Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 26, 1919, Image 6

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Dentareaiic Ala
“Bellefonte, Pa., September 26, 1919.
Youth's Wise Employment of Leisure
Hours Means Everything in His
After Life.
If the young man could only as
similate very early in his life the fact
that merely to live and eat and drin¥
and sleep, and then die, is not enough,
but that he must rob himself of many
of the pleasures usually taken up by
young men if he means to make his
life of the highest possible use to the
world, he would set his foot on the
pathway to accomplish something
worth while.
There is no harm in billiards or
pool or in dancing, baseball or card-
playing, or any one of the scores of
different diversions and recreations
open to young men. The natural in-
clination usually is to devote a large
part of the leisure hours of young man-
hood to such pleasures. But the youth
who is really earnest in his ambition
to do something worth while will dis-
cipline himself to resist such tempta-
tions during his early, formative years,
for the whole fate of a man is largely
determined by hew he utilizes his plas-
tic vears. He may be restricted by
circumstances, by environment, by
family ties in his selection of his daily
work, but every young man, particd-
larly nowadays, has many hours that
he can call Lis own, and it is how he
chooses to use these hours that
counts most and tells most.—Forbes
Crippled Soidier Pleasantly Surprised
at Result of Work at Which He
Amused Himself.
How a ring got a wounded soldier
a new occupation in life is told by
the federal board for vocationa! edu-
cation, which is helping the handi-
capped men of the army, navy and ma-
rine corps get back into the work-a-
day world.
A veteran of Belleau wood called
upon the board. His left leg gone, he
appeared listless and without hope.
He sat talking to the adviser, now and
then slowly turning a ring on his
finger. The adviser, to get the man's
confidence, asked to see the ring.
The man suddenly became animated.
“I made that,” he said. “Hammered
it out of silver myself, and engraved
those figures on the outside. Nothing
but some playing of mine,” he added.
The adviser looked at the ring, noted
the engraving, and said:
“How would you like to learn en-
“Doing this?" said the soldier, fin-
gering his ring. “Say, this ain’t work
—it’s just play.”
“Let’s have u try at it,” replied the
The federal board sent the man to
learn engraving, and in a few months
he qualified for a good job in a jew-
elry store.
Chinese College Girls.
The most picturesque school in Nan-
king is Ginling college, a recently
opened institution, operated by five
boards, presided over by a faculty of
eight and including 18 girls. As this
is only the second year of operation.
18 is a goodly number. Last year
there were hardly enough girls to go
around. The college is housed for
the present in a charming old “gung
gwan” or official residence belonging
to the estate of Li Hung Chang, and
once occupied by one of his relatives.
For Chinese women toe come into such
an inheritance, even by renting it, is
enough to make anyone enthusiastic.
Only two years of college work are
done at present, but a year's work is
being added over autumn, so that fit
will soon tax the eight teachers to
keep the class work up to the high
standard that has been decided upon.
Christian Herald.
{rp TT ——
e Rigorous Mourning.
“Germany's week of mourning over
the harshness of our peace terms was
rigorously observed—nit,” said Major
Frederick Palmer, the famous war cor-
“There's a story about the week of
mourning from Berlin. A Berlinese
assistant theater manager said to the
“‘Is our burlesque going to observe
the week of mourning, boss?
“‘Rigorously, sir, rigorously,’ the
boss replied.
“Close down
the assistant.
“‘Close down nothing! said the
boss. ‘We'll put all the chorus girls
in black silk stockings.'”
is that the idea? said
To Keep Castaways Dry.
Louis O. Anderson has invented a
“storm cover” for boats which, when
adjusted, covers both boat and rower
go completely that waves and rain will
roll off it as water rolls off a duck's
back. The suit, which includes =a
headpiece, is made full at its juncture
with the rubberized cover, says the
Popular Science Monthly, so that the
oarsman may try to paddle with one
of the oars while sitting in the stern
with the tail spread out behind him.
His other oar makes a backbone for
the cover.
The Right Way to Reckon.
Matt—How does Skidley manage. to
stage so many successful auto acci-
Patt—He says he always omits tire
chains as a prewreckquisite.—Car-
| City Editor Was First Victim of His
Own Stern Warning Against
the “Booze.”
Speaking of booze: A few years ago,
| when Colorado was as wet as the great
Sahara is not, the city editor of a
Denver daily was having no inconsid-
erable trouble in getting out a news-
paper the day following each pay
night. Finally, in desperation, he is-
sued the following mimeographed let-
ter for distribution to members of
the staff:
“Any member of this staff who is
found under the influence of liquor, or
i! “Over
with any indication of having been
drinking during working hours, will
be: Fined for the first misdemeanor;
suspended for the second; fired un-
conditionally for the third.”
These mimeographed letters were
placed on the copy boy's desk with in- °
structions to distribute them as soon
as the staff appeared for work the
next afternoon.
On the following afternoon there
was heard a snort from the office of
the society editor, and a usually meek
little red-haired beauty came dashing
out of her room, waving a piece of
paper in her hand. “Where's the city
editor?’ she demanded. “I'll see why
I have to be insulted like this.”
The assistant city
calm her. But nothing would do but
that she see the city editor himself.
“Well,” said the A. C. E, “it can’t
be done. He was stewed and we had
to send him home.”
Needless to say, there was a new
city editor the next afternoon, and the
staff gloatingly drank its way to the
days of prohibition.—Lorry A. Jacobs,
the Dallas Dispatch, in “Pep.”
Famous Arena in Mexico City Will No
Longer Be Scene of Brutal
: Slaughter.
The Teatro el Toro in Mexico City,
once one of the most pretentious of
bull fight arenas, is now the home of
grand opera as a result of President
Carranza’s decree that bull fights
should cease. Interspersing grand
opera, dancers and concert artists
have appeared in the arena, and it is
stated that these various forms of
amusement will be offered until some
definite action is taken as to the fu-
ture of bull fighting.
It was in this arena that what is
said to be one of the most remarkable
spectacles in the history of the sport
was staged. A bull, El Bonito, known
as one of the fiercest fighters, on being
brought into the arena charged and
killed three horses and injured. as
many men without being touched by
the esteque of any matador.
As the bull stood bellowing defi
editor tried to !
ance and with no one apparently will- |
ing to attack him,
Miguel Dallo, a |
picador who was a spectator in one |
of the boxes, leaped unarmed into the
inclosure. In his outstretched hand he
carried two lumps of sugar, which he
nonchalantly offered to the bull. The
animal suddenly ceased its bellowing
and in a few moments docilely licked
the sugar from Ballo’s hand. The
latter returned unharmed to his box
amid the plaudits of the spectators.
Anglo-lrish Tunnel.
Not only is it thought that the long-
talked-of tunnel between England and
France will be constructed at no re-
mote date, but there is also talk of a
tunnel between England and Ireland.
This would restore to a slight extent
the geographical union that existed be-
tween the two countries in one geologi- :
cal age thousands and thousands of
years ago. Great Britain and Ireland
were then separated only by a great
It is proposed to carry the tunnel
from some point on the coast of Lan-
cashire to the nearest point in Antrim
or down on the Irish coast, a subma-
rine length of 24 miles. One of the
great benefits of the tunnel would be
that it would shorten the transatlantic
journey by at least 48 hours. It would
also help the Irish cattle trade and the
shipping of perishable goods, especial-
Iy fish, to English markets. Estimates
of the cost of the proposed tunnel vary
from $35,000,000 to $80,000,000.
He Had One Better.
One of our honest old farmers came
home and found a sewing-machine man
in the house demonstrating to the
women what fine work it would do.
The agent asked the farmer to bring
in a shingle, and said:
“I will show
you that the Wonder Worker machine
will do heavy work, for I will stitch
right across the tip of the shingle
where it is at least one-sixteenth of
an inch thick.” :
“Not interested,” said the farmer.
'erost here ’bout three miles
northeast a young man built a house
last summer, and I'll be durned if his
wife didn’t take her Mechanical Mar-
vel sewin’ machine and stitch on ev'ry
blame course of clapboards, from
gable to eaves, clean down to the
As the agent slammed his machine
into his light truck and chugged away,
the farmer turned to his wife and
said: “Well, Rita, I sewed that agent
up all right, didn’t I? Now let's have
supper.”—Bangor News.
Indian Village Unearthed.
A buried Indian village site, be-
lieved to have been occupied 500 years
ago, was discovered by M. A. Cramer,
Auburn city forester, in digging after
a woodchuck in the town of Cato,
Cayuga county, New York.
contained skeletons and many bone ii-
nlements believed of Iroquois origin.--
Nyack Evening Journal.
| tub in the late afternoon before get- |
| ting into faultless evening attire. This
does not apply to heroesvyof Russian
masterpieces, of course, for they never !
(‘Why should they, my wife |
puts in, since they're going to commit |
Cup of |
The site !
Novelist’'s Wife Puts In.
“She regretted the bath. She missed
it, and so must we all. In modern his-
tory, as in modern fiction, it is not
nice in the least fbr the heroine—even
such a dubious heroine as Mamise—
to have a bathless day. As for heroes,
in the polite chronicles, they get at |
least two baths a day——one heroic cold |
shower in the morning and one hot
suicide anyway?’)"—"The
Fury,” by Rupert Hughes.
Neglecting Opportunities.
“They say the peach crop is unv-
sually fine this year.”
“Then what are so many fellows do- |
fng marrying over there in France?” |
He (dejectedly)—Is this final? Is
there no hope for me?
She—Oh, my, ves! There are lots
of girls not so particular as IT am.
absurd evidence?
Products that
Packers Sell
Their Number Grossly Exaggerated
The Federal Trade Commission has
published a list of some 640 articles
said to be sold by the packers.
This list is ridiculously padded in
order to scare people into the belief
that the packers are getting control of
the food supply of the nation.
For example, the list includes not
only “beef sides” and “beef cuts,” but
also over 60 other items of beef pro-
ducts and by-products.
Over 90 articles listed are not sold
to the outside trade but are raw mate-
rials and supplies, such as brick, cement,
etc, used by Swift & Company in car-
rying on its business.
Glaring duplications appear, such as
“sardines” and “canned sardines”; “but-
terine” and “oleomargarine”; “dried
sausages” and “dry sausage,” etc.
The list inciudes 37 kinds of sausage;
4 different kirds or preparations of
beef tongue, etc., etc.
Simmered down, Swift & Company
handles in addition to meats and meat
by-products, cniy butter, eggs, cheese,
poultry, canned goods, lard substitutes,
and to a very sm2il extent, dried and
salt fish. Aud the proportion which
we handle of the total supply of eny
one of these is absurdly small.
Do you want to be fooled by such
misleading and ridiculous statements
of the Trade Commission? Do you
want radical legislation based on such
Let us send you a “Swift Dollar.”
Ee will interest you.
Address Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yards,
Chicago, Ill
Swift & Company, U.S. A.
UILT like a wagon.
B rear wheels track.
and rear axle.
on. Chain-Driven Excluswely.
7 Just received a carload of Conklin Wagons. All sizes and for all purposes.
Axles coupled together with angle steel reach ;
Wide-tired wheels
Positively not a worm or cog gear on the machine.
levers. The lightest, easiest running and most practical Spreader.
-... Dubbs’ Implement and Seed Store.
No moving parts on rear axle.
Solid bottom bed with heavy cross pieces, and supported by full width of sides.
Front and
coupled short, dividing load between front
Ax'e not used as a bearing for gears to run
No clutch. Operated by only two
Just, lookin’ ’round 5
THAT sort of chap is just as
‘elcome here as the man who
Spins with his mind made up to
That’s the trouble; so many men
are afraid they'll be obligated if
they come in to buy; we don’t
‘want them to feel that way.
We want them to come in and see
the new Fall styles in
High Art. Clothes
Made by Strouse & Brothers, Inc., Baltimore, Md.
—even if they haven't the slightest
idea of purchasing.
Glad to see you. :
sq Allegheny St.. BELLEFONTE, PA.
Your Banker
The institution with which vou main-
tain banking relations can be of service to
you in many ways.
The Centre County Banking Co.
does not consider that its service to its pa-
trons ceases with the safeguarding of their
funds. It keeps in personal touch with all
of them in such a way as to be of assistance
very often when other matters develop
affecting their interest. :
It Invites You to Take Advantage
of Its Unusual Service.
3-4 Ton for Light Hauling
Big Truck for Heavy Loads
“Greatest Distance for Least Cost”