Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 21, 1919, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., November 21, 1919.
— A little son was born during
the week to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kel-
leher. :
— You will find it “Fair and
Warmer” at Garman’s opera house
next Monday evening. Go and see.
— The weather was more season-
able this week and we can still look
forward to the ‘customary Indian sum-
The Ladies Aid society of the
Methodist church will hold a food sale
in Sourbeck’s store on Saturday, No-
vember 22nd. :
——Capt. “Dick” Taylor came over
from Huntingdon on Sunday to visit
his family, was taken sick and confin-
ed to the house several days with ton-
The annual memorial services
of the Bellefonte Lodge of Elks will
be held on Sunday, December 7th.
The public is invited to attend these
—— Nelson E. Robb, treasurer of
the Bellefonte Trust company, enter-
tained a number of friends last Thurs-
day evening in honor of his fiftieth
birthday anniversary.
: The. girls of the Patriotic
League are requested to meet Miss
Overton at the W. C. T. U. rooms Sat-
urday, November 22nd. All hours
during the day and evening.
The women of Bellefonte and
Centre county who dote on fancy
work now have an opportunity to
learn the - latest in" embroidery and
crocheting by consulting Mrs. Del-
monico, at the Shoemaker flats.
—Don'’t forget the Thanksgiving
market next Wednesday, November
26th, in Petrikin hall. The ladies of
the Reformed chfirch will have their
usual sdle of bread and cakes, as well
as of aprons.
‘=: George Robb had his custom-
ary big butchering on Wednesday and
a nuimber of Bellefonters were out to
assist: in disposing’ of the excellent
dinnér which is always the principal
feature of the Robb butcherings.
——Saturday was a good day for
Centre county football teams. State
College defeated Cornell by the score
of 20 to 0 and the Bellefonte Acade-
my downed the strong Mansfield Nor-
mal on Hughes field by the score of
34te 0. is
"1 The ladies. of the Methodist
church of Pleasant Gap will have on
sale: {ceicream, cake and coffee on
Thanksgiving evening, = November
27th, in the lower room of the church.
Entire Plant Went Up in Smoke En-
| tailing Loss of $200,000. New
Stee! Building to Take
Its Place.
i The airdrome on the U. S. govern-
ment aviation field in Bellefonte was
entirely destroyed by fire on Saturday
evening together with all its contents
which included four DeHaviland air-
planes, three of them new; a Curtiss
plane that had just been received and
never flown; three new Liberty mo-
tors that had never been used; all the
spare parts -in the stoek room; a big
White truck, two motor cycles with
side cars; all the office equipment,
and various personal bel6ngings of
the aviators and men employed on the
field, entailing a loss roughly esti-
mated at $200,000, although the ex-
act amount cannot be definitely told
as all the records of stock on hand,
etc., were burned.
The fire started shortly after 5:30
o'clock and so fiercely did it burn that
everything available was reduced to
ashes in half an hour, but the ground
on which the building stood, and it
likely would have burned, too, had it
been composed of combustible mater-
ial. The only man on the field when
the fire started was the watchman,
Charles From. He had gone to one
end of the airdrome to punch the time
clock on his regular round and smell-
ed smoke. He hastily investigated
but found nothing wrong in that end
of the building.. He went through the
building but failed to discover any
fire until he entered the office’ when
he saw flames in the stock room ove?
the office. He promptly grabbed a
pyrene fire extinguisher and running
up the stairs to the stock room di-
rected the chemical upon the flames.
By that time, however, the fire had
eaten through the thin board partition
separating the office and stock room
from the main part of the building
and all the efforts of Mr. From fail-
ed to check the flames. In a very few
minutes the wings of the plane near-
est the office caught fire and they
burned almost like tinder. Mr. From
then sent in a fire alarm but while the
firemen rushed to the aviation field
it was useless to take along their fire-
fighting apparatus, as there is no
available water supply within reach
of the field. The flames quickly
spread from plane to plane and as the
gasoline tank of each one exploded
the flames would shoot in the air fif-
ty feet or more.
Now it just happened that on Wed-
nesday of last week field manager
Herbert Blakesley had received an or-
der transférring him to Bustleton
and Ferdinand Windsen was named
as his successor. Mr. Blakesley had
not yet left Bellefonte and at the first
alarm of the fire he and Mr. Windsen
| and practically all the force employed
' eastern district of the aerial mail
service and field inspector Egge, of
| Washington, were here on Tuesday
| and after looking over the ruins caus-
ied by the disastrous fire approved
| the requisition for a steel hangar
| 100x66 feet in size, which will mean
i about two hundred square feet more
floor space than the old hangar. The
citizens of the town, through Robert |
F. Hunter, acting for the board of |
trade, tendered the Department the
services of fifty men, or the equiva-
lent thereof, to assist in the erection
of the hangar when it arrives, and the
offer was accepted, though in doing
so the Department stated that the
present plans were to put larger ma-
chines on the New York to Chicago
route with the idea of only one regu-
lar stop, that at Cleveland, Ohio. But
the Bellefonte field will be maintain-
ed as an emergency and supply sta-
tion for the fliers when they feel the
necessity of coming down for either
oil or gas or repairs to their machine.
As to the radio station now almost
completed on the Bellefonte field, it
will be put in operation and used as
a guide to the fliers in cloudy and
foggy weather, and it is said that un-
der the system being installed and
with the equipment to be carried by
the planes, flyers can get their exact
location at any time and will be able
to land safely on a field without see-
ing the ground.
Of course, until the big mail carry-
ing machines are installed Bellefonte
will be a regular stop as it has been
in the past, and in the event the flight
from New York to Cleveland proves
too strenuous for the endurance of
the aviators.then the Bellefonte field
will be in shape for regular stops as
it has been in the past. Of course
two or more emergency planes will
always be kept here in case they are
needed. :
Bellefonters have always been more
or less superstitious about fires and
invariably when one occurs look for
two more, but on this occasion they
got more than they counted on,
though fortunately all the others were
of small loss.
fire was discovered on the roof of the
The first was shortly |
after midnight Saturday night wlien |
Superintendent Stanton, of the Mrs. Sparks Elected State Regent of |
D. AR.
| Mrs. Edwin Erle Sparks, of State
| College, was elected State Regent of
{the D. A. R. at the twenty-third an-
‘ nual meeting of the organization in
| Pittsburgh last week over Mrs. H.
Grant Dreisbach, of Lewisburg, by a
vote of 213 to 154. The voting took
place Friday and the result was an-
nounced at the annual banquet held
i at the William Penn hotel on Friday
| evening.
. The contest for the highest office in
| the organization was probably the
hottest waged in some years within
| the confines - of that organization.
| Mrs. Sparks was championed by the
! Belefonte Chapter and aside from the
| local chapter her strength was in the
| eastern and western sections of the
| State. Mrs. Dreisbach drew the bulk
| of her support from the north-central
i part of the State. Both candidates
| had loyal bands of supporters and it
: is said that the virtues and qualifica-
| tions of each one was hurled back and
| forth throughout the meeting hall in
| a way that very much resembled an
| old-time political convention. 4
| As a matter of local interest it
might be stated that Mrs. Sparks’
name was presented to the conference
by Mrs. E. H. B. Callaway, of Belle-
{ fonte. One of the tellers to take up
| the ballots was Mrs. A. W. Smith, of
| Blairsville, but formerly of Storms-
| town, this county, who took a very |
active part in all the proceedings of
| the conference. The other officers
{ elected in addition to Mrs. Sparks
were as follows:
{Vice regent, Mrs. John Brown Her-
on, of Pittsburgh; ‘State historian,
{ Mrs. N. Howard Brown, of Valley
| Forge Chapter, Norristown; State li-
‘ bravian, Mrs. George H. .Stewart,
‘ Shippensburg; three State directors
were elected, viz.: Eastern district,
Miss Elizabeth Getts, regent of the
| Donegal chapter, Lancaster; Central
! district, Mrs. Clarence G. Crispen, re-
gent of Moses Vancampen chapter,
| Berwick; West district, Mrs. Samuel
' G. Rumbine, regent of Canadohta
! chapter, Titusville.
The result of the election Thursday
was not only a great compliment to
Mrs. Sparks, but also to the Belle-
_ Mrs. G. O. Benner, of Centre Hall
| spent yesterday in Bellefonte, a guest of
| Mrs. W. U. Irwin, at her home on Lamb
i street.
—Miss Elizabeth Gephart has been in
Williamsport for a part of the week, going
down Tuesday.
— Mr. and Mrs. William Dukeman, of Al-
Fall Movings.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Oscar Gray moved
{on Wednesday from their old home
{on Thomas street to the house on
| west High street recently purchased
i from George E. Lentz. :
! Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Capers are ar-
| ranging to move about December 3rd
| toona, and their children, spent the week- | from the Shoemaker flats to the
end in Bellefonte, as guests of Miss Eliza- | Lutheran parsonage on east Linn
beth Lambert. \ | street, which will be vacated by Mr.
Hamilton house on Howard street. It |fonte Chapter, inasmuch as this is
was quickly extinguished, however, | their third State Regent within a few
before doing much damage and with- | years; Mrs. W. F. Reeder, now of
Everybody is invited to attend and | 5¢ the field, as. well as the flyers, hur-
patronize the sale liberally. | ried to the field and although it was
“iilifviday, November 28th, has too late to save anything in the burn-
been designated as Thanksgiving do- ling structure there were a dozen or
nation day. for’ the" local hospital. { more barrels of gasoline standing at
Gifts of bedding, canned goods, vege- | the end of the building and the gaso-
tables and money are badly needed. { line pump house stood only a short
Byeryone is asked to’ contribute to i distance away. Putting into service
this worthy cause. Have your dona-
tion ready on Friday, when it will be
called for. ’ :
: Bellefonte people who remem-
Her the family of Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
liam: Stown during their years of res-
idence in Bellefonte prior to their
moving i6 Seattle, Wash., will be in-
terested in knowing that their daugh-
ter Marie was recently married to
Archie Taft and that the young coup-
le ave now in Pennsylvania on their
wedding trip.
The Scenic is keeping up its
record for good pictures by booking
for ‘tonight .and tomorrow night
Douglas “Fairbanks in “His Majesty,
the Ameérican.” This is one of the
most clever of recent productions and
lovers of the motion picture don't
want to miss it. .When there is a
picture going manager T. Clay-
ton Brown can invariably be depend-
ed upon to get it.
——Notice has been received by the
“Watchman” from the chief of police
of Rahway, N. J., of the disappear-
ance from that city on November
1st of one Lucy Diers in company
with a light-colored negro named
- Richard Taylor. The girl is twenty
vears old, white, of medium height
and weighs about 120 pounds. The
two are believed to be somewhere in
central Pennsylvania. A liberal ve-
ward is offered for information lead-
ing to their arrest.
i ——On Tuesday evening of next
wed the Bellefonte Castle Knights of
“the Golden Eagle will hold an open
meeting to which the general public
is invited. With the exception of the
secret signs and password the work
of the meeting in every way will be
exactly as it is conducted under ordi-
nary circumstances, The object of
the meeting is to give the public in
genegal a correct idea of the work
=nd good features of the organiza-
tion, and the members are anxious to
have as large an attendance as possi-
— Mr. James R. Hughes, of the
Bellefonte Academy, was honore
this week by receiving an invitation
for a reception to be given by Mr.
and Mrs. Rodman Wanamaker, of
New York, to His Royal Highness,
the Prince of Wales, in the Seventh
regiment armory, N. Y., this (Fri-
day) evening. Mr. Hughes and Mr.
Wanamaker were classmates at
Princeton college, and while the for-
mer was compelled to send his regrets
at not being able to accept the invi-
tation he very much appreciates the
spirit of loyalty to a fellow . class-
mate in which it was gent. Mr.
Hughes is probably the only
fonter to be so honored.
{the big White car water was hauled
' to the field from the Beaver farm and
although the metal gasoline barrels
were already steaming hot they were
| partially cooled with a douche of wa-
j ter when each in turn was grabbed by
some of the field employees and rolled
| out onto the road to a place of safety.
1 It was dangerous work and spectators
tried to keep the men from endanger-
i ing their lives but they stuck to it un-
| til every barrel was saved then turn-
| ed their attention to saving the gaso-
i line pump house. In this they were
| also successful, but as it was the roof |
{ of the building was badly charred. It
| was extremely dangerous work but
i every man did his duty valiantly and
| some of them even shed tears over the
i fact that they couldn’t save more.
Of the aviators Ellis was probably
the most affected of all to see his ship
burn, as it was one he has flown ever
: since he has been on the mail route
and he had a wondrously friendly
feeling for it.
Most of the aviators lost their
heavy leather coats and other effects.
Maurice Kelly lost a typewriter and
a multiple telegraph key. Carpenter
George Eberhart had been doing some
work at the field and had his box of
tools in the building, and those were
also destroyed. He estimates his loss
at one hundred dollars.
Hardly had the building been barn-
ed to the ground until Mr. Blakesley
| got busy on the telephone, got the
| field at Mineola and also Cleveland
and asked that a machine be sent here
from each place, and both came in on
Sunday. He also secured an office
which the State Highway Department
had been using in Buffalo Run valley
and bright and early Sunday morn-
ing it was taken down in sections and
transferred to the field. Carpenters
and electricians were busy all day and
by evening the office was in shape,
equipped with telegraph and tele-
phone instruments, electric light and
n borrowed typewriter and requisi-
tions had been made out for the var-
jous supplies and stock needed. A ma-
chine shop had also been erected.
A new steel hangar furnished by
the department will be erected to take
the place of the one destroyed by fire,
and another such catastrophe will
| thus be avoided. The only way the
fire can be accounted for is that it
must have caught from the stovepipe
leading from the stove in the office up
through the stockroom. While it is
a big loss, and one that no human
agency could avert, every man con-
| nected with the service, from Mr.
| Blakesley, Mr. Windsen and the fly-
ers to the watchman on the field dis-
played the utmost loyalty to the gov-
| ernment in doing their best to save
| what they could.
out sending in an alarm.
another fire was discovered on: the
east Linn street. An alarm
firemen reached the scene.
morning another alarm summoned |
the firemen to the Bellefonte Acade-
my where a fire had broken out in the |
basement of the small L on the west
side of the building. This fire; too,
was extinguished before it'gained any
great headway, and the loss to “the
Academy will not be over $150.00 or
$200.00. The origin of this fire. is a
mystery, as the only thing in the
basement where the fire started was a
few empty boxes and some waste pa-
per. Mr. Hughes is inclined to the be-
lief that the fire was caused by spon- |
taneous combustion. At first it look- |
ed very threatening and the students |
threw clothing and suit cases out of
their rooms to the ground below and
had even carried out some of the fur-
niture on the first floor of the build-
Mr. Hughes Speaks a Good Word for
Dear Mr. Editor: —
I wish to thank the members of the
Logan and Undine fire companies,
through the columns of your paper,
for the remarkably prompt response
on their part to the call for help at
the Academy fire last Monday morn-
ing. I have never witnessed quicker
nor more successful action by our fire-
men. It certainly prevented z most
destructive conflagration. ;
When volunfeer firemen are expect-
ed to leave their offices, counting
rooms and workshops at a moment's
notice, they should not be encumbered
by inadequate equipment. They
should have the very best placed at
their command. They have made the
matter of fire apparatus a close study
and should know what they need and
desire. There is no economy in cheap |
apparatus. We have valuable prop-
erties in Bellefonte. The closing
down of the steam heat plant has in-
Sunday evening about seven o'clock |
roof of the W. Miles Walker home on :
Then about 9:30 o'clock on Monday !
California, being the first, and Miss
Helen E. C, Overton, of Bellefonte,
the second. Miss Overton had furth-
er honors conferred upon her by being
ivas+{'made honorary regent, when leaving
promptly sent in but fortunately the | the office at the expiration of her
flames were extingiizhed before the ' term.
Twenty-four Liquor License Applica-
‘tions Filed for 1920.
Down in Kentucky the judges de-
clare war time prohibition now uncon-
stitutional and whiskey is being sold
to any one and every one who can put
up the stiff price of seventy-five dol-
lars. a case of twelve quart bottles,
and they are likely short quarts at
that. In Chicago and New York the
judges declare the law is good and
can be enforced, and between the two
decisions the average landlord is in a
quandary and don’t know what to do.
But there are twenty-four men’ in
Centre county who don’t intend to be
caught napping because just that
number of applications have been fil-
ed for liquor license for the year be-
ginning April 1st, 1920.
Under a ruling by Judge Quigley
license court in Centre county is
held on the first Saturday after the
first Monday in December, and as
the law requires all applications
to be filed at least twenty days
before court last Saturday was
the last day for filing in Centre coun-
ty and the list was just twenty-four.
All but one of the above number are
landlords, wholesalers and the Phil-
ipsburg brewery who have kept their
old license good by the payment of
the license fee monthly or every
three months, as the case may be.
The new application is from the pres-
ent landlord of the Spring Mills hotel.
Four applications have been filed
by landlords of Bellefonte, mo appli-
cation being filed by landlord H. S.
Ray, of the Brockerhoff house. Mr.
Ray dropped his old license several
months ago and decided it was not
worth while taking chances on the
constitutional prohibition being de-
clared unconstitutional to make appli-
catiom for a license mext year.
Very Few Wild Turkeys Shot on
creased the menace of fire because of
the large number of individual héat- |
ing plants recently installed. In- |
crease the fire protection, and you de- |
crease the menace of disastrous fires !
and lower the rates of insurance.
Very respectfully,
— Mrs. Delmonico, who will open
an art shop in the Shoemaker flats
tomorrow, Nov. 22, with a full line of
art work, will also teach embroidery,
crocheting and stamping. Consult
her in all kinds of fancy work. 46-1t
— While hunting squirrels on the
Seven mountains one day last week
Harry Miller, of Boalsburg, shot a
wild cat which measured four feet and
ten inches from the tip of the nose to
the tip of the tail. It was one of the
biggest bob cats ever killed in that
section, and Mr. Miller will likely
have the skin mounted and preserve
it as a memento of his hunter’s skill.
——Clyde Williams, of Port Matil-
da, is in the Bellefonte hospital with
a broken ankle sustained in an auto
accident last Friday, when the ma-
chine which he was driving from Port
Matilda to Julian ran into a ditch and
overturned, owing to a broken steer-
(pening Day.
Contrary to general expectations
very few wild turkeys were killed in
Centre county last Saturday, the
opening day of the season. Not one
of the birds was brought in by Belle-
fonte hunters, although a few were
seen, but at such a distance away that
they were cut of range.
¥ is reported that two soms of G.
G. Fink, of Husten township, each got
a turkey and that several were shot
in the neighborhood of Unionville and
several by Pennsvalley hunters, but
the total number bagged in the coun-
ty was very small and no eomparisen
to the kill on the opening day in for-
mer years when anywhere from twen-
ty-five to fifty turkeys would be
brought in the first day of the season.
A report has been current this week
that some unknown hunter ran into a
flock of turkeys on the mountain
above Fillmore last week, before the
season opened, and killed some of the
birds, leaving two dead ones lie on the
ground where they fell. Just how
much truth there is in the report the
writer is unable to say, but the story
is worth investigation on the part of
some enterprising game warden and
if true, and the guilty parties locat-
ed, they should be made to pay the
ing gear.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kase, of Sun-
bury, were over Sunday visitors at the
home of Mrs. Kase’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. R. Spigelmyer.
Mrs. W. E.” Brown, of east Howard
street, left on Wednesday to spend the
winter with her sister, Mrs. T. C. Sim-
mons, at Venice, Cal.
—Thomas Ilxing Morris Jr., a Senior at
Mercersburg Academy, will come to Belle-
fonte today, remaining here until Sunday
with his grandparents.
— Mrs. John A. Woodcock returned to
Bellefonte yesterday, after visiting for 2
month or more with her son, Rev. John R.
Woodcock and his family, at Syracuse,
N. IX.
—Thomas King Morris, of Pittsburgh,
will be in Bellefonte tomorrow. coming
here to meet his son King, who will be
home on a short vacation from Mercers-
—After spending a week at her former
home in Centre Hall, with her sister, Mrs.
‘Miss Rebecca Derstine returned to Belle-
fonte on Monday. -
Arthur IH. Sloop, supervising prinei-
pal of the schools of Bellefonte, and Eu-
gene H. Weik, principal, are both in Har-
‘risburg this week, attending the State
Educational Congress.
Mrs. R. GG. H. Hayes left yesterday for
Ilackensack, New Jersey, to visit for «
month with Mrs. Boyle, a cousin of Dr.
was Miss Marion Foster,
— Mrs. Eben Bower has been spending
the week with Mrs. John Kanarr, at Cen-
tre Hall, and with her sister, Mrs. HE. J.
Burd, at Millheim. Mrs. Bower left Belle-
fonte Tuesday, expecting to return to-
Morrow. ; .
~The Misses Elizabeth and Stella Coon-
ey went to Philadelphia’ Sunday, where
Miss Stella, who has been in ill health for
a year or more, will spend some time un-
der the care of medical specialists at the
University hospital.
—Editor Thomas H. Harter, of the Ga-
zette, accompanied Dr. H. M. Hiller on a
motor trip to West Chester last Friday
and has been spending the week hunting
reed birds, quail and wild ducks in the
marshes of Chester and Delaware counties.
Mrs. Harold Kirk will go to Wilkins-
burg Tuesday to visit for a week with
members of the Heckman family. The
greater part of Mrs. Kirk’s time will be
spent with Mrs. Heckman, who makes her
home with her daughter, Mrs. Calvin
—R. L. Weston Jr., who with his bride
visited in Bellefonte for the week-end with
Mr. Weston’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Weston, on Linn street, left to return to
their home in Philadelphia, Tuesday. Mr.
Weston is a chemist with the Sharpless
Creamery company.
John Puff, and other relatives and friends. '
Hayes. Mrs. Boyle, before her marriage. |
Taylor and family, who will move to
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shaffer and
Mrs. Shaffer’s mother, Mrs. Hess,
moved Tuesday from Willowbank
street to their new home on east High
street, vacated by Dr. and Mrs. H. M.
Huff. p
——Mr. James R. Hughes, super-
vising principal of the Bellefonte
Academy, on Tuesday received notice
from Robert J. Fuller, district voca-
tional officer of the federal board for
| vocational education of district No. 5,
‘ composed of Pennsylvania and Dela-
' ware, that the board had approved a
i course in mechanical engineering at
| the Bellefonte Academy for Bernard
| Rigby, of Pittsburgh, for a period of
one year. The young man is twenty
| years old, was a private in France
! where he was gassed with the result
i that his affliction is given as “short
i of breath and loss of voice.” Mr.
| Hughes takes it as a compliment to
| the thorough training given the boys
{at the Academy that his institution
| has been selected by the federal gov--
| ernment as a good place to train the
| boys who have been incapacitated in
‘ the service of their country.
| ——Work on an official history of
the students and alumni of The Penn-
| sylvania State College who served in
| the world war is now well under way.
| It is being compiled by the alumni
secretary, E. W. Sullivan, and some
idea may be had of the job it will be
from the fact that Mr. Sullivan has
already compiled a list of approxi-
mately 3800 men who served in some
branch of the service. Of the aboye
number only sixty-five lost their lives
in service. A summary of the records
show that two college men attained
the rank of colonel, seven lieutenant
colonel, twenty-eight major, ninety-
eight captain, and about six hundred
first and second lieutenant. ;
— The Fairbanks O. K. News, of
New York, in its issue of November
| 13th, carried the following personal
‘item: “Mr. A. G. McMillan, former-
| ly eastern sales manager of the auto-
i mobile or service station equipment
division, has been appointed general
sales manager of this division. In
‘ addition to handling the business for
! the stores and export he will have
| charge of western sales. Mr, McMil-
‘lan’s headquarters will be in New
York.” Mr. McMillan at one time
B. Lane, to use during the late fall.
_—Mrs. Robert Hardley was a.member of | worked in Bellefonte and while living
the motor party Mr. and Mrs. Al. Garman, | Here married Miss Mary Mott.
of Tyrone, entertained on a drive to Belle- | : a wn
fonte Tuesday. Mrs. Hardley spent the — Every Bellefonte roater who
time with her aunt, Mrs. S. A. Bell, while ' saw the. Academy-Mansfield Normal
Mr. and Mrs. Garman and the remainder ; game last Saturday will surely be. on
of the party drove on to Kdgefont. ‘ Hughes field tomorrow afternoon to
Mrs. D. Q. Decker, of ‘Altoona, was a; see the contest between the Academy
“Watehman office visitor on Monday while | 3nd Dickinson Seminary. In fact
on a brief trip to Bellefonte. She was for- every sport-loving man and woman
merly from Ferguson township and keeps ! should out and see th 21 it
well posted on everything that happens jn |”, go e the game, as
that section of the county by reading the | will be worth the time and trouble.
“Pine Grove Mentions” every week in tno | The Academy boys also. deserve the
“Watchman. | encouragement of your. presence.
Theodore and Frank Kelly, the two | Game will be called promptly at 2:45
sons of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kelly, were | o'clock, instead of three, so be on
guests during the past week of their un- | hand early.
cle, William 7T. Kelly, coming here from | ; Ee en
Ford City to join their parents for a short | — The next attraction at Gar-
visit in Bellefonte. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly i man’s will be Avery Hopkins’ finest
I ih as
elt new ome a, r FE i be presented in onte with a full
Eleanor and Jane Green, the 170 | east of capable acters and ¢ g.
daughters of Dr. and Mrs. George S. | TH who saw this pl ing oT) edy
Green, of Lock Haven, ‘spent Sunday here; Rag
Eleanor as a guest of Eleanor Sheffer, at on a former visit to Bellefonte will
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. |
Paul Sheffer, and Jane visiting for the : &1 1
time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. | time, Monday evening,
Shugert, with their daughter Molly. | 24th, will be the date.
Jerry Stover returned te Marstellar a : :
—_—An ron 1 od sal wi be
Wednesday, after spending twe weeks at | An apro and fo e 1
his former home at Pleasant Gap. Mr. held by the ladies of the Presbyter-
Stover is with the Pennsylvania Coal nad | ian church, in the chapel, on Friday,
Coke company, and had been notified that December 12th, beginning at two p.
he would be transferred te anether dis- | m. Aprons of all kinds will be on,
trict upon his return te Cambria county, | hand and the food will include home-
but had ne intimation as te where his fu- | made bread, cakes, pies, ete. The la-
vure Lome WIE he. dies will appreciate a liberal patron-
Richard J. Lane was in Dellefonte age. ;
Just week, coming in for his ear, which he | i Lil JIM
had left here for his mether, Mrs. James | — The wedding of Rev. Louis Y.
1 On Barber and Miss Mary Dale will take
the return trip to MeKeesport Mr. Lane : place in the Presbyterian church at
was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. HH. | Lemont, Wednesday, November twen-
E. Fenlon and Mrs. John Porter Lyon, all ! ty-sixth at two-fifteen o'clock: On
of whom visited for a shert time in the | ? ¢ th t circle of fri 3
sicinity of Pittsburgh. | account of the great circle of friends
Ty | of both the bride and groom, no cards
Mrs, D. I. Willard, representing the | b issued. A Teo i in th
woman's club ef Bellefonte, attended the j ave een 185 * eption e
Friday, held | church will follow the ceremony.
iri-county conference last ery
: v6 r. PY : i apt o 5
this year in Williamsport, Pa. They Jt is repo ted that aviator Gil-
{ bert B. Budwig has given up commer-
want to see it again, and those who
didn’t should make sure to see it this
principal topics discussed were “Ameri-
eanization” and “Thrift.” Mrs. Keefer, of{", \
Williamsport, also presented the idea of | cial flying and re-entered the govern-
establishing a home and school league to | ment mail aero service.
embrace all parent-teachers’ associations. | iy s
A box luncheon was served at noon-time. | Have Your xy es Examined.
Mrs. Elsie Rankin Helliwell, of Atlan- | David B. Rubin, of Rubin and Ru-
tic City, is visiting with her father, Wil | bin, Harrisburg’s leading eyesight
Bal BE. Baskin a an tus | specialists, will be in the Mott drug
home on Curt n street. Mr. and Mrs. Wwat- | store, Bellefonte, ron Thursday and
ter Rankin and their small son, and Miss Frid December: 4th and 5th. There
Mary Rankin, of Harrisburg, will come to | | riaay, Dec a 2 e
{is mo charge for examining your
Bellefonte next week to complete the fam- J
jly Thanksgiving party Mr. Rankin will | €yes, and there are no drops used in
entertain. Mrs. Helliwell hopes to remain the examination. This will be his last
with her father and sisters until after] visit to Bellefonte this year. 46-2t
Christmas. -— ia
— Herbert G. Blakesley, who has been in 2 Mrs. Delmonico invites the la-
jellefonte the past few months as man- | dies of Bellefonte and Centre county
ager of the government aviation field of | to the opening of her art shop, in
the aero mail service, left on Wednesday Shoemaker flats, Saturday, Nov. 22.
evening for Bustleton, where he will be in | All kinds of embroidered articles and
charge of the big repair works located | stamped pieces. She will also teach
there. Mr. Blakesley made many friends | faney work of all kinds. 46-1t
during his stay in Bellefonte who, though CB meen
sorry to see him go, wish him all kinds of For Sale.—Good double heater. On-
success in his new field of labor. Mr. | ly used three winters. Inquire of
Windsen, who had originally been slated | Mrs. James Toner.
—— The Basket Shop will open its
as Mr. Blakesley's successor, will only be
1 | Christmas sale at the State-Centre
a Mr. Towers, from Washington, who wil
in charge temporarily until the arrival of
be the mew manager. | store on December 8th, 1919. 46-1t