Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 08, 1919, Image 7
Bown in Bellefonte, Pa., August 8, 1919. HAD HIS DESIRE REALIZED Clemenceau Wanted to Come Into Con- tact With the Private Soldier, and He Did! On one occasion when Premier Clemenceau visited the French army at the front, says a contributor to Je Sais Tout, the general who was his host suggested a sightseeing trip, but the premier declined the invitation. “General,” he said, “I did not come here as a tourist; I have only one purpose, and that is to come into di- rect personal contact with the private soldier. I wish to see hiwui as he faces the enemy.” “In this sector,” was the reply, “it is easy to do that. At post 8 there are only four meters between the poilu and his adversary.” “Very weil,” said Clemenceau. wish to go to post 8.” Complete silence reigned in the trenches where the soldiers stood, gun in hand, ready to go “over the top.” Their faces were tired and deeply lined; in them were the traces of suffering and of anger. These men asked no favors, but they forgave nothing. In their eyes shone a de- termined resolution to win, and then to punish, When the party reached the covered passage leading to post 8, the guide told M. Clemenceau that for the remaining distance he would have to crawl upon his stomach, and in that fashion the premier advanced until he met a sentry. There for an instant he forgot that he was not in the tribune of the senate and, speak- ing loudly, said: “Well, my friend, what—" A hard slap cut the sentence short, “Shut up!” hissed the sentry. “Can’t you hear that Boche coughing?” The soldier never doubted that his blow had saved the man who was destined to lead France to victory. He had treated M. Clemenceau like a comrade. The premier had been near indeed to the private soldier; he had come into direct personal contact with him. Hes desire was realized.—Youth’s Companion. CAN WIN DESPITE HANDICAP Wounded Soldiers Not “Out” in the Battle of Life and Do Not Ask to Be Coddled. : “1 “I have found that you do not need hands and feet, but you do need cour- age and character. You must play the game like a thoroughbred,” said Michael Dowling at the international conference on reconstruction. “You fellows know how it is in a handicap race. A handicap is put on the horse that has proved himself. so that he may not beat the others too easily. But the horse with the Landi- cap is the one to bet on. “You fellows are handicapped, but we know you can win the fight. You have been handicapped by the Hun, who could not win the fight. For most of you it will prove to be God's greatest blessing, for féew men begin to think until they find themselves up against a stone wall. z “And you other folks—don’t treat these boys like babies! Treat them like what they have proved them- selves to be—men. Don’t spoon-feed them. Don’t coddle them. They would rather get their own faces down into the blueberry pie and eat it for themselves.” The United States Fish Crop. The total value of the American fish crop, including that of Alaska and the insular possessions, is estimated now to be $150,000,000, allowing for the advances in value of the last year. The capital invested in the fisher- fies of the United States, including ves- sels and the land establishments for handling the fish, is estimated at about $75,000,000, and the number of per- sons employed is 220,000. The value of the sea products turned out by the canneries is $50,000,000. Food experts did well during the war times to urge Americans to eat more fish, not only because this helped conserve the supplies of beef and pork products but also because eating some good fish frequently means a change in the average man’s diet which is to his benefit. The same argument holds true in regard to vegetables and green things, of which many people in cit- les do not eat enough for their own good. Ghost Altogether Too Real. One of the most amusing mishaps that ever happened in any production of Sir Henry Irving was in “Hamlet,” during the first appearance of the ghost. The actor impersonating the dead king of Denmark was suddenly seized with a violent fit of sneezing, but sought valiantly to go on with his lines, thereby giving & new and curi- ous recdering to the words: “Hamlet —achou !—I am-—achou!—thy father’s —achou spirit!” The house was in an uproar, and when next the ghost appeared a chorus of sneezes resound- ed from the gallery and another epi- sode ofythe great tragedian went from the sublime to the ridiculous. ! A Benefactor. “1 owe a debt of gratitude to that man.” “That Why?” “He refused to publish a lot of poetry I wrote in my youth.”—Louis ville Courier-Journal. grouchy magazine editor? LARGE FAMILIES ON RECORD Grand Total of Sixty-Two, Borne by One Wife, Would Seem to Be the Limit. The nation which could scheme out the intensive cultivation of “man power” would win all the wars of the future and dominate the globe, but though this sort of thing can be done with vegetables and, to some extent, with poultry, it seems a far cry for the human race, and perhaps it is all for the best, for if six at a birth be- came common marriage might become uncommon. The papers contained the informa- tion lately that a woman of Palermo had presented her husband with five boys, all well formed, and, according to the doctor, “eating well and crying well,” but this case is neither unique nor a record. The largest grand total of children borne by one wife seems to be 62— as many as most wives could want, certainly! Strangely enough, this num- ber has been twice recorded. One is set to the credit of the wife of a poor weaver in Scotland who bore her “hubby” 48 boys and four girls who grew to manhood and womanhood, and a dozen others who died ere reaching their prime. Sir John Bowers of Newcastle, we are told, adopted ten of the sons—rath- er a large order; three other landed gentry took ten each, and the remain- der were brought up by their parents. WONDER AT FOREST'S QUIET Travelers Have Frequently Com- mented on Apparent Deficiency of Animal Life in the Woods. European travelers frequently allude to the American forest as remarkable for its solitude and dafciency of ani- mal life. A foreigner is struck with : surprise, when rambling through the | a refuge and a home. * blemish. to a depth of one-eighth inch with | bush, at the scarcity of birds, rabbits, and hares, and astonished when in the deepest recesses of the wild country he sees no increase of their numbers. When paddling his canoe through lake and river he will startle but few pairs of exceedingly timid waterfowl, where fn Europe they swam in multitudes. This scarcity of animals, I would re- mark, is not peculiar to the American wilderness. The same fact has been observed in extensive forests both in Europe and Asia; and in proportion as the traveler penetrates into their in- teriors he finds a smaller number of animals of almost every species. Birds, insects and quadrupeds will multiply in a certain ratio with the progress of agriculture, so long as there remains a sufficiency of wild wood to afford them They use the forest chiefly for shelter, and the op2an grounds for forage; the woods are their house, the meadows their farm.— Wilson Flagg, in “Woods and By-Ways of New England.” Silvering Mirrors. There are several processes for sil- vering mirrors, the simplest of which, perhaps, is to provide a large flat stone table and spread upon it evenly a sheet of tinfoil without crease or This is covered uniformly mercury. The plate of glass, perfect- ly cleansed of all grease and impuri- ties, is floated in the mercury care- fully so as to exclude air bubbles. is then pressed down by loading with weights in order to press out the mercury which remains fluid. After about 24 hours it may be raised on its edge to harden, and should be finished in a few weeks. Another method involves the use of a solu- tion made as follows: Mix one ounce nitrate of silver, three ounces water, one ounce liquid ammonia and three ‘ounces spirits of wine. Filter after solution has stood three or four hours. To every ounce of the solution add ‘one-fourth ounce sugar dissolved in {equal quantities of water and alco- ‘hol. The surface to be silvered 1s {covered with this liquid at a tempera- ‘ture of 160 degrees, maintained till the deposition of silver is complete. When dry, coated surface is covered ‘with mastic varnish. | | i | Novel Cure for Nerves. I have a Philadelphia friend who ‘was ordered by a famous neurological specialist to travel for a month on a limited express to cure him of ner- wousness. He took a stateroom and be- gan. He was a man of extensive busi- ness interests, but as he could be reached by wire at a known point on the road at certain hours, coming or going, he kept in tous with his affairs without hindrruce. It was a giddy life and the excitement effected a com- plete cure—except that the familiar counting room was thereafter too dull for endurance and a Tigani band was installed that played the wildest Hun- garian music from nine til] three. To everybody but the boss the remedy was worse than the allment.—Julius Chalmers in Brooklyn Eagle. Gems Found in America. Our own country is far from con- spicuous as a producer of gems, but the upper Missouri river has yielded from its gravel bars large numbers of small, bright and beautiful sapphires. They are not big enough or dark enough to fetch high prices. I Nevertheless the finest green sap- phire (oriental emerald) in the world was found in Macon county, N. C,, and at last accounts was a feature of the collection of a citizen of Philadel- phia—Clarence S. Bement. It is a transparent nodule of crystal, remark- ably pure, and would yield in cutting a gein of 30 carats. It | THE EXPERTS SAY One of the most commonly neglect- ed parts of the car, so far as lubrica- tion goes, is the clutch operating mechanism. In case of disk clutches running in oil the lubrication of the thrust collar and lever operating it is automatic. But with clutches that do not operate in a bath of oil the thrust collar and lever require oiling by hand. The service of these parts is exacting and frequent lubrication of the ball thrust bearing and of the end of the lever which actuates it is nec- essary. Furthermore, the bearing of the clutch pedal and the pins which secure the clutch operating linkage should be frequently lubricated. While it is a wise precaution to throw out the clutch when rounding a sharp corner, it also has a beneficial effect upon the tires. Whenever the car tends to skid, due to its deflection from a straight course, a cross strain is brought to bear on the tire threads, which is directly proportioned to the weight of the vehicle and the radius of the curve and proportional to the square of its velocity. If the power is applied in rounding a curve the tend- ency to rip off the tires is further aggravated by the backward drag due to traction. If the clutch is released, however, that factor is eliminated and the strain is thereby reduced. Motorists who use one of the hand pumps will do well to give the pump a few strokes before attaching it to the valve. This blows out any grit or other foreign matter that may be clinging to the pump valve. Owners of cars fitted with wire wheels should give these parts a weekly inspection for loose spokes. While the wire wheel is strong enough to resist astonishing shocks, neverthe- less such a blow may loosen one or two of the spokes and such damage should be immediately repaired. Where the enamel has cracked off, paint should be applied to keep mois- ture from working its way in and in- ducing rust. The average motorist can test the connecting rod bearings of his engine by tapping the bearing caps tightly with a hammer to see if there is any play. The crankshaft should run snugly but not too tightly, so that it can be rocked by hand when the com- pression is relieved by opening the petcocks. The first thing to do in engine trouble which has no definite symp- toms is to check the ignition by lay- ing the plugs with cables attached on top of the cylinders. Crank the en- gine by hand and note the spark at the gaps. If good sparks are produc- ed, then you can proceed to the next unit, the carburetor. If the sparks are weak, or none at all is produced, in one or more of the plugs, start at the plug end and work toward the ignition source. If the plugs are in good shape, then the in- sulation should be examined, then the terminal at the distributor, then the i distributor itself, and so on. Knowing that the ignition system is ' 0. k., the other things necessary for | firing are carburetion and valves. Be- yond these come the parts that do not usually give trouble, but when they do it is often very difficult to find the right one. That is why it is so im- portant to test each of the important systems and eliminate them first, after which the others may be attend- ed to. Among these may be mentioned air leaks at joints, pistons, and rings, cylinders, timing drive, fuel feed, etc. | Very often a change of fuel may | give bad results in starting off in gen- | eral engine operations, and the own- er immediately comes to the conclu- sion that something is wrong with the | These | parts are too often blamed for trou- carbureter or the ignition. bles brought about by other causes. There is no need for the owner to spend a lot of time and money in ex- periments on his engine to determine what is wrong. The average service station is able to determine if it is or is not in the three important systems. Rules on Funerals Strict. The state regulations prohibiting public funerals of all persons dying of whooping cough, measles, German measles and mumps will be strictly adhered to by the health authorities. Dr. Wilmer Krusen, director of the Department of Health and Charities, and Mr. Vogelson, chief of the Bureau of Health, conferred on the subject last week. Attendants at funerals of persons dying of contagious diseases are re- stricted to the immediate adult rela- | It also! tives and necessary bearers. prohibits bodies of persons dying of these disedses being taken to any church, chapel, public hall or public building for services. Hereafter, stringent regulations are to be enforced relative to placing and maintaining strict quarantines on premises in which a case of contag- ious disease is being treated. In the case of death the sickroom must be thoroughly disinfected with the use of bichloride of mercury and two spoon- fuls of creolin to a gallon of water. A Real Iron Tonic. It is good to know that there is today a truly effective preparation for the relief of those that suffer from nervousness, weakness, the effects of overwork, of care, anxiety and worry. It is called Peptiron, and has many ad- vantages as a preparation of iron in that it does not cause constipation, nor disturb the stomach, nor injure the teeth. It is a real iron tonic, combining iron so as to secure the best effects of this great strengthener, with nux, celery, pep- sin and other equally approved tonics and digestives. There is no extravagance, no over-statement in the claims that are made for it. There is no flamboyancy in its ad- vertising. It is a product of the long-es- tablished and widely known C. I.. Hood company, and this fact is a guarantee of its superior worth. Peptiron is sold by all druggists. 64-31 Heard in Cambrid ge. Foreman (calling up from curb)— Hi, Mulligan, will yez step to the spakin’. tube; Oi want to tell yez t’ come down. Shoes. Yeager’s Shoe Store Shoes at..... Half Price I have purchased 100 Pairs Men’s Sample Shoes, all of them worth $10 per pair, and some worth $12 and more, at the price of shoes to- day. Sizes 6, 6 1-2, 7, 7 1-2, and a few 8 You can have your choice for 650 Shoes now on sale. If you can wear any of these sizes, and need shoes Come Quick Yeager's Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. NANNIES NHS NS rd 1 Ft 1 Ft 1 Ft FFF 8 FF ge] FF Fe oe 8 £8 18 oe A [A I=ni=2n2n2n2n2n=2nan=2n2n2n=ni=nanianananiaii= Naa la ied el Ut led d | 64-22-tf conditions. conscientiously.” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CAAAAAAAAANAANAAAAN “The value of a service is manifested under the pressure of extraordinary Our service is the strict adherence for years to the principle of serving ~ F. P. Blair & Son, Jewelers and Opticians, Bellefonte, . Pa. War Risk Insurance Even if you have, consult us. 61-46-1y the men who were on active service during the late war carried War Risk Insurance. You may have permitted yours to lapse. N te Y-EIGHT per cent of all you have certain privileges in connection with Gov- ernment Insurance. ‘We have the forms and shall be glad-to have you The First National Bank. Bellefonte, Pa. Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. AUGUST SALES We offer this month more Sum- mer merchandise at prices that will make them sell quickly. Still a fine assortment of Voiles in light and dark values; from 35c. to 85c., sale price from 26c¢. to 60c. ° SILKS In plain, figured, plaids, stripes, crepe de chines, satins, habuties, pongees, at prices less than cost of manufacture Parasols Silk and cotton Parasols for less than the cost of frames. Coats and Suits 42 Ladies’ Coats; all this season’s styles, all sizes, all colors and black; must be sold now at sacrifice prices. Ladies’ Suits All must be sold’at less than manufact- urer’s prices. Children’s Coats One Lot of Coats, sizes 4, 5 and 6. All at One Price—$2.00 Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.