Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 01, 1919, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., August 1, 1919.
Oats harvesting is now in full
swing among the farmers of Centre
Trout fishing for this year is
now a thing of the past for all law-
abiding citizens.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kline have
leased one of the Aiken flats and will
take possession on the first of August.
A meeting of the W. C. T. U.
will be held in their room Friday,
August 1st, at 3 p. m. All the mem-
bers are urged to be present.
Up to this writing no trace has
been found of the big colored prison-
er who escaped from the western pen-
itentiary almost two weeks ago.
The Logan fire company will
positively dispose of its big Pierce
Arrow car in the Diamond tomorrow
(Saturday) evening, and it will be a
bargain to whoever gets it.
Don’t overlook the fact that
Mrs. H. W. Irvin will sell her house-
hold goods at the J. C. Jodon store on
south Water street tomorrow (Satur-
day) afternoon at 1:30 o’clock.
The condition of Miss Rebecca
Valentine, who recently underwent an
operation for appendicitis, at the
Bellefonte hospital, is very much im-
proved and she will be able to leave
the hospital in the near future.
The big Grange fair and en-
campment at Grange park, Centre
Hall, will this year be held the week
of September 6th to 12th inclusive,
announcement of the program for
which will be made in due time.
There will be a Patriotic
League meeting in the High school
building this Friday, August 1st, at
7:30 p. m. All members are urged to
be present to hear Miss Gates’ report
on her trip to the conference at Silver
Bay. :
——J. M. McGarvey and Dorsey
Reed, two returned soldiers, have
rented the old Mart Garman stable
near the gas works and have opened
an establishment for the painting, let-
tering and varnishing of automobiles.
If you have any work in this line give
these young men a trial and their
charges will be reasonable and satis-
faction guaranteed.
At the luncheon given by Mrs.
G. Ross Parker Friday of last week in
honor of her daughter, Miss Eleanor
Schofield Parker, announcement was
made of the engagement of Miss Par-
ker and Henry Keller Jr. No time
has been set for the wedding as Mr.
Keller will return to Penn State to
finish his college work, which was in-
terrupted by his entering the service.
Mrs. Harriet Flack, of Logan
street, entertained with a child’s par-
ty Monday of last week, in honor of
her grand-daughter, Nancy Jane
Sheckler, the five year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheckler, of east
High street. Thirty-two little friends
of the child were guests of Mrs.
Flack, and everything in the way of
entertainment and goodies for the lit-
tle ones was provided by the hostess.
The Methodist Episcopal Sun-
day school of Milesburg will hold a
mid-summer lawn festival on the
grounds at the corner of Pike and
Water streets, Milesburg, Saturday
evening, August 2nd. Prof. Frank
Wetzler’s Girls band will furnish the
music. The refreshments will include
ice cream, cake and candy. Surprise
packages will be on sale. Everybody
is invited and a good time is assured
all who attend.
Frank R. Smith, who last week
returned home from overseas, has
leased the room in the Reynolds
building formerly occupied by his
brother, A. Clyde Smith, and will at
once open up a cleaning and pressing
establishment. In this connection it
might be said that Frank did the tail-
oring of a soldier unit at Is-surtile in
France, where he was stationed while
abroad, and cleaned up a nice bunch
of money in addition to his regular
The Americanization class
which holds forth two evenings each
week at the Bellefonte high school
has dwindled down to from four to
six members during the summer
months, but this is accounted for by
the fact that most of the foreigners
who started in with the class in the
spring when it numbered from twen-
ty to twenty-five, have been devoting
their evenings to gardening and have
not the time to spare to go to the
classes, but later in the summer the
number is expected to increase.
The annual reunion of the Cen-
tre county veteran club will be held
this year at Martha on Saturday, Au-
gust 23rd, in connection with the big |
Williams family reunion. This will
be the first time that the veterans have
met in that section of the county and
they will undoubtedly prove an added
attraction to what has for years been
one of the biggest gatherings in Cen-
tre county. The citizens of Howard
have planned to hold a big welcome
home gathering on the same day, and
unless the date is changed the two
meetings will conflict.
Last Friday evening Ellis
Hines made a trip up the back road
past the Reuben Valentine farm in a
truck of the Beatty Motor company.
Just as he turned onto the new bridge
at the Phoenix mill on his homeward
trip the steering apparatus broke and
the car ran into the truss, breaking
the lights, windshield and badly dam-
aging the radiator. The accident
happened about nine o'clock and occa-
sioned considerable excitment in that
neighborhood. Fortunately driver
Hines was uninjured and the bridge
took the bump with only a quiver.
| the Germans had carried on the war
EE —————— Te DD a
Chautauqua Lecturer Made Earnest
Appeal for League of Nations.
Lecturing on the subject, “John
Bull and Uncle Sam” Frederick Wil-
liam Wile, the Monday night Chau-
tauqua speaker, made an earnest and
eloquent plea in behalf of support for
the League of Nations. Mr. Wile is
an old newspaper man, having been
foreign correspondent for the New
York World, Philadelphia Public
Ledger and Chicago Tribune, and dur-
ing fourteen years’ residence in Ber-
lin also represented the London
Times. Prior to going to Germany he
spent six years in England hence his
lecture on Monday evening, while it
savored very strongly of pro-English,
must be regarded as a statement of
facts as he saw them. And while he
praised the British for what they had
done during the great world war he
did not in any way underrate the part
the United States had played to bring
the war to a successful issue.
And it was plainly evident that he
has no love for Germany or anything
German. Having lived among them
so long, he spoke with an authority
that carried conviction. Mr. Wile was
in Germany through all of Ambassa- |
dor Gerard’s term of service there and
was in personal contact with the
American foreign office almost every
day, and was outspoken in his con-
tempt for the German rulers and the
German people.
In making his plea for the League
of Nations he said it had been inspir-
ed by America as the one means to
prolong peace and it was hoped pre-
vent wars in the future. That all oth-
er nations were approving it as speed-
ily as possible and it would be a last-
ing shame and dishonor if the United
States was to disapprove it.
In speaking of the part the British
played in the great war he gave fig-
ures to show what it cost that country
in dollars and lives, but stated that
they never boasted of their doings.
Prior to coming to the United States
Mr. Wile visited England and he stat-
ed that though he traveled from one
end of the country to the other he did
not see a service button or a service
flag, but when he landed in the United
States both emblems were as thick as
flies from Maine to the Gulf of Mexi-
co and from the Atlantic to the Pa-
cific. The comparison was not made
in any way derogatory to the Ameri-
can people but to emphasize the fact
that the British were much more stol-
id and phlegmatic. They did - their
part without a murmur or complaint
and having done it, never advertised
the fact to the rest of the world.
In speaking of the peace settlement
and the terms that had been imposed
upon Germany he stated that every
trade’s organization in the United
States should refuse to buy anything
marked “made in Germany” until the
Germans as a nation show some signs
of repentance, and there is no evi-
dence of that up to this time.
At the conclusion of his talk he
gave any person who chose to do so
the opportunity to ask him any ques-
tions they wanted to and Dr. Beach
asked how the Germans would pay the |
big indemnity imposed upon them if
we refused to purchase goods from |
that country? Mr. Wile stated that
for four years without any outside
commercial relations and he knew
that they had tons and tons of gold
held in reserve and they should be
forced to disgorge their good collat- |
eral and pay their indemnity out of |
trade with contiguous countries who
were more or less dependent upon |
them, at least until such time as they |
proved themselves worthy of commer- |
cial relations, and then, Mr. Wile ob-
served, he would keep one eye on
them all the time.
Editor Harter, of the Gazette, asked
the speaker if he could tell him just
who inspired the League of Nations
and Mr. Wile stated that he could not
tell positively but it was always cred-
ited to President Wilson.
“Do you believe it will prevent
war?” asked Editor Harter.
“No, do you?” said Mr. Wile.
“Well,” replied editor Harter, “they
said it would.”
“Who said it would?” asked the
lecturer, and when pressed for a re-
ply Mr. Harter said “Col. Spangler.”
Of course Mr. Wile had to admit
that he had not the pleasure of Col.
Spangler’s acquaintance and asked to
be enlightened as to who he was and
on what authority he had made the
statement. On being told that the
Colonel was a resident of Bellefonte,
an ardent supporter of President Wil-
son and just now in California as a
member of the Federal Commission
| engaged in settling a strike among
: the oil men, Mr. Wile stated that while
! he did not believe the League of Na-
| tions would end war it would prolong
| peace and eventually some good way
might be worked out through the me-
dium of the League as to make it very
imprudent for any two nations to go
to war.
Mr. Wile’s lecture was just one of
the many good things that were given
the people of Bellefonte during the
one week of Chautauqua which closed
on Wednesday night. Every one of
the numbers on the program was
high-class from the opening afternoon
to the closing lecture. In fact, it
proved to be the best program pre-
sented by any Bellefonte Chautauqua
since the opening year, and those peo-
ple who failed to attend regularly
missed a feast of good things. With
such high-class entertainment it was
not a difficult matter to get guaran-
tors for next year and the following
signed up for the return of Chautau-
qua during the 1920 season:
R. R. Blair John Blanchard
Mary M. Blanchard H. C. Yeager
Mrs. Geo. P. Bible W. K, McKinney
Arthur H. Sloop F. H. Thomas
S. B. Miller A. C. Mingle
Ellen Gregg Gray Ellis L. Orvis
J. FE. Garthoff
J. T. Marshman
R. M. Beach
J. K. Barnhart
Nevin E. Cole
Lewis Daggett
James H. Potter
Chas. M. McCurdy
J. M. Hariswick Jr. H. E. Clevenstine
Basil J. F. Mott J. J. Kilpatrick
N. E. Robb James L. Stott
Isaac Mitchell J. L. Carpeneto
W. H. Montgomery Walter Cohen
Chas. F. Mensch A. E. Schad
Jacob Gross W. M. Bottorf
Ives L. Harvey J. Ellis Harvey
H. T. Mann Wo 0. Ridge
A. M. Sloteman Jay E. LaBarre
R. L. Kelsey Francis E. Willard
. P. Eckel W. L. Daggett
Chas. IR. Beatty W. B. Rankin
C. W. Heilhecker R. L. Stevens
Weaver Bros. W. D. Zerby
J. C. Rogers Phil F. Robb
B. I. Claster C. D. Casebeer
James W. Herron John P. Harris
J. L. Seibert A. McCoy
K. D. Shugert C. C. Keichline
Cecil A. Walker S. W. Smith
M. R. Johnson
M. B. Runkle
Jas. BE. Williams
H. M. Murtroff
Rebecca C. Fleming
Lester Mills
Mrs. R. M. Beach
M. DeP. Maynard
A. M. Schmidt
James B. Krape
John Curtin
Ww. H. Walker
H.W. §
Henry C. Quigley
D. S. Potter
G. M. Gamble
Ella E. Wagner TT. W, Cairns
M. H. Linn Chas. E. Dorworth
F. V. Goodhart, H. H. Longwell, Centre
A. E. M..rtin, State College.
Albert N. Bierly, Milesburg.
Frank M. Crawford
Edward R. Owens
P. D. Sheffer
Wm. H. Clark
John O. Kline
Wilson P. Ard
D. E. Fisher
A. G. Morris
W. W. Kerlin
J. M. Shugert
N. B. Spangler
J. Frank Smith
J. K. Johnston
Harry Keller
Dr. W. U Irwin
Mrs. J. R. Hastings
Luther I. Smith
ers, this week received a dozen and a
half new
Kline & French company, of Philadel-
phia, as equipment for their jewelry
store when they move into the room
in Temple Court where the postoffice
is now located, and the nice, new show
cases presented anything but a spic
and span appearance when they
reached Bellefonte. A portion of the
in some of them the heavy top glass
being shattered to fragments. The
cases were also badly scarred and rub-
bed so that the damage to the entire
shipment is considerable.
——The men who represent the
Gaylord International Engineering
and Construction company in charge
of the construction of the state high-
Gap are pushing the work to the limit
and are making good progress. While
it will be impossible to eliminate all
the sharp curves on this stretch of
highway and maintain the present
good grade, wherever it can be done
the curves will be cut down so as to
lessen the danger of travel. One such
place is out at the old Nittany fur-
nace location, now the Titan Metal
company property, where the point of
the hill will be cut off to a depth of
thirty feet. While moving the road-
way thirty feet east will not eliminate
the curve entirely it will so lengthen
it as to reduce the danger of a colli-
sion at that point to a minimum.
-e —
——Between eleven and twelve
o’clock last Friday morning an air-
plane sailed over Bellefonte from west
to east, flying very high, and did not
stop at the aviation field. That being
the day the air pilots in the mail serv-
ice were all out on a strike there was
considerable curiosity and speculation
as to who the lone flyer was and his
mission. It later developed that it
was Capt. Roy N. Francis, in a Mar-
tin bomber, who made a non-stop
flight from Akron, Ohio, to Hazle-
hurst field, Mineola, Long Island.
Capt. Francis flew east with the in-
tention of starting today on a one-
stop flight to the Pacific coast, the one
stop to be at Lincoln, Neb., but on
Monday afternoon, during a fierce
storm lightning struck the hangar in
which his Martin bomber was housed
and entirely demolished the machine,
so that his trip is of necessity post-
poned. When Capt. Francis does
make the trip he will likely fly over
| ——The various landlords of Centre
county who last month took out a li-
'cense for one month on the chance
‘that war-time prohibition would be
declared off within the month, are’
still in the same perplexing situation
they were at that time. Congress has
_ declined to interfere and has decided
[to adjourn for a two month’s recess
! tomorrow without settling the prohi-
bition question or what per cent. of
. beer will make a man drunk. But de-
mobilization of the army is moving
along rapidly and at the present rate
! will probably be reduced to standing
| army figures within the
| Whether President Wilson will then
"declare demobilization complete and
the occasion for war-time prohibition
at an end remains to be seen, but the
most, if not all of the Centre county
landlords are not going to take a
| chance on his not doing so, conse-
"quently they have taken out licenses
for one more month, or until the first
of September.
——1In February, 1917, Judge Hen-
ry C. Quigley, of Bellefonte, presided
‘over one of the courts in Pittsburgh,
"and one of the cases brought before !
, him was a contention over the owner-
ship of a cat. Judge Quigley heard a
portion of the evidence then quashed |
‘the case on the grounds that there is!
‘no law in Pennsylvania relating to
' cats. Whether he gave the matter
another thought is of course not
{ known, but the decision went into the
| State law reports and was quoted by
{ a Philadelphia alderman last Satur-
| day when a case was brought before .
{ him to settle the ownership of a kit-
ten. And such being the case, how
does it happen that in all these years
| members of the Legislature have
| overlooked the fact that there is no
‘law on cats, and the field is surely |
fruitful enough to give some active
member food for thought, as first is
the cat, then the cat’s nine lives, cat-
| o’-nine-tails, catsup, and last but by
{ no means least the inconsiderate, un-
| controlable and deucedly detestable
| tomcat that generally gets busy just
about the time the human family 1s
' trying to go to sleep.
——Frank P. Blair & Son, jewel- |
show cases from Smith, |
glass was broken in most of the cases, :
way between Bellefonte and Pleasant |
of their ability to get men for the job .
month. |
That “Strike” of Air Mailmen.
Much ado was made in the city pa-
‘pers last week about what was char-
, acterized as the first strike of the pi-
lots who drove the machines on the
airmail routes between New York and
Washington and New York and Chi-
cago, with the result that all airmail
: was tied up on Friday. But on Fri-
day evening an agreement was made
| by Charles I. Stanton, superintendent
of the Eastern division aerial mail
service with the pilots at the aviation
fields in New York, Washington,
Bellefonte, Cleveland and Chicago
whereby they were to take out their
planes as usual, pending a settlement
of the trouble in Washington.
The characterized strike of the pi-
lots was over the discharge of E.
Hamilton Lee and Leon Smith, who
refused to fly from Belmont field,
New York, on the morning of July
22nd, when the field was covered by a
dense fog and the visibility was less
than one hundred feet. Charles H.
Anglin was chosen as the pilot’s rep-
resentative to the Washington confer-
ence and James C. Furst Esq., of
Bellefonte, was selected by the pilots
to look after their interest.
At the Washington conference,
which lasted until Sunday night, the
fact was brought out that Lee had not
refused to fly on the date specified,
but had objected to going up in a Cur-
tis R4 machine equipped with a Lib-
erty motor; at the same time signify-
ing his willingness to start the flight
in a Curtis H, which is a slow travel-
ing machine and much safer in bad
weather. At the conference it was re-
vealed that instead of a strike having
been called each individual flyer had
come to his own conclusion not to fly
high compression motors regardless
of weather conditions. At the confer-
ence the pilots described in detail the
difficulties with which they have to
. contend to Otto Praeger, second as-
sistant postmaster general, and what
they considered the severity of the or-
ders issued by him requiring the pilot
to fly regardless of weather condi-
| While the orders of the Department
were not changed in form they were
| so explained and interpreted by Mr.
: Praeger that the pilots are hereafter
' given the authority to delay starting
a flight in case they believe it cannot
be made with a reasonable degree of
safety, and that they have the right
of appeal to the field managers locat-
ed at each station, who are authorized
by the Department to decide the ques-
tion; and the pilots feel quite confi-
dent that no field manager will order
them to begin a flight unless weather
conditions are such that he would be
willing. to undertake the flight him-
self. The pilots say under such cir-
cumstances they will be willing to fly
these ships even if they die in the at-
The pilots also asked for an increas-
ed scale of salary. They have been
, hired at $2000 a year with a ten per
cent. increase for every thirty hours
in the air until they receive $2800, for
pilots in class A. Class B pilots,
those who through exceptional ability
or by reason of perfect records for de-
livery of mail in bad weather and the
. avoidance of accidents, have been re-
ceiving $3600 a year. The pilots ask-
ed a minimum salary of $3600 with a
reasonable increase for length of
The conference resulted in the re-
instatement of E. Hamilton Lee at his
previous salary and an agreement to
consider a written application from
Leon Smith for his reinstatement,
subject, however, to a consideration
of matters pertaining to his previous
conduct and his actions after his dis-
missal by the Department, which vir-
tually amounted to an announcement
- of his dismissal. The salary question
is still under consideration.
In the meantime the air mail was
resumed last Saturday and has been
flying along ever since.
State Appropriations of Benefit to
Centre County.
In the general appropriation bill
signed by Governor Sproul last
Thursday Centre county will reap the
benefit of $20,000 to the Bellefonte
hospital; $54,000 to the Cottage State
hospital, Philipsburg; $1,781,462 to
The Pennsylvania State College, and
$1,103,955 to the western penitentiary,
although only $500,000 of the peniten-
tiary appropriation comes to the in-
stitution at Rockview.
In addition to the above Centre
county now has two state road con-
tracts under way for which the bids
were $465,042.73, while bids are now
being asked for between two and
three miles of road in Rush township
, and recommendation has been made
| for a piece of road in College town-
ship. And then the repair work on
the various state roads in Centre
county also amounts to quite an item.
Keller—Dillen.—Jared W. Keller, a
son of Mrs. Susan Keller, of Belle-
fonte, but who has been working in
: Altoona the past few years, and Mrs.
Allie Dillen, of that city, were mar-
ried on Saturday evening at the par-
sonage of the First Baptist church,
! Altoona, by the pastor, Rev. Clayton
Grinnell. They will continue to re-
side in Altoona.
Watson — Gearhart. — William T.
Watson, of Milesburg, and Miss Adie
Gearhart, of Blue Ball, Clearfield
county, were married in Hollidays-
burg last Saturday morning. They
will make their home in Tyrone where
Mr. Watson is employed as a brake-
.man on the Tyrone division of the
| Pennsylvania railroad.
| ——The Ladies Aid society of the
Evangelical church will hold a lawn
" social Saturday evening, August 2nd,
down by the old creamery building on
Phoenix avenue. Ice cream and cake
will Be served. The public is invited.
—DMrs. A. S. Acheson spent the day at
Peru Monday, visiting with friends.
—M. A. Landsy has returned to Belle-
fonte from a business trip to Philadelphia.
—Mrs. William Doll and her daughter,
Miss Marie, were guests for the week-end
of friends in Altoona.
—Mrs. Andrew Lieb, of Centre Hall, was
a guest of Mrs. F. Potts Green and her
daughters, while in Bellefonte during the
past week.
—Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cole, of Lewis-
town, motored to Bellefonte last Thursday
and spent a few hours with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Kirk.
—Milan Walker was this week discharg-
ed from the service and has returned home
from Philadelphia, where he had been on
duty in the navy storeskeeping depart-
—Mrs. Buckius and her daughter Betty
are in Chicago for a six week’s visit, going
out with Mrs. Buckius sister, who had
come to Dellefonte for the funeral of her
—Miss Mary McSuley returned from
Pittsburgh Tuesday, where she had been
visiting with her brother James and his
family, while under the treatment of
—Mrs. Thomas Donachy is spending a
month with her brother, John Schrock, in
Altoona, taking charge of his house while
Mrs. Schrock is having a much needed rest
in Atlantic City.
—Mrs. M. E. Collabine 2nd daughter
Verna, of Akron, Ohio, arrived in Belle-
fonte Sunday evening and have been guests
this week of Mrs. Frank P. Bartley, of
east Lamb street.
—Mrs. James Chambers, of Dubois, has
been visiting with relatives in Centre
county for the past two weeks, being a
house guest while in Bellefonte of Mr. and
Mrs. William Larimer.
—DMiss Bessie McCafferty left Bellefonte
Wednesday morning to spend a short time
with friends in Altoona before returning
to Pittsburgh. Miss McCafferty had been
here with relatives fer a ten day's visit.
—Dr. and Mrs. W. K. McKinney and
their house guest, Mrs. Cunningham, of
Washington, D. C., left Tuesday afternoon
for Chautauqua, N. Y., where they will be
during Dr. McKinney's vacation of a
—Miss Emma Montgomery returned to
Tyrone Sunday with F. K. Lukenbach and
his daughter, Miss Katherine, who had
driven to Bellefonte for the day. Miss
Montgomery remained in Tyrone for a
short visit.
—Miss Ella A. Gates returned yesterday
from spending the latter part of her va-
cation with friends in Philipsburg, Ad»
toona and Warriorsmark, bringing with
her Betty Gates, who will spend a week
or two with her grandparents.
—Miss Nellie Smith, who spent a
month’s vacation with friends in Belle-
fonte and at Centre Hall, will return to
Philadelphia tomorrow to resume her
work as a nurse in training at the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania hospital.
—Miss Nell Flack left Wednesday for a
two week’s visit with her sister in Cleve-
land, Ohio. On returning east she will
stop for several days in Johnstown, then
go directly to New York, to meet Mr. Katz.
to do the early fall buying of millinery
goods for Katz's store.
-—~Upon leaving for the return drive to
Bridgport, Conn., a week ago, Mr. and Mrs.
S. H. Taylor and their daughter were ac-
companied by Mr. Taylor's sister, Miss
May Taylor, who will spend several weeks
visiting with her brother’s family before
returning to Bellefonte.
—Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Woodcock, of Syr-
acuse, N. Y., and their three children will
be in Bellefonte next week on their way to
Alexandria, Huntingdon county, where they
will spend the month of August as guests
of Mrs. Woodcock’s aunt, as has been their
custom for a number of years.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. Norman Sherer, of
Lteading, are guests of Mrs. Sherer's cous-
ins, Mrs. R. M. Beach and Miss Mary
Miles Blanchard, coming here a week ago
to spend Mr. Sherer’s vacation. A part of
Mrs. Sherer’s time will be spent with her
sister, Mrs. Green, at Lock Haven.
—Miss Jane Miller, with Mrs. J. D. Lam-
bert, of Greensburg, and her daughter
Harriet, were week-end guests of Miss
Miller's brother in Williamsport. Mrs.
Lambert and her daughter came to Belle-
fonte Wednesday of last week, for a visit
with their relatives in Centre county.
— Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lane drove in
from McKeesport Saturday, remaining
over Sunday with Mr. Lane's mother, Mrs.
James B. Lane. Upon their return home
Monday, they were accompanied by their
son James, who had been with his grand-
mother for the greater part-of the sum-
—Or Sunday David Bartlet and family
motored to Tyrone to visit Mr. Bartlet’s
brother Sidney and family and while they
had considerable tire trouble going up it
was nothing to what they had coming
back, and the result was they were just
four hours on the road from Tyrone to
—Mrs. E. C. Tuten came over from
Philipsburg on Saturday and visited over
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Harold
Kirk, on the farm south of Bellefonte, tak-
ing home with her on Monday evening her
two boys, Tirrell, who had been over at
Lewistown with his uncle, Amos Cole, and |
John, a month at the Kirk
who spent
—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris, of Pitts-
burgh; Mr. and Mrs. John
Johnstown, and George Harris, of Baifl-
more, have all been guests of Mrs. Rachel
Harris at her home on Allegheny street
within the week.
came over for their daughter Rachel, who
had been here for a visit with her grand-
mother; George Harris coming to spend
the week-end with the other members of
the family.
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8. Walker drove
to Philadelphia the after part of last week,
for a short visit and to attend the wed-
ding of Miss Gertrude Evans Clark and
Myron Hale Workheiser, at the Church of
the Atonement, Wednesday, when Mrs.
Walker was the matron of honor and Mr.
Walker an usher, Mrs. Clark having been
Mrs. Walker's maid of honor. Mr. an
Mrs. Workheiser drove to Bellefonte yes-
terday with Mr. and Mrs. Walker.
—Bernice Finklestine, the only child of
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Finklestine, of Norris-
town, came to Bellefonte a week ago to
spend the remainder of the summer with
her neighbborhood girl friends on Willow-
bank street. Bernice, who came as far as
Lock Haven alone, being met there by her |
uncle, David Finklestine, has lost none of |
her great love for Bellefonte during her |
two year's absence, but is looking forward
to coming back
Van Pelt, of |
Mr. and Mrs. Van Pelt !
to make the place her
—Mrs. James Waddle, of Buffalo Run,
is spending this week among Bellefonte
—Rev. M. DePue Maynard left Wednes-
day for his summer vacation, going from
Lere to his home in Williamsport.
—DMrs. Jacob Gross returned Tuesday
from a two week's visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Lose, at their cottage at Ocean
City. :
Mrs. Ray Harris and two children, of
Pittsburgh, are guests of Miss Josephine
McDermott, at her bungalow on Burnside
—Edward Brown spent last week in
Philadelphia with Milan Walker, just on
the eve of the latter's discharge from the
U. 8. service.
—Lewis Miller and his family motored
to Bellefonte from Niagara Falls Sunday,
and have been spending the week with rel-
atives in Bellefonte.
—W. L. Woodcock, of Altoona, was In
Bellefonte Wednesday, on the way to his
farm on Purdue mountain to spend the re-
mainder of the week.
—Col. Emanuel Noll is in Detroit for
a three week’s visit with his daughter,
Mrs. Chauncey York. Mr. Noll went to
Michigan two weeks ago.
—Mrs. William DBottorf, of east Lamb
street, with her daughter Ruth, left on
Wednesday for Wheeling, W. Va. for a
lengthy visit with her son Albert.
—W. Lester Musser returned home on
Saturday afternoon from Camp Dix, be-
ing among the last of the Bellefonte boys
who saw service overseas to return home.
—Mr. and Mrs. William Peters and their
family, of Niagara Falls, are making a
two week's visit with relatives at Pleas-
ant Gap and Bellefonte, having driven fo
Centre county Sunday.
—Mrs. Annie Miller and her two grand-
sons, Wilbur and Carl Miller, returned to
Bellefonte a week ago from a two week's
visit with Mrs. Miller's daughter, Mrs.
William Bathurst, in Altoona.
—Mrs. Shontz, who had been visiting in
Bellefonte with her daughter, Mrs. Robert
Sechler, left Tuesday to spend a short
time with relatives in Boalsburg and Cen-
tre Hall, before returning to her home in
—Mrs. W. H. Cunningham, of Olean, N.
Y., and her nephew, James Conner, who
came to Bellefonte Wednesday, will visit
for the remainder of the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rishel, at their
home on Willowbank street.
—Lieut. Francis Thomas, who was re-
cently discharged from service but was
given a commission as a reserve officer,
will leave next Monday for Phoenixville,
where he has accepted a good position
with the Phoenix Iron and Bridge com-
—Mrs. Anna Johnson, her two sons,
Norman and Randolph, Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Caldwell, Mrs. Katherine Crane and
Paul Parker, were members of a motor
party from Jersey Shore entertained by
Mrs. Alice Parker at her home on Bishop
street Sunday.
—Mrs. J. M. Harris, of Newark, N. J., is
in Bellefonte for a short stay with her
brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. An-
i drew Young. Mrs. Harris motored here
from Milroy, where she made her first vis-
it with the relatives whom she will visit
while in Pennsylvania.
—0O. N. Bowersox, among the men who
have made good since leaving Centre coun-
ty, and who is now holding one of the
good positions at Josephine, Pa., has been
spending a few days at State College look-
ting after the renting of his gray brick
house on Atherton street.
'—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Funk and their
family left a week ago for Altoona, for a
short visit before starting on the return
drive to their home in Turtle Creek, a
suburb of Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Funk
had been spending two weeks with rela-
tives in and about Bellefonte.
—John Brachbill, of Williamsport, wifh
Mrs. Brachbill and their two children, are
spending Mr. Brachbill's vacation in Belle-
fonte with his mother, Mrs. W. T. Twit-
mire. Mr. and Mrs. Brachbill came to
Bellefonte Saturday, their son, John Jr.
having come up several days before, ac-
companying Mr. and Mrs. Twitmire to
Lakemont, Thursday.
—Mrs. W. Frank Bradford, Mrs. G. O.
Benner, Mrs. John Puff, Roy Puff and
John Kanarr, composed a quintette of
Centre Hall people who were in Bellefonte
on Wednesday, each one on a separate mis-
sion looking after business and doing
shopping, and they all arrived in time to
see aviator Lewis do his jazzing stunts in
testing out a big DeHaviland plane.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Eberhart, with
their son Doyle, who was home on a ten
day’s leave of absence from the ship on
which he is a wireless operator, and Miss
Ruth Badger drove to Curwensville on
Saturday where they visited friends until
Sunday evening. Miss Eva J. Gates ac-
companied them as far as Philipsburg
where she visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.
Gates until their return trip Sunday even-
—Mrs. Margaret Bayard Bowen, of Can-
ton, Ohio, and her sister, Miss Caroline
Bayard, assistant superintendent of the
Soldiers Orphans Industrial school at Scot-
land, Pa., are in Bellefonte spending Miss
Bayard’s vacation, Mrs. Bowen having met
her sister here Saturday. Mrs. Bowen and
Miss Bayard, who are daughters of the
| late Mr. and Mrs. George Bayard, lived all
their earlier life here, consequently are
well known to the people of this locality.
Arrangements are being com-
pleted for a big community picnic to
be held at Warriorsmark on Saturday
. of next week, August 9th, which will
' be in the nature of a welcome home to
the boys of Warriorsmark valley and
the western end of Centre county
who saw service during the world
war. The program includes a num-
ber of speeches, music by the War-
‘riorsmark band, community singing,
and sports of various kinds. A gen-
eral invitation is extended the public
to attend the gathering.
——Best equipped shoe repair shop
'in Centre county and all sorts of diffi-
| cult repair work done on short notice,
guaranteed, and at low prices, in the
| United Shoe Repair Shop, corner of
| High and Water streets, end room in
i Bush Arcade. Shoe shining. Give
them a trial. 30-3t
| For Rent.—Apartment in Aiken
. block, second floor, now occupied by
Mrs. Aiken. Possession given Oct.
1st. 30-tf
Sale Register.
| Saturday, Aug. 2.—~Mrs. H. W. Irvin will
sell a full line of household furniture at
the J. C. Jodon store on south Water
St. Sale at 1:30 p. m,