Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 19, 1919, Image 1

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"bands are going to suffer
+ prohibition.
..of players of wind instruments to put
. a few drops of alcohol in the valves
'—Sunday will be the shortest day
of 1919.
—1It is the spirit with which it is
given, not the gift, that counts.
—For the Holiday season more
suitable weather could not be desired.
——The Presidential boom of Gen-
. eral Wood is in charge of a Cincinna-
ti soap manufacturer and he will
probably boil it.
— Senator Lodge imagines that
"he is still fighting President Wilson
but he is mistaken. He is fighting the
American people.
The President made a treaty
‘ in accordance with the provisions of
the constitution. If the Senate refus-
"es to ratify it he isn’t to blame.
—With sixty cent sugar staring us
in the face wouldn’t it be wise to go a
little lighter on candy, cakes and
flummery that consume so much of it.
—If you are keen for a lot of
Christmas day callers just let it be
known among your friends that you
intend having a bowl of egg-nog on
tap at your home.
——The ending of the coal strike
removes one source of danger to the
people. Industrial life will revive
now despite the efforts of the Repub-
lican leaders to prostrate it.
—This is the last issue of the
“Watchman” you will receive during
1919. Don’t look for one next week
as we will be gorging ourselves on
kickless mince pie and other spine-
less eats of a country that is dry.
—A stitch in time saves nine and
a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Such were the thoughts of the writer
- when he opened two letters this week,
in each of which was enough to pay
~ for a patch on the trousers that gave
out under the wear and tear of
. squirming around on an editorial tri-
pod during the struggles of their
. wearer to write something that would
be read.
—It just occurs to us that brass
It has been the practice
before going on parade in freezing
weather so as to prevent horns from
freezing up. Now some other kind of
“an anti-freeze will have to be com-
pounded or bands will be out of it
" during extremely cold weather. -
t.. —~There is some consolation in the
“fact that Congress is being as univer-
_ sally damned now that it is Republi-
“ean as it was when it was Democrat-
. ic. The turn over of power in Wash-
"ington has brought none of the chang-
‘es that were promised and the public
‘to realize that swapping
horses in the middle of the stream
was a very disastrous transaction.
The preceding Democratic Congress
really did enact some constructive leg-
islation but its successor, up to this
moment, has done absolutely nothing.
—James W. Gerard, former Am-
bassador to Germany, has announced
that he is an aspirant for the Demo-
cratic nomination for President in
1920. It is a surprise, but not an un-
pleasant one, for Mr. Gerard showed
the stuff that real men are made of
when he was upholding our rights in
Berlin during the trying times before
we entered the war. There may be
those who will criticise him because
he did not wait until it is known what
President Wilson intends doing but
this is a free country and Mr. Gerard
is quite within his rights in his early
announcement of his aspiration.
—While the Supreme court’s find-
ing that war-time prohibition is
constitutional was a heart scald to
many who had hoped for a few last
dashes of real red likker it was whol-
ly a legal interpretation and could
-mot have been otherwise under the
-Jaw. Personally, we think the court
“would even have been justified in
straining a point to reach the deci-
sion 1t came to, for with the country
aflame with feverish, industrial un-
rest who can picture what might hap-
pen were the thing that exhilerates
men out of their normal condition of
mind put within their hands at this
— Well, old mother Earth is still
rolling around in space, just like she
started doing millions of years ago.
Much, publicity was given to wierd
stories coming from the great south
- west to the efféct that a comet was to
yun plumb into Earth on Wednesday
and end it all: I. W. W., peace treaty,
high cost of living, strikes, dry laws
and all our worries, but it dién’t and
here we are abiding our natural time
and smiling at those foolish souls who
evidently don’t believe the Bible
knows what it is talking about when
it tells us that the end will come like
a thief in the night and not when
some zealot predicts it.
— Radical socialism is determined
to “bore from the inside.” Victor
Berger is running for his vacant seat
in Congress from the Milwaukee dis-
trict, and Rose Pastor Stokes, fresh
from prison for having obstructed the
draft law, has announced her inten-
tion of running in the Fourteenth
New York district. Conservative
minds cannot but view these under-
takings with alarm. Many will vote
for such radicals upon principle and
others will do it for much the same
reason that certain sentimentalists
carry flowers and dainties to the cells
of condemned murderers. Let us
"hope that both Milwaukee and New
York will rise to the defense of
American institutions as did Massa-
.chusetts when she rebuked Long with
.a deluge of ballots.
_VOL. 64.
NO. 50.
Manifestly a Grave Mistake.
The closing paragraph of General
Pershing’s report deserves sspasial covering the period of his service '
attention. The report is addressed to | abroad in the world war certainly |; : ’
the Secretary of War and winds up in | caused thrills of pride through the ligheq the President
these words: “In closing this report,
Mr. Secretary, I desire to record my
deep appreciation of the unqualified
support accorded me throughout the
war by the President and yourself.
My task was simplified by your con-
fidence and wise counsel.” These are
plain, blunt phrases, becoming a val-
iant and capable soldier. They ex-
press in simple language the opinions
of a man of action and achievement,
whose difficult undertakings and haz-
ardous work were helped by the con-
fidence and wise counsel of those un- | achieved every end it aimed to
der whose direction he was operating.
_ But General Pershing must be mis-
the part taken by the President and
Secretary of War in the work of the
General in command of the Expedi-
tionary forces in the recent war.
Senator Lodge and Senator Brande-
gee and Hungry Hi or any of the Re-
publican Representatves in Congress
who remained as far away from the
fighting line as possible could have
told him that the advice and counsel | my drew first blood of the enemy in !
of the President and Secretary of
War were pernicious and destructive.
Why those eminent patriots have
spent the year since the end of the
war speaking through the alleys and
sewers of public information in ef-
forts to prove that President Wilson
and Secretary of War Baker were
plundering the public and striving in
every way to defeat the purpose of
General Pershing. 3
How could it be otherwise. Presi-
dent Wilson and Secretary Baker are
Democrats and for seven years the
President and for about four years
the Secretary of War have been
standing deliberately in the way and
preventing looting operations and
grafting franchises such as disgraced
the country during the Spanish-
American war. Therefore these gen-
tlemen couldn’t possibly be helpful to
General Pershing who had no purpose
in mind except the achievement of
victory for our armies and the glory
and honor of the country. Take the
smelling committee of Congressional
pirates who Were justly snubbed by
General Pershing in Paris. It knows
that the President and Secretary of
War are traitors and thieves.
——Emma Goldman has been as-
sured of a cordial welcome by the
Soviet government of Russia when
she gets there but Emma doesn’t want
that sort of thing. Her life purpose
is to be against the government.
Garfield Attacks the President.
President Wilson has again fallen
a victim of misplaced confidence. Mr.
Garfield, whom he unwisely placed at
the head of the fuel conservation
work when this country entered into
the war and was recalled to the serv-
ice when the coal strike began a few
weeks ago, has resigned in a spirit of
enmity against the President. Hasti-
ly and self-invited he appeared before
a hostile Senate committee the other
day and declared that in the settle-
ment of the coal strike the President
had sacrificed the interests of the
public in order to curry favor with
the miners. Of course there is no
foundation for this charge and it is a
feature of the conspiracy to discredit
the President.
. Lal
Garfield is’ a Republican who never
ought to have been intrusted with any
service of a Democratic administra-
tion. His first act after entering up-
on the service was to raise the price
of the poor man’s coal thus bringing
the maledictions of millions down up-
on the head of the President. From
the beginning to the end of his tenure
of office his official acts brought cen-
sure upon the administration but as
he was the friend of the late Mr.
Roosevelt they probably served his
own sinister purposes. Now that the
Republican managers are searching
for a particularly malignant man to
nominate for President Mr. Garfield
may imagine that this last act of per-
fidy will get him the favor.
But if current rumors be correct
Dr. Garfield’s dream of preferment
will have a brief existence. It will be
shown, according to Washington cor-
respondents, that he was present and
participated in the negotiations which
resulted in the settlement of the coal
miners’ strike and that if he didn’t
assent to the plan he at least made
no objection to it. If these facts are
established the insincerity as well as
the treacherous purpose of Mr. Gar-
field will be clearly revealed and even
Jim Reed would hardly want a man
capable of such perfidy as his candi-
date for President. In any event it
is not likely that this last attack
against the President will carry very
— The election of Hampy Moore
as Mayor of Philadelphia may have
extinguished the Vares but they
haven’t found it out.
—The resurrection of J ohn Barley-
corn “has ‘been postponed indefinitely.
| General Pershing’s Report.
i The report of General Pershing,
' States who enjoyed the pleasure of
: reading it. It is an essentially soldier
, instrument and entirely characteris-
tic of its author. It recites in detail
' the operations of the American troops
from start to finish and giving full
| praise to the valor of the enemy and
| the efficiency of the troops of other
nations co-operating with his, shows
| conclusively that the American army
| won the war. It accomplished every
| purpose it set out to accomplish and
| achieve.
| When the American army appear-
| were precarious. German forces had
| been victorious at every point and the
| morale of the Allied army was near
{ the breaking point. After a survey
of the situation he set about prepar-
ing his men for action and with a
constantly increasing force soon re-
| established the confidence of the
| French and English troops. His ar-
| November, 1917, and from that mo-
| ment the aspect changed and the tide
| turned toward the allies.
| suceeded in forming an American ar-
‘my under the flag of the United x
: States with which he moved forward
, almost without check until the defeat-
is and dismayed enemy asked for an
armistice. It is a glorious record of
| courage and achievement. :
{ General Pershing claims no credit
| to himself for these grand results
but is generous in his praise of those
i associated with him. Speaking of
, Chateau-Thierry he writes: ~~ “On this
' Division wrote one of the most bril-
liant pages of our military annals,”
and adds: “Due to the magnificent
dash and power displayed here and on
the field of Soissons by our 1st and
| 2nd Divisions the tide of war was def-
! initely turned in favor of the Allies.”
| In equally liberal terms he praises
| the officers and men under his: com-
mand. “No chief,” ‘he
declares, |
“ever had a more ri ee
body of assistants.” And somfe per:
sons condemn the President for send-
"ing him to the work. po
——Of course Congress intends to
reduce the cost of living but not un-
| til after the money of the people is
| exhausted. Congress couldn’t think
| of interfering with the profiteers.
As to New Fire Fighting Equipment.
| The “Watchman” yesterday receiv-
| ed a communication from a prominent
| provecty owner of Bellefonte detail-
ing the difficulty the Bellefonte fire-
men experienced in getting to the
Funk bungalow fire on Wednesday
night, and the low water pressure in
| the borough mains when they did ar-
rive and make hose connections. The
writer further suggests that all the
| property owners urge upon the mem-
| bers of council the vital importance of
{ more adequate fire fighting appara-
: tus.
There isn’t any question but that all
property in Bellefonte is entitled to
the very best fire protection in order
to safeguard the owner’s interests and
the lives and possessions of the occu-
pants. But there seems to be an im-
| pression abroad that some members
of the town council are either oppos-
ed to purchasing new equipment or
else carelessly negligent as to doing
so. The writer knows whereof he
speaks when he says that this is not
correct. There is not a man in coun-
cil today who would not willingly give
an order for the best fighting appa-
ratus procurable if they knew how to
get the money to pay for them. The
question of finance is the only thing
| that has delayed the purchase this
long, and as the situation now stands
! there is almost a certainty of some ac-
| tion being taken at the next meeting
| of council, which will result in the
| purchase of such improved equipment
| as will give the town far better pro-
| tection than it at present enjoys.
, ——Those scientists, astronomers
| and millennium dawnists who proph-
| esied the end of the world on Wednes-
| day by collision with two vast mete-
ors, evidently slipped a cog in their
calculations, as the good old world is
still here and we’re all plugging along
as usual trying to beat the high cost
of living but having a darned hard
time doing it. However, regardless of
the fact that nothing serious happen-
ed to the world there were quite a lot
of people deeply impressed with the
prophesies made, and we even heard
of one Bellefonte family who refused
to go into the country to a big butch-
ering on Wednesday because they
were fearful that the end of the world
would come and they all wanted to be
home and together when it happened.
~The ‘Republican Senators are
moving about in a fool's paradise but
the next vote of the people of the
Finally he !
occasion a single regiment of the 8rd '
United States will give them a rude |
Census Enumerators for
Last week the “Watchman”
teenth decennial census, work on
{ which will begin on Friday, January
i 2nd, as well as many pertinent facts
jof interest pertaining thereto.
i Through the kindness of Mr. Frank
- BE. Costello, of Bradford, supervisor of
s proclamation |
‘body of every citizen of the United regarding the taking of the four- i
pub- | The Thrilling Experience of a Former
Bellefonte Boy in Service in
The first accurate account of the
' political turmoil in the Baltic prov-
‘census for this congressional district, :
‘we are this week able to publish the
‘ list of census enumerators for Centre |
; county, so far as it has been complet- |
led, It
| there
| enumerator has yet been appointed,
will be observed, however, that |
are seven districts in which no |
inces, and of the wounding of Dr.
Thomas J. Orbison, a well-known Los
Angeles physician, now head of the
American Relief ~~ Administration,
Latvian section, during the bombard-
ment of Riga,
here yesterday, in a personal letter
from Mr. J. C. Weaver, of Philadel-
phia, who received the story from his
son, Harry C. Weaver, who is located
and Mr. Costello is desirous of secur- | in Los Angeles, where Dr. Orbison ve-
ing applicants for these districts as sided before entering the service.
| merator to perform the work in his
district. Following is the list as
{ completed to date:
| No. 8—North Ward Bellefonte borough,
George W. Rees.
No. 9—South Ward Bellefonte borough,
D. Paul Fortney.
No. 10—West Ward Bellefonte borough,
George O. Gray.
No. 11-—Benner township, Miss Vienna L.
_ Grove.
: No. 12—Boggs township
| __borough, vacant.
i No. 13—Boggs township, vacant.
No. 14—Burnside township and Curtin
township, vacant.
0. 15—Centre Hall borough and Potter
township, W. W. Kerlin.
No. 16—Potter township, Witmer E. Lee.
No. 17—College township, I. J. Dreese.
and Milesburg
No. 21—Gregg township, James R. Condo.
No. 22—Haines township, George S. Cun-
No. 2
No. 24—Halfmoon township, vacant.
No. 25-—Howard borough and Howard
township, Charles Confer.
No. 26—Huston township, Miss Lydia Eb-
erts. -
No. 27—Liberty township, Daniel H. -
New oa Mari : BP nh
“No. arion township, John R. Harter.
No. 20—Miles township, William R. Brun-
ship, Calvin A. Weaver,
No. 31—Patton township, T. M. Huey.
Philipsburg boix-
No. 32—Wards 1 and
No. 53 Ward 3 Philipsburg b
0. ar sbhur, orough, Re-
NOI C: Eaten, 4 % 2 ®
No. now oe borough and Snow
Shoe tgwaghip. do RR. BUDS. Cin
Nitett Toa hoe township, Hugh H.
No. 36—South Philipsburg borough and
Rush township, Harry E. Nixon.
No. 37—Rush township, Irving Achmoody.
No. 38—Spring township, W. I. Miller.
No. 39—Spring township, Henry T. Noll.
No. 40—Spring township, John S. Spearly.
No 1) State College borough, M. . Nei-
No. 42—Taylor township, vacant.
No. 43—Unionville borough and Union
township, Jacob E. Hall.
No. 44—Walker township, vacant.
Yo. 45—Worth township, George E. Arde-
Many Prizes for State College at
Stock Show.
Livestock exhibited by The Penn-
sylvania State College at the inter-
national livestock show at Chicago
this year won nine first, seventeen
second, twelve third, and four fourth
prizes as well as being in the money
in several other classes, and receiv-
ing a total of $1141.00 in prize money.
With fat cattle Penn State took first
place on Galloway steer herd and on
Galloway junior yearling; second on
polled Shorthorn steer calf, junior
yearling Hereford steer, Galloway
senior yearling steer, three Aberdeen
Angus grade steers get of sire, and
second in the special class for Aber-
deen Angus grade steers. Also sev-
i eral third, fourth and fifth prizes
were won on cattle, amounting in all
to $423.
In the swine classes it was second
on Duroc Jersey barrow under one
year; on pen of three Berkshire bar-
rows under six months; on Chester
White barrow under six months and
on Chester White pen of barrows, get
of one sire. In the Clay Robinson
company special class for hogs exhib-
ited by colleges, The Pennsylvania
State College won the championship.
On cross-bred barrows weighing be-
tween 250 and 850 pounds it was sec-
ond, winning in all $358 on hogs
College sheep were exhibited in the
mutton improvement demonstration.
In this Penn State took first place on
pen of Southdown-Merino range
wethers, Shropshire-Merino ewe
lambs, Shropshire-Merino yearling
ewes, Shropshire-Merino: wethers, on
an individual Shropshire-Merino lamb
and on Cheviot wether lamb. Second
place was obtained in four classes of
Lincoln and Shropshire-Merino cross-
es, on yearling Cheviot wether and on
carcass of Southdown grade lamb. A
pen of Lincoln cross-bred range, and
a pen of Leister wether lambs each
won third place in its class, as did
Shropshire-Merino wethers and the
carcass of a Southdown grade lamb,
making $330 in prize money.
When you got up those cold
mornings during the past week and
shoveled the snow off your pavement
did you think of the many people who
have been hoping for a white Christ-
ER smile of content now sitteth
upon the face of the ice man.
No. 18—Ferguson township, Harry L.
Nov TOE: hip, vi
0. ‘erguson township, vacant.
NO. 20-Grege township, W. H. Sinka-
Harris township, Wilfred N. Kel-
No. 30—Millheim borough and Penn town- |
taken in his estimate of the value of ed on the battle front conditions | well as applicants for substitutes in
j each district in order to be prepared | having been a son of Mrs. N. J. Or-
i for any emergency, such as sickness | bison, a sister of Mrs. Adam Hoy,
Dr. Orbison was born in Bellefonte,
i or death or the inability of any enu- | Mrs. Potter, Mrs. Sommerville and
| Mrs. William P. Humes, deceased.
Dr. Orbison, who is now entirely
recovered from the wounds received
during the opening of the assault on
Riga, is still under fire daily, as are
other attaches of the relief adminis-
tration’s office, his letter states. Out-
numbered three to one in men and
even more in guns and equipment, the
Lettish troops are battling for Riga,
fighting heroically to prevent the Ger-
mans and Russians, headed by an ad-
venturer, from conquering that sec-
tion of the Baltic provinces, he states.
With evidences of war on every hand,
shells bursting in their midst, and
wounded coming into the city every
hour, Dr. Orbison and his assistants
are carrying on the work of feeding:
the scores of thousands of children
and civilian population, Dr. Orbison
says in his letter.
narrow margin when a high-explosive
shell struck the corner of the window
near which he was sitting at work at
his desk in the office of the American
Reltef Administration.
“At 3 o'clock,” Dr. Orbison writes,
“The shell struck just back of me,
knocking a big hole in the house, ex-
ploding- with all kinds of noise, and
| completely wrecking my’office.
“Pieces of the shell went.complete-
ly through a thick dictionary within
the reach of my hand. Everything
was blown off the walls of the room,
except a small American flag! I re-
ceived some scalp wounds—not ser-
ious, but the escape was truly mirac-
ulous. Everything became dark, due
to smoke and debris. I at once made
my way to the outer room and called
out to find if any one was killed. For-
tunately there was no one there. The
next day we moved to our new office,
where we now are.”
The exact situation, Dr. Orbison
points out, is not known to the out-
side world. :
“We are really in the midst of
war,” he says. “The city Riga has
been undergoing a bombardment for
two weeks and more damage has been
done by shells than during all the
rest of the five years of war. Evi-
dences of war are all about us. Just
now a detachment of Lettish troops is
passing my window, singing some sol-
dier song. Their spirit is excellent,
even though they are frightfully out-
“You can get an idea of this situa-
tion from these figures. On October
10, the Letts had 11,000 soldiers, four
field guns, two heavy guns, twelve
machine guns and one airplane.
Against them the German-Russian
forces brough up 385,000 soldiers, for-
ty-seven field guns, twenty-four heavy
pieces, 165 machine guns and six air-
“At present the Letts increased
their men by mobilizing, and have
captured a lot of enemy supplies.
There are only 8,000 Russian troops,
all the rest being Germans, who have
continued to come to this all along.
Many are recruited in Berlin at the
present time, ostensibly to fight the
Bolsheviki! The British navy has
been of great help to the Letts, as at
the last moment they opened fire on
the Germans. The latter are under a
Russian adventurer, but behind him
are German officers. :
«All is very clear under the surface.
It is Germany’s desire to own this
country and dominate Russia. They
could not do it openly, and are trying
this method, that means a sacrifice of
lives and property to the avarice of
Germany and her tools.”
The crashing of the shell into his
office was not the first danger exper-
ienced by Dr. Orbison, according to
his letter. Ten days earlier, while
bringing a wounded soldier to Riga,
he was pursued by a German airplane
for about five miles ,with the German
firing his machine gun at Dr. Orbi-
son’s automobile.
“He fired upon me, and bullets
whistled all around,” the doctor
writes. “They hit the road just ahead
and I am thankful I finally escaped.”
But the dangers are-not: without
compensations, for the Lettish people
r (Continued on page ‘4 column @).
October 20, arrived.
Orbison escaped death by a
—1920 automobile license tags are now
being sent out.
—Watsotown has lined itself up with
Milton and Lewisburg in a general protest
against an increase in rates announced by
the White Deer Mountain Water company.
The borough council has named a commit-
tee to file a protest with the Public Serv-
ice Commission contesting the right of the
water company to raise its tariffs.
—Aged ninety-four years and claiming
that the easiest money he ever made in his
life was $3 a day husking corn a few
weeks ago in the fields of Adams county,
Daniel J. Eyler, of near, Gettysburg, is
making plans for a stroll to Frederick,
Maryland, thirty-two miles away, shortly.
“Stuffy steam cars,” he says, “are not to
be chosen in preference to the fine free
—Hog cholera has caused thousands of
dollars loss to stock raisers and farmers
throughout the Roaring Creek valley, Co-
lumbia county, section during the past
several weeks. The epidemic is still rag-
ing. Hogs ready for the market have
been stricken with the deadly scourge and
have died suddenly. One man lost twenty
from his herd, while 2a number of others
have lost from six to fifteen.
—Berwick authorities are looking for a
party of autoists, who on Friday evening
carried Joseph Valentine, aged fourteen
years, to his home in that city in a dying
condition after their car had struck him
and then made a hurried getaway. The
boy, his entire left side crushed, opened
the door of his home, crying, “Help me,
mother! I'm dying. An auto struck me,”
and fell to the floor. A physician who
was summoned said that he probably died
immediately after his fall. His condition
was such that he must have been carried
to the door, as he could not have taken a
—The largest mink that has ever been
captured in Lancaster county, and so big
that he might be styled the “grandfather
of all minks,” recently came into posses-
sion of James W. Bell, the Lancaster fur-
rier. The animal was captured in a musk-
rat trap by J. H. Koser, of Mount Joy,
and when stretched out on a board to dry
the pelt measured forty-two inches from
the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail,
which is more than twice the size of the
average mink. Mr. Bell declares that jin
all his twenty-eight years’ experience in
the fur business he has never seen a fur
pelt anywhere near the size of this one.
—With an income of $5260 monthly in
addition to her salary as stenographer in
the general offices of the Natiomal Tube
company, Miss Anna B. Smith, of Mec-
Keesport, is not worried over the high
cost of living, and the prospects are ex-
cellent that her income will be doubled in
the very near future. The big well which
came in on Monday on her property with
“a 10,000,000 foot flow of gas, had only been
drilled four feet into the Speechly sand.
Expert gas men say that when the drill
reaches the required depth in the produc-
ing strata the flow of gas will be doubled
and the stenographer’s income will jump
to $10,000 monthly. :
—Reversing the general order of things
and putting the moral of the story first,
the fellow who has $750 to sew im his shirt,
instead of putting it where it belongs,
should never wash the shirt.” At Blairs-
ville, Indiana county, it is a custom of the
“employees ofthe glass factory to de their
own washing of elothing soiled while Gt“ % =
their work. A foreigner was cmptying
some waste water after one of these wash-
ings when he saw some greenbacks being
sucked into the sewer. It developed that
$750 had been sewed in one of the shirts
washed and had gome down to enrich the
waters of the Conemaugh. It was net pos-
sible to recover the money.
—Miss Mattie Perry, forty-nine years
old, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Joshua Per-
ry, twenty-five years old, of McCoy’s Ford-
ing, drowned in the Juniata river near
Granville, Saturday afternoon when they
were thrown from an overloaded boat in-
to the stream. Miss Perry and her sister,
Mrs. Arthur Turner, also of Philadelphia,
with Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Perry, were
crossing the stream in an old row boat te
take the train at Granville station after a
visit at the home of their brother, Mr. .
of water. Mr. Perry swam ashore and
with the assistance of others saved Mrs.
Turner, but the other two women drown-
—The Pennsylvania Forestry Commis-
sion has made arrangements with the Cen-
tral Pennsylvania Lumber company for
the purchase of 187,000 acres cut over land
in ten counties, in the central part of the
State. Expert “timber cruisers” will tour
the sections ineluded in the deal to esti-
mate the value of the standing timber. Op-
tions will be taken on other holdings of
the company to previde for purchase when
the State Legislature acts at the 1921 ses-
sion. Gifford Pinchot and Col. Henry W.
Shoemaker are urging that the State es-
tablish a 5,000,000 acre forest and game
reserve in Pennsylvania and the purehase
of the above lands is a big step toward
this goal.
—One of the most sensational cases ever
heard in Snyder county court is that be-
ing tried this week, being an action
brought by Dr. E. G. Williams, of Port
Treverton, against Rev. A. S. Bierly, of
the same place for professional services to
his daughter. Dr. Williams asks $7,600
with accrued interest from 1911, making a
total of $10,000. His rather unusual “fee”
is itemized as follows: $100 for each of
the twenty-seven professional visits he
claims to have made; $50 a month for the
time he treated the girl in his sanitarium
at Port Treverton; $25 a week for a year
and a half that he treated her at his home;
and $3 each for 193 electrical treatments
which he gave her. Rev. -Bierly, by the
way, is not bothered by poverty as are
many of his brethren. He “owns three
fine farms in that famous garden spot.
—The New York Central station at Avis,
which was a passenger and freight sta-
tion combined, was completely destroyed
by a fire of unknown origin at about ten
o'clock last Thursday night. The station
was closed after the departure of the last
train at 8:30 o'clock and is not reopened
until morning. George Gaberline, who
was passing the station about an hour and
a half after the last train for the night
pulled out, discovered the fire, broke in
one of the windews and secured some pa-
pers from the desk and turned in an alarm
to the fire company, but the fire had gain-
ed so much headway that it was impossi-
ble for the company to do anything more
than to keep the flames from spreading.
The entire building and its contents, in-
cluding’ some freight in the freight sta-
tion, were completely . destroyed. The
freight included four pigs in a crate.
Perry, when the boat capsized in ten feet .