
well done.
We have the best railroads in the world — we
must continue to have the best.
But they must grow.
To the $20,000,000,000 now invested in our
railroads, there will have
to be added in the next
few years, to keep pace with the nation’s business,
billions more for additional tracks, stations and
terminals, cars and engines, electric power houses
and trains, automatic signals, safety devices, the
elimination of grade crossings — and for recon-
struction and engineering economies that will re-
duce the cost of transportation.
To attract to the railroads in the future the in-
vestment funds of many thrifty citizens, the direct-
ing genius of the most capable builders and man-
agers, and the skill and loyalty of the best work-
men — in competition with other
industries bid-
ding for capital, managers and men — the railroad
industry must hold out fair rewards to capital, to
managers and to the men.
American railroads will continue to set world
standards and adequately
serve the Nation’s needs
if they continue to be built and operated on the
American principle of rewards for work well done.
This advertisement ib published by the
Gssociation of Railway
Those desiring information concerning the railroad silu-
ation may obtain literature by writing to The Associa-
tion of Reilway Ezecutives,
61 Broadway, New York.
an = mn]
KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at-
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s
Exchange. 51-1y
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law.
Practices in all the courts. Con-
sultation in English or German.
Office in Crider’'s Exchange, Bellefoute
Pa. 40-23
H lor at Law. Office in Eagle
Block, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of
legal business attended to promptly. 40-40
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business en-
trusted to his care.
Hight street.
S. TAYLOR—Attorney and Counsel-
Offices—No. 5 East
M KEICHLINE — Attorney-at Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will recejve
prompt attention. Office on second floor of
Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE—Attorney-at-Law. Con-
sultation in English and German.
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belle-
fonte, Pa. 58-6
8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his resi-
dence. 35-41
Bellefonte now has a First-Class Res-
taurant where
Meals are Served at All Hours
Steaks, Chops, Roasts, Oysters on the
half shell or in any style desired, Sand-
wiches, Soups, and anything eatable, can
be had in a few minutes any time. In ad-
dition I have a complete plant prepared to
furnish Soft Drinks in bottles such as
for pic-nics, families and the public gener-
ally all of which are manufactured out of
the purest syrups and properly carbonated.
High St., Bellefonte, Pa.
reduced rate.
62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes Insurance Compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We Inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce In-
surance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your In-
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
Io he. reheat yl
The Preferred
$5,000 death by accident,
5,000 loss of both feet,
5,000 loss of both hands,
5,000 loss of one hand and one foot,
2,500 loss of either hand,
2,000 loss of either foot,
630 loss of one eve
25 per week, total disability,
(limit 52 weeks)
10 per week, partial disability,
(limit 26 weeks)
pavable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in proportion
Any person, male or female, en, in a
preferred occupation, including house,
keeping, over eighteen years of age of
moral and physical condition may
insure under this poiicv.
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur-
ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent-
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
Agent, Bellefonte, Fa,
Good Health
Good Plumbing
When you have dripping steam pipes, leaky
water-fixtures, foul sewerage, Or escaping
as, you can’t have good Health. The air you
reathe is poisonous; your system mes
poisoned.and invalidism is sure to come.
is the kind we do. It’sthe only kind you
ought to have. Wedon’t trust this work to
Our workmen are Skilled Mechanics,
no better anywhere. Our
Material and
Fixtures are the Bes
Not a cheap or inferior article in our entire
establishment. And work and the
finest material, our
Prices are Lower
than many who give you r, unaan
work and the lowest grade of Snishings.i or
the Best Work trv
Archibald Allison,
Opposite Bush House - Bellefonte, Ps