Brora ado Bellefonte, Pa., October 17, 1919. a ——————————————— P. GRAY MEEK, - - Editor To Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further notice this paper will be furnished to sub- gcribers at the folivwing rates: Paid strictly in advance - = $150 Paid before expiration of year - 1.75 Paid after expiration of year - 2.00 EE NON-PARTISAN TICKET. For Judge of the Superior Court, WILLIAM H. XELLER, of Lancaster. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. For Sheriff, Capt. E. R. “DICK” Taylor, of Bellefonte. For Prothonotary, HARRY N. MEYER, Bellefonte, For Treasurer, JAMES E. HARTER, of Penn Twp. For Register, J. FRANK SMITH, of Bellefonte. For Recorder, D. WAGNER GEISS, of Bellefonte. For County Commissioners, Capt. Wm. H. FRY, of Ferguson Twp. GEORGE M. HARTER, of Marion Twp. For District Attorney, JOHN J. BOWER, of Bellefonte, For County Auditirs, J. C. CONDO, of Marion Twp. HERBERT H. STOVER, of Miles Twp. , THERE SHOULD BE NO CONTEST FOR SHERIFF. For Sheriff there should be no con- test between Capt. “Dick” Taylor and chief-of-police Harry Dukeman. The one has voluntarily given more than five of the best years of his life to his conutry. The other stayed at home, with the rest of us, and helped cheer when the eighteen hundred more Dicks marched away from Centre county to fight for us. He has no claim, whatever, upon a grateful peo- ple and is asking the voters of Centre county to do something that their bet- ter impulses revolt at when he asks them to make him Sheriff in the face of what Capt. “Dick” Taylor has done for them. : Some people think the two men about on a par as to qualification for the office. We don’t. For we have not lost sight of the fact that all of Capt. Taylor’s later life has been as an organizer, leader and disciplinar- ian of men and boys. His experience as an officer in the National Guard and the Regular Army, together with his long serving at the Huntingdon | Reformatory have trained him in ways that might be peculiarly advan- | tageous in the Sheriff’s office. He has been accustomed to meeting emergen- cies promptly and with determination. He has had experience enough to know when kindliness serves the pur- pose of justice far more efficiently than the stern, strong arm of the law. For these reasons, and there are others we do not care to bring to light. ! Capt. “Dick” Taylor and chief-of-po- lice Harry Dukeman are not on a par as to qualifications for the office of Sheriff of Centre county. . i But again let us say that even if there were no such superiority of the Who Two of the Commissioners Should Be. Capt. William H. Fry, of Ferguson township, and George M. Har- of Marion, are two of the four aspirants for County Com- ter, missioner. In a word, if every person in Centre county for whom Capt. Fry has done some kindly act were to vote for him there would be nothing to the contest so far as he is concerned. Few men of our acquaint- ance have been so wholly unselfish and self sacrificing in their rela- tions with neighbors. No hour of the night, no manner of storm have deterred him when service to a friend or stranger was needed. In truth his long and sincere interest and every community in Centre county have made him almost an in- stitution. Aside from this he has other and more substantial qualifications for the office he is seeking. He is a farmer. He is practical. He has good judgment. He has the courage of his convictions. He cannot be used by any one else. He owns property himself and knows what extravagance means in the way of taxation. He is mature and inde- pendent enough to say no to soldiers of fortune who are always on hand to induce Commissioners to “put something over” at the expense of the tax payers. Just as Capt. Fry combines all the qualifications so necessary at this time so does George M. Harter. He is a farmer, a ‘wonderfully He is a director of the First National bank of How- ard. He is clean as a hound’s tooth, combining a sterling character successful one. with rare business judgment. These two men should certainly be on the next board of County Commissioners. For that office needs just such strong hands if taxes 2 are not to go bounding with the cost of everything else. $ We make this statement advisedly, for we know that already ? schemes are hatching to bond the county for $500,000 more in the $ event that either one of these men fail of election. : : ? Within the next four years more new ways of getting $ taxpayer's money will present themselves than have been heard of in 2 all the past history of the county and if we are not to be bled to im- $ poverishment with rising millage we must have men in that office who ? will not be under obligation to bosses and ticket framers for their $ nomination and election. We must have men who are not afraid to $ say no to such schemes as ensnared Woodring and Zimmerman into 2 bonding the county at a high interest rate for such a long term of ¢ years that even though the money is now at hand to pay most of the $ debt it cannot be liquidated and we must go on paying more interest ? than we are getting for twenty years longer. $ It is business, not politics that this office needs. It is men who $ have made enough of success of their own affairs to insure a fair 2 measure of success with ours and Fry and Harter are two of them. { in the welfare of every individual ) rid of the J. FRANK SMITH. It is with a great deal of satisfac- tion and commendable pride that the “Watchman” this week presents to its readers a brief sketch of J. Frank Smith, the Democratic candidate for Register of Centre county. Mr. Smith is a native of Pennsvalley where he was born, educated and grew to man- hood. His early days were spent on the farm and in 1897 he embarked in the mercantile business at Centre Hall. He was not only successful in his undertaking but acquired a repu- tation for honesty and fair dealing second to none in that community. In 1911 he secured the Democratic nomination for Register and was one man over the other there is still | glected over E. J. Williams by a plu- the great reason, the one that trans- cends all others: Capt. “Dick” Tay- lor has done something for every man, woman and child in Centre coun- ty and those of them who have a spark of gratitude in their hearts will remember it on election day. ——1It is said that Mr. Hohenzol- lern is still called “His Majesty” in Germany but that doesn’t take him far. A week’s genuine freedom would be worth more than all the ti- tles in Germany. ——The Belgian King is having the time of his life in this country but he has nothing on the Belgian church- man, Cardinal Mercier, at that. —— Those striking Boston police- men may have lost their jobs but they got a place on the front page of the newspapers for a day or two. ——If the anti-saloon agitators in- vade England the Irish claim for in- dependence may be based on humani- tarian grounds. people to put in their coal now but it takes money to put in coal and some of us are short. ——The railroad shopmen strike in Altoona, Hollidaysburg, Bellwood and Tyrone ended when the men went back to work on Monday morning pending a settlement of their griev- ances by a conference with adminis- tration officials from Washington. —— Miss Susie McMullen, of Phil- ipsburg, gave a surprise miscellane- ous shower on Wednesday evening of last week for her friend, Miss Elea- nor Wilson, in honor of that young lady’s approaching marriage to An- drew Boggs, of Milesburg. ——The twenty-seven acre farm of the late Henry Gates, two miles north of Port Matilda on the road to Philipsburg, was sold at public sale on Saturday to J. Pierce Gates, of Philipsburg, one of the heirs. The price paid was $1426. rality of 424. He was renominated for a second term in 1915 but was de- feated by the close margin of 37 votes. Mr. Smith did not whine over his de- feat but took it like a good politician, remained a citizen of Bellefonte and at once went to work at something else. During the past several years he has been engaged as salesman for the Bellefonte branch of Dannenhow- er’s wholesale grocery and given to his work in that line the same con- scientious devotion that has charac- terized his entire life-work. Believing that he was entitled to a second term as Register of Centre county the Democrats nominated him without opposition and he is now be-, fore the voters for their careful con- sideration and support. During the four years that he held the office of Register the: records were kept with unusual care and neatness and all his | work was done with dispatch and with | the interest of the patrons of the of- | fice at heart. Mr. Smith has been a’ life-long member of the United Evan- gelical church, is a member of the I. 0. O. F. lodge of Centre Hall and an enthusiast in all outdoor Doesn’t such a man deserve the very best at the hands of the voters of Centre county? Give the matter careful consideration and then cast your vote for him when you go to the polls on November 4th. —e Forward Movement Conference. A conference under the auspices of the “Forward Movement Commis- sion” of the Reformed church of the United States will be held in the Re- formed church, Bellefonte, Friday, October 24th. There will be morning, afternoon and evening sessions. Min- isters and lay delegates from Centre county and the adjoining districts will be present. The evening session will be in the form of an open mass meeting to which the public is cordi- ally invited. Speakers of prominence will be present and inspirational ad- dresses made. Full particulars next week. PR sports. | ——They are all good enough, but the “Watchman” is always the best. J. C. CONDO. J. C. Condo, Democratic candidate ! for Auditor, was born on the home- stead farm in Marion township in 1871, and all his life has been a resi- ‘dent of that locality. He got his ed- ucation in the public schools and two terms at a select school taught by | Prof. C. L. Gramley, at Rebersburg, at that time specializing in book- keeping. : After he grew to manhood he farm- ed the old homestead a number of , years but finally gave up the farm and purchased a threshing outfit, and for the past twenty-five years has been engaged in threshing the farm- ers’ crops, his route including the Nittany valley scope from Bellefonte to the Clinton county line. His outfit also includes a hay-baler and clover huller. c Mr. Condo has served six years as township auditor so is well qualified to act in that capacity for the county and the people will make no mistake in electing him. At a recent meeting of the board of trustees of the Methodist church it was decided to replace the high steeple on the building with a low coping, or something instead, to conform with the general architect- ure of the church. This action was taken after the spire had been pro- nounced unsafe by experts. Mrs. James Craig and Miss Eleanor Weston are conducting a morning class in kindergarten, in the temperance rooms in Petrikin hall. A Bargain in Good Reading. Thirty-five volumes of the best reading——in weekly installments—for less than five cents a week. That is | just what The Youth’s Companion offer for 1920 really means. The con- tents of the new volume, which will include 8 serial stories, over 200 short stories, fifty or more articles by me of great attainment, sketches, ey departments, and so forth, would make 35 volumes (at $1.65 each) if published in book form. Not a line is waste reading. You! get something always worth remem- bering, worth using as a guide to your thoughts and actions. If you subscribe as soon as you see this notice you yill receive all the ex- tras mentioned in the following of- fer, including the opening chapters of Harry’s Herd, a fascinating, 10-chap- ter story of life on a cattle ranch. New subscribers for 1920 will re- ceive: 1. The Youth’s Companion—b2 issues in 1920. 2. All remaining weekly 1919 issues. 3. The Companion Home Calendar for 1920. All the above for $2.50. 4, McCall’s Magazine for 1920, $1.00 —the monthly fashion authority. Both publications for only $2.95, THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St., Bos- ton, Mass. | them combined got only a few more | “ways that are dark and tricks that ‘| the raw deal that six good men got ; berland, i Strange Things Have Happened in. All 9) void Old Centre! ,one of the oldest an st known hire | women of Bellefonte, passed away at ? “ + the home’ of Mr. and Mrs. Charles All the voles east atthe primaries Gilmour, on east Linn street, about for John 8S. Dale, Ralph Hartsock, two o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, of Geo. Houck, M. R. Johnson, H. M. diseases incident to her advanced age. Miles, Isaac Miller and John A. Way = She was born in Northumberland in combined were twenty less than the | 1835, hence was in her eighty-fifth ber i ¢ ith Austi | year. Her father was accidentally number given to either AUSUN OI) drowned when she was a child leaving Yarnell in the precincts about Snow | her mother with a family of small Shoe where county chairman Davy | children.” When Miss MaGill was Chambers’ influence is felt. Strange | some six or seven years old she was that seven good men combined could | ! brought to Bellefonte and taken into : ithe family of William Hamilton not muster as many votes as either | Humes where she grew to woman- one of the other two. And strange | hood and was given a good education. that a county chairman who is sup- | At the death of the elder Humes she posed to be fair to all candidates of continued making her home with the hi tmeries shodld Hi | William Humes family at their resi- is party at the primaries should have | 3.,.0 at Coleville. Later she learned failed to cover his tracks better. | the trade of a milliner and for a num- Surely this was a “frame-up.” joer of years conducted a fashionable pe ; { millinery establishment in a small What the Hon. Charlie Rowland | stone building that stood on High and the Hon. Harry Scott did to all | street where the Republican office is the Republican aspirants for County | now located. When she disposed of Commissioner, except the two on the I An Sore ie pened & : tie umes slate, In and about Philipsburg at the building on Allegheny street, now the primaries, was plenty. Leaving | Masonic Temple, which she conducted Houck, the home candidate out, all of for many years, and which had a rep- utation for cheerfulness and genuine homey atmosphere that was known throughout the surrounding communi- ; __. ty. At the solicitation of Mr. and Now it happens that Roy Wilkin- Mrs, Charles Gilmour she gave up her son, who wants to be Prothonotary of boarding house seventeen years ago the county, is Charlie Rowland’s han- | and had since made her home with dy man. The former Congressman them. 8 She was a faithful member of the brought him up to Centre county as pieghyterian church all her life and his political manager when he was until incapacitated by the weight of running for office and for political advancing years was active in all kinds of church and philanthropic a | work. Her only known relatives are are vain they say he has the heath- \o ephew and three nieces, namely: en Chinese skinned a mile. | Mack Thomas, Mrs. Sallie Renner Wilkinson probably was a party to land Mrs. Frank Keller, of Northum- and Mrs. Hitsner, of Reis- Md. | votes than Yarnell and a great many | less than Austin. over there and while he might be ghle | Funeral services will be held at the to make them believe he wasn't in It | Gjjmour home at eleven o'clock this he could talk his head off to us with- | (Friday). morning by Dr. W. K. Me- out convincing us that anything un- | Kinney, after which burial will be derground went on in Republican cir- made in the Humes lot in the Union cles in Philipsburg without his having | cemetery. i I had a finger in it. That is Wilkin- | SMITH.— Thomas E. Smith, of son’s business. That is what he was : Woodward, died on Wednesday of last brought to Centre county for and he . week at the State hospital at Danville is’ th yoely . warm in! the { of congestion of the lungs, following is the man, scarcely ‘an illness of three years or more, county, who wants to be made Pro- ‘most of which time he had spent at thonotary over a capable native citi- | the above institution. He was born zen who knows all of the working of | in Pennsvalley and was 57. years, 11 | months and 14 days old. He is sur- Wis important office. | vived by his wife and four children, LEITZELL.—Mrs. Lydia Rebecca namely: James Smith, of Woodward; : : 33 : Harry, of Altoona; Mrs. Fred Lim- Leitzell, wife of Philip P. Leitzell, of y » : Millheim, was stricken with paraly- bert, of Akron, Ohio, and Naomi, at y ; : 3 the family home in Woodward. pi oa hi = A ne The remains were brought to his old passed away at 1:15 p. m. Mrs. Leit- home at Woodward and funeral serv- zell had some of her clothes out on ices were held on Saturday morning : a : in St. Paul’s church by Revs. Wea- the line and just When she was Skrjelc- ver and Donat, after which burial was en is.mot definitely known. Her Hus- doin Stoll bor, | band vas Saway-from home af jthe /MA4e IN BL TALS CCMEELY: time and “when he returned at 11:30 - A Hallowe’en masquerade so- o'clock he found his wife lying onthe cial will be held by the women of the floor unconscious, and she died with- I. W. T. band, in their hall at Bailey- in two hours. ! ville, on the night of October 31st. She was aged 64 years, 7 months Ice cream, cake and candy will be on and 27 days and was born in Mill- sale. Admission free. Everyone cor- heim, being. ‘a daughter of Mr. and dially invited. Mrs. Reuben Hartman. She is sur- | ey vived by her husband, one son and a _——Joseph Knisely 1s now a pa- daughter, namely: H. H. Leitzell and tient at the University hospital, Phil- Mrs. G. Clyde Boob, both of Millheim, 'adelphia, taking treatment for his She also leaves one brother and a sis- ; knee which was so badly injured in an ter, William H. Hartman, years tertown, of Wil- | automobile accident several liamsport, and Mrs. Minnie Harter, 280: of Millheim. Rev. J. J. Weaver had | A detective asked an office boy charge of the funeral services which if jt was Mr. Jones or his partner were held at two o'clock yesterday who reached the office first as a rule. afternoon, burial being made in the “Well,” said the boy turning very Millheim Union cemetery. red, “Mr. Jones at first was always ot 1 1 | last, but later he began to get earlier, HAZEL.—Mrs, Malinda Hazel, wid- | till at last he was first, though before ow of the late Adam Hazel, of Axe | he had always been behind. He soon Mann, died early last week at the foi later again, thought oF t ate, he home of her daughter, Mrs, Stewart pil, nG Gs before, but I expect he'll be Fleck, at Niagara Falls, of general getting earlier sooner Or Shect ” debility, aged about seventy-six years. ! ? Her maiden name was Malinda Smith and she was born at Madisonburg. She was united in marriage to Mr. Hazel in 1863 and all her married life was spent at Axe Mann. Mr. Hazel died in March, 1916, but surviving her are seven children, namely: Mrs. Stewart Fleck, of Niagara Falls; George, of Greensburg; John, James and Edward, of Niagara Falls; Mrs. Mary Steele, of Axe Mann, and Frank, in Canada. The remains were brought to Pleasant Gap where burial was made on Friday. ~—For high-class job work come to the “Watchman” office. I 1] SPICER.—Mrs. Mary A. Spicer, widow of John Spicer died on Wed- nesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wells, at Centre Hall, after an illness of some months with dropsy, aged seventy-eight years. Surviving her are the following children: John A. and George, of State College; Mrs. Mary Williams, of Tyrone; Mrs. Su- san Walk, of DuBois; Miss Lida, of Hyde City; Mrs. Fred Wells, of Cen- tre Hall, and Mrs. Frank Young, of Orviston. She also leaves one broth- er, Andrew Barrett, of Milesburg, and two sisters, Mrs. Calvin Russell, of | Milesburg, and Mrs. Hannah Baney, | of Philipsburg. Burial will be made | in the Advent cemetery, Boggs town- | where. They help the I | PARK 1s. Cassie Park, wife of | James Park, a guard at the western | penitentiary, died very suddenly on | Wednesday evening at her home at Peru. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lucas, of Runville, and: was about thirty-one years old. In | addition to her husband she is surviv- | !ed by three small children. She also! | leaves several brothers and sisters. | | Arrangements for the funeral are not ! { known at this writing. Nevin E. Cole has purchased | the house on Thomas street he and | his wife have ‘occupied since their ' marriage, from W. Reynolds Shope. | prices. Cars McGill.—Miss. Mary Ann -MecGill, CLEMENTS.—George C. Clements, a veteran of the Civil war and for many years a resident of Centre coun- ty, died at Zanesville, Ohio, on Sep- tember 29th, of diseases incident to his advanced age. He was born in Morgan county, Ohio, in 1840, hence was past seventy-nine years of age. When the Civil war broke out he en- listed in Company H, Twenty-fifth Ohio volunteers, and served through- out the war. He was a brave and gallant soldier and rose from the ranks to the position of sergeant. After the war was over he came to Pennsylvania and started work as a | well driller, in which he became so proficient that he followed that occu- pation for many years, with his head- | quarters at Lewistown. Upwards of | forty years ago he located at Centre ! Hall and that was his home for eighteen years. Seventeen years. or more ago he moved to Bellefonte and opened a sewing machine repair shop on Bishop street which he conducted for fifteen years, finally disposing of the same and two years ago this last summer went to McConnellsville, Ohio, where he had since been locat- ed. . He was a member of the G. A. R. and the I. 0. O. F. Surviving the aged soldier are the | following children: Mrs. Frank P. Bartley, of Bellefonte; Roy Clements and Mrs. Allen Harter, of Bellefonte R. F. D.; Guy Clements, of Kansas City, Kan.; Mrs. John Levan, of Wat- sontown, and Mrs. Edward Houser, of Meadville. He also leaves three sis- ters, Mrs. John Bailey, of McConnells- ville, Ohio; Mrs. Nancy Wetherall, of Athens, and Mrs. Harriet Bailey, of Bailey’s Ridge. : The remains were taken {rom Zanesville, the place of his death, to his old home at McConnellsville where funeral services were held in the ar- mory by the G. A. R., after which the remains were taken to Bailey’s church where final services were held on Sep- tember 30th by Rev. Sharrock, after which burial was made in the Bailey church cemetery. . WATCH FOR RUB-NO-MORE COUPON. For complete satisfaction use Rub- No-More Naptha Soap, Washing Pow- der, Soap Flakes and Spotless Cleans- er. Ask for Rub-No-More at all Gro- cers. 64-41 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. INE PROPERTY FOR SALE.—Very desirable location. Inquire of HAMMON SECHLER, 64-12-tf Bush House Block, Bellefonte, ANTED.—Workmen at plant of Eastern Refractories company, Port Matilda. ARR in person or by letter to L. Y. GREENE, Supt. Port Matilda. 32-tf DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—Estate of Kate E. Murray, late of the Bor- ough of Bellefonte, Centre County, Pa., deceased. Letters of administration having been issued to the undersigned by the Regis- ter of Wills of Centre county, all persons having claims against said estate are re: quested to make them known an all per- sons indebted to said estate are requested to MARY DOWLING, Administratrix. Care Hotel Chelsea, Atlantic City, N. J. Blanchard & Blanchard, Attorneys. 64-37-6t XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Estate of Ed- ward Allison, late of the town- ship of Potter, in the County of Centre an State of Pennsylvania de- ceased. Letters testamentary in the above es- tate having been issued to the undersign- ed by the Register of Wills in-and for the said County of Centre, all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent are requested to make known the same and all persons indebted to the said decedent are requested to make payment thereof without delay, to ANNA MABEL ALLISON, HARRY M. ALLISON, Blanchard & Blanchard, Attorneys, Bellefonte, Pa. Executors, Spring Mills, Pa. 64-38-6t Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, -9€34-6m. PHILADELPHIA, PA. —— THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford ears are important servants every- family enjoy life, bring the pleasures and advantages of the town within reach of the farmer and give practical service every day in country and town. They require a minimum of attention ; anyone can run the Ford and care for it, but it is better to have repairs and replacements taken care of by those who are familiar with the work and have the tools, the genuine materials, and ship, tomorrow afternoon. _ skilled men to do the work promptly. We pledge Ford owners the reliable Ford service with real Ford parts and standard Ford BEATTY MOTOR CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. Trucks Tractors to make payment thereof without delay," “om,