a Dioewarai tc. INK SLINGS. —In two days fall will be here. —Of course all of them couldn’t be nominated. —The equinoxial storms are due and after then we may expect Indian summer. —We have a good ticket. Now let us have an organization with pep enough to support it. —The campaign will be a short one, but none too short, either for the nominees or the public. —The further west the President gets on his trip the further inside the news reports of it are run in eastern papers. —Surely Boston is losing caste. It was almost inconceivable that even her policemen would start to spilling the beans. —Mr. William C. Bullitt, of Phila- delphia, is either out of his head en- tirely or a man who is accustomed to telling more than he knows. —Really we hadn’t learned that Ludendorff had whipped the British until he told us so himself in the memoirs he is now having published on this side. —The primaries being over it would be reasonably certain that the best men will win if there were not such a division of opinion as to who are the best men. —~Something happened in. Belle- fonte Saturday night. Some one must have tapped a keg or dug up a cache of red liquor for there were three big fights and the old dry town was just like she used to be for about an hour and a half, —Shades of old John Barleycorn! The famous “blind horse” of the West ward isn’t dead at all. They tell us that he was kicking round over there on Tuesday just like he used to do when we had regular political fights in the ward. —If you were picking a Sheriff for Centre county would you pick the chief of police of Bellefonte or the man who has served his country in the Spanish-American war, in the Philip- ine Insurrection and in the world war that is just ending? —Recorder Bill Brown certainly is the champion nomination grabber. Four times has he shaken one of the juciest. plums out of his party tree and if our memory serves us right we know of no other person whe has ever turned that trick in Centre county. —Talking about wide open towns. As we write this paragraph a bunch of boys are shootin’ crap on the cor- ner of the Hight street bridge. We presume the chief of police was busy in another part of town receiving congratulations upon his nomination for sheriff. —~Capt. William H. Fry, of Fergu- son, and George M. Harter, of Mar- ion, will make a splendid Board of County Commissioners. Both are farmers, both of them are sensible, practical men who can be trusted to manage the county’s business to the best interests of the tax payers. —Analyze most of them carefully and you will find that nearly all of the strikers in this country are re- cruited from our alien workers. Many of them have naturalization papers but only for the benefits they receive through them. They have no idea of Americanism nor thought of the re- sponsibility of citizenship. —If a man isn’t satisfied to work for an employer why doesn’t he quit and take another job. There are plen- ty of them. This thing of striking and then picketing so that no one ventures to take the place the striker has voluntarily given up looks very much like an admission that it is a good job and he doesn’t want any one else to get it. —If the influenza is to scourge us again during the coming fall and win- ter—and those who ought to know say it will—let us admonish all of our readers to treat any slight symptom of a cold seriously. Go after it at once. Don’t regard it as a trifling matter. Have in mind always that it may be the forerunner of influenza and the beginning of a very serious illness if not nipped. —The vote of the Republicans on County Commissioner is very inter- esting. It shows clever politics on the part of Yarnell and Austin, each one of whom had just about twice as many votes as each of the seven oth- er aspirants. Dale’s friends evidently voted for Dale and Yarnell or Dale and Austin and so did Hartsock’s and Johnson’s, and Houck’s and Miles’ and Miller’s and Way’s. Under such con- ditions the result couldn’t have been anything else than a foregone conclu- sion and personal interviews with several of the unsuccessful gentlemen leads us to the belief that they were all unwittingly working their own un- doing in just that way. —Just eight weeks ago today the “Watchman” made the announcement that Ad. Hartswick would not be giv- en the Republican nomination for Treasurer. At Tuesday’s primary he was defeated by 337 votes. It is not because he is not a capable, clean cut, honest man; for surely he is all of that. In fact he is much superior in qualification to many men whom the Republican party has nominated and elected to office in Centre county in the past. His character had nothing to do with it. He was defeated just because the organization had centred its support on the other man and its reason for doing that is that it thinks Ad. is such a good waiter that he will go along until he gets too old to have a look in at any of the county offices. STATE RIGHTS AN D FEDERAL UNION. BELLEFONTE. PA.. SEPTEMBER 19, 1919. _VOL. 64. NO. 37. ‘Traitors to the Government. The American Bar Association con- curs in the suggestion recently made by former Attorney General Wicker- sham that the Senate ratify the peace treaty in its present form and amend it afterward. Any reasonable mind would agree to that proposition. The constitution of the United States didn’t satisfy even a majority of the people as it was originally adopted by the convention, or a majority of the members. But subsequently amend- ments have made it as nearly perfect as possible. Before the present con- stitution of Pennsylvania was five years old amendments were offered and it has been amended so frequent- ly since that little of the original text is left. or deliberative body upon any import- ant question. Sectional, political and even denominational differences in- trude themselves into the considera- tion of public matters and except for the spirit of compromise it would be futile to attempt legislation. cause of these facts rational men are willing to modify their opinions and in compromise that is the nearest ap- roach to what is desired. Even the immortal Declaration of Independ- ence did not receive the unanimous approval of those delegated by the people to frame and promulgate it. But the friends of Germany, those who hope to win the German-Ameri- ca vote to the Republican party next year and those who are simply lobby- ists for the profiteers in war mater- ials, insist upon the defeat of the cov- enant of the League of Nations be- cause it is not absolutely perfect. They admit that it is nearly right, that with some unimportant amend- ments or reservations it would serve the purpose admirably. And they in- sist on making the amendments be- fore. ratification though they know that means the defeat of the purpose. As a matter of fact they are simply determined to help Germany and the munition makers at any cost. are traitors bent upon the destruction of the government. Le — p—— to wo om It isttithat fhe Republican gress, would afford all kinds of graft- ing. Our Jeb Unfinished. In his great speech at Tacoma last quoted from his address to Congress in which it was declared the reasons making the sacrifices which necessarily follow. In that he said: “We shall fight for the things we have always carried near- est our hearts, for democracy, for the ty to have a voice in their own gov- ernment, for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal do- minion of right, of such a concert of free peoples as will bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world at last free.” filled. The military autocracy which for a full generation had stood as a menace to the peace of the world has been driven from the field of battle for the time being but the spirit has not been forced out of the minds and hearts of those who had expended vears of time and labor to create it. The ratification of the treaty of peace and the signing of the covenant of the League of Nations are necessary to finish our job according to the plans and specifications laid down in the be- ginning and approved by the millions who enlisted for the war and the thousands who gave their lives and are now sleeping in silent graves in France. In his address to Congress on that memorable occasion the President added: “To such a cause we can dedi- cate our everything that we are, everything that we have, with the pride of those who know that the time has come when America is privileged to spend her blood and her might for the prin- ness and peace which she enjoyed.” That was the covenant we made with our allies in the war and the hope we held out to those who have since died not been fulfilled and will not be ful- filled until the “universal dominion of right” is established by the ratifica- tion of the peace treaty and the cov- enant of the League of Nations is i signed. ——Those strikers who demand a dollar an hour for work are too mod- est. They ought to insist on at least a dollar extra for lifting their pay envelopes. —Centre county needs the best of- ficials she can get. Let us see to it that only good and capable men are elected. It is practically impossible to get | complete agreement in a legislative Be- | make such concessions as will result | They Senators care for China but a war be- | tween Japan and the United States, . with a Republican majority in Con- Saturday evening President Wilson ! for our engaging in the world war and the purposes we had in view in: would epoch . making address before the Congress right of those who submit to authori- This great mission has not been ful- : lives ' and “our fortunes, | ciples that gave her birth, of happi- | that it might be fulfilled. But it has | Record for Worthlessness. If the people of the United States : wanted to destroy the Republican par- i | ty they adopted the right course to ' compass that result in giving that party control of the present Congress. | ' It is a trifle hard to pay the vast ex- penses of a body that does nothing but it may be cheaper in the end for the vote power runs against grafting operations on a large scale and if the Democrats had succeeded last year the Republicans might have made a clean sweep next year carrying the President with the Congress. As it is now the country is so completely disgusted with the actions of Con- gress that there is little danger of another Republican majority during this generation. The present Congress has been in session more than four months and not a single measure of importance has been enacted. The six appropria- tion bills defeated at the close of the ' last session by a Republican filibuster ‘have been passed. But they were pre- ‘pared, discussed and made ready for passage by the last Congress and the near approach of the end of the fiscal vear made expedition necessary. Therefore those measures were put upon passage promptly and disposed of. Since that the woman suffrage amendment resolution, which was al- so ready for action, has been passed and that comprises the record of leg- islation by the Sixty-sixth Congress. It has scored a record for worthless- ness. i It was not because there was noth- ing to do in Washington that this shameful record has been made. | There never was a time when wise | constructive legislation was more needed. The business of reconstruct- ing the industrial and commercial life . of the country to meet conditions that have arisen since the war was a pressing duty. But such things are . beyond the boneheads in control who | can sée nothing except the hope of 1 extracting a little party capital out of investigations based on wild gos- sip and false rumors. These investi- gations have been expensive but they are probably worth all they cost for ; they will save us from a great danger next year. FP mit his ud —Of course it would be very inter- esting to hear our friends of the Ga- zette explaining to each one of the ‘defeated aspirants for the Commis- : sionership, whom they were nursing "along, how it all happened, but it would be far more interesting to hear ! them figuring out how one of the men . who did get on the ticket got there. | Great Welcome to Pershing. The extraordinary welcome extend- ed to General Pershing on his arrival in New York last week was a true ex- pression of the appreciation of his masterful service, by the people of the United States, in the great war for civil liberty and perpetual peace. He had performed a magnificent work in co-operation with the splendid ar- my he commanded and upon his re- ‘turn was fitly acclaimed. Others, many of whom will never return, did their part quite as well, and the trib- ute to General Pershing was an hon- of to them. The Secretary of War i voiced the sentiment of the whole country when he said “you and your ' great army embodied for them, (the American people), their country and their country’s cause.” In so far as it was possible General Pershing and his army fulfilled their mission completely. They defeated the army of the German Empire, dis- appointed the expectations of the Ger- man military autocracy to dominate the world and restored to the people of Europe the right of self-govern- | ment. They made great sacrifices to achieve these great purposes but the isolation of the Kaiser in Holland and the recent organization of a Republi- can government for Germany are sub- stantial proofs that the work has been accomplished, in so far as military operations can do so. It is only left to the civil authorities to complete the work by agreement on terms of peace that will endure. But while the American people were sounding their welcome to Gen- eral Pershing and voicing their appre-- my a group of selfish men in Wash- ington were striving to defeat the high purposes which led them to make the sacrifices. The defeat of the treaty of peace by the failure of | ratification leaves the world in a worse state'than it was when the war | began for even autocratic government |is better than anarchy and anarchy is the alternative. President Wilson was unable to participate in the wel- come to Pershing because he has been forced to fight for the completion of the victory achieved by Pershing in France. But the work will be finish- ed. Probably some German states- men believe that Germany will not pay the indemnities levied by the Peace Conference but they will change their opinions. Collecting agencies are marvelously successful with that kind of claims. ciation of the achievements of his ar- | Lodge’s Work Looks Good in Ger- many. i Speaking of the opposition to the | peace treaty in the United States one ‘ of the members of the German Cabi- : net recently declared that it “is hail- ‘ed like the morning red of a new dawn.” Precisely. Germany has not given up her hope of conquest. The new Republic is simply a transparent cainouflage of the old empire and the ambition to dominate the world is as strong in Berlin now as it was before the war. But the Treaty of Peace and the League of Nations stand in i the way. If they are ratified by the | United States Senate German expec- | tatiens of world control will vanish. : This is the reason why the opposition of Lodge and his associates looks | . . | “like the morning red of a new dawn,” in Germany. There can be no advantage in the defeat of the treaty to any one out- side of Germany except the makers | of war materials. Evidently the Ger- man statesman who greets the oppo- sition to the treaty as “the morning red of a new dawn” views the matter from the German angle entirely. But it is not certain that Senator Lodge is of the same mind. He may care more for the munition makers. There are a great many very wealthy man- ufacturers of war materials in New England and Lodge is a devout wor- shiper of wealth. Profiteers in cloth- ing, shoes and other necessaries of life are strongly averse to abolishing war and Lodge just loves to please these “malefactors of great wealth.” But the great gainers by the defeat of the peace treaty will be those Ger- mans who have saved enough out of the war to inaugurate a commercial war and those Germans who hope to restore the military autocracy of Pottsdam and. renew the war against favorable than at present. In helping his plutocratic profiteers in New Eng- land a little, therefore, he is helping his autocratic admirers in Germany a whole lot and he is injuring the peo- ple of this country and those of other civilized nations to an extent beyond human appraisement. ratification is as bad as defeat. Prep- in Germany all the time. ——Before the Democratic organ- ization of Pennsylvania was reform- ed there were nearly 100,000 Demo- cratic voters in Philadelphia. The registry this year shows that there are nearly 9000 there yet. Miners’ Strike Without Excuse. There is no justification, not even the shadow of an excuse, for the strike of the mine ".workers in the Lackawanna valley. We have the warmest sympathy for oppressed or underpaid working men. Labor is the bone and sinew of prosperity and the life of industry and working men are entitled to the highest considera- tion of employers and the public. But refusing to work is not the remedy for real or imaginary evils. If all other methods of adjustment of actual grievances fail a strike might be jus- tified. But in the case in point there is no real grievance and no other remedy for imaginary complaints has been invoked. Even the miner’s or- ganization is against the strike. The country is on the verge of a hard winter. Coal as well as all oth- er commodities essential to life and comfort is abnormally high. Destitu- tion is threatening on all sides. To the other evils is added the danger of disorders and the menace of social revolutions. Working men are the first victims of all these distempers. The suffering is felt first in their fam- ilies and just as they were entering upon the hope of better things indus- trial unrest and discontent come to dispel the enticing prospect. In the circumstances a strike is a crime against the children of men responsi- ble for it. The employers will not suffer much. They have other sources to appeal to. The President of the United States has given assurances that his heart | is with the wage earners of the coun- {try and if he has opportunity might | devise a means of coming to an | i agreement between employers and But his time is occupied endeavor of probably | employees. {in another greater significance. has arranged for a conference looking to the adjustment needed. The strik- ought to have awaited the result of this laudable attempt. If it fails and for the reason that employers were unfair there will be plenty of time to organize a strike and in that event the potential moral force of public sympathy would be with them. ell Palmer’s activities but there are movement in this section. ——It will not be necessary for Senator Knox to get a patent on his plan of restoring peace. Nobody out- gide of an insane asylum would want it. the world when conditions are more And delay in: “ardtions for the future are going on Nevertheless he | ing miners of Lackawanna valley | ——The high cost of living may ! have been frightened a bit by Mitch- ! no signs apparent of a descending 1 | Pro-Germanism and the League. | From the Collegeville Independent. ' Every United States Senator and every man who essays to influence the { public mind against the ratification, by the Senate, of the treaty of peace i and the adoption of the League of Nations is, in effect, in opposition to the preservation of human life and liberty. It is all very true that many of those who are in opposition to the League are good American citizens. Nevertheless the influence they are exerting cannot be misinterpreted. They are, however unwittingly, in fa- vor of withdrawing the support of the United States in the securement of the fruits of a righteous victory; in favor of Germany by desiring the United States to now repudiate asso- ciation with the Allies and thus ena- ble Germany at some future time to renew the murderousness of destruc- tive military power. The pro-German citizens of the United States who dur- ing the war. covertly and openly prov- ed themselves traitors to their adopt- ed country have not changed the col- or of their hides, nor are they any less pro-German now than they were then. Nearly every section of the . United States has its quota of vam- pires who thrive by reason of Ameri- cn liberty while practically and trai- torously espousing the infamous cause of German autocracy. They are much in evidence. Not one of them favors a League of Nations, because they know that the enforcement of the Articles of the League of Nations will keep the claws of Germany well trimmed. They have been enjoying . freedom in the United States because , of American good nature and the kind ‘of patriotism that is too cowardly to , assert itself. Some of them are even now permitted to hold down chairs in | educational institutions, and at every | opportunity exert théir anti-Ameri- {can and German influence upon im- mature minds. They all know -why they are opposed to the League of Na- tions. Therefore, itis quite clear that many well-meaning and loyal citizens are in effect fraternizing with their arguments with those who are at heart traitors to the country which affords them protection and liberty, and which allows them to spread the virus of disloyalty and base ingrati- tude throughout the nation that har- | bors them. - 0 i It is the duty of every true Amer- ican citizen to draw a clear line of i separation between the principles of rightful liberty and justiée “which | make for the peace of the world and i the happiness and well-being of man- kind, and all those destructive influ- i ences which favor unrighteous auto- . cratic power and which are exerted in | behalf of the damnably pernicious and {inhuman doctrine that might makes | right. ir : There are sufficient reasons why pro-Germans are opposed to the League of Nations. If there is a suf- opposition, it has not yet been pre- sented inside or outside of the United States Senate. The peace of the world and the pre- vention of world wars is the great af- firmative argument that stands out clear and bold, and beyond successful disputation, in behalf of the perma- nent organization of the League of Nations, with the United States as one of the signatory powers. If the United States fails in its duty the United States will rightly appear as false to the lofty and essential prin- ciples of the people’s government, and will therefore deserve to stand dis- graced in the presence of all the high- er civilizations of the earth. What the Boston Example Means. From the New York Times. If there is any city whose mayor 1 and police commissioner have ever shown a disposition to coquet with organized disorder, to put into the po- lice under their control no hearty dis- position to suppress it, to tolerate its beginnings or encourage it, this Bos- ton essay in bolshevism should re- mind them of the error of their ways. The spirit that prefers the union to the law, executes private punishment upon offenders against the commands of the union and sows recklessly the seeds of mob law, pillage and destruc- tion of property will not be tolerated by America. Wherever it shows it- self it will be put down. To yield to it or to dally with it is merely to pro- voke more disastrous consequences. In the end the law will speak the last word. ri, | The Story That Will Never Grow Old. { From the Indianapolis News. As time goes on the story of the : work General Pershing did in France i will be told to the people. There is ! no censorship now. There is no rea- son why all of the facts should not be | known. As these facts come out they | should add to rather than detract { from the good will that he has won. { Under the greatest difficulties, | against foreign methods, opinions and | customs, he maintained his own dig- I nity and the dignity of the country. | He made it possible for the American ! troops to work to the best advantage. ' He made it possible for this country | to be such a great force in winning the war. Preparing for the Worst. From the Buffalo Express. As a sort of preliminary training, the Prince of Wales will visit the | Cave of the Winds of Niagara Falls | before he ventures into the United States Senate chamber during a | stormy session. ATM [SS —— | ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” ficient reason why good and true! American citizens should favor such | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Two hundred operatives at the Roar- ing Spring Blankbook Co., Altoona, have been given a bonus of $25 each, as a share of the profits. —Former Governor Martin G. Brum- baugh will make his residence at Hunt- ingdon during the fall and winter months and until next June, occupying the Ellies home on College Hill, at Juniata College. —The State hospital at Scranton has blaced in charge of its operating deparf- ment Miss Sigrid M. Jergenson, of New York, who was in France for some time with the Roosevelt Hospital unit at Chau- mont, and whe won the Croix de Guerre and two citations for her service. —John Stroble, of Heshbon, Lycoming county, suffered a heavy loss in cattle last week when seven of his cows were taken sick of poisoning and five of them died. It is not known where the poison came from but it is thought that the cows may have gotten it in the fields or from the water in the creek. —Charged with having stolen money or- der blanks from the Gravity, Lackawanna county, postoffice and then with having fraudulently secured $780 on forged or- ders, Miss Grace Wilmot, aged seventeen, daughter of Mrs. J. Wilmot, postmistress at Gravity, has been arrested and in de- fault of bail, committed to the county prison at Gravity. —It costs just ten dollars to flirt with or throw kisses to the young women stu- dents of the West Chester State Normal school, as was discovered last Saturday by Harry Wines, Ronald Mercer and Harvey Irwin, of West Chester, when they were arrested and taken before Magistrate Sharpless M. Paxson, who fined each of them that amount. —The necessity of having small hos- pitals endowed in order to insure perpe- tuity is again demonstrated. The Corbin private hospital at Galeton closed on September 15th and the entire outfit is ad- vertised for sale. Coudersport lost a hos- pital recently from the same cause. The high cost of maintenance has hit hospitals as well ‘as other institutions and individ- uals. —The Rev. N. J. Hawley, of Linden, Ly- coming county, celebrated his seventy- eighth birthday anniversary on Sunday by preaching from the pulpit of the Newber- ry Methodist church. He served fifty-six years as an active Methodist minister, fill- ing pulpits in churches in the south, and also in the Wyoming conference. He now lives retired with a son on a farm near Linden. —George Stokes, conductor of a train crew on the Bellwood branch of the Penn- sylvania Railroad, has twice seen a full- grown bear in the heavy bracken near Rossiter Junction. The animal appears to have no fear of human beings and has se- lected a wonderful place for his abode. As the season for bear is not open, hunt- ers are living in hopes that the bear will not become dissatisfied with his location and move to some more selected spot. —Jesse Shewell, of Glen Rock, York county, is a landlord of whom tenants can speak a good word. He owns forty-eight | properties in that borough, many of them for thirty-five years, and in all of them he has never raised the rent. The stress of war time and the. trying reconstruction period have not induced Shewell to follow | the example of so many other landlords. | Even the voting of a two and one-half mil- | tion dollar good road loan for York coun- — ty could not move Shewell. i —Claude Eastman, a conductor in the | DuBois yards of the Pennsylvania Rail- | road company was very close to being a | near rich man last Wednesday. When the pay checks for the employees of the com- { pany were received among them was one ' for Eastman for $71,000. At first the ex- cessively large check was not noticed be- cause the men have been receiving back pay due to the award of the war board. Jut before giving the check to Mr. East- ‘man an investigation was made’ The check was found to be a mistake and was returned for correction. —The fifteen thousand depositors of the wrecked North Penn bank, of Philadel- phia, will receive from 26 to 40 cents on the dollar when dividends are declared, according to Col. Fred Taylor Husley, special deputy attorney general in charge of the bank’s liquidation. The figures are based upon the report of the appraisers, which was practically completed on Mon- day. The gross appraisement as given out by Col. Husley shows assets amount- ing to $1,500,000 and liabilities of $4.000,- 000. There is a possibility he said that the assets may be increased about $500,000. —DMarsh Lewisson, aged 23 years, of Milton, was instantly killed, and Miss Louise Mathers, aged 21 years, of Lewis- burg, was seriously injured, when their motor car was struck by a freight engine at the Broadway crossing of the Pennsyl- vania Railroad at Milton at 12.20 o'clock Saturday morning. The car was com- pletely wrecked and the occupants were hurled fifty feet. A coroner’s jury return- ed a verdict censuring the railroad for not protecting the crossing during the night and for excessive speed in running trains through the town, the engineer hav- ing testified that he was going forty miles an hour when he struck the automobile. —Eugene Kuhn, aged 33 years, an ex- pert accountant, charged with the killing of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Horner, of Derry, received two sentences in criminal court at Greensburg last Thursday morning. Convicted of second degree murder for killing his father-in-law, Kuhn was sen- tenced by Judge McConnell to serve not less than eighteen nor more than twenty years in the western penitentiary. A few minutes later, after walking across the court house corridor into the court of Judge Henry C. Quigley, of Centre coun- ty, who presided in Greensburg last week, he was sentenced to serve a life term for the murder of his mother-in-law, the sec- ond sentence to start at the completion ef his first term. —Pearl and Anna Mandler, 19 and 20 years old, respectively, of Fountain Springs, Schuylkill county, were prostrat- ed when sentenced last week by Judge Berger to serve three and one-half years for holding up citizens on the highway and, as masked bandits, demanding men- ey from them at the muzzle of revolvers. “It was all a lark,” the girls declare, as- serting they only went into ‘the game” for the fun and romance. Their home, in a pretty village, is just above Ashland, and it was along the mountains of the northern part of that county they are al- leged to have become a terror to automo- bile parties, few of whom realized who the persons were who were taking their cash and belongings. Harry Swartz and William Smith, male companions of the girls, who aided them in their exploits, also were sentenced to three and one-half years.