Bellefonte, Pa., May 15, 1914. NEW LINE OF CRIMINALITY Fraudulent Identification Has Been Taken Up as a Means of Gaining Dishonest Living. emits. John Thompson of Hamilton, On- tario walked into the parlor of his home one night recently and found his family mourning around a coffin in which they supposed his body was lying. There had been a storm on the Great lakes, and when Thomp- son’s father read of the finding of the body of John Thompson, fireman of a lost lake steamer, he went to Ket- tle Point and identified the body as that of his son. The coffin had just ar- rived, and Thompson's mother had Just advanced to look at the body en- closed when her son entered. Thomp- son senior could not-explain the iden- tification. But there have been many cases like his in the way of mistaken identifica ition. Every day at the morgues in the large cities there are cases of fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers identifying bodies as those of rela- tives. Some know them by this mark and some by that, but they are abso- lutely certain. In some instances cor- oners have had to prevent rival iden- tifiers coming to blows. Fraudulent identification has got to be a regular trade. Inquiry is made at the morgue for a fictitious relative by a member of an identifying gang. ‘The dead are closely observed. In- cidents of their history and informa- tion as to what was found on them are gathered carefully. Then when another member of the gang has learn- ed these facts he goes to the morgue and identifies the body that will yield the most profitable return. ALL THE NEWS OF THE DAY Chiefly as Understood by the Man Who Does Not Have Time to ' Read the Papers. “I am glad to hear,” said the Man Who Does Not Have Time to Read the Papers, “that this income tax will apply to interblocking directors. “1 wonder when they're going to start running trains in this new Cats- kill aqueduct, now that it’s finished. “I don’t believe Wilson will ever succeed in having this James Lind elected emperor of Mexico even if he does speak Latin. ? «I knew the telephone company would have to cut rates when the par- cel-post company got to competing with it. “It seems to me that this paying of $5 a day to automobile inventors as a millenium wage is going to lead to anarchy or even to sociology. But that ain’t any worse than paying $12,000 a year to the city chambermaid, as they do right here in New York. “Were you to the auto show at the Garden? Who won the races?” “Jt wasn’t at the Garden,” said the Man with the Newspaper, “and they didn’t have any races.” “Didn’t, eh?” snorted the Man Who Doesn’t. “Police stopt ’em, I suppose. More of this impuritanism.”—New York Press. Russia’s National Debt. For several years Russia has been jncreasing its national debt, and fig- ures show that over 45 per cent. of loans emitting in the course of the last five years were subscribed in for- eign countries. The Russian government is anx- fous to get money from other lands and is expected to seek further safety in European markets very shortly with which to meet requirements for the present year. Statistics show that during the past five years 5169.6 million rubles were raised by Russia, 3657.1 millions in the ceuntry, and 1059.3 abroad. The value of a ruble is about 51 cents. Very striking is the manner in which the Russian national debt has been in- creased in the course of the last two years, as also the additional amount of money borrowed on foreign mar- kets in the year 1912, which jumped from 256.0 million in 1911 to 448.3 mil- lions last year. Historic London Building. The Inns of Court hotel, London, which is to become the telephone ex- change for Holborn, began life as the Blue Boar tavern in Plantagenet times, taking its name from the crest of the De Veres, who owned the land there- abouts. When its neighbor and rival, the George inn, was demolished under Queen Anne, the Blue Boar annexed the name George as its subtitle. It was at the Blue Board that Cromwell, disguished as a trooper, stopped a man about to set out for Dover. In his saddle he found a letter from Charles I. which determined him on the king’s execution. Emerson Was a Prophet. Emerson lived before the days of the Frisco receivership and the bank- |. rupting of the New Haven road, yet one may read in an 1857 entry of his newly published “Journal:” “I took much pains not to keep my money in the house, but to put it out of the reach of burglars by buying stock, and had no guess that I was putting it into the hands of the very burglars now grown wiser and stand- ing dressed as railway directors.”— Collier's Weekly. Charity. The charity that begins at home and gemains there is anaemic. An occe- sional outing will do it good.—Judge. WILL UTILIZE COAL WASTE Gigantic Central Power Plant Is New Under Construction at Hauto, Pa. : What is believed to be the largest central power plant in any coal field in the United States is now being con- structed by the Lehigh Navigation Electric company, at Hauto, Pa. As is well known, the fine sizes of anthracite, such as buckwheat No. 3 and smaller, although containing a high heat content, possess but little present value at the mines. The fun- damental idea in building this power plant at Hauto, says Coal Age, is to convert this low-priced and, from the monetary standpoint, comparatively worthless fuel into commercially valu- able electric current. A considerable proportion of the fuel mined in the country today is used in the generation of electricity. Particularly during the past few years the idea has been gaining force that it is cheaper to manufacture power at the mine and transmit it to the point of application than it is to ship the coal over an equal distance and there convert it into electric energy in a small and isolated plant. One of the unique features of the plant is the fact that the ashes from the furnaces can be discharged direct into air-dump ash cars of standard gauge and run into the building be- low the boiler room floor. The ex- pense of ash disposal is thus greatly reduced. RELIGIOUS CHANGE IN INDIA Influence of the West 1s Being Strong- ly Felt Throughout the Country. India’s religious and social progress is undergoing important reshapement. Caste is loosening. Adherents of Hin- duism are divided at present into three camps; the ceremonalists, or those who in orthodox faith adhere to the traditional rites of worship and sacri- fice to the ancient gods; the reform. ists, who, holding to the main ten- ets of Hinduism, are breaking away from caste and idolatry, and the edu- cated Hindus, whose views are being highly colored by influenges from the West and whose religion, as far as any one can perceive, is often little more than a name. Christianity is adding not less than 1,000,000 converts during the past year, but almost entirely from the low- est’ Hindu society, which has little in- fluence upon the educated communi- ties. The Indian tendency seems to be to retain the main principles and forms of Hinduism, but to revivify them with the more generous and al- truistic spirit of Western religion. As one missionary teacher expressed it, the future religion of Indina will be Christian in spirit, but with Hinduism and the Indian sacred books as the Old Testament.—Christian Herald. Prolific River Nile. It is believed that the river Nile contains more kinds of fish than any other river in the world. It is more true in repairing the health ta n in repairing clothes, that “a stitch in time saves nine.” The timely use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription before the strength is run down, before the hole in the health has grown so big by neg- lect, would save many a woman from periods of suffering. But whether used soon or late, “Favorite Prescription” is the one remedy for the ailments of wom. en which can be always relied upon to soothe the nerves, strengthen the body, brighten the mind, and build up the health. It contains no opium, cocaine or other narcotic, and is free from alcohol. mmm" Hood’s Sarsaparilla. When Run Down HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA, THE RELIABLE TONIC MEDICINE, BUILDS UP. The reason why you feel so tired all the time at this season is that your blood is impure and impoverished. It lacks vitali- ty. Itis not the rich, red blood that gives life to the whole body, perfects digestion and enables all the organs to perform their functions as they should. From any druggist get Hood’s Sarsa- parilla. It will make you feel Detter, look better, eat and sleep better. It is the old reliable tried and true all-the.year- round blood purifier and enricher, tonic and appetizer. It revitalizes the blood, and is especially useful in building up the debilitated and run-down. \ Hood’s Sarsaparilla is helping thous- ands at this time of year. Let it help you. Get a bottle today and begin taking it at once. Be sure to get Hood’s. 59-18 Restaurant. ESTAURANT. Bellefonte now has a First-Class Res- taurant where Meals are Served at All Hours Steaks, Chops, Roasts, Oysters on the half shell or in any style desired, Sand- wiches, Soups, and g eatable, can be had in a few minutes any time. In ad. dition I have a complete plant prepared to furnish Soft Drinks in es such as POPS, : SODAS, SARSAPARILLA, SELTZER SYPHONS, ETC., for pic-nics, families and the public gener: ally all of which are manufactured out of the purest syrups and properly carbonated. C. MOERSCHBACHER, 50.32-1y. ‘High St., Bellefonte, Pa. Money to Loan. ONEY TO LOAN on good security and houses to rent. J. M. KEICHLINE, Attorney-at-Law. 51-14-1y. Little Hotel Wilmot. ——For high class Job Work come to Meat Market. the WATCHMAN Office. a The Little Hotel Wilmot |(3et the Best Meats. You save nothing by buyi or gristly meats. Iuse Flour and Feed. CURTIS Y. WAGNER, poor, thin IN PENN SQUARE One minute from the Penna Ry. Station LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE BROCKERHOFF MILLS, PHILADELPHIA | d 1 customers with the fresh- BELLEFONTE, PA. oe habest, Best blood and muscle mak- Steaks and Roasts. My prices are no DE than poorer meats are elsewhere. -I always have — DRESSED POULTRY — Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. TRY MY SHOP. P. L. BEEZER, 34-34-1y. Bellefonte, Pa. Manufacturer, Wholesaler and Retailer of Roller Flour Feed Corn Meal and Grain Manufactures and has on hand at all times the following brands of high grade flour: WHITE STAR OUR BEST HIGH GRADE VICTORY PATENT FANCY PATENT The only place in the county where that extraor- dinarily fine grade of spring wheat Patent Flour SPRAY can be secured. Also International Stock Food and feed of all kinds. All kinds of Grain bought at the office Flour exchanged for wheat. We have quite a few customers from Bellefonte. We can take care of some more. They'll like us. A good room for $1. If you bring your wife, $2. Hot and : cold running water in every room : The Ryerson W. Jennings Co. 59-9-6m High Street. LIME AND LIMESTONE. LIME. ER LIME. Lime and Limestone for all purposes. H-O Lime Put up in 40 to 50 Pound Paper Bags. for use with drills or spreader, is the econom- ical form most careful farmers are using. ee High Calcium Central Pennsylvania Time OFFICE and STORE—BISHOP STREET, a— BELLEFONTE, PA. 47-19 MILL AT ROOPBSURG. American Lime & Stone Company., 58-28-6m General Office: TYRONE, PA. Operations at Bellefonte, Tyrone, Union Furnace, Frankstown and Spring Meadows, Pa Coal and Wood. tm EE ——— Groceries. Groceries. Fruits, Confectionery and FINE GROCERIES. White Almedia Grapes, Florida and Naval Oranges, Lemons, Ba- nanas, all in good order and free of frost. A. G. Morris, Jr. DEALER IN HIGH GRADE ANTHRACITE, BITUMINOUS AND CANNEL Fine weather yet for using Mince Meat. Nothing else will compare with what we make at 15c a pound. SOME SEASONABLE GOODS. Spinach 10 and 15c a can; Rheu- barb, Jersey packed, sanitary cans, 10c a can; Pumpkin 10 and 15c a can; all large No. 3 cans. Fine Golden New Orleans Mo- Large Spanish and home-grown Onions, sound and in good order. COAL Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw Fine Popping Corn, on the ear or shelled; this goods will pop. We have revised the prices and Sand. downward on our Beans; come in a and see the fine stock and present ii ” the quart > Felon yi prices. e have some fine Marketing ALSO If you want a fine, sweet, juicy god Close Baskets ready for the FEDERAL Ham, let us supply you. P . We are still handling the fine German Kraut. In order to meet the demand for small quantity, we have some packed in half-gallon Mason Jars at 25c a jar. The Finest Meadow Gold Brand Creamery Butter at 40c per pound. Sweet, Dill and Sour Pickles; our Olives by the quart are very fine. SECHLER & COMPANY, Bush House Block, - - 57-1 - - Bellefonte, Pa. STOCK AND POULTRY FOOD BOTH ’'PHONES. Yard Opposite in P.R.R. Depot. i} 58-23-1v RC BIG LAND OPENING. BIG AGRICULTURAL LAND OPENING TWELVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TRACTS of five and ten acres each to be granted to prospective settlers in throwing open Twenty Thous- and Acres of Rich, Southern Georgia Land, which is’admirably adapted to the growing of celery, sweet and Irish potatoes, canteloupes, water melons, corn, oats, cotton, hay—in fact, all staple crops grown in this fertile section, as well as a large variety of semi-tropical fruits, and the famous im- mensely profitable paper-shell pecans. : Providing you are eligible under the classifications prescribed by us, you are now offered an excellent opportunity to break away from the roger y and Soi of a Small wage, or working for the benefit of landlords, and go back to a land of plenty, to which, if granted, you will hold a war- ranty deed and abstract. The best security on earth is the earth itself, and land is the basis of all wealth. Owners of productive lands are benefiting by the increasing high cost of living, while others are suffering from it. to Secure Rich Productive Land Without Capital. An Opportunity Northern Pacific and other railroads when they granted : You will not be required to leave your present surround- ings now. All we ask of those to whom we grant tracts is | their lands, and we expect to benefit thereby, as well as the ones who will receive the tracts. fa Shey Siam) or preangs oo have planted, a crop of one of the above-mentioned products within three years, after | We have also planned to develop what is designed to be which we will have it operated (harvested and replanted) | the best ona ert Bik scientific, oi farm and orchard in existance. It will consist of six thous- for grantees, in consideration of 25 per cent. of the net profits derived from the sale of the crops, thereby allowing | and acres, and will be included in this opening. All who register and receive tracts will get the benefit of the experi- the ariniee to PUTS his or her present pecupation until such time as they determine just what the yield of their | ments and scientific methods in vo i . k gue thereon. While we acres amounts to. Consider what this may mean as 2 | are arranging to prevent over-registration, we will avoid source of income, when statistics show that the yield of | many disappointments, such as occurred in other land open- one Xie of celery amounted is $1,268.45, ad that one | ings conducted by the United States Government and rail- acre of well-cared for paper shell pecans, in full bearing, | roads, by granting those who register in excess of the num. ber of tracts to be granted, an interest in this commercial should net its owner as high as $500.00 per year. We are of the opinion that after it is proven by actual results | farm and orchard enterprise, in the hope that they may lat- er locate in one of our town sites. Obtained in operghing the land that they will need no fur- ther urging, and waste no time in locatin in this land of plenty. We also ‘require grantees to RR the land with- | Examination of the land will cheerfully be permitted’ in ten years, or sell it to some one who will occupy it; and the opening will be held at Browntown, Wayne county otherwise it reverts back to the grantor. Georgia, one of the stations of the A. B. & A. Railroad, which The land included in this opening is located directly on | 18 located on this property, and will occur as soon after the and adjoining the Atlanta, Burlington and Atlantic Rail- | closing of registrations as arrangements can be made. road, about twenty-five miles west of Brunswick, a thriv- The presence of those registered will not be necessary at ing city of fifteen thousand, having direct steamship serv- Browntown on the opening day, unless they wish to attend, ice to New York and Boston, and excellent railroad trans- for there will be no favoritism shown anyone. It will be portation . facilities to all points. The average tempera- conducted by a committee selected for the purpose, and ture for six months of the year, fron April to October, is those registered will be notified of what they have been 77 degrees; the climate is most healtnful, delightful, and in- granted, as soon as possible. vigorating, and there is an ample rainfall of 51 inches per year, With the ever-increasing population of this country there is OUR AIM IS FOR MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL RESULTS no corresponding increase in the era of land, and naturally as As we are extremely desirous of having settlers locate on the population increases and seeks the land in pursuit of health, this property, and assist in its development, and thereby happiness and independence, it will continue to be harder to greatly increase the value of surrounding and intervening secure. property, which we will hold, and to increase the traffic | The prosperous and contented class in Europe to-day are along the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad, and | the descendants of those who secured land there when it was thus facilitate the service, we feel warranted in granting | plentiful, while the descendants of those who obtained no land these tracts to those who register with us. We also have | are now the peasants and slaves. You must realize that this in mind business and residence plots which we will offer | may be your last chance to secure land in this country without for sale after the opening, but which will not be included | a large outlay of capital, so it should not be necessary to in" it. We have “money-making afterward” considerations | urge you to act at once by forwarding us the application for in this liberal-minded opening, similar to those of the | registration attached to this announcement. SOUTHERN GEORGIA RAILROAD-LAND DEVELOPMENT BUREAU, Y COLORADO BUILDING, WASHINGTON, D. C. Southern Georgia Railroad-Land Development Bureau, : Washington, D. C Registration Department: I hereby make application to register for your Fruit and Agricultural Railroad-Land Opening, and furnish you with the correct answers to the following questions: State......... « Ty Nae siesh ia ann saruidiuran rare ween Street or R. F. D. NO. .ovviuniiiiiiniiinsionian Age....... Nationality......c...cccoininieinnns .......Do you now own over ten acres of land in the United States?............. ssssssasersssssssersiien . If my application for registration is accepted, please send me, without obligation, further and complete information and particulars, inclu Ee EeN Ee 88888 BR IR assassin te CRBIITIIRNEY verieneaneens. Married or, Widow, Widower, or Orphan........ ..... ,OCCUPAtion..cveeeeieiiiiisiss sunne maps of the land, showing its exact location on the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad, its transportation facilities, agricultural, fruit an nut-growing possibilities, etc. Very trul y yours, 59-16-5t. A a i sss Signature. ET Attorneys-at-Law. KLINE WOODRING—Attorney-at-Law, Belle fonte, Pa, Practicesin all courts. Office- Room 18 Crider’s Exchange. 51-1-1y. B. SPANGLER.-Attorney-at-Law. Practices in all the Courts. Consultation in English or German. Office in Crider’s Bellefonte, Pa. S. TAYLOR—Attorney and at Law. Office in Temple Court, Belle- fonte, Pa. All kinds of legal business at- tended to promotly. 40-46 H. WETZEL—Attorney and Counsellor at Law Office No. 11, Crider's Exchange, second floor. All kinds of legal business attended to promptly. Consultation in English or Gelli M. KEICHLINE—Attorney-at-Law. Practices in all the courts. Consultation in English and German. Office south of court house. All professional business will receive prom ; at- tention. y* KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at-law, J Bellefonte, Pa Prompt attention Fe all legal business entrusted to his care. Offi- ces—No. 5 East High street. 57-4. G. RUNKLE.—Attorney-at-Law. Consul- tation in Posie and German. Office in Crider’'s Exchange, Bellefonte. 5&5 Physicians. S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Su State College, Centre county, Pa. Stice at his residence. 35-41 Dentists. R. J. E. WARD, D. D. S,, office next door to Y. M. C. A. room, High street, Bellefonte, . Pa. Gas administered for painless ing teeth, Superior Crown and Bridge work, Prices reasonable. 52-39 R.H. W. TATE, Surgeon Dentist, Office in the Bush Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. All mod- ern electric appliances used. Has had years of experience. All work of Superior quality and prices reasonable. ly Plumbing. Good Health and Good Plumbing GO TOGETHER. When you have dripping steam pipes, leaky water-fixtures, foul sewerage, or escaping as, you can’t have good Health. The air you reathe is poisonous; your system becomes poisoned and invalidism is sure to come. SANITARY PLUMBING is the kind we do. It’s the only kind you ought to have. Wedon’t trust this work to boys. Our workmen are Skilled Mechanics, no better anywhere. Our Material and Fixtures are the Best Not a cheap or inferior article in our entire establishment. And with good work and the finest material, our Prices are lower than many who give you r, unsanitary work and the lowest grade of finishings. For the Best Work try Archibald Allison, Opposite Bush House, - Bellefonte, Pa 4-1v. Insurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON, (Successor to Grant Hoover) Fire, Life Accident Insurance. This Agency represents the largest Fire Insurance Companies in the World. — NO ASSESSMENTS — Do not fail to give us a call before insuring your Life or Property as we are in position to write farge lines at any time. . Office in Crider’s Stone Building, 43-18-1y. BELLEFONTE, PA. The Preferred Accident Insurance THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY BENEFITS: $5,000 death Py accident, 5,000 loss of both feet, 5,000 loss of both hands, 5,000 loss of one hand and one foot, 2,500 loss of either hand, 2,000 loss of either foot, 630 loss of one eve 25 per week, total disability, pes limit 52 weeks 10 per week, partial Plimit 26 weeks) PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR, pavable quarterly if desired. Larger or smaller amounts in proportion. Any person, male or female, engaged in a referred occupation, inclu house- ecping, over eighteen years of age of moral and physical condition may insure under this poiicv. Fire Insurance { invite your attention to my Fire Insur ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex tensive Line of Solid Companies represent ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania H. E. FENLON, 50-21. Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. disability, Fine Job Printing. FINE JOB PRINTING o——A SPECIALTY—0 AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE. There is no le of york, from the cheapest ** er’ to the finest BOOK WORK, that we can not do in the most satis- factory manner, and at Prices consist. ent with the class of work. Call on or unicate with this office.