Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 24, 1919, Image 6

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"Bellefonte, Pa., October 24, 1919.
A black cat on the mantel-shelf,
Hobgoblins, owl, and spritely elf,
Witches and bats, with all their might,
Conspire to frighten you tonight!
We had our Hallowe'en entertain- |
ment in our basement, which is both
long and wide. ]
divide it into three parts, with an
open stairway near one end. We used
three wagonloads of leafy branches,
hanging them screenlike between the
pillars. This formed three long aisles,
which, with many bundles of corn-
stalks, made a kind of labyrinth in the
dim, ghostly light afforded by a few
candles which had been placed in
jack-o’-lanterns made of large tin
cans suspended from the ceiling by
wires. These were fireproof.
About thirty grotesque stuffed fig-
ures hung from the rafters and
among the branches. For these fig-
ures we used old coats, trousers, Vo ;
Wi >
alls and jackets, all stuffed w
waste paper or rags, with long sticks
for arms. 2
filled paper bags, on which we paint-
ed or pasted black eyes, noses, and
At the ends of each stair step, an
air-filled paper bag, with painted face, |
was tacked, then branches tacked be-
hind it, so that as each guest descend-
ed he looked down upon the rows of
grinning faces.
To the furnace chain we tied a life-
size skeleton made of stiff butchers’
paper, cut inte four-inch strips, each
strip rolled tightly, then drawn out to
look like the rounded leg, arm, and
rib bones. The ribs were pinned to a
flat breastbone (paper), then turned |
and pinned to the flat backbone. ' The |
head was a paper bag, with painted
eyes and features. The hands and |
feet were of white oilcloth. A thin
wire from the rafters kept both arms |
extended. The curved furnace pipes
were covered with paper faces, which
were turned into ghosts by the addi- |
tion of muslin draperies. i
On a pair of overalls and its jacket |
we sewed the outline of a skeleton
cut from white muslin. Our “man of |
the house” wore this, also a mask, |
white nightcap, and white gloves, and
stood in a cupboard at one end of the
cellar. As each guest was brought to
his dark corner, he stepped to the
half-opened door of his cupboard, and |
danced slowly. An old cow bell was
cupboard. / i
_ After a few time-honored games on
the first floor, such as bobbing for ap-
ples, throwing apple peelings over
your left shoulder to find out the in-
itial of your “fate,” the one in charge
of the catertainineat called each guest
singly to the basement. As he cr she
descended, the cow bell below tolled
dolefully. He was started down a
long aisle and told to hunt for his for-
tune, following the directions given
on a slip of paper. The fortunes had
been written on cards and ticd fo tiny
brooms which hung among leafy
branches at the end of the farthest
aisle. The brcoms were rade of nen-
cils with several thicknesses of crepe
paper wrapped around one ead. and
then slit up to look like broom straws.
After finding his fortunc the first
guest was given a sheet. ard teld to
step into a nook among the branches,
Jo xed wxoy pug ‘eandy poings © oYIf
flitted about, touching the newcomers
or following them silently.
After the last guest had zeen the
horrors, we were led to the dining-
room, which was decorated with
leayes and home-made cut-outs
(witches, cats, etc.) of black paper.
The place cards were really only cor-
respondence cards with a Halloween |
seal in the left-hand corner, the name
of the guest at the right, and a Hal-
lowe’en verse below. The refresh-
ments consisted of Waldorf salad
served in scooped-out apples, cider, ;
individual pumpkin tarts, nuts and
Mysterious and novel place cards
for the Hallowelen supper party are!
made by writing the guest’s name on!
a blank card with a weak solu’ion of ,
sulphate of copper and rubbing the
card gover with a little ammonia. The ;
names, will appear in beautiful hues. |
On thé reverse side of the card write
a verse or some line of fortune with a |
mixture of sulphuric acid one part,
and water twenty parts. Do this with |
a quill pen. The writing when dry |
will be invisible, but if exposed to heat |
will appear in vivid letters. After the
guests are seated let them hold their |
cards over the flame of a candle and
the “magic” writing will appear. If |
cleverly written with a harmless jest |
about every guest, they create a great |
deal of fun. Cards like these may be
used as a means of fortune telling. |
The hostess can have a “magic” box
containing a number of cards bearing
all sorts of fortune written in rhyme
or prose with this invisible ink. |
Yhe box can be guarded by a hob-
gobblin, and when the guests tell the |
goblin what they most desire in life, !
they may draw a card, then take it to |
a witch, who mumbles some unintelli-
gible words over it while she holds the
card over the heat of a fairy lamp and |
sees the writing slowly appear. |
If you wish, they can test their own |
fortunes over a “magic” lamp. Some |
will hold their cards too high over |
the lamp chimney and will not be able |
to get any fortune. This adds a lot to
the fun of the evening.
Tie marshamllows on strings long
enough to reach from the mouth to |
the floor. Have them all the same
length. Give one to each guest and
tell them to hold them by the very
end of the string between their teeth
and to put their hands behind them.
At a given signal they all try to wind
the string around their tongues, and
the first one to get the marshmallow
in her mouth without touching it with
her hands wins.
Fill a round pan with flour. Press:
into it a ring, a thimble and a button.
Press it down tightly and turn out on
a plate like a cake. Each person
takes a turn in trying to cut a slice
without disturbing the rest of the |
If they do they will never mar- |.
ry (I mean if they disturb the flour).
If the ring or the thimble or the but-
ton happens to be in their slice, they
Two rows of pillars |
The heads we made of air- |
must take it out of the cake with
their teeth. This is fun, but you had
better spread newspapers on the floor
around the “cake.”
Fortune telling is always fun, too!
Fill a bowl with cold water, light a
wax eandle, turn around three times
and then let ten drops of the wax fall
into the water. Watch carefully and
you will see that the wax will resem-
ble people or animals, or ships, and if
you are wise you can read your for-
tune as plain as day.
| Ttisagood thing to have a publica-
tion in the house that you can trust.
. You never have to think whether you
| can safely leave The Youth’s Compan-
{ion on the table. When you begin a
| Companion story you know you are
‘not bound on a slumming expedition.
| You are being led up into the sun-
i shine of the everlasting hills. The
| folks in The Companion stories are
| every day folks. They are like your
own townspeople: stumbling, falling,
picking themselves up, trying with
some defeats and some difficulties to
attain to their high ideals.
1920 will be a year of great stories
for Youth’s Companion readers. There
are more than 250 of them in the
| year. Subscribe before Christmas and
' get the opening chapters of Charles
B. Hawe’s 10-chapter story, The Son
of a “Gentleman Born,” and all the
. extras of the following offer:
New subscribers for 1920 will re-
i ceive:
1. The Youth’s Companion—b52 is-
| sues in 1920.
2. All remaining weekly 1919 is-
. 8. The Companion Home Calen-
dar for 1920. All the above for $2.50.
| 4. MecCall’'s Magazine for 1920,
| $1.00—the monthly fashion authori- |
Both publications for only $2.95.
Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St., Bos-
ton, Mass.
Creditor—How often must I climb
these five flights of stairs before I
get the amount that is due me?
Debtor—Do you think 3’ «cing t
rent a place on the gronnd floor just
to accommodate my creditors?
In Quite Too Many.
Speech was given man to conceal
his thoughts, but it was a necdless
precaution in many cases.
C i
$5,000,000 Paid for Motor Licenses:
Harrisburg.—By the end of the
week the automobile license receipts
will probably have passed the $5,000,-
000 mark. The average daily receipts
at the automobile division of the
State Highway Department are now
$4000 and the receipts up to noon last
Saturday from the first of the year
were $4,970,000.
The receipts of the division from
all sources for the entire year of 1918
were $4,048,185.60 and during that
period there were 678,786 registra-
tions, of which number 363,001 were
for pneumatic-tired vehicles.
The number of pneumatic-tired ve-
hicles so far registered in 1919 is past
the 440,000 mark, and it is estimated
from registrations will be between
$5,100,000 and $5,125,000.
There have been 1100 registrations
of second hand dealers and 27,500 affi-
davits of purchase of second-hand
cars. :
—The building of good roads is of
the greatest importance to: a commu-
nity. :
that the total receipts for the year |
Woomer—On September 2, to Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd oomer, of Spring
township, a son, Ralph Elwood. 1g
Brooks—On September 5, to Mr.
and Mrs. Elwood Brooks, of Spring
township, a daughter, Marie Isabelle.
Houtz—On September 11, to Mr.
and Mrs. Walter J. Houtz, of Spring
township, a son, Walter Russell.
. Morrow—To Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Morrow, of Tarentum, a son. Mrs.
Morrow before her marriage was Miss
Mary Straub.
Keichline—To Dr. and Mrs. John
Mx Keichline, of Petersburg, a daugh-
O’Brien—This week at the Belle-
fonte hospital, to Mr. and Mrs, O’Bri-
en, of Snow Shoe, a son. Mrs? O’Bri-
en is well known here as Miss Ruth
No Ammunition.
Employer—I haven't fired a man
from my factory since last July.
Friend—Because not one came in
loaded, I suppose.
region, and are offering it at the following attract-
ive prices :
$5.00 per Ton of 2000 Ibs.
Snow Shoe Coal
We have succeeded in securing a good grade
of coal, free from slate, {rom the above-named
A Style Show for Men
$5.50 per Ton of 2000 Ibs.
Discount of 25c. per ton when paid for on
| the day of purchase.
| You are invited to
| spect this coal.
call at our yard and in-
Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co.
tolled, like a death knell, within the |
rear wheels rack.
Axles coupled together with argle sieel reach ;
coupled short, dividing load between front ¢
Bier like a wagon. Solid bh ‘tm bed with heavy cross picces, and supported by ful: width of sides. Front and
and rear axle.
on. Chain-Driven Exclusively.
17" Just received a carload of Conklin Wagons. All sizes and for all purposes. 62-47
Wide: tired wi eels
No moving parts on rear axle.
wl Axle not used as a bearing for gears to run
Positively not a worm or cog gear on the machine.
‘The lightest, easiest running and most practical Spreader.
No clutch. Operated by only two
Dubbs’ Implement and Seed Store.
mms corangamy
‘The metal fixtures
She uses
a TT
- Ty
is the BEST for cleaning, scouring, scrubbing and
urs. sick Gefg FULL-SIZED can of MRS, SPAN
Shes ER ER Testes son sndons
go hi and Sc in cash
MR, GROCER : — For isiooupast nd 5 i
ditions stated above have
RUB-NO-MORE COMPANY, Ft. Wayne, lad.
- —— — ———————— — — —
The linoleum wears a
brand-new look—
She uses
1 — ST
here’s one thing mere man can learn from
woman—and that is she doesn’t buy clothes
till she has shopped around—and seen
“what they are wearing.”
Come in and see the Fall Exposition of
High Art. Clothes
Made by Strouse & Brothers, Inc., Baltimore, Md.
and you'll learn the correct things for Fall.
Style has taken a radical turn, last season’s
suit won’t do—it will be “spotted” easily.
We'll look for you.
Your Banker
The institution with which you main-
tain banking relations can be of service to
you in many ways. Y F
The Centre County Banking Co.
does not consider that its service to its pa-
trons ceases with the safeguarding of their
funds. It keeps in personal touch with all
of them in such a way as to be of assistance
very often when other matters develop
affecting their interest.
It Invites You to Take Advantage
of Its Unusual Service.
3-4 Ton for Light Hauling
Big Truck for Heavy Loads
“Greatest Distance for Least Cost”