Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 12, 1914, Image 6

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Bellefonte, Pa., June 12, 1914,
fe 3
Coyyright, 1913, by The Ceatury Co.
[Continued from last week.]
Cannam was introduced first. and
after he had scraped and ducked his
head he was compelled to respond to
the cries for a speech. He stammered
and halted, but managed to grind out
several ideas.
“I'm proud to be here tonight,” he
said, and found space to capture an-
other thought while the applause was
thundering. “I’ve fought square. I've
fought square all my life. Nobody can
deny that. And I'm going to do my
best tonight.”
There were loud cries of ‘That's
right, Tom!" *“We know that!” “Good
boy. Tom!" “You're the boy to fetch
the bacon home!”
HEN came Glendon’s turn.
From him likewise a speech
was demanded. though for
principals to give speeches was
an unprecedented thing in the prize
ring. Billy Morgan held up his hand
for silence, and in a clear, powerful
voice Glendon began.
“Everybody has told you they were
proud to be here tonight.” he said. *1
am not.” :
The audience was startled, and he
paused long enough to let it sink home.
“] am not proud of my company.
You wanted a speech. I'll give you a
real one. This is my last fight. After
tonight 1 leave the ring for good.
Why? I have already told you. I
don’t like my company. The prize
ring is so crooked that no man engag-
ed in it can hide behind a corkscrew.
It is rotten to the core, from the little
professional clubs right up to this af-
fair tonight.”
The low rumble of astonishment that
had been rising at this point burst into
a roar. There were loud boos and
hisses, and many began crying: “Go
on with the fight!” “We want the
fight” “Why don’t you fight?”
Glendon, waiting, noted that the
; principal disturbers near the ring were
promoters and managers and fighters.
In vain did he strive to make himself
The audience was divided, half cry-
fng out, “Fight!” and the other haif
“Speech, speech!”
Ten minutes of hopeless madness
prevailed. Stubener. the referee, the
“Everybody has told you they were
proud to be here tonight.”
owner of the arena, and the pro-
moter of the fight, pleaded with Glen-
don to go on with the fight.
When he refused the referee de-
clared that he would award the fight
in forfeit to Cannam if Glendon did
* not fight.
“You can’t do it,” the latter retorted.
“I'll sue you in all the courts if you
try that on, and I'll not promise you
that you’ll survive this crowd if you
cheat it out of the fight, Besides, I'm
going to fight. But before I do I'm go-
ing to finish my speech.”
“But it’s against the rules,” protest-
ed the referee.
“It's nothing of the sort. There's
not a word in the rules against ring-
side speeches. Every big fighter here
tonight has made a speech.”
“Only a few words,” shouted the pro-
moter in Glendon’s ear. “But you're
giving a lecture,”
“There’s nothing in the rules against
fectures,” Glendon answered. “And
now you fellows get out of the ring,
or I'll throw you out.”
The promoter, apoplectic and strug- |
gling, was dropped over the ropes by
his coat collar. :
He was a large man, but so easily
had Glendon done it with one hand
that the audience went wild with de-
light. x
The cries for a speech increased in
volume. Stubener and the owner beat
a wise retreat. Glendon held up his
hands to be heard, whereupon those
that shouted for the fight redoubled
their efforts.
Two or three tiers of seats crashed
down, and numbers who had thus lost
their places added to the turmoil by
making a conceited rush (0 squeeze in
on the still intact seats, while those
behind. blocked from sight of the ring.
yelled and raved for them to sit down.
Glendon walked to the ropes and
spoke to the police captain. He was
compelled to bend over and shout in
his ear.
“If 1 don’t give this speech.” he said,
“this crowd will wreck the place. If
they break loose you can never hold
them. You know that. Now, you've
got to help. You keep the ring clear
and I'll silence the crowd.”
He went back to the center of the
ring and again held up his hands.
“You want that speech?” he shouted
in a tremendous voice,
Hundreds near the ring heard him
and cried “Yes!”
“Then let every man who wants to
hear shut up the noisemaker next to
The advice was taken, so that when
he repeated it his voice penetrated
farther. Again and again he shouted
it, and slowly, zone by zone, the silence
pressed outward#from the ring, accom-
panied by a muffled undertone of
smacks and thuds and scuffles as the
obstreperous were subdued by their
Almost had all confusion been smoth-
ered when a tier of seats near the ring
went down. This was greeted with
fresh roars of laughter. which of it-
self died away. so that a lone voice
far back was heard distinctly as it
piped: .
“Go on. Glendon! We're with you!"
Glendon had the Celt's intuitive
knowledge of the psychology of the
erowd. He knew that what had been
a vast disorderly mob five minutes be-
fore was now tightly in band. and for
added effect he deliberately delayed.
Yet the delay was just long enough
and not a second too long. For thirty
seconds the silence was complete, and
the effect produced was one of awe.
Then just as the faint hints of rest-
lessness came to his ears be began to
“When | finish this speech. ™ he sald.
“] am geing to fight. [| promise you
it will be a real fight. one of the few
real fights you have ever seen. [I am
going to get my man in the shortest
possible time.
“Billy Morgan. in making his final
announcement, will tell you that it is
to be a forty-five round contest. Let
me tell you that it will be nearer
forty-five seconds.
“When 1 was interrupted 1 was tell-
ing you that the ring was rotten. It
is—from top to bottom. It is run on
business principles, and you all know
what business principles are. Enough
“You are the suckers, every last one
of you that is not making anything
out of it. Why are the seats falling
down tonight? Graft. Like the fight
game, they were built on business
He now held the audience stronger
than ever and knew it.
‘There are three men squeezed on
two seats. | can see that everywhere.
What does it mean? Graft. The stew-
ards don’t get any wages. They are
supposed to graft. Business principles
again. You pay. Of course you pay.
How are the fight permits obtained?
“And now let me ask you: If the
men who build the seats graft, if the
stewards graft. if the authorities graft.
why shouldn’t those higher up in the
fight game graft? They do. Andyou
“And let me tell you it is not the
fault of the fighters. They don’t run
the game. The promoters and mana-
gers run it: they're the business men.
The fighters are only fighters. They
begin honestly enough. but the mana-
gers and promoters make them give in
or kick them out. There have been
straight fighters. And there are now
a few. but they don’t earn much as
a rule.
*] guess there have been straight
managers. Mine is about the best of
the boiling. But just ask him how
much he's got salted down in real es:
tate and apartment houses.”
Here the uproar began to drown
his voice.
“Let every man who wants to bear
shut up the man alongside of him"
Glendon instructed.
Again, like the murmur of a surf.
there was a rustling of smacks and
thuds. and scuffles, and the house
quieted down.
“Why does every fighter work over-
time insisting that he’s always fought
square? Why are they called Honest
Johns and Honest Bills and Honest
Blacksmiths and all the rest? Doesn’t
it ever strike you that they seem to
be afraid of something?
“When a man comes to you shout-
ing he is honest you get suspicious.
But when a prizefighter passes the
same dope out to you you swallow it
down. :
“May the best man win! How often
have you heard Billy Morgan say that?
Let me tell you that the best man
doesn’t win so often. and when he
does It's usually arranged for him.
Most of the grudge fights you've heard
or seen were arranged too.
“It's a program. The whole thing is
programmed. Do you thinks the pro-
moters anc managers are In it for
their health? They're not. They're
business men.
“Tom, Dick and Harry are three
fighters. Dick is the best man. In
two fights he could prove it. But what
[Continued on page 7 Col. 1.1
Every mother owes her child a good
constitution. It is better to be born
healthy than rich. With health all things
are possible, flame, riches, success. With-
out health riches are only a mockery,
opening the way to pleasures which can-
not be enjoyed. The health of the child
depends upon the health of the mother.
The health of the mother depends upon
herself. Healthy motherhood is enjoyed
by those who keep the delicate feminine
organs in a healthy condition by the
use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Perscription.
It nourishes the nerves and so relieves
nervousness, it strengthens the body and
makes the mind cheerful. It practically
does away with the pain associated with
the baby’s advent. It makes weak wom-
en strong and sick women well.
Egypt Mother of Literature.
Egypt was the mother of literature,
and the “scribe” could attain to great-
ness second only to the king. Novels,
poems, and history have been deci-
phered on the imperishable monu-
ments of granite and in remains of
papyri, together with lists of the
Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
When Feeling Tired
That tired feeling that comes to you in
spring, year after year, is a sign that
your blood lacks vitality, just as pimples,
boils and other eruptions are signs that it
is impure; and it is also a sign that your
system is in a low or run-down condition
inviting disease. It is a warning, which
it is wise to heed.
Ask your druggist for Hood’s Sarsapa-
rilla. This old standard tried and true
blood medicine relieves that tired feeling.
It cleanses the blood, gives new life, new
courage, strength and cheerfulness. It
makes the rich red blood that will make
- you feel, look, eat and sleep better.
Be sure to get Hoods’s, because it is
the best. There is no other combination
of roots, barks and herbs like it—no real
substitute forit—no “just as-good” medi-
cine. 59-22.
The Centre County Banking Company.
A Bank Account is Life’s
Best Insurance
terest. Get your
Best Policy.
time of death the bank account
proves itself the Best Kind of insur-
You can get your money im-
mediately and without question. Dur-
ing life the bank account proves equally
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that really insures, and it pays Better In-
cash in the bank
Leave it there. You can’t beat that kind
of insurance. This requires determina-
tion and sometimes self sacrifice. But it
A bank account with us is your
The Centre County
Banking Co.
The First National Bank.
Open an
Stationery, free.
convenient form of payment.
returned to the sender endorsed. This
is a receipt. Every business man and
every woman should have an account
with a well managed bank.
We furnish bank book, check book and
Checks are the most
They are
The First National Bank
You want a “SIX” for its puculiar and inimitable “SIX” smoothness. And
you want that “SIX” which offers most for the money.
Therefore, you want a “SIX” whose important parts are manufactured and
not purchased.
of manufacturing.
You want no lesser standard than the Studebaker standard
You want no electric lighting and starting system less
efficient than the Wagner-Studebaker. You want ample carrying capacity
for seven p
rs. And how can you look further, when you find all
these things in the Studebaker “SIX"—Linked to the lowest price in the world ?
SIX TOURING CAR............
. “25” TOURING CAR............
Also agent for Chalmers Cars.
§59-3-tf Bellefonte, Pa.
Yeager’ Shoe Store
Ladies’ Shoe
Cures Corns
Sold only at
Yeager’s Shoe Store,
Bush Arcade Building, BELLEFONTE, PA
Dry Goods, Etc.
Your Summer Dress
Should be a “Waldorf”
Never has such splendid style, workmanship and ma-
terials been combined to produce such nobby garments.
The Style Centres of the world are searched to pro-
duce the distinctive Waldorf Dress.
No two are alike in material or design and our range
is so complete as to appeal to the taste of any one
who wishes to be garbed in stylish clothes yet buy at
moderate prices. :
~ The new materials include flowered crepes, figured
and plain voiles in white and colors, also ratines.
Prices $5.00 to $20.00.
For those who wish a suit or coat a “La Vogue” is
the smart thing to wear. Style that defies a repro-
Each has individual class all its own. To try
them on is to be convinced.
The Military Raincoat is the Swagger Garment for
stormy or cool weather. Prices within range of all.
Our Infants and Childrens Dresses will surely please
the taste of little “Miss Fastidious.” The clever styles
are reproduced in these delightful fancy garments as
seen in the dresses for Sisters and Mothers.
The above lines are carried exclusively by us. Com-
parison will show more style and better value than
can be seen in other garments at higher prices.
These lines are the highest standard of style and
are chosen by experts as leaders in this class.
Lyon & Co. ... Bellefonte