Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 05, 1919, Image 1
over and Demoreaiic, Watdent INK SLINGS. —Let us all help swat the tuber- cular bug. —Coal is getting scarcer as the weather grows colder. . ——Mr. Palmer insists that the cost of living is decreasing but strangely enough the prices of things we live on continue to increase. —Surprising as it may seem not a single one of our readers has taken advantage of the unprecedented (?) offer made in this column last week. —Surely the President shouldn’t be regarded as a very sick man since he has recommended a simplification of the income tax and excess profits sys- tem. —If you happen to spend a time at Rockview be careful to stay in your own bed if you are sure none of your fellow lodgers has a grudge against you. a ——Reduced te the last analysis there isn’t as much difference between collective and individual bargaining as there is between going to work and staying hungry. ——There are a good many reasons for the industrial troubles now pre- vailing in various sections of the country and among them is the idle- ness of the agitators. ——If those Mexican bandits want to earn the gratitude of the world and cash in on a handsome ransom at the same time, let them kidnap either Carranza or Villa and make the re- turn “dead.” —Senator Lodge admits that he is fighting the President and in that ad- mission probably lies all of his oppo- sition to the peace treaty. What a little man Massachusetts has selected to fill a big chair in Washington. —Germany has refused to sign the peace protocol, because she thinks the United States is no longer interested in whether she is good or not. She has become quite arrogant since we failed to ratify the peace treaty and, we presume, Lodge, Reed & Co., are correspondingly happy. —General Leonard Wood will not be the Republican nominee for Presi- dent if Henry Cabot Lodge, Boies Penrose and a few others who have a habit of puncturing the booms of “favorite sons,” can prevent it. They don’t want him, for the same reason that they didn’t want Roosevelt. —During this. month. of December . we expect every subscriber to the “Watchman” whose paper is not paid at. least six months in. advance to write us a letter or call personally and show reasons .why. he or she should not forthwith relinquish, set assign to our use forever ons. O0e dollar and fifty cents. a —The success that hunting parties: have been having during the past two years can be ‘ascribed to the leg- islation that preserves the does. Deer have multiplied wonderfully since that act was passed and the most con- clusive proof of the statement is found in the fact that now many par- ties slay more bucks alone in a sea- son than they formerly did bucks and does combined. —Those who think “we ought to do something about Mexico” had bet- ter go and do it and stop croaking around about the government’s failure to send some other persons’ boy down there to fight greasers. Mexico is a thorn in our flesh, we'll admit that, but when it comes to picking it out’ with bayonets the people who supply the men behind the bayonets should do the talking. —Why should Congress worry about whether the President or some -one else wrote his last message? It hasn’t paid much attention to his pre-. vious communications and the prob- ability is strong that it will pay less to this one. There is enough work cut out to keep it busy and if it were to look after that rather than spend its time nosing into the sick room of the first citizen of the land it would command greater respect at home and abroad. —The “Watchman” this week de- votes much of its space: to the anti- tuberculosis campaign: ‘in ! Pennsylva- nia which is now being strengthened by a call for public interest, and con- tributions through: the = purchase of Red Cross Christmas seals. We think too little of these things. We are too prone to smile indulgently at the pa- tient, persistent efforts of those who have been working for years to ef- face the white plague, under the im- pression that it is only a hobby that gets nowhere Don’t be deceived. The result of this beneficent work is almost incredible. Fresh air, sanita- tion, prompt treatment of incipients have worked wonders, because some one has been harping on them all the while most of us have been unconcern- ed. Time was when we seldom went onto the streets without meeting one of the stricken victims of this dread malady. Scarcely a public gathering of years ago failed to produce that hacking, awful cough from some quarter of a room. It is the excep- tion now. And why? Simply be- cause the public is being taught that it can be conquered, stamped out en- tirely and the good samaritans who have been teaching all these years are calling on you to help a little. This is the season when colds and coughs, unnoticed, run into tubercu- losis. This is the season for you to be alert. Help fight it by taking care of yourself and your children, even if you can’t contribute to the fund by buying a few seals for your Christ- mas letters. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION Ee ny VOL. 64. BELLEFONTE. PA., DECEMBER 5, 1919. NO. 48. Profits of Coal Mine Owners. The dispute between coal operat- . ors and miners will not be settled un- til the statement recently made by former Secretary of the Treasury William G. McAdoo has been investi- gated and affirmed or refuted. Mr. McAdoo states that the profits of coal operators are “shocking and indefen- sible,” and have in some instances reached the larcenous proportions of two thousand per cent. The only answer to the charge thus far made, so far as current information goes, is that Mr. McAdoo has been revealing secrets of the government. That is a mighty disappointing response to an exceedingly grave charge. It seems to the average mind like a confession of the truth of the accusation. Mr. McAdoo’s source of informa- tion is the statistics of the govern- ment with respect to incomes. Such records are certainly not “govern- ment secrets.” The records of the United States’ Treasury are public and should be available to any one who has interest in or curiosity about the subject. If they show that the owners of coal mines have been over- charging the consumers of coal to the extent of taking down profits of 2000 per cent. the public has a right to know all about it. The burglar, how- ever successful, has committed no greater crime against the victims of his predatory operations ‘than this and those guilty of it should be held up to popular scorn everywhere. The demand of the coal miners for a sixty per cent. increase in wages and a six hour day is raw indeed when | it is known that they are now being paid, and have been for two years, on a scale entirely out of proportion to what other skilled labor, in the com- munities: in which. the mines are lo- cated, has received. And the miners’ claim that they are really permitted to work .no more than six hours a day: is wholly without foundation. There are only two things that deter them from working longer: Their own re- fusal and an occasional shortage of cars at the mines. Mr. McAdoo’s statement is prede- cated on the profits made'in 1917 when coal reached a price of seven and eight dollars a ton, but that was only for a Short period and even that inured little: to a lot of operators who had ‘contracts ‘for almost their entire production at far lower prices: and were honorable enough to fulfill them. It will be recalled that within a very short time after prices began to soar. the government stepped in and fixed the price of coal so that profits in 1918 and 1919 have not been so shock- ing as the public may be led to believe by Mr. McAdoo’s half a truth. He should promptly qualify his re- cent statement, for as long as it stands the miners will believe that all of the operators are profiteering as a few. of them did in 1917 and will e- main unreasonable in their demands. ——Of course every man has a right to quit work if he wants to but by the same token the fellow who wants to work has some right to self- determination, too. Why You Should Support the Cross Seal Sale. The Christmas Red Cross seal sale, which formally began on Monday, December 1st, should have the cordial support of this community as it is a practical means: of helping not only the fight against tuberculosis but against other contagious diseases. Tuberculosis causes one-seventh of all the deaths in the world and $100,- 000,000 represents the outlay of pub- Red lic ‘and. private . funds now necessary in caring ‘for tuberculous patients. In Pennsylvania, 10,000 die annually from this disease and the comparative : cost to this State for one year as'com- pared with the annual value of certain agricultural products was: Tuberculosis COStE. oS 035,000.000 Value of hay and forage (over). 35,000,000 Dairy products ... 000 09, 5 Corn (over) 20.000, Wheat (over) Oats (over) Orchard products ... Potatoes (nearly) Tobacco (nearly) Seventy-eight per cent. of the mon- ey derived from the sale of Christ- mas seals will be spent in our own community to improve the public health by health education, by modern health crusade work, by care of the tuberculous and such other measures as shall be considered most efficacious by the local committee, co-operating with the state society for prevention of tuberculosis. The modern health crusade work in the public schools is known to our readers through the several reports published in the “Watchman” and has been financed from former seal sales. If you invest in these Christmas seals it means that you are putting money into public health work here at home and no bet- ter investment for your money could be found. A cent will buy one seal, $5, $10, $25, will buy health bonds. Clearfield and Huntingdon counties have ordered 800,000 seals, means $3,000 for these counties. Don’t let them beat Centre county! Promise of a Pretty Fight. There is promise of a lovely fight : between the Republican factions of Pennsylvania in the near future, if statements recently published in the leading newspapers are dependable. It appears that Mr. Joe Grundy, who is the leading spirit in the Manufac- turers’ club of Philadelphia, has some real or imaginary grievance against the Hon. William E. Crow, chairman of the Republican State committee, president pro tem of the State Senate and pussy-footer extraordinary for all the factions of the party in the State. Why Grundy should have a quarrel with Crow is inexplicable for Crow quarrels with nobody and works over time and all the time toting ol- | “ive branches around to compose the differences of others. But there is a fight on between these distinguished leaders of the Re- | publican machine, and, according to! the press reports, it is not only to the ! knife but to the last ditch, and, if we may be pardoned for the solecism, “then some.” Grundy being the most liberal contributor to the party slush fund imagines that he ought to have his own way in everything and Crow, being a diplomat as well as a states- man, took issue with him during the last session of the General Assembly on certain measures relating to labor legislation. But Crow manifested a rather strong friendship for Vare in his recent reverses which sort of alienated Penrose and left him expos- ed to the merciless vengeance of Grundy. As Sir Roger O’Triger would say “it is a pretty fight” and if it contin- ues may result in‘ vast improvement in political morals. There is a time honored adage that “when rogues fall out honest men come by their own,” and in an alliance between Grundy and Penrose on one side and Vare and Crow on the other, there is presented the prospect of battle that will: make Thermopala look like a Sunday school pienic tennis contest. It is hard to | imagine a break between Crow and Penrose, for Crow has been the Pen- rose cat’s paw for many years. But Grundy has been the revenue produc- er for an equally .long period and there you ‘are. “Home without. a mother” is a paradise compared with a political machine . without a pay- master. ir ah -——The King of Italy is talking of making a visit to this country and however he comes he will receive a royal welcome. But he would better come soon or he may come as a pri- vate citizen. Crowns are sitting un- easily on royal heads these days. = |! Indictment of Senator Newberry. The indictment of United States Senator, Truman H. Newberry, in the ! Federal court at Grand Rapids, Mich- | igan, seems like a tardy act of jus- | tce. Newberry was elected Senator | in Congress over Henry Ford, the! Demccratic nominee, by a small ma- President Wilson’s Message. President Wilson’s annual message, prepared in an invalid’s chair, shows the mental vigor of a master mind. He appeals to Congress with the force of an earnest purpose to remedy the evils present and those impending and points the way in plainly laid lines. He asks for the establishment of a budget system for financing the government, an improvement in the tax system, the readjustment of the | tariff system, relief for veterans of the recent war, fostering of the infant dye-stuff industry, improvement of conditions for farmers and the adop- tion of measures which “will remove ! the causes of political and industrial restlessness in our body politic.” In most of these things he repeats | recommendations made at the open- ing of the special session of Congress more than six months ago which have been ignored for partisan reasons. For example in reference to the 're- lief of veterans he says “I can do no better than quote from my last mes- sage.” Referring to tariff legislation he declares “I beg to call your atten- tion to the statements contained in my last message.” In the matter of food control he says “I renew and strongly urge the necessity of the ex- tension of the present food control act as to the time in which it shall re- main in operation.” Referring to cold storage he writes, “I also renew my recommendations that the Con- gress pass a law regulating cold stor- age,” and so on. All these recommendations have been ignored by Congress during sev- en months of a do-nothing session be- cause the leaders of the Republican majority in both branches imagined that political advantage would accrue to their party by the continuance of the evils they were intended to abate and the country is suffering because of this perverse policy and criminal neglect of official duty. The President in each instance pointed out the pro- cess of correction and in his present admirable message lays down the lines which will lead not only to speedy but permanent relief and en- during restoration of prosperity. He refers to the peace treaty only casu- ‘but promises a full ‘discussion of that later. — Senator. Lodge seems eager. to renew his fight on the covenant of the League of Nations and he is welcome to all the enjoyment he gets out of it. But he should remember that “pride goeth before a fall.” Senator Lodge’s Reasons. Senator Lodge acknowledges that enmity against President Wilson in- fluenced him to oppose the peace treaty. “I am fighting President Wil- son,” he said to a Washington corres- pondent the other day, adding, “that much I am willing to admit.” Why he is fighting the President is left to conjecture. It is certainly not be- cause the President has been discour- Friday, December Fifth, Designated by Governor Sproul as Tuberecu- losis Day in the Schools. “This is everybody’s fight,” writes Dr. Thomas E. Finegan, State Com- | Inissjoner of Education, in appealing ! to 44,000 school teachers in Pennsyl- | vania to bring the tuberculosis fight land the attendant Christmas seal sale : to the attention of their pupils on Red | Cross Seal day in the schools today, i December 5th. The fight particularly concerns the { school of today because its success or failure is of first importance to the community of tomorrow,” declares : Dr. Finegan. 5 . . The commissioner also urges exam- "ination of children and proper treat- | ment for youthful victims of the white ! plague. | Dr. Finegan’s letter to all school | superintendents follows: | “Honorable William G. Sproul, Gov- 'ernor of the Commonwealth, has des- ignated Friday, December 5th, 1919, ; to be observed as Tuberculosis day in i the schools of the State. The Gover- i nor suggests in the statement made i by him that the schools give special | instruction in regard to the white | plague menace and that the teachers should explain how the public can aid in preventing the spread of this dis- ease and in ultimately stamping ‘it i out altogether. The Governor says: { “Only when the public is fully in- { formed concerning its part in the fight "against tuberculosis will it be possi- ble to cause the reduction in the an- nual tuberculosis death rate that | those now engaged in the tuberculosis ! work confidently hope for. |" “No State in the union has been i more aggressive than Pennsylvania in the fight it has made against tubercu- losis. The fact that a nation-wide ob- servance of Tuberculosis day is possi- i ble, is, in a considerable measure, due | to the influence of the tuberculosis program in our Commonwealth. “It would be entirely proper to : make a powerful appeal to the per- « sonal interest and public duty of chil- dren in the school and to bring home | to every individual some pertinent questions, for example: i | of the ten “Are you going to be one thousand Pennsylvanians who die in a year of tuberculosis? Are you will- ing to be one of the seventy-five thousand sufferers from this white | plague? Or are you going to be one | of the eight million Pennsylvanian; i help stamp out this menace tu ! happiness in the next‘ten years? /* i “This is everybody's fight. XT: person who is so negligent orgso iin- ‘fortunate as to contract the disease does not suffer alone. . He threatens the life and happiness of his family and his friends. He is a menace to the public on the streets, in. public conveyances, in school and church, and at the movie or other places of amusement. The fight, then, partic- ularly concerns the school of" today because its success or failure is of first importance to the community of tomorrow. y “This is a proper time to have an examination of every child who has any of the usual symptoms of this disease. The medical inspector of voir district should be requested to make an examination of each child who shows any of the symptoms of such disease. Provision should be to. apy wignway from Wrightsville to the Adams. jority, but at great expense to him- made for supplying each of these. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE, —Mr. and Mrs. Philip Heimer celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Satur day at their home in Beech Creek townm- ship, Clinton county. —Ellis McCracken, a hotelkeeper im Clearfield county was arrested Tuesday om a charge of violation of the wartime pro- hibition act. He furnished $2000 bail for his appearance at federal court at Pitts burgh, at the next session. His hotel is located at Madera, Clearfield county. ‘—For the first time in many years Mif- flin county criminal court did not have & jury trial at its regular session two weeks ago, all the jurors being sent home; their services not being required. The county jail is empty and there has not been a prisoner in the city lockup for five months. —The Brumbaugh distillery in Bedford county, was robbed some time late Sun- day night or Monday morning, the thieves making away with three barrels of bond~ ed whiskey. The value of the whiskey is placed at between $500 and $600. This is the third time that the distillery has been robbed recently. —The valuable papers and magazines donated to Juniata College by Mrs. B. F. Africa, of Harrisburg, in memory of the late Hon. J. Simpson Africa, were receiv~ ed a few days ago and are now in the Col- lege library, where local historians und others will have the privilege of looking them cver for data and information. -—Scores of old horses that have passed their days in usefulness have been killed in, Indiana county this fall, by their own- ers, who skin the animals and sell the hides, at from $10 to $15. Too high cost of feed and the possibility of the weather becoming colder most any time as well ag the good market for hides is said to be responsible for this move. —Three officials of the Pittsburgh Su- gar company, accused of charging unrea- sonable wholesale prices for sugar have been held for the May term of the federal district court by United States Commis~ sioner Knox. The bill of complaint alleg- es sugar was sold wholesale at 13 cents & pound. The men are George L. Dowd, Benjamin Block and E. F. Adams. —The Rev. George W. Lutz, of Penns- burg, preacher, editor and orator of ‘the Perkiomen valley, lost his watch. A pig ate it. He was leaning over the fence of a pigpen at a neighboring farm and was commenting on the points of: the stock within when his timepiece fell from hig vest and into the sty. He discovered the loss just as a healthy porker was taking a final gulp. —The lobby of the Hotel Weber, of Lancaster, the gathering place for hun- dreds of farmers and traveling men, was adorned on Monday with signs reading “For Guests Only. Others Pay 10 Cents.” Samuel R. Weber, proprietor of the hotel, said that since prohibition became a guest at his house “the gang” had moved from the bar to the lobby, and that hereafter chairs in his lobby will be rented for a dime. —In memory of fallen soldiers and sail- ors from York city and county in the world war, trees are being planted along the Lincoln highway by the Woman's club of York. The first tree was placed at the residence of Mrs. Ralph S. Cannon. It is planned to plant about 2,500 of these trees and permission has already been granted by property holders along the Lincoln "county line. | “Lore than a million dollars will be | distributed this month to the school dis- “tricts of the State, mainly to the smaller and rural districts. Payments of the war- j rants has been progressing at the State . Treasury, although not many of the cities s have received their funds. State boards | will meet this week to complete the in- vestment of state funds in the state's own road bonds. { With the rise in prices of furs of all | kinds, a number of Lancaster countians . | have started skunk farms. There have | been several small skunk farms in that | county for a number of years, but, with prices in New York going as high as $9 per skin, some farmers have come to the conclusion that the profit outweighs the . risks. They claim that after a short time the skunks become as tame as tabbies, and that they can be fondled without dan- ger. : A —The State Supreme court on Monday * which * spelling. self or his friends. vits of campaign expenditures showed a total of nearly $200,000 expended in his behalf. As the law limits the ex- penditures to less than one-twentieth of that amount, corruption was pal- pable. But a Senatorial committee instructed to investigate the matter was unable to fasten culpability upon the Senator. The committee sat in New York and the witnesses in Mich- igan refused to obey summonses. Because of this obvious miscarriage of justice the Department of Justice in Washington instituted an investi- gation. at Grand Rapids, on Saturday, of Sen- ‘ator Newberry and 133 of. his friends and supporters, for conspiracy to de- fraud and other offenses. Among the accused is Senator Newberry’s broth- er, who admits that he contributed $99,000.00 to the corruption fund. Others are accused of contributing more than the law allowed, with the knowledge that the money was to be used for illegal purposes and still others are charged with using the money to bribe voters and in other ways debauch the ballot box. It is said the evidence against them is overwhelming. . Last year the Republican leaders set out to carry the Congressional elections then and the Presidential election next year by bribery and fraud. The Newberry orgie was sim- ply an example of their methods. Not only he, but several other Senators and Representatives in Congress were elected by the use of flood-tides of money. It is now asserted that a fund of $100,000,000 has been subscribed by special interests in the industrial and corporate systems of the country. This is a greater evil than any other menacing. It is an assault upon the foundations of the government. The arrest and prosecution of Senator Newberry may afford the remedy. In that hope the prosecution should be earnest and energetic. ———The only difference between Socialism and . Bolshevism is in the The sworn affida- | The result is the indictment, teous to him for the contrary may ‘easily be proved. It can hardly be for the reason that the President has ; discriminated against Mr. Lodge’s party in choosing men for war activi- : ties for more than half those selected weré formerly Republicans. As a ‘matter of fact the reasons for Sena- | tor Lodge’s enmity are purely per- sonal. : i But the effect of Senator Lodge’s | enmity against the President was not personal. It was general, national and world-wide. As~-Senator Lodge in malicious pride stated on the day the special session adjourned, it “kill- ed the treaty” for a time, and possi: bly placed the United States in the at- titude of an “outlaw nation” for a considerable period. It prevented the fulfillment of the hope of the world for permanent peace and the lifting from civilization the burdens of arm- ament and the fears of the horrors of war. It defeated the purposes for which the country engaged in the wax and sacrificed thousands of precious lives. It increased popular discontent and prolonged industrial paralysis. But it served the sinister purpose of feeding the vanity of a contempti- ble malignant obsessed with the im- portance of his ancestors and unable to realize the degeneracy of their pro- geny. It filled the senile mind of a mischievous egotist with a false im- pression of achievement and an ab- surd notion of power. That was probably sufficient recompense for him. Noxious growths require little nourishment and Lodge can subsist during the remaining years of his worthless life on the crumbs that may come to him from profiteers of war materials and munition makers. They had a more substantial reason for de- feating the peace treaty than he and they owe him for whatever comes to them through it. ——Governor Coolidge, of Massa- chusetts, made a great hit in his cour- | ageous treatment of the policemen’s stnke in Boston. But it won't get _hita much favor among the leaders of "his own party. all cases where the home may not be able to provide such treatment the nurses and school visitors should fol- | low up such cases.” “Fighting President Wilson.” From the New York World. “I am fighting President Wilson,” says Senator Lodge in an interview printed a few days ago. “That I am : willing to acknowledge.” : | This is frank and truthful. Sena- tor Lodge is fighting President Wil- son, and he has lost sight of every- thing else. mated at $338,000,000,000 and the number of dead at approximately 10,- 000,000, and responsible statesmen are everywhere agreed that if civili- zation does not prevent war, war will destroy civilization; but all this has only an academic Cabot Lodge. What he is concerned about is fighting the President of the United States. : In order to fight the President it is necessary to fight the treaty of peace; it is necessary to add to the political turmoil and confusion of Europe; it is necessary to keep the United States and the rest of the belligerents in a state of war indefinitely and delay every measure of reconstruction. To Senator Lodge this is merely inciden- tal to the duty of fighting President Wilson. What Will the Government Do? From the Philadelphia Record. What the government will do if Mexico still refuses to surrender Jen- kins we do not know, and do not choose to guess. But it is not likely that the government sent the last two notes without a perfectly definite plan of action, for Carranza is stubborn as well as stupid, and the refusal of Mexico had to be reckoned with, Of course, the Jenkins case is only one of a long series; if it were alone we! would take the word of Mexico, but it is not alone, es even when it wishes to do right. —Christmas is less than three weeks off. Are you ready for it? = children with proper treatment and in ! The total cost of the war: _ directly and indirectly has been esti- interest to Henry and we have had too | much experience with Mexico’s words to trust its good faith or its resourc- ! dismissed the petition of Daniel S. Brum- baugh, recently defeated for mayor of Al- | toona on the face of the returns, asking for a certiorari and an immediate hearing in the election case. The court also dis- missed a petition by Brumbaugh asking for a mandamus on Judge Baldridge, of | Blair county, directing him to order a re- count of the returns of the election. The certificate of election will now be issued te Charles E. Rhodes. | —While Harvey Varner was crossing the | mountain at Blacklog, Juniata county, he - I saw an animal that resembled a fox go in- i to a hole among some rocks. Getting a * stick ‘he poked into the hele and a wildcat came out with a blood-curdling yell and struck at his face. Varner thought his time had come. Fortunately the animal # missed him and went down the mountain side at a mile-a-minute gait. Varner says he is done hunting wild animals with only a stick as a weapon. —Children may attend school from hous- es placarded for whooping cough only when they have had the disease. That is ‘to say such children may attend school when the records of their health authori- ties show that they had whooping cough during some previous school term or when they present to the teacher or principal a certificate from their attending physician, endorsed by the county medical director or the physician of the board of health of the borough in which they propose to at- tend school stating that they have had whooping cough during the present school year and are fully recovered. —-The trouble was they didn’t catch the difference between square feet and feet square, and Pittsburghers who bought land from a suave Texan recently—there are said to have been about 200—would like to see him again. The Texan explain- ed he had bought twenty acres of land at a low price, and it had become immensely valuable through development of the Ran- ger oil field. He was selling parcels of 400 square feet, not more than that to any one person. The twenty acres were sold in two weeks, buyers paying from $250 to $500. The purchasers were chiefly wash- | women, chauffeurs and laborers. Each thought he was getting 400 feet square. The Texan gave them that impression, and each expected to become independent- ly wealthy. Now it turns out that each got 400 square feet, and that each parcel is so narrow that an oil derrick couldn't . be built on it. agi