ees STERRIS aR _erything. Dewar tman. "Bellefonte, Pa., March 28, 1913. HENANDOA By HENRY TYRRELL Founded on BRONSON HOWARD'S Great Play A Stirring Story of Military Adventure and of a Strange Wartime Wooing Copyright. 1812, by G. P. Putnam's Sons SYNOPSIS Beauregard is ready to fire on Fort Sum- ter. Frank Haverill, General Haverill's scapegrace son, is hiding in Charleston Edward Thornton annoys Mrs Haverill [Continued from last week-] Here Thornton and Jenny Buckthorn came up. “I'm glad the attack on Sumter is to be made at last,” declared Thornton. “1 do not share your pleasure in that prospect,” said a serious voice over Gertrude’s shoulder. It was that of her brother, Lieutenant Robert Elling ham. “And you a southern gentleman!" re torted Thornton. with the customar: shade of insolence “And you a northern—gentieman? With the reluctant accent Bob gave to the word “gentleman” it actuall: seemed to be in quotation marks wil an interrogation point after ft. “I am a southerner by choice. 1