INK SLINGS. ——Trying to create sympathy for Turkey is arduous and hazardous enough to justify a demand for dou- ble pay. ; —Last November 4th Capt. “Dick” Taylor was in a German prison. Let us celebrate the coming November 4th by making him Sheriff of Centre county. + —Centre county never has changed its mind about third term candidates and there is nothing specially brilliant in Bill Brown’s record to induce it to change it this time. —-Since the Gazette is so much con- cerned about what happened to old soldiers years ago we suggest that it devote some of its space to telling its readers what it did to Johnny Noll only last fall. > —James E. Harter is the ideal man for County Treasurer. His sterling integrity and business training equips him splendidly for that im- portant post. He is before the voters as the unanimous choice of his party. —Paris and the U. S. Senate have been the undoing of the President. But the strain of Paris must have been greatest for Col. House is home, shattered in health, and he didn’t have the Senate continually sapping at him. .—D. Wagner Geiss is well known in most parts of Centre county. He is especially well known here in Belle- fonte. He has superior equipment for the office of Recorder and should have no trouble in bustin’ Bill Brown’s third term bubble. * —If Frank Sasserman tells you he has a right to a second term ask him why he didn’t accord that right to Frank Smith four years ago. Let’s give Smith his second term now and let Sasserman wait. He’s the young- er of the two and won’t have so much to lose. ——The biographical sketches of the lives of the candidates for county office certainly are favorable to the men whose election the “Watchman” advocates. Most always a man will continue to be what he has been and the clean lives our nominees have led as private citizens assures the public that they would make clean, dignified public officials. . —There is not a man or woman with real red blood in his or her veins who does not have a feeling of inex- pressible gratitude for the boys who went forth to fight our battles in the world’s war. It doesn’t matter wheth- er they live in Pennsylvania or Ore- gon. Human nature is the same the States over. It is not “sob stuff.” It is ‘a plain heart to heart, honest-to- God feeling that wells mountain high above petty partisanship and will _ find expression next month right here in Centre county. b owing Dick Taylor that itis something more than a passing pat on the shoulder. —Do you know that there is a scheme on to bond Centre county for $500,000 in order to take advantage of the States fifty-fifty plan . for building country roads? Do you know that the proposition was made to the present board of County Com- missioners and they rejected it? Bet- ter look well to the men you vote for for County Commissioner next month. Pick out the ones whom you are sure can’t be reached by certain interests trying to plaster your property with this collossal mortgage. We want men in the commissioner’s office for the next four years who know they owe their selection to the voters and not to interests that “framed up” their nominations. ; ? —While there is much speculation and very little of real facts as to President Wilson’s condition most people read between the lines of the brief bulletins issued by the special- ists watching over him exceedingly distressing news. There is little doubt that he is seriously ill. In fact the “Watchman” feels that the coun- try should fortify itself for most any eventuality concerning its foremost citizen. Time and again this column has given expression to our belief that the President could not stand long under the tremendous burdens laid on him by world affairs, so that we were shocked but not surprised when the break came. In the nature of things his recovery, if ever he is to be wholly restored to health is a long way off; meanwhile all of the altru- istic plans for a world of peace must be left to others than the master- mind that formulated them. —The Gazette is surely pressed for campaign arguments when it finds it necessary to resort to “waving the bloody shirt.” Well balanced minds have been striving for years to ex- clude the feeling from politics that it typified. In all things memory brings something. of regret to most of us, but we are living in a new day. Poli- tics is no longer a matter of partisan passion and men measure men not so much by the party they represent as by what they are themselves. We ex- pected more from the Gazette than a harking back to dead issues but since that appears to be its calibre its read- ers should resent its attempt to de- ceive them with untruths. They are intelligent people, they have memo- ries-and they know that “that poor old veteran, Matthew Riddle,” whom it declares was misused because he was not returned to an office that “com- mon justice and decent treatment” should have accorded him WAS RETURNED. He was elected Com- missioner of Centre county, with Thomas Fisher and Daniel Heckman, in 1896 and re-elected, with Daniel Heckman and Philip Meyer three years later, in 1899. A CNA y VOL. 64. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION BELLEFONTE. PA.. OCTOBER 17, 1919. — NO. 41. President Wilson’s Illness, The continued illness of President | Norris, the Kifig of Demagogues. Ireland Has No Cause of Complaint. | Senator Norris, ‘of Nebraska, Of all the baseless objections to the Wilson casts a shadow of gloom over sounded the depths of demagogy in ratification of the covenant of the the entire country. It is not exactly | his speech on the Shantung question, | League of Nations that set up by the | !the other day, when he declared that Irishmen in America, as expressed by | a popular dread of fatal consequences of his malady for while his capable physicians admit he is a very sick man they protest that his life is not in danger. But the poople of the country have come to depend so en- tirely upon the wisdom and patriot- ism of the President that there is un- easiness whenever he is taken away from his official duties. Of course every public interest is being cared for all the time and will be but so long as he is incapacitated for person- al supervision of affairs there is un- easiness. Moreover the present was an inau- spicious time for President Wilson to be taken from his official labor. La- bor troubles are threatening in every direction and there is no voice in the country as potent in adjustment as his. Workingmen realize that his heart is in full sympathy with their just aspirations while employers of labor have such faith in his honesty and patriotism that they are reluct- ant to move contrary to his advise. With the Labor conference in session in Washington his presence in vigor and health would have been of inval- uable service to the country at this particular time. Yet there are men in official life heartless enough to further impair his health by traducing him. Sena- tors in Congress have circulated evil reports concerning his illness calcu- lated to irritate his mind and increase his suffering. But the welcome infor- mation comes from Washington sup- ported by the assurance of Admiral Grayson that while his nerves are shattered and his body weakened his mind is as clear and alert as ever. He may be sick for some time to come and his agony from nerve disorders may be great. But we may all hope that in the end he will come out all right and be restored to health and service to the country. ——In one Oklahoma town a thousand persons have signed an agreement to wear their old clothes three months longer to save expens- es. Here most of us will wear our old’ clotites indefinitely not because of agreement but for the reason we have no others. : Palmer Perverting: Power. The public is informed through a Philadelphia "Republican newspaper that the Democratic State committee of Pennsylvania is preparing to inau- gurate: a vigorous campaign for the election of delegates to the National convention of the party next year who will be obedient to the orders of Attorney General Palmer. That state- ment means, of course, that postoffice and revenue officials as well as other Federal officials in the State will be compelled to contribute to a fund to be used in debauching the voters to that sinister purpose, and incidentally that any others willing to contribute to such a perversion of opportunity may do so. Mr. Palmer wants to go to the convention prepared for any- thing. Mr. Palmer has been the hard boss of the Democratic party of Pennsyl- vania for about six years and in that brief period of time has reduced it to a mere shadow. Previous to his ad- vent as political manager the: party could poll anywhere from 400,000” to half a million votes. In 1908, for ex- ample, our candidate for President polled 448,782 votes and half the counties of the State registered Dem- ocratic majorities. In 1916 we polled upward of half a million votes but the gain was ascribable largely to the personal popularity of Woodrow Wil- son and popular concurrence in his policies with respect to the European war. But since that the party strength has been receding at a rate that promises extinction unless it is checked. ! : The fault lies in the methods of Mr. Palmer. He uses the party organiza- tion to promote his personal interests and ambitions. Perverting the party organization to factional purposes is reprehensible and Mr. Palmer has done that whenever he had the opportunity. Party organizations are to elect and not to select en-didates and so long’'as the Pennsylvania Dem- ocratic organization is thus misused the party strength will decrease. Such great statesmen and rul- ers as King. George of England, Pre- mier Lloyd George and Premier Clemenceau plead for the ratification of the peace treaty without delay but they make mo impression upon the minds of such blatherskites as Hun- gry Hi. If what Senator Norris says concerning the Shantung affair is true the Republican who was President of the United States at the time Germa- ny acquired its leasehold ought to be censured most severely. ——Surely Centre county will hon- or one soldier with an office. Vote for Capt. “Dick” Taylor for Sheriff. “it is the purpose of the Japanese ‘government to drive christianity out of Asia.” Other opponents of peace and the President have appealed to narrow prejudices, but that statement “capped the climax.” China is no more friendly or tolerant to christian- ity than Japan and as many outrages have been perpetrated in one of those : countries as the other to perpetuate paganism. But Senator Reed’s ab- surd effort to inject race enmities and Sherman’s preposterous attempt to put creed prejudices into the equation having failed Norris has gone beyond either. Senator Norris is himself no bet- ter than a pagan. In the speech in question he declared: “I am not a member of any church or religious organization, but may my lips be seal- ed with eternal silence before I give official approval of an act to stamp out the religion of Jesus Christ and put paganism in its stead.” Such brazen falsification of facts deserves the most emphatic condemnation. The Shantung settlement contained in the peace treaty does not give Ja- pan by any declaration or implication any sovereign power in Chinese ter- ritory. It conveys no authority to regulate the religious acts or opin- ions of the people. But in his vile mind Norris conceived the idea that such a statement would confuse the minds of one element and strengthen the purpose of another group of the opponents of peace and the President. It may safely be said that only mis- informed and vicious persons are actually opposed to the peace treaty. The vicious persons are those who be- lieve that war affords great opportu- nities for loot and graft and the oth- ers are the victims of mental disor- ders of one kind or another. The de- feat or delay in’ the ratification of the peace treaty afford the only hope | of the success of the Republican par- ty in the Presidential campaign next year. The establishment of peace will restore prosperity and content- ment throughout the length and breadth of the land, and prosperity. ‘and “contentment. assures. the .reten- tion of the policies of the present ad- ministration. Senator Norris and his associates, in- opposing ratification, are willing to sacrifice both for party spoils. ——The report that a million or more Germans will come to this coun- try to live in the near future is alarm- ing enough but it ought not to create hysteria. If they come and behave they will help us pay the expenses of the foolish war which put their coun- try “on the bum.” New Aspect of Steel Strike. Recent developments indicate that the. steel strike is more the result of differences among the labor leaders than a conflict between capital and la- bor. It seems that the radical ele- ment in the American Federation of Labor is striving to take the control of the organization out of the hands of such conservatives as Samuel Gompers, who has guided it for many years along lines that commanded the respect of capital as well as the confidence of labor. During the war patriotic services took Mr. Gompers out. of the country and kept him out for prolonged periods and during his absence the radical agitators under- mined him in the councils. They call- ed the strike before he had opportuni- | ty to prevent it. _ In his testimony before the Senate committee investigating the subject Mr. Gompers stated his belief that the ' time is inauspicious for a strike. But at the same time he gave moral sup- port to the strike by putting the blame largely upon the autocratic methods of the Steel trust. It is now said and widely believed that he was forced into this attitude to save the organization from slipping away from its conservative purposes. If he had undertaken to prevent the strike his action would have been so resented by the radicals that he might have lost control for all time, thus convert- ing the most valuable asset of labor, the American Federation, into a men- acing liability. The fact that the strike has not gained in force since the first walk- out three weeks or more ago strong- ly . supports this theory. From the beginning it has lacked popular sup- port and all past experiences shows that such approval is essential to suc- cess. Mr. Gompers has invariably held the American Federation of La- bor in such restraint as to prevent strikes that offended public opinion but during his thirty-seven years in the presidency of the organization he has mever' before been so hardly pressed though the radicals have maintained a fight against him dur- ing all that time. For these reasons, whether the strike continues for a long or short tme, it is to be hoped Gompers will remain in control. — Subscribe for the “Watchman.” | . Senator Walsh, of Massachusetts, in 'a speech in the Senate the other day, is the most unfounded. He alleged that the League would rivet the bonds with which Great Britain binds Ireland for the reason that Article X obligates signatories to the covenant , to defend members of the League from “external aggressions.” If Ire- ‘land were an independent power, and as such contemplated a war of con- quest against Great Britain, such an ‘ obligation would be created. But Ire- i land is and has been for more than a in a war for independence would be an internal or domestic disturbance in which the United States and other members of the League would enjoy the other as the inclinations of the people leaned, so far as Article X is concerned. But another article of the covenant puts a different phase on the subject. It guarantees to every people the right of self determination in the matter of government and sets up a tribunal to which any group claiming the right of self-government may ap- pear and present claims and griev- ances. In the event that the claim is justified all the signatories to the covenant are morally bound to sup- port the claim and redress the griev- ances and if the offending signatory fails or refuses to do justice in the case it becomes a national outlaw and is excluded from commercial and so- cial intercourse with all the other signatories to the covenant at once and may be made the object of a unit- ! ed military attack later, The purpose of the League of Nations is to pre- serve peace by enforcing justice among nations. Where injustice is ' palpable war is made inevitable and if justice prevails permanent peace is : assured. To guarantee fairness the t accused power has no voice in the de- cision. - Ireland has nothing to fear from an | appeal to such a tribunal under such conditions and Irishmen in America rldive no valid reason. to object to.the ‘men themselves freely admit that in- i justice has been practiced -against i Ireland for many years and that i Irishmen in Ireland have great cause { of complaint and claim for redress. { Even the highest authorities in Eng- i land have admitted these things and | promised remedies repeatedly “to the { ear” which were subsequently “brok- ! en to the hope.” Public opinion in the { United States is overwhelmingly in i accord with the Irish in their demand ‘for self-government and it may be said that the civilized world is of the same mind. But as usual the Irish put themselves in the way of fulfill- ‘ment of their hopes. A League of Nations upon the plan so laboriously worked out by the Peace Conference in France puts them closer to a real- ization of the claim to self-govern- | ment than they have been within a | century. - Only a Year Ago. i Just one year ago on the 12th of this month announcement was made | that Bellefonte had been selected as i the station on the Wilson aerial mail Government Control. From the Lancaster Intelligencer. It is announced that “sugar is to go higher” as soon as the “government control” ends on December 31st. The allegation is made by the sugar con- , trol body because the President refus- "ed to continue control after January {century a dependency, and engaging ; entire freedom to act with one side or creation of th Siting “English: 1st on the ground that business ought not to be embarrassed by war-time regulations. The President is exactly right. Gov- ernment control, outside of regula- tions to prevent profiteering, should end with this year and business should be put on its metal to compete not only at home, but abroad as well. But business must have a care, and one of the cares it must have is that it does not run amuck as it promises to do in the sugar business. The time has come for the solid business of the country to act with wisdom. The cost of living must come down or radicalism will continue to grow at a dangerous rate.’ The whole economic situation has gotten top-heavy. Oil combinations, meat combinations, this and that combina- tion have gotten in a position where even if they are not profiteering they have gotten things under such control that they must move first. There is a tied among the meat barons to pull down the props slowly but surely. Others must follow. If they don’t, radicalism is likely to run amuck, and the big fellows and the big ‘combina- tions will suffer most. "They have everything to lose and therefore should act with promptness. The situation is such as to call for drastic action. It is doubtful if the government can by law do what must be done, although if the business men themselves do not move, thén the gov- ernment must act arbitrarily and give relief lest the government is relieved of the work by radicalism, which leads one knows not where. Americans are prone to hold that nothing can go wrong in this country; that the power of conservation and the good sense of the people will hold radicalism in leash in any: 0 And we believe they will. take even a remote chanc out radicalism easiest by out fale . economic . condi business men are the ones i not with governmental regal of their own initiative. “598 Fe 3 Riga and German Perndy. : From the Philadelphia Public Ledger, : - It is hardly necessary to read the | protests of the Lettish Prime Minister in his appeal to the world against the German perfidy that has let loose war under General von der Goltz in and about Riga to know that the German has not changed his spots. What von der Goltz is doing in the Baltie prov- inces of Russia his old comrades in Germany would like to be doing all over Europe. For instance, nothing B quite so frequent a feature of the u endorff and Von Tirpitz: revela- tions as their expressions of ' regret that policies of atrocious savagery and deceit. were not followed by the feather-brained Kaiser. They could not always keep him up to the duplic- ities laid down at the Potsdam confer- ence of July 5th, 1914, when it was arranged that he was to go gayly on his summer trip to posing as the patron saint of peace, although he had agreed to let Austria unloose war on the world with his ex- press backing in every abhorrent par- ticular. Like master, like man; and although after he had pushed the but- ton and Armageddon was on he re- - coiled from the horrors evoked by his ' own doings, it is interesting to note i route between New York and Chica- go instead of Lock Haven and the air: | plane that was then such an interest- ‘ing sight to all Centre countians has affair that people hereabouts take them as a matter of course. Just one year ago the “Watchman” carried announcements of three sol- dier boys having been killed in France, namely: Charles Doll, Edward, Brooks and Paul Burrows, and the death of three others in training camps. And in the same issue ap- peared the names of one hundred and nine young men called to Bellefonte to be sent to training camps, but for- tunately none of them were sent. A year ago the people of Centre coun- ty were also being urged to buy more Liberty bonds to help the boys over there defeat the Huns. At that time all our boys were cov- ering themselves with glory driving the Boche from one fastness to anoth- er. and in three weeks the war was over. The boys are now all at home again and the great majority have drifted back into civil life and peace- ful vocations and so far as the great majority of them are cuncerned one would never know there had been war. Some of them may talk of their ex- periences when they get together, away from the general public, but so far as their general conversation is concerned one would not associate them with men who had spent weeks and weeks on the fighting front in France. In fact if it wasn’t for the squab- bling in Congress over the ratification of the peace treaty, and the high cost | of everything we would hardly know that we had been at war “only a year ago.” now become so much of an every day i ond. . not believe that the typical Prussian war lords who surrounded him even now only regret that they didn’t force things with all the world a little earlier. Of this uncompromising crew Tirpitz is typical and von der Goltz a close sec- So, of course, the latter does in written promises, in treaties or any other obligations of his country or of himself. So Riga, in von der Goltz’s hands, stands to- day as an example of how little con- fidence can be placed in anything the Berlin government says. That this is understood in Paris and London is the only redeeming feature of a hideous situation. The State Police. From the Harrisburg Telegraph. We shall want more proof than the mere “say-so” of unfriendly individ- state police have been guilty of beat- ing up women and children and mis- treating men. Anybody who knows the state police knows they are not that kind of men. It must not be forgotten that the officers were thrown into the midst of unruly mobs of foreigners in western Pennsylvania, that they were few and the rioters were many, and that they had to act quickly and vigorously. he reply in kind. Indeed, it is all he can do or admit defeat. And those who are associating themselves with mobs are not “innocent bystanders.” If women or children have been Norwegian waters ow SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —To commemorate the great part play= ed by Dr. Rothrock in systematizing a rational method for the arrest and .cure of tuberculosis, a bronze tablet imbedded in a native boulder of the South mountain was presented last week to the state san- atorium at Mont Alto. —‘“He kicked me with his shoes on,” complained Mrs. Maude E. Brown, of Un- iontown, in her testimony in divorce pro- ceedings against Fred E. Brown, last week. A divorce decree was granted. Mrs. Brown declared that her husband kicked her “square out of bed.” : —Fewer cases of hog cholera have been reported to.the Department of Agricul- ture’s Bureau of Animal Industry thisfall than usual, according to State officials. The quarantine against shipments of hogs from seventeen eastern counties which was in force during the former part of the summer is believed to have produced the improved condition. —A rough box was stolen from the rear of the Robinson undertaking establish ment at Punxsutawney late last Friday night. The box had been placed there for a man who was bringing the body of his wife from Olean, N. Y. for interment there. Undertaker Robinson said he would like to furnish the rest of the equipment for the funeral of the fellow who hauled the box away. : —While inflating an automobile tire Herbert T. Kneule, proprietor of the Pennsburg Motor company, of Pennsburg, suffered a broken jaw and badly lacerated face, lost his teeth and was knocked un- conscious by a tire ring which struck him in the face when pressure in the tire. dis- lodged it from the rim. An X-ray exam- ination may be necessary to determine the extent of his injury. —Edward Haggerty, a Reading police- man, has entered a claim for the $1500 re- ward offered eight years ago for the ar- rest of the slayers of Gordon Kauffman, a baker shot in his shop in 1911. The four men wanted are now in the eastern pen- itentiary, where they were lodged recent- ly, after serving more than seven years in a -Richmond, Va., penitentiary for an of- fense committed after they fled Reading, the scene of the Kauffman murder. —Suit for $90,000 damages for the loss of her husband, who was killed in a rail- road accident, was brought by Mrs. Mari- etta’ Feudale, of Mount Carmel, against Walker D. Hines, director of railways, and the Pennsylvania Railroad company, in the Northumberland county court on Tuesday. It is the largest amount of damages claimed for the loss of a human life in the history of the common pleas in that county. She asserts that she suffered much anguish of mind and heavy funeral expenses, as well as the loss of her hus- band’s earning capacity. : —Four Hazleton saloon keepers, whose names the county authorities will not di- vulge, bought ten barrels of whiskey they had sampled at Pittston, paid $8000 for it ‘and took it to Hazleton on auto trucks, only to find that they had paid this big sum for ten barrels of water. According to .the county detectives, .the saloonmen had run out of whiskey. They heard that some was for sale in Pittston... The own- er of the supposed liquor gave the saloon- men a sample, which was satisfactory, and a bargain was struck for the ten barrels. Upon reaching Hazleton the trick was dis- covered. . —Medix Run, Elk county, a little Ium- bering village on the low grade division of tlie Pennsylvania Rail about to pass out of ‘existence.’ ‘At town was the center of a big x 0 operation; later a sole leather tannery was located, there.” A number of years ago the lumbering business disappeared and with it the mills and the men employed. Of the industries of that day only the tan- nery remained, and now men are at work dismantling the tannery, with the disap- pearance of which the last institution for the employment of labor in the village will be gone. —Berwick is alarmed over the prospect of losing its plant of the American Car and Foundry company. Coincident: with the closing of the big plint—the largest of the great corporation’s sixteen branch in- dustries, unofficial reports have leaked out of efforts already in progress to obtain both the work now held up there, and the plant as well for other cities. Forty-five hundred men are given employment by the company there. There is no question of the serious view that is attached to the closing of the plant, the first that it has been entirely down in the eighty years of operation in Berwick. ' —Christian Zern, the oldest resident of Lebanon county, on Sunday celebrated his 101st birthday anniversary, with a family reunion at the house of his daughter, Mrs. John Kurtz, at Suedberg, in the northern part of that county. Many relatives and friends, in addition to the members of his immediate family, were participants in the event. Zern is a life-long resident of Leb- anon county. He was first a farmer and then for a long period a shoe cobbler, re- tiring only ten years ago. A year ago, just before his attainment to the century mark in life's journey, he sustained a broken thigh by a fall, from the effects of which he still suffers. Otherwise his health is excellent. —The Danville Structural Tubing com- pany, through its president, Carlton Schwab Wagner, has presented to the Danville school district a site for the new | High school building, which it is proposed | to erect if the voters of the borough de- ' central location, uals before we shall believe that the , cide favorably on a §100,000 bond issue at the election on November 4. The site pre- sented comprises an entire city block in a and includes eleven lots which now stand company tenement houses. The site has been formally ac- cepted by the school board. It is stipu- lated that erection of the new High school building begin within one year. The don- or is the nephew of Charles M. Schwab, chairman of the board of directors of the on . Bethlehem Steel company. * When bullets are flying about a po- ' liceman’s head it is only natural that hurt in the strike disturbances it is | too bad, but it must be remembered Saturday night for the western city to that they should have been at home | ying the men to Williamsport for trial. at a time like that. When to Expect a Strike. From the Kansas City Star. The work of taking the census will start early in January,” and as the enumerators will work mostly “by the piece” and regulate their own hours nobody looks for them to organize and strike before the first week in Febru- ary. | i | | | | —John Skea, a one-legged hotel clerk, who disappeared from Williamsport on August 22nd, taking cash and checks amounting to $1200 from the safe of his employer, and Emerson Mitcheltree, want- ed as an accomplice, were arrested on Sat- urday in Denver, after a search of six weeks. Williamsport police officers left At the time of the robbery it was believed that Skea had escaped in an automobile through the aid of an accomplice. Skea and another man were traced to Jersey Shore, twelve miles distant, where a mis- understanding of orders on the part of a state policeman allowed them to get away. From Chicago Skea returned by mail some of the checks he had taken, as he could not negotiate them. That act gave the Williamsport police another clue to the pair, who were finally located in Denver.