Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 26, 1919, Image 1

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© Boilie
. than that of any of the other county
I issa business
+ ‘And nfen who have had experience in
—The King and Queen of Belgium
are on their way to visit us. Surely
they will discover, while here, that the
American people are even bigger
hearted than Belgium has reason to
believe them to be.
—Will the American Federation of
Labor live or will the I. W. W. benev-
olently assimilate it? The answer
will be found when labor decides
whose advice it will take. That of
Gompers or of Foster.
—Talking about extravagance, how
about the fellow who used to get his
exercise by walking to his business
and by meeting many of his appoint-
ments afoot? He now maintains a
motor to save the walking and helps
keep up a country club so that he can
get exercise playing golf.
—Of course it was to be expected
that the Senate would move to inves-
tigate the steel strike with a view to
relieving the situation. Having re-
lieved the high cost of living situa-
tion by a similar process this body
of big professions and little accom-
plishments has to do something to
keep itself before the public.
—Capt. Dick Taylor has fought for
the people of Centre county in every
war that the country has been involv-
ed in since he was old enough to fight.
He went to it voluntarily and every
man jack of us cheered the spirit of
patriotism in him. He would like to
be sheriff of Centre county now and
it’s up to us to show Dick that we're
red-blooded enough to vote as we
—Just as the “Watchman” has so
frequently pointed out the present
steel strike has been based on the un-
Americanism of alien workers in that
industry. The number of native born
workers who went out on the call of
the strike leaders was insignificant
when compared with those of foreign
birth. The latter are not Americans
at heart. They have no conception of
our ideals and being free from the
autocratic government of their father-
lands their simple minds are readily
led by fanatics who prey on them and
all of society as a profession.
—Last week the “Watchman” men-
tioned the fact that crap games were
being played on the side-walks of the
town in broad daylight. Developments
since then, indicate that there is quite
a craze for crap among the young
sports of the town and they gamble
with the bones on any and all occa-
sions. Our social news editor got
away from the “week-end guests”
long enough on Wednesday morning
to hear some things out of her line
and among them were some stories
about how “the boys are shootin’ crap !
all over the place.” We can just see
~her consumed with curiosity to know |
and yet too adroit to admit that. she |
didn’t know what crap was. And the
reason we are giving all this space
to the incident is because she rushed
into the office about an hour after she
had heard the big news and wanted
to know “what kind of a gun is used |
to shoot crap with.”
—It seems strange that so many
people can’t understand that more
pay and shorter hours will only make
the cost of living higher. If each in-
dividual receiving a wage advance
were to produce more there would
probably be no further rise in the cost
of his product, but if he were to con-
tinue producing only as much as he
had before his advance in pay then!
his product would rise to take care of |
this additional cost. The rule is inex-
orable in every line of production. If,
at the same time he gets an advance
in pay, he works shorter hours his
product is less and, in addition to car-
rying the extra cost of production, it
takes on another cost because the sup-
ply being less than the demand those
who can pay most for it fix the price.
This is also an inexorable rule. There-
fore, can’t you see that the price of a
product of labor can’t come down un-
til its cost is reduced or more of it is
produced than will supply the normal
demand. High wages and short hours
make all things costly and scarce.
—In November Centre county vot-
ers will elect a new board of coun-
ty commissioners. Four men have
been nominated for the office, three of
whom will be chosen. While the sal-
ary of a county commissioner is less
offices, with the exception of the
auditors, jury commissioners, coroner
and county surveyor, the office itself
is the most important of all of them
when viewed from its effect upon the
pocketbook of every person who pays
taxes in the county. A glance at the
auditor's statement published last
March will show that during the year |
1918 the county commissioners
handled $109,595.71. Practically all
of this vast sum came from the pock-
ets of Centre county people. It was
their share of the cost of the county |
government. It was large enough,
we all feel, but it might have been
far larger had we not had capable
men managing for us. Inasmuch as |
we are about to select their success- |
‘ors the time is at hand when men
who are looking out for their own in-
interests should begin to inquire just
who these men are who are asking to
be placed in this important office. It
proposition entirely.
business affairs should be called to
take charge of:it. Men of good judg-
ment. Men who know, Centre county
and its people. Men, who come with
something more than:a claim that
they need it, for a man who really
needs a thousand dollar salary these
days is not fit to be a manager of a
business running into the hundred
i agreeably. surprised by his action as
VOL. 64.
NO. 88.
Senator Johnson Maliciously Lies.
For nearly two weeks Senator
Johnson, of California, and Senator |
Borah, of Idaho, have been touring
the West. “Trailing the President,” |
they call it, but in reality they are |
misrepresenting the President of the :
United States and confusing the!
minds of the public, in an effort
to create opposition to the rati-
fication of the peace treaty. They
have openly declared that Great Brit-
ain will have six votes in the League :
of Nations against one for the United !
States and that by the covenant of '
the League of Nations the United !
States surrenders various sovereign |
powers, including the exclusive right .
of Congress to declare war, to foreign |
powers. Other Republican Senators
are uttering the same falsehoods
The text of the covenant of the
League of Nations distinctly provides
for a council of five which will be su-
preme in the determination of all dis-
putes and in which unanimity is re-
quired, composed of one representa-
tive from each of the great powers
engaged in the recent conflict against
Germany. Not only does this guaran-
tee complete equality of the United
States but gives absolute power to
prevent any action which the United
States opposes. Senator Johnson un-
derstands this fact if he knows any-
thing and in his statement to the con-
trary he deliberately and maliciously
lies. The League bestows no special |
privileges or powers on any other
country and claims none for our-
selves. It is absolutely fair.
The other reasons given by Sena-
tor Johnson as a basis of opposition
to the League ‘of Nations are equal-
ly false and: fraudulent. In his
speech at Minneapolis the other day
he said that in the Shantung provis-
ion of the treaty China has been de- |
frauded. It may be ‘admitted that
China was defrauded when: she leased
Shantung to Germany and it might
be said that the Republican President
of the United States at that time
ought to have protested against it.
But the Paris peace treaty takes
nothing from China and gives noth-
ing to Japan. It simply confirms the
right of Japan, acquired by conquest
from, Germany, to. the. leasehold. of.
Shantung under a solemn promise of
ultimate restoration to. China.
That Senato?¥ ‘Johnson should thus
falsify the facts -in: order to deceive
the public is not surprising. He has
been an adventurer and demagogue
all his life. Buf that he should pay
such scant respect for the intelligence
of the public is. somewhat astonish-
ing. Men of his type usually flatter
the people they are endeavoring to
impose upon. But Johnson insults
them by uttering falsehoods which
they must know to be false, and pre-
tends to think he has fooled them be-
cause they don’t throw rotten eggs at
him. But he is only deceiving him-
self. The people are overwhelming-
ly in favor of the ratification of the
treaty and in good time will show
Senator Johnson how cordially they
despise him.
Hope for Philadelphia; -
The nomination of J. Hampton
Moore, by the Republicans of Phila-
delphia, for the office of Mayor,
ought to work the beginning of the
end of that disgraceful municipal
management which justified the
charge that the people of that city
are “corrupt and contented.” For
more than a’ quarter of a century
Philadelphia has been systematically
looted for the enrichment of ignorant
contractors who were as deficient in
morals as they were destitute of pa-
triotism\ “One mayor after another
has fallen under their malign influ-
ence until they had come to the belief
that they owned the property as we
as the people of the city. ,
But the nomination of Mr. Moore
is not an ‘absolute guarantee of this
desirable result. He has been all his
life a machine politician, ready and
willing to execute any sinister orders
which camhe from the bosses. It will
be recalled that when his name was
suggested as the candidate of the re-
formers we referred to his servile
obedience -in the past and expressed
doubts of the sincerity of his profes-
sions for the future. But we may be
Mayor, for his nomination is equiva-
lent to an election. The cordial sup-
port of his candidacy by the Philadel-
phia Record inspires hope.
The corruption in Philadelphia had
come to bé a matter of more than lo-
cal interest. The voice of the people
of the State has frequently been si-
lenced by ‘corruptly created fraudu-
lent majorities in Philadelphia. It
can hardly be expected that the elec-
tion of Hampy Moore will correct
this evil for the misrepresentatives
of the Democratic party there will be
ready to shift their dealings from
Vare to Moore and he will likely be
‘willing to: trade with them. ' Still
there is alchance of improvement as
the result jof the defeat of the Vare
machine. It ought to at least elimi-
nate Dave/Lane from public life.
—— Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
Bad Showing in Primaries.
The Democratic vote in the primary
elections throughout the State is most
discouraging. In Philadelphia only
about 13,000 votes were cast for the
office of Mayor though each of the
factions had a candidate and consid-
erable activity was shown. In Pitts-
burgh little better results were shown
and in Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Read-
ing, Harrisburg and other second and
third-class cities mere shadows of the
party strength were shown. In some
of the counties where there are no
cities the returns appear better. But
even the best is not flattering and al-
together the outlook is discouraging.
The Democratic voters have lost hope
of success or pride in the principles of
the party.
To the superficial observer it might
appear wise to gloss over these un-
propitious facts and profess confi-
dence in the future. Many men and
some newspapers imagine that vice
and crime in a community should not
be exposed because it prejudices the |.
public mind against the people con- |
cerned. The “Watchman” is not of
that type. In our opinion the reme-
dy lies in the opposite course. There
is a reason for the diminution of the
Democratic strength in Pennsylvania
and it ought to be revealed and re-
moved. Unless this is done Democ-
racy will disappear from the political
arena of the State and the Republi-
can machine will acquire a free hand
to despoil the people to the full meas- :
The Democratic leadership in Penn-
sylvania is selfish, sordid and ineffi-
cient. Those in control have estab-
lished a trading post in offices and a
brokerage in spoils. They don’t want
the Democrats to succeed even in
maintaining former party strength.
They simply want to maintain an or-
ganization to be used as capital in
their commercial operations. They
have flouted public sentiment in dis-
pensing the favors of the party and
made servility to their persons the
test ‘of fitness for office. If the Dem-
ocratic voters will join together and
turn these false leaders out hepe in
success and faith in principles will
soon return and the Democratic par-
ty will come back to its own.
ry : Sic
Senator Vare; of Philadelphia,
has given to his own party such
treasures as Governor Brumbaugh,
Banking Commissioner Lafean, In-
surance Commissioner Ambler, and
Mayor of Philadelphia, Bondsmith.
But he has also given to our party
Vance McCormick and Mitchell Pal-
mer. :
Election Frauds in Philadelphia.
In the frauds revealed in the
counting of the votes cast at the pri-
mary election in Philadelphia on the
16th the Democrats of that city and
the State may extract an idea as to
what both factions of the Republican
party have been doing to them in the
past. Every ballot box shows frauds
against one faction or the other. If
there had been no factional fight
these fraudulent returns would have
been permitted to stand as the ex-
pression of the legal voters. A Dem-
acratic protest against fraud is prae-
tically laughed out of the court and
the perpetrators of the frauds re-
warded with the spoils of office. But
the frauds in question were the work
of one faction against the other and
are exposed.
Some of the frauds revealed are the
result of ignorai.ce and incompetency
on the part of the -election officers.
‘But ignorance and incompetency are
features of the Republican party
plans in Philadelphia to carry elec-
tions and create false majorities. The
Vare machine, for example, pays a
premium for ignorance on election
boards. The criminal and illiterate
elements of the electorate are pur-
posely chosen to make up election
boards so that if they are caught in
frauds they may be able to say that
they didn’t know any better. Many
an election fraud has been put across
in that way and the judges of the
courts pretend they are unable to see
any criminal intent in the operation.
Possibly the defeat of the machine
which thus promotes inefficiency and
fosters crime will put a stop to this
method of debauching elections in the
future. But the returns of the Dem-
ocratic primary vote at the recent
clection rather discourages that hope. |
Both factions in the Democratic par-
ty appear to have sold out to the Vare
ring this year and there doesn’t seem
to be enough Democrats left in the
organization of the city to form the
nucleus of a healthy party organiza-
tion. There may ‘be a great many
honest Democrats in Philadelphia, but
they refused to affiliate with either of
the factions and voted for the candi- |
date of the reform Republicans. It
was probably the best thing they
could do.
— Herbert Hoover has refused to
go into politics but General Pershing
has not been so candid as yet.
——Hi Johnson following the Pres-
ident. reminds one of a beagle hound
stalking an elephant.
! Hampy Calls on the Vares.
| The Republicon nominee for Mayor
of Philadelphia, the Hon. J. Hampton
| Moore, has already invited his recent
antagonists into full fellowship and
| fraternity. For two or three weeks
! before the primary election he de-
nounced them in public speeches, two
or three every day, as arch-criminals. |
He declared openly that the city had
been looted systematically and merci-
lessly, by the Vares and their asso-
,ciates in the criminal conspiracy
: Which has been despoiling the city for
‘years. That he convinced a consider-
able part of the electorate on this
‘ point may be accepted as proved by
i the vote. But now he is willing to let |
“bygones be bygones” and resume his
{ 01d place as a cog in the wheel.
~ When Mr. Mooxe’s name was first
suggested as a reform candidate for
Mayor of Philadelphia we expressed
a doubt as to the sincerity of his pro-
i fessions of reform. All his life he
ad been a servile tool of the machine.
e approved of or acquiesced in every
iquity that was proposed by either
is shoulder to the wheel in pushing
t across. Therefore when he changed
‘to a reformer over night we were
amazed rather than gratified for we
were unconvinced. His calling upon
the crooks to affiliate justifies our
suspicions. It plainly indicates that
there will be no reform in Philadel-
hia though the looting operations
ay be under a new director.
~~ Philadelphia is “corrupt and con-
tented” and the proof of the fact lies
in the nomination of “Hampy” Moore
for Mayor by the Republican party.
It would be foolish to hope for his de-
feat at the general election because
the Democratic force in the city has
been reduced to a shadow. But it is
‘equally futile to hope for improve-
ment in the methods of government in
the city by his election. If the peo-
ple of the city had desired a reform
in the administration of the city gov-
ernment they would have chosen a
different type of man to vote for.
There are men in that city who are
sincere in their desire for honest gov-
ernment but they are not in the office-
holding class.
|4~—The bituminous rthiners want“4 "from the deliberate
sixty per cent. advance in wages and
a thirty hour week. That will mean
from two to two dollars and a quar-
ter per ton for mining alone. Add
to this the overhead, the royalty and
the operator’s profit before the coal
even gets started to market and there
is only one of two alternatives for the
consumer: Either to stand and deliv-
er or freeze.
—With a man with the record for
radicalism Foster has guiding the
move of the steel strikers it is not
well that they should succeed. A vic-
tory for him now would only be an
incentive to his more dangerous am-
bition to overthrow all government
and bring the country into the chaot-
ic condition in which Russia finds her-
self today. :
——The independent packers pro-
test vehemently that they can take
care of themselves but that is a mat-
ter of little concern. What the coun-
try needs is assurance ‘that the con-
sumers are cared ‘for. . ios! .
——Of course while wages and
prices, .were competing for the - top
notch there was little hope for im-
provement. in industrial: conditions.
But the future now promises a saner
condition of affairs.
——The Prince of Wales may bé
able to find a good deal of enjoyment
during his sojourn in this country,
notwithstanding the prohibition legis-
lation, but his laté lamented grand-
father was different: \ .
It is gratifying to learn that
Carranza will not be a candidate for
re-election to the office of President
of ‘Mexico. But we ought to have
some assurance that he will be prop-
erly punished.
The order issued by Admiral
, Bristol that the massacre of Arme-
nians by Turks must stop may have
trespassed a trifle on diplomatic usage
but it ought to stand, just the same.
ator Knox’s aspiration to become
: President has been buried under his
' proposition to make a separate peace
: with Germany.
pms ——_
! Thus far no man in or out of :
Congress has raised his voice in sup-
{ port of Senator Knox’s proposition to
, make a separate peace with Germany.
| — Congressman Madden, of Illi-,
' nois, wants to aboiish Jim Crow cars.
But even that wouldnt get Madden
into decent company.
| ———Austria also protests against
‘ the peace terms but signs up. Soon
Senators Lodge and Sherman will be
' the only “hold. outs.”
| ——Eggs may go to a dollar a doz- ,
en, as predicted, but at that price the
cold storage variety ought to go beg-
ging. :
enrose or the Vares and freely put
It may safely be said that Sen- ,
Dynamic Germany.
Eis the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
_ The reading of present conditions
in Germany which Henry Morgen-
thau offers the American public is
somewhat startling and disconcerting
to most of us, who had come to re-
| gard Germany as denatured, demoral-
ized and impoverished. He depicts
her as uncrushed and far from hum-
ble, even with her army pared down
and her fleet destroyed. She is amass-
ing resources that are still considera-
ble for the striking of another blow,
and her hope is quite as much in the
want of cohesive purpose among her
foes as in the political solidarity of
her own unchastened and unrepent-
ant people.
Germany’s failure to subdue the
"world to her own uses leaves her
without a friend, and ready—as the
{ Ishmaelite among the nations—to
| employ the covert weapons of guile
{ and dissimulation where brute force
| openly employed availed her nothing.
| The little countries which she onee
, pretended to protect now need more
| than ever the guardianship of a stead-
| fast alliance of the greater powers.
| They are fiercely quarreling over the
division of the spoils, and thus play-
| ing directly into the rapacious maw
c” the phoenix of German imperidi-
ism. ; :
| Dissensions in the camp of those
| who stood together at Armageddon
are only helping Germany’s game.
There is no doubt that this must be
for the present a waiting game; but
there is a great deal that Germany
can do while she is marking time.
She can be sowing the dragon’s teeth
of murderous mischief in neighbor-
ing lands, even if of her own motion
she cen conduct no offensive military
campaigns. a J
America, with the perspective of
distance and her men and her re-
sources, lately mobilized, still at her
beck and call, is in a position to frus-
trate the Germas _ machinations.
America is the hope of the world, not
merely as a ¥; but as a watch-
tower; not as a granary, but as an ar-
mory; not as a playground or a work-
room, but as a bristling fortress. We
are not looking for more fighting, for
we- are heartily sick of warfare, but
we are vigilant for any effort the Ger-
mans may make toward a resumption
of the effort to police the earth from
Berlin and have no civilization that
is not made in Germany. The legiti-
mate expansion of trade in its natur-
al channels is a very different matter
te confiscation of
commerce ‘and ‘all ‘property-on the
and the exalted majesty of supermen.
Ratify the Treaty.
From the Northampton Democrat.
President Wilson is doing his ut-
most to hasten ratification of the
treaty, and with some success. No
treaty probably was possible that
would satisfy .in all respects, but the
Paris conference may have secured
the best settlement that could be pro-
cured at the time. To reject the
treaty would be a step backwards,
placing the United States in an un-
enviable position before the whole
world. As a nation we cannot shirk
some undesirable responsibilities
which circumstances and our great
future have imposed upon us. Next
to the peace treaty the labor problem
"is the most pressing. Though the
disposition of the conservative ele-
‘ment in labor to go slow is encourag-
ing, it would be a mistake to assume
that the crisis is over. The radical
element, encouraged by past success-
es, is still running strong; and unrest
will not subside unless reason regains
its sway or until there is a halt in the
rising costs of living. But, how is it
possible to reduce the cost of living
inthe face of rising wages and short-
rer hours? The only possible way of
reducing prices is to increase the pro-
duct. ~ This labor with few exceptions
refuses to do. Until labor leaders
and their followers realize the utter
impossibility of securing what they
want on present lines there can be no
change for the better. Neither Pres-
ident Wilson, Premier Lloyd George,
nor any other man, however powerful,
can indefinitely defy the laws of na-
ture. The law of supply and demand
is one of these laws. It is wrought
deep into human nature and is among
the most inexorable. It may be set
aside temporarily, but has always as-
serted itself ultimately; and the long-
er its forces are resisted tlie greater
the flood when the dam gives way.
The next few months will bring im-
ortant events into the- labor world.
everal large conferences are to be
held at Washington, and it is essen-
tial for all concerned that wise coun-
i sels prevail. ’
The Immorality ¢ of Strikes.
| From the Manufacturers’ Record.
{Neither the railroad people nor the
(iron and steel workers have any more
right to strike at the present time
than have all the farmers and the
farm laborers in the country. If
every farmer and farm laborer should
stop working and refuse to permit a
single pound of foodstuffs to come in-
to the cities they would not be guilty
of a greater crime than would the
railroad men if they should undertake
to strike in order to prevent food-
stuffs and other things from being
moved from the point of production
to the point of consumption.
——Young Mr. Bullitt, of Philadel-
phia, may be a truthful man but the
evidence is against him. He says that
Secretary of State Lansing is oppos-
ed to the League of Nations and the
Secretary urges the ratification of the
theory of the divine right of Kaisers
i where Dziki was counting a =nll of
—Potato wart has been discovered in
East Butler valley and more than thirty
towns are under quarantine,
—Using chloroform to prevent being dis-
turbed, robbers stole $100 aud jewelry
worth $500 from the home of Irvin A. Kep-~
ler, near Pottstown. {
—Hundreds of alien women and chil-
dren from the mining villages of the Le-~
high field are earning 75 cents a day help-
ing farmers dig potatoes.
—Standing near a chimney when their
house was struck by lightning, Mrs. M.
B. Pryce and Mrs. Theresa Burns, of Con-
nellsville, were badly shocked.
—Farmers near Hazleton have hired de-
tectives to run down thieves who raid
their farms nightly and haul away hun-
dreds of dollars’ worth of produce by au-
—Policemen who were scouring the
county for David Shelhammer, of Cata-
sauqua, who made an unsuccessful at-
tempt to kill his wife, found his body not
far from the scene of the crime. He had
shot himself in the heart.
—Andrew Bear, of near Beaver Springs,
Snyder county, received a bequest of $12,-
000 from a western relative ony a short
time before he died last week. He was a
hard working man all his life and his for-
tune came too late to benefit him.
—When their automobile overturned
near Shamokin Dam, the Rev. and Mrs. J.
A. Hartman, of Grace Lutheran church,
Sunbury, were pinned under it. Mrs.
Hartman suffered injuries to her left side,
and is confined to her bed. The pastor es-
caped with slight bruises. According to
pastor Hartman, a passing autoist forced
them too close to the side of the road and
has car was overturned.
—If it is possible to arrange it the new
national guard of Pennsylvania artillery
regiments will have the guns they used
overseas. Among the plans being made
for its organization is one for an artillery
complement equal to what the Keystone
division had in the war, although this will
depend largely upon the scope of the bill
passed by Congress. The belief is that
the three regiments will be authorized.
—DMore than 200 foreign born residents
applied for first citizenship papers at the
opening of Northumberland county natur-
alization court at Sunbury last week. This
makes a total of 2,500 that have applied in
the year. According to Edgar Summers,
prothonotary, the desire to bécome natur-
alized jumped more than 1,000 per cent.
because of a tax of eight per cent. placed
on the incomes of all unnaturalized resi-
dents as a war measure.
—Philadelphia has the honor of provid-
-ing the first ready-made pair. of shoes
ever worn by Robert B. Keenan, of Char-
tiers Commandery 78, Carnegie, Pa. Mr.
Keenan wears 16 EE, is 7 .feet 2 inches
tall and weighs 350 pounds. Last June he
ordered a special pair of shoes to wear in
the Knights Templar parade in Philadel-
phia. They failed to arrive, but when
Keenan went to that city he found a Mar-
l.ket street shoe store with a pair of 16
EE shoes in stock.
—At the age of 82 years, Nelson Day, of
Lambs Creek, Tioga county, who has done
the threshing for the community for al-
most half a century, has just bought a
new, complete, up-to-date threshing out-
fit and is now on the rounds making the
grain fly and the straw stacks dot the
landscape as of yore. He is his own
‘all fchanffeur. “The first day out with his new
~machine he fed it and threshed 500 bush-
‘els of grain''in five hours. He ‘said’ he
could have bettered the record if the help-
ers hadn’t been slow about passing the
bundles to him.
—Jonas Barto, residing in the village
of Sporting Hill,, Lancaster county, made
a record as a potato grower that is hard
to beat. Mr. Barto had a patch of one
and one-fourth acres on the farm of John
Stehman, near Lancaster Junction, from
which he took 315 bushels. The variety
is known as “Clifford,” The largest pota-
to weighed one pound and twelve ounces.
He had at least fifty bushels all of which
weighed one and one-half pounds. Mr.
Barto has been raising big potato crops
for several years and appears to have
found the secret.
—A verdict of not guilty was rendered
last Saturday afternoon at Bloomsburg in
the case of Ralph Carl, who was charged
with the murder of his aged father, Joseph
Carl, near Cattawissa, on April 12, 1919.
The jury acquitted Carl without leaving
their seats after James Scarlet, senior
counsel for the young man, had asked the
court to instruct the jury to return a ver-
dict of not guilty inasmuch as the prose-
cution had not proved that a crime had
been committed. Mr. Scarlet contended
that the prosecution had not shown wheth-
er the death of the aged father was due
to suicide or murder.
—Edward Raker, postmaster at Shamo-
kin, finds he has a job he cannot get rid
of, and, strange as it may seem, it’s the
$2800 position of postmaster. More than
a year ago Raker resigned, and a civil
service examination was held to get a
successor. Yet the authorities at Wash-
ington have seen fit not to accept Raker’s
resignation, as yet. Raker is also an as-
sistant district attorney of Northumber-
land county, and a successful lawyer. At
last Tuesday’s primaries he was given
the Democratic nomination for district at-
torney without opposition. Now he has
asked the Postoffice Department to relieve
his: bondsmen. He wants to resign, and
devote his time to other interests.
—By her will admitted to probate on
Saturday, May Fryburg, late of Upper
Dublin, Bucks county, objects to lawyers
having anything to do with the settlement
of her estate, on the ground that she
worked hard for the money saved and
| does not want it dissipated in attorneys
t fees. She gives $1000 to a sister, Mrs.
{ Josephine Brady, and the remainder to
"her children. She directs that her sister,
i Mrs. Brady, take her bank book and
building association book to the - proper
: authorities, stating: “I know she will do
| what is right. I want no lawyers to have
| anything to do with it, as I have worked
{ hard for my money and do not want any
i one to interfere with it in any way.”
| —The man who bought the Masonic
! Temple, Chicago, for $1,000 down and $5
| a week thereafter has a duplicate in Read-
ing. He is Jaceb Dziki, an alien, who for
{ months past has envied the Reading po-
| licemen’s easy lives and their natty semi-
{ military uniforms. Last Thursday he in-
| formed Sergeant DeHart that two strang-
Lers, offered to get him a job on the force
{ for $300. They first met him at the post-
bills. He had $307, the savings of .. eral
vears. He paid the $300 and returned
three hours later, the time which he was
to receive notice of his appointment, but
the swindlers had disappeared. They are
believed to be buncomen following the
county fairs.