| i TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE SINGERS. With the Churches of the County. Notes of Interest to Church People of 59.25-16t. all Denominations in all Parts of OR SALE.—Good Ranger bicycle for sale. , the County. : Inquire of JOHN HINES, vii | —ee— . : be CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. OF SALE~Collzpecole Twin GoCurt. wood | Hardware. if you will make the effort. Call on your friends and Service Sunday 10:45 a. m. Wednes- day 8 p. m., 93 E. High street. ——Gospel services to be held in the Y. M. C. A. building Sunday, July 5th, at 7.30 p. m. Subject The Prodigal. Services to be conducted by Mrs. E. A. Holbrook, of Bellefonte. Children’s day services will be held in the M. E. church at Coleville on Sunday evening at 7.15 o'clock. The address will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. D. J. Frum. The public is invited. PINE GROVE MENTION. Only a few more days yet and the wheat will be ready to harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. States visited friends at Alexandria over the Sabbath. W. D. Port and wife visited friends at Centre | Line the latter part of last week. | New Advertisements OUND.—Bunch of keys. Inquire at this of- fice. 59-25.2t as new. Will sell for $10 cash. Inquire of or address MRS. ANDREW YOUNG, Reservoir Hill, Bellefonte, Pa. i 59.27-tf. OBACCO SALESMEN WANTED. — Earn | $100 monthly. Expenses. Experience unnecessary. Advertise and take orders | from merchants for Smoking and Chewing to- | bacco, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. Send a 2c stamp HEMET TOBACCO CO., New York, N.Y, { for full particulars. 59-27-10w UDITORS’ NOTICE.—In the Orphans’ Court of Centre County. In the matter of the estate of A. W. Swisher, deceased, late of Huston township. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans’ Court of Centre Coun- ty, in the estate of A. W. Swisher, late of Huston township, Centre county, Pennsylvania, deceas- ed, to make distribution of the funds in the hands of the executor of said estate of the balance to and among those legally entitled to receiving the same, will attend the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Bellefonte, Pennsyl- vania, Friday, the 31st day of July, 1914, at ten ; o'clock a. m., when and where ali parties inter- | ested are requested to present their claims or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund ° J. M. KEICHLINE, i Auditor. | New Advertisements. IRL WANTED.—A girl who can do general housework can find employment in a ! small household by applying to Mrs. Geo. R. Meek, Spring St., Bellefo: nte, Pa. ANTED.—Painters and paper hangers. Must be sober and industrious. Ap- ply to 59-14-tf Niagara Falls Personally-Conducted Excursions July 3, 17, 31, August 14, 28, September 11, 25, October 9, 1914 Round $7.30 Trip FROM BELLEFONTE » SPECIAL TRAIN of Pullman Parlor Cars Dining Car, and Coaches through the Picturesque Susquehanna Valley. Tickets good going an Special Train and con- necting trains, and returning on regular trains within FIFTEEN DAYS. within limit on return trip. Illustrated Booklet and full information may be obtained from Ticket Agents. Pennsylvania R.R. top off at Buffalo § of the three biggest mills in the business is a mighty good thing to have behind the roofing you buy. We’re mighty glad to have it behind the roofing we sell. That’s why we carry Guarantee neighbors. GOLD COIN FLOUR. Are you hustling as hard as you can for the Premo Juvenile Auto? Nearly half of the time has passed. Just think, in two weeks some Boy or Girl is to have this beautiful Auto You can sell lots of (Gold Coin Flour Excursion. The contest ends Saturday, July 25th. Mrs. L. Mothersbaugh was taken to the Belle- 5927-3 fonte hospital Monday for treatment. Je State College and Scotia folks are arrangingto make the eagle scream on Independence day. | Three Good Horses for Sale Ralph Illingsworth, of Tyrone, is getting a tan on in his grandfather Snyder’s hay field. Roy Gates is home from a New York electrical college, spending his vacation in his mother’s hay field. Wm. Harpster and family spent the latter part of the week at the H. C. Houck home west of i town. John Lytle and sister Ruth were over Sunday visitors at the William Lytle home at Rock Mr. ‘Horse Owner lI Springs. 3 y Taree = Olewine’s Hardware Store How much of your capital is invest- : > i 59-10-tf BELLEFONTE, PA. od | " barn near the old burned site. Will Stover has ed in Horses ? S— ————— 1 the job. Have you protected that investment? | oo | Excursion to Atlantic City. i filantic Glu, Gape flay Certain-teed ROOFING The guarantee label protects us as well as our customers. Whatever building on your place wants a roof, come here and get | Certain-teed —1t!:.t’s your best insur- | ance. Tt comesin shingles as wellasrolls. i Whatever else you need from a pound ! Inquire at | BARTLEY'S LIVERY. : | DESCRIPTION.—Width of steel tonneau 15% in., fender to fender 24 in., 4 ft. long, real fore doors and locks, fin- Brant House Stable, Bellefonte, Pa. | ished in black and red, artistically striped in gold, adjustable wind shield, perforated nickeled radiator, uphol- stered seat, emergency wheel on rear, nickel plated trimmings on radiator and hood, four nickel plated oil burner torpedo lamps, nickeled artillery hub caps, wood rim steering wheel, mahogany finish, American knuckle joint Auto gear, steel fenders black enameled, 14% in. artillery wood wheels, front and rear rubber tired wheels, auto red finish, auto starting crank. Packed one in crate, weight 95 pounds. 59-25-3t. 59-27-1t* Attention Farmers. of nails to a cross-cut saw, you’ll find the right quality and right prices, right here. Of course you have seen the car in Spigelmyer’s store. . The New Grocery. eral days last week at the L. H. Osman home at Pine Hall. Rev. John E. Roush, of Loganton, came over in his new Maxwell car and is showing his lady friend around. Mrs. Kate Roan, of Pittsburgh, is visiting friends in the valley. Though her locks are silvered she is looking well. Mrs. Eckle, daughter and sister, Miss Stewart, of Altoona, are visiting the Mrs. Brocker and J. R. Smith homes this week. LISTEN ! I have taken the Agency for the largest and strongest Live Stock Insurance Com- pany in this country—THE ATLANTIC . HORSE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Providence. R. I. They will INSURE YOUR HORSES against death resulting from i { | | Rev. James J. Glenn, of Cumberland Valley, DISEASE, . with his wife and son are visiting relatives at ACCIDENT, Ocean City D 00 Avalon State College and down Pennsvalley. FIRE OR Anglesea \ \ J \ \ Holly Beach A. H. Hartswick, who was last week taken to LIGHTNING Sea Isle City Stone Harbor at reasonable rates. You can also get a similar policy to protect you against loss resulting from the death of your CATTLE, resulting from any of the above causes. “GET THAT SAFE FEELING!” WILLIAM B. RANKIN, | General Insurance. Room 12, Second Floor, Crider’s Exchange Blg. 29-26-tf. BELLEFONTE, Pa. the Jefferson hospital, Philadelphia, is back home much improved and on a fair way to recovery. The stork was busy during the hot weather last week, bringing a girl baby to Ed. Lucas’ home and a chubby little boy to the Ed. Kocher home. Curt Cronemiller, the popular baker at Patton, had a blaze recently which distroyed his bakery and ice plant. He was only partially insured, but will rebuild at once. Mrs. Alice Buchwalter with her two sons, Henry and Howard, are up from Lancaster for their mid-summer outing at the G. W. Mec- Williams home at Fairbrook. Harry and Will Collins, with their families, came over from Wilmerding for their annual summer outing, with headquarters at grandpa Collins’ home on west Main street. 10-DAY EXCURSIONS THURSDAYS, July 23, and August 6 and 20. SUNDAYS, July 26, August 9 and 23 $7.05 Round Trip $6.80 Round Trip Via Delaware River Bridge Via Market Street Wharf From Bellefonte. Stands to all Americans for a great principle. We stand for the principle of Honest Dealing, Honest Goods and Prompt Service. Send us your order and enjoy the day in comfort. THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY, JULY 4th Deliveries Will be promptly made (To-Day) Fri- day, for your convenience. -— re ET ROBERT MORRIS, BELLEFONTE, PA. Eye Speciali-t. Stop-Overs Allowed at Philadelphia and Harrisburg. For full information consult handbills or nearest Ticket Agent. | WwW Pennsylvania Railroad 59-27-6t. A Sustaining Diet. These are the enervating days, when, as somebody has said, men drop by the sunstroke as if the Day of Fire had dawned. They are fraught with danger to people whose systems are poorly sus- tained; and this leads us to say, in the interest of the less robust of our readers, that the full effect of Hood,s Sarsaparilla is such as to suggest the propriety of calling this medicine some- | thing besides a blood purifier and tonic,-- ; say, a sustaining diet. It makes it much | easier to bear the heat, assures refresh- ing sleep, and will without any doubt avert much sickness at this time of year. : 59-22. Attention! Our Stores Will be CLOSED ...ALL DAY... Saturday, July 4th until 6 p. m. Open from that hour until usual closing time. MONTGOMERY & CO. SIM, THE CLOTHIER, CLASTER & COMPANY. JEWELRY AND WATCHES. SUN GLARE is the hardest and most annoying of con- ditions which the eye has to overcome. he LOUIS DAMMERS Philadelphia Eyesight Specialist Bellefonte, One Day Only, Garman House Parlors SAT., JULY 11th, 1914 SPECIAL OFFICE HOURS 10.00 a. m. to 4.00 p. m. MY SPECIAL OFFER $1.00 Glasess This Visit Only. I will make you a fine pair of glasses, including Dammers’ eye examination, clear crystal lenses, a 12-karat solid gold filled frame and an elegant leather case—All for $1.00. Thirty days’ trial of glasses allowed. Others charge as high as $3 to $5 for these same glasses. EYE EXAMINATION I will examine your eyes by Dam- mers’ scientific method, without drops, without asking questions, without test cards or charts, Absolutely Free of Charge. Don’t fail to take advantage of this remarkable offer. - SPECIAL NOTICE. Monthly visits to Bellefonte. Office—238 Mutual Life Building, . Torx Chestnut St., Philadelphia. 59-27-1t. Chance to Show Their Skill. From the Washington Post. Perhaps the Cincinnati surgeon who found a way to open the heart might be induced to help those Cleveland tax as- sessors operate on John D. ——Subscribe for the WATCHMAN New Advertiseinents. HARTER NOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylyania, on October 7th, 1914, by Harry P. Kelly, T. B. Budinger, David Chambers, John Boyce, W. C, Snyder and others, under the Act of ssembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled “An Act for the Incorporation and Regulation of Banks ot Discount and Deposit” approved May - 13th, 1876, and supplements thereto, for the Charter of an intended corporation to be called “Snow Shoe Bank” the character and object of which is to carry on the business of banking under the laws relating thereto, and for these purposes to have and to possess, and enjoy all the rights, benefits, and privileges of the said Act of Assemby and its supplements. Said bank to be iocated in the Borough of Snow Shoe, Centre County, Pennsylvania, and to have a capital stock of $a divided into 500 shares of $50. of the par value C. F. EGGLESTON, Solicitor. 59-27-13t 1218 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Our Tinted Lenses Ground to any prescription, overcome this trouble. Takes away all strain and sun blindness. Why not have your glasses made in this way ? F. P. BLAIR & SON, Jewelers and Opticians, Bellefonte, Penna. 59-27-1t The “Democratic Watchman” at $1.50 per year is the best and cheapest paper in Centre county. Try it, 59-4-tf