Wy + delay and embarrass the enemy Sherman's Great Opponent Constructed Excellent Fortifications at Fay sttoviile, N. C,, Just to Keep His Army Busy. BY E. J. EDWARDS. HEY “I reached Fayetteville fairly early in the winter and decided to go into | OF winter quarters there. Sherman would not start north before late winter or early spring, and knew that it womd very planned what [ think was a system of earthwork defense built during the entire war. “These earthworks commanded doned without a shot when the time came north. For, you know, pose in the last year H £83 me my the much as passible with as little sh ding of blood as [ could manage. realized in my heart that the war was already decided, and it seemed to me -28 “You say those old earthworks, aft: the summer after congress adjourns, and maybe Gen. Sherman would like to go ‘along with me; although, strange as it may seem, he and I, since we have become warm friends, do not talk much about the civil war, We are both of us at this time a great deal more interested in questions af fecting the immediate welfare of the country.” (Copyright, 1909, by E. J. Edwards.) Centenarian Acrobat, Henry Johnson, a veteran acrobat of Grantham, Lincolnshire, celebrated his 103d birthday on Christmas day. Johnson started as an acrobat at the age of about six, when he joined a circus. Eight years later he joined Hughes's circus and went with the “show” to China. On his return to England he went into partnership with a Chinese jug gler called Mullabah, and the two per formed before William IV. in 1830 at Aylesbury and at Buckingham palace. They also performed at Tunbridge Wells before Queen Victoria prior tc her accession and her mother, the Duchess of Kent. After 30 years’ partnership Johnson parted from the Chinaman and ap peared before King Edward VII, then Prince of Wales. He received from the king a letter of congratulation on his 100th birthday. The old man is not a teetotaler, and he still enjoys a pipe.—London Ex |; press, Found One Uncharted Route. I have gone to the end of the wosld —+the visible and invisible. I have traversed the radiant spheres of Plato, the ancient world; I have lived in all the ideal republics. I have gone ev- erywhere and yet further. I even went around myself, which seldom happens to travelers. Liking travels, I knew not where to go, when one morning 1 thought of looking out of my win- dow.—Arsene Houssaye. Hood's Sarsaparilla. Rheumatism us se SEE CT no substitute for HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA form Get it in usual liquid So Excursions. r or legitimation of for hipmegcom fo LX A Ee Ee Pennsylvania R.R. Excursions Niagara Falls 26, October 10, 1912. $7.10 ROUND-TRIP FROM BELLEFONTE. of Pullman Parlor BC TRA den Rar om | i Picturesque Susquehanna Valley Route Tickets good Special Train con- necting trains, and go 5 ado | within limit allowed at Illustrated Booklet and be obtained from Tours to Islands, July Agents. 15 and 29; Jai: Mon 7; Yellow rH returning. information may treal, July 31° Adirondacks, sions Fark: AA 10; Great Constitutional Amendments Number One. A JOINT RESOLUTION "eof the Conscution of the nine, section of Foon tanty: nth to millions of dollars for of of the the improvement highways Number Two % 8 Number Three. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION or 3 of TTDI OF Placa: it Sik Tan altering or roads, ways, streets or 4 Ha to ferries or Sy Sncol 2 of bridges crossing streams which form bound V. town Toate Vacating roads, eres gr ets or alleys ren: 1 1 sities, towns, or villages, or | Ly & ucting of lections or a aus of voting: “Granting divorces: ! penalties and forfeitu g ones ealy paid into the rv] ao mining or manufac- ir AL EH] a 5 g : : 7 £2 Es : ih g8 i ic i i | i i Number Four. | is i fe i 4 i gs 385 gsf | i il g A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 4. RO) i Secretary of ER TMcATER, Number Five. A JOINT RESOLUTION. an amendment to the Constitution of Fine Job Printing. FINE JOB PRINTING - 0A SPECIALTY——0 AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE EE, fr oe Insurance. EARLE C. TUTEN (Successor to D. W. Woodring.) Fire, Life and Automobile Insurance None but Reliable Companies Represented. Surety Bonds of All Descriptions. Both Telephones 56-27.y BELLEFONTE, PA JOHN F. GRAY & SON, (Successor to Grant Hoover) Fire, Life Accident Insurance. Insurance fa the {presse Fire = NO ASSESSMENTS —— not to call before insuring oie Sal vo Give usa call y position to write The Preferred Accident Insurance THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY Money to Loan. MT Suy JOR an gio sucurty nd TY: EE ——————————— Flour and Feed. CURTIS Y, WAGNER BROCKERHOFF MILLS, BELLEFONTE, PA. Manufacturer, Wholesaler and Retailer of Roller Flour Feed Corn Meal and Grain following brands of hish Sead faa, Al times the WHITE STAR OUR BEST HIGH GRADE VICTORY PATENT FANCY PATENT Tari dns rade of sprine wiies: Passarifmor: SPRAY be secured. Also International Stock F an and feed of all kinds. vo kinds of Grain bought at the office Flour OFFICE and STORE—BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. 47-19 MILL AT ROOPBSURG. Saddlery. A Set of Harness in Nickle or Imi- tation Rubber, at........... $12.88 This harness is equal to any $15 set on the Genuine Rubber............ $14.85 which has no equal for less than $17. iE pte todd be mailed upon to which he will his cheerfully give his prompt Gon Tar Eis James Schofield, Spring Street 55.32 Bellefonte, Pa Groceries. ll A. ’ flavor Sechler & Bush House Block, - COFFEE The coffee market just now is a pretty hard proposition But we are doing all that it is possible for us to do under present conditions to give our trade good values. We are selling a good sound coffee and of excellent at 25 cents per pound. And at 28 c. per pound and 30c. per pound we are giving very high value for the price named. On our en- tire line of Coffee you will always get better value her, for the price charged. Give us a fair trial on our coffees and you will find the proof in the goods. 5p Company, Bellefonte Pa., 1 : : This is a GENUINE BARGAIN. ’ b b } Lime and Crushed Limestone. A WW YY YY WY YY WY OY We are the largest imestone and Lime for all purposes. 554-6m B-0 Increase Your Crops H:0 Lime is the life of the soil. USE CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA LIME Some Farmers have actually doubled their crops by use of “H. 0.” lime Drill it for quick results. If you are not getting results use “H. 0.” lime Manufacturers of Lime in Pennsylvania. Ground Works at Bellefonte, Frankstown, Spring. Meadows, Tyrone Forger and Union Furnace. Write for literature on lime. AMERICAN LIME & STONE COMPANY. Offices at TYRONE, PA. Attorneys-at-Law. , S eR fal Gis N*EEs nn HB ee Rs IEE CrEERsE LE Wig cma Dentists, JE WARE office te Dinan ingteey “Him D* EAT Sry pec, on Tr ESTAURANT. L tau Nefonte now has a First-Class Res- Meals are Served at All Hours i BER and dnyihing cease, FE ea in’ bottles such as D. D, and Restaurant. POPS, Le yo your is sure to come. SANITARY PLUMBING is the kind : gush to have. Ws don't ntl wick” 33 no better anywhere. Our Material and Fixtures are the Best Sespctenr infer ri or pie Prices are lower than who give you A Jusanicary york and Shelowest rae of Gadbings or ARCHIBALD ALLISON, Opposite Bush House - . Bellefonte, Pa. —-_— Coal and Wood. EDWARD K. RHOADS Merchatt, and Dealer ta ANTHRACITE anxp BITUMINOUS COALS CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OATS and other grains, — BALED HAY AND STRAW = Builders’ and Plasterers’ Sand. KINDLING WOOD by the bunch or cord as mav suit purchasers, respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public, at his Coal Yard, near the Pennsylvania Passenger Statiom. 1615 Telephone Calis: {SSntral Hike, Meat Market. Get the Best Meats. oa save nothing by buying poor, thin LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE RARER I always have ~ DRESSED POULTRY =~ Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. TRY MY SHOP, P. L. BEEZER, High Street. 4334-ly. Bellefonte, Pa.