Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 31, 1918, Image 5

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Suffering Armenians.
The following telegram received
from Constantinople is being sent
broadcast by Secretary of State Lan-
sing in the hope that it will bespeak
greater liberality in giving for the re-
lief of the Armenians. Miss Mary H.
Linn heads the committee for Centre
county and on May 7th was able to
forward $72.00. All money given her
soon will be forwarded June 4th.
Following is the telegram describing
conditions in Armenia:
Received from Constantinople: “Re-
port received. Greatly encouraged that
American people are “doing so nobly for
relief. Much accomplished but prices
enormous. Despite your large appropria-
tions funds are not enough. Our agents
forced to curtail credits to women many
of whom die for the lack of nourishing
food. Large numbers in absolute desti-
tution and beggary. All centres plead
earnestly for larger appropriations. De-
ported Armenians in Damascus district
are not touched because funds are insuf-
ficient. Have just issued draft for one
hundred thousand dollars to meet orders
aggregating seven hundred thousand
francs. Another order for one hundred
thousand dollars pending. Committee has
disbursed over one hundred thousand lire
for first three months of 1918. Govern-
ment consents to plan of January twelfth
proposing introduction of gold. Can you
arrange it.”
Gregg Township Vocational School
The first session of the Gregg town-
on Monday. No regular commence-
ment exercises were held on account
of war conditions, but diplomas were
given to Miss Emma Bailey, George
B. Haines and George Hennigh, the
latter two having graduated from the
Spring Mills High school a year ago.
The showing made by the school
during its first year has been very
good. The work was somewhat ham-
pered on account of the lack of space,
but this will be overcome this fall, it
is hoped. There is a large enrollment
for next year. It is required that
each and every student do some prac-
tical work during the summer months
and the value of the school will be
better realized with the results ob-
tained by the students.
Prof. W. Vernon Godshall, who was
in charge of the school last fall, re-
signed in April and was succeeded by
Prof. Shannon. The other teachers
were W. W. Reitz and Miss Nancy
——Ladies’ $6 bright vici oxfords,
low heels, reduced to $4.85 at Yea-
ger’s. 22-1t
Sunday School Convention.
The annual convention of the Cen-
tre county Sunday School association
will be held in Philipsburg, June 4th
and 5th, in the Methodist church.
The annual older boy and girl con-
ference will be held June 4th, at Phil-
ipsburg, in the Church of Christ.
All Sunday schools should send the
names of their delegates immediately
to Mr. L. G. Runk, chairman of the
entertainment committee, Philips-
burg. Also send the names of the
older boys and girls to Mr. L. W. Nut-
tall, Philipsburg.
All Sunday school superintendents
who have not sent in their statistical
report, please send it immediately to
Mr. Darius Waite, secretary, Belle-
fonte, Pa.
Pres. Centre Co. S. 8. A.
Like Food to the Hungry.
In enclosing his check for another
year’s subscription to the “Watch-
man” Mr. W. C. Kreamer, of Berwick,
“Hope the check will be in time to
do good. We wait and look for the
“Watchman” every Saturday like a
hungry man does for his dinner.”
With such inspiration to spur us
onward is it any wonder that we con-
sider nothing too good for the readers
of this paper, and no amount of labor
too great to keep it up to the high
standard so lavishly appraised by the
reading public.
— Mrs. Earl C. Dawson, of Altoo-
na, gave birth to an eight pound son
on Monday morning, at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B-
——The farm training camp at
State College has been officially -des-
ignated as the model farm training
institution of the United States.
Sugar Users Must Make Statements.
The following notice has been sent
out to all local food administrators in
All manufacturing users of sugar
in the classes included under this plan
must make statement of purchases
and stocks, whether desiring to make
additional purchases or not.
These statements are being filed
very slowly and we ask you to get
immediate publicity, calling attention
of your local manufacturers using
sugar to these statements, and ex-
plaining the absolute importance of
their being filed immediately, even if
they do not want any sugar until
after July first.
If such statements are not filed im-
mediately by the manufacturers, giv-
ing the government the data they
must have at this time, such manufac-
turers may be penalized by a further
reduction of their sugar supplies after
July first.
We urge the most prompt and vig-
orous action on your part in order
that statements may be filed IMME-
DIATELY by all of your manufac-
turing users of sugar.
Federal Food Administrator
for Pennsylvania.
Er —
——Carranza appears to be “‘lec-
tioneerin’ fer a lickin’ ” and he is like-
ly to get it. It never was very hard
to find trouble.,
3 v ! Selin
ship vocational school came to an end ! SErove
With the Churches of the
Christian Science society, Furst
building, High street. Sunday service
11 a. m. Sunday school 9.45. Wed-
nesday evening meeting at 8 o’clock.
To these meetings all are welcome. A
free reading-room is open to the pub-
lic every Thursday afternoon from 2
to 4. Here the Bible and Christian
Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed or purchased.. Subject, June
2nd, “Ancient and Modern Necroman-
cy Alias.”
Lutheran Conference Notes.
Northern conference of the Central
Pennsylvania Synod of the Lutheran
church met in annual session last
week in St. Mark’s church at Pleas-
ant Gap.
The opening sermon was preached
by Rev. D. S. Kurtz, of Centre Hall.
Rev. W. M. Rearick, of Mifflinburg,
read a paper on “Free Will” at the
first session Tuesday morning, while
Rev. Aurand delivered the Commun-
ion sermon. At the afternoon session
Rev. Wilson P. Ard, of Bellefonte, ad-
dressed the conference on the subject
of “Systematic Giving.” Rev. G. L.
Courtney, of Boalsburg, opened the
evening session with devotions, and
Rev. B. F. Bieber, of West Milton,
spoke on “Reverence for Sacred
Things,” while Rev. H. C. Bergstress-
ier, of Salona, discussed the subject of
“The Ties Binding the People to the
Church.” Dr. Charles T. Aikens,
president of Susquehanna University,
in a stirring address
showed the urgent need of men in the
gospel ministry.
At the closing session Wednesday
morning Dr. L. N. Fleck, of Pine
Grove Mills, read a splendid paper on
“The Pastor in the Home.”
Officers elected for the ensuing year
were, Rev. H. C. Bergstresser, presi-
dent; Dr. L. N. Fleck, treasurer, and
Rev. L. G. Shannon, secretary.
This is a personal challenge to
every member of St. John’s Reform-
ed church, old and young, and to every
other person in Bellefonte who would
not attend services elsewhere, to be
of special humiliation and penitence
to be held in the Reformed church,
! next Sunday morning at 10:45, and in
! the evening at 7:30. Prayers for the
| pardon of national and individual sins
i will be offered. Our God has’ declar-
{ed: “If my people, which are called
by my name, shall humble themselves,
and pray and seek my face, and turn
from their wicked ways; then will I
hear from heaven, and will forgive
their sins, and will heal their land.”
St. John’s church (Episcopal).
Services for the week of June 2nd:
First Sunday after Trinity, 8 a. m.,,
Holy Eucharist. 8:45 a. m., Matins
(plain). 10 a. m., church school. 11
a. m., Holy Eucharist and sermon,
“Eucharistis Adoration.” 7:15 p. m,,
organ recital. 7:30 p. m., evensong
and baccalaureate sermon to the class
of 1918 Bellefonte High school. Every
day at 12 noon ten-minute services of
intercessory prayer for America and
her allies, our soldiers and sailors,
ete. Friday, 7:30 p. m., service and
instruction. Visitors always welcome.
Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector.
The Rev. G. W. Eminhizer will
preach in the United Brethren church
next Sunday night; as the church is
being repaired, the services are being
held in the chapel.
——'Squire D. W. Miller, of Fer-
guson township, who recently under-
went an operation, in the hospital at
Chester, Pa., had recovered sufficient-
ly to be taken home on Wednesday.
You can save $2.50 on a pair
of ladies’ oxfords at Yeager’s. 22-1t
New Advertisements.
HICKS FOR SALE.—Barred Rocks,
Reds, White Leghorns. Ten thous-
and each week.
63-18-11t Mingeville, Pa.
WANTED for a plantin New Jer-
sey. Girls over thirty preferred. Wages
thirty dollars a month, room and board to
start with. Increase for satisfactory work.
Living accommodations good. Transpor-
tation to plant will be paid. Applications
New Advertisements.
STRAY NOTICE.—Strayed away from
E the premises of the undersigned on
or about May 10, 1918, a black
horse, 9 years old, weight 900 pounds.
Liberal reward is offered for information
ttat will lead to its recovery.
Munson, Pa.
EN WANTED. — Labor-
ers, Piece Workers. New
Houses Unoccupied,
63-21-tf Osceola Mills, Pa.
of the estate of
late of Patton
In the matter
Christian Reese,
township, deceased.
In the Orphans’ Court of Centre County.
No. 3735.
To the heirs, legatees and creditors of
Christian Reese, late of Patton township,
deceased :
Notice is hereby given that Aaron W.
Reese, Executor of the last will and testa-
ment of Christian Reese, late of Patton
township, deceased, has filed in the office
ty, his petition praying for an order for
private sale of the hereinafter described
real estate, and the same was granted by
the Court and due advertisement ordered.
The real estate being more particulalry de-
scribed as follows:
All those two certain tracts of land, sit-
uate and being in the township of Pat-
ton, county of Centre, State of Pennsyl-
vania, bounded and described as follows:
Purpart No. 1. Beginning at a red oak,
thence by lands of Andrew Kuhn's South
50 degrees West 458 perches to a maple,
thence by land of Thomas Kuhn South 40
degrees East 165 perches to a post, thence
by lands of Hugh Hamilton North 39 de-
grees East 95 perches to a post, thence
North 60 degrees East 334 perches to a
post, thence by other lands North 30 de-
grees West 208 perches to the place of be-
ginning, containing 448 acres and allow-
ance;' which said tract was surveyed in
pursuance of a warrant from the Com-
monwealth of Pennsylvania dated the 24th
day of December, 1792, and granted to
Henry Kuhn, whose right in and to the
same by virtue of conveyances and other
assurances in law became vested in Christ-
ian Reese, as found by reference to the
records of Centre county in Deed Book
“B” Vol. 2, page 233, ete., and which said
tract of land was patented on the 22nd
day of February A. D. 1842, as found in
Patent Book “H,” Vol. 52, page 512. Ex-
cepting and reserving there from that cer-
tain piece or tract of land containing 53
acres, 140 perches, more patricularly de-
scribed as purpart No. 2 herein, to wit:
Purpart No. 2. Beginning at a post on
the eastern line of lands of Christian
of the Clerk of the Court of Centre coun- {
Fillmore to Julian, thence up said road
South forty-eight and one-fourth degrees
West forty-four rods North sixty-six de-
grees West twelve rods, thence South six-
ty-two and one-fourth degrees West twen-
ty rods, thence South fifty-one and one-
fourth degrees West eight and eight-
tenths rods; thence South sixty-six de-
grees West twenty-six rods; thence
South fifty-seven and one-half degrees
West ten and seven-tenths rods to a
chestnut; thence North thirty-three de-
grees West forty-seven and three-tenths
rods to a white pine; thence North forty-
two and one-fourth degeres East forty-
one rods to a rock oak; thnece North fif-
ty-two and one-fourth degrees East fif-
teen and three-tenths rods to a yellow
pines thence North sixty-three and one-
alf degrees East ten rods to stone;
North fifty-seven degrees East eighteen
rods to a stone; thence North sixty two and
one-half degrees East fifty-two rods to a
chestnut; thence North fifty-seven de-
grees East sixty-four and seven-tenths
rods to stones; thence South twenty-one
degrees east fifty-seven rods to post, the
place of beginning. Containing fifty-
three acres and one hundred and forty
That Purpart No. 1 was sold to Frank
Smith for the price or sum of $7050.00
and Purpart No. 2 was sold to M. Alice
Hoover for the price or sum of x
and that unless exceptions are filed or a
higher and better price offered, on or be-
| fore Monday, July 1st, 1918, the same will
be confirmed absolutely.
Executor of the last will and testament
of Christian Reese, late of Patton
township, deceased. *
Gettiz and Bower, Attorneys. 63-22-4t
The Lyric Program
A special feature with Peggy Hyland. Also
At the Battle of Arras, in 2 Reels.
Proceeds to War Relief Funds.
Monday, June 3.
Imagine a man living with his own wife
knowing the relationship, even if the girl
was his servant, Carmel Myers, Bluebird
star, will demonstrate to a certainty that
these unusual conditions may logically
prevail in an unconventional photoplay
in his own home for months and not’
New Advertisemcnts.
ANTED.—A maid for general house-
work. Apply to Mrs. M. B. GAR-
MAN. 20-2¢
ANTED.—Firemen, 50 cents per hour,
bonus extra, steady work. Call
chief engineer.
21-1t hilipsburg, Pa.
OR RENT.—The apartment formerly
occupied by Dr. Thornley in_ Cri-
i Sxchange building. Bath,
steam-heated, fine outlook.
63-91-t¢ F. W. CRIDER.
A ters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned upon
the estate of G. Dorsey Green, late of Pat-
ton township, deceased, all persons know-
ing themselves indebted to said estate are
requested to make prompt payment, and
those having claims against the same must
present them duly authenticated for set-
tlement. 3
W. Harrison Walker, Administratrix,
Attorney. Bellefonte, Pa.
hereby given that under the pro-
visions of the Act of April 9th,
1915, entitled “An Act to provide for the
better protection and preservation of deer
and elk, etc.,’ a petition has been filed
with the Board of Game Commissioners
to close the county of Centre on the hunt-
ing of pheasants for a period of two years.
The said Board has fixed Friday, June
21st, 1918, as the date for considering the
propriety and necessity for closing the
said county as petitioned, and all parties
interested both for and against such ac-
tion must file with the Game Commission
at Harrisburg, their approval or objections
prior to one o’clock p. m. of said Friday,
June 21st, 1918, in order to be considered.
63-20-3t Representative of Petitioners.
on Government Work
By The Milton Manufacturing
Milton, Penna. Rates running
from 30 cents per hour upwards.
Unlimited number of openings
on piece work positions. Rapid
advancement in all departments.
§ should be made to Mrs. B. DUNKLE, | Reese ninety-seven and seven-tenths rods | ¢¢ : : ”» Good living conditions. 63-18-tf
present at one or both of the services | Housekeeper, Parlin, N. J. ~ 63-22-3{ [to a centre of public road leading from My Unmarried Wife
REASURER’S SALE OF UNSEATED LAND FOR NON-PAYMENT | Acr. Per. Warrantee Name Owner's Name Taxes & Costs | Acr. Per. Warranties Name Owner’s Name
OF TAXES FOR 1916 AND 1917. $2 120 jamb, David Sevres H. 3 aor vrs free rare e 5 1 153 Slough, Ge0...... 0... Calvin Sharrer,....i.c.ceees's
Agreeable to the provisions of law relating to the sale of unseated | og Eines, TM wie Eby fost. 200 ame 3 15% Sidagns,. leaner. . Thos, hg =
lands for the non-payment of taxes, notice is hereby given that there 8 Waite, Wm.......coi...% 300. TONZee.. vvvvivn ver 341 1433 152 Spear, John Realt ® ho a ;
will be exposed to public sale or outcry the following tracts or parts of | 140£199 Zantzinger, Paul........ H. 8S. Taylor 3.97 | 433 153 Turner, Hannah. . “R ity Est er ;
tracts of unseated lands in Centre county, Pennsylvania, for taxes due a aR eee 2 433 153 Turner. Daniel. ‘Bra y & Db O8 enaes : .
and unpaid thereon, at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, MILES TOWNSHIP. 153 153 Turner, Jini as Matilda: W. Tin 10:50
en Monday, June 10th, 1918, "at 1o’clock p. m, and to continue from yp; Barton, Wm, ............ ¢. Runkle......... a 697 [433 133 Turner, James. ...... Realty EStates................ 09
ay to day, if necessary, by adjour nment, until all are sold. 150 60 Derr S. & Stahl J. M. Heinle...... cinresass te 6.42 | 433 153 Turner, James.......... Realty Estates. ...... :
BOGGS TOWNSHIP. 250 Cooper, Wm........ . BE. A, Mannin . 6 Unknown ......,........ S. R. Pringle & Eve Sharrer.. 829
Acr, Yer: Warrantee Name Ov hors. Nahic Taxes & Costs 328 Joraey: JOR: 1s eseisy aod B® Thompson...» evrervya Wharton, Kearney...... FP, Blair: vii iddicine, oe 40.41
1-180f 424 Cottinger, G............ J: WW. Saxton........ivecve ..$ 5.69 | 400 Lake, ‘Richard. .... ieee R. R. Watson...... SPRING TOWNSHIP.
300 McCoy, Frank. IPD Blair. ii ee 23.10 | 100 Parker, Wm.... . cesses J. BRB. ThOompDSON. ov. cates Toole, Henry J. M. Heinle
50 Packer & Lucas. AD Tneadii oon 645 | 75 Toner, Thomas. ......... IM feile Ll os McClire, wm...) Sas, A Sehad.. oi 0 is
150 Unknown corde WW. SaXtOn., 8.07 mL {asnown $oaners aie 3 BR Bek ists rset n erin McClure, Wm... 2 . ¥. Schad. :
arton, OO0TC, iis vac «R, OMPSOTss viosiss sores Wilson, Wny............. . Bilger......
433 163 Bell, Wm BURNSIDE NT 3510 315 Williams, Daniel........ MT: GG. CrowWnOVer....coveevese ison, Wm. ..........0.0 N. vr
i Barton, Joti... 1]. Kato” Coal Go..... 111111 2270 PATTON TOWNSHIP. A Ci ee
415 Candy, EN..... SRatiis dus Kato Coal Co..........hc0vns 22.70 | 30 Burton, Robt J. Thos. Mitchell Johnson, John. ......... IM Heme. name
433 153 Davidson, W. Jr........ 51. 8. Taylor............0. 23.64 | 20 Dichl, AGRI. «reer HL 0 BIE. i ; Burt ld. Li. on 00 Ho 8 fagler. ina
433 153 Davidson, W. Jr........ BE. B. Watson......... seenaes 13.10 | 21 Diehl, Nicholas, Sr......J. Thos. Mitchell. ........... 36 Wharton, Mary........" FP Blais, 000
433 163 Fox, .Samuel............ Eenlty Estates................ 1310 | §1 31 Diehl, Nicholas, Sr.....John T. McCormick.......... 11.33 poner SG rae
3% 163 groves, hes Cteiiuneney Ro CONC -% ghrsneiieiens 2359 18 100, Diels, Nicholas, gr ge hh mT, MoCormick vans veeidey 122 SNOW SHOE TOWNSHIP.
, Henry........... . A. mas = iehl, Nicholas, Sr...... eorge OMAN: ese isnssvs sions 3.7. 12
3-60f 433 163 Hall Chas............... Mary ; i Diehl, Nicholas, Sr...... John Homan.................. 3.59 $12 44 Casale, i] W oann =o
314 Long. J. F Kate Diehl Nigolas, Sr..... MTN Mill dis deisk baiviennnin 15 412 Carseadden, D. ‘W. D. Zerby. 38.61
370%, Jong ds Big rman Kato D ehl, yong as, Bansal . Nod gh........cc00eee. 20% 434 Dalton, Hugh ‘Kato Coal Co 49.80
ST 163 OW is Day swwesvassvrs Kato JIOxe: So LE weds eine ¥ gses Sompsen Bst......... £1 434 Dalton, Geo. Kato Coal Co 77.84
= 163 Dancost Sy Pie 1, Niche as, gr Coenen yas. B vinpsoys Wales innienne 4368, 434 Dobson, Jas. Kato Coal Co. 50.48
433 163 Rugg, John Ee eB Ph peer n. 1RE AM Dobsan,.Samne ato Soa) Go S048
415 Shvm. John O Brit nr 3 Th Mitelrell: pessecens 241 433 Devling, Josep F. P. Blair. 40.49
%0£200 _ UNRNOWR ~oesvvrreeresss nn, BE Ragr Gea.-. Kato. Soal © ne
133 163 Wallace, J. J........... Realty Estates McKean, Robert..... ....Moses Thompson Est......... 8565 SH Toy Kate Coal Co dr
CURTIN TOWNSHIP. pBsien, John. cevvraseie Moses Thompson Est.... 25 400 Holt, Bdgar.... 0... 00H Kato Coal Co 37.56
309 Atwood NX. 1... J. M. Heinle : Diompesn, Jo Ieoeeen. ig SYROUSE, ss seusvackeness +10 1433 153 Linn, Samuel............ Kato Coal Co 40.49
415 Brooks, Jesse... iF. NM Helmle....o er iinns AO ohn “Mote: Thompion BL 1154 | 1 26 Mitchell, Wm. P......... goin. BD. Miller.. 19.48
50 ey omen Smee ile vay pone yars .. : 53 white, Tbs v4 xs 501 vaish Foses Th pson Pa in ae 12:34 433 McManus, Jus........... Kato Coal Co. 40.49
415 Brooks Josco eT Bil Barrag soon wits OSs sears sas ons M ses The pson Bor 106 433 Morgan, Benj........... Kato Coal Co. 40.49
204 Bruce, Chas * A ogar SAEs : Di Ad m,... ones B® oDson Ste.evnnnnn 314 409 Mitchell, N. J........... Kato Coal Co 50.48
119 Caradon rn A Dans tzanme sary " Diehl’ Tham cena Anne B i reeeseeans 516 433 153 Milliken, M. F.......... Kato Coal Co 50.48
200 120 Carscadden. D.....7....R. R. Watson.......... ; Ellis A058, Lafrorn ee IG M8, TOUIDION. yraranrn ow iin =o Darker, Geo............. eonard N 77.67
208 DeHaven, Peter........ Kntg Coal €0.; corres : PENN TOWNSHIP. 2 Bhim ye... fEate Coal 83
104 DeHaven, Peter......... Dunlap & Williams..... et ; Chlnow W. D. Zerb 3 Parker, Jere....... sees : D. Zerby... 40.14
311 Evans, Cadwallader, .... Kain Coal Cor en Zz : n Th ese eniainie emit, . Zerby m, John............... Elizabeth K. File 12
45 Bho Wat to Cool Go. tan ’ 163 Tollman, Benj........... Kato Coal Co...i...ccvveisiss 49.61
114 Evans, Cadwaiiader..... Dunlap & WIAs. . reeneess , POTTER TOWNSHIP. VanDyke, Henry........ S. R. Pringle & Eve Sharrer.. .83
200 Pusst, JobR Fr oeoeonins Rolo Coal Ch or ny : Levi i Daniel... Peter Smith 163 ¥Malentine, A. S.......... Kato Coal CO.......c:..vve.. 49.61
415 Gilbert, Wm............ Centre Brick & Clay Co...... 2641 | 42 Moore, James. ..Chas. Bilger : 153 Wharton, Moore......... Kato Coal CO......couvvvnnnn. 86.99
433 Relio, BeDeCt, oserrnsns Contre Brick &0LY Co... 4074 | 34 87 Rapp, ' Jacob. Samuel Briss... oon, 3.83 | 433 153 Wharton, Elizabeth..... Kato Coal Co................. 40.49
403 Kelso, Rebecca.......... J. Ellis HAIVEY...nsoenrs —... 4308 | 100 Young, Samuel. Altred C. Anson........ coco: wh 3 ~o Walters, Robt........... Kato Coal Co........ceennn.. 4049
480 Rolo Tah a FEnnE Manda Lt 51.07 433 153 Wharton, Kearney...... Kato Coal Co.........2::02.1 40.49
20714, Lowas, Catch... Tate Coal Co... iim 24.43 RUSH TOWNSHIP. % 153 Whan, Rebecca.......... Kato: Coat €o.......... coves 717.67
2074 Longstreth, Isaac....... Kato Coal Co......... 24.43 | 164 10°Aison; Jas:............ W. S. Morrison & Caroline > Carscadden, D........... J. M. Heinle............. . 20.45
00 T.eech, Martha...........Ignatz, Martin....... 33.00 Va ee 1 5) Lucos Bi inn - I Lucas................... 022
70 Mason, JOUR _S..;eeon.t Kato Coal Co... ...- : "738 394 117 Arthur, Thos............ Geo. R. Meek. 30.88 | 400 Hahei TM. Heme. 1 pieeseensees O08
50 Packer, Job W. & W.C..R. BR. Watson, ..... > en. To Atherton. Richard... Davia M. Eli 36.72 Martin, OX J. M. Heinle.......... wd elaine 19.92
158 Pre Th Wa Rr Witoon ol 1378 | 433 Bo OT Torr Pop. Blair 10.49 216 Parker, Jeremiah........B. P. Blalp.....c..i..cciuunv. 21.18
158 Se pocEel 00 NL a eeghe Ge wALSOH- 10.10 | “Bo Poionel aatinsseivess Shans omicain 12.07 360 60 Pm, Hugh.............. J. M, Heinle.......cvs. riieeer 2DN0
229 Wahn, “Richard..........Kato Coal Co... 19.77 | 433 153 Brenner, Daniel......... hrist Sharrer..... 20.99 | 200 Riley, Job............... W. G. Runkle................ 22.02
433 WI Vite dmnes TUBING HREVEY covers 60.40 | 433 108 BC Char TF Steinman 115.09 325 Rogers, 'Fred........5... R.: RB. WaTS0NM.. 2. vein viv 16.78
160 White, Jonathan........ Centre Brick & Clay Co...... 24.43 | 319 153 Butcher, Israel F. P. Blair... 30.61 TAYLOR TOWNSHIP.
FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. 200 Burg, John....... R. R. Watson 11,52 £400 Bell. Wm. ¢
393 153 Chestnut, Samue Christ Sharre 37.05 He ell, Wm...... ealeiie iid RB. A, Walker........osvvens pv]
208 Anderson, John......... J.-B. &C BE Miler.......... 9.87 | 40 Chestnut, Samuel Christ Sharrer 6. 1 Cowher, James.......... David Cowher...... CE 9.78
87 27 Barnett, Jos.. J.B, & CB, Miller.......... 4.14 | 433 153 T entler, Jacob. Christ Sharer. 40.49 | 434 Montgomery, John...... Mrs. Rosa Schlagle.......... 47.04
100 Dorckiteld, Ww ] MN. GQ Bunkle...i............ 5.89 | 433 Dentler, Wm... Citizens Water C 40.41 4 Montgomery, W. W..... Mrs. Rosa Schlagle........... 47.04
= 116 Dunn, Sanne y eaten. ols bine nudes a4 1 Ji man, Phill Citizens Water Co, 2413 Se 153 Mooommond, Thos...... F. » BSE ene Te rsa atte "no
36 47 McCullough, THOS... ie. W. Go RUDKIC.. su .nsnrnsrerss £14 | 55 a ps er Wat man 10.87 | 96 142 Schenck, John...... il. ho | Tb caal UT
GREGG TOWNSHIP 433 163 Ehler, Daniel. . Christ Shaprer.. .....i vous. 40.49 | 133 82 Pruner, B, J............ BJ. Pruner Bst......:... ives 20.81
i i Aaeis Ay J Bh vie 433 163 Fitzgerald, Dan’l Christ Sharrer..........ooe... 40.49 oe 127 Tnknown Setar vnaanisee Wilson G. Frantz.........-.: 15.49
330 Ba ai rt Rp carer an 873 | 30 ga: No Th THES. pipet SEE 0 Te ae 1603
17 Unknown ............... TT. G. Crownover...........-.. 3.70 | 121 152 ne & oy W.F. & CW. ee 13.29 | 309 Bush, James... ...B' R: ara
50 Unknown: ......o.. 00. Samuel Decker................ 4.81 0f433 153 Graff, Sebastian... Wm. PF Diddle........ 118670 {1433 153 McCommond, Thos...... BAB Blair... .co0ic.eeviivy .56
300 THENOWN. «vdoireicsiarass Samuel Decker........coceve. 13.26 Hotids 153,Graff, Sebastian......... Mortis C. Eby... nena. 189.10 | 433 153 McCormick, Thos........ FP. Blair....... PRE SRO 17.88
HAINES TOWNSHIP. 16 156 Grant, ThoS............. Mrs. A. J. Steinman.......... 40.33 ° MER en iigntY severe R. R. Watson................ Irn
286 Black, James............Spangler & Smith. ........... ny (5 Ce Leen Bell, 7. Chaairinniiill By WE re TRL
3 ies in Borns thee Bangles Ss SEHR. — 433 Gundaker, John.........David M. Elis.... ccna... 39.04 | 129 160 Norris, Marion.......... R. R. Watson........ 00sec: 9.92
181 Fees, J2C0b......... JEST Motz. eer Seas Gt Rl OT Onsen nenns anys Pav) M. BIS cnsnnrecnnnse 5 UNION TOWNSHIP.
200 Honry, JOSEPH. .......... Wm, Vonads........ ......... 2472 | 578 To HE S.eeres: av PT Rtoamen ne 20.33 | 100 Blake, Jas..h........ T. G. Crownover 8.95
5 Unknown .....-.. i J." "Phos. Mitehell............. 4, 133 163 H I Salrrsai sis A Tt tae mm. 383 Clark, Wm VIE op oBmie sy Ry 25.67
125 Unknown ........... xis BR. Watson............... 5.50 2 arris, Wm P.......... E. J. Pruner Est............. 4 ? alia HT Brower... otras h
ow BONecrisnsrinronens 367 190 Irwin, James P......... dM Henle... .,.... ta sie 18.57 | 200 Deal, Anmn........ eeeees- Wm. I. Brower............... 18.50
HALF MOON TOWNSHIP. 433 153 irwin, Robt...vrr naa, Mrs. A. J. Steinman......... 77.68 | 02 Fisher, Wm. P.......... Dora E. Fisher............... 5.79
54 Shearer, Isaac........... T. G. Crownover........ veers» B02 | %0f433 153 Irwin, Robt............. H. Boulton & J. Benson..... 21.84 in 140 Seopa ris ceeeenniens Joss, Bayher Ceeneeeieeaean, S23
196 Fisher, J. C............. M. G. Brown.......... vesesne 11.13 | 433 1587%enkin, W. R.....0 2 ne E. J Pruner Bst......c.coc.- 77.68 WALKER TOWNSHIP
200 Fisher, Samuel......... M. G Brown................. 13 15 Lawrence, Casper.......Christ Sharrer........ aa aiaie 4.43 ’
50 Irwin, John............. H. 8S Taylor......coucers wees BAB! 45 153 Lowden, Casper. ... ‘Christ Sharrer 40.49 | 40 Baker, John.. Samuel Decker 4.43
89 Irwin, John ....Samuel & Harry Glenn....... 10.42 153 Lawrence, Casper. ......Christ Sharrer......... 0.01000 39.10 hi 13 Frans, Jesse 9.37
50 Irwin, John Theo. Davis Boal............ 7.18 | 433 . Miller, Jane. Realty BEstates................ 21.35 1-B0£250 RL nd 5
HOWARD TOWNSHIP. 53 153 Miller, 4 ws Sit idunias sin DA Lani “tastes eidies ens Lg 4.508250 Erskine, John 9.69
217 Bonham, Sarah..........Edward Schumacher..... were JOA2 0f433 153 Morgan, R Bye B sy PIE. ny ct 4789 | 69 Hahn, Peter..... 5.43
25 Greysburg, Jos....... W. Holt. ......\ ins 4.02 0f433 133 Musser, Job eri : Ss. Crist Sedan nid Sled 59.00 | 10 33 McCalmont, Chas 3.59
415 Godfrey, Martlia Watson... 1111110 1458 | $10458 153 Morgan, BB v0.10 101. Boulton & J. Henson... 1821 | Robison, Richard a3
HUSTON TOWNSHIP. 4ot433 153 Musser, John... ... H. Boulton & J. Benson...... 218+ | & 54 Robison, Sacha Sos
40 Burley, Jacob ..J. Thomas Mitchell . 612 | 29% 163 Malone, Richard........ EF. P. Blair........ tre ” 20 Robison, Richard ..Harvey Corman. 3.78
225 Unknown . J. A. Mattern. . 35.12 | 163 <o Malone, Richard....... --E. PB. Blair.......... Swansey, Wm..... sArthur GC Dale... ..... 0... 5.99
208 Unknown . T. V. Yothers. .. 93795 | 433 153 Meyer, Jacob............ D. H. Hastings & Orvi 88 Wickersham, AMOS... Jos. H. Long 5.99
40 Unknown .. Shirk & Ardry. 4.36 ji 13 Yotonimond, Jonn.eul b i I or Jralrryeretosiaes Wickersham. Amos...... Isane MAOTKIG. .. caieneneer.. 402
270 Seeley, Isaac -Centre Lumber Co... 2449 | 701433 15 Peters, Richard. .........H. Boulton & J. Benson Lingle, J. J "B. Thompson.......... 3. 4.25
LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. 117 Phillips, Hardman...... David M. Ellis. ... nota, od Th eo ob
80 Garrell, Will, ..,cvesrese Susan E. Woll............... 7.28 | Sones 19) Belerd, Richand...... ooo] E. 8. Crist....... tO Tees ER DY Oeafecassnie nantes: -
38 Hess, Geo, Fojee +. Katfo Coal vo emansereds 14.82 i 153 Rod Win. I sevvavan Mrs 2s Yicioman, i WORTH TOWNSHIP.
royse, Daniel...........Susan EH, 0 t ’ JF: TERE RRR of Bo . Hawt! yo das il. Cinney.,........... 4
175 eater, Jas. A.....0 "Kato Coal Co..vr..e 38 Robison, Wm. H..... -.-W. F. & C. W. Gilbert Kuhn, Geo & Matthias Alen Sa Sige or
80 mith, Robert........... Susan E. Wolf...... 80 Rainey, BOBL.....«s..-- BF. P, Balls. c.ivss sessasnsa Laird; A. B.. AE Naval 11.57
400 Leech, Martha........... RR Watson,’ 0 > 000 Rogers, Kate A......... R. R. Watson........ cheeses Pruner, Jos..... UU EW IT Pruner Bst....... V0 2340
MARION TOWNSHIP. 153 Soa Margaret... J, Thos, Mitchell 2339 | 16 FT BR. RB. wasn... 5.92
50 Allison, Wm.............Franklin_Weight.............. 5.00 | 433 SIOUEH, TAS. .eeerrsrnr- Jive SHATTEr....i.ooiion..n.. 40.41 : :
13 McKinney, J. M......... George Kauffman............. 7.98 | 214 Stlout, Jacob... ev. Citizens Water Co 21.55 DAVID CHAMBERS,
50 Harris, .James.......... H. 8S. Taylor.............. we. 590 | 433 Slough, Geo........ ween David M, HIS. ..... Canereindinn 366.89 County Treasurer.
REASURER’'S SALE OF SEAT-Martha Lane Est............. 414.86 BENNER TOWNSHIP. HAINES TOWNSHIP. RUSH TOWNSHIP. Catherine Dixon.............. 8.65
ED LANDS:—At the same C. K. McCafferty, Est........ 14.60 yohn Bressler Bst 470 C. C. Bressler 12.06 Emma Fisher................. 17.32 Harry Moore................. 13.60
time and place as given in MILESBURG BOROUGH Harvey. Benner BSt..... aes 9. teat oahalEn ies ern “=” Mercantile Realty Co......... 5721 Samuel Moore................. 10.11
the Treasurer's Sale of Unseated > irveY 6.27 HARRIS TOWNSHIP. H. E. Harper.......... sessss. 1023 Sarah Rhodes................. 10.11
lands, will be sold the following Clement Dale................. 66 Klinger Bst......... ‘50 Hiram Fry Est 443 Austin’ Pie............... 9.76 William Woomer 15.08
tracts or lots of land returned by J. P. Harper, Est............. 20.56 John G. Martin Est 138 YSN. “° G. L. Whitehead.............. 6.69 George Woomer Hst.......... 20.60
the tax collector of the following Jas. Heverly Est..... 22,02 Mrs. W. W. Smith Es 8.37 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. Srey Robbins ils 5.00 Washburn Hepburn. ......... 59°87
districts respectively, for the years Thos. Miles’ Est...... 5.01 Wm. Tate Est................ 3.37 R. R. Richards. BATTS re mma Ro A sep err 1186
1916 and 100 , to the Commission- Harrison Levi Est... 4.60 BOGGS TOWNSHIP. M. D. Crothers............... 3.43 John COWDer.. evi 786 ' UNION TOWNSHIP. :
ers of Centre county, for non-pay- Mrs. Jas. Heverly Est........ 22.88 5 F. Houdisill............... 14.10 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. William FHCK..... + .0un.... 1212 Albert Peters Bos
ment. of taxes, according to the pro- A. S. Smith Bst............ .. 4834 Hy Quick......rveenveins.. 4.04 Chas Rothrock................ 18.26 Fred GIeSSA....res. a 7.86 WALKER TOWNSHIP.
visions of the several Acts of As- W. H. Smith............. cee. 928 ; Susan Bowes.....v... vecarrs 20.19 °F. P., Garbrick............... 10.23 Isaac McKinney Heirs. ...... ' 616
sembly relative to the sale of seat- PHILIPSBURG BOROUGH. CURTIN TOWNSHIP. MARION TOWNSHIP, Harry Hamilton....... NE 1023 Fizzle Grubb... vcs. mnessaves 7.81
ed lands for taxes: Foster Nelson.......... viene. meg Curtin & Co..ovvenniniinn. 3328 Jame Sayers... .iiiiieo.. 26.707. B. Beam........c.eeceansn. 83.52 Gertrude & Geo. Kessinger... 7.07
BELLEFONTE BOROUGH. William Iaws.oevrvevinans SUpt Ny. Lo QUAY. -treseieriiy : °R48 F. P. Fowler &W. W. Drum- SPRING TOWNSHIP. Isaac Markle... 1398
Owners Name Taxes & Costs John Jackson........ texans yu 539 David Percell. . 32.66 MING ..cooovererinnnnnne 12.97 Robert Cole...... ave ne Sven TASES. W- Shan, 753
Perry C. McCaleb..
Wm. P. Dunean.............. g 26.50 SOUTH PHILIPSBURG BORO. John M. Robb. 32.66 Alert Tmeas......lciieiiill. HIB REY oo ey: 492
Susan Fogleman......... ly 356 Mrs. Geo. . 631 J. Fred Young....... 10.51 Hiram Slatterbeck Est....... 3.47 Elmer MussSer............. eee BAB Fo kt PR a Merrill Robb.... 7.06
Jd. H. Lingle Bst.......v:.... 92.49 Helen Mayes.........c.voveve. 5.37 David McCloskey Est 10.51 POTTER TOWNSHIP. TAYLOR TOWNSHIP. John M. Williams.....coeve.. 7.06
James Burns... .... rs Sl. 1945 8S. T. Williams..... vieeseav.. 613 Mary McCloskey Est 14.21 Mary Decker Est............. 9.33 Thomas Fink Est............. 61. ERS
Wm. P. Brown,......s» 11000 11.32 Foster Nelson................. 9.53 James Packer Est 6.81 John Y. Glasgow Est. . 6.25 Daniel Moore... 2793 DAVID CHAMB »
Constance Curtin Est........ iges Ellen Nelson. ................- 6.13 Jos. Packer............ 8.66 James. Sweetwood Est. .. 832 Mary A. Moore... 13.00 63-17 County Treasurer.