Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 19, 1919, Image 7
1 ,e “the head for a very few minutes. TES SS Demorvaiic atc Bellefonte, Pa., December 19, 1919. EE SE ES RSH OT ASS ME A DE BIRTHDAY OB DE KING. By Ella G. McMillen. Hear the joy bells ringin’ bredren, For de birthday ob de King. Does ye hear de angels singin’? Glory! Sisters hear dem sing! Dat dere King He was a baby, Borned like odder childers are, But de Wise Men knew there's somethin’ When dey seed dat shinin’ star. Den dey started wid dere giftses, For to see dat baby boy, Wh) was borned dat day—'Twas Christ- mas— And dere hearts were full of joy. Den dey seed dat baby’s Mudder, By de manger, where she laid Dat dere little infant stranger, Wid de halo ‘round His head. Listen now, dere most fru singin’! And dey has dere message told; But mah bredren and mah sisters Dat air story’s mighty old! And I tells you mah dear childers ‘Twas de sweetest eber told, Ob dat baby borned on Christmas, Who was King ob all de world. Wooden Money in Use Among Hud- son Bay Indians. Who ever heard of wooden money ? _ The only known currency of this kind is issued by the Hudson Bay company and circulates all over the vast territory controlled by the pow- erful trading concern. It is a coinage consisting of pieces of wood known as “ca-tors,” which are stamped with a die. These are ac- cepted everywhere in that territory as cash, and are exchangeable for all sorts of supplies and commodities at the widely scattered stations of the corporation. The area governed by the company is vast. In one straight line it ex- tends as far as from London to Mec- ca; from King’s Post to Pelly Banks is further than from Paris to Samai- cand. Over all this region the corpor- ation exercises a complete dominion, employing the native Indians, chiefly Ojibways and Crees, to collect the furs which furnish its revenue. Hudson Bay is about two-thirds the size of the Gulf of Mexico. It is an almost land-locked sea, with 3,000 miles of coast line. The unit of value in that part of the world is a beaver skin. Two mar- tens are equal to one beaver skin, and 20 muskrats are equivalent to one marten. The trapping is done in win- ter, and in spring the Indians bring the pelts to the stations, receiving in payment for them wooden money. With the latter they buy what sup- plies they need at the store maintain- ed by the company at the station.— The Wonder Book. How to Save Tires in Winter Storage. Many motorists will soon put their cars in the barn for the winter and think no more of motor riding until about the Ides of March. Many automobile tires will go into storage with thousands of miles of wear left in them, and car owners should take the few precautions nec- essary to keep them from damage while they are not in use. : Here are some recommendations made by the service department of the United States Tire company to the motorist who wants to put his tires away and find them in good shape next spring: 1. Wash tires carefully on outside to remove oil and other harmful sub- stances. 2. Remove tires from wheels and wrap in paper or old carpet. 3. Store in a cool, dry place away from light. Heat, light and moisture are enemies of rubber. 4. Cold has no bad effect on tires, but they should be properly housed. 5. If tires are left on the car, jack up the car, deflate the tires and wrap them in covers. Don’t let car stand on tires all win- ter. To do so means a weakening of Sem in the parts that rest on the oor. Preventing the Growth of Horns. We have always advocated prevent- ing the growth of horns on calves by the use of caustic potash; that is, where one wishes hornless cattle, or to prevent the possibility of some- one’s later dehorning them. Moisten the spot on the calf’s head where the beginning of the horn is felt, and then rub lightly, till red, with the caustic posash, not breaking the skin. We ave often done this, and never ob- served anything like suffering on the calf’s part except a slight shaking of shouid ‘be dere before the calf is two weeks old. The Younger the better. The following in this connection is worth knowing: The pain. from the use of caustic potash yields quickly to the application of water, a fact by no means known even by all veteri= narians. We fancy that generally the spot is rubbed too hard with the pot- ash.—Our Dumb Animals. More Christmas Place-card Ideas. Another pretty idea for those liv- ing in a pine region is to attach tiny pine trees about two inches high, with Christmas ribbon to a place card. Or plant them in tiny pots; if pots are not handy, use corks turned upside down, punctured to hold the pine tree, and painted or dyed a bright red. Placed on top of a plain place-card, they are really very effective. The children will love candle place- cards. Take a marshmallow, make a hole in it, and set a tiny candle in the hole. Light the candles just before the company enters. — Katherine Chandler. The ‘Aviator and the Horse. We thoroughly agree with the par- agraph below, which appeared in a local paper. That if they killed as many horses in an endurance contest as they have men in the cross-country flying trip, the Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Animals would have been heard from long ago. en FARM NOTES. —The man who makes a genuinely good garden does not begin in the spring. He begins in the fall. But the spring is a long way off, you say? The bean poles are beginning to rot already, and it is time right now to ' take out insurance by putting them ' away properly. And that is only one jof a considerable number of simple { things of equal importance that i should be done in the garden—now. | Because you have harvested all the | garden crops do not fall into the ser- ious error of thinking that you do not | need to give any further attention to | the garden till spring. CLEAN-UP TIME IN GARDEN. One of the most important things is {to clean up. You wouldnt excuse a | slovenly kept house. Well, slovenli- | ness in the garden is hardly more to | be tolerated. Good housekeeping in | the garden is a matter of importance, not merely because a slovenly garden in winter is the most desolate-looking thing in man’s perversion of nature, but because the success of next year’s | vegetables depends on it, largely. Most of the diseases and insect pests that affect garden crops live over winter in the remains of the past season’s crops. Such materials as cabbage stalks, bean vines, tomato vines—in fact, trash of any sort in the garden—should be collected and haul- ed to a dump, or burned. As a rule, it is not wise to place such material in the compost pile, as it tends to spread plant diseases. Then, having the ground clean, there is another thing of equal impor- tance. It should not be allowed to lie bare over winter. Groudn exposed to beating rains will puddle and wash and great loss of plant food is sure to result. A very good plan is to sow the garden in some green crop, such as rye or winter barley. That protects the ground and adds organic matter to the soil. But there is, according to garden specialists of the United States Department of Agriculture, a still better plan and one that can be put in practice after the season for sowing rye or barley is long past. That better plan is to plow or spade the garden in the fall or as early in the winter as possible and give it a heavy coating of coarse manure. Leave the ground in the rough, as this will prevent the loss of the valu- able ingredients in the manure. GIVES EARLY VEGETABLES. Now, what have you gained by that plan? Well, in addition to fertilizing the ground and putting it in better physical condition, this: The garden can be planted earlier in the spring than if it had been left bare or plant- ed to a green crop. And that amounts to a great deal. It amounts, fre- quently, to having a number of nice vegetables on your table two or three weeks ahead of your neighbor who did not break his garden until spring. Such crops as smooth peas, beets, let- tuce and onion sets can be planted as early in the spring as the ground can be worked. If plowing or spading the ground has been deferred till spring, a delay of as much as three weeks is likely to occur after these crops should have been planted—which means, reducing it to money measure, that you will go on buying vegetables for at least that long after you might have been bringing them in nice and fresh from your own garden if you had done a little work in the fall or early winter. And, at the time you clean up the garden, burn the trash and spade or plow the ground, do not forget to put your tomato stakes and bean poles away in some protected place where they will be ready for next year’s use. Damage from heating may be greatly lessened and sometimes en- tirely obviated by storing the bales on edge, allowing an inch or two of air space between them. When bales are piled flatwise the air is excluded and heating is likely to occur, whereas leaving an air space tends to prevent heating by inducing circulation which cools the hay. The first layer of bales placed in a barn should be placed on edge, and the second and every alter- nate layer should be placed on edge and crosswise. This crosswise method or “cording” prevents any of the air spaces in the tier from being entirely covered and insures ventilation throagh the entire pile. The heated air works up around the edges of the bales and the cooler. air enters from the sides and bottom. When bales that have been laid flat on their sides begin to heat it be- comes necessary to move the bales and pile them in the manner just de- scribed. If there are any indications of heating when the hay is put into the barn, or if the hay grower has any doubt about the hay keeping, it is best to pile the bales .crosswise on edge, rather than take any risk, even though this method of storing wastes more or less storage space. Cases are on record in which hay growers, usu- ally beginners, have baled hay from the windrow and cock, and because it spoiled in the mow, have become con- need that baling from the field was not a success, not realizing that the fault lay in the manner in which the ‘hay was stored. —Hay Cured Before Baling Will Keep Indefinitely.—Baled hay that has been thoroughly cured in the barn or stack before baling can be stored indefinitely without danger of heat- ing, say specialists of the U. S. De- partment of Agriculture. It may be piled so that the bales fit very closely together. Hay baled from the wind- row and cock, however, unless very well cured, is likely to heat more or less in storage. Sometimes the heat- ing becomes so intense that the hay becomes severely damaged or even unmarketable. —Cutting out blight cankers on pear trees is rather slow work . and leaves a large wound which takes years to heal. The U. S. Department of Agriculture recommends the use of | { } canker and adjacent bark. This is speedier than cutting, and, if the growing layer is not injured, healing will take place quickly. The removal of the outer bark al- lows the tissues to dry eut emough to kill the bacteria. This work should be done a short time before growth starts in the spring. a blacksmith’s rasp in removing the |. CENTRE HALL. purchased by John Rossman. . Mrs. John Wehrley, of Altoona, vis- ited Mrs. Mary Shoop last week. Mrs. C. M. Bower, of Bellefonte, is a guest of her brother, David Meyer. Mrs. O. F. Funk left on Monday for a visit of several weeks with friends in Pittsburgh. John Musser, of Wilkes-Barre, vis- ited with his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs, last week. ’Squire Cyrus Brungart is able to be out again, after being housed up for several days with a bad cold. Mrs. Beulah Boone, after a visit of several weeks with her father, B. D. Brisbin, left for her home in Connec- ticut last Thursday. The W. C. T. U. held a bazaar and Holland supper (sauer kraut and baked beans) on Saturday evening and cleared over one hundred dollars. Mrs. George Goodhart will go to Bellefonte this week, where she will be for the winter with her daughter, Mrs. D. Wagner Geiss and the family. Mrs. William B. Mingle went to Philadelphia last week where she will spend the winter with her children, oe Emory Hoy and W. Gross Min- gle. Abner Axelander expects to spend Christmas with his wife and daugh- ter Margaret in Chicago, where they went last week for a short visit with relatives. Mrs. Victor Jones and small child are spending a few days with Rev. R. R. Jones and family, being on their way to Altoona, where Mrs. Jones’ husband has accepted a charge. Her Changeable mind. don’t you accept him? whether I would like him when I got him home. The Cook Hubler home has been | Maude—If he has proposed, why Mabel—I can’t make up my wind! Smallest Republic in the World. : The smallest republic in the world, so far as area is concerned, is St. Goust, situated in an almost inacces- sible part of the Basses-Pyrenees. St. Goust is hardly a square mile in area, with a population of practically 130 persons, who rule themselves. The president is elected by a council of twelve, chosen for five years by the people, and he is likewise judge, as- sessor and tax collector. This little republic has been ruled, it is said, for more than 2,000 years through a council of elders. The smallest self- governed State in the world in regard to population is Tavolara, an island but little known off the north coast of Sardinia. It is about five miles long, with an average width of half a mile, yet it is a free and independent re- public of about seventy inhabitants, who are their own rulers. Pertinent Question. “When I bought this house it wasn’t fit for a dog to live in, and fixing it up cost me $2,000.” “Wouldn’t it have been cheaper to have lost the dog?” Not At All Pleased. He—So you went to see Hamlet. Do you think he was mad? She—I'm afraid so; it was an aw- fully poor house. . —If you want to be sick—want to devitalize and destroy your body— then fear and worry about things. ms —————— ‘nibnog shiva) ean nof PUL YJ pus ‘sawed £3173 I0A0 I0F ©Sn UY *10y03e[ I H SBD JO 0anjeus|s oy) siveg YISOLSYO Mrs. M. C. announces the Opening of the Art Shop in the Shoemaker Apartment, on Spring Street Delmonico 48-3t Useful Christmas Gifts are most appreciated and here you might find the very thing for that friend of yours All kinds of Embroidered Articles and Stamped Pieces - Camisoles Pajamas Corset Covers Negligees Children’s Dresses Centre Pieces Scarfs Pillow Tops Crochet Cottons and Silks for all kinds of Embroidery Yeager’s Shoe Store Good News Good News.....Good News $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 December 15th, just received 48 pairs Men’s Russia Calf English Shoes, Goodyear Welt, Rock Oak Soles, Wing Foot Rubber Heels. This lot of Shoes arrived over six months late—in fact so late that they had slipped our memory. Labor condi- tions caused the delay. These shoes are worth $9.25 at the wholesale price today, and we should get $12.00 a pair for them. But, as we purchased Lg the shoes at a lower price, will give you the advan- tage. From now until Christmas you can purchase a pair of these shoes for $6.75 —Iless than the price of the very cheapest shoddy shoe on the market today. Yeager’s Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN Bush Arcade Building BELLEFONTE, PA. iE 58-27 Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. The Dainty Gift of an Belle Bon Bons Sweets made of the purest things from which candy should be made, enriched with luscious fruits and tempting nuts Special Attention to Mail Orders THE MOTT DRUG CO., Bellefonte, Pa. Appreciative F riend Mead Chocolates women to operate, as well as economical. order is solicited because the big Ford Factory is a good ways from normal production, and with us it is first come, first supplied. Cars The Ford Sedan is a splendid car for the farmer, because it is good and comfortable every day in the year. has all the utility of the touring car with the niceties of the high class car. The wife and children enjoy the re- finements and comforts. It is easy for Sedan $875 ; Coupe $750 ; Runabout $575 Touring Car $600; Truck Chassis $550 These prices f. 0. b. Detroit. BEATTY MOTOR CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. Trucks Tractors It is always reliable, Your early re yr _ il. tO ; Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. : | Do Christmas Shopping Here : We are prepared to make your Christ-- mas shopping easy. Whether it is for father, mother, sister, brother or sweet- heart, bring your lists here and we will help you out. We are showing many useful and elegant gifts at very reasona- ble prices. Furs and Coats | at special Holiday reductions. Now is the time to buy a handsome coat at a greatly reduced price. All sizes and colors, including black. We never had as handsome an assort- ment in Furs in large and small neck-pieces, Fur sets with the new shaped Muffs, separate Muffs, Cape Coats, Fur Stoles—black, grey, taupe, and brown—at prices that will make easy buying. B Silk Hose A large assortment of Silk Hose, all colors, for men, women and children. Lyon & Co. ws Lyon & Co. |