three of them for the election, but mia INK SLINGS. | "How many times have you writ ‘teniit 19192 ois —Let’s- all 3! a little less til down and a little more building up during 1920. | j , —Let us all resolve to do a dollar's worth of work for every dollar of pay we take down. ‘—Ask him girls! You get a chance to do it only once in four years and if you can’t mhake some fellow say yes during 1920 you’ll probably be part of the decorations around the wall by the time 1924 rolls around. —We are having real winter weather; just about right, with enough snow for good sledding and some to drift in cross-roads deep enough to hang-up motorists who im- agine their machines can go where they can’t. —The chronology of 1919, which appears on page 2 of this issue will prove a very handy reference sheet if. you preserve it. No telling just how many times during the coming year you will want to know some of the dates recorded there. —Beware of wood alcohol, toilet water, hair tonics, prune juice‘ and all other substitutes for liquor. They may be all right when applied exter- nally, but they’re not the stuff that you used to sneak through the swing- ing doors to get. They may be like it in so far as they don’t taste as good coming up as they do going down but the trouble with: them is that they don’t come up quick enough to keep you out of the clutches of the under- taker. —The “Watchman” extends greet- ings to the men who will assume charge of the affairs of Centre coun- ty next Monday. It favored only “were successful notwithstanding | we hope the faith that the major- VOT. 65. STATE RIGHTS AND FED) RAL em PA., TANUARY 2, 1920. Railroad Control to be Returned. That the suggestion that former Secretary McAdoo extending for five was wise, is now generally admitted. It might have resulted in permanent operation of the roads by the govern- ment, but only in the event that such policy were successful. Mr. McAdoo believed that within the period of five years government operation would reimburse the government for the deficits of experimental control and restore the properties to good physic- private managers of railroads were anxious to get into action and they elected enough Republicans to Con- gress to guarantee that result. Wilson was right in issuing his proc- lamation the other day fixing the first day of March next as the time for the transfer of the control. It will cost the country vast sums of money and afford the speculators in railroad se- ! curities a rich harvest from the spec- | ulative markets. But such things may as well come now as later, for they are inevitable. Eight months ago the President admonished Congress of the necessity of legislation to prepare for ! the transfer. But Congress was too | busy with politics to attend to the in- terests of the people and the chances are that the country will be as little prepared in March as it would have al condition. But at that time the In view of these facts President : Tinkers of the Constitution. It is to be hoped that the suspicion, | rapidly spreading, that the purpose of | New County Officials Will Take | Charge Next Monday. Next Monday, being the first Mon- | years after the close of hostilities, | the Constitutional Revision Commis- | day in January, the new county offi- | government control of the railroads, | sion is not so much to improve the | cials will be sworn into office and take | fundamental law of the land, as it is charge of the various affairs pertain- | | to “etherize” popular sentiment in fa- | ing to the interest of Centre county. vor of a convention to create a new i ‘constitution. The present constitu- tion has been a safe and secure shel- ter for various kinds of vicious legis- lation for many years and there are a good many people in the State whose selfish purposes have been conserved by such legislation, unwilling to relin- quish the advantage it affords. The revision commission was welcomed at first as a medium for the correction of | these evils but now people are begin- ning to express doubts. Some ten or twelve years ago a movement for a constitutional conven- tion was opposed by some of the lead- ing newspapers of the State, includ- ing the “Watchman,” for the reason that the public mind was then in an ! inflamed state and there were reasons | to fear that a new constitution might | be going from bad to worse. Sinister | influences appeared to be in control of i the affairs of Pennsylvania and a fun- damental law issuing from a conven- ! tion likely to be under such influence was a grave matter to contemplate. | But there seems to be no such menace . to public interests at this time and as | the constitution is such a patched and ! uncertain instrument, it might be wise - Sheriff George H. Yarnell will move from the jail to the comforta- ble home he has built for himself and ! family at Hecla and will supervise the : cutting and storage of ice for the ice business he will cond forth. Harry the home on the hill. When L. Frank Bellefonte. uct next summer. ! He will also be sworn in as County | Commissioner and to attend to his du- | ties in that office will travel back and | Dukeman will move from Lamb street into the jail and then and thereafter for the next four | years it will be Sheriff Dukeman. As ¢ it looks at this writing Sheriff Yarnell | will turn over to Sheriff Dukeman three prisoners for safe which is two more than he got from Sheriff Lee when he took charge of Mayes keeping, succeeds David Chambers as County Treasurer next Monday he will take into his of- fice as deputy A. Clyde Smith, of Mr. Mayés had originally appointed Miss Helen Robb, of State College, but the First National bank of that place, where she has been em- ployed, made it worth her while to re- main there and she so notified Mr. Mayes last Friday, and since then he A Reasonable Compromise, | prom the Philadelphia Record. The only plausible ground for op- posing the peace treaty is that the covenant of the League of Nations in- | volves violations of the constitution. This objection is only plausible; it is i not substantial or meritorious. The “objection that one Congress cannot bind subsequent Congresses is refut- ed by the fact that this is done in {every treaty; while the treaty re- : mains in force its provisions are bind- | ing on all subsequent Congresses. But there are persons who do not | recognize this, who are friendly to the League of Nations and are not “fight- ing President Wilson,” and who in | good faith fear the treaty is an abro- | gation of American sovereignty and an invasion of the constitutional Tights of Congress. We would be glad a compromise that would permit these honest but misguided persons to support the treaty. We suggest that the treaty be rati- fied subject to the favorable action of the Supreme court upon the constitu- tional questions involved. In some States the local Supreme court is re- quired to answer questions of the Legislature regarding the constitu- tionality of a pending measure. It saves a great deal of time, trouble and uncertainty to know at the start whether the court of last resort is going to uphold or invalidate the pro- posed legislation. There is no arrangement now in ex- istence by which Congress can call upon the Supreme court for a decis- ion in advance, but we presume that | fire early Mc | loss estimated at $75,000. he skins of “black foxes Killed si 2 Warre ’ farm are e valued at’ about ™ ' ~The Centennial papie’ ‘school bataing by onday morning en at ‘McKeesport was totally nt thought to have been caused by Heated" furnace. : —Bllis L. McCracken, the Madera, Cleaz- ld county, hotel man recently arrested _ | by the United States revenue department | for violation of the war-time" prohibition 4 law in disposing of a quantity of liquor in bulk after inventory had been taken, was fined $100 by Judge Orr, of Pittsburgh. —A fellow ‘from Rapho, Lancaster coun- ty, took out a dog license, a marriage li» cense, an automobile licemse and a gunner’s license within one week's time, and after he had lifted the quartet he acknowledged a certain amount of sympathy with the fellow who had te wrestle with cooties. —Braden Hurst Hayes, of Scottdale, principal of the Herbert school in Red- stone township, Fayette county, Saturday surrendered to Coroner S. H. Baum, and was held in $3,000 bail to answer to a charge of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of Thomas Do- mer, one of his pupils. —The direct inheritance appraisement of the estate of the late James Magee, 2nd, of Bloomsburg, wealthy carpet manufac- turer, filed in the office of the Register and Recorder of Columbia county, shows a valuation of $1,400,000. The Harrisburg Trust company is administrator of the es- tate and paid the State tax, amounting te $26,000. —Fines of $100 will be imposed upon persons who kill beaver in Pennsylvania, according to game commission officials. The State has just bought 150 beaver im Canada. They will be shipped during the winter, and preparations are being made to distribute them where they can be pro- tected. There are now colonies in three counties. —Mrs. Salle Kunkle, of Kresgeville, Le~ high county, who on September 18th cele- brated her one hundredth birthday anni- versary, is dead. She was the oldest wom- an in that section of Pennsylvania, Her husband, John Kunkle, who operated a grist mill, died many years ago. Mrs. Kunkle is survived by ten children and scores of other descendants. —~County officials will be called upon by has appointed Mr. Smith, Miss Ver- na Chambers will remain a month or more until Mr. Mayes and Mr. Smith or the voters of Centre county had b in J , the ti fi . in them will be fully Justified by four | Wy. '3 <0 RENE IE TE years a resolution of Congress asking the Supreme court to listen to arguments regarding the constitutionality of cer- the department fof agriculture to vigor- ously enforce the dog license code of 1917 during the coming year. All registrations | to create a new one. It may safely be said that most of 1 “of “economical, constructive Er ————— = 1 a service. They can be assured of our hearty. co-operation in and approval eve undertaking for the public id .‘we hope that their course Ea ‘so straight in the line of du- ty that we will not be called upon to ~ criticise a single act. —The announcement of Mellville Gillett, of Potter county, that he is a candidate for delegate to the Republi- can national convention from this dis- trict, reminds us that our party will have a national convention also and that Centre county is entitled to one of the two delegates from the district. Clearfield and McKean had the honor four years ago so that Centre has a gam, pha can. scarecly be ignored. | ile we have heard no names men- tioned in this connection the “Watch- man” feels that a long step would be taken toward solidifying the ranks of Democracy in Centre county if Dr. F. K. White, of Philipsburg, were to be offered and would accept the nomina- tion as one of our delegates. Cer- tainly the district couldn’t hope to se- cure a more creditable representative. -—When William H. Noll, D. A. Grove, and David Foreman relinquish their official positions in Centre coun- ty next Monday three splendid officers will retire to private life. All are _ men of more than ordinary ability and they have given. the county service show that they have han ed ‘an im- mense volume of business in a high- ly: satisfactory way forsthe tax pay- ers and, in this accompli fhiment Isaac | Mille¥, the minority member of the Board, shares honors" éguhlly with thems. The county ecan’t-hope for a ment operation of public utilities now than before the war and adhere as te- naciously to the idea that govern- ment ought not compete with citizens in enterprise. But public interests are paramount and where individual enterprise fails government may act without prejudice to the rights or op- portunities of citizens. ‘Because 'of this fact the government took over the railroads after the private man- agers had signally failed to function and the control ought to have been continued until the restoration could have been made without loss to the people. The election of a Republican Congress made this impossible, how- ever, and if the Sole loses. it is its. ven Sqntlh. gs iE a BA _The Hon. Harry B. Scott, of Tr has bean made chairman of the policy committee of. the Cen- tral Pennsylvania coal operators’ as- sociation. Mr. Scott is an extensive operator and knows the Central Penn- sylvania field so well that his selec- tion to this important post brings to the many conferences that will lead up to the final adjudication of the troubles of both operators and miners, a trained mind. A man well inform- ed on both sides of the question and one with the courage to act positively on his convictions. Lodge Will be Run Down. little group of irreconcilables to act on the peace treaty. They have not resorted to desperate means as yet, for they hopé to avoid anything that might cause a permanent fissure in the,ranks of ‘the party. But they re- alize that the treaty must be ratified SS Hh aie tus the citizens of Pennsylvania who gave the subject, thought, assumed that the revision commission would simply be a sort of preparatory school for a con- stitutional convention to follow. In other words it was widely believed that the commission would blaze the way for a convention to pursue. But this belief is giving way to the suspi- cion that the commission is intended to prevent a convention and do some additional patchwork on the present instrument. If that suspicion is con- firmed the commission will be a dis- appointment. For that reason we hope there is no foundation in fact for the reeling of doubt. bt Ae % who is eo an fein 7 must have had an idea that he could make mon- ey coming and going when he shipped thirty barrels of poison, camouflaged as whiskey, into the New England States, and caused the death of sev- eral hundred persons. “A Tempest in a Teapot. » After every war there are disputes, more or less vitriolic, over the awarding of honors to those who have rendered conspicuous service. Every- body remembers the controversy be- tween Admirals Schley and Sampson following the close ' of the Spanish- American scrimmage, which was’ only unavoidable quarrels and it is giving him some ‘concern and the country a good, deal of regret.. It has grown out of the award of honors among the naval participants in the world only in the fact that some of the to- war and differs from its predecessors’ of the office. tin, George M. Hart tine as clerks.’ ness ‘interests. the West ward. familiarize themselves with the work Recorder “Bill” Brown will contin- ue in his “old home” another four years, and the same will be true of Register Frank Sasserman. Across the corridor house Roy Wilkinson will take charge as Prothonotary, but as he will keep Mr. Foreman with him three or four months that gentleman's smiling face will not be missed for some time yet. At any rate he is not worrying any. | He has a nice home in Bellefonte and | a good farm at Potters Mills so that there is no immediate danger of the wolf playing in his back yard: ; and ors HS Yarnell succeeding the present board, with Rash Williams. and H. C. Valen- ‘Of the retiring board Mr. Miller lives in Bellefonte so that the change will mean little to him. Mr. Grove will be able to give all his time to hig farm and Mr. Noll will de- “| vote all ‘his time to his various busi- Without casting, any disparagement on any previous board of County Commissioners it can be said that the present board will retire with the consciousness of work well done. They performed their duties as county officials faithfully and well, and always considered the interests of Philip L. - Beezer going in as a new member from. the South ward and John L. Knisely a new member from will Begin Counting Rove Today. Equipped with official authority in the court tain features of the peace treaty and to give judgment thereon would be favorably acted on by the court. It is of enormous importance to this country and to the world that we should ratify the peace treaty and join in creating the ‘League of Na- tions. But there are persons in and out of the Senate who have constitu- tional scruples, and there are others who pretend to have. The only decent excuse for defeating the treaty is the constitutional one. Under such cir- i cumstances we have no doubt that the Supreme court would fix an early date to listen to argument. But the ratifi- cation of the treaty need not wait for that. Let there be attached to the treaty one pu that Zatifica- | tion % condi Su | court's Sondigioned » ge : powers of the Senate to The Problem i Not Solved. From the Williamsport Sun. The President’s proclamation an- nouncing the return of the railroads to their owners on March first does not solve the railroad problem. It merely emphasizes it. Nothing short of a calamity of more or less serious nature could have accompanied a re- turn of the lines on January first, the time set by the President in previous announcement. Postponement of the return date, therefore, is wise, just as wise as the return which was inevita- ble from the standpoint of the public. some plan of regulation, provision for which is one of the tasks of Congress during the next two months. The President’s proclamation holds off a'crisis over wages to railroad workers who have been straining at the leash of agreement they entered into last September to await the out- “I ogist, who completed four hams, will expire this week. In some sections of Ro the State complaints have been made of 3 So dogs running at large and destroying sheep. The State has requested all coun- ties to file reports as to the manner im which the dog law was enforced. —Out of 250,000 applications for 1920 au- tomobile and truck licenses filed with the | State Highway Department 100,000 have been found defective and returned to the applicants for correction. Most of the ap- plications which were not in form failed to give the number of the emgine, the man- ufacturers’ number, the candlepower of the lamps and other details. The automo- bile division has issued more than 100,000. There were 449,000 licenses in force for 1919. —Dr. George H. Ashley, the State Geol- : “another ‘study of the new gas wells in the McKeesport dis- trict, Friday repeated his warning thas . people who “are now blindly investing Im . stock in undrilled wells in the McKeesport pool,” are facing financial losses. Dr. Ashley has made several surveys of Penn- sylvania fields where gas and oil strikes have been reported and has made formal statements against placing too much con- fidence in them and also warned people against investments without careful study. —That the high cost of living has ne terrors for the people of Lancaster county was evidenced at a wedding reception giv- en at the home of David E. Beiler, at Bird- in-Hand, in honor of his daughter, Lizzie, who became the bride of Levi Fisher, of ¢ Intercourse. Following the ceremony, per- : y The vast majority of American people | formed at the home of the bride's father, that has been @ real benefit. “A res- different from others in that it became | the tax payers and the public at large. | ,ye not yet of) the phe pe by Bishop Beiler, 250 guests sat down to a : ume of the work done::by:sthe retir- The mild ° “reservation Republican public. ‘Just now.the Secretary of the| About the only change in Bellefonte periment of government ownership of | wedding feast at which were served five ing Board of - Commissio “would | Senators are forcing Lodge and his | Navy has on his hands one of those borough officials will be in the council, | the railroads, although they do favor | geese, fifteen ducks, twenty-five chickens, - forty custards, eighty pies, twenty-two cakes, a tub of doughnuts and three bushels of celery, in addition to a number of side dishes. It was the largest wedding party ever entertained in Lancas- ter county. 4 : } —*“Aunt Sarah” ‘Jennings, = sixty-five years old, who patched 28228 pairs of 3 more cap ble Prothonotary. than Mr, | Fofemari been. Certainly: such. = ‘one wou db necess ry. Bf they ‘do ‘as nvpll. fo haart «in private life as they. have done; Lox] tHe county in public their future: will tbe» freighted 1 with grea success. , © H Tod Ix sek Several weeks | ago in gommenting before the i Presidential campaign opens or the party is doomed. A vast majority of oe people favor the rat- ification of the peace pact. They want, some guarantee of a peaceful ! world in the immediate future. They want some assurance that the horrors of war will not soon again affright kens of merit are being declined. As soon as possible after the close of hostilities Secretary Daniels ap- pointed a ‘Board of Award composed of a number of distinguished naval officers and .illustrious, citizens to make inquiry and report which of the officers and men of the navy were en- come of the government’s' fight on the high cost of living before pressing their demands for pay increase. The: end of the governments’ “period of probation” and the original time set for the return of the lines came on nearly the same date ‘which the em- ployees had anticipated by a rustling of ‘rumors of -their intention to reiter- trousers since she went: to work as a seamstress at the’ Central Pennsylvania ’ 0dd, Fellows’ . orphanage, near Sunbury, sixteen years ago, has retired and will live at Meshoppen. She says she never will , sew another patch. ‘Aunt Sarah” is be- lieved to be the champion trousers mend- er in the 'State, and she asserts that no other woman ever ‘‘half-soled” from: their Uncle Samuel eighty-six thousand men and women in the United States will begin counting noses today, figuratively speaking, to find out how many there are within the dominions of the United States. In this work all noses look alike to Uncle! Sam and the hobo on the high- A SB . sO many on "a “"8tatement made: '] fina. the world, The party responsible for | titled to special rewards, commonly | way will count just as much as the |ate their proposals. The government | pants. When she went to work among the omiimissionér ' Sadler: Tord effect | the Sieappoiniment of this hope will expressed in:crosses or ribbons. The millionaire in his castle on the Hud- | now has a longer period’in which ‘to | 200 orphins there she started to keep a - that his “department: has Been divore- suffer. board made what it considered a sot Beto show the employees effects of its, cam- record. She has mended 27,000 pairs of ed from politics” the “Watchman” in- But: Senatof Lodge is not Hkély! to | searching investigation and reported. h paign. | stockings, made 2410 boys’ ' blouses, 1206 Thirty ty-five of the counters, official- ly known as census enumerators, will do the workein Centre county". and the census superyisor for this. district, At beh , the matter “of railroad wages is’ a ‘debatable question which must: be’ settled before ‘the lines ‘go nightshirts, sewed on 50,000 buttons and made, 4610 pairs of garters; in addition to the patching. 4 certain officers and menas entitled to the marks of distinction. ‘In ,pursu- ance of the law the Secretary proceed- % i in ated that the ‘Commissioner was | be influenced by such appeals to rea- talking ill advisedly. “We supported son’, In his 1 bnormal egotism he is ; the inference by, a statement charging obi ious of cenditions about him. He & i ’ 3 h hip. Then,:| ; § one of the district officers of the Pe- ghting Wilson” and flattered by | od to issue the tokens in accordance back. to private owners b When James Meli, a county detective, i ene sing. men. for. the’ “lime light focussed upon him for- | ith the report of the board: Among thom fr She Count competion the Tone ad- returned to bis fore 7h Xtestes hitore = $ purely! i While we gets: everythil g else. It may be be- | tose who were awarded the taken 6F on Aday morning and: gave them | question of the payment for new 2 a £ Ne oil a H x did, pot, speeify, the particular office | lieved . that iff rational intervals he appreciation: was ‘Adiiral’ Sips ‘an 1d | theip' final instructions. ~The - work | equipment, _anti-strike legislation, the reception, he was greeted by a fusillade of Bh that we then boli ieved was not as mueh | % ir hea iyo: wim TH ei, ah pe e flatly refused to wt ty 7 hs of f io TH iy 0 that A te ralroads do. | coccption, he was grestell by a Tusiliude of § ; divoredd From” politics as" its chief, ody marffand $88 associd@lion has Naturally! yiy ast het the am or; ‘woman: who S! ‘hig dis- ‘ernment’ regulation, the matter of |, house. Mrs. Meli and her daughters i would dave: the public’ think it wag. d; : omen; | the, fighting, force of} : A thie, country to'cover will have’ ates, fair return. to the holder of rail- | | creaming into the! street, while Meli pb only” atiival that most of our regge: I ion.) a great eal of an incident: right ‘on the job. ‘The “Watch- |, road securities and various? other began shooting intg the darkness. The ~ shouldraccept the charge s being p 1.9% ; 5 any. Le IE i Ls : ‘two weeks ago’ “published ‘the’ ‘questions’ which attend the unsezarl: police were summoned, and a crowd : 3 5. ferred against the Bellefonte. ofidh office’ OL e life] | calpp nped: PILNE enumerators’ in. Centre ling of Gissolpenjes, aces a two quickly gathered on the sidewalk and in } :th e artme where M x Dis © Te. has neéves h ( ho dd ¥ all dol a 3 p ma g the street. Captain Sill led a detail of half i ent | ‘and: when the gentleman or:1a< | months’ ‘period which calls for "the | “, HEomon' to an’ wpEbairs bedroom $ Fst 1 Tesident engineer in, spiedous a p i es abound you ¢ greatly fa- ‘closest, attention and best efforts. of 2 ev d that uantity of cloth. : i ns “Howeyericwe have | of thetworldi iSecretaty. af 6 508 | his oF er ork by answering | its members and whatever help the Ee rat ih Sou Ee pada: E singe, learned that while, our’ informa- acquired) thors po epe st die.” tb 1 Bie” tacts | all I au stions, prompt ly. | administration, the railroad owners, bly from matches gnawed by mice, the po- tion concerning the actual dismissal lized world De teapot. 1 A HG o3 pw tors will be. paid. four fhe ‘Siployees: ‘and the public can of- lice say, ‘and the heat caused a box of car- of tHe’ man in question Way “correct ‘him down. gh “show. thab it. was the oi ill ¢ 5 “Por of a | fers d ,be freely. opened to the tridges to explode. ; a ; 27. mon- an cont each” fo ‘man, Woman, an hs akers who are. struggling with : the cause he gave was “wholly imagin- ~ What'doe oi w a Er ‘that 5. Te S SL 1 Childs returned, ‘whichis not very “big. t g tion broke into ‘the! postoffice at. Cur- i * ary, when he said it was for.the rea-| amount. to. a hs this th e Presid ary ror ‘mo these. times of high ‘wdges ob Heer gio | wensy aifleld county, recently, blew, § \ son that he had refused to: ‘support: Horsonal. ‘tz mph of “Henry “Cabot | hgh Be 4 ; . BS | an. of living Pen’ years ‘ago ‘probl Sh ree ; | the SAEs anns e away with $1000; in cash $ © pait’ of the Republican. county ticket. nis phe beginning. sthe:Senas | | didn’t allege en | enieatons Were g: paid three cents G9) | and stamps in additi i 0: ¥ : : al We mow know that even. by ared _the belief wi bh" done to..h J hl ty bonds'belon ¥ i Trenton DRE 3 3 2 By oo gence an injustice Was done Mr. | gs, of the eryblicsn — + ordinate | From, the Dallas News: . | sistant, postmaster. The nothing B g :. Bale 2d hasten to’ correct it be- ge and “Ge ns want to trade potash for one, as the roves missed noth | Vi Le sad his action in the lather 5 = \ ; ig eadline. so ma I Io ate fe bi § solely for the, “good of ‘the’ se 5 n ¢ S i ; Sui guthor ie ih add. i lez ; : i : engineer and'n {hs aband a > iia 5 work eis an , Joh as How, oar Saran. fig bi ared ase al Ts wole-ambj nis. to ‘m: img 10 re re is Slew oon a we as the. th, ‘had pened i record ai (his district. in, road’ build: | Rn 2 “wouldn't ‘have pod a {10 2 oo “The tools e tools wit 70h i will be a £ & to the | m non CC Me 8h to dhs for, the Posto e- ‘was dorie were, stolen from’ a tool fhghise: 0 | ith and men who'will he [5 es Juin ar ot Provided effeient he Butaly, Rocheatec est Pitabgh ; tend. will be employ- | verse the" party orc. ERE : i Ry get Ce a te ' b _be_Republicans or will not consent bai ‘| doubt’ that tho w was ” 1h and no others, “bu sm—Dan't’ forges a wale 1 1020. temas riven gots oe he Sn RE Rrra Lae