Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 23, 1919, Image 6

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~ | How Some Flowers Were Named. and
Bellefonte, Pa., May 23, 1919.
City Has Many Former Places of Resi-
: ]
improving the : ology, Pennsylvania Department of |
Agriculture, show the green apple
aphis hatching in dangerous numbers.
Orchardists who have not control-
led the aphis by dormant sprays
should prepare for thorough Spraying
with nicotine sulphate with the pin
| bud spray of bordeaux mixture, ac-
ing other colors
size of the plant. . J
Of course the morning glory derives
| its name from the fact that it blooms
| only in the morning, and the “four
i Retrograding.
o’ciocks,” because they open at that |
First Farmer—So your boy is home i
for the Easter holidays. Has he
learned anything at College?
It is quite interesting to know how |
Second Farmer—No, an’ wuss'n |
many of our common flowers received
their names. Many were named after
people, who, in most instances, either |
originated the particular variety or |
brought it to the publics attention, of- |
ten from some distant land. coi
The beautiful fuchsia received its
name from Leonard Fuchs, who dis-
Bears thesignature of Chas. H.Fletcher.
Ia use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
that, he’s forgot what he uster know.
hour inihe sfternoon. Says he can’t eat pie without a fork.
——For high class Job Work come
to the “Watchman” Office
Green Apple Aphis Abundant This
Your cording to directions furnished with
| the nicotine solutions which vary in
dence of Presidents of the
United States.
New York city never preserves its
monuments, but, strange to say, there
are still standing in this city four
houses where former presidents of the
United States lived, writes a New
York correspondent of a Pittsburgh
exchange. For instance, there is the
man who gave utterance to the Mon-
roe doctrine, James Monroe, the fifth
president, who fought in the Revolu-
tion. The house where he lived and
died—on Prince, corner of Lafayette
street, is there, and it looks its part.
This is n venerable building, the like
of which is to be seen only in the old-
er American towns like Charleston,
Philadelphia, Boston, Salem - and
Portsmouth. “I could tell a story!”
boasts the ancient among buildings;
and you are not surprised to learn
that the story is that of the great Vir-
covered this species of this now popu-
lar house plant. =
Andrew Dahl found the dahlia in
Peru and brought it into more civil-
ized countries, where careful cultiva-
provement and made it possible for
tion has produced a wonderful im-
florists to originate a number of dis-
tinct varieties.
The camelia which is so very pop-
ular, was carried from Japan to
France by a missionary named Kamel.
This beautiful species has been im-
proved, and doubtless other flowers
will be produced by the careful culti-
vation of this in connection with other
plants of a similar character.
It is claimed that the magnolia was
named after Magnol de Montpelier.
The names of many flowers are de-
scriptive of the objects they resemble.
The lady’s slipper resembles a tiny i
slipper. Lady’s tresses are twisted in |
the form of a braid of hair. |
The odd flowers of the foxglove re-
sembles also fingers of a glove. The
term foxglove is also claimed to be a
corruption of the term “folk’s glove,” :
Examinations of orchards in por- |
tions of southern Pennsylvania by |
agents of the Bureau of Economic Zo-
strength according to brands.
Further information may be had by
addressing the above bureau.
We are receiving fairly good shipments of
Supplies for the New Year
quality is fine and the price
almonds of extra fine quality.
CRANBERRIES are very fan-
cy goods.
CANDIES. In Candies we have
succeeded in getting a fair sup-
MINCE MEAT. Mince Meat of
the usual high Sechler & Co.
standard. Positively the finest
goods we can produce. 28c. lb.
Try it.
Potatoes, canned Fruits, Olives,
Ketchup, Pure Olive Table Oil,
ginian, who, after leaving the White | 0) fairv’s glove. ply of desirable goods. old fashioned New Orleans Syr- ; -
Cage re An | Th Se ns EVAPORATED APRICOTS, up and fine table Syrup by the 3-4 Ton for Light Hauling
to die. Then there is Ulysses Simpson | said to have given it its name, as aster PEARS AND are : ’
Grant, originally Hiram Grant, who | means a star. very fine this seasonand we 9uart. Much finer goods than Big Truck for Heavy Loads
lived on Sixty-sixth street, near Fifth
avenue, which was perhaps the most ;
handsome home of any of the former |
presidents. It is not merely a house, |
but a residence. It looks like a New |
York home, the home of somebody.
The residence of Chester A. Arthur,
however, who died in 1886 at 123 Lex- |
ington avenue, has fallen to the march
of trade. but not so much as Theodore |
Roosevelt's former place of living in
East Twentieth street, near Fifth ave-!
nue. Strangely enough, the Roosevelt |
house which, one would say, should!
look the youngest and most vigorous!
of the four, displays the fewest marks :
of the glory that belongs to it. The
basement floor is occupied by an of-!
fice. On the second floor a dealer in!
novelties has established himself. On
the floor above a magazine is pub- |
lished. Roosevelt was loved by so.
many millions of his fellow country- |
men and is so singularly New York's |
president that one is sure this house!
will be saved before it is too late. !
New Plant for America. |
Awong the many new plants which |
are being propagated In this country |
is the Chinese jujube “Ziziphus juju- |
ba,” which is an alkali and drouth-re- |
sisting fruit tree which heretofore has |
been grown almost exclusively in:
China. Now, however, it is being
planted in California and the semi-arid
South and Southwest and big crops
are being secured.,
The fruit of the better varieties is
about the size of a large prune and
is reddish or mahogany brown in color
when ripe. It can, of course, be eaten
when, fresh, but is usually used for
the familiar “jujubes” combined with
cane sugar or honey.
__»: Anether emigrant from the far east .
among trees is the Tung oil tree, from
which drying oils are now secured for
the paint manufacturers. It was, it
may be added, the war which inadver-
tently brought about a demand for a .
new drying oll that led to the bringing '
to this country of young Tung oil trees
from China. So far they seem to be
flourishing, but they will not be count-
ed as American trees for some time
Not a Question of Height.
When Lawrence Orr, of the state
board of accounts, was serving as a
paid examiner he went to Jackson
county to check up the records in the
various departments of the courthouse.
He was acquainted with most of the
county officials, but since his last visit
Simeon L. Henderson had become re- '
corder. Mr. Henderson is an unusu-
ally large man, standing more than six |
When Mr. Orr was introduced to Mr.
Henderson he glanced up at his tower-
ing height and remarked:
“Goodness, Mr. Henderson, you are
a tall man. How tall are you, any-
To which Mr. Henderson replied :
“In this particular case, Mr. Orr, it
is not a question of how tall T am, but
how short I am.”
Mr. Henderson's hooks checked up
to the penny.—Indianapolis News.
Chicago First Negro City.
Chicago is the first negro city in
America. Estimates by negro leaders
set the negro population of Chicago at
125,000. Two years ago the number
was 25.000. Demand for labor, high
wages and the awakening of the negro
through travels induced by the war are :
given as causes for the tremendous
influx. Negro labor is employed large-
ly by the packing houses. It is organ-
ized and affiliated with labor federa-
tions. Negroes have crowded the
whites out of some territory, so that
it is now impossible to define the
“plack belt.” Negro living conditions
have improved with growth. Over 800
negro business men have their own
places. Thousands own their homes
and old squalid quarters have been re-
placed by clean, well-lighted streets
and neatly kept buildings.
No, Indeed.
“What do you think of this multi-
millionaire who says he'd like to be a
carefree tramp?”
“I'll answer that question by asking
“Did you ever hear of anybody sing-
ing, ‘I Want to Be an Angel, who re-
ally meant it?’—Birmingham Age-
Daisy is said to be really “days-
have all of them.
the Syrup in pails.
" Dendelion is sai ; 5G D1 for L Cost” § 3
a a ea We Have the Supplies and Will be Pleased to § reatest Distance for Least Cost 3
ooth. %
of the peculiar notch on the edge of Fill All Orders, |
its flower, and was originally “dent de | : APAAAAS
lion.” a ’ dy 7E
That unique flower known nea :
everyuhere as “Dutchman's. breech- SECHLER & COMPANY, |
es,” was so named owing to its resem- BELLEFONTE, PA. 61-30 DISTRIBUTOR.
blance to a pair of baggy breeches. Bush House Block, .. 871 - . + + Bellefonte, Pa
TS OE raion ii ER SE RRS RR
: v ‘EN ike, ci : Ir 5. , cigars Smith, J. C. & Son, hardware Wieland, F. E., grain and coal
ERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT CENTRE HALL Poratu, Mike, i ne Fos. rE Snyder. Cora B., milliner MINGOVILLE
Loti Or oy int Pastholomeds i Miller, E Mao Ima Garfinkle, H., junk . 3 Snyders o E., Sutomablies Iv Co. Hockman, A ¥., produce
Notice 1S h oozer, a: x! iller, E. L., general mdse 1i . a ods tate. College Fue upply a. 3. a
fe allowing fed and 3 ha Jenner: Su: general store Workman, C. C., general mdse Cmelicy. b. SE ha coal 2 % NITTANY
av rais on, ¢ 3 } j
Hable for Mercantile license taxes radford, D. W. implements MILLHEIM Guielol], Ms. Serge, grocery Summer, Ha i Co. cigary Ertley, produce dons and toad
for the yar 1018; Cenire 1 Eu Jugs ER % x a E%onies Hollings Mrs. W., grocery Schillings, Charles, 2nd hand cloth- ra 0 AK HALL
ne gampbell, H. C. o Bs clgars Sos B Haworth, Bros., furniture ing .
RETAIL Dauberman, Ie meats Joweros, Di ou nery Haworth, James & Son, lumber The Nittany Printing Co., station- Forres, Yop, produ, & grain
Co 2 A & + A. Jun ,
: Emerick, George H., implements Bateman, M. A. & Son, feeds Holt, Davi . produce The Nittany ‘garage, automobiles PLEASANT GAP
AXE MANN Emery, C. F., general mdse Breon, C. H., automobiles Hodas, Harty S., junk The Music Store, pianos Jodon, Tho meat
O'Bryan, CG, W., general mse Krom, Jamis, produce ies Gounibus. Sok fom Hain, Mrs. J. eléctric supplies SPRING MILLS Ol eng
AARONSEURG Foreman BD. conl and grain Campbell, S$. M., furgitute Hagin J: oo pianos Auman, U. G., grocery Atlantic Refining Co., oils
Bower, A. F., implements Goodharf, F. V., furniture Fraok, A. A. general mdse Hoffer Novelt Sr novelties Ackerman, ¥. W., grocery Balestere, G., green goods
Bower, A.M. meats Henney Mrs. Lucy, millinery Gephart, J. R., cigars Hazlett Loves Y ra Allison Bros., grain and flour Bolegie ile Tor 30008 tools
Krape; J. Fo general mage Harper, He x 2 auto SuppHes Sasi % Li nd 0c store oe W. H. cigars ee BR Ed Gill Mfg. Co., mine supplies
Xo: 3 i ments , 4- H., uce y Ae doy ’ ” icky P. 1..,
foateh Ge Ame nay HORSE LH REGS aroha 'g MOE pasoware Ibberion Jom ARC goose Gol Wid leri Guaok, 7, Ii, avo wipes
Stover, A. S., wall paper McCoy, Miss Emma, bread Houseman, J. W., produce Isitowras, James, prodnce Condo, S. L., buggies & harness Hotton, WF & Co. produce
Stover, Wm. oils Odenkirk, W. A., general mdse Kessler, A., clothing Jaffe, A., fruit and candy Carson, I'. A. general mdse Kossop Bros., dry goods :
"© BOALSBURG Rossman. ID. produce mh fg Jones, Galvin, wall paper pondensed MIR Co feeds Kephart, J. i*.. hardware
, J. W., cigars < » H. H., ] oA. Cn a.
Seguer, Charles, lce cream Smith, 'T. L., hardware Leitzell, O. P., produce Jones, Fidwird. general mdse Decker Bros., gas and olls Tn derpach Zoiy Cor groceries
Bouse WH a Smith, C. M., general mdse Mevel ThE speuseal mise Jusick, C., cigars Emel, James, produce Philipsburg Hardware Co., hard
Hazel, A. J., general mdse Smith, L. L.. auto supplies Mauck, Miss M. £., millinery So poogars Fredérick. Samuel, feeds I i
., meats "EW. gr » < : "B
Isher roy sbn. ice cream Tressler, G. W., shops Na kien & BY feed Kopelin & Morris, junk Krape, Charles Bb. Heneral store Feed. I. O., flour and feed
Stover, A. W., implements COBURN McClelland, E. E., general mdse Rune, 3 Po harheay re Lee, . B., coal Swift & Co., meats
Zochman, J. ¥., implements Atlantic Refining Co., gas & oils A Fojman, D. i Soil poe Rephas 3 5 i bh Pe & cinay Leaster, Charles A : produce ss hii A
v 3 ‘0.. over, W. A., imp 3 : Rang eyer, ., produce rain, W. S8., lamber
a BLANGRanD Cobusn Coal & Grain Co.. coal an Stover, RR. 5. jewelry tad Rassop $108,907 200s Moyer, Calvi, general Store Vine Beas nr anil foods
sover, W. A. ' Cloyde, feeds elmyer, J., general mdse > : > eyer, J. H., produce N E
lark Iwo 1.2 furniture Clnssow, 3. W., ‘general mdse Ulrich El, cigars Per” Nira Marly, wemeral mdse McCormick, J. O., cigars Atlant Ren in . & me il
or M.., furniture Howard Creamery Co., produce Weiser. F. F., gasoline Lamich, Mrs. D. M., groceries Notl. 7. E.. feeds Kelley Bros., grocerids
[seaninger, H. C., furniture Krader, W. C.. automobies MILESBURG Motasiand. F. G, jewelry Ripka, Daniel, candy -
Lessinger, H. S., ndy Mever, C. H. & Bros.. lumber , re, 5 & 10c store Rishel, J. H., general store SPRING MILLS
Moon, A. R., tobacco sad cand) Mover. J. W.. inmber Bellefonte Brick Co coal FeCrory 8 wo od Rossman, H. F.. general store -Allison Bros, millers
x age, 1. ign Stover, Martin, general mdse Boks Te EE oy hay ‘M. LE hardware Rote, L. G., feeds and Jndse Spring Mills Creamery Co., produce
ot 3 7 y .y
Tot \rock, Mrs. Sarah, notions Vonada & Son, lumber | Grove, Miss Julia, coal Meyer, J. W., cigars Smith, fom & Sk 2 fre STATE COLLEGE
Vonada, w. H., general Dkife dee CLARENCE Jauett, Harty junk ri Matern Meat NR oats : Smith, R. M.; produce Atlantic Refining Co., oils oy
Williams, C. A. lst, gene Brook, Jacob, general mdse Jordon, oN moeries Mock, iis K ToTntuner Stover, C. B., hardware & roofing Neidigh, J. D., grains 3
BENORE Harm, O. Seal mdse fjorman, C No. sheral Kidse Hussor ro Insel Wolfe. S. J.. millinery Mos dears, a]
(ihaner, Y- 1 con a mdse a 5 Pl mdse Miles, W. B. & Son, general mdse Miller, George W., cigars SNOW SHOE WINGATE
Lykens, Bi, B., 8ef Freedman, Jacob, general mdse Milesburg Store Co., general mdse Miller, 8. Z., gents goods Buddinger, T. B., general store Davidson, J. A., ice cream
BELLEFONTE Gladstone, general mdse Stanley, Stella, groceries Markowitz, A., grocery Confer, J. O., auto supplies an
Atlantic Refining Ce., gas & oils Hall, W. B. & Son, bread Sprankle T. C., groceries Nory, 8., junk Haines, E. T. & Co., soda fountain BROKERS
Allison, A., plumber : a Koshko, Andrew, groceries Spicer, Mrs. iffie, candies Newman, A. H. & Co., drugs Hall, W. B., cigars ox btn
Baum, Sim, clothing Kachik, John M., cigars Wetzler, ¥'. L., general mdse Owens, W. T., pianos = Casher, J. H., bakery BELLEFONTE
Ilackford, Clyde. cigars Kachik, A. M., groeeries NITTANY Qwens, Co Shoes, and Sloth ng Nastase, Tony, meats Hunter, Robert, broker
Brandman, R., clothing Koshko. Anthony, groceries Betz, M. S., general mdse premon a Foaiah e a = y PS ene ld HOWARD
Belletonte, Jt ud S Supply, So. coe ey eral myse Beck, J. iii Beneial mdse Passmore, James Est. cigars Sickels, Ww. A., drugs ’ Leathers Bros., brokers
eb) ; : wk i Srtiey, G0. 0, hroduce Phillips, Wm., photos Sinclair, Mrs. H. C.. candies
, P. L., meats Tribuskey. Mike, groceries ¢ ; s . PHILIPSBURG
Brachtll, W. R.. furniture Zewok, John, groceries ng REL DL Parker, Teorey Yu AI se Snow Shoe il mdse pair, W. F., broker
Brouse, W. H.. groce CURTIN Yearick. N. H., general mdse Paes” Jaton Junk J TOY ATE SLE
Jt Shen eer Bald Eagle Supply Co., gen. mdse ORVISTON Parksie, Lewis, cigars Flips, John A. Joel and grain J. L. Holmes, broker
Geatty Motor Co., autos & gas Heaton, James, produce Orviston Supply Co., general mdse Pullipshuss Shoe Shining Parlor, ons ly Ho c 1580s
YC FLEMING Slaterbeck. he house pif'S Dennison, auto: supplies " SANDY RIDGE THEATRE
“aldwell, J. “1. od > AL
. , L. W., grocer, Reed, J. O., flour and feed
Carpenein, 1, & Go. TeulE, Lobaces Holt, G. W, Srocery Ktters, Clayton, grain and feed Ratauskey & Adleman, dry goods Paget, Ro Saga ond ments. Brandis i
Ceaders, Mrs. Joseph, bread & cakes Fisher, D. oT ane fodder 28 % ie Rolling: Yarleyery Dugan, J. B, cigars 1 ma Brown, T. C., movies
Sasebest, GC Dal is Tindemuth, H. $., gas and oils OSCEOLA MILLS Rothrock, Mrs. Ida, grocery Ey pa Garman Het. theairy
Sohn E. T., millinery McElwain, Bros., general store Sicks, Mike, candy Marchella, Charles, grocety CLARENCE
a = Bal ri Stowe, T, B_& J. Cv, general store Dominick, Joo grocery Schmidt, F. & R.. dry goods el ar om proton Kachik, John, movi
Cunningham & Beezer, twine 5 Sh ow feed and grain Gross, I. G., grocery Solomen, Jacob, junk Tou er, S aH cl, DY ’ , movies
Carpeneto, George, cigars mi te Greagalist, Raue, grocery eg ge wigg, S. E., general store MILLHEIM
Dubbs, J. G. Est.. implements Stere, II. . ; Iashmark, Ben, grocery Ron Boy ie STORMSTOWN Auditorium Cor 1iotis
Eckel, J. P. meats : FILLMORE Matulivick, A., grocery Stern, Morris, grocery Burkett, I. G., general store PHILIPSEUR
imerick, W. Site Supplies Hunter, J. C.. grocery Maxwell Trading Co., coal Stonebraker, W. F., grocery Pe asia Sener Rewilas URG
Fimeelstine, “D cigars Taylor, J. E., produce June V3 pudly ee Schmide, A.M. grocery Eves, John, meats Boning Aare Coalluatre,
hc Shap doll Satosky, Frank, groceries Spileman, Myer, junk Grin.) 3 1 Prenoral mdse SNOW SHOE
Groans Pharmacy Haney, John H, gas and ofis Wood, Wm., hardware Singer Sewing Machine Co., sewing Mattern, J. C., meats Menchio, T. C., movi
Gross, To groceries Condo, J. Yo Zonéry) store store Zeigner, A., groceries machines McAfee, E., produce "STATE Pe r
ak Bros., bicycles Deitz, 1. ¥., general store POWELTON Stewart, Mrs. L. G. dry goods Thomas. D. R.. meats Ni ag
Gheen Music store, pianos Fox. C. M., twine Vulcan Trading Co., general mdse Ziontman, George F j3ruzs, Waite, H. B., meats Nittany Theatre Co., movies
Garbrick, H. E., genoa ase Harter, W. D., furs, 4 PINE GLENN is 5 jure ulcanizing Co., gas TUSSEYVILLE any eatre Co. movies
, BE. F., general store 11, W. F., general mdse 3 "wi don, E. T., s
Gols, wt, ment Rime, N, , Trodice Bae Mai Erceries Memo meats Rockey. W. J. produce Rev iiii
overly, J. Or auto supplies Ioem:, GC. general mdse PLEASANT GAP Welenzik, b., shoes Swartz, 8, W., general mdse BELLEFONTE
Heverly, J. O., Lucas, C. C., 8 Walker, John, grocery WADDLE Blackford. C
Herr & Heverly. groceries Moore, H. A., drugs Noll, W. H. & Bros., general store Workman Cash Grocery, grocery (ass. Jacob, me: Plackfords yde, eating house
Hazel & Co., dry goods Minor, Marius, jeweler Pleasant Gap Garage, gas & oils Wright, S. W., jewelry Cass, Jago meats Ma S A red: eating house
Hazel, Thomas, groceries Pletcher, Thomas, harness Stitzer, C. K., general mdse Weber, Frank, furniture oy, John A. Est., general mdse erschbacher, Chas., eating house
Hunter, EAL ad Sia Pletcher, Chatles, Se 5 Gettig, H. C., Walton, J. Albert, produce WOODWARD CLARENCE
Ho an N. J., produce ee nie meats : PORT MATILDA ir Jiotas, peddlers Len 2 5 &-Jicyoles Ball. W- 8. & Son siting. house
Ichkowitz, N., coal and junk Schenk, A. A., hardware Beckwith, J. T., general mdse me hers peor Sa jun FLEMING
Jonhstonbaugh, Geo... grocery Shawley, Thomas, produce le Doanstt, Wisle Foileral mdse rbine, i) oduee Orndort x 3 iL Brodedt Wdse Stere, H. M.,, eating house
. y. ’ al m 3 5 oy » da. oy
Lin, & Ir ogrocery Ween 3 2, ed Gates, H. 8., produce Bennett, E. 8., general mdse Ryfpnen Walter, grocery i HOWARD
Keichline, W. W., automobiles williams, Frank G., cigars Hoover, W. T., hardware Witmer, J. C., general mdse wWoltarn Vol automobiles 1 Kline, A. H., eating house
Katz, W. S., dry goods Wolfe, S. J., general store Laird & Turner, produce REBERSBURG olfe, R. M. Fst., general mdse Williams, Geo. L., eating house
Kalin, Max, shoes Yearick, Walter, meats Osman, H. H., cigars Bierly. E. E. plumb WINGATE Williams, F. G., eating house
Krider, P, 1 & Son. lumber ' HUBLERSBURG Pringle, C. M, general mdse = pieriy W. I. & Som, produce Davidson, J. A., ice cream MILESBURG ,
Ringer, A M., sewing machlies ry. George F.. Feneral mdse ot ro Bierly, S.A. produce WARRIORSMARK Korman, C. W. eating house }
Keller, J. D., hides and wool McClintock, E. L., general mdse Williams Bros., feed and gas Doyers, cy Ey foes Dearmit, S. E., general mdse picer, Mrs. Effie, eating house »
Lyon, W, A. Est., meats JULIAN Woodring, H., coal Carlin w Peat nidve Ellenberger, Arthur, produce PHILIPSBURG
Lyon & Co., dry goods Beals, E. B., ice cream PENNSYLVANIA FURNACE Dareler, J. R., cigars Lomas B.D. produes Kleet, J. S., eating house
Mallory Studio, cameras Henderson, J. E., groceries Bailey, J. H., implements Gephart, S. L., lumber Yer. Ws i, genera meso Kunkle, Joseph, eating house
ele A Cn THOR viware Lorrah, Mabel, coal Goheen, It. C., meats Garrett, G. P., lumber WOLFS STORE Knight, James, eating house
Miller, Conrad, coal
Miller. W. J.. automobiles
Montgomery & Co., clothing
Miller. W. A.. autos. supplies
Moerschhacher. Charles, cigars
Miller, David Est... general store
Morgan, Miss S. J., hair goods
Mott's Drug Store, drugs
MeGarvey, P. H., auto supplies
McGinley, A. L., wall paper
McCalmont & Co., coal
McCrory & Co., 5 and 10c store
Naginey, F. E., furniture
Newman, Miss, ladies goods
Nighthart. John, cigars
Olewine. J. I.. hardware
Potter-Hoy Hardware Co., hard-
ware Evey,
Parrish, C. M., drugs
. Ray, H. S., cigars
Spigelmyer, G. R., general store
Ruhl, Harry. cigars
Schofield, James, harness
Stover & Cairns, wall paper
State-Centre Rlectric Co., electric Watsontown Door & Sash Co...
supplies lumber:
Shaughnessey. Thomas, cigars MARTHA
Sourbeck, J. D., confectionery
Sechler & Co., groceries
Sehad A. E., plumber
Shaffer, H. P., hardware
Snyder. Miss M. H., miHinery
Tate, C. T., plumber
Twitmire, W. T., stoves
Thal, Joseph, confectionery
The Meese Store, general mdse
Witmer. R. C., auto supplies
Wion, W. E., garage
Winton, Harry, coal
Waite, J. L. & D.. implements
Weaver Bros., groceries
willard, D. I. & Son, clothing
Walker, W. H., oysters and fish
Witten, Israel, junk
Waddle, W. W., cigars
Wetzel, Clyde, meats
White, Wallace, feeds
Yeager. H. C., shoes
Zeller & Son, drugs
Mattern, H.
Turner, J.
Tallhelm, Walter, jewelry
Eres io H.,
oy, R.
J. E. W. & Son, feeds
Mitchell, John, hardware
Ross; Elmer C., general mdse
Schreck Bros., carriages
Williams, George C., furniture
Williams, J. I.,
K., produce
W. P., general mdse
J. H.. general mdse
Kato Supply Co.. general mdse
Stover, George B., cigars
Keller, Mis. J. W., general mdse
J. H.,
Wieland, F. E., coal
eneral mdse
general mdse
K., auto supplies
J. B., general mdse
Eberts, O. D., general mdse
Bergner, Albert, general mdse
Lyons, Harry, ice cream
Mann, Harvey, ice cream
Vulcan Trading Co., ice cream
Vaughn, Henry, general mdse
Brodencshak, John, meats
Cardene, Mrs., grocery
A. A, grocery
Rush, ice cream
ucas, James, general store
Everett. Thomas, general mdse
B. E,, general mdse
J. E., produce
Goldberg, Ike, general mdse
Ward, W. S., general mdse
Auman, E. H., feeds
Barr. David, candy
Keller, Jacob & Son, coal
Krebs, N. T., general store
Krumbine, S. L., gas and oils
Ward, S. E., gas and oils
Watt, E. M., general mdse
Williams, J. H., harness
Atlantic Refining Co., gas & oils
Acton, Harry, groceries
Andrews, W. C,, dry goods
Ayers & Dros., groceries
Adleman & Ratowsky, dry goods
Burchfield, W. L., dept. store
Beals, Frank, automobiles
Brown, W. B., drugs
Buzzell, Edgar, drugs :
Beals, John W,., groceries
Butlin, Wm., groceries
Bowser, Wm., cigars
Campbell, C. A., groceries
Centre Milling Co., feeds
Custer & Norris, wall paper
Carmelo, R. C., grocery
Copelin, Duke, feeds
Cohen, M., meats
Dugan, Joseph, cigars
Delancy, W. F., meats
Demi & (Goss, automobiles
Drioase Thos., ice cream & candy
Davis, C. H., jewelry
Demi, E. ¥., plumber
Davis, Jane, grocery
Edwards, J. S., shoes
Electric Supply Co.,
Emay, Harry, candy
Erhart, C. B.. general store
Finberg, Lewis, general store
Frederick Piano Co.. pianos
Frantz, John, candy
Freedman & Callahan, meats
Feltz, A., junk
Finberg. Isaac, junk
Gehrhart, Fred, produce
electric sup-
Haines, M. C., general mdse
Hubler & Haines, produce
Aikens, J. P., cigars
Athletic Store, athletic goods
Baum, Sim, clothing
Behrer, Harry, groceries
Corl, John, feeds
College Boot Shop, shoes
Deal, Albert, plumber
Etters, Mrs. J. C. & Co., milliner
Fye, T. D., general mdse
Foster, Philip. coal
Fromm, Morris, clothing & shoes
Gilliland, Ray, drugs
Graham, George, candies
Gregory Bros.. candies
Gentzell, W. R., general mdse
Haugh, John, groceries
Harvey Bros., ice cream
Hockman, C. W., feeds
Hurwitz, Moses, confectionery
Hurwitz & Smith, clothing
Hartswick, A. H., cigars
Hubler Bros., auto supplies
Hefner Drug Co., drugs
Lohman, George W., pipes
Long, H. C., meats and hides
Musser, Harry N., general store
Musser, J. H., grocery
Musser Bros., grocery
Musser, Cornelius, harness
Montgomery & Co., clothing
Mowery, I. J., cigars
Metzger, L. K., books
McCormick, C. B. Est.. implements
McEachren, Wm., general mdse
Probst, C. E., oysters and fish
Resides. T. P., (City Meat Market)
Rexall Drug Store, drugs
Rupp, Miss Bertha, corsets
Sauers & Heberling, clothing
State-Centre Electric Co., electric
Struble, Forest, plumber
Shuey, C. E.. jewelry
Smith, W. W., photo supplies
Smith, W. E,, clothing
Showers, G. H., general mdse
Weaver, D. B. & Sons. feeds
Confer, Ira P., general store
Noll, B. A. & Co., general store
Crouse, H. E., produce
Atlantic Refining Co., oils
Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co., coal
Crider P. B. & Son, lumber
Danenhauer & Son. groceries
Lauderbach-Zerby & Co., groceries
Potter-Hoy Hardware Co., hard-
ware 3
Gamble, G. M., feeds
Beezer, Geo. A., auto supplies
ponty Motor Co., auto supplies
aggett, I... soft drinks
Hockman, N. J.. produce
Atlantic Refining Co., oils
Coburn Coal & Grain Co., grains
Howard Creamery Co., butter and
Korman Creamery Co., butter and
Bradford & Son, coal and grain
Foreman. R. D., grain
Kerlin, A. I., produce & chickens
Bartholomew, C. D., produce and
Deal, Joseph D., produce
Ross, Elmer C., coal and grain
Ensign Oil Co., oils
Ross, J. H,, grain
McMullen, Chas., eating house
Shuey, C. E., restaurant
Sinolots, Mi of iE lin
inclair, Mrs. HI. C., eatin ouse
Haynes, E. T., eating ne,
Carpeneto, J. L., pool
Finkelstine, David, pool
Moerschbacher, Charles, pool
Shaughnessey, Thomas, pool
Moon, A. R., pool
Hall, W. B. & Son, pool
Orviston Supply Co., pool
Butlin, Wm., pool une
Drakin, Thomas, pool
Meyer, J. W., pool
Palace Billiard Parlor, pool
McLaughlin, M. J., pool
Bennett, R. J., pool
Kennedy, A. W., pool
Hartman, C. B.
State College Billiard & Bowling Co.
Spigelmyer. J., pool
For the purpose of correcting any ~~ }
errors of appraisement, an appeal y
will be held at the County Treas-
urer’s office in Bellefonte, Pa. on
Wednesday, May 21st, 1919, between
9 a.m and 1 p. m.. and all those
who so desire can attend
John Noll,
Mercantile Appraiser.