Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 07, 1919, Image 4

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    . ; : ; OTE OF Tu ECTION, HELD. TUESDAY, NOV. 4th", | Office Republican | Democrat | Busine
ot IC a ” : gE : Lo : on Rey I. or a BY aD iough
RET : ; ; eriff | Protht Treas. || Regist | R ; = = = | Sup—G M os unkle 43 | ;i 00 unci ir ai
+ Bellefonte, Pa., November 7, 1919. ave — i] || Regist. { Recore || Co. Commissione| Dis. At Co. Auditor. Coroner. 3 Bird A Roneka 17. ii M Crawiord 44 | Five sirik te
8.2 GRAY MEEK, - - Editor a : Rae ES : i . RE yGrayiord 5 ow members were ‘present at
ig eee : ; oz g/2(82 Ile gs: lolz gla zi etoteletwlly!ls FedgosD RUSH—N P : lor, day night’s meeting. of borough
To Correspondents~No communications} . ssi S|3 Zi Eis ely |giele | glidla glzsia : Ins lge—Dun Revbold 105...M Seigfried 63 | counzil, the sixth member makin ‘his
published unless accompanied by the real. DISTRICTS LSE 3 [284 32d $1211 8 aha ldllalg|e|sliB|? DE Sy Sua 66 | appearance just as the bill 2
pame of the writer. hes 2 2 S03 i? Fg oi FY ralEBIS ||" gis 0 of PT R Dubbs 10¢..D aughn 65 5 ills were
Slollstofa{ofa|9|m Oi = i | 2 |ollf13 0 13 lo #101, pavid Vaillin 8 ready for approval.
= 2 - W : | - v T = Na ef a - - | cesadOe ey : . :
“Perms of Subscription.—Until fu er. . . ; . | I= 2. : Pe pe r i EF, ol 221 P | a $i i i Sonik Smith 5 a oa SoM eakion was =
notice this paper will be furnished tosub- | Side I ® [od] fd olde] ded LETT LR Libaoll ead) E85 Dind B ne He BB pire Willis E. Wion submit-
t geribers at the following rates: si ghainlo FX VU Lenidhduadiy a hg dl Fol hb pdb i nei fo Pte 1 Gra son Vaughn 53.0 Woomer: % ting pictures and figures on chemical
Paid strictly in advance ~~ 50) Balictonte NW. | 247 | fer] ores pm etal i i tba Jabohd ohiolue AP Wo sek Be oy ree Wm Iteese 61 | trucks : for. council’s . consideration.
Paid before expiration of year - L750 Bellefonte, S. W.__=-| 202 mn 18 1 143] 257| 157|| 273] 250[ 131] 126|| 226] 187 | ty BUSH—EEoH: hotoads, The data was referred to the Fire and
© Paid after expiration of year - 2.00.1 Bellefont nd Wo-| 78l 64 : 8 111 209! 139|| 195| 180] 136| 134|| 166] 177 | Jude finns RUSH E Fo teve Kobol 22 | Police committee.
| mre An Howacd: rng 60 5 6 9% 1 HS « 3 5 2 8 Con—Geo S\eigaet 26 ned en Sys % The Street committee reported the
. . 9 : : = } ry sevens Hughes . ry
TUESDAY'S ELECTION ABRO AD : Milesburg-- 92 66]. 45} 30! 81 fy a: “IT ygoloast 531218168 38 110) 49 O of P Dubbs 2 prose doe Riley, 81 receipt of $60.00 for the use of the
: AND AT HO} 4" Philipsburg, 91] 2 000 4351 1) 92|| 31 34( 85| 100 36 95(| 38 30 65/44 | Aud—Forest J Gill24......F IF : steam road roller during the latt
; (OME. i, | Philipsburg, 2 W. & 8 39|| 119] 53 2] Bl WOME | Anturest J GHISELOTSRTRIR Tid half ofDectobe : =
. et Tron tamer | oS Phntebieg. SW aE 80 ie sella aia), afcesl ae, | {EEE ghnson 2€.ciryr- ln, Files 187 oF of October; also various repairs
3 (Continved from page 1, Col 4). « ie 102} 19 152 "&ll "53| '13]| 50]. 49 3 ‘360 tn 8 Dir—John I" Coble 24... Mike Wayne 17 on streets made by the borough man-
Henry Keller's name was mentioned | _SEaf College." ai A EERE EERE RENIN aaa or, s
Henry Kello's name wag. mention | SRB Gite 3) #8) id os BRE JHE EB | he Seon remsany ta parca.
,‘otary the writer interested Democrat- | Menuet, Ne F ol 301} 48 : 3 2 Call 42 nil “13 18 A 2 1 Li 138 Against school loan 28 to 4. | it had been necessary to purchase a
* jc friends ina movement to give Mr. Bore NP. Ns 3. 24430 48S amr a8) £3) 34 5B) 4s) 30) a an do Gudgsl pay VERSIE R, | new driving ‘belt for the pump at the
Keller our party’s endorsement. His Boggs, BE. Pi-—--=| 50 ao a 23' | | Ins—Guy Moore iis, L102, Co? iLehasd 5) | Phoenix mill plant, which was secur-
father was’ approached and only after Boggs; W. en 106 a 54/| 87) oll 79} 23 24 1 28 5 4 27| 21|| 40( 27 Oat poy arts 86 ..Jos HE ughes 30 | ed from the American Lime & Stone
Lieut, Keller decided that he did not | Soliege-crm mom 1134 (8) 18) 21m 20) a8 tell a del a0) 19 4 N37 | Aue ~ Darld Veugin 5 LR Sh the old belt will
bi dea EVE urtin, N. Poi i “gol matt : 137 SE teens i
"care to run for a county Ufiice abfhe, SHE SB bre | 58) 180) 23) 3 6| 54]| “de RE RE sil 137) 74 | Sup HB Johnson 80... YE Smith 11 | b6 sent away for repairs so that an.
time was the matter dropped. Very Ferguson; N. Boo | 281 ‘molt; 281 41 23] .37|| 39] 30|| 33] 48] 26|. 28 o = S Dir—John Cobb 2y 98...M Wayne 5s u: extra belt will always be on hand
"few people know. this but it will be | . diet Ww. Prem 28 (lI “all sal 7 a 5 o 3 23 of oo 5 oe Beni. Meek vit wn Scene = 12 | in case of emergency. £3 .
verified by Mr. Harry Keller himself, repo Woh 8B ; 32] 3 | Sill 58 Soll 57 50 8 58 85 s¢ ives A B Woodring pee v 721 The Special committee called atten-
Robert F. Hunter and others we Greer Te 21} e b we 32 C12 42 11] of 40 dell 10{ 43 |97 dol debt 10. Against school debt | tion to the fact. that the bill submit-
might name. ; ny 8 Soa alae 2 ESB as S8 sol os elas RUSHAW P "|ted for pumping water during the
It will not do for the Republican to Haines Po... 54 JHA In 3 3» 3 E 38| 67] 74] 40] m1 Judne_ Geos Meigs 615558 ike ‘Wayne 67 month of October. by. the State-Centre
say, as it said in its issue of yester- Heino 1) 361). 40 I SL SA ISN 551 2373 30 S| 24 John Dixon 62.....Saml Wayne 63 Electric company was not made out
day, that Capt. Taylor was defeated Har WW Poi 48 33 TH jlo3Su 4 8 5. 5 a3) MIEN BE (SES Swigast 6, ides Hyhee G4 | as per contract and recommended the
Ro Pamaniate amach | Mnoiaoss wi EH Bubba i Joe Miley 81 | return of the bill for correction. The
a statement ‘doesn’t square with tl er sob 66 55| 68] 12 all Tal 3s e2l 60 73] 37 | Aud—Forest Gill ....... FF Smith 59 | secretary was instructed to return th
: ; he | Tiberty, W. P.. =o i 39| 55|| 105 44| 43|| 61] 48 |Sup—A C Johnson 49 E B Hess 84 | bill wi io eturn the
splendid, broad, minded view of his |. Libris, W. emis 28 ; ol sot 390 Sol dell ‘2% # 3 $ 42 41 . S Dir—J F Cobb 2y TW yess 5 bill with notification to the company
candidacy that was taken in strong | Mies = PoE agll gem Col amp sl 3 90} 41 36| 58! 28) 41] 83 sll as 8 Ben) Meek 0 rn Hence 37 5 | tat when the bill is rendered in prop-
Republican districts like Philipsburg, Me Diane 1k : : 1 Gaal 8 Shc dn an SSE aR 8 a it XY Woodring 6y 81:C Hail S| on conformity with existing
Soo gloc and Rush township. He Potion. I 3 “42|| is 13 47 16] 45|| 13 1 38 3 1% 1 Judge—A Sow SHOE-—E Ha contract, it will be promptly paid.
‘ : ALY in ei ee 3 : 4 ? 59 ¢ ambers 193... 5 3 *
was defeated because the Republican Potter, N. PP. $0 : 23 150! 156! 30 by 35 38 30 31f] 65 33 Ins—John ambers 108... McCloskey 8 Ww. G. Emerick, of the Emerick
organization and the Republican and Potter, 8, PT 1 15 53 291-25! 75| 80|| 35 T71||- 33{ 31] T1 1% Hd i rr Keretke 192. McCloskey 47 rans ortation company, stated to
the Gazette wanted the patronage of |” Potter, Wo Porm: 12 48 : : Bs Sf G8) WW 171 50) #1 80) ipa 63 : Dani oLlismbers 204. .C Guenot 3 council that on. Saturday night both
the sheriff's office and could see noth- Reh: Blo) al rg man as deh 2 Rl so 11 6 ell 113) 86 $0a—E N Watson his rit heres 33 {sides of Allegheny street, net 4
ing bigger than selfish, personal in- push, ST 13 ol 2s oon Ea ATE Bh Nn I a Heverley’s supply store and at the
eo ; Snow Shoe, B.P.____.| 184 0 7 jl 681 70) bz) 40) 61 60) 64) oe A A A GroelSd..... Paul Shaftuer 43 First National bank, were parked full
They might undertake to. square Snow Shoe. W. B50 an #1) qos 8 202| 184, 37] 37(| 198] 38 | Judge—T SOW SHoE-W 1, - of cars and the result is when the
themselves with the soldi ; SN Poni] 20 L ; 46) 44] 32| 34|| 44] 34 |Ins— Sb siney Lucas 28 | transportation bus
. oldiers of the Spring, S. Po... 143 esi 69{ 63 46 59|| 79] 49|| 72| 66] 45| 4b ; s—Henry N Fye45.,..Bruce Culver 33 | .. p ses come there
éounty later by running some of them | Une. W. PLT ita 3 13211 110) 1201 112; 18 11 108] 113 adell of ¥ es 42. Cas, M:Closkey 43 | either to take on or discharge passen;
on their own ticket when opportunity me pera 23 8 125 BREE RH 52 p Chambers 48. Car ros 34 | gers they are compelled to stop out.
presents but that will never make rep- mon Er Bal B aril ol SEI a ell sa] 84 15 oll 321 11 |Aud—C H Watson db..; PW Shaffner 31 | 11 the street, which not only clo
aration’ 1 ke rep- | | walker, M, P......- 3 37 21 20| 59]. 37| 38|| 32 20|| 74| 27 |Sup—A N Watson 42...N M McCloskey 37 | th ! a
jon for what they have done to | Walker, W. P.. ag) 30 42 2 20 5 aol 36] 3128 38) 38) 40) 38 37 |S ir—And Chambers 41....D Graham 35 at thoroughfare but makes it ex-
Capt. Tay! pi A ng Walker, W. | gol 47ll. 30) 5 how 8 Bs 33) 31) 4 Bi aoa | AA Gravise HW Graham 331 tremely ' dangerous for passengers.
ut w i : DA atin Khoa | WES : : Til 110}. “gel 26|| 104] 103] G—N P rhat'a limited Space D
1d jen litt: dame Yo Lyoting they | Total... ~~ T255(3744] 4234 3701 4559 30334277] [| fo er — : 04| 103| 25| 33[| 100] 40 |Judge—Sam'l Shirk78..Jas Kerstetter 41 He suggested that a limited space be
couldn't db. the same thing... If they | _ Madoritiet——- 265 gaaian0n) doe lam 3630) spizian) sos e1s1{3509 308 1372/2073 TL TT a | |. tian 11 | reserved there for the busses and of,
honor any ‘soldiers later it will only eT = TT : 887) 1) 485 654) 382{ 166[]1293 1076/1248 1 817] Got Bias LA joy P Rachay 12 | fered to furnish the “No Parking”
be as a means to an end and the sol- | Harold B. Shattuck, th ’ - NOTES) ar oo pre pl TH onmsan 63. LX White 48 | signs and see that they this
1S A0)an enc a : : ck, the Re : —W _C_.Smeltzer 82,......4 :
i 2! or keen enough to see that that Sho ran on the Socialist foket of an County Surveyor, Tecolied 6,807 votes. A. H. Hartswick, (Republican) Ed Pundua 85. +. Geo. Horner 82 god Salen down, Inanswer fo Sn:ih
s all there is to it else Capt. “Dick” { County Commissioner on the Prohibition ticket, received 433 1 votes, while George H. Houck, (Republican) who ran 2h) Is irk Baumgardner 69.....C Miter 40 | Quiry Mr. Emerick stated that he paid
i re their < comrade would have . : im : oa Sed pt En Le Ge Mier Oo re a borough license for privilege on the.
een EAL yw : css EE FEW : T : ‘Y ;
° ected last Tuesds ye Office Republican "Democrat | Office Republican Demoe i: Ohi da itso : Judge—Z O Hie 113. 08, Mulinserd Eire re ie Jas etgrted 1
ELECTION RETURNS FROM BOR- Con—C MeMullen 212. oC, MaMulien 61 | Ins—Geo Bowes i Marin M coker 7 Office Hom lian oni Democrat | Ins —Herbert Showers 157 § Bonet 104 | sult with Mr a oy ot
0 iD ; 1 Coun—E Jones dal Acams on—Geo Conway 19.......Jas ¢ eller 18... W Hess 32 E=Joze owery 112... Wim _Rachau'll4 ti :
.OUGHS AND TOWNSHIPS. n—E L Jones 204... cB M Griest 7 | Qot P_Harry Bates 0. R 2% Tare 2 W H en gL Wm Houser 42 0ofp—T &_Jodon ih. erry. Donovon 120 some solution of the- difficulty com-
Realizing the "fact that “Watch- OofP_y C CroylelsT.. J C Crovle i Bd Hoover 20... Martin Mecker 13 | Judge Wm SE Ciaserith 00 oy y Johnson 5....L I" white 90 | plained of. _ :
man” readers are entitled to all the ng aCinude Getto 188. Claude dette 83 Sup WC RETaCY 05 1 21, Viehie 35 | Ins—sonn Jacobo 80... Chas Faxion 51 Se ane Ge Hore Mr. Emerick also asked to be per-
election news we this week give the S Dir—Jos Knapper 19... Jo8 Knapper. 55 H H dover 8 Sr gor B O of SS Mover # : Geo C EAraner 18s, (0 Miller Ss mitted to submit bids of the White
detailed vote cast. or the candidates | * ./ PHELIPSBURG—Srd' MiButsy = Judge-W. COLLEGE TWP CL Awd—T rie de i.. FE Sgiland 33 : oe Bhi LIT Gasbrice AS ny on chemical
ee oe or vel aa the | Judes Thos’ Deakin 5. hog Deak Judge Johastonbaugh 126.3 Witims 00 | up HO, Barr a gy ce og | Jude on el advised the purchase of
vote for all the candidates in the var- Ins—J M Hawkins 166... WW Eorcey 5 Con—Wm_ Rishel 151ons ss Wi, Rishel 63 8X Sparer 20.sH M Hosterman 08 ins—i, W Tafel... i VE. Sueltzer 42 | pumpers instead of trucks.. He stated
ict of Contre ‘coutity, as | H Cont H isberry X 350 HR Nash 70 of P—John C_Hoy Zi... Jokn Grove 86 ele ey 18100t plagsph Lowery 17... Wi Rachay 2 that = practically all surrounding
follows: 450 ? penn Grelst Ill 122. . oN Greist 50 Aud—W A Ferreedd.. PY Deion bd] T HOWARD TWP Avdawo oy Jolnson 100.1 ¥ White 25 | ons Were discarding the chemical
Office Republican Diemoeridt Jno C Croyle 115...Jno Cole 44 Sop—Wm Houtz B00} Bere U5 | Indge—1 .¥ Henri3.., Liev, Hajnes 3). Aud-iW _C Smeltzer 100. 1.1 1. Bell 52 truck as a back number and purchas-
ply re EE re ye i dot HS eel NE 8D eR ee wr at
Insp Harry Valentine994 A tr gaffes 141 “DR Sang LF Jos Knapper 47 = © URTINLN P Laer bo Tat Pletcher 65... RP. Confer 42 |. : BE S iller 90.John' Barnhart 43 | chemical apparatus, pumper and
Ry ‘Smead 296 Howard teele 113 HE i yun 48... D I Wynn 43 Judge—Jas B. Heverley57 _.. : wri And —B Smith 72.. Thos McCartney 39 |. . . wartz 91..,H E:Garbrick 55 | hose carrier : an
mY meRdaTS Se SEH 107 : Judge oR a 0.3 Gilliland 73 ET a Sl ) ght tibinion 7.2.1 wi Ahn i Judge—0 1 IAYLOR TW i Goss 1p | 2RPEOXIE Eh Sle ;
SFIS Saker AS Soller CYCLES Sah Bunk i CTL rE LE I ea fades § JIS: A hudtet 1 ak seferrod do the Fire and Police
A rrison 292...Jas BE 1132 H Con— Crandall 04 9 a i “eee hde ; BIRERTY.. EP ? ; Nv seal man : ? oy .
a aes EEE Ely & SE tee SES rn el SH fl WHERE | lf Vi BSE I come na now in. thei
3268. ...4.0.C, 0 Gates, 99 0 GM 7) S 4 “ ye HT ns Fost 184 caren arter 42 | Aud—Charl Reese 55... ; y “propositions now in thei
8 Dir—M I Brouse 282... M'E y 99 , organ 71....Frank Shope 60 ir—G W High4S.........Wm Gray ster Schenck 103.G W_‘Gardne es Reese bd. ....Chas Reese 94 hy; ; # Ir
’ rouse Eo Chinaone! IT Oot Pep Fravel S2... Geo Travel 35 | I ASE avn Gray 3. Con—y" W. Coder 08, J. ....8 Gandnel 30 [5un-qlees Tentharanys cooly Lotion 2 havids ‘or that: they may yeceive. =
3 BELLEFONTE~—S W =~ & Aud—A Barraclaugh 82.) walk Redding & Judge—J H Rot ion FP rca : {Ep ord Bathurst 29 | § Dir—J Merryman RE 3 Borough solicitor J. Thomas Mitch-
RE arp ERT 3 er 138 pS Dir Tudinger 68. Robt ¥ ech RE a THE Foun 3 Sop § Wiliams, Jd S Williams 30 EL Yonvanthd Son {dll reported that the mafieh of the
4 Gon—Geo_ Glenn 225... ae 4 i he 18...1hos elly 66 | Con—Frank Daley29.. "J D Sayers 40 | J A men A Emerick 33 UNION TWP t purchase of the Phoeni i -
IO XT Baio Dep Oe Cin br geet oh FH PHILIPSEURG 0 of Putas Nyman 8b... as. Geo “High ol py San ee Eaton 6 Jeo Sarton 8 ce anees J F Holt 17 |'ty from Col. W. F oe + mill proper
yCorur eq hushed ends PL’ Beater 151 Ins—Olyn Musser bi... .Fawird Gates 3 Sup W PARE as Johaston 25 Ge rity EC vin Mme 5 Con.—Kenzle ell SL 577" Mit “snotts 20 | been closed up finally Rog pad
; : a es © 98 1 Con—Matt...Rennick 55.....J "31S Dir—Geo High24....... aR a | LIBERTY— . of P-=D H Custer 83......,.C’ 1 87 : 4 s OTL
; Harry Flack 185,,.. Hi pup. BL ons ohn. Haley. 2 |S Dir—Geo High24..... Lo. Wm Gray ¢ TY—W P er 83......,.C G Hall 2
‘ 0 of Phot Morgan 5... Hirky Flack 09 foun James Miller 63 T ® Yeager 57. ...Jacob Mon gE Judge—G I Conley dl... .G F Conley 13 ogo Stere is. LIER Sotts 27 | gage, ete., entered for record, and
Alex Mloprfeon 165... .J 1 Soltat |: Yiitinm Lester FERGUSON—N P % | jus—B J Wilcen; 6.... . Harry Lvons 20 | Sup—J B Mitchell 81 80...,.R B Hall 23 presented a complete brief of title to
PATE Ee OT Hoos ates’ 4 Harry Stetler 86 J Lou eTd™ T20oun, Strouse | Cond Note 20 TRE RSL i 3) {hediled by the elerk of council in con
4 xa ler sevabeseed > A ” NM 111001 ODHUCY UO... 0 : BBS’ Y.owis Bolopie® © rts - . . » 7A
“3 of P=J" Keichline 207.0. .0 XK sates 101 0 of p Egan Yaughn 35 Con—H N Walker 62....." OL anvors 33 And--8 Lewis Bolopue6 ; W H Watson 7i.....W J White 30 | nection with all papers referring to
+B Dir 1 rouse 214M B Trouse 47 oo timer Vaughn 02 [1 [Oot pA 8 Bailes 88.0 CFSE 18 | 8 Bil 8 Kmerick 28... & & Emerick 12 | Judge—¢ if NALRER-E Po Lr, [he purchase of the property
i «+. Mes mour 1 Aud-—-W 3 2 : : A 3 3 € [se ollins ue: on 9 > F ceesaeaodra Co 33 . . . .
3 grape OY Mazel, A ion, Northimer 12 aud nih leh or. CA I Boyerset 11° ¢ dulbraith 58.1. C Gatgratth 13 | 855 Noffas. "Daniel Kerne 57 el Ca A
Gree rissman 95...Mac Morris. 43 r—Paul Ernest53 = § peasese-B wabb : vs er 23 | of P—J as us aries niel Kerne 37 rom burgess W. Harrison Walk
,Insp—Mark Williams 84... * 51 6 Fred : S Dir—A L Albright 63...C T Homan +64 MARION TWP R Everett 31....Daniel Keir 24 ' RE on Walker
fia Whe A TE ke connor, Bi Celtis © FSO 8 yunee p siete 80 Fong penta 71 | wan na 6 SBE stating to council that Governor
JE Conti Smead 96... ia Matthews 40 | Judge—I Io Foster 302....W C Meyers 115 | J FERGUSON—EP | Con—W Logi oy TAT A. Orr 68 | Sup W Kessinger 33... 5 Ooh Sproul had called a meeting of all
PIE RR a BT Holmbs a OO Reve 1 {TR J Reed 40, OW, Nook 82° 0'of P—J A Bartley 83. ..... NE Hoy 0° Bir=charles ‘ing id. \§ lomerick 41 | burgesses and district attorneys of
_ Aud-M Alex Morrison 80......J E Solt,53 Con—G_ Wi TPavior. Sor ine illite ho Con—H N. Walker 46.......J 'DTanyer {16 ‘Andie Wh Bis: vousC. gh JoATIE, HA [io dir Clyde Lee 1|the Commonwealth, held in Harris-
<Aud-M Lisenhower 47.8.M Eisenhower 20 | Coun—I, E Kidder 223.. Grover lor 100 | O0f Pbk Batley 04.1 1102:C BE Cle #1} Sup—J § Condo ey W....J W Yearick. 8 | Judwe—antn WALKER MF Vi burg yesterday, to devi ;
YS oo Gates 6y 8. ov. BIS 4g ho Ree Ar Senn a J M Campbell 73... W A Collins 43 | S Dir—H E Butle rigiori id S Condo 60 Ine ER nthony Wolf 37..C M Vonada 32 |p erday, to devise means for
Jere M Relehiline 8.7 M Keichline, 13 i! A rnuaer 353.3 McCormick 145 fui fap Clenyiiy x j Bawersox 385 | BE te ew OLE Satie? 51 Inston Bumbgreen. Am {Fave dd the reduction of the high cost of liv-
; Mr GhioNeur tr. Mrs Gilmour 850 ot PW oY TomPave 218 pW Goss he Hoan a CW Bartley 46.T A Stevenson 6 0orP iakoray -Disicl ftcia 42 | ing, and asked i he should attend iat
¥ CENTRE HALL BORO 43 LAud—C_R Anderson 257. ro Wd ands 11s Calvin Gates 53...Nv GC Neidigh 82 | yudge—C J woltes-£ P : A ndoE You Shopers 5. Adam Vonada 3 | the expense of the borough. Borough
Jndge—Geo M Bolts... J BO = ber 78 |S Dir—Mrs Wm Frear 346.. Mrs Frear 58 | FERGUSON—W P | Ineewa Ye et o [R08 GATES OR Beck 42 | solicitor Mitchell advised il tha
Ips—y MColdren 60....D C Mitterling 81 | W Heberling 273.8 'W Fletcher 153 Judge—Ed Harpster 53.Isaac Harpster 86 | Con—Geo Co I deetant mole). S"Dir_Charles Kling 37 J pgfmerick 41 lo gounct : 5
Con Ore Me 5.1 CL Balen 06 “ Not IE White 500, [+10 J Smith 104 Iis=Daunie) i Rand Lapse : O of WE TI Corman 10 : “Wm Owens 2% T: B Heckman 3! no Act of the Legisla ]
Bh 1— a 0 i on—H er 65.......J D Tanyer ;24 ey 7 | providing for h i
County I Tetterolt ot... M I mith , 98 looper The Lot e's ool loan carried | 6of P—A 8 Bailey 52. ri... ir J N_RoyerS8........J N Royer 38 : WALKER—W P_ ne such expenditure but
y AB KrapedSers.. ot: x Senex 03 By on He additional borough . TM ER EE hose 1 4ud—Thes Brefoits tC iihos Everett 41 | Judge—L N Ibert3i..... H Corman 49 council voted to pay the burgess’ le-
SEA BL rants sore, [SEER EUEE olf | QHETW SE i Venti 3 cinch BRE a Ri timate expenses of the trip.
} in D2... Kran pisher 76 [Judge—J T B Ne. ® S862. .....00 AE wabb, 25 2 . : seeeene A : lie
boo EC Shima EF nk Pisher 6 (fudec J J Bd Spb Hon 211s Bir—A © Albright 60....C T Homan 27 ee Ea Oo el Mr, Cunningham inquired as to
2 0 of EE re nw RoPot 48.0W R Potter 17 Calum Oa C Neidigh 18 | Auman, J. C. Styles Rte ne and |Aud—R To Showers tl. a ESB what had become of the old curfew
! AREA E ate 08 ii andy Zettle ® Coun—H oprorth 43. Jesse. Hal 2s Judge 1, ou BE et figen S28 Joy Stovet each nad one vote as minority Sop Bunter 81.3 A Emerick 50 law and Was informed that the law
3 8) . : Be 1 s—H I7.. sis Joe Rach 4 ors man 45 | was as good as e if enf
: VA Auman nT Moore 88 | John Stere 4’ David Keatley 16] tay—lii Tht Muss chau 24 MILES—M P Wm Owens 34........J L Coble 2 : : ver if enforced. The
'S Dire I Bmery 13... 0) ms Moore 8 0 of P—l Buck dh... iV dmberger 21 Con—Tobt Afusser 10:11. °W 13 Smith 43 | Judse-3 Jt MOVer 41:12: § Frink 100 ny Typ awe 8 otrw ho Pollos Sore Ty
4 H Longwell 51....J Dauberman 73 | Aud—H McEIl in50..... or : e 7 | Ins—L Bierly 43;.......- H E Frank 100 | Judge—J Williams 106. ..Davi ams 35 | structed t i
cBlwain 50..... C.K Brugger 16 tl .W_H Rote 45 | Con—Geo Corman 44 G 5 [Ins—W avis Ades 3 The o confer with the burgess
: HOWARD BORO Tof P—W H Earon5l..... De Io Aud—T M Gramley 13. Wi ithe! 39 | O of P—Newton Fiedler 5 Geo Corman 85 Ins W J Woodring 108....Cliff Kelly’ 32 | and devi :
' Judge—H § Pletcher 114... W T Loder’ 48 Jof P—W H Katoh bl i Vp) Komtiew 3813 BE BE oy obeii 25 "J H Faust 43 Fo nles on—P Woodring 111. ..... Robt Kelly 28 evise some plan for the law's
Ins Saml Holter 127 ..H B Henderson. 34 |' Haye Hissar Ho 1° Di=R.R Campbell 95 '¢'H Bungard 87 | Aud—Thos B i J N_Rover 17 | Oof P—adam Cowher 45....Johy Kelly 31 enforcement, especially during th
HE Cons BE OB ana 105. thn math 49 i H M Stere37.........J N Helt 25 W O Gramley10...J F Meyers 85 | Sup—W TF Steven 8 os over 07 | Aud WB Cook 18. AT 25 | winter and school months Bute
gr Haas es i T aa y Par A 48..... rn v 7 .
Coun Jackson Kilner. 4 3 fates 32 | Judge—w J Ring 30. John Spearley 47 Judge Jerry Sihright 2, © s Bartges 7 > ely Day aston Winxlsbloch 1g Su Waren Stee 18. Henry Benneit 8 The Street committee reported that
Welsh 119...... 3 hl 65 | Ins— 3 123; 3 ns d 3 oi Lo Al A LY —C F Corldl,....... ? Hoover 61 : :
Ped eh IO 1 a EE RE $5 |Ins=G A Hemmieh J... N 8 Ho MILES—W P + CF Corll... Wl Haorer §1 | She, borough manager Was consider-
Oof PD W Soler is. 8 McDowell 47 Christ Eckley 46...S C Sartle 23 | Oot P—S M Brown WE Smith 52 Jadgs CN Miller 2. 8 y Hazel 56 wa ing some means of improving the bad
“ee S a eR, 4 —-Jo non 3 3 ¥ -
Aud—Christ | Sehenek 11.0 W gs Smith 2 Aud Henry rE 43. W w (Tibbens 43 | 4 a.m MM Gramiey 27. wight 76 | Con—Geo Corman16....... Geo orn 15 Peculiar Epidemic of Illness in Lock walk out north Allegheny street,
8 Dir—John Mokle 105. ..... McDowell 48 | up rs Wm. Fishburn 49... .H arshall 4815p tra Bartley 30... Jas H Hehe 4{ | 0 of P—-Neyton Fiodler 20 Haven complained about two weeks previous
J. Will Mayes 86.M Rodgers Jr 44 W Minnemeye CW y o=|8 Dir—R P Campbell 28.C H E St J N_Royerl12....... J N. Royer 41 * b :
Lil Mages sed Rogsereis i Muemever Be, W Tate 29 LE Camphalish.C 5 Eausacd 35 Aud—Thos 'B_Everei i6..Thos Everett 44 | Accordi eee y residents of that thoroughfare.
MILESBURG BORO Judge—W Colpetzer Barry Strublé 2 GREGG—W P. j ad oul. Bojer x ND ccording to reports from Lock The Finance committee reported a
Jae eines 1 108 o K Essington 32 ne rs Hartman ios ho WW Rishel 23 Des M rich hr. 31 .C EB Royer 104 oH Ser J {aklchleeh n Haven upward of one thousand resi- balance due the treasurer on Novem-
Con_Orin finles © cS Ep Spann Goat ¥¥ Toapwol 5 ud G,N Grove 23 | Tns—Miles SL vr HW MEO 0Te v3 PATTON TWP dents of that town have been afflict- | ber 1st of $369.04, and asked for the
on—Osear Shay 76....Joe Messmer 23 Chris Eckley 20...8 C Jartle 21 | Con—Robt Musser 165... wna 7 | Judge—C ¥ Hartsock 51... T M Huey 57 | ed with a pecular illness this week | renewal of motes for $2,000, $1,50
Coun—Ed Baird 89........ Grant Dyke 13 | Aud—Harry Woomer 19..... W Tibbens 3 aanain WwW H Rois 105 Ins BCE caer J E Taylor 30 | which is ibabl i i on, Bran
1d Quick 90... iV H Newman 1% |Sup_Jeff Tressler20 iW Tibbens 22 | Aud M Gramley 38.1... W E Rote 102 | Con—W J Stine@0,,...... JB Taylor 30 | which is ascribable to vegetable pois- and $5,000 for six months, which
Ge Lette oie 3 Be Ea lH Hev 26 [Sup_Tre, Bartley 88... 7 J H Faust 100 Oot PB aA Bi AO ache a oning in the town’s water supply. So | Wee authorized. :
Bn NT Fr AR BAR | a EE ERE i” The st can have been no | Bills to the mol Cl ment on
oy Im. 3. 7 { x(x . tay ye —G W blair «f(..... Y § 1 1 :
JH CArIWRgH 35, Grant Dyke 3 Judge—Ralph Malone 27.H E Leathers 21 | y ] HAINES-R ¥ $ bir dE neko 50. 1 ToL Ack 3 Go. The firs; cases oooitved on which eluded the first payment on
cots 3D Kanarr : po Leon Dyke 13 Tns—H I. Shanley 27 ASE JH Confer 2 |{ uage~T JB Smith 48.4. i 8 Wolte 69 ¢ d Shivery 62 eas B C Bloom 44 aturday or Sunday and they were the Phoenix mill property, were ap-
er am ] “on—JX $ 20, vias mit 246. oun saia 4 > Borin sss ; 37 | simi i : : :
¥ I Sampaint.,L B Neff 16 | Gof P—W H Dunkle 26... Xt & pall 18 | Con—W G Rupp45........ Le ower 08 LL qa ger of similar in symptoms fo ptomaine proved and council adjourned.
Ang chester 7 Miles 94 N And garry Jehnson 33. .H Johnson 51 | 9 0fP—8 4 Boyer 41.1 B Hosigrman 70 PENN TWP poisoning. Monday and Tuesday peo- | gr 0 A A .. <,
pa " Newman 67.W F New .e OB i.e ve on 24 er40....... 0 - 3 A > * . i :
Va Ro WE an 28 Alt Bly er. TH Wer fo | Aud—W_E_Reftner 43... W Winkleblech n Judge—T; Spigeimper f...,1 P Kern 138 ple became ill by the dozen until the ow Aviator Charlton was Killed.
Harry 30 Lambert, Ind., 19 Sup—H T Fetzer29........ O 1. Fetzer 10 |S —J 8 Weaver4l....... F W Keister 71 | Con—Samuel Rid a M Ulrich 140 | total number ailing was reported to 1 tot ar
Sy LALIT BORO. S Dir—W T olsen 80... oo 1. fH Net 17 |® Dir—W Syrolse 41..G Hosterman 71 | O of P—W L der li 38. W Gana 131 | be anywhere from 750 to 1000. Those | « Brief mention was made in the
poser SE BOB0 esp 1 Wonk fig 2 fiona sion 88 TI Ciel ee |e vans of the tt Brats
ty X assinger 42....W _H_Mey 3 sv = alker 35....... G . -
Con—ltobt Footed... YE BOGGS—E P Judge—Chas Limbert 55....H J Bower 78 | Sup , 5. Gk 152 | ea, then sickness of the stomach ac- John P, Charlton, who left Bellefonte
H Con—Ira Gramley 43....Ira Gramley 69 Judge—Jesse Bathurst 40..Irvin Confer 28 Ins J XL Stover dd.........G W Wolfe 74 5 ir-F Tomlinson 2. G Frankenberger 150 | companied by b with the New York mail at 3:30
ont Cramton Gin 1 | Bo Wabi WH fn whee io Bee 8 | ls a
* Smith 39....... WF 8 on, pt, Akers4l........ all 26 —N 3 . osterman “0 ource o e tr i i 5 . . 5 ’ -
Yio R Smith 8 | of P—W W Dunkle33.... it B Lucu 33 C J Stover50....... C J Stover bi | Judge—Jacob BR W H Lucas 59 | the wat ro e is ascribed to ing to his death in New Jersey short-
0 of P—W Catherman 55, N A Auman 78 | Aud 53, Tguuston 5. It Soups Is Avd—W B Reffner @0.. W, Wipklohisch 73 | Ins—J_S_Stahl 40 & 8 Bradford 68 | boili oy supply and everybody is ly after five o'clock. Later pa rticu
: ine si is nsren 3 Con 2 if Veaver 59...... eiste 157 H Bitner 35..-... BDC oiling a. i AH .
Anat cogperman ri 3 Rover 8 | sup it Freon FE ERE BPE] FER When BB i Be na he water foams. Bel | hag ran into a dense og & heriion
— “etterolf 35... I Brown 98 - etz os e's oigor 90 CRUSHER Westy te over 77 W F Rockey 35 "J H Horner 69 . had run into a dense fi d i
BF H Zimmerman 33.. Jof PH H Curtin 59...L E Davidson 9 LF] —R al er 62 |-telephon i ense fog and coming
YR G Alison 40.5 ss 90 |S Dir—W TT Fetzer 38........ LOH Neft 33 | Judge—J J HsTier 40 ON D'C Harpster 38 fuo—g 3 rt hn WA Se Blt one company ofieials took Wa- [down to! locate Lis exact whereabouts
TS Ulrich 42...J Winkleblech 72 Wo betzer 33. +i Thavidson 16 | Ins—S D Eves6b........I S Dir— yin Bo \ Jordan 7 | ter from the Bellefonte spring to Lock i i
, eblech 7 J, Yellen 29. did 13 5 ves 65... rvin Thomas 24 r—J C Brooks 45...0 W Crawford 69 i.1q : dove headlong into the side of School-
PHILIPSBURG—1st WARD 8,10, Con—W B Sigel 66 ...W_B Sigel 13 J TI Burkholder 31.Bruce Ripka 67 |. aven for the operators in the ex- ey’ ; :
Judge—Chas Hudson 125..John Walter 43 BOOGS-WY P Oof P—T B Way 21 .J_P Bickle 26 POTTER—S P change there. Just what ste be Lory mountain, near Dover, with such
Ins—Wm Fryberger128.Jas Wilson Jr 41 Judge—Chas Sheckler 83...John Smith 5 N I Wilson 55... . 0: Jas Rider 8 | Judge M A Sankey 55 AO Detwiler Bd |j : ps are be- | force as to bury his motor six feet in
Os mel P Brink 125, .Danl P Brink 37 Judge ets 59... WF Peters 43 Aud—J J Fisher43...... b'¢ Harpster 42 | ins——Chas Miller 44 + 0 Detwiler a ing taken to overcome the trouble is | th dT : ’
HH Con—J H Crandall 108...Jas Adams 50 Con—Forest Akers 88........John Hall 44 Sup—Harry Bickled5..... bR Thomas 86 | Con—J H. Bitner5l..... P C Frank 60 not known at this writin e ground. It was aviator Charlton’s
Coun—A B Curtiss mn ara J IN Jodd 68 0 of P—W H Dunkle 89. HE ras S ir—A 3 Way 2 are Ia Hehrers 88 O of P—Ed_Laughner 63. BC Wagner 49 re we ig | first trip with mail over the Relle-
awe arry Jo Wi : Wl Way do. . 2 ¢ . a +
0 of prom Li Hom O15 F & Croyle 30 | Aud—John Smith Jifon ©... J _gonnson 2 HARRIS P Ante DA 2. Hf Homer 52 |, The Thespians of State Collage Lote to New York route, he having
Claude Getto 120...Caude_ Gette 37 Albert Bierly 84..... § B Weaver 37 | Judge—Warmen Noll18,. Klinefelter 40 | Sup—G M Cooney 42.. Ww X Foian 67 |'will be the attraction at G € | trailed aviator Ellis to Bellefonte on
Aud—Geo Barnes 117..... Jno C Hoffer 53 |Sup—W T Fetzer82........ 0 L Fetzer 15 |Ins—C J hnstonbaugh 22... J Carper 37 | S Dir—J C Brooks 57 BW Crawford 43 i 4 : 9 armans | wednesd Th i
And Geo Barre Tid: Tes Kuapper 33 |B Dir—W I Fewerpi.....;. (L Fetzer 18 | C5L 3 "Wr Goheen 21... (WM Mever 38 I'C Brookatl, WW Slants 5 (Friday cvening rey atyyany | Wnesday, INS young avistor was
1 Ross Wynn 1%8...D R Wynn 34 Wo erst... Io Hl dren 5 | Oot PT Molaviane 3... H_Stover 36 POTTER—W P ber 14th. They will be accompanied only about twenty-six years old and
PHILIPSBURG—2nd WARD D B Woedring, Ind. 78 F BB Weiland 18..F .B. Weiland 29 | Judge—Paul Emenhizer 14..W J Royer 41 |by the f mp leaves a wife and one child livi i
Jude Scheonover 200. . Phil Dawson 93 BURNSIDE TWP Awd-J BR lovin 3 HAR PS Ishler 41 | Ins—R N-Smith13....... Ag Weaver 43: y the famous Penn State orchestra. Readin ving in
ns—A BE Goss218......... J C Horner 67 | Judge—Curtin Askey 24...C Viehdorfer 15 8 Dir--8 jo} Sharer BiH I Hone EH Con-J A Witneris. «Phil Frank 42 Reserve Your seats early for this en- Br arm
. an 0 of P—Rd Laughner 10..... C Wagner 44 tertainment. Subscribe for the “Watch »
i man.