Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 31, 1919, Image 5

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——The County Commissioners are |
now distributing the ballots. for use
at next Tuesday’s election.
——The official opening and house- |
warming of the House of Lords, at |
its new location on Muncy mountain,
will take place today.
——A letter box has finally been
attached to one of the side doors of
the postoffice where letters can be
dropped in at night after the office
has been closed. :
——The thimble bee of the ladies
of the Reformed church will be held
Friday afternoon, this week, at the
home of Mrs, E. E. Ardery, on Rey-’
nolds avenue. :
— The ladies of the Lutheran
church will give a chicken and waffle
supper in the basement of the church,
Thursday evening, November 6th,
serving to begin at five o’clock. Tick-
ets will sell for seventy-five cents, the
proceeds to be for the benefit of the
church. ve ; ; !
— “The Right to Happiness” is |
the name of the big motion picture
featuring that inimitable film actress,
Dorothy Phillips, which will be shown
at the Scenic Thursday and Friday
nights of next week. By many it is
said to be a better ‘picture than
“Hearts of Humanity.” Matinees |
both days. Don’t fail to see it. |
— Tickets for ex-President Wil- |
liam H. Taft’s lecture at State Col-
lee on the evening of November 22nd
will range in price from 25 cents to
$1.00, and will be on sale next week
at the Athletic store, State College.
The ex-President has been requested
to speak on the topic of the League
of Nations, and so far as now known,
will do so. : : %
—A Centre county farmer who
tried to sell several hogs in Bellefonte
last week avers that the best offer he
could get was fifteen cents a pound
dressed, and he didn’t sell the hogs. |
Assuming the farmer’s story %o be
true it would indicate that the whole-
sale price of meats is coming down,
but no one would suspect it from the
retail prices charged ‘the consumer.
— Lieut. R. D. Coble, a former
member of the French aviation serv-
ice, did not deliver his lecture, “Paris
to Versailles,” in the court house on
Wednesday night for the benefit of
the Bellefonte Camp of the American
Legion, but it was not the Lieuten-
ant’s fault. He came to Bellefonte as
per schedule but whoever had the ar-
rangements for the lecture in charge
failed to make the necessary prepara-
tions for same and the result was the
court house was not opened and there
was no place in which the Lieutenant
could deliver his lecture.
——At the election next Tuesday
the people of Rush township will vote
on a proposed bond issue of $20.000
for the purpose of erecting a central-
ly located High school building. No
school facilities that can ke given the
boys and girls these days can be too
good for them; ‘and that is the princi
pal argument in favor of the loan.
hile the question is one that con-.
cerns the people of Rush township
alone, yet we feel sure that they all
have the best interests of their chil-
dren at heart, and in no way can they
show this more thoroughly than in
providing for them the best schooling
facilities possible. ; Sadeociaadn
{——There are some people in Cen-
tte county who have all kinds of faith
in the fact that something will yet
turn up to prevent prohibition from
becoming effective, as two applica-
tions have already been filed for
liquor licenses next year. Under the
Brooks high license law such applica- |
tions must be filed not less than |
twenty-one days before the date of |
license court, which is about Novem-
ber 15th, but with total prohibition |
by next January almost a positive
certainty there naturally is consider- |
able curiosity as to why a present |
holder of liquor license should wish |
to secure a license for next year.
'Harpster—Jolloss.—Anthony Chas. |
and Miss
Harpster, of Bellefonte,
Helen Mae Jolloss, of Renovo, jour-
neyed to Williamsport last Friday
where they were united in marriage
at the parsonage of the Pine street
Methodist church. In the absence of
Rev. B. H. Hart, the Methodist pas-
tor, Rev. C. E. Granger, of the Pres-
byterian Church of the Covenant,
performed the ceremony. For the
present Mr. and Mrs. Harpster will
reside at Renovo.
Rev. Joseph P. Thomas, the new :
pastor of the Milesburg Baptist
church will begin his labors there on
Sunday morning, Nov. 2nd, when
services will be held at 11 o’clock.
Rev. Thomas comes to Milesburg
from Hunlock’s Creek.
Prohibition Now the Law.
Washington, Oct. 28.—Prohibition |
is now the law of the land in its most
drastic form, for the Senate today
voted to override President Wilson's
veto of the prohibition enforcement
Act. The vote was 65 to 20, or eight
votes more than were needed. As the
House had already hastened, last
night, to reject the veto, the bill now
becomes a law and the sale of any
beverage containing more than one-
half of one per cent. of alcohol is a
crime against the majesty of the gov-
ernment of the United States.
It will remain a crime, punishable
by drastic penalty, until the Senate
ratifies the treaty with Germany and
a covenant of the League of Nations.
"It was announced at the White House
today that as soon as the treaty is
ratified President Wilson will issue a
roclamation declaring that the war
is over and that the demobilization of
the army is completed.
When the President issues the proc-
lamation above referred to it will
mean a brief wet spell for the coun-
try, or until January 26th, 1920, when
the constitutional prohibition will be-
come operative.
| now been changed and a duplicate | and. th
! view, Centre County, Penna.,” with electric
| eurrent or power.
: duplicate and set forth in detail all data.
tion will be made to the above Court on
, ter of an intended corporation to be call-
ed the “Officers Club of the 28th Division.
! privileges of the said Act of Assembly.
. and its supplements.
1 County,
To Get the Victory Buttons. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.
Every Centre county soldier who |
served in the world war is entitled to f°
victory button and should make ap- !
plication for same so that he will | 143-tf
3 {i
have it as a memento of the part he | DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—Letters
played in the great struggle. The | jestumentary, on the estate, of
art 3: emens Har er, late o: aiit-
original ruling of the War Depart- moon township, Centre county, Pa. de-
ment required soldiers to send in their ceased, laying been granted io the Ter:
$ : ; 3 3: a i signed, a ersons aving claims agains
discharge apers with their applica- | Said estate are hereby notified to present
tion for a button, but this ruling has ! same, duly authenticated for settlement
3 those knowing themselves indebted
will make immediate payment to
Port Matilda, R. F. D.
OR RENT.—On Linn St., four steam-
heated rooms, with use of bath,
for light house keeping. Apply to
certificate of discharge can be sent.
Attorney *S. Kline Woodring, of | . 5.6:
Bellefonte, acting for the Red Cross,
has received a supply of blank certif-
jcates and soldiers can get same by
rs Ty a : M. Kimport, late of Potter town-
applying to him at his office in Cri- | ship, Centre county, deceased, having been
der’s Exchange. These blanks will be | En ene to_said es
supplied to soldiers as long as the! tate are requested to make immediate pay-
| ment, and those having claims against the
| same to present them without delay for
| XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa-
| mentary upon the estate of Betty
supply lasts, so that in order to be
sure of getting one application should
be made at once. ‘ NARCIE KIMPORT,
bY Sie soa Executrix,
—Vote for James E. Harter for 0i-43-6t Spring Mills, R. F..D
Treasurer. mm
all persons.
sure dwellings at $1.00 a hundred.
and barns at $1.60 a hundred. on
the cash plan for three years, and dwell-
ings 50 cents a hundred, and barns at 80
cents a hundred on the assessment plan
for 5 years as against fire and lightning.
64-28-1y J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
EGAL NOTICE.—In the Orphans’
Court of Centre county. In the
matter of the Estate of Robert F.
Sechler, deceased. To the heirs at law,
creditors, and other persons interested in
said estate:
Notice is hereby given that Carrie S. |
Sechler and Myra BE. Sechler, Administra-
tors, have filed in the office of the Clerk of
said Court, their petition praying for an
order of sale of the real estate of said de-
cedent, fronting 25 feet on North Spring
street, in Bellefonte borough, Centre
county, Pennsylvania, and extending back
200 feet to Locust Alley and fully describ-
ed in said petition, at private sale, for the
payment of debts, to inifred M. Gates,
for the sum of .00.. If no exceptions
be filed thereto, or objections made to
granting the same, the Court 6 will take
nal action upon said petition,
November 3rd, 1919.
——While playing the part of a
“looker-on” to State-Centre Electric
company men cutting down a tree
near the High school building, last
Thursday, janitor Thomas Morgan
had his left eye badly injured by a
splinter of steel flying into it from a
hatchet the men were using to pound
a wedge into the tree. The injured
eye is now improving and the doctor
has hopes of saving the sight.
The McVey Company
Real Estate Operators
alogue of Real Estate for sale—-
| houses, lots, farms, coal and tim-
ber lands. 64-43.4t
Pursuant -to provisions of Act: of
Assembly approved March 30, 1911,
P. L. 32, sealed proposals will be received
by the Board of Inspectors, Western Pen-
itentiary of Pennsylvania, Northside,
Pittsburgh, Penma., up to 12 o'clock noon,
Saturday, November 8th, 1919, for furnish-
ing the new Western Penitentiary, Rock-
Excelsior Brand
Roller Flour
Manufactured by the *
Milling Co., Curtin, Pa,
Proposals must be in |
relative to terms of contract. The Board | ; i
reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Cu rtin
64-43-1t Superintendent of Construction.
¥iN Allison, late id the town, eaver Bros.
8 0 otter, in the County oOo y r
Centre and . State of Pennsylvania de- and The John Meese Store
ceased. i wi :
Letters testamentary in the above es-
tate having been issued to the undersign-
64-43-tf Bellefonte, Pa.
Offices : Altoona, Johnstown, Mt. !
Union and Bellefonte, for their cat-
Extra Specials
in Our Grocery Department
Curtin’s buckwheat flour—10 1b.
sacks, per sack, ..2. 0. 0000 85¢
‘Boneless bacon, per lb.......... 39¢
Country onions, per lb.......... 4c
Jersey sweet potatoes, per lb.... 4c
Large size can sugar peas, per
IN cals rst oid 16¢
Shredded wheat, per box........ 12¢
Large size Mother’s oats, per box. 30c
Prunes, per lb................. 29c¢ :
Golden age noodles, 10c size
tS Or sive. PERC AN 25¢
| Rub-No-More soap, 2 cakes for.. 15¢
Ritter’s large size can baked
_. beans, per can 15¢
California seeded raisins, per box 23c
sso sss esses cans
64 36-1t
ed by the. Register of Wills in and for the
said County of Centre, all persons havin
claims or demands against the estate o
the said decedent are requested to make
known the same and all persons indebted
to the said decedent are requested to make
payment thereof without delay, to
A Guaranteed Scenic Show
Blanchard & Blanchard, Executors,
Attorneys, Spring Mills, Pa.
‘Bellefonte, Pa. © 64-38-6t
(~ HARTER NOTICE. —In Re: Incor-
oration of the Officers Club of the
28th Division, A. E. F. In the
Court of Common Pleas of Centre County. |
No. 39, December Term, 1919.
Notice is hereby given that an applica-
the 1Sth day of November, 1919, at ten
o'clock a. m., under the corporation Act
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and the supplements thereto for the char-
A. B. F.” the character and object of
which is the maintenance of a club for the
promotion :of! friendship and, social inter- |,
course among the officers who served, with % cen? ob
the, 28th Division, in the A. E. F.. in or<
der to perpetuate the friendship and com-’
radeship whigh have grown up ameng the
The Greatest
Love Story ever told Le 5000 People !
. Tuspiring, Beantiful, Amazing | 7
‘A Better Picture than “Hearts of Humanity.”’
Dorothy Phillips
Plays a Wonderful Dual Ro'e in
“The Right to Happiness”
8 Reels !
officers” of said Division while serving to-
gether in France, and for that purpose to.
establish and -maintain’ a Country Club,
and for thése pytposes to have and possess’
and enjoy all the rights. benefits and
The proposed charter is now on file int
the Prothonotary’s Office of Centre
64-42-3t Solicitors.
Farms for Sale
Scenic Theatre... Bellefonte
Thurs. and Friday, Nov. 6th and 7th
Matinees 2.30, 15 cents : Night Shows 6.40 and 8.40, 25 cents
: Tax Extra: ei lel
Large and small, in Central Peun<
sylvania. Send for Catalogue.
ds : Re BOC. WATTE,
64.42 8t* Tyrone, Pa.
Ira D. Garman
- Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry :
11th Street Below Chestnut,
Philadelpnia Eyesight Specialist
Bellefonte, Garman Hotel Parlors
Tuesday, Nov. 4th, 1919
2 p.m
Owing to the great reduction in the
ing Dammer’s Scientific Eye Examina-
tion, Clear Crystal Lenses, Gold Filled
Frame and Elegant Case, as low as
© $1.50
New Invisible Bifocals
Garman’s. Saturday Nov. 8th
Grand Ma, Grand Pa, Mother and Dad,
all know HERRMANN ask them_theyll know
Pos Say
wholesale cost of lenses and frames 1 WINNER oF the WINTER GARDEN
offer you a fine pair of glasses, includ- PRIZE MEDAL AS THE MOST"
Two pair in one. No lines. No ce-
ment. Easy to get used to. Last ic:
years. At lowest prices.
. HE
Phila. Office 1 Fe Gmeiars.s
With Band and Orchestra
Parade at 3 p.m.
E Prices—33¢., 50¢., 75C., and $1.00; Children 25¢.
Attorneys for Petitioners.
Everything for
Pennsylvania Day
Dinner, Afternoon
and Evening Gowns
and all other articles of wearing apparel.
We carry a Full Line of
Stout and Large Sizes.
Before investing in a Suit or Coat be sure to inspect .
our incomparable line of He
| Wooltex Garments |
i Sole distributors of - /
| Gossard Front-Lace and Warner Rust-Proof
Corsets. =.»
| Schlow’s Quality Shop
The Best for the Well-Dressed -
Snow Shoe Coal
| :
We have succeeded in securing a good grade
| of coal, free from slate, from the above-named
region, and are offering it at the following attract-
"ive prices:
$5.00 per Ton of 2000 Ibs. $5.50 per Ton of 2000 lbs.
Discount of 25c. per ton when paid for on
the day of purchase. a
You are invited to call at our yard and in-
spect this coal.
Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co.
Change of Location
We are now safely housed in our new
store in the old Post Office location in
Temple Court.
Call and see us, even if you do not con-
template a purchase.
We will be glad to see you.
F. P. Blair & Son,
Jewelers and Optometrists
Bellefonte, Pa.
ert weer