Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 25, 1919, Image 4

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Bellefonte, Pa., July 25, 1919.
To Correspondents.—No communications |
published unless accompanied by the real
rame of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
notice this paper will be furnished to sub-
scribers at the folivwing rates:
Paid strictly in advance
Paid before expiration of year -
Paid after expiration of year
Brief Meeting of Borough Council.
Only five members were present at
the regular meeting of borough coun-
cil on Monday evening. There were
no verbal nor written communications.
Mr. Richard, for the Street com-
mittee, presented the first report of
borough manager J. D. Seibert so far
as it related to that department which
showed that an unusual amount of
repair work and improvements had
been made on various streets of the
town. He also presented the treasur-
er’s receipt for $50 for sewer permits
due and owing the borough for
months which the borcugh manager
had collected and turned over to the
The Water committee also reported
a number of badly needed repairs hav-
ing been made by the borcugh man-
ager and in the neighborhood of one
hundred dollars long overdue water
taxes lected. He also reported a
request of Richard M. Funk for water
connections with his bungalow on east
Curtin street, and also water privi-
leges for a private swimming tank.
The house will be connected up at reg-
ular domestic rates and a meter will
be put on the swimming tank and the
price charged be on the basis of the
water consumed.
The Finance committee asked for
the renewal of notes for $3,000 one
year from July 8th, and $1,500 one
year from July 2nd, both of which
were authorized.
The Special committee reported
that they had investigated the com-
munication of the State-Centre Elec-
tric company relative to continuing
the special agreement for pumping
water but for various reasons they
recommended that the agreement be
terminated at the end of the trial
year, which will be September first,
and at that date revert to the origi-
nal pumping contract, which was only
temporarily suspended during a trial
year of the special agreement. On
motion council accepted the recom-
mendation of the committee and the
secretary was notified to so inform
the State-Centre company.
The Special committee also pre- ; 4
| ing in the hay field on July 4th. ; He | parades is
| was sixty years old and is survived [en has no hesitation in saying that
by his wife who prior to her marriage |
sented a communication from Col. W.
Fred Reynolds stating the terms on |
which he will sell the Phoenix mill
property to the borough and giving
one month from date of letter in
which to accept or reject his offer. |
The sentiment of council is favorable
to the purchase of the property and
the matter was continued in the hands
of the Special committee until next |
meeting night to work out details,
Regarding tax collector J. Kenne-
dy Johmston’s request that the bor-
ough withhold any moneys due con-
tractor R. B. Taylor until his taxes |
have all been paid and satisfied the |
Special committee was in doubt as to |
council’s right in the matter and the
request was turned over to the bor-
ough solicitor.
The Special committee reported
that the roadway of the Willowbank |
street bridge has been completed and |
opened for traffic, and that Mr. H. S.
Moore had been given the contract
for putting the walk on each side of
the roadway in good condition.
The Special committee also pre-
sented a favorable report on the ordi-
nance presented at last meeting pro-
hibiting the erection of booths and
tents on the streets of Bellefonte, but
the matter was held over until next
meeting for further action.
Regarding the petitions of citizens
for the building of a state highway
on Bishop, south Spring and Pine
streets to connect with the highway
now being built from Bellefonte to
Pleasant Gap the Special committee
reported that the petition is now in
the hands of the County Commission-
ers, but that they also have a petition |
for a stretch of highway near State
College which was received prior to
the one from Bellefonte and would
naturally take priority in action. The
committee was instructed to do all
possible to speed up action on the
Bellefonte project.
Bills to the amount of $1,363.44
were approved and council adjourned.
A birthday party and welcome
home celebration combined was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dice
Thomas, on the Branch in Ferguson
township, Wednesday evening, in hon- |
or of their son, Ralph Thomas, who
was twenty-five years old that day
and who just recently returned from
France where he served in the head-
quarters company of the 79th divis- |
About one hundred and fifty
people were present, including prac-
tically all the residents of that locali-
ty and the occasion was a flattering
testimonial of the esteem in which the
young soldier is held by all his
George Kelley last week sold
his bakery in the Bush Arcade to Mrs.
Catharine Raymond who took charge
as proprietress on Monday. Mrs.
Raymond had assisted Mr. Kelley in
conducting the bakery prior to pur-
chasing the plant. The sale did not
include the ice plant purchased re-
cently by Mr.. Kelley from George
Doll and he is now devoting his at-
tention to looking after it.
oo | trious and energetic citizen.
i ARCHEY.—Johnson Archey, a well |
{ known citizen of Spruce Creek valley, |
| died quite suddenly on Sunday, July |
| 13th, at his home at Graysville of neu-
ralgia of the heart. He had appeared
| day and retired early in the evening.
| When the other members of the fami-
ly went up stairs to retire they found
him already cold in death.
He was a son of the venerable
| George W. Archey and was born at
i Graysville forty years ago, spending
i all his life in that locality. He was a
carpenter by occupation and an indus-
He is
survived by his wife and one daugh-
ter, Almeda; his aged father and the
following brothers and sisters: Levi
Archey, Linn, Hezekiah, Kelly, Mrs.
Logan Johnson, of Tyrone; Mrs.
George Deters, of Graysville; Miss
Ella, of Pittsburgh, and Miss Carrie,
of Altoona. He was a member of the
Graysville Presbyterian church and
Rev. R. M. Campbell officiated at the
funeral which was held at ten o’clock
on Wednesday morning of last week,
burial being made in the Graysville
ll i
HUEY.—Mrs. Ellen Huey, widow
of James Huey, died at her home near
Fillmore on Thursday of last week
following an illness of two months
with sarcoma, aged 73 years and 1
month. She is survived by the fol-
lowing children: Mrs. O. W. Mar-
shall, of Fillmore; Mrs. Samuel Kel-
ly, of Philipsburg; Mrs. G. T. Lomi-
son, of Orviston; Thomas, Henry and
Cyrus, of Fillmore. She also leaves
two sisters and one brother, namely:
Mrs. Lydia McAiney, of Juniata;
Mrs. Dallas Lykens, of Warriors-
mark, and ex-sheriff W. M. Cronister,
of Martha. She also leaves twenty-
four grand-children and twenty-seven
great grand-children. Burial was
made in Gray’s cemetery on Sunday.
RIDER. Mr: Anna M. Rider, wife
of S. Clay Rider, died at her home at
Coleville on Tuesday following an ill-
ness’ of eight months with chronic
nephritis. She was a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Foley and was born
in Bellefonte about forty-four years
ago. Nineteen years ago she was
united in marriage to Mr. Rider and
he survives with two sons, Paul and
Frederick. She was a faithful mem-
ber of the Catholic church all her life
and the funeral services will be held
in that church at ten o’clock this (Fri-
day) morning. Rev. Father Downes
will officiate and burial be made in
the Catholic cemetery.
i il
SMITH.—Harvey Milton Smith, a
well known resident of Gregg town-
| ship, died at his home at Penn Hall on
in his usually good health during the |
Wednesday of last week as the result |
| of a sunstroke sustained while work-
| was Miss Catharine Whiteman, an
the following children: C. M. Smith,
of Centre Hall; Mrs. James McCool,
‘ of Farmer’s Mills; William Smith, of
Spring Mills; George, John and Ma-
ry at home. Burial was made on Sat-
urday in the Heckman cemetery.
—Cards have been received in
Bellefonte announcing the marriage
on June 3rd of Joseph Decker Powers
| and Miss Laura Emily Brown, both
of New York city.
— The big Pierce Arrow, seven
| passenger touring car of the Logan
' £re company of Bellefonte will be dis-
posed of without fail on Saturday
evering, August 2nd, in the Diamond,
‘Bellefonte. A good opportunity for
somebody to get a high class car
! aad
Official weather forecasters de-
| clare that old St. Swithin had nothing
‘to do with the unusual amount of
' rain we have had the past ten days,
| and there you are. There isn’t any-
‘body left mow to blame it on unless
| we blame it on the men who sit in
| Washington and tell us when it will
{ rain and when it won’t—maybe.
— On Wednesday evening Isabel
' Jodon, the five year old daughter of
| Mr. and Mrs. Van Jodon, ran out on
| Willowbank street to meet her father,
| who was returning home from the
| offices of the Bellefonte Central Rail-
‘road company, and was struck by a
| passing automobile and knocked down.
| Fortunately the car was running
slowly and the child was thrown to
| one side so that no bones were brok-
| en and she escaped with a few bruises
"and si! ght contusions.
| About a month ago C. D.
| Moore left Centre county to spend the
| summer with relatives at St. James,
| Mo., but the more some men travel
| about the more they want to and that
| seems to be the case with Mr. Moore,
because now he is on his way to Los
| Angeles, Cal., and as that is about as
| far west as he can go unless he takes
i a ship or swims he will likely be an-
chored there for some time. And they
‘ do say that the ladies of Los Angeles
are unusually fine and fascinating, so
there’s no telling what the end may
——Various conferences are being
i held in the Harrisburg diocese in the
| interest of the nation-wide campaign
i of the Episcopal church. Rev. Mal-
| colm DePue Maynard, of Bellefonte,
{is chairman of the conference com-
| mittee which also includes Miss Anna
| Watts, of Mechanicsburg; Miss Mary
i Hurlinger, of Philipsburg, and Harry
| B. Viets, of Carlisle, Pa. Three con-
| ferences were held this week, one in
' the Bellefonte church on Tuesday,
| another in the Williamsport church on
| Wednesday and one in Harrisburg
| yesterday. The Rev. Dr. W. A. R.
{ Goodwin, of Rochester, N. Y., has
| been present at the three conferences
, and explained in detail the resources
of the church and its various needs.
; at the High school building and when |
Knights of Columbus Statue at State
In commemoration of the great hu-
anitarian work done by the Knights
of Columbus during the war with
Germany, both in this country and in
foreign lands, a beautiful statue will
be unveiled at State College on Sun-
day, August 10th. The statue, which
will stand on the grounds of the
Catholic chapel, is entitled “Sacred
Heart of Jesus Blessing,” and the fig- |
ure represented is that of Christ with
arms extended in an attitude of bless- |
The statue is the gift of the
Knights of Columbus with the liberal
financial assistance of Major Theo-
dore Davis Boal and his son, Capt.
Boal. The unveiling of the statue
will be attended by a field mass, at
the conclusion of which all Knights of |
Columbus will proceed to Boalsburg
where a luncheon will be served on
the lawn of the Boal mansion, after
which all the visitors will be escorted
through the Boal museum in order to.!
afford them an opportunity of seeing
the war relics brought home by Major
Boal from the battlefields of France.
— oe
The Chautauqua Now Open.
The Bellefonte Chautauqua opened
yesterday afternoon and this means a |
full week of good entertainment for !
all those who have taken advantage
of the season tickets. The “Watch-
the program as published is a gecod |
one and should appeal to ail who love
good, clean, wholesome entertain- :
ment. If you failed to get a season
ticket, lock over the program, pick
out what you think you will appreci-*
ate and go and hear it. !
Quite a stunt was pulled off on!
ednesday morning at ten o’clock to
advertise the Junior Chautauqua by |
Charles Timpler, who was in Belle- |
(Continued from page 8, column 3).
first lieutenant and went
aerial mail service.
' age the airline mail should prove a |
| .
: | great convenience. |
into the | © ik
His first appear- |
ance in Bellefonte was last winter |
when he drove a plane through here
i and early in June when flights were ,
started on schedule time he was as-
signed to the Bellefonte field, flying
between here and Cleveland. He was
not only a good flyer but a man of
kindly disposition and gentlemanly
! demeanor: During his brief stay in
i Bellefonte he had made many warm
| friends and his untimely death is as
deep a blow to them as if he had lived
. in Bellefonte all his life.
{ Knight Templar and a thirty-second
| degree Mason. His father one
: brother were killed during the Span-
| ish-American war, but he is survived
i by one sister and two brothers.
Having a personal acquaintance
| with all of the pilots working out of
| Bellefonte and many on other divis-
{ ions we have had much opportunity
| to gauge the ability of Lamborn and
{ we think we do none cf them an in-
| justice when we say that he im-
pressed us as being one of the high-
est type. He was an older man than
most of them, with wonderful com- |
and a scher, reasoning sense |
i of the game. Of ccurse he was a
“stunt” flyer and a good one, but he
believed in “jazzing” only as an es-
| sential to a flyer’s ability to manou-
i ship under any and all condi-
yer Bb
| tions. He realized the hazard always |
i and flew safe insofar as a sound judg-
| ment could guide him over a course
that he had taken great pains to study
"during his frequent flights over it.
| As a man he was a very likable fel-
, low; clean cut, straightforward, un-
| obtrusive. His short residence in
Bellefonte won for him the esteem
| and friendship of a large circle of ac-
quaintances who were shocked at his
. sad end almost as though he had been
| a life-long friend.
The remains were taken on the 3:10
| Lehigh-Pennsylvania express on Sun-
| day to Wilcox, Neb., where his sister
i lives, being accompanied by Hard P.
{ Harris, who, because of his close
| friendship for Lambern, was appoint-
| ed a special postal clerk to escort the
body home.
— ee
Perplexities of Aviators in a Fog.
Writing from Alto under date of
| last Saturday George B. Thompson
| says:
“As you may be interested to know
| of the desperate attempt made by the
| mail aviator yesterday to land I will
tell you what we saw of it.
| “At noon yesterday he came from
the direction of Lemont—the east—
flying only a few feet above the trees, | Union
and almost touching the ground at
more than ten feet above the seventy
foot stack. He then made a circle
and came over us again and sailed
over nearly to State College. :
“In a few minutes he was back and
passed over our house, so near that
. we could see his face and he waved
his arm to us. We pointed northeast
toward Bellefonte and he curved off
in that direction.
«I knew he was lost and as it was
He was a |
fonte most of the week making the
| raining and dense clouds were hang-
final arrangements for the opening of !I'8 S50 low that he coil} not find or
the Chautauqua. He advertised that | €VeD See a suitable landing place I
a ticket hunt would take place at that felt he was in great danger.
hour and the children finding the six | There are fields near here he could
tickets would, of course, be privileged | have landed in if there had been some
to keep them, and as the tickets will signal placed on them to show him
admit to all the entertainments of the the spot. I think it would be a good
Chautauqua they naturally offered a idea if possible landing places could
very coveted prize. Promptly at the be conspicuously marked, so as to
hour about fifty children were on hand ! help prevent such a perplexing situa-
tion as befel this man.”
he got them all in line Mr. Timpler | Byt the central part of Pennsylva-
furnished each one with a whistle and | pia is not the only place where the
es Diem oa ew | aviators have fonts HE rains, fogs,
: ghe- ' clouds, etc. On Monday morning
4 Stuosh to BIghop oA vest on Bio | gliot Crores B Anglls 10d $8 Bo
> oe op of the Academy campus yont Park field for Bellefonte with
in 8 Jo men that the foes 350 pounds of mail in nine sacks and
a Sn us and they pad not gotten very far on his trip
as nm - eet, es | when he was literally blinded by ae
> ? Triers | driving rai d low-hanging clouds
scattered over the green hillside, back Joe nt in e forced
mn Toon oa pho of ish ion landing at Hellertown, Lehigh county.
£ 7 ng In f oe he finding | Before reaching the ground pilot An-
: re ~ 2B fay t > SIX fo | glin just missed hitting the top of a
eid ups > iy a Ba Boy | barn, he had been forced down so low,
S won nhart, | hut managed to dive to one side and
Denny Iehkowitz, Margaret Taylor, ' proceed a half mile further where he
Ta Gallagher, Cyrus Bailey and [it in a field. The wheels of the big
orman Fisher. | machine sank in the mud almost to
| the hub and the plane turned turtle.
| Anglin escaped with a few slight
The Woman’s hospital of Philadel- | bruises but the machine was wrecked.
phia has several vacancies for pupil People living in that vicinity assisted
nurses. Exceptional opportunities in Anglin in transferring the mail from
nursing medical and surgical cases, | the wrecked plane to the railroad de-
obstetrics and diseases of children, !
also diatetics and social service work. |
An Opportunity for Young Women.
On Tuesday afternoon pilot Anglin
Requirements for entrance—18 to 85 | Was caught in a terrific rainstorm
years of age, one year of High school ; and adverse air currents at Harris-
short circuit somewhere on an elec-
or its equivalent. Girls who have fin- |
ished the country schools are eligible. |
For particulars address,
Medical Sup’t.,
2137 N. College Ave. Philadelphia.
——On Wednesday morning Mrs. |
Clyde Love, who lives over Miss |
Cooney’s hat shop, went to the sink |
to draw some water from the spigot.
As she turned on the water she re-
ceived an electric shock that almost
knocked her down. In fact the cur-
rent was so great that the fire flew
from her bare arm. While she was
not rendered unconscious the shock |
left her s0 nervous and weak that it
was several hours before she recover-
ed therefrom. The cause of the
shock has not yet been definitely de-
termined, although both plumbers
and electricians have been looking for
it. When Mrs. Love turned on the
water she was standing on a strip of
damp oilcloth, which naturally form-
ed a circuit, but there evidently was a
tric light wire.
burg while on his way from Bellefonte
to New York and was compelled to
make a forced landing near that city
at such speed that his machine turned
| turtle and was badly wrecked. Lieut.
| Anglin left Bellefonte about three
o'clock and got along all right until
| he reached Sunbury where he encoun-
a» .
tered a severe storm and was driven
from his route so that he reached
{ Harrisburg, but by that time the
storm was so severe that he could
not continue his flight and he was
forced to descend.
These series of mishaps, all trans-
piring within a week, are no doubt
discouraging, but then the series of
storms we have had during the week
were also very unusual. In fact it is
hardly probable that there will be
another such a succession of severe
storms in months. And just to prove
that the jinx didn’t get them aviator
Lewis did some real jazzing over
Bellefonte on Wednesday in testing
out a machine and yesterday the serv-
ice was almost back to normal again.
With anything l#ke good weather the
| has been reduced to
ferent flights on schedule time, and,
ith the reduction of the rate of post- |
Aerial Mail Service to and From |
Bellefonte. i
si |
Aerial mail service is again in op-
eration between Bellefonte and New |
York in the east, and Bellefonte and |
leveland and Chicago in the west. |
Mail cleses daily at the Bellefonte of-
fice for the west at 7 2. m. and for the
east at 11 a. m. The rate of postage
two cents an
ounce on all sealed matter, including
sealed parcels not exceeding thirty
inches in length and girth combined.
Ordinary postage may be used.
P. H. GHERRITY, Postmaster.
Put Your Cash in These Government
Centre county has a per capita of
i $1.79 at this time. The per capita on
| July 20th, 1918, was $11.77. We re-
oT | ported .44 cents for the week endin
H. N. Meyer, clerk to the County | july 20th, 1918, while this year hd
Commissioners, has completed a ComM- | the week ending July 19th we didn’t
pilation of the spring registration of | have enough to make a report. There
voters as returned by the various reg- | is just as much money in circulation
istration assessors throughout the | 4:5 year as there was last year. Are
county. It shows a total of 10463 | the people looking for better invest-
voters divided as follows: Republi-| nents or safer securities than they
cans, 5668; Democrats, 4257; scatter- | ove a year ago? Neither are possi-
ed, 538. The registration in election | hle to obtain. x
Registration of Voters.
He passed over my mill not | walker W P..
| districts is as follows: Treasury savings’ certificates in the
R D Seat. ! gd +3 3 10 :
Bellefonte N W.......... 362 163 ¢ | Gemomination of $100.06 (maturity
Bellefonte 8 W........... 205 160 26 | value January 1st, 1924), are issued
Donel vu p a ; :
p3jeliatonte Name na ? | during July at $83.60, and the price
To : 55 2 | will increase twenty cents each month
YE BD) > .
Mile I = 10 | 50 as to reach $84.60 in December.
{Millheim ................. 44 112 24
i Philipsburg Ist Ww ata 14 5 Is The $1000.00 treasury savings’ cer-
Philipsburg 2nd Fees 238 118 71 | +i : :
Pitts Ufo Ny 7 | tihcates, mating af the same fire,
S. Philipsburg ........... 78 18 iy | are issued this month at $836.00, and
DO re 22 9 22 | the price will increase $2.00 each
S Yaflege 10 h 2 8: : P
Eatonville S...0. anno. 6 18 1 month, reaching $846.00 in Decem-
poser $f Hom ben
Boggs N P. ee a 21 2 In general, the treasury savings’
Sofas ® Passe 2 23 3 certificates are similar to war sav-
Ee a 220 | ings stamps. The interest rate, meth-
Colloae Gopi mee 129 198 181 od of payment, date of maturity, etc.,
Curtin S Po i 55 35 1 are all the same. War savings cer-
Ferguson N P............ 72 7 ific i
Yerpuson BE P............ 60 71 2 tif ales of the 1919 Series nay be
Ferguson > BL 1 39 i converted into the new securities.
rege N P.. T 55. 3 ’ :
ET Mo Treasury savings’ certificates are
IL 6 15 1 i exempt from all State and federal
ee LE
Halfmoon ... Ei 21 5 A person who purchased the limit
Harris EK i 1! of the 1918 series may under exist-
Howard 62 4 ing laws purchase and own the limit
USION .....000000000000 - 3
bey Biri 2 1 a Ted eR Sh district
joerty W P., 3 S 1
Merion 4 cee [1 : has requested the people generally to
Miles NM po 131 1 vey in these certificates of $100.00
Miles W P............... i and $1000.00 at this time. If your
Patton ...... 43 2 2
Pern ...0.... 190 postmaster, or your banker does not
Potter N P. 95 4! have any on hand you will communi-
Potter 8 P............... 81 6 y .
Doter WW B..0. 00 10 67 10|cate your order to W. Harrison
JE0sh > 2 { 1% 28 Walker, chairman of Group 3, of the
Rush § P 26 : War Savings division, Bellefonte, Pa.
nia yr 5 a » Make your requisition at once for
Snow Shoe W : 42 6 | the limit of these new form of gov-
Spring N L ro ne - ernment securities. Buy treasury
Spring W P.. 155 47 12 | savings certificates. Do not only as-
LONIOE iveinesnenpmshess 23 1B 1 sist in keeping Centre county in sec-
| Walker 5 Bi i i 5 | ond place in the Eastern district of
aiker J .e © . Slvr 3 :
29 & 2 | Pennsylvania, but make an invest-
Worth... isserionsvens: 148 50 1 | ment worth while in securities, pay-
566s 1257 oos | ment of which are guaranteed by our
Grand Motal ............. 5000... 10403 government.
soe —
Centre County Pomona Grange.
A regular meeting of the Centre
county Pomona Grange will be held
in the hall of Progress Grange, Cen-
tre Hall, on Thursday, July 31st. The
first session will open at 10 a. m.;
second, at 1:30 p. m. Matters of
great interest bearing on the ap-
proaching Grange encampment and
fair will come up for discussion and
decision. Members are requested to
take their lunch with them.
Millheim to Have a Silk Mill.
On Friday of last week F. Q. Hart-
man, proprietor of the big silk mill at
Danville, purchased property in Mill-
heim as a site for the erection of a
silk mill, according to his own state-
ment, which also includes the fact
that the mill will be erected this sum-
mer and be ready for operation before
winter sets in. The plant will be
known as the Centre county silk mill.
——A case of infantile paralysis
has developed in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Miller, on east Curtin street.
——Charles R. Meek has returned
from service in France and is back on
his job as a state forester at Coburn.
——A daughter who has been named
Cecil Evans, was born to Mr. and Mrs.
M. R. Johnson, at the Bellefonte hos- !
pital, Wednesday.
——The old woolen mills at Hous-
erville are being torn down, which
marks the passing of what was at one
time quite an industry in Centre
——Centre county’s portion of the!
State appropriation to the Mother’s
pension fund during the next two
years will be $2751.07, which is a Iit-
tle more than for the past two years,
but not sufficient to permit the trus-
tees to widen the scope of their work
to any great extent over and above
that of last year.
P. W. Shaffner is moving into his
new residence.
John Luckasavage has returned to
Elizabeth, N. J.
Edward C. Bergen, of Kane, spent
| Friday in Clarence.
Mrs. Edith Sewalt has returned to
her home in Williamsport.
Pearl Cole left on Wednesday to
visit relatives in Kewanee, Ill.
James Bradley, of Sunbury, is vis-
iting his brother, William J. Bradley.
Mrs. Fisher, of Toronto, Canada, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Agnes Rog-
0. J. Harm has purchased a fine
Clarence store.
Harry Brooks, with his two sisters,
Anna and Fannie, attended the carni-
val in Philipsburg on Thursday even-
———They are all good ¢ enough, but
pilots will be able to make their dif- |the “Watchman” is always the best.
new delivery truck to be used at the ;
...C. K. Elder, of Brownsville, is vis-
iting his siser, Mrs. Fannie Gray.
Mrs. S. G. Coons, of Dry Run, has
been visiting friends in the valley.
Miss Juliet Gray is spending a few
gays with friends in Tyrone and Al-
_ Mrs, Jennie Wasson, of Pittsburgh,
is visiting her niece, Mrs. Frank
Frederick Clemson, who was with
the American army in France, has ar-
rived home.
Mrs. Roy Wasson and children, of
Altoona, are visiting Mrs. Wasson’s
mother, Mrs. David Shivery.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tobin and
daughter Sara, and Mrs. Clara Elder,
visited friends in the valley on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Waite enter-
tained about one hundred and seven-
ty-five friends on Wednesday evening,
July 16th, in honor of their son Gil-
bert, recently returned from Germa-
ny. Guests were present from Ty-
rone, Warriorsmark. Centre Line,
Port Matilda and other nearby points.
When Halfmoon township made the roads
They got into a muddle,
If any auto had to run
Through even one mud puddle.
But since the State is making roads
There isn't any trouble,
{ For all the autos on the road
Go through one big mud puddle:
for good roads.
Mrs. Anna Stiver, of Centre Hall, is
at present visiting at the home of
Mrs. James Carner.
Cailers at the home of Mrs. D. A.
Deitrich on Sunday were John White
and family, of Axe Mann.
Mr. and Mrs. Pencil had as their
guests on Sunday their son and little
grand-daughter, of Altoona.
E. L. McClintock recently opened a
repair shop, and is now prepared to
supply autoists with gasoline and al-
so mend the breaks.
The festival held in Hublersburg
Saturday evening by the adult bible
| class was well attended, regardless of
| the unpleasant weather, and the ladies
| realized a nice sum. The 1. O. O. F.
band of Bellefonte, was in attendance
and was very liberal with its music,
! which was appreciated by all.
| —*“Miss Pacer is a very bright
Fone judging by my interview with
“What did she say?”
“Nothing much, but she approved
of what I said.”—Cleveland Plain
Services for Dr. Anna Howard Shaw.
Memorial services in honor of the
late Dr. Anna Howard Shaw will be
held in the Academy of Music, Phila-
delphia, on Sunday, November 9th,
as a preliminary to the convention of
the Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage
association, which opens in the Belle-
Yoo sirsiors, Monday, November
——Subseribe for the “Watchman.”