Verdi's Verdict, At his home in Genoa, one evening in | ~~ - 1890, Verd! sat down to his piano and | Bellefonte, Pa., May 31, 1912. FARM NOTES. | score of “Cavalleria Rusticana.” Boito | | and Tebaldini were present at the time. ~The poultry business requires study | - and constant attention, the same as any 90h Enough of this sort of thin other business. First efforts are rarely | rose from the plano. Quite a long | ever successful. | time afterward Mascagni heard the se oa i : | que! to the incident. On the morning | A simple way of finding out the value | after it occurred Tebaldini met Verd: | of each cow is by k a daily record | ! of the quality of milk given by each, and | and remarked that the latter looked testing it at intervals. | tired. Verdi expianined that he had sat | —Humus was intended by nature to UP to a very late hour of the night. create and conserve the fertility of the “After you left.” he went on. “1 wen! | soil for the production of the necessities back to the piano and once more tried | to conserve the human race. | over ‘Cavalleria.’ and it gradually con. | —In feeding value silage compares quered my prejudice and made a great | favorably with other crops, although this impression on me. There is so much will vary with the kind of stock and the sincerity in its melodies that, in spite | grain rations with which it is used. | of myself, I could not help going on | —If the swine are in the fattening with it, and now | must admit that the stage they should have all they will eat work pleases me vastly." And he add- | up clean, but growing animals should | ed, “Here is a young man who will | have just enough to keep them in a thrifty = make a name for himself.” | growing condition. ——— —Hogs must have mineral matter. | Reason For Waiting. Charcoal, ashes, soft coal screenings and | A certain young woman, although salt are cheap and just what they need. ghe is a trained stenographer, type | Disinfecting hog troughs and pens may | writer and bookkeeper, had very bad | not kill cholera, but it will aid as a pre- veative. ; luck in trying to obtain a position at | _ even a fair salary. Though there was —The man who, on 80 acres, gives po joke in the continual disappoint | Bisel! to high thougt and purposes aw | ments, she found a funny side to oue | arge living will easily ou in intel- | lectual power and social influence the SETH ae pin gta Place! mere money-seeker on a farm many Whose advertisement she ans times larger. It isn't the size of the farm, ber that the salary paid at first would | but the quality of the farmer's methods be $8 a week. that by the end of the which determines his place in the com- year it would be increased to $9, while | munity. . by the third year she would receive | —The soy bean plant is a legume, and is, therefore, a nitrogen gatherer for the soil. If properly handled it should leave | the soil in better condition than before. | This is particularly true of sandy soil, ' which is Rencrally Somewhat deficient in nitrogen. e crop usually does well on | the li : | tion or not. She sat down and wrote: fhe ligiter soils, a compared: with the “Dear Sir—Of course | intended to —As a food for all kinds of livestock, | 3°0°Pt the position. | am simply wal. alfalfa has been found the "kingof forage | 18 for the two years to pass, so tha crops.” It isrich in protein and well | I can begin at $10 per. Yours truly.”- adapted for use in a feeding ration with | New York Times. corn. It makes excellent hay and is more digestible than most forms of ro feed. Numerous feeding records show that it is orces seeki worth fully a half more than clover hay, The 2 that ave actively oi : to destroy all our best wild life are and many feeders claim it to be almost | equal to such materials as wheat bran. | Overwhelmingly numerous and vers | aggressive. Unfortunately each one of _—Losses of livestock last year from | these forces of destruction Is stead disease and exposure, according to the fly becoming more deadly. 1 assert. Department of Agriculture, make an un; 00 "snr of contradiction, that to f; A avorable Showin Hogs ate estimated | 0, ory valuable wild species in onr to have died in proportion of about 90 to each 1000 except in Illinois, where | country is being killed faster than i is breeding. In our own times the the loss is placed at 215 for each 1000. Swine disease was more destructive than | great auk, passenger pigeon, Labrado: duck. Eskimo curlew, Carolina parra the magnificent sum of $10. Mechan- | {cally she agreed to let him know and went out. Apparently she had made » good impression, for when a couple of days had gone by she received a note asking whether she wanted the posi Exterminating Our Wild Life. sme] 08s was close to , the | poet, flamingo (In the United States. value is figured at more than $46,000,000. | Pallao's cormorant and the whooping —Where both grain and cob in corn crane have been completely extermi- are crushed and fed to the horses, oats, | nated. There are at least fourteen bran or oil meal should be about one- ) third of the rations, as the cob portion of | Hore species of birds that will be rer | the chop is so dry and woody that it is | dered extinct in the near future un: apt to " eo the Ry caus- | less a revolution in public sentimer’ | ing gastric colic. It will not do to feed | quickly and sternly stops the universal | this ration alone to horses in anything | slaughter.—Willlam T. Hornaday in but moderate quantities, especially where | Leslie's. | they stand in the stalls considerable of | te Bh gD RR IR Cark ah . Whether they are | gappg were breaking in New York working or not, something must be done | WE to loosen their bowels ae assist in turn- | eight a day at the height of the 1907 | ing the manure back to a somewhat softer | panic, and it was a nerve racking time and mote golden color, which can be ac- A pew president had taken charge of | complished by decreasing or cutting out | one shaky institution to try to save it. | entirely the corn and cob feed and giving | He was a good natured man, but had more of the laxative rations. ' voice like the bellow of an angry bull —In preparing whitewash for the walls, | Unfamiliar with banking details, he ceilings, posts of the cow barn, etc, it is | was nosing nrosad the place. best to add some antiseptic. Slack the “Well, how much a day do you steal” fresh stone lime by adding water gradual- | he bellowed at a clerk who was empty phi 1 My i iB a smooth, | yng bags filed with gold and silver inte carbolic aci .. a sorting and counting machine. is to oe Midi rn gallons. _ x | The clerk turned red, then white an: little more thining with water. But if it | Stammered out some unintelligible re is to be applied by a spray pump, much! ply. more water is needed, and the wash must | The new president went back to his be strained through a cloth. The white- | office, thought bard for ten minutes washing Sou he dotie When She cows and then sent for the clerk. He con g m. e doors an New windows should be open to allow the | SesuRd Bo a ‘shorage of $7,500-Ne rapid drying. Ordinarily, it is not neces. | *OF% Mal. sary to do the whitewashing oftener than every six weeks through the winter sea- The Roman Forum. son, but let the fall application be done | From the age of Tiberius to that of , and very thoroughly. ! Constantine the history of the Roman —The effect of the use of the milking , forum is represented, says Profesor machine on the health of the cow has Lancianl by four great fires followed been the subject of investigation at one ' by three great restorations. The first of the Australian experiment farms. It| was that of Nero in 65. The second was concluded that contagious udder dis- | wag that of Titus in 80. The third wax eases might be spread by the use of a In the reign of Commodus. 191. The dirty milking machine, the cups not being | fourth took place In 283, in the days of kept clean, but with a clean machine it | 1002 P Sa3s 9 might not be so likely to spread the dis- | Carinus. A century later occu e ease as the hands of the milker. A diseased abolition of pagan worship. which Ix cow should not be milked with a milking = mentioned as the first incident in the machine. It was found that some types ' destruction of the forum. Yet the of milking machine were injurious to the | place was In a tolerable degree of pres- cow because of the presence of a metal ervation as lute as the beginning of ring at the top of the cup and because a the sixth century continual presgice as Shared, SALES : a congestion. Machines ntermittent | — action would not cause any congestion. | Sacrificed to Reform. It was concluded that there was no injury, “You have abandoned the picturesque if the milking machines were of the right custom of crowning a queen of the type, were not used on diseased cows and May?" were kept clean. | “Yes replied the merry villager: —One man can sometimes do more to “we had to give it up. There got to be bring pure-bred Rvesiock. into _ disfavor so many candidates and so much cam- than a dozen can accom mn u- paigning that tics left us no time larizing them. For example re a for Hg ten on, star. portage ii lg ae Lg Al a coming. jim k he | Placing the BI ‘ortune in handling | ng ame, Sy a Te had made no “1 admit without hesitation.” said special study of breed characteristics and | the man who tries to conceal his self knew very little about scientific feeding, ‘esteem, “tbat whatever | am today Is and less about the practical methods of due to the influence of my wife.” going animals into sale condition. He “That's right.” replied Mr. Growch: not seek wise counsel in the matter, op blame the woman.”— and as a result he soon found himself Washington Star. loaded up with expensive animals, these | gn being selscied without regard 0 tmp c ormity of conformation, consisten ! a He has been “The hour of 12 has struck! hissed trying for some time now to dispose of the ghost. some surplus stock, but, breeders who are = “] don't blame it.” replied the mate- looking for “the best” are unable to find pigjist. "It was work 'd to death ‘ong want in this man's herd, while o05v judge. farmers in the community cannot pay the the prices thatshould be paid in to | ord the breeder any profit. He has | Very Easily. started in to do a little spasmodic ad- Griggs— Wealth does not necessarily Veruising, but because he cannot make bring varnine. BUS, but if it name a houshold word among men should prove ppointing one can who handle his kind of livestockin a short gggfly >» rid of hes time he has already become disgusted 3 " by the time 12 months roll | Noise In a Bank, a ————— a ———— 2 she m } | the notes for his speech be had reached suffer agony in attaining the dignity “| a point of view that boded fll for King | motherhood. i | Rum, and when be began speaking | million - | from them his imagination expanded | related that one of the foremost pro- — Probab . Do not drink poison relying on the around he will look on both buyers and sellers as his natural 8 both bay snfidote you may possess—Arable. the effect of a plea he was making | erty. Yet she cannot al against the liquor traffic before an out: pate horself fyi some of door audience in the northern part of : Indiana. By the time he bad made out ery is a and his language fairly scintillated with firebrands huried at the traffic. In the midst of it, while paying his special respects to those who helped the tratlic along by their lenience toward it. a series of malevolent breezes tried to carry off the loose leaves of his manu- script. To stop the annoyance he opened up his pocketknife and pinned the pages to the pine board before him. He pinned them with such a vigorous jolt that a big corkscrew with which the other end of the knife was equip- per flopped open and stood up shame- lessly before all those temperance peo- It does away with monthly suf- Flour and Feed. CURTIS Y. WAGNER BROCKERHOFF MILLS, BELLEFONTE, PA. Manufacturer, Wholesaler and Retailer of Roller Flour “I ha 1 felt,” the tor is Fe ve always fo ora wont to say, “that the impression 1 Corn Meal made on that crowd was not commen. | IID rie oor ty crt] and Gram Indianapolis News. i 5 Manufactures and has on hand al times the First Drop Curtain Sign. : It is very seldom nowadays that we | WHITE STAR catch a glimpse of advertising signs on OUR BEST the drop curtains of any New York HIGH GRADE production, and yet time was when this CTO TENT method of advertising was a source of vi r TRY a ATENT revenue to the manager, and curtains The only place in the county were literally covered with signs. It is wire kunt ’ dinarily fine grade of spring wheat Patent Flour SPRAY can be secured. Also International Stock Food and feed of all kinds. All kinds of Grain bought at the office Flour exchanged for wheat. ducers along Broadway some twenty: five years ago, while putting on a biz musical play, discovered that his funds were running low and he was unable to raise a loan. One of the scenes in the play represented Union square. at that time the first class retail center of New York city. He had an idea. He went to merchants whose places of business were on Union square anda proposed to show their stores In his scene and with their signs plainly in sight, which would be a good ad. The suggestion was readily accepted, and OFFICE and STORE—BISHOP STREET. BELLEFONTE. PA. MILL AT ROOPBSURG. 47-19 CAT LT LNT LV AT ALAT AT AV AVATVATVAVATAYAY AV ATV A wv. houses to J. M. KEICHLINE, -Law, 51-14-ly Cy Pa. Saddier Ve Surely, you must think well of plan that will save you some lars on a set of Single Harness. Now it is up to you to make us make good. SCHOFIELD'S MAIL ORDER DEPT. Why send your money away when at home goods better Io quality at less. money. wich a guarantee or money refunded all freight charges prepaid. A Set of Harness in Nickle or Imi- tation Rubber, at.......... $12.85 This harness is equal to any $15 set on the market. Genuine Rubber............ $i4.85 which has no equal for less than $17. To insure prompt money should accompany order. cut of the harness will be mailed upon request. Address all communications to E. N. SCHOFIELD, Mail Order Dept., Bellefonte Pa. to which he will his cheerfully give his prompt GUARANTEE—The above goods Ed re A113 Top James Schofield, § SpringStreet 5532 Bellefonte, Pa The Pennsylvania State College. the producer got all the money he re- quired for bringing out his play and a great deal more.—New York Telegraph. Lively Wedding Gifts. No one ever received a more curious consignment of wedding presents than the famous lion trainer Bidel. “We spent our honeymoon at Lyons,” he once told a friend, “and we had some queer presents from the ordinary point IF YOU WISH TO BECOME of view, as all my friends were ans- A Chemist fous to give ‘something useful.’ Among . other gifts were three boa constrictors An Engineer and tive alligators. An Electrician the night tvo of the allgators broke out of their boxes in our bedroom and began exploring. | could not find the matches, and my wife and | remalned EFFECT IN SEPT TAKING . fied, so as to furnish a much more varied on top of the bed canopy till morning than heretofore, story; Luckily my wife did not think of the Greek Languages and ures; thing that was wotrying me. | was SAR, oie Ciliiies are & deadly afraid that the alligators would waken up the boa constrictors.” ——— and holding Died For His Mates. There is a tablet in the sailors’ home at Melbourne to James Marr. He wns a sailor before the mast on the Rip. On July 15, 1873, the Rip was caught in a squall. Marr sat astride of the gaff when a great wave broke over the boat and brought down the mainmast. There was only one chance to save the Rip. That was to cut away the litter 1 shall never for- get how annoyed | was and bow frightened my wife was when during | 55-1 Groceries. and to cut away meant to send him The Pennsylvania State College Offers Exceptional Advantages A Scientific Farmer Or secure a Training that will fit you well for any honorable position in life. TUITION IS FREE IN ALL COURSES. 1900, the General Courses have been modi- EE TEER especially adapted to the wants those who seek either the The courses in Chemistry, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Engineering ro Tae very eat In The Unieed States. Mechanical and Mining Ea = YOUNG WOMEN are admitted to all courses on the same terms as Young Men. For specimen examination papers or for catalogue information respecting OF SOS SSIion Pagers ol JOE Slot Sie 0 misao Tees A A Teacher A Lawyer A Physician A Journalist VY eve wv vv ywiywyyyd Teaching, or a general College Education. in securing THE REGISTRAR, State College, Centre County, Pa. WY OY YY Y YY YY vy Groceries. overboard to his death. So, looking at him doubtfully, the men hesitated, their axes in their hands. Marr, help- less, pondered. He saw that his death would be the boat's salvation, and he shouted: “Cut away, mates! Goodby!" Then he let himself fall into the cold. wild sea. flavor is often very complicated. The best jointed dolls have stout elastic cord at 25 cents per pound. on the inside, to which the movable This is a GENUINE BARGAIN. parts are attached. A special branch of the industry is devoted to the mak: ing of dresses and hats, The latest Parisian styles are copied in dressing the larger sized dolls, and the crea- tions turned out compare very favora- bly in mininture with the original. The Books of Youth. The books that charmed us in youth recall the delight ever afterward. We are hardly persuaded there are any like them, any deserving equally our affec- tions. Fortunate If the best fall in our way during these susceptible and form- Sechler & Bush House Block, - COFFEE The coffee market just now is a pretty hard proposition But we are doing all that it is possible for us to do under present conditions to give our trade good values. We are selling a good sound coffee and of excellent But Marr clung to the broken spar. | A _ ad ’ And at 28 c. per pound and 30c. per pound we are giving very high value for the price named. On our en. tire line of Coffee you will always get better value her, for the price charged. Give us a fair trial on our coffees and you will find the proof in the goods. 3 : Company, i i 57-1 - Bellefonte Pa, i ing periods of our lives.—Alcott. Making Dolls. | The assembling by German dollmak- | ers of the different parts of the dolls 4 4 — { Not Dangerous. “We found a kidnaper in our house the other day.” “Good heavens! lice?" Did you get the po WY WY OY WY YW WY WW OWI Y WY WY YW WY WY WY we YY ; : | “What! For a fine surprise present of a new cradle?'—Baltimore Amer fcan. Full of Thrills. “Was the play exciting?” i “Oh, very. The management bad engaged two leading ladies, and there was a constant struggle for the center of the stage.” — Washington Herald. Heart Throbs Stopped. Nan—So you've had a falling out with Jack. [ thought he loved you with all his heart. Pan-—That’s justit. He had heart failure. — Philadelphia Record. The only thing that walks back from the tomb with the mourners and refuses to be buried is character.—W. M. Hunt. imestone and Lime for all purposes. AMERICAN LIME & 55-4-6m H-0 Increase Your Crops H:0 Lime is the life of the soil. USE CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA LIME Some Farmers have actually doubled their crops by use of “H. 0.” lime Drill it for quick results. If you are not getting results use “H. 0.” lime We are the largest Manufacturers of Lime in Pennsylvania. Ground Works at Bellefonte, Frankstown, Spring Meadows, Tyrone Forger and Union Furnace. Write for literature on lime. STONE COMPANY., Offices at TYRONE, PA. used. years of experience. work of Superior Restaurant. ESTAURANT. Bellefonte now has a First-Class Res- taurant where C. MOERSCHBACHER, 50-32-1y. High St.. Bellefonte, Pa. GO TOGETHER. When ha steam pipes, leaky 0.y0u hi ve dripping : fas, you can't have good Health, The air you SANITARY PLUMBING is the kind we do. It's the kind you Sustht so Mave. Wedon't trust is work to boys. r workmen echanics no better anywhere. Our Material and Not a cheap or inferior article in our entire establishment. And with good work and the finest material, our Prices are lower than many who give you r, unsanitary work and the lowest grade fa ishings. For the Best Work try he ARCHIBALD ALLISON, Coal and Wood. EDWARD K. RHOADS Shipping and Commission Merchant, and Dealer in ANTHRACITE anp BITUMINOUS COALS CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OATS and other grains. —— BALED HAY AND STRAW = Builders’ and Plasterers’ Sand. KINDLING WOOD by the bunch or cord as mav suit purchasers, respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public, at his Coal Yard, near the Pennsylvania Passenger Station. 1618 Telephone Calls: {Sntral Li Meat Market. Get the Best Meats. oS save nothing bv Suving poor, thin LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE REEETRER I always have — DRESSED POULTRY —— Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. TRY MY SHOP. P. L. BEEZER, High Street. 4334ly. Bellefonte, Pa. Diliman, fe Meals are Served at All Hours Good Health Good Plumbing Fixtures are the Best Opposite Bush House - Bellefonte, Pa. Tv. tonte, Ga