[a . Lo EE ble organizations now before the pub ! 210es, Fhoey, 1 Demorralic alm CEPTIONAL MUSICAL ble organizations now before the PAR. | yn the early days, centuries and cen oy cu eo poy oon EEE EEE EE tr : - ~reo - URSE. them more strongly entrenched than turies ago, man lived mostly by the LEHOLEGE oH EAS ASA ES SS ASAE A Fre x | ever before, for they have added many chase, as today the last surviving = =05 Bellefonte, Pa, November 7, 1919. Department of Music Arranges for | new successes to those already achiev- Savage tribes still live. The raising : ——————————————— Series of Three Stellar Recitals. ed. : of herds, the tilling of the soil, the FL The Philadelphia Ledger of last manufacture of goeds, all were un- 9 oh A series of musical recitals, to be ' Sunday a week mentions that Miss known. Wild animals, hunted in the i= held in the Schwab Auditorium at Hinkle, Miss Breslau and the Zoell- forests with stone weapons and point- HL State College during the coming sea- | ner String Buartette have all been ed sticks, furnished almost the only 5 son, have been arranged for under tie | booked for the Artists’ Course under resource. Their flesh gave food, their : Uc auspices of the Department of Mu- the Department of Music there this skins provided clothing. To catch : 31 sic, with Mr. Evan J. Morris, 19, as | season. ; 3 the game, a fleet-footed auxiliary in . Uo manager. The artists who will ren-| It seems to us that no such oppor- the chase was necessary; to keep tz Oe der these recitals have been selected | tunity has ever before been offered these dangerous animals in a proper : Pil with great care and no lover of mu- | the lovers of real music in Centre State of awe, a courageous defender ore ; : Si sic can afford to miss the opportuni- | county. And if they hope to take ad- Was needed by man. is auxiliary, : le ty of hearing them. vantage of these recitals a season this defender, and, best of all, this oe The first of these recitals will be | ticket costing only $3.00 can be se- friend, devoted even to death, was the on ; : Sr given on Pivag November four- | cured at the “Varsity Store,” State dog; a gift from heaven to help man L} a ; Ue teenth, by Miss Florence Hinkle, so- | College. The price is amazingly low IT his pitiful beginnings. With the [= : Fr prano, who has appeared frequently | when we know that a single concert aid of the dog, life was rendered less SF at the Metropolitan opera house and | by these artists in the cities command perilous, food more assured. Leisure Joh ia Uc is soloist with the symphony orches- | as much as all three will at State followed, and from being a hunter 4 8 5 4 A i tras of Boston, New York, Chicago, | College. man became a herdsman. The herd . =. 0 Sn Buy W. S. S. and Philadelphia. A complete list of = was formed, at first very indocile and ) : tic the various engagements that have A Whale’s Worth $15,000. at the slightest lack of watchfulness [i : = ar So few reports were received by W. | been filled by Miss Hinkle, who is J taking again to the wild life of old. 3) : SI Harrison Walker from the various known as America’s foremost sopra- A full-grown bowhead whale is to-' Its keeping was confided to the dog, oo Ut . : : | no, would cover the pages of a good- day worth $15,000 merely for the | which, posted on some risin ground i chairmen in Group 3, war savings di- | .» pag g : HE CT} : : oes d ore- [ a ’ & : sized volume. Each season she is en- whalebone it carries in its mouth, of the pasture, its scent to the wind f= ar ces Sh) vision, that he has no knowledge of | o 003 to give recitals in cities all This is the species that furnishes and ear on the watch, followed the &F Uc the pro rata of stamps sold during | yer the United States, and in addi- the bulk of the commercial supply of herd with vigilant eye and rushed to 1 the week of October 18th. So far as | tion to these, Miss Hinkle always" ap- | whalebone, which. is now worth. 7.50 bring back t. p TUnaWays of, to drive 2M ie 55 he has any information, however, | pears with many of the leading mu- | @ pound. Itisa denizen of Arctic. off some evil-intentioned™ beast." Hg Having purchased 235 pairs ‘Men’s High" = LE Centre county still’ stands second in | sical govieties and orchesyras. ae Seas. Howlie ads lie votherowhalBboiie ; Ta Jo the dog, the herd IE on . A 3 3.3 minn iS sat REN ; A . su lic: nows ‘ence in- ead, | * 1 A 5 A B, | . : ; ¢ He i eR SE fmerfean 2 any aed I tio whales, has no teeth. Instead’ its flesh for’ food, and warm wool for | & Top Tan Shoes, sizes 6, 7, 8 and 9, at. a: . Fi the number of certificates sold in | Her Victor talking machine records jos are furnished with a series of clothing. Then, relieved from the ter- | lig rice 1 th th i { sh f SF : have created thousands of admirers, | long, tapering slabs of a horny sub- rible anxiety concerning daily provis- | Pp ess than the price ol shoes 1ive i: Bellefonte which now aggregate over | jomenting her personal efforts stance fringed with hair. Of these ions, man took it into his head to dig J Fl $75,000 worth. If other portions of | Lith many distinguished 'organiza- slabs, which are the whalebone of in the earth and make it produce | years ago. LE the county had done as well the show- | tions, Local dealers in Victor Tecords | commerce, there may be as many 3s grain. Agriculture sprang into being, ' | IL ing would be much better. huve records by Miss Hinkle in stock, oo 5 20h ith te ind i it. little yy nee civiliza- | Sl = Many people seem to think that the i onvinced e biggest o em are ten or | tion. e ve orce of circum- | & Lu adi iY pen a Sin H B i 83 © Your ami wo be convinced twelve feet ong 2nd they are nseresd stances, therefore, Juan in 2 Wop i | = These shoes are worth more than $7.00 at... F tificates is primarily to get money for | SECOND RECITAL DECEMBER 4th, (ID '€ m Oo e upper jaw, from | tries is at first a hunter, later he be- : oa the government. While in a way that | The second recital will be en Thurs- which they hang. They serve Po comes a herdsman, and ends by being the wholesale price today. When I get an Si is true, yet another vital purpose of | day, December 4th, by Miss Sophie’ gave to strain ot the ¥hale's food, an sgriculiusist. Zhe Sos Is ope . % Lg i d= the movement is to encourage. thrift | Breslau, contralto, who has already De ors DE and ther pelag- i Y RS seats ® a => opportunity to purchase a bargain like this re and saving among the people at been declared by New York critics as ic small fry. Then the huge ing huis 2 hen Tor ya nN Lal 3 h ! ; = “ . . large. One of the principal objects of og fonizaltos Wi closed and, the slabs entering and fit- tie animals, accordingly, the dor is always give the public the benefit by sell- 2 the campaign, therefore is to encour- * : +" | ting into grooves in the lower jaw, | the earliest on reco an e one : . Lal ety 2) age the people to put aside as their tured #5 3il the great mugieal | the water is expelled. that has rendered us the greatest ing to them at proportionately low prices. LG first obligation, and before they spend | Springfield, Mass; Richmond, Va. | Subscribe for the “Watch ” gorvice—+ . H. Fabre, in Our Le it all, part of their income for future | Newark, N. J, and a dozen others. | Subscribe for the “Walehman Umble JLe:pers. Sead riaath Te use. She has frequently appeared with the : —— : = ese iy S are 9 0... iy El Ee muons ——————— These Shoes are Real Bargains of their incomes in a’ security which |' ea ar allt be pays a reasonable rate of interest and ED i A A A Re Sr SH Rs sn Fd is absolutely safe, like thrift stamps, : ar : = war savings stamps and other gov- . You cannot purchase a low top shoddy 3] ernment securities. F ; full blast : _ : ~ = To use the rest of their incomes so urnace going pair at the price that I am selling these 2 as to make every cent they spend buy ® . 1 : J 1 h h h rratin : Sn) something they really need or want, —— ] m ood quality high top shoes. 1 and which has a full cent’s value. on y using one Yoo : g ; a yng P = To use what they buy with as much ] care as if it were money itself. Coal costs too much to waste eG These are the fundamental princi- these days. ty HN ples on which Mr. Walker is conduct- : : : . : 7 ing his campaign for the sale of war Then why feed the Sp = 9 : t i ra savings stamps and certificates, and to keep one room com ortal ': : Y g Sh 2. S ; a the very fact that investments can be |- , P . €a er S 0€ ore” 3 I= made in any sum from twenty-five It’s entirely unnecessary. A Per- : ah an = cents to a dollar should make them fection Oil Heater will give ample THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN on appeal to the people at large. ‘ . v: hi sic — heat for any room and you can Bush Arcade Building = 58-27 BELLEFONTE. PA! Still in the Ring. carry it with you from place to : Mods a In the salesroom of the Denk- place. Le RS A FE Ar Thon ison Companys Ford desler 4 i : : Tne ; etroit, is Ford touring car number prs? a EE 604, looking wonderfully youthful a ¥ : PERF : X ON . ; i : TT: ae dd gl Be nd MISS SOPHIE BRESLAU. bas : "EC I . Come to the “Watchman” ‘office for High Class-Job ‘work daily service. The car was accepted New York Symphony, Boston Sym- QlL HEATERS rma seme as $50.00 on the purchase of a new'| phony, Chicago Symphony and Phil- \ Ling # PER eRe ap Ford. Apart from style the old timer 'adelphia Symphony. At the Sunday J i oa is worth more than that—it “goes” | night concerts in the Metropolitan | No mussing with coal or wood, and the motor is quite some years STATE COLLEGE TO HAVE EX- this side of being a pensioner, but vogue in motordom has changed since 1904. ‘Engines are no longer wound up from the side; steering wheels no longer stick straight up into the air; and then too, tight horse power and five gallon gas tanks aren’t quite sufficient for the modern motorist. The faithful Ford has not outworn its usefulness—it has merely outlived it- self. It is as though an old Indian chieftain would sport himself adorned in ear-rings, feathers and moccasins among his college-bred, Slishiy clad offspring, noblest among them but of a different age. And so with this Model “F” Ford. | opera house, her namie on the bill is sufficient to draw a house. Sophie Breslau and Gabriella Besanzoni are | probably the only living contraltos | who can sing the role of “Carmen.” | | The part was written originally for | contralto, but for several years it has | i never been done by any one except | | sopranos, Calve and Farrar being | | two famous ones. A year ago Miss | | Breslau sang the role in Chicago with | | truly sensational success. Voices ! | like hers, as many critics have point- ed out, are only too rare; the range is | | phenomenal, but the real contralto | | quality remains throughout all regis- tors. In addition to being noted as among the best in singing, Miss Bres- lau also possesses the charm of youth ! the position of one of the first ensem- | Why the Dog Stands First. | no waiting for the fire to “burnup”; a Perfection lights at the touch of a match and gives off full heat at once. j Smokeless, odorless and abso- lutely safe. You can’t turn the wick too high. This handy heater will save you at least a ton of coal this fall and help keep fuel bills down all winter long. Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. Special Reductions on Winter Coats Owing to the continued warm weather we are mark-" | ing down all Winter Coats in Ladies, Misses and’ Children. CB See the vari- ous models at your dealer’s to- day — you'll be What stories it might tell of follow- and a pleasing personality. Miss ing worn, rutted wagon roads, over Breslau has also made many fine rec- strange country perhaps, running ords which can be heard locally. through creeks where bridges had not | THIRD RECITAL FEBLUARY 28th. been built, making its owners happy. : : : 3 Detroit wasn’t so much of a town fif The third recital willbe on Friday, Rayo Lamps Don’t strain your eyes with a lamp that is Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats that sold from $15.00 to $75.00 now $12.00 to $60.00. Children’s Coats from $3.C0 AT LANTIC Rayolight Oil costs no morethan too weak or too - i i : up, in cloth. In velour teen years ago. It was Henry Ford's | February 28th, by the Zoellner String | flaring requne | Surprised how pd pn ld p SH second year manufacturing Fords in | Quartette, which in musical circles right. Their | - iveth burn for ten hours from $5.50 up. Hn, a Tacto ye! his compan he just been. has been declared to be on a par with mellow light | INEXPENSIVE they . in your Perfection : or BE pany J such a famous quartette as the rests the eyes’ 1 HFC. $0 Henter, Bast fey Min tie fe is not known who the original “Kneisel” which appeared at State : TT ss purchaser of this dependable old Ford College abot Ive iv Hh 2 THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY ATLANTIC was, or where he lived, whether in| : & New York or California, Michigan or foe Snows What 3 Ser fi Florida. Six-O-Four may have trav-| within the past few years, the Zoell- Ged Sl ofthe States ne, ono, | 10g Bare hn leaped t | Philadelphia Pittsburgh Rayolight SEAS SS ‘ ig Furs - - - Furs + of its birth, there to enjoy a quiet, re- ' mm spectable old age, while it keeps on; running and running, and cheating the junk man. Select your Furs now for Christmas presents. All colors and black. All styles—large, medium’ and small neck-pieces, capes, collars and stoles, with muffs to match, at greatly reduced prices. Sil EER Bellefonte Trust Company | — ” i Painted Flowers. Recent experiments have proved it practicable to make a rosebush yield | roses of any color desired. : It must, however, be a bush that would normally bear white roses. Then it is merely a question of water- ing the soil with a very dilute solu- | tion of one chemical or another. Potash will cause the bush to pro- duce green roses; alum will give them a lilac hue, and muriatic acid will turn them red. By like means the long- sought blue rose has been obtained; but the chemical employed in this case is a secret. The same method, with like results, can be applied to white hydrangeas and other white flowers. i Bellefonte, Penna. SOME OF THE THINGS WE DO of WEBSTERS NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARIES are in use by busi- ness men, engineers, bankers, judges, architects, physicians, farmers, teachers, librarians, cler- gymen, by successful men and women the world over. Are You Equipped to Win? The New International provides the means to success. Itisanall- knowing teacher, a universal ques- tion answerer. If you seek efficiency and ad- vancement why not make daily use of this vast fund of inform- ation? WAWNEXE New Sweaters We are showing a complete new line of Ladies’ Slip-on- Sweaters with frilly rnffles and ribbed finished. All new Children’s Sweaters, all wool slip-on. CHECKING ACCOUNT We will start a checking account for you with $5.00 or mote. Pay your bills with a check which will be colors and all sizes. your receipt. SAVINGS ACCOUNT Bring in a $1.00 or more and open a Savings Ac- count. Get a little Savings Bank for the children to save their pennies. We pay 3% yearly, compounded January 1st, and July 1st. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT An Oversupply. The help problem bothers them in the Orient also, but in a different way. A gentleman who had returned Shoes frore ‘India remarked, “The worst Fl $00 Muecations. Cole 2700 Pages. We issue Certificates of Deposit at six months or : i thing about the place is jf, Piigmmes 30,000, Geographics Subjects. 12,000 one year and pay 3% ony per annum. Men’s Women’s and Children’s Shoes in dress and was at Bogglywallah I had four serv- Regular and India-Paper Editions. TRUST DEPARTMENT everyday wear, at prices that can not be matched at whole ants to look after my pipe alone.” Writeforspeo- . : . “Four servants to attend to your imen pages, In our Trust Department we will manage your pri- sale. pipe?” iliustrasions, vate business. Make vonr wil! and name the Relle : etc. a “ \ : “Yes. The first one brought it to Bl set of Pocket fonte Trust Company to be your lvXxecutor, Guardian, {ll Maps if you i name this TTT TTT TT te ada beets me; the second filled it; the third lit it— “And the fourth?” “Oh, he smeked it. abide tobacco in any form, know.” Trustee, etc. Consult us freely without expense. omen: Lyon &IC6 Lie Lei & su &3 1 never could you J L.SPANGLER, C.T.GERBERICH, N. E ROBB 64-17 President Vice President Secy-Treas fe ki we ~ noni ; SY a ar, Ao, SW. gata a. . ye x emmy JMOL IDC AVL wail by lvaiasadhile J oy Be. ——
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