Dewi can. Bellefonte, Pa., February 3, 1911. The Three Great Channels. Every human being—man. woman and child, hero and convict, neuras- | thenic and deep sen fisherman, athlete i and invalid needs the blessing of God | through three. and only three. great | channels responsibifity., recreation and affection: work, play and love. | With these any life is ‘happy in spite | of sorrow and pain. successful despite the bitterest failures, Without them a | man breaks his heart, severs his con- | scious connection with God. If you | want to keep a headstrong, fatuous | Youth from overreaching himself you ! try to sive him responsibility, recrea- | tion avd affection. IF you want to put i wcournze nnd aspiration into the gelati- | nous character of a street walker or | the flickering mentality of a hysterie you lnbor 10 furnish just the same trio —wor's, recreation and: affection. In every case the healing power which you want to give is real life, and real life means just these three things. The same needs are fixed for all of us and the same ail sufficing bounty in the supply if we can get and keep in touch with it.—Atlauntic, Mice For Whooping Cough. A fairly alarminz relic of medieval nosirums came to my notice recently. A mother was discussing with her housekooper the probability of her