Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 17, 1919, Image 3

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    Sew Mon
Bellefonte, Pa., October 17, 1919.
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
Mrs. Nannie Houser is suffering
with an attack of heart trouble.
Mrs. Henry Houck is among the
sick, suffering a nervous breakdown.
Paul Wrigley visited his mother at
her home ot Bloomsdorf on Sunday.
Mrs. Hannah Osman is confined to
her bed as the result of an attack of
That eminent young divine, Rev. I.
E. Fisher, is suffering with an attack
of the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Glenn spent the
Sabbath at the Russell Shirk home at
State College.
Our enterprising thresherman, Wil-
liam Gates, spent Sunday with his
family in Bellefonte.
Miss Bertha Corl, of State College,
was royally entertained at the Maria
Reed home on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Johnson, of
Dayton, Ohio, are visiting among
their many Centre county friends.
Mrs. Nora Bloom came over from
Gatesburg to lend a helping hand in
saLing for her mother, who is quite
Mrs. Jacob Cramer, who has been
ill with heart trouble and dropsy
most of the summer, is now convales-
The Chautauqua last week was
splendid and was well attended. Thir-
ty guarantors insured its return in
Our young friend, Charles Parsons,
is arranging to go to Detroit, Mich.,
to take a thorough course in auto
H, Miles Walker is now quite a
busy man, with building a barn, cider
making, hay baling ‘and running as a
candidate for constable.
Farmer Frank Krumrine last week
stocked up his herd with a car load of
western feeders brought here from
the Chicago stock yards.
That veteran farmer, Andrew J.
Lytle, who has been confined. to bed
with illness for some weeks past, is
now somewhat improved.
Walter Johnson, of Bellwood, spent
the early part of the week at his
home here, awaiting settlement of the
striking P. R. R. shopmen.
Mrs. George R. Dunlap and son
William have joined Mr. Dunlap at
Wallaceton, where they will house-
keep during Mr.
Mrs. Boyd Williams, of Hannah
Furnace; Musser Williams, of Altoo-
na, and grandmother Williams, of Le-
Mont, were guests at the A. L. Bow-
ersox home last Thursday.
Edward Smith,
Grove Mills boy and who has made his
mark as a typo in the Altoona Tri-
bune office, is spending his vacation
| cal dealers.
to 18 was chosen as the most oppor-
among old chums in town.
Hon. J. W. Kepler, deputy revenue
collector, has been assigned to the
Clearfield district: to take the place of
M. I. Gardner, promoted. His head-
quarters will be at Osceola Mills,
Simon E. Ward, wife and two sons,
in his Oldsmobile, motored to Belle-
fonte Monday afternoon, Mr. Ward
to attend to some business matters
while Mrs. Ward did a little shopping.
Comrade J. W. Sunday is gunning
for the gentleman who stole his best
buggy out of his barn on Sunday
night. The old warrior has blood in
his eye and woe be the thief if he lays
. eyes on him.
Lieut. William R. Dale, who recent-
ly returned home from the Bellefonte
hospital, has secured an office job at
Penn State where he and his bride
will take their first lessons in light
housekeeping. Li \i
Rev. D. F. Kapp, of State College,
very ably filled the pulpit of the M.
E Church here on Sunday owing to
the illness of the regular pastor. A
male quartette from State College as-
sisted with the music.
Daniel. Martz and family are ar-
ranging to move to one of Major
Theodore Davis Boal’s farms where
Dan is to be the handy man of all
work. Major Boal will find him the
right man in the right place.
Among those from a distance who
were regular attendants at the Chau-
tauqua here last week were Mrs. S. S.
McCormick, of Hublersburg; Mr. and |
Mrs. D. C. Krebs, "Mrs. Kate Imboden
and Mrs. Emma Moore, of State Col-
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reed and Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Collins were royally
entertained at the William Johnston-
baugh home at Lemont last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnstonbaugh are pre-
paring to move to their farm home
near Jacksonville.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grappe are
receiving congratulations over the ar-
rival of a little daughter, last Thurs-
day, the second child. It has been
christened Helen. Mrs. Grappe be-
fore her marriage was Miss Sarah
Kepler, of this place.
Farmer Newton E. Dreiblebis pur-
chased two span of young mules at
the Centre Hall sale two weeks ago.
A few days ago he turned them out
to pasture and later found one dead.
On going to his barn last Friday
morning Charles M. Ross found one
of his best horses dead and the same
day H. A. Elder found his big “Dea-
con” dead in the pasture field when
Le went to bring his herd into the
Lester Brouse and Grant Kline, of
Ee —— ee ——
Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Dunlap’s term of.
a former Pine]
the Branch, left here two weeks ago
on the latver’s motorcycle on the hunt
of good jobs. They reached Akron,
Ohio, the first day but owing to the
unsettled labor conditions in that
lace they decided to continue their
journey so selling the motorcycle they
made their way to Wisconsin and re-
cent word received from them stated
that they were engaged in cutting
corn at a wage of sixty dollars a
month. ;
Comrade Charles Smith attended
the reunion of the gallant 45th Penn-
sylvania volunteers, held at Hunting-
don last week. The 49th was Col
Bill Irvin’s old regiment and twenty-
three survivors were present at the
reunion, a few of whom had not met
in fifty-three years. A delicious ban-
quet was served the old vets by the
ladies of Huntingdon and before ad-
journing it was voted to make that
town their regular place of meeting in
future years. :
Miss Lillie Dale spent Saturday and
Sunday at State College.
Miss Mary Corl visited friends at
‘Pleasant Gap over Sunday.
Mrs. Laura Bricker is recovering
from her recent serious illness.
Mrs. Eliza Poorman spent several
days at State College last week.
Clement Dale Esq., of Bellefonte,
transacted business in town on Tues-
Mrs. Henrietta Dale had her resi-
Yeas wired for electric light last
Bruce Lonebarger motored from
Oakton, Va., arriving in town Sunday
night. i
Rev. S. C. Stover and Henry Hos-
terman are attending Synod at Allen-
town this week.
Stricker & Son have installed an
up-to-date gasoline tank and pump at
their garage on the Diamond.
Charles Segner and daughters,
Misses Mary and Rachel, and son
Theodore, spent Friday afternoon in
D. E. Meyer made several trips to
Altoona, moving Mrs. Clara Rupp’s
household effects to that place, where
she and her son Orie will make their
future home.
The motor bus line between State
College and Lewistown began opera-
tion last Thursday with Charles Corl
as driver. The bus accommodates
twelve persons and makes daily trips.
Perfection Heaters Ideal for Fall
The first fall weather, which has
been experienced here during the last
few days, is an unpleasant reminder
to householders that the furnace sea-
son 1s once more at hand. Particu-
larly in homes where there are chil-
dren it is necessary to have some heat
in the house on the cool mornings and
evenings which are just beginning.
The present price of coal, however,
makes starting the furnace fire an un-
usually melancholy process this year.
When running the furnace is more
than ever like burning up real money,
the wastefulness of having a furnace
fire for the few cool hours of morn-
ing and evening is apparent.
Householders are therefore taking
considerable interest in the demon-
stration of oil heaters by various lo-
The week of October 13
tune time to demonstrate Perfection
oil heaters all over the country. A
national advertising campaign will
supplement the demonstrations. The
{ local demonstrations are part of this
national campaign. 5
The coal shortage in the last two
years brought out the remarkable
utility of oil heaters for home use at
times when it was unnecessary to op-
erate the entire heating plant. Such
a heater can be ‘easily carried from
room to room furnishing the requir- |
ed amount of heat when and where it |
is needed. It is' almost a household
necessity ‘throughout the winter to
supplement the furnace in rooms and
corners which are especially hard to
heat. A HOG
Perfection heaters have ‘been devel-
oped to a high degree. Their abso-
lute safety is assured’ by a device
which eliminates all danger of smoke
or odor by making it impossible to
turn the wick too high. As this heat-
er will burn for ten hours on a single
gallon of kerosene, its economy rec-
-ommends it for use in every home.
Quite Otherwise. :
“Your charges are simply out-
rageous,” complained the guest who
was at the shore hotel for his health.
“Hold on,” protested the landlord.
“You forget I’'m-not at this hotel for
the same reason that you are.”
He—“Your cousin refused to recog-
nize me at the Jazz last night; thinks
I’m not his equal, I suppose.”
She—“Ridiculous! Of course. you
are; why, he’s nothing but a conceit-
ed idiot.”—Blightly, London.
No Difference
For those who seek relief from kid-
ney backache, weak kidneys, bladder |
ills, Doan’s Kidney Pills offer hope of
relief and the proof is here in Belle-
fonte, the same as everywhere. Belle-
fonte people have used Doan’s and
Bellefonte people recommend Doan’s,
the kidney remedy used in America
for fifty years. Why suffer? Why
run the risk of dangerous kidney ills
—fatal Bright’s disease. Here's
Bellefonte proof. Investigate it.
E. J. Eckenroth, painter, Main St.,
says: “As everyone knows, men who
follow the painting business are trou-
bled more or less with their kidneys.
I have used Doan’s Kidney Pills
whenever bothered by my kidneys and
they have always given good results.
Ln advice is to take Doan’s Kidney
Pills if having any kidney complaint.”
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
Mr. Eckenroth had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 64-8
Miss Charlotte Herr is visiting
Mrs. Tillie Peck and son Ralph at-
friends in Beech Creek and Blanch- | tended communion services here on
Miss Carrie Dietz has returned
Miss May Harter and brother Ray-
home from Ridgway, where she has | mond spent. Sunday afternoon with
been Seine with her sister,
Packer, all summer.
Misses Charity and Myra Confer,
Florence Lucas and Lizzie Kelly, of
Romola, spent the week-end with
friends at the upper works, and with
Mrs. Roy Leathers, of the lower
Miss Grace Croll is working at the
Miller shoe store, in Lock Haven, and
staying with her sister, Mrs. Harry
Estright. Grace shows the right spir-
it in trying to help keep the little
family that has been left fatherless,
as Mrs. Croll has all she can possibly
atiend to.
Mrs. Carrie Owens, formerly of
Ridgway, and her two little children,
visited her sister, Mrs. Philip Dietz,
for a few days, later going to Lock
Haven to obtain employment. Mrs.
Owens is a widow with two little
ones, and her friends hope she will be
successful, as she is a very worthy
young woman.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Packer, of
Ridgway, visited Mrs. Packer’s par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dietz, of Or-
viston, for a few days. They are at
present visiting Mr. Packer’s rela-
tives in Beech Creek and vicinity.
They are contemplating a removal
from their present location, as both
like to be nearer ‘home folks.”
Lieut. John Hume and wife return-
ed to their home in Falconer, N. Y.
They stopped for a short time with
Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. Hume, of Lock
Haven. They were accompanied that
far by his mother, Mrs. John Hume
Sr., and William Hume-Jones, who re-
turned home Tuesday. They found
Mrs. Louis Hume much improved in
health, as her trip to Orviston had
proved too much for her strength and
she felt the effects of it after return-
ing home.
A few weeks ago Frank Bartlow,
who is in charge of the Center Brick |
& Clay Co’s camp, sent in on the clay
train sixteen double blankets and
some pillow slips, which were to be
sent to the laundry at Lock Haven, as
Frank likes to treat his men like men.
The blankets arrived at the upper
works and then disappeared. Some
unregenerate miscreant thought those
blankets might help solve the high
cost of living, and so gently appro-
priated them. In the meantime the
poor chaps out back were shivering
nightly, and Frank was wondering
what had become of his bed clothes
(these are owned by the company but
the camp boss must look out for
them). However, no trace of the
missing blankets, or their new propri-
etor, has been found. We hope that
some other rogue may carry them off
when the temperature registers zero,
and leave the first rascal to shiver
alone. Meanwhile the company had
to get some new ones for their men.
I am sore afraid the party, if ever
found, will have to keep himself warm
trying to break out of Rockview; al-
though from the looks of things it
does not sweat some of the inmates.
Women in Reading in Civic Campaign
Reading, Pa.—Mrs. Ada M. Landis,
county president of the W. C. T. U,,
is making arrangements to launch an
educational campaign to interest
women in Reading and in Berks in
civic affairs. Mrs. Landis and other
W. C. T. U. workers take the view
that to keep the organization alive,
now that its original purpose has been
accomplished through prohibition, is
to give it a live issue to work with.
The body will work along suffrage
and ballot educational lines to make
every voting woman a good citizen.
A Funny Slip.
An English physician telegraphed
to the husband of a patient who had
sustained a chill, and this is the form
in which the message reached him:
“No danger. Your wife has had a
child. If we can keep her from hav-
ing another tonight she will do well.”
Have You Scrofula?
Now Said to Be as Often Acquired
as Inherited. ©
It is generally and chiefly indicated
by eruptions and sores, but in many
cases it enlarges the glands of the
neck; affects the internal organs, es-
pecially the lungs, and if neglected
may develop into consumption.
It causes many troubles, and is ag-
gravated by impure air, unwhole-
some food, bad water, too much heat
or cold, and want of proper exercise.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the medicine
that has been used with so much sat-
isfaction by three generations, is won-
derfully successful in the treatment
of scrofula. Give it a trial.
If a cathartic or laxative is needed,
take Hood’s Pills,—there is nothing
better for biliousness or constipa-
tion. 64-40
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we car. not do in the most saus-
factory manner, and at Prices consist.
ent with the class of work. Call on or
communicate with this office’
(Get the Best Meats.
You save nothing by buying poor, thin
or gristly meats. I use only the
and supply my customers with the fresh.
est, choicest, best blood and muscle mak-
ing Steaks and Roasts. My prices are no
higher than poorer meats are elsewhere.
I alwavs have
Game in season, and any kinds of good
meats you want.
High Street. 34-34-1y. Beliefonte, Pa.
Miss Mary Stover.
Many of our people autoed to the
Milton fair last week and had a good
time notwithstanding the hard rain of
Thursday. :
Deemer Ertley and Luther Fisher,
two splendid young men of Mill Hall,
spent Sunday afternoon at the Harry
Hoy home.
Miss Mary Weaver, accompanied by
her friend, Ephriam Deitz, visited the
Bellefonte hospital on Sunday to see
Miss Weaver's sister Pearl, who re-
cently underwent an operation for ap-
pendicitis, and found her getting
along as well as possible.
A surprise party was held last Fri-
day evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Yearick in honor of the
| fifteenth birthday
€ anniversary of
their daughter Rosalie. Quite a large
number: of the little lady’s frien
were present and all had a very mer-
ry evening in playing games, ete.
Choice refreshments were served and
at a late hour the yo guests de-
parted for their various homes, wish-
ing Rosalie many more such happy
anniversaries, ;
D. E. Dale, of Butler, spent the
week-end at the home of Mrs. Georg-
ianna Dale, of Lemont. 2
Cards are out announcing the en-
gagement of Miss Mary Dale to Rev.
L. V. Barber, of Lemont.
The Difference.
He—*“What’s the difference be-
tween a gown and a creation?”
She—“I couldn’t tell the exact fig-
ures—but it’s a small fortune.”—
Blightly, London.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per-
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations
Experiments that trifle with
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
a . : \ :
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups.
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance.
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea :
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Cry for Fletcher's ©
i. ARRAS &
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
: yw:
and * Just-as-good are but
aod endanger the health of
It contains
It is pleasant.
allaying Feverishness arising
% ;
We are receiving fairly good shipments of
Supplies for the New Year
quality is fine and the price
. reasonable.
almonds of extra fine quality.
CRANBERRIES are very fan-
cy goods.
CANDIES. In Candies we have
succeeded in getting a fair sup-
ply of desirable goods.
very fine this season and we
have all of them.
We Have the Supplies
Fill All Orders, :
MINCE MEAT. Mince Meat of
the usual high Sechler & Co.
standard. Positively the finest
goods we can produce. 28c. lb.
Try it.
Potatoes, canned Fruits, Olives,
Ketchup, Pure Olive Table Oil,
old fashioned New Orleans Syr-
up and fine table Syrup by the
quart. Much finer goods than
the Syrup in pails.
and Will be Pleased to
BL ioe
Bush House Block,
Bellefonte, Pa.
ston it i
It means prudence, econ-
is a good word.
omy, proper management.
always has money in his purse and a balance
at his banker’s—for every prudent man has
It induces saving. Watch-
a bank account.
ing it grow is a real pleasure.
We have the accounts of some thousands
of thrifty people.
The First National Bank
A thrifty man
Bellefonte, Pa.
KL: : — Attorney-
S Fra ellen be piioster-at:
all courts. Office, room 18 Crid
5 bl-1y
B. SPANGLER — Att. -at-Lay
N Practice in all the courte. ran:
tation in English or German. Of-
Ste in Crider’'s Exchange, Bellefonte Pa.
8S. TAYLOR—Attorney and Counsel-
lor at Law. Office in Temple
Court, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of
legal business attended to promptly. 40-46
law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate
tention given all legal business en-
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 East
High street. 57144
M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at law
J and Justice of the Peace. All pro=-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention.
of Temple Court.
Office on second floor
. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE—Attorney-at-law. Con=
sultation in English and German,
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belle=
fonte, Pa. 58-8
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his resi-
dence. 35-41
Bellefonte now. has a First-Class Res-
taurant where
Meals are Served at All Hours
Steaks, Chops, Roasts, Oysters on the
half shell or in any style desired, Sand-
wiches, Soups, and anything eatable, can
be had in a few minutes any time. In ad-
dition I have a complete plant prepared to
furnish Soft Drinks in bottles such as
for pic-nics, families and the publi¢ gener-
ally all of which are manufactured out of
the purest syrups and properly carbonated.
50-32-1y. High St., Bellefonte, Pa.
Fire and Automobile Insurance at a
reduced rate.
62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes Insurance Compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We Inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce In-
surance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your In-
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
———— wr,
The Preferred
$5,000 death by accident,
5,000 loss of both feet
5,000 loss of both hands,
5,000 loss of one hand and one foot,
2,500 loss of either hand,
2,000 loss of either foot,
630 loss of one eve
25 per week, total disability,
(limit 52 weeks)
10 per week, partial disability,
Umit 25 weeks)
payable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in proportion
Any person, male or female, engaged in a
referred Sccupation, includin Jouse,
eeping, over eighteen years of age of
good moral and physical condition may
insure under this policv. FRR
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur-
ance i e acy, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent.
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
50-21. Agent, Bellefonte, Fa,
Good Health
Good Plumbing
When you have duppiag steam pipes, loge
water-fixtures, foul sewe: or escaj
, you can’t have good Health, The air you
Breathe is poisonous; your system becomes
poisoned and invalidism is sure to come.
is the kind we ge Jes the only kind yok
ht to have. Wedon't trus .
or Our workmen are Skilled Mechanics,
no better anywhere. Our
Material and
Fixtures are the Bes
Not a cheap or inferior aiticle in our entire
estabichaent, And with good work and the
finest material, our
Prices are Lower
than many who give you
work and the lowest grade o!
the t Work try
r, unsantary
Archibald Allison,
Opposite Bush House - Bellefonte, Pa