Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 19, 1919, Image 5
PERE TREEER With the Churches of the|Told.” Evening worship, 7:30 with missionary sermon, “The Task Unfin- County. ished.” Early service on Christmas whit morning at 6:30. Brotherhood will ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (EPISCOPAL). meet Friday evening, December 19th, The services in honor of Christmas- tide will be featured at St. John’s Episcopal church by a midnight serv- ice, which will be the offering of the Christ-Mass, (from which the day takes its name), in thanksgiving for the coming to earth of the Divine Re- deemer. This service will begin promptly at 11:45 p. m, December 24, Christmas eve. The church will be lighted entirely by candlelight, the music will be especially beautiful, there will be a Procession with some of the choicest of the old English Christmas carols, and in every way the parish will endeavor to make it an appropriate welcome for the birth- day of Incarnate God. The celebra- tion of the Holy Communion at mid- night on Christmas eve is one of the time-honored customs of Christen- dom, and a service that should be taken advantage of by those who de- sire to worship at the Manger of the Christ child in the same way that Christians have done in every age. The public is cordially invited to be present and assist at this solemn and beautiful celebration. Schedule of service beginning De- cember 21: Fourth Sunday in Ad- vent, 8 a. m., Holy Eucharist; 10 a. m., church school; 11 a. m., Matins and sermon; 7:30 p. m., evensong and sermon. Monday, feast of St. Thom- as, 10 a. m., Holy Eucharist. Christmas Services Wednesday, Christmas eve, 5 p. m., first evensong. 11:45 p. m,, Midnight Eucha- rist (special music). Thursday, Christmas day, 7:30 a. m., Holy Eucharist followed by Matins. 10:30 a. m., Holy Eueharist and sermon. 5 D. m., second evensong. Friday, Feast of St. Stephen, Holy Eucharist. Saturday, Feast of St. John Evangelist, 10 a. m., Holy Eucharist. Visitors always welcome, at the Christmas services. 10 a. m,, especially Christmas Music. Christmas Eve, 11:45 p. m. Wednesday December 24th. Prelude, organ and violin, “Adoration ciinsais Borowski Entry of Choir, “March Pontificale” ss rsintns Lemmens For the Procession, “The First No- Well i. iveeevrsdinen Old English Carol Kyrie Eleison B Sequence, ‘Corde Natus,”—Twelfth Cen- tury Plainsong. Credo in Unum Deum........ Cruickshank Hymn, ‘Adeste Fideles”....... Portogallo Offertorium, Anthem, There were Shepherds” ......cooevvensenans Matthews At the Communion, (a) Agnus Dei Cairne Cruickshank (b) “Silent Night”..0ld Carol Gloria in Excelsis........... Cruickshanks Post Communion, “All this Night. .Maker Recessional, “It Came Upon the Mid- night Clear,” .....cccciieevenceens Willis Postlude Christmas day, 10:30 a. m., Thursday, December 25th Processional, “Adeste Fideles” Cove eainie Portogallo Carol, “A Child This Day is Born’ er eaten Traditional (a) Agnus Dei, Cruickshank (b) Carol, “The Son of God is Born for All”........ Praetorius Post Communion, “All Praise to Thee Eternal Lord,” .......ccoce0eien German Communion, ged MOTrN,” ...corisvesnnrsenannses For the Offertorium, that Bringest Good Tidings,” sung. Miss Mary Bradley, organist. Mrs. Louis Schad, violinist. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The following will be the Christmas program of service in the Presbyter- ian church on Sunday, December 21st. Morning Service, 10:45 Hymis Joy to the World, the Lord is ome’’ Sextette—“The Birthday of a King”—Nei- dlinger. Misses Helen Williams, Marion Waite, Russie Cole, Messrs. Richard Funk, James Seig and Cecil Walker. Sermon—* ‘The Babe of Bethlehem.” Hymn—*“Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem.” Coombs. Evening Service, 7:30 Anthem—“The Angels. Song’—Wolcott. Hymn—“It Came Upon the Midnight Clear.” Sextette—“O’er the Hills of Bethlehem” — Shelley. Solo—“In Old Judea’—Geibel. Miss Rus- sie Cole. Hymn—*“From the Eastern Mountains.” Sermon—*The Joy of €hristmas.” Sextette— The Birthday of a King” Neidlinger. Hymn—*“Hark the Herald Angels Sing.” ‘Anthem—“Christmas Herald” — Coombs Rev. W. K. McKinney, Ph. D., Minister UNITED EVANGELICAL, CHURCH. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Sermon, “God’s Chrstmas Gift to the World,” 10:30 a. m. 7:30 p. m., the Sunday school will render a special Christmas program. The public is welcome. E. B. Dunn, Ph. D., Pastor. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. An early service of praise will be held at 6:30 a. m., Christmas morn- ing, in St. John’s Reformed church. Special music by the choir Christmas morning and the Sundays preceding and following Christmas. “Adeste Fidelis,” by Novello. “A Son is Giv- en,” by Ira B. Wilson. “While Shep- herds Watched,” by Mrs. Ashford, and “The Lord is Come,” by C. M. Schoebel. All the regular services will be held at the usual hours next Sunday. The children’s Christmas festival will be held Sunday evening, December 28th, at 6:30 p. m. _ Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D., Minister. UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST. Bible school, 9:30 a. m. Worship and preaching, 10:80. The annual Christmas exercises on Sunday even- ing at 7:30. Prayer and praise serv- ice and Bible study class every Wed- nesday evening. Let all who “read these announcements realize that itlis as much your business to go to church and worship God as it is our business to make these announcements and in- vite you to come. Therefore, we should all be “about our Father’s bus- iness.” Geo. E. Smith, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Bible school, 9:30 a. m. Christmas sermon, 10:45. Junior League, 2 p. m. Senior League, 6:30. Student volunteer movement, represented by students from State College, 7:30. Christmas exercises will be held on Christmas evening, December 25th. Coleville—Bible school, 2 p. m. Sermon by pastor, 2:45. There will be Christmas services in the Coleville Methodist church next Tuesday evening, December 23rd, at 7:30 o'clock. Alexander Scott, Minister. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., morning worship, 10:65, with Christmas ser- mon, “The Sweetest Story Ever at 8 o'clock. Christmas exercises will be held Thursday evening, December 25th, at 7:30 o'clock. Visitors wel- come. Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Science society, Furst building, High street. Sunday service 11 a. m. Sunday school 9.45. Wed- nesday evening meeting at 8 o’clock. To these meetings all are welcome. A free reading-room is open to the pub- lic every Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature may be read, bor- rowed or purchased. Subject, De- cember 21st. Subject, “Is the Uni- verse, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?” — The United States army is of- fering for sale a quantity of wheel and lead sets of regulation breast col- lar harness, in lots of ten or more, at $27.00 for a wheel set and $19.80 for lead sets, f. o. b., Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, or for one set or less than ten $30.00 for wheel sets and $22.00 for lead sets, f. o. b., Philadelphia or Pittsburgh. All inquiries should be addressed to Surplus Property Offi- cer, Philadelphia. re ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” EMENTS. NEW ADVERTIS OR RENT.—Furnished nis rooms for light housekeeping. Shoemaker Apartments, Spring St., Bellefonte. 49-tf rooms; OST, STRAYED or STOLEN—From the Lehigh Valley pasture, on Beech Creek, one dark bay colt, three years old (large for age). Any in- formation concerning above, kindly notify LEHIGH VALLEY COAL Co., Snow Shoe, Pa. 64-50-4t - The Best of Gifts for Christmas Park & Telford, Page & Shaw, and Reymer’s— Best, Candies THE CiTY BAKERY in packages of from one-half to 3 pounds. New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh's . . . . A High Grade Fruit Cake is also a Christmas Specialty —in size from one pound up. Order at once and make the Christmas dinner complete. 64-50-1t AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNAAANANANNANNANAAAAN OSS AAS AAA Smokers’ Xmas Gifts Full Line..... Established United Prices United Cigar Stores Co. Bush Arcade D. Finklestine, Propr. Bellefonte, Pa. ARMERS TAKE NOTICE.—I will in- sure dwellings at $1.00 a hundred, and barns at $1.60 a hundred. on the cash plan for three years, and dwell- ings 50 cents a hundred, and barns at 80 cents a hundred: on the assessment plan for 5 years as against fire and lightning. 64-28-1y ° J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent. ters of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of William W. Waddle, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es- tate are Jegtesiad to make prompt pay ment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenti- cated, for settlement. MARY SAERLOCE W. Harrison Walker, Attorney A DMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. — Let- WADDLE, dministratrix, Bellefonte, Pa. 64-49-6t sre Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below: Chestnut, -9£34-6m. PHILADELPHIA, PA . TRY THE Excelsior Brand Roller Flour Manufactured by the Curtin Milling Co., Curtin, Pa. FOR SALE BY Weaver Bros. and The John Meese Store 64-43-tf Bellefonte, Pa. Union Brick Layers $1.00 PER HOUR Apply to the Turner Construction Co., Bald Eagle and Sherman Streets 46-1t LOCK HAVEN, PA. Specials Announced IN OUR - Grocery Dept. 25¢ 26¢ 33¢ 25¢ Case's sugar corn, 2 pkgs for.... Seedless rasinj{ special, per pkg. Dried peaches, special, per pkg.. Golden Age noodles, 3 pkgs for.. Van Camp’s pork and beans, per CHIL Ly, iinannsn Wo sadn Wilbur's Breakfast cocoa, per pkg Steuben Brand peas, special per 18¢ 25¢ CaN esiniv essere :-.. 190 Table Talk ketchup, 17 oz bottle.. 27c Heinz Mince meat, 2 1b can..... 59c¢ Gold Leaf flour 24% 1b sack..... $1.45 Lux, special, 2 pkgs............ 25¢ Old Dutch Cleanser, per pkg.... 09¢ Gold Dust washing powder, 2 pkg 09¢c Large pkg Mother’. Oats....... 32¢ COHEN & Co. BELLEFONTE, PA. 64 36-1t PEN Doesn't leak or smear because of the “Lucky Curve”. All styles and sizes.’ $2, $2.50, $3, $4; §5 and up. - The Mott Drug Co., 64-46-5t BELLEFONTE, PA. i “Checkers” A guaranteed movie thriller full of human interest—in fact a thrill in every 50 feet of film. Wonderful Horse Race Great Airplane Rescue Sensational Train Wreck } and fifty ‘more features besides these just as good. Life... Laughter... Tears all bound up in ‘‘Checkers’’ YOU WILL ENJOY IT! Scenic Theatre... Bellefonte Two Days---Jan. 1 and 2 Matinees 2.30 - - - 20 cts. Nights 6.80-- - - - 25 cts. Special Morning Children’s Showing 10 o'clock New Year's Day, 10c. Tax extra The Gifts They will Keep § Diamonds! Watches! Jewelry! Small Store, Small Expenses, Small Prices but a nice, large, well-selected stock of absolutely new gifts that will last. CASEBEER Optometrist and Jeweler Brockerhoff House Block . . . Bellefonte, Penna. Kryptok Glasses-—-to See Far and Near Make a Most Useful Gift WE HAVE 7 CE TRE) ID Ae Rag 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 { 4 4 4 4 4 < 4 { = { g 4 = ' ¥ VAN EN i { 4 q 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Gifts that fairly breathe the spirit of the Season. Gifts that have been carefully chosen, beautifully boxed and reasonably priced. Dainty, useful Gifts from 15c up to any. amount you wish to spend. Comfy things for Mother, beautiful things for Daughter, Wife or Brother's Sweet heart. They are all here. Jw Schlow’s Quality Shop The Best for the Well-Dressed BorTH PHONES THE BON MOT The new place of good things to eat, located where Candyland was, in McClain Block, High St. Fine Candies for Xmas Reymer’s. . . Nunally’s One-half to Five-Pound Packages Nobility Chocolates We make our own Ice Cream. Made from Pure Cream. Sold by dish and Sundaes, and by the quart, at 50c. Sodas and Sundaes Sandwiches served in Classy Style PRINT NN AAAI SSIS SISSIES CHICKEN HOT DRINKS LETTUCE CHOCOLATE with whipped cream HAM COFFEE with cream CHEESE HOT SODAS PORK, etc. TOMATO, BEEF and CLAM BOULLION Everything clean, and high-class service giv- en. Try it. Don’t Forget the Place McCLAIN BLOCK, W. HIGH STREET a AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAAAAAAAAAANAANA The Bon Mot Loa a a a dg 4 Xmas Greeting Glassware Electric Lamps Bracelet Watches Diamonds Watches Jewelry Clocks China A Thoroughly Equipped Store msn, F. P. Blair & Son, Jewelers and Optometrists Bellefonte, Pa. 64-22:tf AAAAARAAAAARAANAAN