. 55 3 COURT HOUSE NEWS § UNAS APA ASSN A AAPA PN REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Daniel R. Lebkicker, et ux, to Sa- rah E. Wade, tract in Snow Shoe township; $2300. Jane L. Bright to Anna L. Bright, s & tract in Burnside township; $1. _ C. T. Fryberger, et ux, to George Flagle, tract in Rush township; $275. Wesley Snavely, et ux, to Alfred Long, tract in Haines township; $195. Sallie M. Hayes to George W. Sun- day, et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $4500. James H. Rothrock, trustee, to Em- ma C. Rothrock, tract in Spring town- ship; $91.50. Earl E. Rider, et ux, to John Switzer, tract in Spring township; $1000. William R. Grazier, et ux, to John Barto, tract in Ferguson township; $200. Jacob Walizer to Warren M. Bierly, tract in Miles township; $1. S. W. Wright, et ux, to John Ibber- 501, tract in Philipsburg; $22,500. Alice R. Harvey, et bar, to Elsie H. | [2 XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testa- Noll, tract in State College; $2000. - : MARRIAGE LICENSES. . Henry S. Illingworth and Mary J. Lutz,’ State College. © ° ra ra Elizabeth Stott, Philipsburg. Albert E. Mingle and Edna Winklebleck, Aaronsburg. James C. Gilliland, Oak Hall, and Eloise Lee, Linden Hall. Bethard M. Keller, and Anna Grace Corman, Mills. Edward P. Houser and Lottie Hea- ton, Bellefonte. Blos Sasah and May White, Belle- fonte. 2 : George Z. Kerstetter, State Col- lege, and Aldah Madaline Hanley, Bellefonte. John A. Safko, Clarence, and An- nie M. Welschko, Munson. Centre Hall, Spring Use for. Surplus Munitions. An interesting suggestion has heen made by a prominent Swiss meteorol- ogist and physicist. M. de Quervain of Zurich, to the effect that the vast stores of munitions collected in the bel- ‘ligerent countries during the last four years be utilized to advance the cause of science instead of being merely fir- ed off to make a Rowman holiday, or else sunk in deep waters to avoid the latent dangers which reside in them, ‘By detoning these explosives in defin- | “fte quantities, at definite places. and ..at definite times whose dates are an- ‘nounced in advance, a possibility would be presented for the solution of: many interesting problems in. phystes’ and Ineteorology. : i granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing thiemseclves indebted to said es- |... { { t | ment, and George. Melbounes Raines, and Sa- same to present them- without delay for - dy 1 May i sl inder > Act” to provide for the incorporation and The project might | "advantageously be carried out in this | country. : Cryptic Cable. Se parsninrtness the following will be. hardifo. beat: © A-welknown person- ‘age in Devonshire, England, received #" cable from his soldier son in Meso- | ‘potamin containing only’ three words: “Pwo John twelve.” After much puz- zMng the meaning dawned upon him. aking down his Bible he turned up the Second Epistle of St. John and read the twelfth verse, which runs as follows: “Having many things to ‘write unto you, 1 would not write with paper and ink, but I trust to come unto you and speak face to face, that our joy may be full.” His son was on his way home to England. Bridegroom Grows in Importance.. The war has given the bridegroom’ a significance he never before pos- sessed. Formerly wedding notices were devoted to the bride, her trous- seau. her bridesmaids and her family. The bridegroom was mentioned only in- cidentally, if at all. By reason of his rank, he has become one of the most fmportant persons in -the alliance.— Philadelphia Public Ledger. ——Subseribe for the “watchman.” NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, State cush. College, Will Address, N. CLAIR DOYLE, Bellefonte, Pa. pay 46-11 7 ANT_D TO BUY.--Good farm near | $5000 | i UDITOR’'S NOTICE.—In the Or- phan’s Court of Centre County, | Pn. Raymond B, Albert, township, deceased. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the aforenamed Court, to make distri- late of bution of the balance in the hands of the | accountant to and among those legally en- titled thereto, will meet to perform the duties of his appointment on the 12th day of December A. D., 1919, at ten o'clock i. m. at his office, Room 14, Crider’s Ex- change, Bellefonte, Pa., when and where all parties are required to present and prove their claims or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. KLINE WOODRING, 64-406-3¢ Auditor. Farms for Sale : Large and small, in Central Penn- sylvania. Send for Catalogue. GEO. C. WAITE, 64-42 8t* Tyrone, Pa. Wanted! - Union Brick Layers Apply to the Turner Construction Co., Bald Eagle and Sherman Streets 461t LOCKE HAVEN, PA. in the matter of the estate of , Ferguson. ! {ings 50 cents a hundred, and barns at 80 | the 8th day, of December, A oss -— NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. re RENT.—On Linn St. four steam- heated rooms, with use of bath, for light house keeping. Apply.to 43-tf CHAS. E. GILMOUR. iLLER WANTED.—Competent mar- ried man to operate small water- power country mill. Good salary and steady employment. Address. A. C. : F. FE. GRAZIER, Warriorsmark, Pa. ~- AUTION.—Notice is hereby given that I am not represented by any agent or agents and that I will not be responsible for any debts except contract- ed by me in person. ’ ' MINA R. SOLEEN, 61-45-2t ulian, Pa. AUTION.—Notice is hereby given that I am not represented by any agent or agents and that I will not be responsible for any debts except contract- ed by me in person. PEARL C. GRAY, 64-45-2¢ Julian, Pa. ARMRERS TAKE NOTICE.—I will in- sure dwellings at $1.00 a hundred, and barns at $1.60 a hundred, on the cash plan for three years, and dwell- cents a hundred on the assessment plan for 5 years as against fire and lightning. 64-28-1y J.-M. KEICHLINE, Agent. mentary upon the estate of Betty MM, Kimpert, a of (Potter town- ship,’ Centre county, ‘déceated,’ having been tate are Teduested to make immediate pay- ! ose haying claims against the | settlement. ; Siw ; } NARCIE KIMPORT, i Executrix, | 64-43-6t Spring Mills, R. ¥. D. i XECUTOR'S NOTICK-In the. or- | phan’s court of Centre county: in | the estate of Sallie Armbruster, late of Walker township, Centre Co.. Pa. Letters testamentary upon said estate hav- | ing been issued to the undersigned, fl i persons knowing themselves indebted to same are requested to .make immediate | payment, and those having claims against: | the same must present them, duly anthen- | ticated, for settlement. i NS. KLINE WOODRING, ! , Exeeutor and Attorney. | Gi-44-6t Bellefonte. Pa. OTICE OF APPLICATION ¥OR ! CHARTER. Notice is hereby giv- ’ en that an application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on ] D. 1019, by P. J. Morrissey;. S.C. Pehe and L. B. Saylor, the ‘Act of Assembly entitled, “An regulation of certain corporations 2pprov- ed April 29, 1874, and the supplements thereto for the charter of an intended cor- oration to be called Burnside Publie Service Company, the character and object of which are the manufacturing and sup-. plying light, heat and power, or either of them, by electricily to the public in the Township of Burnside, Centre County. Pennsylvania, and to such persons, part- nerships .and corporations residin there-, in or adjacent thereto as may desire the same, and for these purposes to have, pos- sess, -and enjoy all the rights, benefits, and privileges of said Aect of Assembly ! and the supplements thereto.’ DAVID I. McCAHILL. Solicitor. ~~ |’ Benedum Prees Building. G-45-3t Pittsburgh, Pa. ' Inks the point, not the fingers | 2, STS, #,ss no" The Mott Drug Co.. 6446.5 BELLEFONTE, PA. FOUNTAIN Doesn't legk jor se: T R XY THI Excelsior Brand Roller Flour Manufactured by the ° FOR SALE BY Weaver Bros. Curtin Milling Co., Curtin, Pa. and The John Meese Store 64-43-tf Bellefonte, Pa. FALL CLEARANCE SALE OF ..Automobile Tires... THE FOLLOWING SIZES PRICES 2....28x3 1....35x4 12....30x3 2. ..32x4) 1....30x3% 2....88%4: i 5....32x31 8....34x4} 4...,.81x4 4....35%xb 2.7 :82%4 WION GARAGE Corner Allegheny and Bishop Sts. BELLEFONTE—PENNA. 64-45-2t Specials for a Week IN OUR Grocery Dept. Libby’s apple butter, 2 1b can for 33c j Corn meal, 12 1b sack for....... 60¢ . California table peaches, large CHIY ...... i. siemvisivlinnvivinine 45¢ Butcher pepper, per 1b.......... 50¢ Heinz Dill pickles, per doz...... 25¢ | Mother's oats, large size, with | Premitin .. iesens cient 38¢c Cope’s dried sugar corn—2 pack- BUCS fOr .....0 i siinrnanies 25¢ | 9 ounce bottle Table Talk ketchup 16¢ | Heinz cream tomato soup—10 | OUNCE CAN... .suvsrvrnvereee 15¢ | Potatoes, per bushel............ $1.60 Stueber brand tall can sweet corn 19¢ 1 gal. bucket Karo syrup........ 89¢ ! COHEN & Co. 64-36-1t BELLEFONTE, PA. OF FIRST GRADE STANDARD | MAKES AT SACRIFICE | Mrs. M. C. Delmonico announces the : Opening of the Art Shop in the Shoemaker Apartment, on Spring Street Saturday November 22 All kinds of Embroidered Articles and Stamped Pieces Camisoles Pajamas Corset Covers p | {i ; | Negligees Children's Dresses ! i ! . : : i Hi | | Centre Pieces Scarfs Pillow Tops | i _ iM ‘Crochet Cottons and Silks for all kinds of Embroidery 6 WORK or play that is handicapped by poor vision leads to illness. Im- paired sight is unnecessary in these days of