£% Demoreaic Jalan, INK SLINGS. —We had lots to be thankful for yesterday, but it wasn’t turkey that made us feel that way. ——Dr. Garfield * always begins wrong. He wants to give the miners all they ask and the operators what- ever they think they want and saddle the cost of all on the public. —Reading’s treatment of Jim Maurer and his radical friends was rather heroic, but just what they de- served. The sooner we stop feeding the dog that is biting us the quicker we'll get rid of him. —The census enumerator will soon be on his rounds. You can make his work easy or hard, useful or useless according as you give him the facts he will be required to gather, cheer- fully and accurately. —Anyway the fellow who paid for- ty five cents a pound for turkey for vesterday’s dinner is poorer and doesn’t feel a bit better today than those of us who had a turkey appe- tite but only a chicken pocketbook. —Talking about increased produc- tion, we're very much interested in that just now. The “Watchman” is sorely in need of an increased produc- tion of mazuma by those who read it every place but the label that tells them that their subscription has ex- pired. —Sure. If we carry the peace treaty and the League covenant into the next presidential campaign every secret sympathizer with Germany will be found voting the Republican ticket. Some of them have already started doing it right here in Centre county. —1Islam’s prophet is out in a pro- nunciamento to the effect that drink- ing made the Turks bad. Possibly it did, but how fortunate that none of the rest of the world took to drinking the kind of stuff that made them want to butcher helpless, inoffensive Ar- menians. —XKentucky has voted dry on a pro- hibition amendment to the state con- stitution. Marsa Henry Watterson might well add another chapter to his recent “Looking Backward.” The blue grass country was ever lovely under the mellowing influence of bourbon and julep and the veteran journalist should not write “finis” to his latest reminiscent work until he has sung their ‘swan song. —From now until the first of the New Year we are going to permit each one of our readers to send in the names of as many new subscribers to the “Watchman” as they care to. The only condition being that one dollar and a half in regular money, or its equivalent, must be sent for each rame on the list. While it is our present intention to terminate thistun-’ precedented offer on January 1st next if, at that time, there appears to be a great clamor to have it continued in- definitely we will consider the matter with open mind. —Organized labor having decided to enter the political field with a na- tional labor platform and candidate for President the “Watchman’s” sur- mise of two years ago has come true. Immediately following the adjourn- ment of the great meeting at Buffalo to which President Wilson hurried to speak a word of patriotism to labor, this paper predicted that the day would not be far distant when organ- ized labor would be a thorn in the flesh of both of the great political par- ties. And with the labor organiza- tions drifting into the control of rad- ical socialists it required not a long look into the future to see a coales- cence of Democrat and Republican to save the overthrow of the govern- ment by radicalism. In name only is the American Federation of Labor American. Foreign fanatics of all "isms are “boring from within” its or- ganization until it is so honey comb- ed with the most dangerous objectives that even the true Americans who are affiliated with it seem to be no longer able to hold its course true to the principles that called it into existence. —State Highway Commissioner Sadler, in announcing that the asso- ciation of his name with the guber- natorial nomination in 1922 is very distasteful to him, took the opportu- nity to state that his “department has been divorced from politics.” At the time of Mr. Sadler’s appointment the “Watchman” predicted a very capa- ble administration of the department, for it knew him to be the type of man who would not permit political favor- itism to hamper the great plans for highway improvement which Gover- nor Sproul announced were to be car- ried to completion through him. If what we have heard recently concern- ing the attitude of certain of the em- ployess of Mr. Sadler’s department, in this district, is to be credited it would appear that he was not well advised when he spoke so positively of his de- partment’s divorce from politics. A story is in circulation here that a young employee, a Republican at that, was peremptorily discharged because he unwittingly recounted an old griev- ance he had against one of the Re- publican candidates for office in Cen- tre county at the recent election. The young man asked for the cause of his dismissal and was told that no such disloyalty would be tolerated. Of course Mr. Sadler is not supposed to have his finger on every one of the thousands of men in his employ and we are not absolutely certain of the truth of the incident related, but if it is so it would seem that the chief had better be sure of his ground before making such positive statements. Ny 5 Re STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION VOL. 64. BELLE FONTE. PA.. NOVEMBER 28, 1919. NO. 47. given great satisfaction “It is a tremendous moral victory for Schuecking, who was a member of the German peace delegation declares. “The longer the Senate debates the treaty the better chance Americans will have to acequaint themselves with. the true inwardness of this pernicious document,” he continues. Plainly the United States refuses to ratify the treaty and enter into the League of revived in Germany and that accom- the cause of universal peace,” Herr’ hope of Germany is that while the: Nations, the military spirit may be Germany the Only Beneficiary. . College Chums Helping Each Other. | The failure of the United States’ Senate to ratify the peace treaty has’) Boston Governor Sproul pronounced a the peace treaty the paramount issue in Berlin.’ ; In an address recently delivered in most flattering eulogy to his college | chum, the Hon. A. Mitchell Palmer, Attorney General of the United States. A few days later, in Phila- delphia, Mr. Palmer praised his col- lege chum, the Hon. William C. Sproul, Governor of Pennsylvania, in equally generous terms. In the news- papers of the State on Monday morn- ing an announcement appeared to the effect that “Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, who has been stay- ing at the home of Governor William C. Sproul, near Chester, since Friday, is rapidly recovering from his fa- plished the reopening of hostilities tigue and will leave for his home at would be easily within the range of | Stroudsburg or Atlantic City on possibilities. | Tuesday.” No interest other than that of Ger-| In the same newspapers of the many could be conserved by the fail-1 same date we get the information ure to ratify the treaty. First it is | that Governor Sproul has chosen At- essential to the process of levying in- | torney General Palmer a member of demnities and exacting reparations: the State Commission on Constitu* Accept Foreign Challenge. Senator Lodge’s challenge to make in the coming Presidential campaign ought to be accepted promptly and cheerfully by the Democratic manag- ers. The treaty represents the best thoughts of the ablest men of the civ- ilized world. It is a product of months of labor unselfishly given in the interests of humanity. It may not be perfect for the best human en- deavor falls short of perfection. But it is the best that could be obtained in the circumstances. There were many interests, some conflicting slightly and some diametrically oppo- site, to reconcile and the treaty is a compromise of these conflicting aspi- rations and purposes. It may be said, therefore, that the instrument is the best that could be got and that being true it ought to have been ratified promptly. Besides the purpose it is intended to fulfill ! “Government by Injunction.” From the DuBois Express. i . Labor leaders continue to clamor intemperately against what they de- seribe as judicial bondage against | enslavements by the courts and the | restriction of their liberties through ‘decrees of Federal judges on the bench. The proceedings brought by the government to halt the strike of bituminous coal miners is made the ‘basis for the lamentations and the i warnings which now arise from the i ranks of labor spokesmen. Honest and law-abiding working- i men throughout the country should ;not be misled by these outbursts. i They should be made to understand, lif possible, that the Federal govern- . ment is not seeking to bind and gag | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. | —The Public Service Commission has or- dered the Lock Haven Suburban Water company, to make extensions in Fleming- ! ton and Mill Hall boroughs to improve fa- ! cilities there. | —Seven tons of steel wire are required to manufacture the weekly output of mice and rat traps in Lititz, and with the steel strike on and the production of metal re- | stricted the rats and mice of the land are | having even as good a time as when the cats.are away. —PFire destroyed the original buildings of the Reading Stove works, owned by Orr Painter and company, early on Sunday. The loss was estimated at $200,000, chiefly in the building furnishings and in molds used in the manufacture of stoves and stored in the building. —Contracts for the construction of two sections of state road in Clearfield ‘county were awarded last week by Highway Com- missioner Sadler to Gifford & Pritchard, of Philipsburg, one being for 11,222 feet at Osceola for $97,224 and the other for 5,400 feet near Madera, for $56,569. —dJoseph Morey, of Towanda, enjoys telling of his good luck while his neigh- bors’ mouths water. Seeing bees going in a knot hole of the siding of his home, he took off a few boards and extracted there- from sixty pounds of fine honey. In the present sugar shortage this is not to be sneezed at. —F. P. Drake, aged seventy years, died at Shintown, near Renovo, Monday, at the home of his mother, Mrs. Nancy Drake, | who is more than one hundred years old. | them; that it is not invoking the | Drake was the first mail carrier in the | power of the courts to force men to | Kettle Creek district. He served West- | work against their will or their | port, Cross Fork, Germania and interme- ish; that it is not abridging their | Ste ronis when twas caried on hose iperiies or estroyin eir natural | : : and constitutional yn as Ameri- | round trip through the wilderness. can citizens. —In connection with the election contest The injunction sought and granted | for inspector at Mill Hall, Judge McCor- Every intelligent person realizes that promptness is the most important feature of reparation. The people in France and Belgium whose homes were destroyed and lands devastated need the reparation that will be awarded to them at once in order to set them on their feet to resume work. But until the peace treaty is put in force nothing can be done in the way of reparations. Germany owes the money and the sufferers need it. Buf so long as the restoration of peace is delayed Germany will keep the mon- ey and the victims of German cruelty and fiendishness will continue to suf- fer. t Of course, Senator Lodge had the interests of Germany in mind when he proposed . a separate peace with Germany. In the beginning of the world war the Allies solemnly agreed that neither of them would make a separate peace with Germany and up- on entering into the conflict this country accepted this condition. To make a separate peace with Germany, therefore, would be an act of perfidy to all those dssociated with us in the obligations. .But that would make no difference toi Senator Lodge who ap- pears to be a moral pervert obsessed “with his own importance and blind to war, as well as a betrayal of moral tional Amendment and revision, pro- vided for by the General Assembly during its recent session. Six other Democrats are named out of the twen- ty-five members of the Commission, all except one corporation lawyers | and all obedient followers of Mr. Pal- mer and supporters of his various ambitions. The inference may be I drawn, in view of these facts, that {the Damon and Pythias relationship nians is welded by something more substantial than sentiment. At least it is made an instrument of mutual advantage. In the campaign for Governor last year Mr. Palmer, in the capacity of member of the Democratic National committeeman, scuttled the Demo- cratic ship in the interest of his col- lege chum, William C. Sproul, who was the opposing candidate. Mr. Pal- mer set up an absurd charge against the Democratic candidate to justify his perfidy but deceived nobody who i was not anxious to be fooled. He bolted the Democratic candidate and supported the Republican candidate because he believed he would have more influence with his college chum in office than with a man who had should and would recommend it to all | against the coal strikers was a pro- except vicious minds. It is intended | ceeding to outlaw an unjustifiable between the distinguished Pennsylva- his moral and mental measure accu- {rately charted. But the Democrats of every consideration of honor. The | Pennsylvania are not likely to put a people of the country are not in sym- | premium on perfidy by honoring him pathy with such conduct however. : this year. di : t 8 ————— Ir : 1 ? ; It is estimated that enforcing | -——Getting rid of the Reds is all the prohibition law will cost the gov- | right, and by whatever process is nec- ernment $4,000,000 a year and reduce | essary, but getting rid of radicals in the revenue nearly that much. But |the United States Senate is equally saloon league. : Industrial “Conditions Improving. bor strikes within the last year and they have cost the country vast sums of money. But so far as we have been able to find out none of them has succeeded. The reasons for this fact are plain and plenty. The public believed that most of the strikes were. without just cause and.the. popular withheld from the strikers. This is conspicuously true of the two great the miners. some cause of complaint in the auto- cratic attitude of the head of the Steel trust. But the untimely miners’ strike was alike illegal, from the ox- ganization standpoint, and without cause, : It is estimated that the steel work- ers strike cost the country $250,000,-, 000, of which amount the Pittsburgh district lost $30,000,000. The loss in wages may be safely estimated to be two-thirds of the whole amount, and the loss is irretrievable. The mill owners lost some business and consid- erable profit but the machinery and materials are there. But the opera- tives cannot recover the time lost or the cost of their living during the per- iod of idleness.’ Like the water that beyond recovery and what is worse the future is mortgaged to pay. the Even a victory leaves the balance sheet of a strike in grave doubt. ! The strikes of the past year were untimely, moreover, for the reason that the country has been in no con- dition to stand the strain of indus- trial paralysis. Emerging from a war, the greatest and most expensive in the history of the world, the quick- ening and strengthening of industry normal state. Upon this country rests the obligation to supply devas- tated Europe with food stuffs until its own facilities and resources are restored and we could not fulfill those obligations with idle industries. But we may now hope for a renewal of the industrial life of the‘country and hope that in future strikers will have public sympathy with them. ——The defeat of the peace treaty wrecks all hopes of the commercial supremacy of this country. ator Iodge has no interest in com- mercial pursuits. it was a famous victory for the anti«’ "| dangerous as the other and “consist- There have been a great many la- sympathy essential to success was: strikes, those of the steel workers and. The steel workers had has gone over the dam, lost time is debts incurred while it ‘was passing. were needed to restore conditions to a | But Sen- | i important. One of these is about as ency is a jewel.” Will Hays’ New Scheme. That the Republican party is abso- lutely destitute of principles is plain- ly revealed by a recent action of Mr. Will Hays, chairman of its National committee. He has sent a form letter sions. concerning public sentiment on current questions, to serve as a guide in drafting the platform of the party for the coming presidential cam- paign. The idea is to make the party pledges suit the requirements of the voters, regardless, of course, of pre- vious party policies. It is a sort of commercial scheme in which the dom- inant thought is the aim to please. “If you don’t see what you want, ask for it.” Senator Lodge, obviously during posed making the ratification of the peace treaty the issue of the cam- paign. Mr. Hays, who is not a fool, discerned disaster in that proposition, lar opinion through inquiry by Con- j gressmen. It is a good deal more { promising scheme than that proposed by Lodge but it certainly shows an absence of party principle. It clearly indicates that the party managers are willing to stand for anything that is popular at the moment whether it be for the public good or not. Bolshe- vism or Bourbonism have equal { chances of adoption. It all depends i upon the state of the public mind at | the time of the inquiry. 1 As a matter of fact for the past | half dozen years the Republican par- | ty has been aimlessly drifting like a ship at sea without rudder or motive power. Demagogues like Sherman, i of Illinois, or imbeciles like Lodge, of Massachusetts, have been leading the party from one blunder to another in the hope that in the passage a popu- lar current may be found that will convey it into a safe anchorage. Will Haws, an adventurer, who has noth- ing to lose and hopes that much may be gained, has at last pinned his faith upon the prospect of riding into pow- er on the crest of some popular wave. He is welcome to all he may get out of such an enterprise. It promises | little and deserves less. ——1It begins to look as if the j Presidential boom of General Leon- ard Wood had got lost in the shuffle. to every Senator and Congressman of | that party faith to make inquiry dur- ing their brief time between the ses- | Under a law passed by the last | one of his periods of dementia, pro- and suggested the sounding of popu- : to obviate future wars for all time and the worst enemy it had in or out of the Senate could not deny that it would have in some measure accom- plished that result. Such an organi- zation is admittedly the only means of attaining that end. The defeat of | the League of Nations, therefore, is equivalent to a declaration in favor of war with its attendant horrors, cruel- ties and suffering. There are only two sides to the question. In defeating the ratification of the peace treaty and proposing to make that action an issue in the campaign Senator Lodge reveals the motives that have influenced the Republican Senators during the six months of their contention inthe Senate. They want wars and rumors of wars to keep the munition makers busy and give profiteers plenty of. opportunity to -:loot. Mr. Lodge’s rich friends in New Eng- land will grow richér if there are large armies in camps and canton- ments to feed and clothe. And Mr. Lodge’s rich friends, like Mr. Lodge himself, care more for the profits of business than for the prosperity of rand an illegal act on the part of the miners’ representatives. The gov- | ernment, under its war powers, pro- { hibited any conspiracy on the part ; of two or more men in this country | to limit the production of food and ‘fuel. A special act of Congress, passed by the united vote of Republi- cans and Democrats alike, makes it unlawful for men to organze tc lim- great basic commodities of life. They did not contend that their act were in force, but contended that the act had ceased to operate since over. But the courts and the gov- not over and will not terminate until a peace proclamation has been issued by the President. The food control act is as much in effect as war-time prohibition or any other war measure. i his fixed opposition to what labor re- fers to as “government by injunc- tion.” He has fought that sort of thing all of his public life, he adds. | He does not believe that a private | employer has a right to demand of a | court a restraining order which pre- | vents employees from quitting ‘their ‘work whenever they choose to quit. it the output of food and fuel, the strike order would be lawful, if the in their judgment the war now is ernment itself insist that the war is | The Attorney General has declared | mick, at Lock Haven, has is ued an order to Sheriff Rathgeber to secure the ballot box and hold it in his possession until called for, which indicates that the box may be opened for the purpose of examin- ing the ballots. The petitioners for the contest have filed bonds in the sum of $200 to guarantee payments of the costs of the contest. —At three o'clock Sunday morning twe men walked into a restaurant at Franklin, Pa., and bought a penny bex of matches. ‘When the waiter opened the cash register both men drew revolvers and demanded all the money it contained. The waiter gave it to them, $95, and the robbers departed. Neither the waiter nor another employee’ in the rear of the room recognized the rob- . bers, who are thought to have been stran- . | gers, They have eluded capture sa far. —Mrs. Linnie Decker, of Towanda, is be- ing held by the state police under suspi- { cion that she administered the poison : which killed Perry Denson, : 84 year old i Civil war veteran, of Laceyville, last { Thursday. She says that the old. gentle- {| man ate some canned peas and was taken | sick. Physicians say that he did not die | of that kind of poisoning and declare that | some one mixed the death fluid.in his ' food. A hottle of bisulphate of mercury was found in the house. i 1 | —John G. Dengier, of Berks county, be- | gan his career as a school teacher in 1857, | ana, with “the exception of four years’ the people. They are selfish seekers If employers should have such power | service in the war, has been teaching ever after, personal advantage at any price. In a decision handed down by chairman Ainey at noon on Wed- nesday the Public Service Commission refused the application of the Bell Telephone company to keep the fed- eral rates in effect after December 1st and orders the company to return to the rates established by the Com- mission in 1917, and which will expire | April 1st, 1920. In his decision chair- | man Ainey said that “the evidence as ‘to the financial condition and pros- pective revenues submitted by the company is not sufficient to convince the Commission of the necessity of the increase prayed for,” but adds that “if the future reveals necessity for | rate adjustment prompt relief canbe readily secured and will be granted.” Legislature candidates for office who did not receive any contributions for campaign expenses nor make any dis- bursements are not required to file any’ statement of expenses. Under the old law all candidates were re- quired to file a statement, but if the amount spent was less than fifty dol- lars no itemization is required. It is a well known fact that very few, if any, borough or township candidates spend much money in their campaign, and yet under the old law they were required to file a statement that they expended “less than fifty dollars.” Under the new law this will not be necessary. -——Henry Harrison, colored, was to have been hanged in Chicago last | week, but his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. Henry’s wife did not know of his good fortune un- | til she called at the jail to have a last look at her man before he swung off. When she heard the news that he was not to be hanged at all she flew into a rage of dsappointment and cussed her luck because, as she said: “He wasa worthless coon and I’ve been keepin’ up the insurance on him for five vears.” ——1It should be held in mind that the court order was not that miners return to their work but that officers of mine labor organizations may not prevent them from returning if they want to. ——Lady Astor, who has ambitions, says that “but for women there would be no people.” True, and it may be added that if there were no men the people would be up against it like- wise. ——The Hohenzollern hopes are building high on the defeat of the League of Nations. They are talking now of an imperial republic with Dr. Helfferich as President. ——1In Huntingdon turkeys were sold for forty cents a pound, dressed. ;and the courts should rec . there would be in this cou boy eit | since. He is now in his eighty-second {year and has been retired by the State ry . ve pronounced government by injunction. | Board, and will receive a life pension i. But in the present case if is the |fronr the teachers’ retirement fund. The ' Federal government and not the coal veteran helped to educate many of the : operators which intervened to pre- | most prominent men of Berks county, and, vent a violation of statutory law. The | as he is a teacher of the old school, he no operators are not parties to the in-| doubt did some thrashing in’ the line of junction proceedings. With their in- | his work. —Andrew Mislin, of West Pittston, shot diate concern. In fact it has gone so far as to limit the price of such coal as may be produced in order that no | coal operator may possibly profit by present scarcity of fuel. 3 ‘When the mine leaders violated the law, however, they invited prosecu- tion at the hands of the government. And because they appear to have vi- olated it, believing that they had a j right to strike, they are proceeded against in the civil court rather than derstands this, the great body of workingmen should applaud a govern- ment which is unafraid. The “Steady, There!” Vote. From the New York Evening World. lost 103 seats. The Radical Socialists cialist groups put together. In the election for the Italian Chamber of Italy. It would be foolish to conclude that the world is swinging back to conservatism. But it is safe to say the challenge of Bolshevism has ad- ded enormously to what may be. call- ed in any country the “Steady, there!” vote. The “Steady there!” vote is normally a lazy vote that only shows up at the polls in force when | the boat is rocking and there is dan- ger that reckless handling may over- (turn it. The “Steady, there!” vote of course draws from other votes that go in different directions when , times are tranquil and issues not par- ticularly important. A big part of the “Steady, there!” vote, however, never comes out at all unless it sees something vital that needs prompt attention. { It was the “Steady, there!” vote { for instance, that swelled Gov. Cool- idge’s recent plurality in Massachu- | | setts to proportions that rejoiced the ' Nation. Now it strengthens Clemen- ceau against disruptive forces in , France. : Senator Lodge Angry. | From the Springfield Republican. ! It is possible that Mr. Lodge has misread his commission and misinter- preted the minds and hearts of the rank and file of his own party. If so, the results of his defiance will be to expose him as a leader who is discred- lited. Certainly there are many Re- | publicans’ of wide influence who will ! read his statement with regret, indig- { nation or dismay, according as they | assess its importance. Can it be that | Senator Lodge has become so angered iat the discovery that his proposed ' concurrent resolution to end the war! lacks the approval of constitutional lawyers in his own party, that he has { thrown judgment to the winds? terests the government has no imme- | in a criminal court. Once labor un- | In the French elections for the! Chamber of Deputies the Socialists lost 85, more than all the other So- | Deputies the Socialist candidates are reported to be losing in Southern and killed his wife because she had failed | to give him the kind of food and cooking ! he desired and because his rage got the | better of him while he was under the in- | fluence of liquor. That is the burden of the story which Mislin carried to court last Thursday in an effort to justify his crime. Mislin said he never abused hig wife, for the very good. reason that she was as tall as he and weighed seventy pounds more. But he said, Mrs. Mislin ‘had abused him, even having thrown a lamp at him. ! —-Altoona ministers. are almost as well paid as mechanics, according‘ to the re- plies to questionnaires sent to twenty-five of them. Their average annual salary is $1941, or $5.30 per day. A mechanic's pay is $5.44 per day of eight hours. Clergy- men work longer hours and every day. The average membership in the churches enumerated is 564, and they contribute the sum of $3.44..each to the pastor’s support. . The average contributions per member to all purposes is $7.80. Four times as many pastors thought the church should pro- vide automobile equipment as those who : thought not, , ——A year and six months in the western | penitentiary was the sentence given Sam- ‘uel Soliday, of DuBois, by Judge Charles Corbet, in closing Jefferson county erim- inal court. Soliday was chargéd with ag- gravated assault and battery with’ intent to kill, larceny, etc., and - the jury found him guilty. Soliday discovered a bee tree | near his home at Rochester shaft, near ! DuBois, September 12th. Before he had a chance to cut the tree Newton ' Buzzard and others commenced operations, Buzzard being shot in the back by a bullet out of the darkness. Several days later Soliday was arrested, and attempted to prove an alibi at the trial of the case. Two cous- ins testified : Soliday had admitted the shooting to them. The jury was out for eighteen hours deliberating the case before | returning with a verdict of guilty of ag- gravated assault and battery. —The brewery at Madera, Clearfield county, went out of business with the better day last July. It is a small plant, only the length and width of a few hatch- et handles, and is located down in the val- | ley in a little cluster of woods off the | main road in Dutchtown, a suburban set- | tlement of Madera. As the days length- | ened into weeks and nothing appeared that would bring back those wonderful days, the brewing plant was dismantled and deliberate stealing of the goods and chattels commenced. In the cellar was a vat, partly filled with beer, turned sour with age and exposure. This was the at- traction that brought plenty of people to the scene with buckets, kettles and kegs. After the crowd had filled their vessels they started in to fill up their stomachs. Before the vat was emptied there was a free-for-all fight that resembled a Bolshe- vik meeting, with which the local officers were not able to cope. One fellow, whose name is given as Mike Siganos, is dead, said to have been caused by drinking of I the beer. i i