Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 24, 1919, Image 5

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    ap ETT A ST,
i the past few weeks greatly exceed | from, when invested in Treasury Sav- : zg -
With the Churches of the the past few weer from, when invested in Treasury Sov | Garman Opera House .... Tuesday Evening, October 28th
y g ish : 9
County. : Many of our people seem to be of | compounded quarterly. The princi-
—_— the opinion that since the war is over | pal invested in these securities is not The Fox Amusement Compan Tes nts : ’S : .
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. there is no real necessity to invest | subject to state tax nor is the income pany prese one of Chicago Greatest Musical Comedy Hits
Christian Science society, Furst | their savings, earnings and income in | subject to income tax. Where can be 9
building, High street. Sunday service | government securities! This is a|you get a better or safer investment ;
11 a. m. Sunday school 9.45. Wed- | mistaken idea. than that offered by our government y
nesday evening meeting at 8 o’clock. Prior to the war it took over one in the form of Treasury Savings Cer-
To these meetings all are welcome. A |.;;;0n" dollars to finance the several | tificates?
free adi rey § gpen to the pubs department of our National Govern-| Let us resolve to purchase during
to 4. Here the Bible and Christian | ment. In addition thereto we had a | the remaining days of October Treas-
Science literature may be read, bor- | billion dollar debt. Now we have a|ury Savings Certificates at $84.20
rowed or purchased. Subject, Octo- | debt of over twenty-six billion dollars. | each (maturity value $100.00), or the
ber 26th, “Probation After Death.” It takes more than it did prior to the | limit of $1000.00 maturity value pay-
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. war to finance the Government; the |ing therefor $842.00. All certificates
Sabbath services as follows: Morn- interest on our war debt is also over | are registered in the name of the own-
ing worship at 10:45. Evening wor- one billion dollars annually; we must | er. They are redeemable upon ten
ship at 7:30. Sabbath school at 9:45 | also prepare to pay off the principal | days’ gotice. They mature January
a. m. Prayer service every Wednes- | of the bonds and other debts of our | 1st, 1924.
day evening at 7:45. A cordial wel- | Nation as they mature. Our govern- Respectfully submitted
come to all. ment needs our money. It is up tous w. HARRISON anne.
Rev. W. K. McKinney, Ph. D., Minister | to loan it to our government when we Wa Prasion,
ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. | know that the interest received there- Third Federal Reserve District.
Next Sunday rally day services will
the church. The 50th anniversary of
the organization of the Sunday
school will be also celebrated. 9:30 a. To the People of Centre County {
m., rally of school and awarding of
the contest banner. 10:45 a. m., ral-
ly of school and congregation with : : ;
re akin of oong hy At Reference having been made in the public press, that some per-
7:30 p. m. the C. E. Society will have sons contemplate proposing a county bond issue for roads, we the un-
charge °F the service. Everybody dersigned Republican nominees for County Commissioners, place our-
Rev. A. M. Schmidt, Pastor. selves on record as being OPPOSED TO COUNTY BOND ISSUES
FOR ROADS, or any other purposes, unless the same shall have been
Bible school, 9:30, preaching and | legally approved and authorized by a majority vote of the people of
worship, 10:30. This is Women’s day Centre county. This is our attitude now, and will continue to be our
and jhe hig M. os an, Jeerbein attitude in the event of our election as County Commissioners.
uilds will have charge o e even- ,
ing service, at 7:30 o'clock. Christ- Bellefonte, Pa., October 18th, 1919.
ian Endeavor at 6:30. The ladies bi- Signed,
ble class will hold a Hallowe’en so- )
cial in the basement on Thursday GEORGE H. Y ARNELL ;
evening, October 30th. 3 : a i
A district Christian Endeavor ral- HARRY P. AUSTIN. SE i
ly of the Houserville, Runville and Political advertisement. Bs y
Bellefonte charges, which includes
seven societies, will be held in the
i IE Ta ag A Company of 35 People--35 | Special Scenery and Electrical Effects
each society be represented so that a J .
satisfactory district organization may (Mostly Girls.) A Chorus of
be effected. Rev. Geo. R. Strayer, the . . . > » -
Allegheny branch president, of Mo- MARY PIC KFORD 16 Beautiful California Girls 16 | Paris’ Latest Craze in Wardrobe
nessen, wi Ie e princip pea y
Geo. E. Smith, Pastor.
BS iat aa “Daddy Long Legs” 35 PEOPLE IN PERSON 35
Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.
10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m.,,
zell, of State College, will officiate. ee ou laugh A Ne Te Prices 35c., 50¢.. 75¢c., $1.00, and a few at $1.50
All church members are requested
to remember che fact hat the lees | 3 Soanyic Theatre, Bellefonte, Pa.
day morning.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 2 4 and 25
Bible school, 9:30. Sermon, “Why
We Should Tarry,” 10:45. Junior and
Intermediate League, 2 p. m., Senior Prices—Matinees 17 and 22 cents; Evenings 28 cents.
leagn 2 220: aoe 1) MY rienay of Special Children’s Matinee Saturday Morning at 10 o’clock. Price 11c.
SH 7 64-41-2t
Coleville, services 2 p. m. A class
for every age. Come and enjoy these
services. George Eberhart, superin-
tendenty: Ale xander Scott, Minister.
What to Demand
In a Tailor-Made
Simplicity—that’s the keynote
of a good-looking tailor-made. a
: 2
It’s the things that are left off Was c
as well as those that are put on that 5 os 1,
: J : frst Every art has its Golden Age, bringing i i y
REPORT OF GROUP 3 make a tailor-made right=-50 look for i. those wondrous works that live on through :
: vr correct designing. Ie all the years. And it seems that a Golden A :
War Series Divison Fed- : HE Age has dawned for the newest of all arts— 0 . D
era eserve DIstrict. : VR : : - $
Cr And it’s only the very best fab- 4 the mation picture. The master artist of the &
The TSpORL of Group § for the Yosh ; . . $f zreen has brought to us a creation of such ex ” 2D
Suding ctober 11th, 1919, is as fol- Aes that retain those graceful simple ra quisite wonder and beauty, of such haunting charm :
Col. 1, name of County. lines through the stress of wear—so ll and purity, that all else seems as of yesterday.
LE Toy
with other DE nes of the Bsns Die look for excellent fabrics. Even J le) e
trict of Pennsylvania, (48 in number). ol % 2 :
(1) (2) (3) then, unless it is perfectly tailored in
union .........i.000000., $ 391........ 1; :
; se GeSgreecnes, gl] every detail you won't get enduring
styles—so look for dependable tailor-
Bedford 22 |
Min 2% | ;
Huntingdon rr Wooltex Tailor-Mades meet every
te ee 8
4 .
Per capita of Eastern one of these requirements
Pennsylvania. i. ji iviiivedonssevive 84
Per capita of Third Federal Reserve
DISEIICL trot innriisrntiisiciivansncnss 82
Per capita of United States........... 1.31
Per capita of Group 3................. 1.30 |
Central Accounting postmasters of |
nine counties of Group 8 failed to!
make their weekly report, as required,
ol .
and their failure to report may ac- Specials for Friday and Saturday
count for the per capita of Group 3 |
Te et ae}
nite ates. entral Account- !
ing postmasters should comply with 75 Sample Dresses
Coe 3
taken from a story of Thomas Burke, is at once
the most pitiful, most tragic, and withal, the most
sublime love story ever told. And in the telling,
the master, Griffith, has wrought such rare and
undreamed-of beauties that a new art, full, rich,
boundless, is revealed.
the department’s rulings and make!
thelr Weekly reports DrompHy so that including Evening, Afternoon and Dinner Gowns
$14.00 to $40.00
proper credit may be given to every
county comprising Group 3 of the |
War Savings Division of the Third
Federal Reserve District.
Sunday, October 26th, 1919, has!
been designated as “Thrift Sunday”
in the Third Federal District, and all |
clergy have been requested to preach
a “THRIFT” sermon on that day. All |
those who attend church next Sunday |
may expect information concerning
Our Gossard Front-Lace 1
and Warner Rust-Proof Corsets
can be had in sizes 18--35
the thrift and systematic saving | ©
movement as outlined by our govern- ' ssi =R SFG AER Zn. -
ment. | he XN, SO
Mr. C. M. Sullivan, chairman of
War Savings for Clinton county, and
who is one of the instructors at the:
Central State Normal school at Lock '
Haven, reports that the two hundred
pupils enrolled in the Model school of
that institution are thoroughly organ-
ized into a War Savings society, and
that the actual savings invested in %
War Savings and Thrift Stamps for
Pastime Theatre, State College... Thurs. and Friday Oct. 30--31
The Best for the Well-Dressed wice Dally=6.30 aud 5.50 BoM.
NL All Seats Reserved. Advance Sale Seats starts Saturday, 25th. 25 cents to 50 cents, and Tax