October 17, 1919. : Bellefonte, Pa., REPORT OF GROUP 3. War Savings Division—Third Fed- eral Reserve District. The report of Group 3 for the week gnding. October 4th, 1919, is as fol- OWS: ! Col. 1, aame of County. Col 2, per capita of County. Col. 3, standing of County with other counties of District of Pennsylvania, ber). as compared the Eastern (48 in num- Blair Cameron McKean Lycoming Bedford Potter Mifflin Huntingdon Clearfield €ambria ........i....... Per capita of > Pennsylvania Per capita of Third Federal Dist..... Per capita of United States........... 1 Per capita of Group 3.............. ss. Tioga county reported a per capita of .14 cents during the week ending October 4th, which brings that county up to 5th place. The schools in that county have been thoroughly organ- ized by Mr. M. F. Jones, the superin- tendent. Reports were received during the ast week from a large number of uperintendents and Principals of schools in the several counties com- prising Group 3, indicating that the plan suggested by our government for the teaching of thrift and syste- matic saving is being put into effect with good results. Respectfully submitted, W. HARRISON WALKER. Chairman Group 3. Bellefonte, Pa., October 13th, 1919. GOES UP ON HIGH. Wealthy Chincse Has Novel frem This Life to Next. Trip There was a pretty custom among some of the ancients when a promi- nent citizen died, to send his valet along with him on the road to Para- dise, and it was oftentimes necessary to resort to extreme methods to in- sure this company for the departed. But in the territory of the China- American Trading company, Ford dealers in Tientsin, China, they have discovered a much” better aid to the deceased over the rough places on the trip to the Promised Land. It is a custom of the Chinese to burn various kinds of effigies at the funeral ceremonies of the rich, the more wealthy the departed the more elaborate the figures burned over his grave. These effigies represent every manner of thing, such as human fig- ures, horses, sedan chairs, tables load- ed with money, etc. The figures usu- ally conform to some of these stereo- typed fashions, but at the funeral of Mr. Li, who died a short time ago in Tientsin, and who was a very wealthy man, the bereaved family ' outdid themselves and made an imitation of the deceased gentleman’s Ford car to be burned at his grave. . This Ford effigy was made entirely of strong Chinese paper stretched on bamboo and reed frames. The car was complete in every detail, the ped- als accurately placed, and all made of paper and bamboo. The interior of the car was also accurate in detail, being carefully upholstered in paper. The effigy of the driver as shown in the photograph, was a work of art. The car was carried about three miles through crowded streets to the grave- side where a mateh was applied and it was consumed in a few minutes. This is the first time a motor car has been burned at the grave of a Chinese, and there is every reason to believe that the deceased went up “On High.” Pink Cheeks. The belles of carlier days are said to have used the juice of red gerani- um flowers to give pinkness to their fair cheeks the effect thus obtained Tonge iW being of greater naturalness than that bestowed by rouge. One wonders how they did it. For the sake of experiment, the writer macerated some red geranium blos- soms in a small porcelain dish with a very little water. “The latter certain- ly did turn pink. But surely, for a rouge substitute, a lot of the flowers | would be needed to furnish juice enough; and perhaps the latter had to be mixed with some sort of colorless grease, for application to the skin. The juice of red geranium flowers is a solution of pigment contained in the petals. It is cell sap. And the same remark applies to most other kind of flowers which owe their beau- tiful colors to pigment solutions. In the case of yellow flowers, however, such as crocuses and buttercups, the pigment is not held in solution, but is deposited in a granular form in the walls of the cells—an entirely differ- ent method of painting. Carranza’s Wife May Visit Us. Mrs. Venustiano Carranza, wife of the president of Mexico, may shortly come to the United States, according to reports from Piedras Negras, Mex- ico. She arrived at the latter place with attendants and a military escort. She has been in poor health and, it is said, hopes for beneficial results from a visit to.one of the great health re- sorts of the United States. ao “| MORMONISM’S GROWTH IN ENG- LAND. The Anti-Mormon Society in Eng- land has appealed to the British gov- ernment for help against the grow- ing evil of Mormonism in the United Kingdom. In the present social un- rest over there, Mormon missionaries are having unprecedented success in securing converts. 3 One advantage of being a Mormon is that, on joining the church, one be- comes a saint right away. In other religions there are bothersome pre- liminaries. : Eighty-two years have elapsed since Joseph Smith dug out of a hill not far from Palmyra, N. Y., the orig- inal book, written by a prophet nam- ed Mormon on thin plates of gold fastened together with three gold rings, which contained a revelation. it was packed in a stone box, and an angel told Smith where to dig for it. Afterward the angel flew away with the book, so that it is no longer extant in the original, but eleven “witnesses” (two of them brothers of Smith) swore that they saw it. The book was written in strange characters described by Smith as ‘“re- formed Egyptian.” He could not read even Knglish very well, but the problem of translation proved not at all difficult, inasmuch as the angel had been so thoughtful as to provide him for the purpose with a pair ef | “supernatural spectacies”—two crys- tals set in a silver bow. With the aid of these, he dictated a copy in Eng- lish of scriptural style. Smith, like other great men, had! his little weakness. It was for the la- dies. Sixteen years after the digging up of the Mormon Bible he had another revelation. The angel came back and told him to issue an eccle- siastical edict approving polygamy. Whereupon he himself took steps to annex the wives of a number of the true believers. At least two of the husbands objected, and a tremendous row followed, the upshot being the in- carceration of Smith at Carthage, Ill. —the Mormon settlement being then at Nauvoo. A mob broke into the jail and shot him to death. His mantle as leader-in-chie® of the Mormons was later assumed by Brig- ham Young, who was one of the orig- inal Twelve Apostles. It was he who led the persecuted Latter Day Saints out to Utah, one of the wagons carry- ing a small flour mill, which during ‘the pilgrimage ground wheat newly reaped from fields previously sown along the route by an advance guard. Smith started the polygamy busi- ness, but Young, an exceedingly able man, developed it. He had forty-odd- wives, and under his influence the population of Salt Lake City rapidly grew. In those days in our agricul- tural and suburban districts every family rooster was named Brigham. How Eider-Down is Obtained. Eider ducks breed in thousands on some of the smaller islands off the coast of Iceland. The birds are so tame that they will allow anyone to stroke their feathers = or lift them from their nests. This is because they are protected for the down, which is a large item of export from Iceland. The birds pluck the down from their breasts to line their nests. | 3When these are well lined the owner ‘of the land takes the down from the nests. The ducks take more down from their breasts, and again it is re- moved from the nests. For the third time the ducks pluck down from their breasts and this time they are not dis- turbed till the eggs are hatched; then the remaining down is taken.—The Girl’s World. Instantaneous Reconstruction. The biind man—I picked up a ham- mer—and saw. . The dumb man—I picked up a ) “| to the “Watchman” office. wheel—and spoke.—The Oteen. “trappings of his travels. is mounted A Globe-Trotting Dog. Although many dogs have traveled widely, Owney, the railway postal clerk’s dog, broke all records as a wanderer. He was only a puppy when he attached himself to the pos- ‘tal service, says the National Geo- raphic Magazine, but before long he d visited every large city in the United States and had made trips in- to Mexico and Canada. .. : : At Washington he called on the Postmaster General, who ordered. a harness to replace his overloaded col- lar. At San Francisco, some time later, he was awarded a medal and was fitted out with a real traveling bag in which to carry his blanket, comb and brush, harness and creden- tials. Thus equipped, he took passage on the steamship Victoria for -Yoko- hama, where he was given the free- dom of the Japanese Empire under the personal seal of the Mikado. After traveling through Japan as a distinguished visitor, he went to Foo- chow, where he was entertained aboard the U. 8. S. Detroit with din- ner of lobscouse and plum duff in the mess room. Thence he went to Hong- kong, where he received a personal passport from the Chinese Emperor, ' and headed for Singapore, Suez, and “western Europe. Arriving at New | York, he was “interviewed” by the newspaper reporters, but the lure of Broadway was short-lived. He hast- ened on to Tacoma, and completed his trip round the world in one hundred and thirty-two days, bringing back two hundred new medals, tags, and certificates as testimonials of his travels. When Owney died, every postal clerk in America mourned his death. His stuffed skin, accoutred in all the in the museum of the Postoffice De- partment in the city of Washington. +——For high-class job work come -—— [het ; ON Hy \ ) NRO NN A a tire. ‘These are exactly what you get in United States Tires,— general all-round tire satis- faction. This greater total of tire We know United St.ates Tires are Good Tires. P. H. McGARVEY, Bellefonte, HUBLER BROS. State College. J. HARRIS CLARK, Blanchard. Most Wear—life—service—mile- age—safety—comfort. These are the things that count in United States Tires \' are Good Tires - values means greater econo- my—Iless cost of maintenance —Jess repairs and depreciation. Car owners who do their own thinking prefer United States Tires. recognized everywhere. We have them—a type and size for every car. That,’s why we sell them. J. H. BANEY. Howard. Pa. a ; ie Their merit is UILT like a wagon. B rear wheels track. and rear axle. on. Chain-Driven Exclusively. Wide-tired wheels. Can Nar Solid bottom bed with heavy cross pieces, and supported by full width of sides. Axles coupled together with angle steel reach ; coupled short, dividing load between front No moving parts on rear axle. Axle not used as a bearing for gears to run Positively not a worm or cog gear on the machine. levers. The lightest, easiest running and most practical Spreader. ta¥7 Just received a carload of Conklin Wagons. All sizes and for all purposes. 6247 Dubbs’ Implement and Seed Store. Front and No clutch. Operated by only two RRR © Uc [ 1 fic Is i 1 i= ph Lo) Le He SS Le Lg pet 5 ue SAS SSS Sa SSRN ~ FESS) oh SSN J Cc 2TH wa In Every Town there are a certain number of men who are looked upon to set the pace for style. These men don’t wait for the procession; they know the value of early buying. They are buying Fall styles—now. And this additional distinction isn’t costing them a bit more than the chap who waits till the last horn blows. FALL STYLES IN . : 4 High Art, Clothes Made by Strouse & Brothers, Inc, Baltimore, Md. ARE READY—ARE YOU? And Fauble’s s+ Allegheny St., BELLEFONTE, PA. 4 = = 120 fe Ue Tal FN ANN NIN NINN Your Banker The institution with which you main- tain banking relations can be of service to you in many ways. The Centre County Banking Co. does not consider that its service to its pa- trons ceases with the safeguarding of their funds. It keeps in personal touch with all of them in such a way as to be of assistance very often when other matters develop affecting their interest. It Invites You to Take Advantage of Its Unusual Service. WILL DO ALL YOUR HAULING 3-4 Ton for Light Hauling Big Truck for Heavy Loads “Greatest Distance for Least Cost” GEORGE A. BEEZER, BELLEFONTE, PA. 61-30 DISTRIBUTOR. UU AAA AAA AAAS SSSA SSS AAAS PSS AS ASP S SAAS