Germany to Protect Lives. With County. Beriln Accepts Principle That Passer Notes of Interest to Church People of ger Ships Shall Ba Warned Before all Denominations in all Parts of Attack by Submarines. the County. : Germany has accepted the declara | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. tions of the United States in.the sub | Service Sunday 11:00 a. m. Wednes- marine warfare controversy. | day 8 p. m., 9} E. High street. Count von Bernstorff, the German — ; . ambassador, gave oral and written as-| Harvest Home services will be held in surances to Secretary Lansing that nc St. John’s Reformed church next Sun- ; | day, September 5th, at 10.30 a. m. Ser- Ds yo ships will ve Sauk mon and music appropriate to the day. After a conference at the state de | U. B. CHURCH NOTES. 3 Ambassador von Bernstorf!| : Parimien) he | Next Sunday, September 4th, will be sent Secretary lansing this letter: : ” 9 : Wi . | communion Sunday at the U. B. church, My Dear Mr. Secretary—With ret ‘ the last for this conference year. A erence to our conversation, ! beg ta . | special offering will be taken to help out inform you that my instructions con | the budget. Let all pledges be in the cerning our answer to your last Lusk hands of your stewards between now and tania note contains the following pas: ' September 20th so that all accounts may sage: | be met in full. . ; “Liners will not be sunk by ouri The Ladies Bible Stas vin hold its 1 i ith. | next business meeting Friday evening submarines witiou Varn Mal | tthe Ard room. Al members are cx | t. Refreshments wil ants, provided that the liners do not| pected:to be presen 3 vi 2 | be served. try to escape or offer resistance. | Sunday services will be held at the “Although .I know that you do not! usual hours, and the public is invited to wish to discuss the Lusitania question’ attend. ; till the Arabic incident has been defi-| Don’t forget the festival on the Island nitely and satisfactorily settled, I de i Saturday evening. 5 sire to inform you of the above be: ! A. B. SPRAGUE, Minister. hi licy of m overnment | sp She Taare i Arabic in | Bellefonte United Evangelical church, | preaching on Sunday, September 5th, at cidont ocourred. : «110.30 a. m., by the pastor, followed by 1 have no objection 10. your making communion. Preaching on Sunday even- any use you may please of the above jn at 730, by Rev. C.L. Sones, presiding information. . elder of Center district, followed by com- 1 Temeln, a dezp Mr. Lansing, { munion. Everybody welcome. “Very sincerely yours, me —— *J. BERNSTORFF.” In connection with the letter, Sec: retary Lansing made the following: statement: “In view of the clearness of the] foregoing statement, it seems need: | less to make any comment in regard to it, other than to say that it appears In jo be 3 recogniiion of the fundamental; bir ig : makers are again cutting principle for which we have contend | up their comical capers in the Pittsburgh Gazette ed. {| Times. They are a scream, of course, for there Count von Bernstorff’s letter Was | over was another so comical a comic as “Bud” forwarded to President Wilson as| pisher makes of these creatures of his brain and soon as it was received at the state| pen. Mutt and Jeff are human, they are irresist- department. No formal comment was | ible in their appeal. In the Gazelte Times they made at the White House, but on | are another big feature added to the bi things every hand in official quarters there that Characterize Pittsburgh's One Big Newspa- was evidence of gratification that the | Per Bud” Fisher's Mutt and Jeff humor is al- submarine crisis had passed, and that ways fresh. You never have to hunt for the 3 laugh. You are never shocked. Mutt and Jeff la) wae Te are the One Big Daily Comic. That's why they dent Wilson has been contending. ~— Subscribe for the WATCHMAN BOOKS, MAGAZINES, Etc. MutT AND JEFF CUTTING UP AGAIN.—“What did Mutt and Jeff do today?” is again the daily question; it is quite as common as “What is new in the war?” And a good laugh always goes are in the Pittsburgh Gazette Times. Count Bernstorff’s announcement | ANNOUNCEMENTS. that the policy had been decided upon Lf before the sinking of ‘the = Arabic JUDGE. We are authorized to announce as the candidate of the people and for the people the name of J. Kennedy Johnston for the office of Judge in Cen- tre County (being the 49th Judicial District) who respectfully solicits your influence and support On his behalf for said office upon a non-partisan ticket, We are authorized to announce that Ellis L. Orvis, of Bellefonte, Pa., will be a ‘candidate for Judge, subject to the action of the voters as ex- Djassoh oe the primaries on Tuesday, September st, . ve We are authorized to announce that N. B. Spangler is a candidate for the office of Judge, subject to thei decision of the voters at the prima- ries to be held Tuesday, September 21st, 1915. i To the Electors of Centre County: J Jieteby inopcs as a candidate for the office 3 of Judge of the Courts of Centre county, pledg- and American sources. { ing an honest, prompt and efficient administra- The German government's state: | tion. % ment that before the sinking of the |p foUZYote and suppogt are earnestly solicited Arabic the submarine commanders | election November 2nd, 1915. had been ordered to sink no more pas: HENRY C. A Pa senger ships without warning may be 0 rie taken as a disavowal of that act. The question of reparation for the Americans who lost their lives on the Lusitania, the Arabic and other ships which have been torpedoed probably will be the next step in the proceed: ing. LIVED 30 YEARS IN CAVE Aged Recluse Taken to Almshouse Four Days Before Death. Mrs. Mary Gambler, eighty years old, who lived thirty years in.a cave in Kidder township, near Hazleton, Pa., died of tuberculosis at the Laury- town almshouse. She was brought to the institution Aug. 27 by the poor directors of the Kidder district. Mrs. Gambler's husband shared the cave with her until he died years ago, and since then she was alone. The cave has no door. Two bedsteads of wood and rope were in the cave, together with an old stove. The wo- man had lived by picking huckleber- ries and wintergreen. agrees with statements by officials in Berlin upon which American officials had been depending. Soon after the dispatch of the last Lusitania note President Wilson understood there would not be another such disaster. The sinking of the Arabic, therefore, came as a double shock. Inasmuch as it seems to have been established that the submarine which sunk the Arabic has been. destroyed by a British patrol boat, the exact, cir: . cumstances may never be determined, other than by testimony from British DISTRICT ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce that D. Paul Fortney, of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for District Attorney, subject to the action of the Democratic voters as expressed at the primaries on Tuesday, September 21st, 1915. COUNTY TREASURER. We are authorized to announce that James E. Harter, of Penn township, will be a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic voters as expressed at the primaries ! on the third Tuesday of September, 1915. SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce that George R. Richards, of Philipsburg borough, will be a can- didate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters of Centre county as expressed . Fhe primaries on Tuesday, September 21st, PROTHONOTARY. We are authorized to announce that David R. Foreman, of Bellefonte, Pa., will be a candidate for Prothonotary, subject to the decision of the Démocratic voters of Centre county as expressed 2 he primaries on Tuesday, September 21st, RECORDER. We are authorized to announce that W. Francis Speer, of Bellefonte, Pa., will be a candidate for Recorder, subject to the decision of the Demo- cratic voters of Centre county as expressed at the primaries on Tuesday, September 21st, 1915. « REGISTER. We are authorized to announce that J. Frank Smith, of Centre Hall, will be a candidate for the nomination of Register, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters of Centre county as ex- ) Pressey ot the primaries on Tuesday, September st, § * 77 British Ships Lost In 3 Months. Lloyd’s quarterly report for the pe- riod ending Aug. 12 gives the loss of British shipping from submarines and other hostile conflict and from mines as 68 steamships, with an aggregate gross tonnage of 180,713, and nine sailing vessels. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. We are authorized to announce that Charles L. Gates, of the North ward, Bellefonte, will be a candidate for_the nomination of Justice of the Peace on the Republican ticket in said ward, at She Primaries to be held on Tuesday, September st, 1915. AUDITOR. We are authorized to ‘anaounce that Jeremiah Brungart, of Miles township, will be a candidate for nomination as Auditor of Centre county, sub- ject to the decision of the Democratic voters as expressed at the primaries on Tuesday, Septem- ber 21st, 1915. COUNTY COMMISSIONR. We are authorized to announce that D. A. Grove, of College township, will be a candidate for County Commissioner, subject tothe action of the Democratic voters as expressed at the primaries on Tuesday, September 21st, 1915. We are authorized to announce that William H. Noll Jr., of Spring Twp., will be a candidate for nomination for County Commissioner, sub- ject to the decision of the Democratic voters of Centre county as exp! at the Primaries to be held on Tuesday, September 21, 1915. « Interned German Disappears. A sailor named Wisnewski, from the interned German auxiliary cruiser Prinz Eitel Friedrich, at the navy yard in Norfolk, Va., is missing after having served a term in the city jail for disorderly conduct. Berlin Offers to Buy Cotton. German business men have trans mitted to the United States an offer to buy 1,000,000 bales of cotton. The price offered is 15 cents a pound, pay- able on delivery of the cotton in a German harbor. : New Advertisements. 90-Foot Fall Kills Woman Aeronaut. Miss Helen Grace, an aeronaut, was killed at Stanton, Mich, while making a balloon ascension, in the presence of hundreds of spectators she slipped from her trapeze and dropped ninety feet, landing on a coal URNISHED HOUSE WANTED. — Young married couple, no children, desire a furnished house for the winter months. Address this office. 60-35-1t EGAL NOTICE. — Notice is hereby given that the following accounts will be presented to Court for confirmation September 29th, shed. 1915, and unless exceptions be filed thereto on or before September 28th, 1915, the same will be con- rmed. $25,000 Home Destroyed. The fourth and final account of W. W. Andrews, “Brightsides,” the beautiful home | Guardian of John Shivler, Philipsburg. of L. H. Boody, a. Rupert, .near{,Ihefiist account of A,$. Stover, Guardian for Bloomsburg, Pa. was destroyed DY | The first and partial dccount of Isaac M. Orn- fire, the loss being $25,000. Mr. and Mrs. Boody are visiting in Cleveland, Ohio. dorf, Guardian of Alfred Orndorf, of Haines township. Aug. 25th, 1915. D. R. FOREMAN. . 60-34-3t Prothonotary . the Churches of the] Orphan’s Court Sale. New Advertisem Orphun’s Court Sale. ents. RPHANS’ COURT SALE.—In the Orphans’ Court of Centre County. Trustees sale of Real Estate of the Estate of William A. Thomas, late of Bellefonte Borough, deceased. In pursuance of a decree of said Court, the un- dersigned will offer at public sale at the Court | House in Bellefonte, Pa., at Ten O’clock a.m. on | SATURDAY, the 25TH OF SEPTEMBER, 1915, ths following described pieces of . real estate, to it: No. 1, of Exhibit “A.” Being premises known as the ‘Mansion House property of said decedent, situate in the Borough of Bellefonte, County of Centre and State of Pannsyivenia. bounded and described as follows, 0 wit: On the North and East by the *‘Y” and the main track of the P. R. R. Company; on the South by land of R. B. Taylor and North Thomas Street; and on the West by North Thomas Street ; subject to the Right of Way of the Central Rail- road Company of Pennsylvania running through said premises. Having thereon erected a large stone mansion house, stable and other out buildings. No. 2, of Exhibit “A.” Being the triangular piece of land situate in the Borough of Bellefonte, County and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to- wit: On the North and East by North Thomas Street; on the South by road leading from Belle- fonte to Coleville; and on the West by lands now occupied by McCalmont & Company. No. 3, of Exhibit A.” . All that certain house or lot of ground adjoin- ing the A. M. E. Church on the South; and front- ing 50 feet on the West side of St. Paul Street, and extending Westerly therefrom to the line of Haupt and Brown. No. 4, of Exhibit “A.” All that certain double house and lot of ground fronting 50 feet on the West side of St. Paul Street and extending Westerly therefrom to the line of Haupt and Brown. No. 5. of Exhibit “A.” : . Being all that certain tract, piece or lot of land situate at Coleville, Spring Township, Centre County and State of Pennsylvania, bounded as follows, to-wit: : : Beginning at a point in the middle of public" road; thence along land of American Lime & Stone Company North 61 degrees 30 minutes East 42.24 rods to a post; thence along Bellefonte Fur-, nace Company land South 25 degrees 45 minutes East, 12.4 rods to stones; thence South 64 degrees 45 minutes West 12.44 rods to post; thence along’ land of various owners and David Hoy South 27, degrees 30 minutes East 38.4 rods to post and an Alley; thence along said Alley South 63 degrees 15 minutes West 8.36 rods to post; thence along: land of William Billet North 25 degrees 30 min- utes West 6.25 rods to post; thence South 65 de- grees 45 minutes West 4 rods to post; thence along various owners and school ground North 27 degrees 15 minutes West 21.28 rods to point in" middle of road; thence in middle of road along school ground South 66 degrees 45 minutes West 14.52 rods to point in middle of public road; thence in middle of public road North 36 degrees West 20.76 rods to place of beginning. Contain- ing 5.95 acres be the same more or less. No. 6, of Exhibit “A.” : Being all that certain tract, piece or lot of land situate at Coleville, Spring Township, County and State aforesaid, bounded as follows. to-wit: Beginning at post, thence along land of David Hoy North 28 degrees 15 minutes West 12.64 rods to point in middle of old road; thence along the middle of said road adjoining land of Bellefonte Furnace Company North 60 degrees 15 minutes’ East 58.36 rods to point in middle of said road; thence along lands of James Ryder South 29 de- grees 30 minutes East 13.08 rods to posi; thence along lands of A. G. Morris South 59 degrees 30 minutes West 23.4 rods to stones; thence South 25 degrees 15 minutes East 3.52 rods to white oak; thence along various lot ewners South 64 degrees : 50 minutes West 33.8 rods to post; thence North’ 32 degrees West 1.88 rods to post; thence South 61 degrees 15 minutes West 1.32 rods to post the the place of Beginning. Containing 5.30 acres be the same more or less. >i No. 7, of Exhibit “A.” Beginning at the edge of Bald Eagle Creek; thence along the east side of Catherine Street, in the borough of Milesburg South thirty-one (31) ! degrees East two hundred sixty-two (262) rods to a post; thence by lands of Charles Schad North seventy-one (71) degrees thirty (30) minutes. East two hundred eight and five tenths (208.5) . rods to a post; thence along other lands of the! Wm. A. Thomas Est. North twenty-eight (28) degrees ten (10) minutes West one hundred sev- enty-eight (178) rods toa post; thence by -same and along the tow-path of the old canal North forty-eight (48) thirty-five-(35). minutes | East thirty (30):rodsto a post; thence by same!’ North thirty-six (36) degrees West eighty-sixahd eight tenths (86-8) rods to a red oak on the bank of Bald Eagle Creek; thence by said creek South fifty-five (55) degrees West eighty-two and seven, tenths (82.7) rods; thence by same North eighty- three (83) degrees West one hundred fifty-three (153) rods; thence by same South eight (8) de- grees West twelve (12) rods; thence by same. uth eight (8) degrees East fifty (50) rods to the place of beginning. Containing three hundred eighty (380) acres and thirty-three (33) perches. Having thereon erected stone farm house, large barn and all necessary buildings. : EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, all that piece of ground on the western line of said tract, lying on both sides of the public road, having thereon a grave yard and school building, and beingbound- | ed and described as follows, to wit: ! Beginning at a point on the eastern side of Catherine Street, one hundred fifty (150) feet north of the northern line of Hazel Street; thence along said Catharine Street, the western line of the aforesaid tract, and crossing the pub- lic road North thirty-one (31) degrees West twen- ty-two and seven-tenths (22.7) rods to a post; ence along the grave yard fence South eighty- three (83) degrees fifteen (15) minutes East nine- teen (19) rods to a post; thence along said fence and re-crossing said public road South thirty-one (31) degrees East eleven and four-tenths (11-4) rods to a post; thence South fifty-nine (59) de- grees West fifteen and two-tenths (15.2) rods to the place of beginning. Containing one (1) acre and ninety-nine (99) perches. No. 8, of Exhibit “A. Being the lower (Adams) Farm. 7 Beginning at a red-oak on the bank of Bald Eagle Creek; thence by other lands of the Wm. A. Thomas Est. South thirty-six (36) degrees East eighty-six and eight-tenths (86.8) rods to a post; thence by same and along the tow-pzth of the old canal, South forty-eight (48) degrees thir- ty-five (35) minutes West thirty (30) rods to a post; thence by same South twenty-eight (28) de- grees ten (10) minutes East one hundred seven: ty-eight (178) rods to a post; thence by lands of Charles Schad North seventy-one (71) degrees: thirty (30) minutes East one hundred twenty-sey- en and five-tenths (127.5) rods to post and stones; thence by lands of urtin and others No, 10. of Exhibit “A.” | 120 acres more or less. : South side of Curtin Street in a Southerly direc- XECUTRIX’S NOTICE,~In the matter of ‘the estate of Edward G. Osmer, late ‘of the township of Spring, County of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary having been issued by the Orphans’ Court of Centre county, Pennsylvania, to the undersigned executrix of said estate, all persons owing said decedent are requested to make settlement with- out delay, and ail persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to ELIZABETH M. HIBLER, Executrix, 60-34-6t* North Allegheny, St., Bellefonte. North nineteen (19) degrees West one hundred seventy-six and five-tenths (176.5) rods to a white- oak; thence by lands of ——————Lingle North four (4) degrees East eighty (80) rods to a post on the bank of Bald Eagle Creek; thence along said creek North eighty-one (81) degrees West one hundred one (101) rods; thence by same South fifty-five (55) degrees West ninety-seven and seven-tenths (97.7) rods to the place of begin- ning. Containing two hundred fifty-eight (258) acres and fifty-two (52) perches, neat measure. Having thereon erected a dwelling house, large barn and other necessary out buildings. No. 9, of Exhibit “A.” All that certain tract or piece of land known as the Askey-Beightol farm situate in Snow Shoe Township, Centre County and State of Pennsyl- vania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a white pine stump, corner of lands of the Snow Shoe Coal Company, thence South 66 degrees West_32 perches to the Snow Shoe Railroad; thence North 28 degrees west 6 perches; thence South degrees West 113 perenss to a post; thence North 2 degrees East perches to post in the road; thence North 10 degrees West 57 perches to a chestnut oak; thence North 2 degrees East 58 perches to a post; i thence by land of J. H. Holt South 88 degrees East 16] perches to a post; thence South 2 de- grees West 58 perches to a post; thence North 88 degrees West twenty perches to stones; thence South 2); degrees West, 201 perches to a white i pine stump, the place of beginning. Containing 1 220 acres and 131 perches or thereabouts. EGISTER’S NOTICE.—The following ac- counts have been examined, passed and filed of record inthe Registers office for the inspection of heirs and legatees, creditors and all others in anywise interested, and: will be presented to the Orphans’ Court of Centre coun- ty for confirmation on Wednesday, the 29th day of September, A. D. 1915. r 1. Koon. The first and final account of John L. Holmes, executor of &c., of George Koon, Sr., late of State College Boro., deceased. 2. Lesh. The first and finalaccount of Cathe- rine Lesh, executrix of &c., of Lydia Lesh, late of Walker Twp., deceased. : ‘ 3. Thompson. The first and final account of Farmers Trust Sompany, of State College, Pa., Guardian of Hilda Patton Thompson, daughter of James I. Thompson, Lemont, Penna. 4. Bitner. The sixth and final account of Henry F. Bitner, executor of &c., of the last will and testament of Jacob Bitner, late of Gregg Twp., deceased. ; 5. Shields. The first and final account of O. E, Miles, executor of &c., of Peninnah Shields, late of Milesburg borough, deceased.’ 6. Losch, The first and final account of C.W. Snyder, administrator of &c., of William S. Losch, late of Spring Twp., deceased. 7. Moyer. The second partial account of An- ton Neubauer and Harry V. Neubauer, executors of the estate of Adam Moyer, late of Philips- burg borough, deceased. x 8. Meyer. The first and final account of Ber- tha Meyer, now Bertha Stover, administratrix of &c., of Orvis E. Meyer, late of Penn township, deceased. 9. Kerstetter. The firstand final account of J. W. Kerstetter, administrator of &c., of Jacob Kerstetter, late of Penn Twp., deceased. 10. Packer. The first and final account of Lot H. Neff administrator of &c., of Jane Packer, late of Howard Twp., deceased. i «hat certain tract of unseated land in the | warrantee name of Henry Harrison in Burnside { ‘Township, Centre County, Penna., containing No. 11, of Exhibit “A.” All the undivided 1-5 interest of, in, and to, all that certain tract or piece of land situate in the Township of Snow Shoe, Centre County, Pa., known as the “Coal Hill” tract, formerly the tract of Valentine & Thomas, bounded and de- scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a Black Oak, thence North 15 de- grees West 87 perches to a post; thence North 38 degrees East 45 perches to a Black Oak; thence North 24 degrees East 38 perches to a White Oak; thence North 65 degrees West 59 perches to a post by a White Oak; thence North 25 de- grees East 195 perches to a Maple; thence South degrees East 192 perches to a Black Oak; thence South 25 degrees West 323 perches to a White Oak; and thence North 76 degrees West 96 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 328 acres and 160 perches and allowances. No. 12, of Exhibit “A.” All that messuage, tenement and lot of ground, situate in Bellefonte Borough, Centre County, Penntyivanig, bounded and described as follows, 0 Wit: : Beginning at a post on the eastern side of North Thomas Street at the southern side of a private road about 10 feet wide along Buffalo Run; thence by said road North 52 degrees East 185.5 feet to a post; thence by Gunsollas lot South 34 degrees 45 minutes East 160 feet to postonthe | 14. Lee. The account of Emma V. Lee and From the centre line thereof 60 feet tc a post | Charles H. Lee, administrators of &c., of Jeremi- corner of lot of Lillie Riske; thence by same ah W. Lee, late of Walker Twp., dece North 28 degrees 40 minutes West 90 feet to a post and South 60 degrees 15 minutes West 143 feet to a post on said Thomas Street, and thence by same North 22 degrees 45 minutes West 44.3 feet to the place of beginning. . No. 13, of Exhibit “A.” All that messuage, tenement and lot of ground, adjoining the above, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post the northern cor- ner of Shaughensey lot: thence by said private road North 52 degrees East 67 feet to a post; and North 58 degrees 30 minutes East 76.1 feet to a post; thence North 77 degrees 30 minutes East to railroad *Y;” thence by same and 8 feet dis- tant from the centre line thereof 250 feet to a post; and thence by said Shaughensey lot South 343% degrees West 160 feet to the place of begin- ning. No. 1, of Exhibit “B.” All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate in the Borough of Bellefonte. County of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of Cur- tin and Allegheny Streets; thence by said Curtin Street in a Westerly direction 200 feet to an alley; thence by said Alley in a Southerly direc- tion 100 feet to line of lot of Eveline R. H. Rogers; thence by said lot in an Easterly direction 200 feet to Alley; thence by Alley in a Northeasterly direction 100 feet to place of beginning. Having: thereon erected a large brick residence. No. 2, of Exhibit “B.”" ’ Beginning at the Southwestern corner of East High Street and an alley; thence by East High Street in a Southerly direction 50 feet to the lot | %J L. Runkle; thence by said lot in a Northerly rection 200 feet to Pike Alley; thence by said | e Alleyina erly direction 50 feet to’ the § § first mentioned Alley; and thence by said Alley ina Southerly direction 200 feet to High Street, A. Carson, administrator of &C., of Sarah Tress- ler, late of Potter Twp., deceased. 12. Marshall. Nelson Marshall, administrator of .&c.,: of Li Marshall, late of Spring 1'wp., deceased. 13. Harper. The first and final account of Wm. Groh Runkle, executor of &c., of Catherine Harper, late of Potter Twp., deceased. uch 15. Phillips. The first and final account of the Bellefonte Trust Company, Guardian for Bessie hillips, minor child oi Cyrus N. Phillips, late of Miles Twp., deceased. ter Robb and Lewis Robb, executors of &c., of Peter Robb, Sr., late of Howard borough, de- ceased. J. FRANK SMITH, Register. egiyer's Office, Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 31st, 1915. -35-4t Atlantic City. OVER LABOR DAY Atlantic City Cape May, Wildwood, Ocean City, Anglesea, Sea Isle City Avalon, Stone Harbor 16-DAY EXCURSION Saturday, September 4 from Bellefonte . |. EXCURSION _TICKE nation on date of excursion. - the place of beginning. Having thereon erect- $875 - - - Round Trip ed a large stone house used as a double dwelling Via Delaware River Bridge house, together with a frame stable. $8 R d Tri No. 3, of Exhibit “B.” +50 - -_.- =&ound inp Via Market Street Wharf Stop-over allowed at Philadelphia Pennsylvania R.R. 60-35-1t. All that cer:ain messuage, tenement and lot of ground situate in the Borough of Bellefonte, unty and State aforesaid, bounded and de- scribed as follows, to-wit: . Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of Cur- tin Street and Cowdrick Alley; thence by the tion 100 feet to a post; thence by right angles to Curtin Street and parallel to said Cowdrick Alley 1 | i 11. 'Tressler. The first and final account of F. | The first and final account of : 16. Robb. The first and final account of Pe- Se... oy Good on all regular trains to ES Steuer t - BELLEFONTE, T ETT Tre Ta any TORT — ——They are all. good enough, but the WATCHMAN is always the best. New Advertisements. RPHANS’ COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphans’ Court of Cen- tre County, the undersigned administratrix of Caroline Smith, late of Benner Township, in said County, deceased, will sell the following real estate on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH, 1915 at one o'clock p. m. on the premises in Benner Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania, situate about one mile south of the Roopsburg mill, all that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate in the Township of Benner, County of Centre and Siate of Pennsalvania, bounded and described as follows to-wit: On the West by Public road leading from County Bridge over Spring Creek to Upper Rock Forge; on the North by lands of William Saxon; on the east by lands of Robert Rosenhoover; and on the South by lands of Michael Hazel and Robert Hartle, con- ‘taining 3-% acres more or less, thereon erected A TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, STABLE, and other out-buildings. Good fruit and water at the door. : TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent of bid on day of sale, balance of one-half on confirmation of sale and the balance one-half in six months from the date of confirmation of sale to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. with inter- est. HATTIE P. MILLER, : W. G. RUNKLE, Administratrix of Caroline Attorney, Smith, deceased, Bellefonte, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa. 60-33-4t Funeral Director.