& Demorealit Wan Bellefonte, Pa., November 14, 1919. Country Correspondence Items of Interest Dished up for the Delectation of “Watchman” Read- ers’ by a Corps of Gifted Correspondents. PINE GROVE MENTION. Farmer Homer Grubb last week or- dered a new International tractor for use on hs farm. Ed Bowersox, of Altoona, spent the Sabbath with his aged parents on east Main street. Several weddings in this vicinity are already booked to take place dur- ~ ing the Holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bierly were entertained at dinner at the home of William Yocum, at Erbtown. W. E. Johnson is having his resi- dence wired for electric light and power. S. E. Ward has the job. With the school marms attending teachers’ institute young America is running out of bounds this week. Mrs. Ruth Little, of Tyrone, is spending a week with relatives here and in the surrounding community. Samuel Fisher and family, of Frankstown, were entertained at the M. E. parsonage at dinner on Sunday. Farmer C. M. Dale is serving his country as a juror in the United States district court at Scranton this week. Mrs. Anna Fry, who spent the past month in Bellefonte among relatives, has returned home perfectly delight- ed with her sojourn at the county seat. Mr. and Mrs. James Dreese, of Ad- amsburg, visited at the H. H. Goss home on the Branch last week and at- tended Pennsylvania day at State College. Dr. R. M. Krebs suffered a relapse last week and is now confined to bed. As soon as he is able he will be taken back to the John’s Hopkins hospital at Baltimore. Claude Williams, who has been the tenant farmer on the Margaret Reed farm near town, last week bought'the place for $3,000, and is now monarch of all he surveys. Hugh A. McAfee, the popular huck- ster of Halfmoon, was here on Satur- day in quest of fat porkers, but as he offered but twelve cents a pound he failed to secure any. J. A. Peters and family motored up from Oak Hall to visit Mr. Peters’ mother, Mrs. Sue Peters, who has been suffering with an attack of the grip during the past week. Miss Helen Everts came in from Pitcairn to spend some time with her father, who has been under the doc- tor’s care the past few weeks, but is now showing a little improvement. Ralph and Robert McClay, with their mother and sister Helen, came over from Belleville last Saturday for Pennsylvania day at the College, and took time to call at the E. H. Bierly home. Rev. Ira E. Fisher is now engaged in holding revival meetings in the Methodist church here, to continue two wecks. Rev. Thomas A. Elliott very ably assisted him at the meetings last week. Walter Woods’ steam threshing outfit is at a standstill at the C. M. Dale farm on the Branch, owing to a broken casting on the engine, and it will probably be some days before the part can be secured and repairs made. Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Bayard, of Tyrone, were callers on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, on west Main street. Mrs. Bayard, who prior to her marriage was Miss Florence Rhone, of Centre Hall, is a cousin of Mrs. Smith. Many potatoes are still in the ground and much corn yet to be husk- ed, due to the wet weather and scarcity of farm help. The new wheat and rye are coming along splendidly and there is still an abun- dance of good pasture so that all kinds of stock are in good condition for wintering. Last Thursday evening, Mrs. Annie Fortney, of near town, gave a dinner party in honor of the birthday anni- versary of her sister Minnie. It was a surprise affair and only intimate friends were invited. The lady in whose honor the party was given re- ceived many beautiful and useful presents as mementoes of the occa- sion. The ’coon crop seems to be about as prolific as rabbits in this section. Last Saturday morning Elmer Long and two chums from Tyrone, came in off of Old Tussey with three big, fat ’coons. On the first day of the rab- bit season young Dreiblebis got the limit. The Bressler party came in with eighteen and three pheasants, George and Charles Louck got eight, A. C. Kepler and E. M. Watt each got four and a party from Tyrone secur- ed two. Rev. L. V. Barber, pastor of the Presbyterian church, gave notice last Sunday evening that a congregation- al meeting will be held next Sunday evening to consider his resignation, as he has received and accepted a call to the pastorate of the Mill Hall and ‘Beech Creek charge, where he expects to go about December first. The peo- ple of this place will be sorry to see him leave, as he is not only an able preacher but a very pleasant and companionable gentleman. An unusually large party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A Johnson, in the Glades, last Friday evening, in celebration of the twenty- fifty birthday anniversary of their son Clyde. The house was crowded with friends of the young man and deli- cious refreshments of ice cream, cake and fruits were served. The young man received enovgh presents to last him for years, among them being a handsome watch. The party did not break up until the small hours of morning. ’ There are forty-eight kinds of animals, sixty-seven kinds of birds. about ten kinds of fishes. twenty-one kinds of reptiles, and seventeen kinds of inseets named in the Bible. BOALSBURG. Mrs. A. J. Hazel is spending some time at Madisonburg. John W. Keller was confined to his home by illness for several days. Mrs. Eliza Alexander, of Centre Hel, is visiting among friends in own. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Faxon and! son Tom spent last week in Miles- burg. Mrs. George Hall and Miss Sara Keller visited firends in Bellefonte last week. _ Mrs. Thomas Shoemaker is spend- ing some time with her son Philip, at the Tavern. Mr. and Mrs. Clement G. Dale, of Houserville, were callers in town on Sunday evening. Mrs. Wilson, a prominent state worker for the W. C. T. U., spent sev- eral days in town. Mrs. Jordon and Mrs. Harshbarger, of Yeagertown, spent the week-end at the home of L. Mothersbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and two sons, of Philipsburg, were recent visitors at the home of Henry Hosterman. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Etters and son George, of Oak Hall, spent Mon- day evening with friends in town. Mrs. E. R. Tussey and son, of Sinking valley, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Goheen the past week. Prof. A. M. Thomas wes called to his home at Nanticoke on Thursday, on account of the sudden death of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. William Woods will occupy the O. W. Stover house on Pine street. Mrs. Woods arrived in town a week ago. Mrs. Laura Bricker is making prep- aration to go to Philadelphia to spend the winter with her sons, Messrs John and Howard Bricker. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brown and J. TP, Harmon and daughter, Miss Eliza- beth, of Yeagertown, were week-end guests at the Lutheran parsonage. Miss Sara Keller, Henry Reitz and Philip Shoemaker were victims of slight accidents last week, that re- quired the care of a physician, but at present all are improving. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Kline, of Axe Mann; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall Bottorf and Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lenker and daughter, of Lemont, attended services in the Lutheran church. After spending the summer at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Ir- win, Mrs. Sarah Krumrine went to State College to spend the winter with her other daughter, Mrs. Charles Swartz. Rev. Elmer Fickes Brown was in- stalled as pastor of the Lutheran church on Sunday, November 2nd. Rev. C. F. Houtz, of Selinsgrove, and Dr. Spangler, of Yeagertown, had charge of the services. - : Mrs. Norman Slagle gave a party last Tuesday evening in honor of her father, Daniel Meyer. It was a com- plete surprise, enjoyed by both host and guests. Mrs. Slagle, assisted by her sister, Mrs. J. P. Wagner, of Al- toona, served delicious refreshments. Postmaster Jacob Meyer and wife accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brooks and daughter on a motor trip which will include a visit to their son, C. C. Meyer and family, at Medina, N. Y. They expect to be absent a week and Miss Augusta Murray has full charge of the postoffice. STORMSTOWN. Mrs. Belle Gray is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. I. V. Gray, at Philipsburg. Mrs. Robert Gray is visiting friends at her old home in Mechan- icsburg and Indiana. John Griffin and wife, of Tyrone, were visitors at the home of her fath- er, J. H. Griffin, on Sunday. Mrs. Wade Lytle and daughter, Miss Hazel, are visiting friends in Bellefonte and attending the teachers’ institute. Mrs. Orvis Harris has donned over- alls and is running the engine for her hushand’s threshing machine, due to a scarcity of farm help. Miss Sara Waite and niece, Miss Elizabeth, and nephew, Gilbert Waite, three of our teachers, are spending the week with friends in Bellefonte, while they are attending the teach- er’s institute. The Elder homestead that was own- ed and farmed by Capt. John A. Hun- ter for many years, was sold by Col. Rufus Elder to Orvis Peters, who will take possession in: the spring. farm has been owned by the family for more than a hundred | So the Christmas seal of 1919 gives a years, they having been the first set- tlers in this vicinity, who lived nine miles away, at what is now Fillmore. A tree marked by the Indians with halfmoons is still stand- | ing near the springhouse. JACKSONVILLE. Much hay and straw is being baled in this community at present. School pupils are having a holiday this week while their teachers are at- tending institute. — ‘disease. This | healthy many Elder | attaining manhood or womanhood. i their nearest | a real measure. neighbor on the east being a German, | | | | OAK HALL. W. M. Kern and L. K. Dale are suf- fering with carbuncles. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rodel, of Ly- kens, spent the week-end with their son, E. C. Rodel. Mr. Krape, of Salona, is spending some time with his daughter, Mrs. William Ferree. Mr. and Mrs. John Homan, of Cen- tre Hall, were recent visitors at the home of Waldo Homan, Dr. Samuel Rothrock and daughter Helen, of “Reedsville, were Sunday visitors at the Elmer Lowder home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelley, of Bellefonte, spent Sunday with Mrs. Kelley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Campbell. _ Clair Korman, who is a very oblig- ing clerk in Gilliland’s drug store at State College, spent a day hunting in this vicinity. Genevieve and Elliott Houser, of State College, spent a week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Houser, in this place. The religious services held in the school house Sunday evening were well attended. Roy Deam, instructor of French at The Pennsylvania State College, delivered the address. Charles Wilt and Ward Gramley, of Altoona, motored to this place on Sunday. They were accompanied home by Ross Lowder, daughter Dozr- othy and son, Ross Daniel. Miss Dor- othy will remain for her vacation while Mr. Lowder and son returned home on Monday. There was a great deal of excite- ment in our town last Saturday morn- ing when John Fisher, baggage mas- ter on the 6:30 train, reported having seen 2 bear in Dale’s meadow. Some of our great sportsmen, E. C. Rodel, William Raymond and Fred Wagner, armed themselves with rifles, hunting knives and a good supply of ammuni- tion and started in pursuit of the bear, which proved to be one of Dale’s black calves. . PENNSYLVANIA FIGURES AND FACTS. 10,000 . persons die annually in’ Pennsylvania of tuberculosis. 75,000 to 100,000 others have the Not over 25,000 having tuberculosis receive systematic medical treatment. At least 50,000 receive no medical attention. 3,000 Pennsylvania men who had tuberculosis unknown to health au- thorities were rejected for army serv- ice. Approximately 70 per cent. of the State's school children show physical defects. School inspections for 1916-17 show: 1. There were examined 628,000 pupils. 2. 177,000 were found normal; 451,000 were found suffering from some defect. i 3. Approximately 24 per cent. of | corrections were abtained. | 4, Defectives tabulated: Teeth, | 55.9 per cent.; tonsils, 25.8 per cent.; | eyes, 17.6 per cent.; breathing, 5 per cent. State, county and city authorities are doing much excellent work in | fighting the white plague. But they | cannot do all. Their work will be a success only as public opinion is en- | lightened and people made to see the vital need of better health habits. | The State can legislate but laws will | do little good if the people are mot | educated and trained. Private health ! agencies, such as the Pennsylvania | Society for the Prevention of Tuber- | culosis, find their chief work in edu- cational propaganda. Their efforts | are fully endorsed by the State ! Health Department. In fact State | health officials say they can do little; if the people are not educated by such | agencies as the Tuberculosis Society. | National and State health authorities have joined in asking private health | agencies to enlarge their program for | next year. { The Red Cross seal of 1919 has a particular appeal for children. Santa Claus, printed in red with white fringes on his outfit, and a white beard, stands with a full pack at the top of a chimney ready to descend. | The child knows what it means when ! Santa Claus comes down the chimney. ! The seal is a link in the work of training children toward better health habits. It has been proven that a large percentage of children become infected with the germs of tuberculo- sis and unless they are taught to make and keep themselves strong and of them will die before “Healthy and a Happy New Year” in { | Blue Blood in This Pig. Omaha.—Thirty thousand dollars was paid a short time ago by a local | breeder for “Desiger,” a yearland Po- | land China boar. This is said to be | the record price for a single hog. | When a few weeks old “Desiger” was sold for $5000. The recent sale makes i a profit of $25,000 for the original | purchaser in less than a year. | ns iran | | Mr. and Mrs. William Walizer and From Sun to Sun—And Then Some. | Mervin Hoy and Mary Stover spent Sunday at the home of Dick Walizer, at Mackeyville. home from the Bellefonte hospital and is looking quite well, considering the seriousness of her illness. Nr. and Mrs. William Walizer left | for their home in Boston on Monday ! after spending several weeks of their honeymoon visiting friends in this vi- cinity. Several Jacksonville hunters spent a few days in the Alleghenies last “Next thing we know the farmer wll be wanting an eight-hour sched- | + ! ule,” says an exchange. Miss Pearl Weaver has returned . J g The farmer has always had the Brings the Best Into Co-operation. It is no wonder that many are finding | { . eight-hour schedule—twice a day. {he new medicinal combination, Hood's ' Sarsaparilla before eating, Peptiron, areal | | iron tonic, after eating, and Hood’s Fills | as needed, remarkably effective as a course | week and returned home with fifteen rabbits. plentiful but pretty hard to get. CASTORIA Bears the cignature of Chas, H. Fletcher. In use for over thirty years, and The Kind You lave Always Bought. They report game quite | of treatment for giving vitality, viger and vim, and increasing strength and endur- ance. Among the medicinal substances that | this combination brimgs into co-operation are such cleansers, temics and digestives as sarsaparilla, nux, irom and pepsin, whose great merit has been fully estab- lished. Good results from such a combination, in cases amenable to treatment, seem to be among the “jnevitables.” The combina- | tion is especially recommended for those who are run down, whose blood is poer, | | because of impurity or lack of iron, whose ! nerves are weak or unstrumg, livers terpid or sluggish, Try it. 64- Bounty Fees. The Pennsylvania Game Commis- sion paid out $3,034 in bounties dur- ing the month of September and in the early part of October $2,251. The law creating a reward or bounty for the destruction of certain noxious an- imals killed within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was amended in June of this year and the bounties were in- creased as follows: For each wildcat, the sum of eight dollars; for each weasel, the sum of two dollars, and for each mink the sum of one dollar. — Subscribe for the “Watchman.” Ghost-Walking at Theatre. “The Sebian Minister and Mme. Grovitch, with a small party of friends, died at the Cafe St. Marks last evening before going to the thea- tre.”—Washington Star. Medicai. Truth Triumphs BELLEFONTE CITIZENS TESTI- FY FOR THE PUBLIC BEN- EFIT. A truthful statement of a Belle- fonte citizen, given in his own words, should convince the most skeptical about the merits of Doan’s Kidney Pills. If you suffer from backache, nervousness, sleeplessness, urinary disorders or any form of kidney ills, use a tested kidney medicine. A Bellefonte citizen tells of Doan’s Kidney Pills. Could you demand more convincing proof of merit? M. H. Daley, railroad man, 213 E. Lamb St., Bellefonte, says: “My back and kidneys were in a very serious condition, when I began taking Doan’s Kidney Pills. They gave me great benefit and 1 was more than pleased with the results. I recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills whenever I have an op- portunity.” _ Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Daley had. Foster-Milburn Co., 64-45 Game Commission Pays Big Sum in HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. N asal Catarrh . Though Very Common It is a Serious Disease—Worse at This Season. It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane, causing a discharge, and | is aggravated by colds and sudden | changes of weather, but depends on an impure condition of the blood. When chronic it may develop into consumption by breaking down the delicate lung tissues and impairing the general health. - Begin treatment with Hood’s Sar- saparilla at once. This medicine purifies the blood, removes the cause of the disease, and gives permanent relief. It has been entirely satisfac- tory to three generations. If a cathartic is needed take Hood’s Pills,—they enliven the liver, regulate the bowels. 64-45 PRINTING FINE JOB o—A SPECIALTY—0 WATCHMAN OFFICE There is no style of work, from the cheapest ‘‘Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK, that we car not do in the most satis- factory manner, and at Prices consist- ent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this ’ (Get the Best Meats. You save nothing by buying poor, thin or gristly meats. [use only the LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE and supply my customers with the fresh- est, choicest, best blood and muscle mak- ing Steaks and Roasts. My prices are no higher than poorer meats are elsewhere. 1 alwavs have —— DRESSED POULTRY — Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. TRY MY SHOP. P. L. BEEZER, High Street. 34.34-1y. Beliefonte, Pa SERIES SR. ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. KLINE WOODRING — = 1a, od hezonts, Pa. i cohen ; ce, room 18 Crigets B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at- Practice in all the pring ila tation in English or German. Of- Sceln Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte Pa. S. TAYLOR—Attorne - lor at Law. ce OQunael. Court, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of legal business attended to promptly. 40-46 KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-: J law, Bellefonte, Pa. ded a tention given all legal business ene trusted to his care. B High street. M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at law and Justice of the Peace. All pro= fessional business receive Office on second Son: Offices—No. § prompt attention. of Temple Court. G. RUNKLE—Attorney-at-law. Con= sultation in English and German. Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belle= fonte, Pa. 58-8 PHYSICIANS. 8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre dened county, Pa. Office at his resi ESTAURANT. Bellefonte now has a First-Class Res- taurant where Meals are Served at All Hours Steaks, Chops, Roasts, Oysters on the half shell or in any style desired, Sand- wiches, Soups, and anything eatable, can he lied in a few minutes ay Hime, Ins ad- on I have a complete plant prepared to furnish Soft Drinks in bottles Such as POPS, SODAS, SARSAPARILLA, SELTZER SYPHONS, ETC., for pic-nics, families and the public gener. ally all of which are manufactured go of the purest syrups and properly carbonated. C. MOERSCHBACHER, High St., Bellefonte, Pa. INSUR ANCE! Fire and Automobile Insurance at a reduced rate. 62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent. ap 50-32-1y. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 78 '3 : Round Trip Including War Tax Washington The Heart of the Nation BALTIMORE The Monumental City SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Special Train leaves Bellefonte, Saturday November 22nd, at 10.30 p.m. Returning. leaves Washington 4.15 p. m. ; Balti- more 5.20 p. mi. t= The right is reserved to limit the sale of tickets to the capacity of equipment available Batt PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD | FINE GROCERIE ST] NAVAL ORANGES are in. The quality is fine and the price reasonable. CALIFORNIA WALNUTS and almonds of extra fine quality. OUR WHITE GRAPES AND CRANBERRIES are very fan- cy goods. CANDIES. In Candies we have succeeded in getting a fair sup- ply of desirable goods. EVAPORATED APRICOTS, PEARS AND PEACHES are very fine this season and we have all of them. We Have the Supplies We are receiving fairly good shipments of Supplies for the New Year MINCE MEAT. Mince Meat of the usual high Sechler & Co. standard. Positively the finest goods we can produce. 28c. 1b. Tryit. FANCY, MILD CHEESE, Sweet Potatoes, canned Fruits, Olives, Ketchup, Pure Olive Table Oil, old fashioned New Orleans Syr- up and fine table Syrup by the quart. Much finer goods than the Syrup in pails. and Will be Pleased to Fill All Orders, Bush House Block, —— SECHLER & COMPANY, Bellefonte, Pa. The People May be Trusted! Some men are talking loudly as to what they will do if certain legislation now pending in Congress is enacted. They are Bluffing! No organization is strong enough to defy the power of the United States. Certain adjust- ments are inevitable, but threats of REVOLU- TION are silly. This gives us confidence in the outlook for business.’ The First National Bank 61-46-1y QUAINT TINT WNT Bellefonte, Pa. RAAT WWW WW WW Ww ww Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Compulsory. We specialize in placing such in- surance. We Inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce In- surance rates. It will be to your interest to con- sult us before placing your In- surance. JOHN F. GRAY. & SON, Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College mm The Preferred Accident Insurance THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY BENEFITS: $5,000 death by sccldent, 5,000 loss of both feet, 5,000 loss of both hands, ,000 loss of one hand and one foot, 2,500 loss of either hand, 2,000 loss of either foot, 630 loss of one eve 25 per week, total disability, (limit 52 weeks) 10 per week, partial disability, {limit 26 weeks) PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR, pavable quarterly if desired. Larger or smaller amounts in proportion Any person, male or female, engaged in a preierred occupation, including house eeping, over eighteen years of age of food moral and Physical condition may nsure under this policv. Fire Insurance 1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur- ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex tensive Line of Solid Companies represent. ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania H. E. FENLON, Agent, Bellefonte, Fa. on 50-21. Good Health Good Plumbing GO TOGETHER When you have dripping steam pipes, leaky water-fixtures, foul sewerage, or escaping , you can’t have good Health. The air you Breathe is poisonous; your system becomes poisoned.and invalidism is sure to come. SANITARY PLUMBING is the kind we do. It's the only kind you ought to have. Wedon’t trust this work to boys. Our workmen are Skilled Mechanics. no better anywhere. Our Material and Fixtures are the Bes Not a cheap or inferior aiticle in our entire establishment. And with good work and the finest material, our Prices are Lower r, unsantary than many who give you \ finishings.iFor work and the lowest grade o the Best Work trv Archibald Allison, 0 ita Bush House - Bellefonte, Pa Ppos 56-1¢-1v.