Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 19, 1919, Image 6

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Bellefonte, Pa., September 19, 1919.
Miners Who Found Them in Brazil in
1726 Considered Them as Merely
Pretty Pebbles.
The news from Brazil that a large
eompany has been formed to work the
diamond mines of that country on 2
more scientific scale in an effort te
make Brazil once more an important
factor in supplying the world’s most
popular gem, recalls one of history's
richest jokes.
Diamonds were first discovered in
Brazil in 1725. But with their pockets
full of diamonds, the discoverers were
unaware for two years that they had
made a discovery.
Miners washing for gold in the Minas
Geraes district picked up pretty peb-
bles from time to time. They thought
them worthless and used them for
counters in their card games. If they
had no money they gambled for the
pebbles, winning or losing, in blissful
ignorance, a king's ransom in diamonds
on the turn of a card.
A penniless adventurer drifted into
the gold fields in 1727. Some of the
miners staked him one evening to a
handful of pebbles that he might sit
in at a card game. The others played
with listless interest, but the new-
eomer played with care and skill. He
had seen rough diamonds in India and
knew what the pebbles were. As a
result he won all the pebbles around
the table.
He did not remain in the fields to
wash for gold, but next day hurried
to Rio Janeiro and took ship for Lis-
bon, where he sold his pebbles for a
fortune and lived happily ever after.
The rush of diamond hunters to Bra-
zil which followed carried back to the
miners in Minas Geraes the first inti-
mation that they had been rich for two
years without knowing it.
In Olden Times Severe Penalties Were
Meted Out to Men Unable to
Pay Their Debts.
A curious custom was prevalent in
France during the sixteenth and sev-
enteenth centuries. Anyone who found
it necessary to liquidate his affairs
was obliged to wear a green cap—a
humility to himself and a warning to
Those who made a hobby of getting
rid of their indebtedness by way of
the bankruptcy court should at all
costs steer clear of China. Bank-
rupteies are almost unknown in that !
country, as they entail immediate ex-
A similar drastic punishment used
to be meted out to delinquent in
To come nearer home, one need only
go back to a little before the Act of
Union to find that debtcis in Scot-
land were obliged to wear garments
of diverse colors, a suit of gray and
yellow being the most common.
In Siam, a man unable to meet his
liabilities was put in chains and com-
pelled to work as a slave for his cred-
itor. Should he escape, his wife, chil-
dren, father or other relative were
seized in his stead.
At one time bankrupts were consid- |
ered criminal offenders even in Eng-
land. As a matter of fact, certain
cases of fraudulent bankruptcy have
incurred the death penalty in this
country. Any concealment of books
or the secreting of property by a
debtor was so punished. Under this
law a man called John Perrot was
hanged in 1761.—London Tit-Bits.
Tailoring Ancient Art.
The art of tailoring, in the western
hemisphere, appears to have originat-
ed in connection with skin garments
rather than those of cloth. In the
North, throughout the reindeer and
caribou area, well-tailored skin gar-
ments were worn, completely cover-
tng the body. The Eskimos and the
caribou-hunting Indians cut out pieces
of skin and fitted them together in
intricate patterns like 2 modern tailor.
The tailoring art probably began in
. China, whence it spread to Europe,
thence to the reindeer hunters in Si-
beria and across from Asia into the !
new world. Along the Pacific coast
the aboriginal Indians were but scant-
ily clad and the natives of Patagonia
usually wore only a breechcloth, al-
though sometimes a capelike robe
hanging from the shoulders was used.
In Mexico and the Andes region where
the art of weaving reacted its height,
garments retained the angular form
ir which they came from the loom.
Lord John Russell.
| During the years of my uncle’s re-
There is no parallel in history to
the trial of the ex-Kaiser, though for
Englishmen the arraignment
Charles I, 270 years ago, comes near-
est to it.
there was really no trial. Charles was
adjudged by the remnant of the Com-
mons guilty of treason for having lev-
ied war against Parliament and the
Kingdom of England. The judges re-
fused to take any part in the proceed-
ings, Charles refused to plead, and it
was purely by an act of Parliament
that he was condemned to die.
Kings and Queens have been tried
in their own country by their own sub-
jects for breaches of the constitution-
al law of those countries. But it has
been reserved for William II, a fugi-
tive in Holland, so to violate the laws
of humanity, that the nations of the
world call for his trial. The charges
against the ex-Kaiser, which the fore-
most lawyers will formulate into the
mightiest indictment that the world
has cver seen, are clear. Before the
world the Kaiser stood as the repre-
sentative of the German people, as
their war lord. His musi be the re-
with crimes against humanity and
against the law of nations, on the ses,
from the air and under the sea. But
Mr. Lloyd George would seem to sug-
gest that Wilhelm is only going to be
tried for “breach of treaty.”
That it will be assembled at the Old
Bailey is unlikely. The largest court
in that building becomes inconveinent-
er more than an average public inter-
est is being held. The Lord Chief
Justice’s Court, at the Royal Courts
of Justice, is an ample chamber. Rog-
Court quite a convenient one for the
Some suggest that the ex-Kaiser
mav be arraigned in Westminster
Hall, where Charles I and Warren
Hastings both faced their judges. But
sponsibility, and his, if convicted, the |
Where will this great tribunal sit?!
| wherever
Wilhelm II could be charged, as the |
representative of the German nation, |
er Casement was tried there for trea- .
son, and suitable alterations made the |
ithelm II may be put to
trial, however appalling the charges
on which he is indicted, there is one
| thing that he may be assured of, he
of |
will get a fair trial, with all the pub-
3 : icity of an English court.
On that occasion, however, | i
German jurists, however, contend
that it would be against all establish-
ed law and justice to try William of
Hohenzollern before a court the
Judges of which were composed sole-
ly of entente lawyers, as these would
not only be the Judges, but the accus-
ers at the same time. In which case
an unbiased, unprejudiced trial, so
they argue, could hardly be expected.
Incidentally, a petition signed by 2,-
000,000 Germans has been presented
to the German government in defense
of the ex-Kaiser, besides one sent by
hundreds of thousands of federated
clubwomen, and, to top it ail, Prince
Henry of Prussia, the ex-Kaiser’s
brother, has sent a personal letter to
his cousin, King George of Iingland,
offering his word and substantial
proof that the ex-Kaiser was not re-
sponsible for starting the war. All
he asks is to be permitted to demon-
strate this before the public by irre-
futable evidence. This, the
adds, does not mean that he would
ask for mercy. All he demands is
justice and a fair and squarc deal, in
which, if not granted now,
facts of the war would be written.
1 hear that, although King George !
and Prince Henry were fast friends '
before the war and the Prince a fre- |
quent and well-liked guest in London,
there is to be no action taken. He was
president of the British Automobile
: Association, : U :
erandson of Queen Victoria, as King!
ly small when a criminal trial of rath- | George also is. Ti 3 oe
y= : of rath- | nwembered that this Prussian Prince,
and, of course,
t may also be re-
in 1902, paid an extended visit to this
country, where he was exceptionally
well received and entertained. —By
A Mystery Solved.
Hor eyes
were red and she exnrlain-
ed that she had been to a wedding.
“I always ery more at a wedding than
I do at a funeral—it’s so much more
; . i
Prinee |
history |
| would bear him out whenever the true |
iz a!
Scot Found Mustard Gas.
London.—Mustard gas, said ¥. E.
Kellaway, deputy minister of muni-
tions, at a dinner of British chemists,
was the discovery of a Scottish chem-
ist named Guthrie.
“It was offered to the British gov-
ernment some considerable time be-
fore it was used by Germany,” he
ry authorities. After the attacks on
Arras, British chemists commenced
experimental work, and Sir William
Pope, working in the Cambridge lab-
i oratories, was able to develop Guth-
rie’s simple and direct process into a
practical proposition for making the
same materials which the Germans
were producing by long and laborious
“As a result, at the time of the
i armistice we had completely outstrip-
ped Germany in this particular means
| of warfare, and had the war contin-
| ued Germany would have been in the
i spring of this year drenched and al-
most drowned with her own gas.”
l “The first mustard gas shells sent |
| to the front,” said Mr. Kellaway, “in- |
volved among the munition workers |
| at home one casualty for every pine i
impossible to pay too high a tribute
to the persistence and devotion of the ;
workers en-
rounds delivered to the troops.
chemists and munition
gaged in these operations.”
The Psychology of It.
“All right.
was to borrow our lawn mower.”
“Have they returned it?”
it. Then they’ll be careful not to use
it early in the morning or at any
hour when it would attract my atten-
tion unduly.”
Use for I'at Ones.
__“And that stout
What is he doing?”
“Oh, he’s a hammock tester.”
son of wvours.
For high class Job Work come
to the “Watchman” Office.
tirement I was much more in his com- :
pany than had been possible when I
was a schoolboy and he was foreign
secretary or prime minister. Pem-
broke lodge became to me a second
home; and I have no happier memory
than of hours spent there by the side
of one who had played bat, trap and
ball with Charles Fox; had been trav-
eling companion of Lord Holland; had
corresponded with Tom Moore, de-
bated with Francis Jeffrey, and dined
with Doctor Parr; had visited Mel- |
rose abbey in the company of Sir Wal- |
ter Scott, and criticized the acting of
Mrs. Siddons; had conversed with Na-
poleon in his seclusion at Elba, and
had ridden with the duke of Welling-
ton along the lines of Torres Vedras.
—G. W. BE. Russell.
———They are all good enough, but
the “Watchman” is always the best.
Many Extra Miles
We can show you—and prove to you—
that there is a genuine money saving in the
use of United States Tires.
The extra miles they give mean just so
many extra dollars counted in real money.
And there are further actual economies in
the saving of gas, oil, repairs and depreciation.
* The reason of all this is in the tires them-
selves—their liveliness, ruggedness and
There are five United States Tires—a type
* for every make of car.
United States Tires
are Good Tires
We know United States Tires are Good Tires.
P. H. McG ARVEY, Bellefonte,
'HUBLER BROS., State College.
‘That's why we sell them.
J. H. BANEY, Howard. Pa.
J. HARRIS CLARK, Blanchard.
said, “but was rejected by the milita-
u : :
“How do you like your new neigh- |
The first thing they did
“Not yet, and I hope they’ll keep |
SEE] fel LEE J& UEEEn i EUR n
=n i= I TT TT a fi ELEC ee
Your Suit, is Ready
to Try On
We say this because we know we have
the suit to please you.
Our extensive and varied stock is cer-
tain to include the style that best becomes
In selecting this season’s suits we made
an unusual effort to get types and styles
that would of the
among the who
meet individual tastes
friends favor us with
High Art. Clothes
Made by Strouse & Brothers, Inc., Baltimore, Md.
do much to make this easy for us, as their
faithful service brings back our customers
This trader
clothes that are fine in qua’
year after vear. ands for men’s
nd desirable in
cut, style and pattern.
Therefore we say ags ‘Your suit is
ready to try on.”
se Allegheny St.. BELLEFONTE. Pa.
Your Banker
The institution with which you main-
tain banking relations can be of service to
you in many ways.
The Centre County Banking Co.
does not consider that its service to its pa-
trons ceases with the safeguarding of their
funds. It keeps in personal touch with all
of them in such a way as to be of assistance
very often when other matters develop
affecting their interest.
It Invites You to Take Advantage
of Its Unusual Service.
3-4 Ton for Light Hauling
Big Truck for Heavy Loads
“Greatest Distance for Least Cost”