Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 30, 1915, Image 7

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Belletonte, Pa., July 30, 1915.
Charts for Commercial Geography.
Commercial geography as it is now
widely taught in the public schools by
listing the various imports and ex-
ports of countries and the products of
different cities fails to give a clear
ideaof the relative importance of the
materials listed. It frequently hap-
pens that the second or third item
onea list may have only one-fenth the
importance of the first item. Because
the three names are given one aftew
the other, the pupil is quite likely to
consider the three items of equal im-
portance, just as three persons may
be of different height, yet of about the
same importance. The graphic meth-
od judiciously applied to school geog-
raphy and to general commercial geog-
raphy would make a tremendous dif-
ference in the student’s grasp of the
subject.—Engineering Magazine.
Supremity of Business.
There never was a time in all his-
toty when our national life has been
s0 interwoven in the transactions of
business representing as it does the
basic principle of progress and per-
manent success, and the sneer at com-
mercialism passes when we discover
militarism only a cloak for it. The
United States is proving to the world
how inconsequential are those things
which have been felt to be paramount
in the building up of a nation, such as
military power and frowning fortifi-
cations along the border, for business
is something that concerns individuals
and the home welfare, and requires no
apology in this day of glorified peace-
ful industry, which is another name
for “Americanization.”—How’s Busi-
ness,” Promineat Business Men, in Na-
tional Magazine.
New Patron Saint.
Polar explorers now have their pa-
tron saint in the person of St. Chris-
topher, whose medallion, presented by
Queen Alexandra of England, is affixed
to the Endurance. Not long ago the
equally modern profession of short-
hand writers was similarly equipped.
They fixed upon St. Genest, who suf-
fered martyrdom for refusing to tran-
scribe an imperial decree. That is
an odd reason, but not more odd than
many which have weighed in other
transactions of the kind. The pa-
tron saint of skaters is St. Ludwina,
who fell on the ice and sustained in-
juries which she bore with exemplary
patience, and St. Cyril was long re-
garded as the patron of Slavs on the
ground that he was ‘the apostle of
the Slavi.”
Asbestos Kids.
He was nine years old and practical,
and as he came home from Sunday
school the mystery of the Sunday
school lesson fell upon him. The les-
son was about the three men cast
into the blazing furnace. The teacher
had made it very plain. Shadrach,
Meshach and Abednego were their
names, and by the power of faith they
had been rescued from the fiery pit
unharmed. The story was past all com-
Testament miracle. “Tell you what,
mother,” he added, after .explaining
the marvelous lesson the best he knew
how, “them was sure three asbestos |
Digestion During Sleep.
Digestion goes on effectively during
sleep. The evening meal is digested
during the night. The midday meal,
especially when it is heavy, causes
drowsiness in some persons. The
proof that digestion is active in the
night is the fact that waste is gen-
erally accumulated in the morning.
Furthermore, in the case of persons
who have died during the night, the
autopsy shows that digestion is fur-
ther advanced the longer the period
intervening between the last meal and
death; from this fact the probable
time of death has been indicated at
coroner’s inquests.
False Alarm.
The sexton was showing a holiday
party around the church, says the Man-
chester Guardian, when someone
asked him if he feared a suffragette
attack. “I'd quite a turn the other
morning,” said the sexton. “I see one
one of our ladies going in the church
with a ’ammer in ’er and. She turns
rund quite upset, and says, ‘How dare
you think I’m going to break windows?
That Mrs. X——, who sits in my pew,
will use my hassock. I'm going to
nail it to the floor in my place.” And
she did.”
Sr ————————
Snake Farms in Tropics.
Two snake-infested countries, India
and Brazil, maintain “snake farms” at
which a scientific study of serpents is
being pursued. The venom from the
poisonous ones is extracted and made
into a serum for curing persons who
have been bitten. The Brazilian insti-
tution, near Sao Paulo, is maintained
at an expense of $40,000 a year. Be-
sides preparing serums the ‘snake
farm?” tries to spread knowledge about
snakes and induce farmers not to kill
them indiscriminately.—The Outlook.
- Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
It was a miracle—an Old |
Low Countries in Fiction.
Both Belgium and Holland, in the
guise of the Low Countries, as they
used to be called, figure very promi-
nently in English fiction. Thackeray,
in particular, placed very many scenes
there, as every reader of “Esmond”
and “Vanity Fair” will recall. Namur
deserves a very special place in lite-
rary affections from its associations
with “Tristram Shandy.” It was the
fortifications of this city that “My |
Uncle Toby,” assisted by “Corporal |
Trim,” spent his time in constructing |
in miniature replica. It was also “My |
Uncle Toby,” it ts interesting to recall, |
who was responsible for that classic
phrase, “Our troops swore horribly in
The Retort Courteous.
The telphone girls are forbidden to
“answer back,” no matter how abu-
sive a customer may be. Sometimes
They get around these hard conditions
in a very clever way. An instance of
the retort courteous happened recently .
in Los Angeles in one of the big ex-
changes. :
After vainly trying for ten minutes
to get the number he had asked for,
the irate customer shouted: “What
the deuce is the matter with you tele-
phone girls, anyhow—are you all
crazy?’ ;
The answer came with exasperating |
sweetness: “I don’t know. Ask ine
You and Your Work.
Is work a burden? Do you rebel at
everything and are you withholding
your best efforts? Get another place!
It is time for you to give your notice |
and attach yourself to another bread |
line. Never let work overpower you |
with its demands on energy. The man |
or woman who dies in the traces, with- |
out the joy of work, may have a big
heads of the onlookers are of little |
worth to the personality that has gone |
too soon. Make your work contribute
to the joy of living. Make it help you |
to grow. Look for something in the |
near future that will do this.
To Remove iodine Stains.
To remove tincture of iodine stains
from your skin or clothing strong am-
monia water is excellent.
Daily Thought.
It is indeed a desirable thing to be
well descended, but the glory belongs
to our ancestors. —Plutarch.
A Prominent Pennsylvania Man.
Uniontown, Pa.—“Eighteen months
ego I took a severe cold on my lungs;
qT had deep, dull
SEG pains all through
them. I went to
the family doctor
iii and took Lis medi-
gut no
MAY © :
i ANN cine but
QR .
ANN relief. I then pro- |
A: cured four “ottles |
\ NR
of Doctor Picrce’s
Golden Medical |
Discovery, which |
I took as pre- |
scribed, and am
cured and in robust
Geo. W. KEeLLey, 152
Connelsville St.
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov-
ery, free from alcohol or narcotics, does
just what is stated above, simply be-
cause it banishes from the blood all
poison and impure matter. It dissolves
the impure deposits and carries them
out, as it does all impurities, through
the Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Skin. |
If you have indigestion, sluggish
liver, backache over the kidneys, nasal
or other catarrh, unsteady nerves or
unsightly skin, get Dr. Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discovery today and start at
once to replace your impure blood with
the kind that puts energy and ambi-
tion into you and brings back youth ||
and vigorous action.
All medicine dealers can supply you
in either liquid or tablet form or send
50 cents for trial box of tablets to Dr.
Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y.
Write for free booklet on hlood.
If you will pay the mailing charges,
Dr. Pierce will send you his cloth-bound
book of over 1,000 pages, newly re-
vised with color plates and illustrations.
Treats of so many subjects in such an
interesting manner that knowledge of!
tiie human body is quigsly and easily
attained by all who read the book.
Send 8 dimes ( or stamps;) for mailing
charges to Dr. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel,
Buffalo, N. Y., and enclose this notice. |
Flour and Feed.
Manufacturer, Wholesaler and Retailer of
Roller Flour
Corn Meal
‘and Grain
Manufactures and has on hand at all times the
following brands of high grade flour:
The only place in the county where that extraor-
dinarily fine grade of spring wheat Patent Flour
can be secured. Also International Stock Food
and feed of all kinds.
All kinds of Grain bought at the office Flour
xchanged for wheat.
Looking Backward.
Our first years at school were not
made easy and joyous to us by
the modern methods of the Kkin-
dergarten and other similar sys-
tems of acquiring knowledge with-
out effort, and we thereby es-
caped the effects of the fallacy that
learning and education can be at-
tained without pains and concentra-
tion of the mind. We were constantly
drilled at school in mental arithmetic
and other studies of a kind not much
relished, I am told, by the youth of to-
day and unfashionable with modern
educators of young children; and at
home we were urged in season and
out, as we then thought, to improve
our minds, to contemplate serious
things, and especially and most fre-
quently, to read good books, particu-
larly those books which required ef-
fort for their understanding and mas-
tery.—George P. Brett in the Atlantic.
Few Have the Opportunity.
“Never look a gift horse in the
mouth” may be good advice to the one
man in a million who is fortunate
enough to have a horse given him.
St. George and the Dragon.
It is rather surprising to find St.
George and his dragon turning up
on that stretch of the Danube which
parts Hungary from Servia, remarks
the London Chronicle. But the cav-
ern of Golubacz on the Hungarian
side, opposite to the castle of the
same name in Servia, can support by
circumstantial evidence its claim to
have been the scene of the encounter.
It is true that the “Golden Legend”
localizes the dragon in a “pond like
a sea” in Libya. But the champions
of Golubacz relate that, having slain
the dragon, St. George left the carcass
in the cavern, where it has ever since
bred®innumerable flies. And, as Mr.
Walter Jerrold notes, there is no doubt
about the flies. In the early summer
swarms of them cover spaces of six or
seven miles, and they have often
proved fatal to horses.
Daily Thought.
If you wish for success in life make |
perseverance your bosom friend, ex-
perience your wise counselor, caution
your elder brother and hope your
guardian genius.—Addison.
but sermons and shaking | The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which nas been
Children Cry for Fletcher's
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per=
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ¢¢ Just-as-good *’ are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor O°. Taree
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups.
It is plea... .. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness.
For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. 2
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Farm Implements, Etc.
Prepared to supply the Farmer’s every want.
The oldest house and Largest Dealers in the county in
Hydrated Lime and Fertilizers
of every kind, for every use, and well
prepared for drilling.
McCormick Binders, Mowers, Tedders, Hay Rakes, Hay
Loaders, Walking and Sulky Plows, Harrows and Land
Rollers, Conklin Wagons with patented truss axles,
and a complete line of Farm Machinery and Im-
plements, Binder Twine and Farm Seeds.
Coal, Wood, Wall Plaster, Cement
An Old Established Progressive House, with an Up-to-
date line, with a guarantee back of it.
McCalmont & Company,
Shoes. Hats and Caps. Clothing.
| The Fauble Sale!
“All Clothing,
Suits, Trousers and
Rain Coats at
1-4 OFF
This Sale Includes Every-
thing In
Our Clothing Stock
It's at Faubles. You know
what that means.
Shoes. Shoes. >
of Ladies Low
Now Going On.
FOR $248
You can have your choice of any pair
of this season’s Low Shoes that I have
in my store, Pumps, Oxfords, Colo-
nials, in all shapes and all kinds of
leather. I guarantee that not one pair
of these shoes sold for less than $3.50
and the most of them sold for $4.00
and $4.50. Nothing reserved, all
Now is your chance to purchase your
Summer Shoes less than the cost to
Cash Only. No Exchanging
Yeager’s Shoe Store,
Bush Arcade Bldg,