Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 14, 1919, Image 4

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Dewocraiig aidan
Bellefonte, Pa,, November 14, 19-9.
P. GRAY MEEK, - : Editor
a— —
To Correspondents.—No commuuications
published unless accompanied by the real
mame of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
notice this paper will be furnished to sub-
gcribers at the foliowing rates:
Paid strictly in advance - -
Paid before expiration of year -
Paid after expiration of year -
Big Attendance and Interesting Ses-
sions Features of the Gathering,
Which Will Close Today.
Bellefonte has been overflowing
with school’ teachers this week, here
to attend the seventy-third annual
session of the county teachers’ insti-
tute. As is customary at such a gath-
ering all of Monday morning was tak-
en up with enrollment of teachers and
there were very few absentees among
the more than three hundred teachers
in the county.
The first regular session opened at
two o'clock Monday afternoon with
county superintendent David O. Et-
ters presiding. He introduced music-
al director J. W. Yoder, who asked
the audience to rise and sing “Holy,
Holy, Holy,” which they did with an
enthusiasm that set the institute in
motion with just the right swing to it.
Rev. George E. Smith, of the United
Brethren church, read a scripture les-
son and led in prayer after which the
institute sang “Pennsylvania” in a
very pleasing manner.
County superintendent Etters intro-
duced as the first instructor Dr.
Charles T. Ellis, of Huntingdon. Dr.
Ellis is no stranger to the Centre
county teachers as he has appeared
before institutes here on former occa-
sions, and appreciating his versatility
in thought and expression every one
present gave close attention to his
discussion of the theme, “The Busi-
ness of the Institute.” In his talk Dr.
Elis made some very good: points.
Hc laid special emphasis upon the
fact that the business of the institute
is to warm the entire community to-
ward the schools; to unify the teach-
ing profession in the county, and to
get pedagogical suggestions for the
individual teacher’s work. He spoke
of institutes where teachers had gone
many miles at their own expense to
get the benefit of the instruction of-
fered, and the institute was always
profitable to such teachers who were
willing to make such sacrifice to get
Whén Dr. Ellis had consumed his
allotted time Prof. Yoder led in a
session of music in which six songs
talked on “American Ideals.”
were given, most of them new to the
institute. The next speaker introduc- |
ed was Dr. Oscar T. Corson, of Co-:
lumbus, Ohio, who talked on “The
Teacher in School.” He emphasized
the fact that any teacher in a school |
room, no matter what grade, to be a |
success must have three distinguish- |
ing characteristics, good nature, a |
good housekeeper and a good organ- |
izer. The afternoon session adjourn- |
ed at four o’clock.
The court house was crowded on
Monday night by those anxious to |
hear the lecture of Dr. George Law-
rence Parker, of Bosten, on “Russia’s |
Death and Resurrection.” :
The devotional exercises of Tues- |
day morning were conducted by Rev.
Alexander Scott, and after a session |
of music Mrs. Frank D. Gardner, of |
State College, was introduced and
talked on the art of story telling as a |
means to maintain discipline, and to
illustrate her point told. some very
interesting stories just as she would
tell them in the school room.
Following a brief intermission and
singing Dr. Ellis took up the theme,
“One Meaning of Teaching.” In his
talk he said teaching is causing
another to know. Conditions must be
just right—physical conditions as well |
as surroundings. Have children get
right impressions first so that habit
* may be utilized in teaching. Think
great thoughts but be able to put
them in such words that any one can’
understand them. Xnow the thing
yourself, then present it in a clear
and comprehensive manner.
Recognition of the 11th hour of the
11th day of the 11th month (Armis-'
tice anniversary) was made with
prayer by the institute and the sing-
ing of “The Star Spangled Banner.”
“America” and “Pennsylvania.” Prof.
Yoder then sang as a solo “I Don’t
Know Where I'm Going But I'm On
My Way,” institute joining in on the
chorus and the music ended with the
rendition of the Battle Hymn of the
In a brief talk on “Co-operation—
Teacher with Pupils,” Dr. Corson said
the badge of sanity in the business
world is the ability to co-operate, and
co-cperation is just as badly needed
in the scheol room to assure success.
At the opening of institute on
Tuesday afternoon a half hour period
was devoted to music after which Dr.
Corson continued the discussion of his
subject, “Co-operation.” At the ex-
piration of his peried the institute
sang “Love’s Old Sweet Song” and
several other pieces and after inter-
mission superintendent Etters took
eccasion to make several announce-
ments of interest to institute mem-
Dr. Ellis then discussed “The Mean-
ing of Education,” which he defined
as certain powers developed to the
fullest extent. Education is intended
to adjust ourselves to environment,
give largest liberty to the individual
and safeguard the institutions. Ed-
ucation must widen our horizon, en-
large our experiences and arouse fine
impulses. :
Before adjournment for the after-
noon W. Harrison Walker was intro-
duced and gave the teachers a talk on
war savings stamps and thrift.
Tuesday evening’s entertainment
was a concert by the Light Opera Re-
vue company, and it proved a delight-
ful musical treat.
Wednesday morning’s session open-
ed with devotional services by Dr. W.
K. McKinney and several musical se-
lections. Dr. Corson then continued
his discussion of the theme of “Co-
operation” —co-operation of teachers
with one another. He stated that a
teacher should never criticize his or
her predecessor. This usually indi-
cates on the part of of the one who
complains an effort to lay the blame
of some short-coming on some one
else. The speaker maintained that
the only way to achieve the highest
measure of success in the public
schools is co-operation in all depart-
ments of the school work. He desig-
nated the primary teacher as the most
important of all. That teacher does
more for the child than any other. He
or she, as the case may be, puts the
necessary tools into the hands of the
child with which to acquire an educa-
tion. The teacher of the second grade
helps the child use these tools, and so
up through the various grades. Be
particular to train pupils in accuracy
in the fundamentals of arithmetic and
English. Teachers should co-operate
by adding something to the work of
their predecessor and continuing the
drill of the fundamentals already
learned. All teachers should be un-
der some supervision so that they
work in harmony to accomplish the
desired result. Teachers should ob-
serve the Golden Rule in their rela-
tion with each other.
Following music and a brief recess
Dr. Ellis took up a discussion of the
subject, “Learning to Study.” He
said study is causing ones self to
know. A book is merely second-hand
knowledge, and we must use our own
first-hand knowledge in the interpre-
tation of it. The primary teacher
has much to do with teaching reading
as it should be done. Teach silent read-
ing. Teach power of concentration.
Form a habit of holding the mind on
a certain thing for a certain length of
vou must concentrate on something
not very interesting. You can’t teach
pupils how to study by telling. See
them do the thing as it should be
done. Pupils graduate only when !
they have no further use for the
teacher, and that may be very late in
life, or never.
After a brief session of music in-
stitute was dismissed for the morn-
ing session.
Wednesday afternoon Dr. Corson
nation is founded on great ideals, the
speaker said, which is proved by its
2arly history and the great men who
helped to make that history. He em-
phatically adjured the teachers to keep
before the children the fact that Ger-
many was not a religious nation, and
its downfall is now history.
Dr. Ellis talked of “Mark Hopkins.”
He stated that Mark went to school
when he was only four years old and
sould read very well at that age. He
wa a philosopher and full of humor.
He studied medicine and didn’t intend
to be a teacher, but finally became a
minister and president of his college
at a very early age, being possessed
of wonderful qualities as a teacher,
| notwithstanding the fact that he had
no professional training. He believ-
ed that every teacher should have
tact and common sense. He had both
these qualities. He had a wonderful
vision and was quick to recognize the
individuality of his pupils.
The final speaker of the afternoon
was Mrs. 0. M. Keefer, of Williams-
port, who talked on the “Mother’s
Congress.” One great purpose of
‘this movement, she said, is to bring
the schools and the homes together.
In order to do this children should be
taught obedience in the home as well
"as at school.
One of the best lectures of the
"week was that on Wednesday even-
‘ing by Frank Dixon, of Brooklyn, on
“The Indispensibles of Democracy.”
Rev. Dr. A. M. Schmidt had charge
of the devotions at the opening of in-
stitute Thursday morning. This was
followed by the reports of the com-
mittees on local institute work.
Dr. Corson continued his talk on
“American Ideals.” Religion, moral-
ity ana knowledge are the three great
principles underlying such ideals.
Train boys and girls not only to make
a living but also to make a life. Give
children the best of everything so
that they may make the most of their
lives. He contrasted a religious
country with Germany where the peo- .
ple worshipped their ruler rather
than the Almighty. The very essence
of patriotism is giving up something
for somebody else. Take out the right
ideals of education and any country
may become similar to Germany.
Dr. J. L. Seibert, representing the
State Board of Health, told the insti-
tute of the various health rules that
should be rigidly enforced. The doc-
tor’s talk was followed by another
musical fest in which a half dozen or
so good old-fashioned songs were
After a brief intermission Dr. Ellis
discussed literature. “What does it
mean to study literature?” he asked.
“Not using a text book on literature;
that but gives the history of litera-
ture. Nor yet visiting some great au-
thor in his home. The study of liter-
ature involves the sense of feeling
and imagination, not simply the un-
derstanding. See the picture as pre-
sented by the selection and feel the
actions as though you were perform-
ing them. Dr. Ellis then gave an illus-
Never break this habit, even if
tration by reading several poems very
realistically and with wonderful feel-
In the afternoon Dr. Ellis talked on
«A Master in the Kingdom of Life,”
and Dr. Corson discussed the topic,
“Encouragement for Teachers.” The
evening entertainment was by the
American Grand Quartette.
The instructors will make their
final talks this (Friday) morning,
which will be brief, after which the
various committees will make their
reports and with the filing of the
membership cards the institute will
adjourn with the benediction by Dr.
The School Directors association
held their annual meeting at the High
school building Wednesday. In addi-
tion to hearing several especially
good talks officers for the ensuing
year were elected as follows:
President, Thomas I. Mairs, of
State College; vice presidents, Chas.
E. Lutz, of Benner township, and G.
W. Frankenberger, of Penn township;
secretary, Charles F. Cook, Belle-
fonte; treasurer, A. C. Mingle, Belle-
fonte; auditor, H. C. Woodring, Worth
township; delegate to state conven-
tion, Mrs. M. E. Brouse, Bellefonte.
A complete list of the teachers and
directors in Centre county will be
found on the second page of today’s
Bellefonte P. O. S. of A. Degree Team
at Centre Hall.
The degree team of the Bellefonte
camp P.O. S. of A. went over to
Centre Hall last Thursday evening
and conferred the degree (complete)
upon a class of nine members of the
Centre Hall camp in their own camp
rooms. The Bellefonte team included
twenty or more men, including the
musicians, and Centre Hall people
aver that they did fine work.
M. R. Johnson, president of the
Bellefonte district, gave a good talk
on his trip to Jacksonville, Fla., as a
delegate to the national camp. In ad-
dition to the Bellefonte team visitors
were present from Aaronsburg,
Spring Mills, Salona and Woodward,
so that the attendance was in the
neighborhood of one hundred. Light
refreshments .were served by the
home camp.
The Centre hall camp now has 112
members, though only three years old.
i Another card has already been sign-
ed to start the next class. All in all,
last Thursday evening’s meeting was
| yery interesting and instructive to all
present, and should prove an inspira-
‘tion to representatives of all other
camps who were in attendance.
Centre County Meetings to Aid Sun-
day School Work.
Mr. W. D. Reel, a prominent mem-
ber of the force of the Pennsylvania
State Sabbath School association, in
company with seven or eight of the
officers of the Centre county Sabbath
school association, will make a tour
of Centre county, beginning Novem-
ber 17th. “Meetings will be held at
the following places:
Nov. 17, Gray’s church.
Nov. 18, M. E. church, Unionville.
Nov. 19, Baptist church, Port Matilda.
Nov. 20, Evangelical church, Howard.
Nov. 21, M. BE. church, Sprucetown.
Nov. 22, Reformed church, Jacksonville.
Nov. 23, Lutheran church, Bellefonte.
Nov. 24, United Ivangelical church,
Nov. 25, Presbyterian
Shoe. 3
Nov. 26, Reformed church, Pine Hall.
Meetings will be held in the after-
noon at 2 o'clock and in the evening
at 7 o'clock. One of the features of
the tour will be demonstrations of an
organized class at work, held by
Mr. George T. McMillen, superintend-
ent of the young people’s division.
All Sunday school workers are urged
to be present at these meetings.
church, Snow
Runaway Train Injured Two.
Just about noon on Wednesday a
draft of twenty-four freight cars
standing on the main track of the Ty-
rone & Clearfield railroad at Powel-
ton suddenly began to move and start-
ed down grade, acquiring such terrif-
ic speed that at Osceola Mills the sev-
en cars in the rear jumped the track
and completely demolished the bag-
gage room and tool house at the sta-
tion. Janitor John S. Gonder and an
eight year old boy were in the bag-
gage room at the time, the man sus-
taining a fractured skull and crush-
ed chest, so that his injuries are con-
sidered fatal. The boy escaped with
minor injuries. The string of seven-
teen cars ran through Philipsburg and
along the up-grade to Graham Sta-
tion before they stopped. A defective
airbreak is believed to be the cause
of the cars breaking loose.
Check Kiter Caught.
Clarence Gross, eighteen years old
and who gives State College as his
home, was arrested in Bellefonte at
midnight Sunday night on the charge
of passing fraudulent checks. The
particular charge on which he was ar-
rested was the passing of a check for
$48.00 in Tyrone on October 3lst.
Since his arrest it has been learned
that Gross also had worthless checks
cashed by Montgomery & Co., of this
place, and Moses Hurwitz, of State
College. A few years ago he served
time in the .Huntingdon reformatory |
for theft. Gross was taken to Holli-
daysburg where he is now in the Blair
county jail.
Look Out for Snow.
| During the past week a blizzard
' which started in the west has been
moving eastward and yesterday
| morning had reached DuBois, where a
heavy snow storm occurred. Aviator
Knight, carrying the aero mail from
Cleveland to Bellefonte, flew through
the storm.
WETZEL.—John Wetzel, one of the
oldest and most respected citizens of
Bellefonte, passed away at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Jared Harper,
on south Thomas street, shortly after
two o'clock on Sunday afternoon, of
diseases incident to his advanced age.
He had made his home with his
daughter since the death of his wife,
eight years ago, and it was four years
last week since he took his bed and
had been thus confined ever since.
Mr. Wetzel was a son of Henry and
Elizabeth Ertly Wetzel and was
born in Snyder county on January
2nd, 1827, hence was 92 years, 10
months and 7 days old. He was edu-
cated in the district schools of his na-
tive county and when a lad in his
teens went to Turbotville, Northum-
berland county, where he learned the
carpenter trade with James Gildron.
When twenty-two years of age he
came to Bellefonte and worked at his
trade until 1852 when he went to
Snow Shoe. He spent three years
there then went to Cedarville, IIL,
where he remained until the fall of
1859, when he returned to Bellefonte
ings of the bible.
and for seventeen years worked at his -
trade as a contractor and builder. In
1876 he went to farming in Spring
township and as a tiller of the soil"
was just as successful as he had been
in his other line of work. He lived on
the farm until fifteen years ago when
he retired and moved to Bellefonte,
making this place his home ever since.
Mr. Wetzel was a life-long member
of the Reformed church and lived a
consistent christian life at all times.
In politics he was staunchly Demo-
cratic and patriotically fulfilled his
obligations as a citizen at all times.
In fact, he was an exemplary citizen
in every way and during his long life
saw the United States grow from a
struggling nation to one of the lead-
ing powers in the world.
Mr. Wetzel’s father, by the way,
! was a gunsmith, made guns and gun
barrels, and was the inventor and
maker of the well known Wetzel grain
sickles, many if which: may still ‘be
found among the farmers in Brush
and Pennsvalleys. When the subject
of this notice came to Bellefonte it
was with George Breon, and they
both worked together and later mar-
ried sisters, daughters of John and
Susan Fiedler Musser, who lived on
the well known Musser farm a mile
south of Bellefonte. !
Through the kindness and loving
care of his daughter, Mrs. Jared Har-
per, and her husband, his always con-
tented disposition and because he was
not afflicted with any painful malady, |
it was granted him to pass his last
years in quietude and peace, and final- |
ly to sleep the sleep of death in the
same peaceful manner in which he
lived. “Blessed arc the dead who die
in the Lord from now henceforth.”
On March 25th, 1852, he was unit-
ed in marriage to Miss Susan Musser,
of Bellefonte, who passed away eight
years ago. They had thirteen chil-
dren, twelve sons and one daughter,
of whom the following survive: Rev.
Frank Wetzel, of Stoyestown, Pa.;
Oscar and Mrs. Jared Harper, of
Bellefonte; Clyde, on the old farm in
Spring township; Charles E., living
near Bellefonte; Lewis C., of Wind-
sor, Can., and William, of Superior,
Funeral services were held at the
Harper home at 10:30 o’clock on Wed-
nesday morning by Rev. Dr. Schmidt,
after which burial was made in the
Union cemetery. All the children
were present at the funcral except the
son William, who was unable to get
here from his Nebraska home.
Among the friends from a distance
here for the funeral were Rev. Frank
Wetzel, wife and daughter, of Stoyes-
town; Mrs. Joseph Sneat, of Akron,
Ohio; Carl Weisner, of Stoyestown;
Lewis, C. Wetzel, of Windsor, Can.;
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gramley, of
Altoona; Mrs. Daniel Rhinesmith, of
Clearfield; Mrs. Ross Lowder, of Oak
Hall, and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Pi-
fer, of Howard, R. F. D.
Through the columns of the
“Watchman” the members of the fam-
ily wish to express their appreciation
of the kindness and assistance given
them by their friends and neighbors
in the time of their bereavement.
i ti
NOLL.—Budd Noll, the five year
old son of Samuel and Ruth Kerstet-
ter Nall, of Pleasant Gap, died yes-
terday morning after an illness of
about eight weeks. The child had
been ill with diphtheria two months
ago and although he recovered from
that dreaded malady the dregs of the
disease remained in his system and
caused an illness which finally result-
ed in his death. In addition to the
parents one younger brother survives.
Burial will be made at Pleasant Gap
at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
it "
GROSSMAN. — Ira Grossman, a
long-time resident of Potter town-
ship, died last Saturday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wagner, at
Potters Mills, following an illness of
some weeks with a complication of
diseases, aged about seventy years.
His wife died several years ago. He
had no children but is survived by
two brothers, Joseph Grossman, liv-
ing in Williamsport, and William at
Tusseyville. The funeral was held
yesterday morning, burial being made
at Tusseyville.
1 1
O’BRIEN.—James L. O’Brien, the
four week’s old son of William and
Ruth Gamble O’Brien, of Snow Shoe,
| died last Saturday afternoon at the
home of his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. George M. Gamble, on west Linn
street, Bellefonte, of bronchial pneu-
monia. The remains were taken to
Snow Shoe where burial was made on
Monday afternoon in the Askey cem-
— They are all good enough, but
, the “Watchman” is always the vest.
WAGNER.—Mrs. Susan Wagner,
wife of Adam Wagner, passed away
at her home on Willowbank street last |
Friday morning following an illness
of seven months. Taken sick early
last spring she underwent treatment
in the Bellefonte hospital a number of
weeks then was taken back to her
own home.
She was a daughter of John and
Sarah Weiser Wagner and was born
in Bellefonte on January 24th, 1842,
hence had attained the age of 77
years, 10 months and 11 days. She
was married to Mr. Wagner on De-'
cember 24th, 1867, and their entire
married life was spent in this vicini-
ty. She was a membe: of the Re-
formed church from
lived a life consistent with the doc-
trines of her church and the teach-
One of her great
aims in life was to make her home all
that the word “home” implies, and
through her loving kindness and con-
sideration she was able to carry out
her ideals in this direction with won-
derful success. She was well known
outside her family circle and during
her long life made many friends who
deeply mourn her death.
Surviving her are her husband and
five’ children, namely: Mrs. ‘Daniel
Houser, of Bellefonte; C. Y. Wag-
ser, of Bellefonte; Harry A., of Oak
ali; Mrs. George Hazel and Mrs.
Maurice Runkle, both of Bellefonte.
Of her father’s family her only sur-
vivor is one sister, Mrs. Emeline
Hess, of Bellefonte.
Funeral services were held at her
late home at 10:30 o’clock on Tuesday
morning by Dr. Ambrose M. Schmidt,
after which burial was made in the
Union cemetery, her grandsons car-
rying her remains to their final rest-
ing place. i
i i
HOUTZ.—Mrs. Mary E. Houtz,
wife of Joseph Houtz, died at her
home in Kirkland, Ill., on Monday of
last week, following an illness of sev-
eral months. She was a daughter of
Jesse ‘and Susanna Dunlap, and - was ’
born in Gregg township, this county,
sixty-three years ago. She was mar-
ried to Mr. Houtz on January 12th,
1882, and the same year they went to
Illinois where they have since lived.
In addition to her husband she is sur-
vived by two sons, Harry E. and Ray
Luther. She also leaves three broth-
ers, John L. Dunlap, of Bellefonte;
William, of Monroe, Wis., and Jacob
H., of Kingston, IIL Burial was
made at Kirkland, Ill, last Wednes-
AAs mm
Dr Schaeffer Coming.
The Rev. Dr. Charles E. Schaeffer,
general secretary of the Board of
Home Missions of the Reformed
church in the United States, will de-
liver his inspirational address, “Cap-
turing the New Civilization for
Christ,” Wednesday evening of next
week, November 19th, in the Presby-
terian church, at 8 olclock. A num-
ber of the chu¥ches of our town are
uniting in this service. Dr. Schaeffer
is a forceful speaker and always holds
his audience. Don’t fail to hear him.
You will miss a great lecture if you
are not there.
Miss Gerginski, head nurse at
the Bellefonte hospital, and acting su-
perintendent since Miss Morgart re-
signed, has tendered her resignation
and will be succeeded by Miss Hutch-
inson, of the South Side hospital,
— The Red Cross drive last week
resulted in an enrollment of upwards
of five hundred members in Belle-
fonte, a little over $450 having al-
ready been turned in to the treasurer.
____Subsecribe for the “Watchman.”
Trial List for December Court.
Leo Kelley and P. G. McCroarty,
trading and doing business as the
Keystone garage, vs. Ray C. Shank.
Queen’s Run Fire Brick Co. vs. Kel-
ley Bros. Coal Co. Assumpsit.
S. B. Stine vs. The P. R. R. Co.
Wm. C. Rowland vs. The Athletic
Store. Assumpsit.
Carey Safe Co. vs. F. P. Blair &
Son. Replevin.
Com. of Penna. use of School Dist.
of College township vs. Luther W.
Musser, co-obligor with American Co.,
of New York. Attachment KExecu-
James C. Reed vs. George Rowe.
W. W. Price vs. The Director Gen-
eral of Railroads. Assumpsit.
Com. of Penna. ex-rel. Huston
township vs. Daniel Straw and George
Steele, who survive D. Cronister. As-
sumpsit. (Two cases).
Com. of Penna. ex-rel. Poor Dist.
of College township vs. L. W. Musser
and American Suraty Co., of New
York. Assumpsit. (Three cases).
Anna M. Keichline vs. John P. Kel-
ley. Sur Mechanics lien.
Henry Kline vs. C. E. Turnbach.
0. E. Kline and Mary S. Kline vs.
C. BE. Turnbach. Trespass.
Clyde A. VanValin vs. Director
General of Railroads. Trespass.
Josiah Pritchard vs. John I Gray.
George S. Weaver vs. L. P. Cor-
man. Appeal.
Frank Middleton vs. Dr. W. R.
Heaton. Trespass.
James S. Weaver vs. Sarah
Mensch, R. W. Mensch, Charles F.
Mensch and Harry Mensch. Assump-
Public Opening Its Eyes.
From the San Frantisco Chronicle.
The public has waked up to the fact
that it gets most of the blows in the
conflicts between labor and capital.
It will not be long before it will re-
fuse to be damned by either.
Subscribe for the Watchman.”
girlhood and
Florence Hinkle to Sing at State
College Tonight.
Music lovers will have a treat to-
night at State College for Florence
Hinkle, the Metropolitan opera star,
will sing in the auditorium there in
the first of a series of recitals that are
to be given during the winter under
the direction of the department of
music at the College.
A complete list of the various en-
' gagements that have been filled by
Miss Hinkle, who is known as Ameri-
ca’s foremost soprano, would cover
the pages of a good-sized volume.
Each season she is engaged to give
recitals in cities all over the United
States, and in addition to these, Miss
. Hinkle always appears with many of
the leading musical societies and or-
chestras. The American public knows
Florence Hinkle without any extend-
ed introduction. Her Victor talking
machine records have created thous-
ands of admirers, supplementing her
personal efforts with many. distin-
guished organizations. Local dealers
in Victor records have records by Miss
Hinkle in stock, and to hear them is to
be convinced of her artistic ability.
For the benefit of the Bellefonte
pecple, special arrangements have
been made with Emerick’s bus line
for a bus to leave at 7 p. m. from the
First National bank, at Bellefonte,
and to return from State College after
the concert.
| Kane—On October 18, to Mr. and
, Mrs. Charles O. Kane, of Spring
township, a daughter, Virginia May.
Kane—On October 21, to Mr. and
Mrs. Peter E. Kane, of Spring town-
ship, a daughter, Flora Louise.
Gross—On October 18. to Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Gross, of Bellefonte, a
daughter, Edna May.
Miller—On October 15, to Mr. and
Mrs. David E. Miller, of Spring
township, a son, David Ellsworth.
MeKinley—On October 5, to" Mr.
and Mrs. Gilbert R. McKinley, of
Spine township, a son, Samuel Rich-
Miller—On October 15, to Mr. and
‘ Mrs. Alfred E. Miller, of Spring
township, a daughter, Ethel Helen.
Stere—On October 6, to Mr. and
Mrs. R. Allison Stere, of Bellefonte,
a daughter, Dorothy Elois.
Snyder—On October 7, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ray C. Snyder, of Benner town-
ship, a son, Richard Donald.
Harter—On October 22, to Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Harter, of Marion town-
ship, a daughter, Mildred B.
Beightol—On October 11, to Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Beightol, of Walker
township, a daughter, Geraldine
Garret—On October 14, to Mr. and
Mrs. Adam Garret, of Marion town-
ship, a daughter, Mildred B.
Witmer—On October 19, to Mr.
and Mrs. John Witmer, of Benner
township, a daughter.
Knisely—On October 23, to Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Knisely, of Bellefonte, a
son, Albert Jr.
Rossman—On October 19, to Mr.
and Mrs. Boyd Rossman, of Belle-
fonte, a son, Clair Leonard.
Novosac—On October 4, to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Novosac, of Bellefonte, a
son, Michael.
Lodick—-On October 18. to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Lodick, of Spring town-
ship, a daughter.
Johnstonbauzh—On October 3, to
Mir. and Mrs. Clyde Johnstonbaugh,
of Spring township, a son, Charles
Price—On October 27, to Mr. and
Mrs. William F. Price, of Bellefonte,
a son, Thomas David.
Bloomquist—On October 28, to Mr.
and Mrs. Roy T. Bloomquist, of Belle-
fcnte, a daughter, Carroll Janet.
Houck—OCn October 10, to Mr. and
Mrs. John O. Houck, of Bellefonte, a
son, Hoy Kenneth.
Spicer—On October 6, to Mr. and
Murs. Malcolm Spicer, of Bellefonte, a
son, Kenneth Lutz.
Musser—On October 17, to Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Musser, of Bellefonte, a
Gummo—On October 12, to Mr. and
Mrs. Alonzo Gummo, of Spring town-
ship, a daughter.
Thompsou—On October 20, to Mr.
and Mrs. Howard J. Thompson, of
Bellefonte, a son, Philip Bell.
Dunklebarger—On October 2, to
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Dunklebar-
ger, of Spring township, a son, Roy
Bradley—On October 29, to Mx. and
Mrs. James Bradley, of Benner town-
ship, a son, Richard Samuel.
Tactless, Indeed.
Miss Gidday—How old do you think
Tactless Man—Oh, I should say
Miss G.—Hm! You are ten years
out of the way.
T. M.—Why, my dear lady. You
can’t really be forty-five!
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