Demortaiic aca, Bellefonte, Pa., December 19, 1919. m———— Country Correspondence Items of Interest Dished up for the Delectation of “Watchman” Read- ers by a Corps of Gifted Correspondents. PINE GROVE MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fishburn were Sunday visitors at the G. B. Fry ome. ‘Mother Earth was robed in purity on Saturday night when three inches of snow fell. > Francis Miller and J. F. Kimport took a drive on Sunday down the south side to Tusseyville. J. H. Bailey was a lay delegate at the meeting of the Huntingdon pres- bytery at Tyrone on Monday. Owing to the very inclement weather on Saturday the Sunday school convention billed for Pine Hall was again postponed. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Fry were over Sunday visitors among old neighbors and friends at Lewisburg and Sun- bury, where they formerly resided. W. A. Collins, our village black- smith, spent Friday in Bellefonte lay- ing in his winter stock of hardware and looking after some other business matters. Alf Baum, well known horseman of Bellefonte, was through here last week and purchased a car load of horses for shipment to the southern market. Clarence McCormick came up from Scranton last week to visit his father, Hon. John T. McCormick, who was quite ill several days but is now im- proving. Owing to the. scarcity and high prices asked for that toothsome bird, the turkey, very few of them will grace the Christmas dinner tables in this section this year. The Sunday-Rossman hunting club can consider our hat off to them for the donation of a nice hunk of venison from the six deer they got the first few days of the season. Mrs. Orin Osman, who was quite ill last week, is now much improved, while little Samuel Stine Walker is slowly recovering from a three week’s illnesss with pneumonia. Dr. J. C. Baumgardner bought a car load of lambs in this section last week at 138 cents a pound live weight, which he shipped from Pennsylvania Fur- nace to the eastern market on Friday. The Ladies Aid society of Bailey- ville will hold a bazaar and chicken and waffie supper in the hall at Rock Springs this (Friday) evening. Oys- ters, ice cream and cake will also be served. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson and Walter Johnson came down from Bell- wood to lend a helping hand at the slaughter of some big porkers at their dad’s home on Friday, taking one fat one along home with them. Charles Whitehill, who has been visiting relatives in Illinois and Mis- souri the past three months, landed home last Saturday evening. He was accompanied by his nephew, Henry Jordon, of Freeport, Ill., on his first trp east and he was naturally much impressed with the mountains in Pennsylvania. J. B. Colen, of Washington, D. C., spent last week with the Pine Grove Mills Rod and Gun club as a guest of Hon. J. Will Kepler. Mr. Kepler was lucky to get his deer and N. I. Krebs killed another. Three of the party missed fine shots. Mr. Colen left for Washington on Monday and Mr. Kep- ler returned to his work at DuBois. Among the big hogs killed during the week was one by Daniel Patter- son which weighed 473 pounds. Wil- liam Meyers killed one weighing 462; George Koch four which averaged 840 pounds. Hamill Goheen and John Sasserman four each which averaged 368 pounds and John Bowersox one which weighed an even 300 pounds. The community rally for the Y. M. C. A. last Friday evening in the town hall was poorly attended. Prof. I. L. Foster, of State College, and others spoke briefly and told of the purpose of the meeting after which it was de- cided to hold a union meeting in the Lutheran church the second Sunday in January, and everybedy is urged to attend. A dispute among the Gen. Pershing squad of deer hunters at the close of the season over the division of a big buck resulted in a call for the sheriff of Huntingdon county and the difficul- ty may yet have to be settled in court. One of the squad claimed the head, hide and one-half of the buck on the grounds that his shot drew first blood. But as five other shots were fired at -.the same time at the same deer other members of the hunting party disput- ed his claim. As the hunters were in Diamond valley, Huntingdon county, the sheriff of that county was appeal- ed to to settle the trouble, but failed to get it done amicably and it now looks as if the case will be carried to court. LEMONT. Claude Hoy has joined the ranks of the Ford owners. The Shiloh Lutheran Sunday school will hold their Chirstmas entertain- ment Sunday evening, December 21st. William Hoy, of Geneva, Ohio, re- turned to his home Saturday, after spending a ‘few days in and around town; this being his first visit in these parts in six years. I. J. Dreese has been appointed the census enumerator for College town- ship, so will soon be trying to find out how much this township has gain- ed in the last ten years. Mr. and Mrs. Berry Ray, Mr. and Mrs. John Stamm, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Frank Brandt, all of Altoona; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Long, of Berwick, " Prof. Thomas C. Houtz, wife and son, of Selinsgrove, were the out-of-town people who attended the funeral of rs. Lucy Ray. ORVISTON. Miss Mary Singer, of Romola, vis- ited her sister, Mrs. William Walker, last week. Louis MacDonald, of Lock Haven, is visiting*Mrs. MacDonald, who is staying for a time with her parents. zs. Frank DeLong, of the upper works, and Mrs. Louis ‘MacDonald are both feeling very much under the weather. Mrs. L. C. Barner spent the week- end visiting her father, D. C. Fisher, of Flemington. She reported him as very feeble, but cheerful. She also spent some time consulting old San- ta Claus. Mrs. J. H. Slatterbeck, of Blanch- ard, is making a very pleasant visit ‘with Mr. Slatterbeck, who is work- ing at the upper works, and is also having a pleasant time with her Or- viston friends. Charles Heverely, of Romola, a young son of William Heverley, had the honor of killing a black bear. In company with several others, among whom were his uncle, Frank Daley, and brother-in-law, Ward Keller, Charles, who is only about eighteen years old, was preparing to return home from a not too successful hunt- ing trip when he ran across Mr. Bear, who happened to be just a little too close to Charles to be pleasant. Quick as a wink the lad pulled a gun on the big fellow, catching him between the eyes. It is said the bear retreated in- to his den and the men had to hitch a horse (or mule) to him to pull him out. Of course the youngster feels pretty good over his big game. Little Milford Walker, son of W. A. Walker, had a very narrow escape from drowning on Monday. In com- pany with several other lads, some big fellows as well as little ones, he was trying to skate around on his shoes, as the little chaps do, on the pond near the station. A fall of snow had hidden the open places and Mil- ford went into one. Fortunately, it was near enough the bank so he got out with a lot of scrambling, but in- stead of going where it was warm the poor little chap hustled for home through a fierce storm and as his home was about half a mile away he was almost frozen. None of the boys realized he had started home but thought he had gone into the station. His teacher, Miss Confer, was quite worried until she learned he was safe. However, he has experienced the fact that it is sometimes wise to obey mamma and keep off the ice until he can be sure it is safe. Orviston has troubles all her own and one of the worst is the lack of a resident doctor, as the folks here are all quite as susceptible to the ills that flesh is heir to as the people in less isolated districts. The people here have to rely upon the doctors at How- ard and Beech Creek, and pretty good they are to come, when possible. Here is where the main trouble comes up. The telephone wires between here and Howard, the central point, are down or out of order part of the time, which is very bad, especially when some one needs a doctor almost at once. A lineman told the writer that “kids” were in the habit of throwing rope over the wires: and swinging on them, and also taking pot shots at the insulators. Parents should impress upon their children’s mind the importance of the telephone, its necessity in a rural community. However, a lot of trouble would be spared the people of Orviston if they would insist on having a resident doctor, as there is enoguh money here to support one, and especially if he was a,company doctor. If a special- ist were needed it would be as easy to get one as it is to get the outside man in now, and the regular man could hold the fort until help arrived. We have had several bad cases where a doctor was needed, and because of the defective telephone lines the pa- tient has been compelled to lie and suffer until noon the next day, when he could be shipped out to the hos- pital. What the writer would like to see is a remedy, either better tele- phone service or a doctor of our own. One thing the hello girls at Howard are very pleasant and willing to do their part by the people of Orviston, and are never rude or discourteous. We must give them their just dues, as being real girls—not imitations. SMULLTON ITEMS. C. H. -Bierly spent last week in Bellefonte as a juryman. That “lover” from Woodward seems to think the sun rises later in Brush than in Pennsvalley. Mrs. William Waite has closed her house here and will spend the winter months with her sister in Rebersburg. " C. L. Beck was in Williamsport last week and reports work at the carpen- ter trade not brisk, on account of lack of lumber. : Jacob Winkleblech expects to wind up his lumber operations at Madison- burg, if favored with nice weather, in a month or six weeks. H. H. Stover has just received a brand new studio outfit, complete, and in the spring anticipates making some improvements on his studio, and as- sures the people he will be able to turn out first-class work. The correspondent for the Centre Democrat last week infringed on the rights of the census enumerator by becoming, as it were, a health repor- | ter; and while we appreciate the facts as set forth in the article referred to, it is not only a question to the writer but to many of the town, why, if the public health is so good, the doctor makes so many visits to the town? This town, we are sorry to say, has a few representatives of the Millen- nium Dawnists who circulated the prediction of the “end of the world” Wednesday, December 17th. We, however, decided to write items for the paper, and of course if our good natured editor and all of us should have to go smash we should feel after all as though we had “done our duty,” and would expect to get the right seat. It is really a pity that people who, unfortunately are susceptible to such doctrines, should be left alone, while the proper place for them would be across the river from Northumber- | land. BOALSBURG. Miss Marian Dale, of Oak Hall, spent Sunday in town. The Red Cross Christmas seals are on sale at the local postoffice. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer spent Monday afternoon at Bellefonte. Leonidas Mothersbaugh is recov- ering from a recent serious illness. Our local merchants are displaying a first-class line of Christmas goods. Mrs. Mervin Kuhn, of Williams- port, recently visited friends in town. Ashbridge Thomas, of Potters Mills, transacted business in town re- cently. Miss Amanda Mothersbaugh, of Le- mont, spent Friday at the home of her brother. A. J. Hazel and family attended the funeral of Mr. Hazel’s niece at Un- ionville on Sunday. Miss Martha Opie spent several days in town last week in the interest of Chautauqua work. Harry Resides and Linn Daugher- ty, of State College, transacted busi- ness in town on Monday. William Goheen, S. E. Weber, A. E. Gingrich and J. W. Keller transacted business in Bellefonte last week. Mrs. Francis Gimberling and son, Francis Jr., of Sunbury, were guests at the home of Henry Reitz recently. Abner Alexander, of Earlystown, was a caller at the home of Mrs. Lu- cy Murray and daughter on Friday. Miss Anna S. Sweeney returned home on Wednesday after spending the past eight months at Atlantic City. The Boalsburg tavern has been closed to the public for the present, much to the regret of most of our residents. Eight young people were confirmed at the Sunday evening service in the Lutheran church, by the pastor, Rev. E. F. Brown. Mrs. James Irwin spent several days at State College with her moth- er, Mrs. Krumrine, who is ill at the home of Charles Swartz. Mrs. Reuben Stuart and daughter Elizabeth, of Crafton, arrived in town on Thursday and will visit among friends until after Christmas. The Reformed Sunday school will render a Christmas service on Sunday evening and the Lutheran school will have their service on Christmas eve. Miss Esther Sparr, who had been employed at the J. W. Keller home during the past summer, returned to her home in Williamsburg last week. Miss Daisy Rowe, having completed a business course at Williamsport, re- turned home for a short visit and has now accepted a position at State Col- lege. Mrs. George Hall returned to Wil- mington, Del., on Friday, after spend- ing the summer with her sister, Miss Sara J. Keller. The Keller home on Main street has been closed for the winter, Miss Keller going to the home Medical. Don’t be Misled Bellefonte Citizens Should Read and Heed This Advice. Kidney trouble is dangerous and often fatal. Don’t experiment with something new and untried. Use a tested kidney remedy. Begin with Doan’s Kidney Pills. Used in kidney troubles 50 years. Recommended here and everywhere. A Bellefonte citizen’s statement forms convincing proof. It’s local testimony—it can be in- vestigated. Mrs. Elizabeth Shultz, Water St., Bellefonte, says: “Nothing has ever done me so much good, and my fami- ly as Doan’s Kidney Pills. Other members of my family, as well as my- self, have been cured of kidney trou- ble by the use of Doan’s Kidney Pills. 1 am glad to recommend them.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Shultz had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 64-50 Get the Best Meats. " You save nothing by buying poor, thin or gristly meats. I use only the LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE and supply my customers with the fresh- est, choicest, best blood and muscle mak- ing Steaks and Roasts. My prices are no higher than poorer meats are elsewhere. 1 always have ——— DRESSED POULTRY — Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. TRY MY SHOP. P. L. BEEZER, High Street. 34-34-1y. Beliefonte, Pa Are You Corn-Crippled ? Put ease and I in your feet NYA L Corn Remover Does not make the surrounding tissue soft and tender like salve or plaster— corns thrive on tender toes. Removes hard and soft corns and callouses Get some for tonight at 25 CENTS BUYS The Mott Drug Co. PLENTY Bellefonte, Pa. 64-49-10t of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Stamm, and Miss Mary Corl will spend the winter with friends at Pleasant Gap. Carl Bohn, who is employed at Ak- ron, Ohio, arrived in town on Monday and will spend some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Bohn, at Walnut Grove. Robert Bailey, a member of the Modoc hunting club, had the good for- tune to shoot a fine deer on his birth- day, he having had a like experience two years ago. On Sunday afternoon Rev. L. V. Barber preached his last sermon as pastor of the Presbyterian church in Boalsburg, and his resignation was accepted with regret. The W. C. T. U. met at the home of Misses Ellen and Cathryn Dale, on Tuesday evening. In connection with the regular meeting a reception was cendered twenty new members Ex-Congressman Finley Gray, of Indiana, lectured on “Lessons from the Great War,” in Boal hall on Sat- urday evening. Owing to the inclem- ent weather the attendance was not large. Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Houtz, of Selins- grove; Rev and Mrs. Charles Lam- bert, of Somerset; Mrs. Katherine Keller, of State College, and Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Mayes, of Lemont, visited Mrs. George Shugerts, who is confin- ed to her home by illness. JACKSONVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Hoy, of How- ard, assisted in the family butcher- ing at the home of their son, Harry Hoy. 4 A big Christmas entertainment will be held in the school house here this (Friday) evening. It will consist of two parts of two acts each, to be giv- en by the pupils of the grammar school room. Everybody is invited to attend and help make it a success. The Stork has been working over- time in this section lately. On Tues- day, December 2nd, he left an eight pound boy with Mr. and Mrs. William Lucas, who at present are making their home with Mrs. Lucas’ mother, Mrs. William Bitner. On Wednesday night, December 3rd, a little boy was left at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Boone, and on Thursday, the 4th, another little son came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoy, it being their ninth child. A pleasant surprise party was held last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon, in hon- or-of Mrs. Dixon’s natal anniversary. Games, music and refreshments con- stituted the program of the evening. Those present were Mrs. C. E. Aley and children, Leon, Mildred and Hil- da; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Yarnell, Mrs. John Condo, Mrs. George Stover, Mrs. Mar- tha Yearick and daughter, Evelyn Jane; Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon and sons, Melvin and Walter; Homer Yearick, Willard Weaver, Deimer Ert- ley, Theodore Dixon, Guyer Ertley, Mr. Beightol, Rosalie Yearick, Alta Yearick, Mary Bickle, Rhoda Yarnell, Margaret Condo, Florence Yarnell, Mary Stover, Rhea King and Lucet- ta Condo. Doctors Experimenting on Them- selvey. A dispatch to the New York Times from St. Paul says: To prove his theory that germs do not cause disease, Dr. H. A, Zettel, electropath, of St. Paul, has challeng- ed Dr. H. W. HII, executive officer of the Minnesota Public Health Associa- tion, to a duel to the death with germs. Dr. Hill accepted the chal- lenge and the two will expose them- selves to the most virulent of conta- gious diseases, including typhoid, smallpox, and bubonic plague. Dr. Zettel will use in his defense against the germs only sanitation, pure air, and sanitary food and drink. Dr. Hill will expose himself after sci- entific innoculation and vaccination. The Parson Again. The home going parson who is said to make a church going people must be prepared for an occasional rebuff. A young and zealous curate was going his rounds recently and at one house his knock was answered by a little girl. “Mother is suited with a clergyman, Yank you,” she said, and shut the oor. Helpless. Pat—Olive traced me ancistry back to an Oirish king. Mike—Sure that’s easy. What erent has a dead man to defind him- self? HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. About Rheumatism What Thousands Have Found Gives Relief From This Painful Trouble. Rheumatism is a constitutional dis- ease, manifesting itself in local aches and pains, inflamed joints and stiff muscles. It cannot be cured by local or external applications. It must have constitutional treatment. Take a course of the great blood- purifying and tonic medicine, Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which corrects the acid condition of the blood on which rheumatism depends, and gives per- manent relief. This medicine com- bines, with excellent alteratives and tonics, what is generaly conceded to be the most effective agent in the treatment of this disease. If a cathartic or laxative is needed take Hood’s Pills. Purely vegeta- ble. 64-48 FINE JOB PRINTING o—A SPECIALTY—o0 AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE. There is no style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK. * that we can not do in the most satis- factory manner, and at Prices consist- ent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this office’ Bellefonte Trust Company Bellefonte, Penna. or more. your receipt. count. save their pennies. vate business. Trustee, etc. SOME OF THE THINGS WE DO CHECKING ACCOUNT We will start a checking account for you with $5.00 Pay your bills with a check which will be SAVINGS ACCOUNT Bring in a $1.00 or more and open a Savings Ac- Get a little Savings Bank for the children to We pay 3% yearly, compounded January 1st, and July 1st. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT We issue Certificates of Deposit at six months or one year and pay 3% interest, per annum. hdl TRUST DEPARTMENT In our Trust Department we will manage your pri- 8 Make your will and name the Belle- fonte Trust Company to be your Executor, Guardian, Consult us freely without expense. J L.SPANGLER, C.T.GERBERICH, N.E.ROBB President 64-17 Vice President Secy-T'reas ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at- La, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. 51-1y B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law. Practice in ‘all the courts. Consul tation in English or German. Of- fee fn Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte Pa. 8. TAYLOR—Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office in Temple Court, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of legal business attended to promptly. KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at= J law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at- tention given all legal business en- trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 High street. M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will receive prompt attention: Office on second floor of Temple Court. . 49-5-1y G. RUNKLE—Attorney-at-law. Con- sultation in English and German. Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belle- fonte, Pa. 58-8 law PHYSICIANS. S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and W Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his resi- dence. 35-41 ESTAURANT. Bellefonte now has a First-Class Res- taurant where Meals are Served at All Hours Steaks, Chops, Roasts, Oysters on the half shell or in any style desired, Sand- wiches, Soups, and anything eatable, can be had in a few minutes any time. In ad. dition I have a complete plant prepared to furnish Soft Drinks in bottles such as POPS, SODAS, SARSAPARILLA, SELTZER SYPHONS, ETC., for pic-nics, families and the public gencr- ally all of which are manufactured out of the purest syrups and properly carbonated. C. MOERSCHBACHER, 50-32-1y. High St., Bellefonte, Pa. INSURANCE! Fire and Automobile Insurance at a reduced rate. 62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent. Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Compulsory. We specialize in placing such in- surance. We Inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce In- surance rates. : It will be to your interest to con- sult us before placing your In- surance. JOHN F. GRAY. & SON, Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College The Preferred Accident Insurance THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY BENEFITS: $5,000 death by accident, 5,000 loss of both feet, 5,000 loss of both hands, 5,000 loss of one hand and one foot, 2,500 loss of either hand, 2,000 loss of either foot, 630 loss of one eve 25 per week, total disability, ( 52 weeks) limit 10 per week, partial disability, (limit 26 weeks) ' PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR, payable quarterly if desired. Larger or smaller amounts # proportion ny person, male or female, engaged in a referred occupation, including house, Reening, over eighteen years of age of good moral and physical condition may insure under this poiicv. : . Fire Insurance 1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur- ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex tensive Line of Solid Companies represent- ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania H. E. FENLON, Agent, Bellefonte, Fa, 50-21. The First National Bank of Bellefonte offers its good wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Good Health Good Plumbing GO TOGETHER When you have dripping steam pipes, leaky water-fixtures, foul sewerage, or escaping , you can’t have good Hea th. The air you Breathe is poisonous; your system mee poisoned.and invalidism is sure to come. SANITARY PLUMBING is the kind we do. v ought to have. Wedon't trust this work boys. Our workmen are Skilled M no better anywhere. Our It’s the only kind you 0 Material and Fixtures are the Bes Not a cheap or inferior atticle in our entire establishment. And wi work and the finest material, our Prices are Lower than many who give you Tr, unsantary k and the I t f ishings.iF the Best Work try sradeol Snshibgulo) Archibald Allison, Opposite Bush House + Bellefonte, Pa