9 Drom . INK SLINGS. Harry Meyer should be Prothon- otary. ~ —Vote for Frank Smith for Regis- ter. He is all that could be desired for an efficient, courteous official. —Don’t vote for a man to spend the county’s money who doesn’t have to pay a cent himself because he has no property to be taxed. —Don’t forget to turn your clock back an hour on Saturday night or you will get to church an hour too soon on Sunday morning. —Centre county should think long and hard before it puts a man into the Commissioner’s office who dosen’t own an inch of real estate. —Let Roy Wilkinson talk to you long enough and you’ll soon discover why we think Harry Meyer would make the better man in the Prothon- otary’s office. —If Harry Austin is elected Coun- ty Commissioner he will be in a posi- tion to tax your property without hav- ing to be taxed himself, for he doesn’t own anything to tax. —Harry P. Austin, who wants to be County Commissioner and have a voice in taxing your property and spending your money doesn’t own an inch of property himself. —Third term candidates never were popular in Centre county. It remains to be seen what will happen to Recor- der Bill Brown’s attempt to grab another four years in the court house. —James E. Harter should be our county Treasurer. He is the ideal man for the place, besides he was not given the nomination at the sacrifice of another man who had been prom- ised the place by his party managers. —A County Commissioner who doesn’t own ‘an inch of property him- self wouldn’t be a very hopeful offi- cer for men who have to pay the tax- es on farms and town houses. Aus- tin doesn’t own a square foot of realty. —The people who own property in Centre county are the ones who should be most careful about who our County Commissioners are to be. Aus- tin owns no property and he could vote to spend all the money the schemers want without having to pay any of it himself. —D. Wagner Geiss won’t be ask- ing for three terms in the Recorder’s office. All he wants now is one and if at the end of that one his record mer- its a re-election of course he would enjoy having a second term. But a third one, Oh no, Wagner doesn’t want to get his front feet in the trough. . —Vote for’ Stover and Condo for Auditors. It will be wise to have Auditors in office who are not under the influence of the gang because they — checkup on what the Commissioners have done and should it happen that the right Commissioners fail of elec- tion the right Auditors in office will be very useful officials. —Strange that the Gazette last week devoted an entire page to tell- ing you all the things that you didn’t want to know about its candidates and scarcely a line about the things you ought to know. A man is usual- ly measured by what he is and what he has done and the Gazette had a reason for dealing in generalities rather than facts. —It is being whispered around that Republican county chairman Davy Chambers—and some others in the in- side, among them District Attorney Furst, is very anxious to get Roy Wil- kinson into the Prothonotary’s office. They need a handy-man in Bellefonte and as Roy is schooled in the Phila- delphia way of doing things he is to be elected at all costs. You know Davy is the boss little naturalizer for Snow Shoe township and a Prothono- tary like Wilkinson would be very useful. —Rarely has a combination of such men of sterling character and ability been presented on any ticket as are the men whom the Democrats of Cen- tre county have given their sanction to run for office this fall. Readers of the papers must be impressed with the sound type of christian citizen- ship they represent. Practically all of them are active and official mem- bers of a church and have been for many years and none of them can be regarded as politicians. Really it is unusual and in the long and intimate acquaintance we have had with polit- ical contests in the county we don’t recall its parallel in either party. —There is something big in the wind. We have not been able to fit the fragments of tips we have gotten into a complete story of what the gang is trying to put over, but by next week we will have run out a few more clues and then may be able to give you the real story of why the Republican triumvirate of Centre county is sacrificing everything else to get the Sheriff’s, the Commission- ers’, the District Attorney’s, the Pro- thonotary’s, the Treasurers’ and the Auditors’ office. They don’t care a hang about the Recorder and the Reg- ister. They are not needed in the big scheme. The other offices work into one another so neatly that all of them are necessary and especially the Commissioners and Auditors. Look well before you leap, Mr. Voter. Hon- est old Isaac Miller, Ralph Hartsock, Howard Miles, John Way, John Dale, George Houck and Milton Johnson weren’t cut by the bosses like they were for nothing. Big schemes take big money and big money is only raised by big taxes and you——well, all you have to do is pay the taxes. A enarrd STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION." VOL. 64. BELLEFONTE. PA., OCTOBER 24, 919. _ NO. 42. A Plain ‘Talk About Capt; Taylor. “Dick” The “Watchman” has already ex- | posed the life of Capt. “Dick” Taylor | to a flood-light of publicity. It has withheld nothing in the history of this intrepid soldier from the cradle to a German prison. Not a single thing in his whole career can any one find to criticise, unless there be some un- patriotic minds to think that as a poor boy he has given too much of his time to his country. His private life is an open book. He has had no public or political life, but it is because some people unknowing- ly link him up with the political ad- ventures of others we want to talk to you very plainly about so glaring an injustice. Capt. “Dick” Taylor is a brother of Col. Hugh S. Taylor. He is also a brother of R. B. “Bert” Taylor, of Bellefonte. Both of these gentlemen are well known to most of the people in Centre county. They have been more or less active in the fights of their respective parties for years. We say respective parties because Col. Taylor is a Democrat and “Bert” a Republican. As to the methods they have employed, the good or the mis- chief they have worked we have noth- ing to say at this time for it is not relevant to the matter we want to pre- sent to reasonable minds. Whatever Col. Taylor or his broth- er “Bert” may or may not have done should not be held in the balance against their younger brother, the Captain. He is not a politician. His very manner, if you have met him, proves that to you. He is quiet, un- obtrusive, almost diffident and so tim- id when meeting men that he scarcely asks them to vote for him. He is not the type that mixes up in the politic- al game. All the years his brothers were active he was plodding away contentedly at his work and knew about as much about what they were doing as an oyster does of the im- mortality of the soul. Capt. “Dick” Taylor was as far removed from their plans as the poles. And there was a reason: First, he was not a poli- tician. Second, he was not of the type that would be any use to them. We are saying plain things about men, all of whom we regard as friends, but if anything that Col. ‘Hugh Taylor or his brother “Bert” have done is being used to injure Captain “Dick” we feel that plain words are necessary to counteract it. Few men wilfully do another injus- tice and believing this the “Watch- man” right here wants to emphatic- ally state that those who are holding an illustrious soldier to an account- ing for acts of his older brothers, of which he probably knows nothing, are doing him—perhaps unthinkingly—a very great injustice. The fair way, the square way to look at this man is at him, not through his brothers. He is the can- didate. He has earned a far greater reward at our hands than the shriev- ality and he should be considered on his own merits, not on those of his brothers. Shame on people who attempt to martyrize a gallant soldier by stab- bing him in the back because of griev- ances against others. ——John J. Bower is meeting with much encouragement in his candida- cy for District Attorney. Many peo- ple are beginning to feel that it is a very close corporation that looks after the legal and financial affairs of Cen- tre county and as close corporations are not usually advantageous to the public there seems to be a disposition to start to break it up. Mr. Bower's election would certainly be a step in that direction. Toner Will Fix That Up. A conversation between two polit- ical workers was overheard a day or so ago that throws an interesting side-light on the situation in and about Milesburg. One was tipping the other off to some dissatisfaction among several of the Republican voters in the Miles- burg district over certain of their nominees. After he had told who the gentlemen were, who evidently have the courage of their convictions and are saying what they think, the other fellow, who happens to be next to the powers that be, said: “You should worry. Don’t you know that Toner Hugg is responsible for that district and what he says goes down there. He'll straighten that out, all right, all right.” BILL BROWN’ 5 SOLILOQUY I've had eight years now And I want four more Before I leave the court house door, I don’t give a d—for the two-term rule As long as an office is in the wood I'm goin’ to git mine while the gittin's good. ——One thing may be depended upon. Those Senators who are now delaying the progress of civilization by holding up the ratification of the peace treaty will not bother the pub- lic much after their present terms of office expire. Over the Top for Taylor, Too. Centre county made an enviable record for going over the top during the war. Every movement in support of the government was carried through with an enthusiasm and success limited only by the abil- ity of our people to give and to do. For the first Liberty Loan we went over the top and gave Uncle Sam $542,150.00 with which to buy guns and ammunition for the boys responding to his call. For the second Liberty Loan we went over the top again when we gave him $1,026,300.00 to buy more guns and ammuni- tion for the grand army of young patriots who were following the first contingent to the training camps. For the third Liberty Loan we were over the top again when we gave $1,524,028.04 to buy more equipment for a million or more boys who had reported to the call. It was over the top again on the fourth Liberty Loan for we gave the colossal sum of $2,112,450.00 to help Uncle Sam get his army over seas and feed and fit it. And then came the Y. M. C. A., the Red Cross and the Unit- ed War Work drives. In all of these we went proudly over the top. For the Y. we gave $5,720.00, for the Red Cress $30,000.00 and for the United War Work $57,820.73. All of this money was used in binding the wounds,’ providing resting places and furnishing little extras to fagged and shattered soldier boys. [hen when the armistice was signed the boys had to be brought home and many bills were to be paid. Uncle Sam called on us for a Victory Loan and over the top we went with a con- tribution of $1,657,850.00. Think of it! A total of $6,956,013.77, or nearly six as the total assessed value of all the property in the county seat. is a record to be proud of. Never once faltering in duty the people of Centre county buckled on the armor of determination “4 and went over the top. 3 But with all this glory and achievement we must remember that not one cent went directly to any of the eighteen hundred young heroes who went out from here to fight. True, they re- ceived wages, but what a paltry sum when compared with what men were earning at home while the boys were away. They were not thinking of money. All they wanted was equipment with which to drive the Hun back acress the Rhine and medicine and bandages to bind their bleeding wounds. We gave Uncle Sam the funds to provide these thingssbut we gave the boys. nothing... "They asked for nothing but the chance to bare their breasts to the enemy. Most of them are home now. Some never will come back and one of them is modestly asking the people of Centre couniy to make him their sheriff. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to deny this man who twice stood up “against the wall” while in a German prison camp and looking into the merci- less muzzles of the Hun executioners stolidly refused to divulge information that he possessed and that would have put the lives of legions of his comrades in peril ? Are you going to forget this fearless soldier who has gone out to fight our battles every time our country has needed him, since he was old enough to carry a gun? Are you going to show the eighteen hundred and more boys who are on old Centre’s Roll of Honor that all our cheering, all our giving meant nothing more than a passing incident; that we have no deep, abiding sense of gratitude for the sacrifices they made for us. No, No! Centre county is not made of that yellow stuff. She is red-blooded to the core and is going to show the soldiers she can do something for them by going over the top for “Dick” Taylor, too. The «“Republican’’ is Kidding Itself. The Bellefonte Republican is having a lot of fun “kidding” itself. And it thinks it is kidding the old line Democrats of Centre county in- to opposition to Capt. “Dick” Taylor by telling them that through his election as Sheriff they will be wiped out of the party entirely. Go to it, Charley, as long and as strong as you like. But let us put you wise to one thing. The “old line Democrats” of Centre county might occa- sionally get their ears to the ground and begin to dig up tomahawks but never for a soldier like Capt. “Dick” Taylor. No matter who brought him out, no matter what he might do when elected the “old line Democrats” are not thinking such little thoughts. They are of one mind with thousands of other broad-thinking voters in Centre county who believe that Capt. “Dick” Taylor has done some- thing too big to be weighed in the partisan or factional political bal- ance and they are going to vote for him not because he is a Democrat or a Republican; not because he is a brother of Col. Hugh S. Taylor, not because he was brought out by “Zerby & Co.,” A hard worker all his life, too busy earn- cause he is ust what he is: as you say. But be- ing a living to even know the game of politics, but not too busy to vol- untarily give five of the best years of his life to his country, and yet so modest that as he goes ahout campaigning it has to be dragged out of him that he is the very same Capt. “Dick” Taylor who suffered in a Cerman prison for all of us. Kid away, my boy, the “old line Democrats” are ‘just like other veal, red-blcoded people. They view gratitude as a far greater thing than political or factional advantage. PAAAARAAAAAAO IANA AIA IS PSA PSP NP PIPPI IS SINS PII ———The railroads will be revtored] -——1If the League of Nations is not to their owners on January 1st but it | established soon some of the expected is not certain that the owners will | members will be exterminated before know what to do with them. | they get in. THE LURE OF A WILY TOM. , Being a Jingling story in proof of the fact | that love also is blind in feline society. | Written by a Pittsburgh friend too modest to own it. ‘A Persian kitty, perfumed and fair Strayed out through the kitchen door for air, When a Tom cat lean and lithe and strong, And dirty, and yellow came along. He sniffed at the perfumed Persian cat As she strutted about with much eclat, And thinking a bit of time to pass, He whispered ‘kiddo, you've sure got class.” “That's fitting and proper,” was her reply, As she arched the whiskers over her eye— “I'm ribboned, I sleep on a pillow of silk And daily they bathe me in certified milk. “Yet we're never contented with that which we've got; I try to be happy, but happy I'm not, And I should be joyful, I should indeed, For I certainly am highly pedigreed.” “Cheer up,” said Tom cat with a smile, And trust your new found friend awhile; You need to escape from your back yard fence, My dear, all you need is experience.” New joys of living he then unfurled As lie told her some tales of the outside world ; Suggesting at last with alluring laugh, A trip for the two down the primrose path. The morning after the night before The cat came back at the hour of four; The look in her innocent eyes it went, But the smile in its face was one of con- tent. 1 And in after days when children came To the Persian kitty of pedigreed fame, Instead of Persian they were black and tan, And she told them their Pa was a trav- eling man. Farmer Dazed by War-Time Pros- perity. From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Somewhat dazed by his extraordi- nary prosperity of the last few years, the farmer is taking time to check matters over and discover, as best he may, whether the ideal conditions are to continue. Various commercial or- ganizations and banks in the farming districts have assisted him to arrive at some conclusions, and with the aid of these, and his own shrewd and practical outlook, he has come to the elief that, while farm produce is bound to fall in price within the next two years, his high land values are going to keep up to present levels through the ability of the agricultur- ist to earn interest on the expanded values by intensive and scientific farming. The farmer has concluded that prosperity will be a permanent affair with him if he but educates himself to greater earning power. While the German war has been a colossal calamity for humanity, it has raised the business of agriculture from a broken-backed, precarious, hand-to-mouth vocation to a prosper- ous, dividend-paying basis. For in- stance, in 1914 wheat sold at seventy- six cents per bushel, present price $2.25, an increase of 300 per cent.; corn was seventy-seven cents per bushel in 1914, and now is $1.91, an increase of 250 per cent.; barley has risen from forty-five cents per bushel in 1914, to $1.18, and potatoes from eighty-seven cents per bushel to ap- proximately $2; hay has gone from $10 to $20 per ton; butter advanced approximately 300 per cent. and eggs about 250 per cent.; practically all products of the farm have risen in value in proportions. Land values have, of course, gone upward with increased farm earnings, and to keep up these land values in the future the land must be worked more intelligently and intensively when farm product values take the in- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAAAANPAPPANPPPPAI PI. evitable drop. An Iowa banker sug- PA te that there is ample room for im- provement in methods. Says he: “While in every other industry we are abreast of the most advanced na- tions—in commerce, manufacture, banking and merchandise—there is not a nation in the world that cannot teach America something about’ farm- ing.’ it will be encouraging to the gener- al public to learn that the food pro- ducers of the country are sure that food prices are to be lower within two years, and gratifying, as well, to be told that they can be lowered without impairing the net earning capacity of the farm. The kind of prosperity that penalizes no one and rewards every one is the kind that the United States is looking for. The remedy suggest- ed for the farmers would work equal- ly well applied to all industries. More intensive and intelligent methods, in- crease of production and stability in gross and net earning power, liberal wages and lower maintenance cost— these ends ought to be made a matter of national enterprise. “Seems like there ain’t no sort o’ fun Fer boys on Hollere'en, ‘Most everything us fellers done, SOMEBODY acted mean. We set a trip-rope—'tain’t there yet— ‘Cause when we got it stretched, We ketched my Pop first man—you bet, That wasn’t ALL I KETCHED!” The depth of infamy has not been reached yet by the Senators in Washington. We are patiently wait- ing for an investigation of the Red Cross activities in France. Fourteen “steamship lines es- tablished in Philadelphia within a year are fourteen reasons why Phila- delphia should change its pelitics. ) “| quest Tony SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Medical officers have been sent by the State Department of Health to aid in the fight against spread of diphtheria in the Shamokin, Mt. Carmel and Monessen dis- tricts, where large supplies of anti-toxin have been sent. —Last week Samuel Shilling, the well- known merchant whose store is located at the Blacklick, near Nicktown, Cambria county, disappeared, having with him some $1,500 in money, and it is feared he met with foul play, as his pocketbook was found along the road later and contained only a few cents. —Peddlers of “wildcat” stocks of for- eign and domestic issues are actually ex- changing them in Lancaster county on woodlands, strawberries, eggs and antique furniture. Up to this time they have not taken any canned fruit, preserves or car- pet rags in exchange, but they doubtless will before the winter is over. —Arrangements have been made for en- larging the plant of the Selinsgrove Hos- iery company, which is enjoying unusual prosperity. The company has gained quite a reputation for the excellence of its product and has been urged by its cus- tomers to turn its efforts toward a higher grade stock and help supply the growing demand for silk hosiery. —Until a few days ago bogus naturali- zation papers could be purchased in Indi- ana, Pa., from “Jim” Colangelo, a pros- perous looking Italian, for $35 cash, ac- cording to sworn statements made by two of his countrymen who claim to have bought papers bearing red seals and stat- ing that they had become full-fledged cit- izens of the United States. —A blue-eyed baby boy is in the West- moreland hospital ready for adoption by some kind hearted persons. Friday after- noon the janitor of the First Reformed church. discovered the baby in a box that he had noticed the previous day in the yard at the rear of the church. The baby apparently was happy notwithstanding its evidently long exposure and lack of food. —Cornelius Hershberger, aged 59 years, of Dale, Johnstown, was badly burned about the face, arms, hands and back Fri- day morning, when a two-story frame ga- rage and storeroom was badly damaged by fire. It is said that Mr. Hershberger had gone to the garage to get some gaso- line and struck a match when about ten feet away from the gasoline tank, causing an explosion. —It developed at a hearing before Alder- man Neil Breslin, of Hazleton, last week, in a case against a local merchant that D. Kramer, of Slatington, makes an average of $18,000 a year killing - rats. Kramer sued for his fee against a Hazleton busi- ness man whose premises he claims to have cleared of the rodents through the use of a preparation he employs. He was awarded judgment. —Burglars some time Sunday night broke into the general office of the Harbi- son-Walker Refractories = company, at Woodland, and dynamited the large safe by drilling into the combination box and blowing it off. They gained an entrance and rifled the safe of its contents, but did not secure a very large haul, as there is : very little money kept in the vault, seldom more than $50. They got into the office by forcing up a window. —Under an opinion handed down by Judge Porter, of the Superior court, Allie Hammond, of Spangler, who has several aliases, and who was convicted of jail breaking from the western penitentiary, while he was serving a sentence imposed by the Somerset: county court for his plea of guilty to a charge of false pretences, will have to remain in jail until he com- pletes the sentence for the jail breaking offense imposed by Judge Quigley, of the Centre county court. —Seventeen Williamsport ministers have volunteered to spread the gospel of “good health” throughout Lycoming county. These preachers will spend several days a week in visiting rural and borough schools to talk to the pupils abouf hygiene and the importance of safeguarding their health. Through their co-operation the campaign in charge of the county Anti- Tuberculosis Society, can be extended to reach every school child and nearly every family in Lycoming county. —Less than five hours after he was ar- rested in Philadelphia and charged with the embezzlement of $20,949 from the Mount Carmel Iron works, George E. Feast, general manager of the company, shot and killed himself in a Reading rail- way train Saturday evening while being taken back to Mount Carmel by a consta- ble. Feast shot himself while the train was passing through Tamaqua. At a hearing before a magistrate in Philadel- phia he pleaded not guilty to the charges, and was held under $5,000 bail. —Acting upon the charges of local wom- en that they had been ‘“hypnotized” by gipsy women and their homes looted of jewelry, draperies and rugs, Shamokin po- lice made a raid upon a gipsy camp on the outskirts of that town and found two au- tomobile loads of plunder in wagons and in tents. Four members of the camp, three women and a man, were arrested and sent to jail. The complainants charg- ed that the women entered their homes, “hypnotized” them and that while they were under the spell of the women, others of the party carried away all valuables in sight. —Two more daring thefts from Eldred township, Lycoming county, farms have just been reported. Less than a week ago a cow was butchered in a field and the carcass carried away. Now Oscar B. Reeser reports that two hogs, weighing between sixty and seventy-five pounds each, have been stolen from a barn on his farm. Thomas Eck, who resides near Warrensville, reports that he loaded & large wagon with produce to take to the Williamsport market and left it in a shed until morning. When he went to the wag- on before daylight in order to get to mar- ket early he found thieves had been ahead of him and had not left a thing except the wagon. —According to the story told at the in- Ferando left his barber shop at Jerome, Cambria county, on Saturday evening telling some people there that if he was not back in an hour he would be dead, as he was going to kill some one or be killed himself. Walking to the Joseph Perry home, he entered the kitchen and met Nicholas Deopolo, with whom he had trouble some weeks ago. Two shots rang out and Ferando fell dead with two bullet- holes in his head. Deopolo made his es- cape and although sought all day by state constables, no trace of the man has been found. And while he probably will continue his battle for liberty by eluding the officers, no charge hangs over his head, because the jury rendered a verdict of jus- tifiable homicide, as an open razor was found on the floor of the kitchen and another was found in Ferando’s pocket.