Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 19, 1919, Image 7

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Demoreatic Watcn
Bellefonte, Pa., September 19, 1919.
Pet Wife of Congo Chief Put to Death
When Fickle Lord Tires of
Her Charms.
An African chief may possess 1,000
wives, but the chief who has two pet
wives at the same time or keeps any
two wives in the same house is yet
to be found.
To be the pet wife of the chief, to
know that one is pointed out by the
entire village as a beauty and the
honored one, sounds rather alluring,
but to know that one may lose one’s
head when a more attractive success-
or appears is sufficient cause for hesi-
tation on the part of the bride when
the chief comes a-wooing.
Jewelry that is worn by the pet of
a Congo chief is interesting. A neck-
piece of bes®en and carved brass, per-
haps two and one-half inches thick.
eight inches in diameter and weighing
28 pounds, is shaped like the letter
C. After this ornament is placed
about the neck of the chief's pet she
lies down with her head on a rock and
the ends are closed with heavy ham-
mers. Heavy anklets and bracelets
accompany the neckpiece. so that she
daily carries about with her from 954
£0 50 pounds of jewelry.
As she walks about the viliage she
is the center of attraction. She may
hold this enviable position for five or
six years, or at least until the chief
may choose another beauty. When-
ever this occurs her doom is sealed.
Off comes her head for the purpose
of removing the neckpiece, and next
the arms and legs that the bracelets
and anklets may grace tHe fair suc-
Ne Person Ever Attained Place or
Popularity by the Exercise
of a “Grouch.”
In a debate in the national house of
representatives one member charged
the members on the other side with
being a “continual grouch.” Is it nat-
ural for men, especially politicians, to
be grouches? Have they not yet learn-
ed the value of a smile?
This busy world, with its wonderful
revelations, its tremendous possibili-
ties, has no use for the “grouch.” The
minister who never smiles misses the
sweetness of religion. The lawyer
who never smiles loses more cases
than he wins. The merchant who
never smiles loses trade. The genera!
who never smiles loses his grip on his
men. The politician who never smiles
usually stays at home. The sales
man who never smiles loses his posi-
Somehow people don’t like =«
“grouch,” a man who doesn’t know
how or when to smile.
A smile is the biggest asset to any
man or woman. It means admirers.
good nature, health—and wealth, Tt
disarms a foe and makes a friend. It
builds hope, banishes fear. It opens
the door to the joys of life and the
riches of existence. It is a jewel be-
yond price.
Silly Idea Rebuked.
The late Count de Lesseps never
seemed to lose sight of the educg-
tion of his children, even in the
smallest detail. One morning . at
breakfast a beautiful Dresden tea-
cup was broken.
“Ah!” cried the countess, “a disas-
ter! Two more of that set will now
be broken. It always happens so.”
“Are you So superstitious,” asked
the count, “as really to believe that
two more will be broken?”
“I know it.”
“Then let us get it off our minds.”
And taking two of the cups by the
handies he dashed them together.
The anger and dismay of the count:
ess proved conclusively that she had
not seriously believed the superstition.
It also loosed any hold the absurd idea
may have had on the minds of the
Slaves in Abyssinia.
The inhabitants of the Gemira
country in Abyssinia are pagans. They
appear to believe in a divinity inhabit-
ing the sky—not to be identified with
the Wah of the Galla—and also in
secondary genii dwelling on the earth.
Slavery is not officially recognized, but
it exists in fact, though with some ex-
tenuation in form. The slave is not
free to change his master; he is put
in chains if suspected of an intention
of escaping; he is beaten if he does
not work or march at the will of his
master, and he receives no pay. On
the other hand, if he can be “present-
ed” he cannot be openly sold, and
must be designated gabare (“subject”)
not baria (“slave”). Even these dif-
ferences disappear in distant prov-
inces like Gemira, and in times of dis-
order. Those who will not submit live
es fugitives in the forests.
Rapid Heat Changes in Leaves.
Some recent investigations of the
temperature of leaves made in the
deserts and mountains of Arizona
and in the Sanfa Lucia mountains of
California have resulted in the dis-
covery that leaves show a very rapid
change of temperature at times. These
fluctuations are almost constantly go-
ing on. Changes of from one to three
degrees Centigrade were observed in
from 20 to 60 seconds, and if a modei-
ately strong wind is blowing the change
may amount to five degrees in 30 sec-
| Institution of the East Much Resem-
bles the Christian Observance
of Lenten Season.
As the Mohammedan year is a lunar
one, the months rotate through the dif-
ferent seasons, and the fast of Rama-
dan becomes a severe affliction upon
the faithful when the month happens
to fall in the hot days of summer. The
sick, travelers and soldiers in time of
war are temporarily released from this |
duty, as well as nursing women and
others to whom it might prove injuri-
ous. The fast is followed by the
feast of Beiram, which was established
by Mohammed, who seems to have
been guided by the Christian institu-
tion of Lent, which in the early church
varied from four to six weeks. On this
day every family of the true believers
offers a sheep to God, and the streets
of the cities are filled with men carry-
ing the destined victims on their backs.
Among the Arabs the festival begins
at four in the morning, when great
crowds collect at the residence of the
nearest pasha or bey, awaiting his ap-
pearance in the court of the palace.
At five o’clock his highness enters, ac-
companied by members of his family |
and his staff; eannon are fired, the pe-
culiar bands of the East play suitable
airs, and the chief captain announces
that the hour of sacrifice has arrived,
and that his highness, after prayer,
will be present at this act. All then
adjourn to the mosque, and when the
sacrifice is over the pasha re-enters
the court, and those of high rank kiss
his hand; the inferior slightly touch- |
ing it with their lips. This occupies
about an hour, when all retire to take
coffee, the captain thanking the crowd
for their presence as a mark of at-
tachment to their ruler.
Eastern Monarchs and Religious Lead-
ers Long Ago Lifted Their Voices
Against Drunkenness.
Temperance movements and prohibi-
tion crusades date back at least 3,000
years. It was China that first tried
to be bone-dry. Early reforms along
temperance lines are attributed to the
priests of India and Persia. But the
Chinese claim that in the eleventh cen-
tury before Christ their emperor, so
disgusted over the prevalence of drunk-
enness, ordered all the grapevines in
the kingdom uprooted.
A hundred years before this bone-
dry effort, in the twelfth century be-
fore Christ, King Wen tried partial re-
form in China. Wen, founder of the
Chou dynasty, promulgated an “An- |
nouncement Against Drunkenness,” ac-
cording to ancient Chinese documents
handed down by Confucius.
King Wen declared “drinking has
long been a national vice.” He or-
dered that wine be used only in con- |
nection with sacrifices—and even then |
drunkenness was not to be tolerated.
The temperance reforms also ex-
isted in Egypt centuries before Christ.
Here’s what a teacher said to a youth
who had been looking upon the flowing |
bowl too freely:
“Drink not beer to excess.
words that come out of thy mouth
thou canst not recall. Thou dost fal
and break thy limbs and no one
reaches out a hand to thee. Thy
comrades go on drinking; they stand
up and say: ‘Away with this fellow
who is drunk.’ If anyone should then
seek thee to ask counsel of thee, thou
wouldst be found lying in the dust 5
like a little child.”
Life's Master-Key.
Life’s master-key is a personal pos-
session. It’s yours to use. It’s your
estimate of yourself plus sufficient
initiative to bring ideals to pass.
Youre bound to be questioned and |
discounted at every turn. Others have
the same mental concept of their
worth as you do. It's your job to
show them who is most fit. No, you
needn’t begin that old quarrel about
the survival of the fittest. Life knows |
mercy as literature more than it does |
of conduct. Nature's laws are just,
impartial and irrevocable. They know
neither sex nor social position. He
who by instinct works with them wins,
he who does the opposite fails. When
opportunity steps into view you must
grasp the forelock or join the great
army of those who spend the time in
regrets and those who sigh, “if I had
only known.”
Power of Imagination.
A doctor, treating an old woman
for typhoid fever, took her tempera-
ture on each visit by putting a
thermometer under her tongue. One
day, when she was nearly well, the
doctor did not take her temperature.
He had
him back. “Mother is worse,” said
the young man. “Come back at once!”
The doctor returned. As he went into
the sick room the old woman looked
up at him reproachfully. “Doctor,” she
said, “why didn’t you give me that
tube under my tongue today? That al-
ways did me more good than all the !
rest of your trash »
Something Saved.
A music teacher, giving a lesson to
a careless pupil, was becoming impa-
tient with her. Finally, at a most
complicated part of a difficult piece,
the pupil lifted her hands from the pi-
ano and searched for her handkerchief.
It was the last straw. “Oh,” exclaim-
ed the teacher, “was there ever such
a girl? You lose your position, you
lose your fingering, you lose your hand-
kerchief—you lose everything!” “Oh,
no,” responded the pupil,
twinkle in her eyes, “not everything!
I haven't lost my temper!”
The | ¢
scarcely got 100 yards |
from the house when her son called |
with a !
: The Breeds of Geese.
Six breeds of geese have been ad-
{ mitted to the American Standard of
| Perfection, namely: Toulouse, Emb-
i den, Chinese, African, Wild or Cana-
i dian, and Egyptian. In addition to
{ the standard breeds there is the so-
; called Mongrel goose, which is a hy-
{ brid made by crossing one of these
i varieties of geese, especially of the
i Toulouse and Embden, are occasionally
made, but without any apparent gain.
i The Toulouse, Embden, Chinese and
| African are easily the most popular
1 breeds of geese in this country, the
first two greatly leading the other
| breeds. All economic breeds of geese
| are kept primarily for the production
| of flesh and feathers, and although
i their eggs are occasionally used for
| culinary purposes on the farm there
1 is no demand for them for food pur-
| poses in the markets.
| The Toulouse, the largest of the
{ standard breeds of geese is a good
layer, producing from 20 to 35 eggs a
{ year, is docile, grows rapidly, and
; makes a good market bird. However,
i its dark pinfeathers make it a slight-
ly less attractive market goose than
the Embden.
The Embden, a large, white goose,
| slightly smaller and with somewhat
| longer legs than the Toulouse, is only
i a fair layer and is usually less pro-
' lific than the Toulouse. This breed
has white pinfeathers, is a rapid
grower, and matures early.
The African, a gray goose, with a
distinct brown shade, about the size
i of the Embden, is a good layer and
makes a good market goose, although |
{it has the ¢} dark pin-
, feathers. It
; matures ear!
| There are two standard varieties of
i Chinese geese, the brown and the
. white. Both varieties mature early
and are said to be prolific layers and
| rapid growe but shy and rather
i difficult to handle
| The wild go
tent in captiv
se is bred to some ex-
and the young ave
sold to hunters to use as decoys. The
{ wild gander is used to cross with
either the common or the pure-bred
goose, producing the so-called Mon-
grel goose. This Mongrel goose is
highly prized as a market goose, but
is sterile and can not be bred.
The Igyptian goose is a small,
brightly colored goose kept for orna-
mental purposes and rarely seen in
this country. It resembles the wild
goose in shape and weighs 2 pounds
less in each class.
Miss Nancy McCartney, of Snow
Shoe, is spending some time at the
home of Mrs. W. T. Kunes.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Poorman, of
State College, were visitors at the
' home of Mr. Poorman’s parents on
Saturday of last week.
The W. C. T. U. met at the home of
W. T. Kunes on Monday evening for
special meeting, and elected as their
| delegates to the county convention,
which will be held in Bellefonte Sen-
i tember 25th and 26th, Mrs. Addie Lu-
cas and Mrs. Sallie Furl. We urge ail
i lovers of the temperance cause to
i avail themselves of this opportunity
| and attend the meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kunes depart-
5 a2 rapid grower and! th
| ed on Friday of last week to visit
| their sister, Mrs. Sadie Kures, at Wil-
liamsport, who has been in poor
health. At present she is
alarming condition. They also stop-
day evening.
—Subseribe f or the “Watchman.”
Grape Juice Has Palatable Uses.
Wise housekeepers can plenty of
tempting desserts.
These may be crushed by a potato
masher or some similar implement, or
the juice may be pressed out in an or- |
dinary cider mill. Pour immediately
into a glass or enameled vessel and
allow to stand over night. Drain the
juice from the sediment and run
expand when hot.
commercial pasteurizer is available,
fill boiler with water 40 within an inch
or s0 of the tops of the bottles. Place
a thermometer in one of the bottles
and heat until the juice reaches a |
the bottles out and seal or ¢
immediately. Only new cov
have been soaked for thirty
{in w
3, which
‘m1 water at a temperature of 140 |
2s, should be used.
: caution of sealing
the entrance of
Grape juice may also be made by
adding one pint of water to every
nds of grapes. Concords and
make an acceptable prod-
h the grapes, add the water,
carly to boiling point and
. Add one-half cup of granu-
lated sugar to every quart of juice.
Bring just to a boil, pour into boiled
bottles or cans, place in water bath
Unfermented grape juice properly
ly if not exposed to the atmosphere
or to infection from mold germs.
When a bottle is once opened, howev-
er, the contents should be used as
soon as possible.—United States De-
partment of Agriculture.
and Strength-Builder
Relieving troubles of the stomach,
liver and bowels, and correcting low
or run-down conditions and weak-
ness, Hood’s Sarsaparilla is doing an
exceptionally great work this year,
when zo many need its wonderful cur-
ative tonie, reconstructive and restor-
ative effects.
It often succeeds where other rem-
edies totally fail. Get it today and
begin to take it at once.
in an
ped on their way home and visited |
Mr. Kunes’ sister, Mrs. Addie Swish- |
er, at Mill Hall, returning home Sun-
grape juice for use not only as a bey- |
but as flavoring in various |
Only clean, sound, well-ripened but |
not overripe, grapes should be used. |
through several thicknesses of clean |
f Pour into clean bottles, leav- |
ing space at the top for the liquid to |
Put bottles on a |
false bottom in a wash boiler if no |
temperature of 180 degrees, then take |
ork them | §
It is well to |
paraffin or sealing wax |
mold |
and boil ten minutes; seal airtight.
made and bottled will keep indefinite- |
In sluggish liver and headache,
Hood’s Pills give prompt relief. 64-37
Bellefonte Trust Company
Bellefonte, Penna.
or mote.
vour receipt.
save their pennies.
January 1st, and July 1st.
vate business.
Trustee, etc.
We will start a checking account for you with $5 oo
Pay your bills with a check which will be
Bring in a $ or more and open a Savings Ac-
Get a little Savings Bank for the children to
We pay 3% yearly, compounded
We issue Certificates of Deposit at six months or
one year and pay 3% interest, per annum.
In our Trust Department we will manage your pri-
Make your will and name the Belle-
fonte Trust Company to be your Executor, Guardian,
Consult us freely without expense.
Vice President
Consult Your Banker
Do not invest your money with strang-
“ers, who offer fabulous profits.
not be after your money if their representa-
tions were true. Wild Cat promoters are very
busy now. Consult a reputable banker be-
fore investing. We have financial data con-
cerning all reputable securities. It is at your
Shoes. Shoes.
Shoe Store
Shoes at...
Half Price
I have purchased 100 Pairs Men's
Sample Shoes, all of them worth
810 per pair, and some worth $12
and more, at the price of shoes to-
Sizes 6, 6 1-2, 7, 7 1-2, and a few 8
You can have your choice for
Shoes now on sale. If you can wear
any of these sizes, and need shoes
| ©
= Come Quick
Yeager’s Shoe Store
i Bush Arcade Puilding 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA.
Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work.
They would
¢ The First National Bank.
Bellefonte, Pa.
Yvon &
Coats and Suits
Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats and
Suits—Latest Styles; made of the Most
Demanded Fabrics. Prices unequaled.
Rugs and Linoleums
Tapestry, Velvet and Axmin-
ster Rugs, large and small sizes, These
were contracted for months ago, which
means you can buy these goods at less
tham wholesale price today.
Linoleums Inlaid, and others, at prices that
are 20 to 40 per cent. less than today’s.
Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes at
prices less than wholesale today.
Special Sale of Table Damask
~ We can sell Table Damask as low as 75¢c. per
yard. Have just opened a big line of
handsome patterns in satin stripes and
floral designs at prices that will sell them
| Lyon & Co. ww. Lyon & Co.