Bellefonte, Pa., December 23, 1910. CHRISTMAS CAROL. The earth has grown old with its burden of care, But at Christmas it always is young; oppressed the man, him grasp inwardly for air and free At times, during his college course and his years at the law school, he had yield- ed to this impulse and broken away— now toward extravagance and dissipation. -and then, when the reaction came, to- The heart of the jewel burns lustrous and fair, | Ward a romantic devotion to work And its soul full of music breaks forth on the | air, When the song of the angels is sung. It is coming, Old Earth, it is coming to-night! On the snowflakes which cover the sod The feet of the Christ-child fall gentle and white, And the voice of the Christ-child tells out with delight That mankind are the children of God. On the sad and the lonely, the wretched and poor, That voice of the Christ-child shall fall. And to every blind wanderer open the door Of hope that he dared not to dream of before. With a sunshine of welcome for all. The feet of the humblest may walk in the field Where the feet of the holiest have trod, This, then, is the marvel Jo mortals revealed When thesilvery trumpets of Christmas have pealed That maakind are the children of God. ~Phillips Brooks, THE MANSION. There was an air of calm and reserved opulence about the Weightman mansion that spoke not of money squandered, but of wealth prudently applied. Standing on a corner of the Avenue no longer fash- ionable for residence, it looked upon the swelling tide of business with an expres. sion of complacency and half-disdain. The house was not beautiful. There was nothing in its straight front of choc- olate-colored stone, its heavy cornices, its broad staring windows of plate glass, its carved and bronze-bedecked mahogany doors at the top of the wide stoop, to charm the eye or fascinate the imagina- tion. But it was eminently respectable, and in its way imposing. It seemed to say that the glittering shops of the jew- ellers, the milliners, the confectioners, the florists, the picture-dealers, the fur- riers, the makers of rare and costly an- tiquities, retail traders in luxuries of life, were beneath the notice of a house that had its foundations in the high finance, and was built literally and figuratively in the shadow of Petronius’ Church. At the same time there was something weli-pleased and congratulatory in the way in which the mansion held its own amid the changing neighborhood. It al- most seemed to be lifted up a little, among the tall buildings near at hand, as if it felt the rising value of the land on which it stood. John Weightman was like the house in- to which he had built himself thirty years ago and in which his ideals and ambi- tions were encrusted. He was a self- made man. But in making himself he had chosen a highly esteemed pattern and worked according to the approved rules. There was nothing irregular, questionable, flamboyant about him. He was solid, correct, and justly successful. His minor tastes, of course, had been carefully kept up-to-date. At the proper time, pictures by the Barbizon masters, old English plate and portraits, bronzes by Barye and marbles by Rodin, Persian carpets and Chinese porcelains, had been introduced to the mansion. It contained a Louis Quinze reception-room, an Em- pire drawing-room, a Jacobean dining- room, and various apartments dimly reminiscent of the styles of furniture af- fected by deceased monarchs. That the hallways were too short for the historic perspective did not make much differ- ence. American decorative art is capable de tout, it absorbs all periods. Of each period Mr. Weightman wished to have something of the best. He understood its value, present as a certificate, and pro- spective as an investment. It was only in the architecture of his town house that he remained conserva- tive, immovable, one might almost say Early-Victorian-Christian. His coun house at Dulwich-on-the-Sound was a pai- ace of the Italian Renaissance. But in town he adhered to an architecture which had moral associations, the Nineteenth- Century-Brownstone epoch. It was a bol of his social position, his religious trine, and even, in a way, of his busi- ness creed. "A man of fixed principles,” he would | say, “should express them in the looks of his house. New York changes its domes- tic architecture too spi. It is like di- vorce. It is not dignified. don't like it. Extravagance and fickleness are adver- tised in most of these new houses. I wish to be known for different qualities. Dignity and prudence are the things that Every one knows that I can afford to live in the house that suits It is a guarantee to the pubiic. It inspires confidence. It helps my infiu- ence. There is a text in the Bible about “a house that hath foundations. That is the proper kind of a mansion for a solid people trust. me. man. Harold Weightman had often listened | girls—the to his father rsing in this fashion on the tal principles of life, and always with a divided mind. He admired among the poor. He had felt his father’s disap- | proval for both of these forms of impru- dence; but never in a harsh and violent | way, always with a certain tolerant pa- ' tience such as one might show for the ! mistakes and vagaries of the very young. John Weightman was not hasty, impul- sive, inconsiderate, even toward his own children. With them, as with the rest of the world, he felt that he had a uta- tion to maintain, a theory to vindicate. He could afford to give them time to see that he was absolutely right. One of his favorite Scripture quotations was, “Wait on the Lord.” He had ap- plied it to real estate and to people with profitable results. being waited for is not always agreeable. Sometimes, especially with the young, it { produces a vague restlessness, a dumb | Tesentment, which is increased by the fy it. Of this John Weightman was not conscious. It lay beyond his horizon. He did not take it into account in the plan of | life which he had made for himself and ! for his family as the sharers and inherit. : ors of his success. “Father play us,” said Harold, in a mo- ment of irritation, to his mother, “like pieces in a game of chess." “My dear,” said that lady, whose faith | in her husband was religious, “you ought | not to speak so impatiently. At least he wins the game. He is one of the most re- spected men in New York. And he is generous, too.” q wish he would be more generous in ‘letting us be ourselves,” said the young man. “He always has something in view for us and expects to move us up to it.” “But isn't it always for our benefit?" replied his mother. “Look what a posi- tion we have. No one can say there is any taint on our money. There are no rumors about your father. He has kept the laws of and of man. He has never made any mistakes." Harold got up from his chair and poked the fire. Then he came back to the am- ple, well-gowned, Jem iookmg lady, and sat beside her on the sofa. He took her hand gently and looked at the two rings —a thin band of yellow gold, and a small solitaire diamond—which kept their place on her third finger in modest dignity, as if not shamed, but rather justified, by the splendor of the emerald which glittered beside them. “Mother,” he said, “you have a won- derful hand. And father made no mis- take when he won you. But are you sure he has always been so inerrant?" “Harold,” she exclaimed, a little stiffly, ! wha; do you mean? His life is an open book.” "Oh," he answered, “I don’t mean any- thing bad, mother dear. I know the gov- ernor’s life is an open book—a ledger, if you like, kept in the best bookkeeping hand, and always ready for inspection— every page correct, and showing a hand- some balance. But isn't it a mistake not to let us make our own mistakes, to learn for ourselves, to live our own lives? Must we be always working for ‘the bal- ance,’ in one thing or another? [wantto be myself—to get outside of this ever- lasting, profitable ‘plan’—to let myself go, and lose myself for a while at least—to i do the things that I want to do, just be- | cause I want to do them.” “My boy,” said his oe anxiously, “you are not going to do anything w or foolish? You know the faiseh of that old proverb about wild oats." He threw back his head and laughed. "Yes, mother,” he answered, "I know it well enoegh. But in California, you know, the wild oats are one of the most valuable ¢ They grow all over the hillsides and keep the cattie, and the horses alive. But that wasn't what I meant—to sow wild oats. Say to pick wild flowers, if you like, or even to chase wild geese—to do something that seems good to me just for its own sake, not for the sake wages of one kind or anoth- er. [I feel like a hired man, in the serv- ice of this magnificent mansion—say in training for father’s place as majordomo. I'd like to get out some way, to feel free | —perhaps to do something for others." The young man's voice hesitated a lit- tle. "Yes, it sounds like cant, I know, but sometimes I feel as if I'd like to do some good in the world, if father only wouldn't insist upon God's putting it into the ledger.” His mother moved uneasily and a slight look of bewilderment came into her face. “Isn’t that almost irreverent?” asked. “Surely the righteous must have their reward. And your father is good. See how much he gives to all the estab- lished. charities, how many things he has founded. He's always thinking of others, and pianning for them, And surely, for us, he does everything. How well he has planned his trip to Europe for me and the court presentation at Berlin, the season on the Riviera, the visits in England with the Plutons and the Halver- stones. He says Lord Halverstone has But to human persons the sensation of | fact that one can hardly explain or justi- | she | 4 the finest old house in Sussex, pure Elize- bethan, ang a the old customs are kop up, too— y prayers every morning for all the domestics. the way, you know his son Bertie, I believe.” . Harold smiled » little to himself as he answered: “Yes, I fished at Catalina Is. land last June with the Honorable Ethel. bert; he's rather a decent chap, in spite of his ingrowing mind. But you?—moth- er, you are simply magnificent! You are father’s masterpiece.” The young man leaned over to kiss her, and went up to the Riding Club for his afternoon canter in the Park. So it came to pass, early in December, that Mrs. Weightman and her two daugh- ters sailed for Europe, on their serious pleasure trip, even as it had been written in the book of Providence; and John Weightman, who had made the entry, | was left to pass the rest of the winter { with his son and heir in the brownstone | mansion. | They were comfortable enough. The ‘ machinery of the massive establishment ran as smoothly as a great electric dyna- mo. They were busy enough, too. John | Weightman's plans and enterprises were complicated, though his principle of action was always simple—to get good value of every expenditure and effort. The bank- ing-house of which he was the chief, the brain, the will, the absolutely controlling hand, was so admirahly organized that the details of its direction took but little time. But the scores of other interests that radiated from it and were dependent upon it—or perhaps it would be more ac- curate to say, that contributed to its solid- ity and success—the many investments, | industrial, political, benevolent, reforma- tory, ecclesiastical, that had made the name of Wighteman well known and po- tent in city, church, and state, demanded much attention and careful steering, in order that each might produce the de- sired result. There were board of corporations and hospitals, conferences tions and committee meetings in the brownstone mansion. ; For a share in all this business and its of thecity; for he held that Banking it- self is a simple affair, the only real diffi- Meanwhile he wished the young man to would have to deal when he became a | partner in the house. So a couple of din- December, after which the father call the son's attention to the fact that over a hundred million dollars had sat around the board. their talk across the broad table, ing with silver and cut glass, lit shaded es, was intimate, though a little slow at times. The elder man was in rather a rare pansive and confidential than usual; and when the coffee was brought in and they were left alone, he talked more freely of his personal plans and hopes than he had TF don beta. ful ight,” said he, “ very grateful to-night,” at last;” it must be somethi of Christmas that gives me thankfulness for many cies that have been bestowed All the principles by which I have guide my life have been justified. I have never made the value of this salted al- mond by anything that the courts would not uphold, at least in the long run, and yet—or wouldn't it be truer to say and therefore?—my affairs have been won- derfully prospered. There's a great deal in that text “Honesty is the best"—but no, that's not from the Bible, after all, is it? Wait a moment; there is something of that kind, I know.” “May I light a cigar, father,” said Har- old, turning away to hide a smile, “while you are remembering the text?” “Yes, certainly,” answered the elder man, rather shortly; “you know I don't dislike the smell. But it is a wasteful, useless habit, and therefore I have never practiced it. Nothing useless is worth feeling of mer- not bring the reward. Oh, now I recall the text, ‘Verily I say unto they have their reward." 1 shall ask Br. Snodgrass day." Rising you as an illustration?” “Well, not exactly that; but I could give him some good ma own experience to prove the truth of Scripture, 1 can honestly say that there Jo ot One 3 a ither in the rought me in a return, e in increase of influence, the building up of credit, or the association with substantial people. Of course you have to be careful you give, in order to secure the best results—no indiscriminate giving—no pen- nies in beggars’ hats! my principles same kind of j t in charities that I use in my other affairs, and they have not isappointed me.” “Even the check that you put in the plate when you take the offertory up the aisle on Sunday morning?” seems to me romantic and wasteful. You never hear from it in any definite way. say the missionaries have done a deal to open the way for trade; per- ng — i 1 i haps—but they have also gotten us into commercial and political difficulties. Yet I give to them—a little—it is a matter of conscience with me to identify myself with all the enterprises of the Church; it is the mainstay of socisl order and a pros- perous civilization. But the best forms of benevolence are the well-established, or- ganized ones herc at home, where people can see them and know what they are do- ing. “You mean the ones that have a local habitation and a name." “Yes; they offer by far the safest re- turn, though of course there is something gained by contributing to general funds. A public man can't afford to be without public spirit. But on the whole 1 prefera building or an endowment. There is a mutual advantage to a good name and a good institution, in their connection in the public mind. it helps them both. Remember that, my boy. Of course at the beginning you will have to practise it in a small way: later, you will have larg er opportunities. But try to put vour gifts where they can be identified and do good all around. You'll see the wisdom of it in the long run.” “I can see it already, sir, and the way you describe it looks amazingly wise and prudent. In other words, we must cast our bread on the waters in large loaves, carried by sound ships marked with the owner's name, so that the return freight will be sure to come back to us.” The father laughed, but his eyes were frowning a little as if he suspected some- thing irreverent under the respectful re- y. "You put it humorousiy, but there's sense in what you say. Why not? God rules the sea; but He expects us to fol- low the laws of navigation and commerce. Why not take good care of your bread, even when you give it away?” “It’s not for me to say why not—and meetings | yet 1 can think of cases—" the young man hesitated for a moment. His half- in Wall Street and at Albany, consulta- | finished cigar had gone out. He rose and tossed it into the fire, in front of which | he remained standing—a slender, eager, | adjuncts John Weightman had his son in | training in one of the famous law firms | i restless young figure, with a touch of hun- ger in the fine face, strangely like and unlike the father, at whom he looked | with half-wistful curiosity. | meet and know the men with whom he | ners were given in the mansion during [1 ” | But on Christmas Eve father and son | were dining together without guests, and | “The fact is, sir," he continued, “there culties of finance are on its legal side. | is such a case in my mind now, and it is a good deal on my heart, too. So I thought of speaking to you about itto-night. You remember Tom Rollins, the Junior who was so good to me when | entered col- father nodded. He remembered very well indeed the annoying incidents of his son's first escapade, and how Rol- lins had stood by him and helped to avoid a public disgrace, and how a close friend- ship had grown between the two boys, so itter- | different in their fortunes. y | “Yes," he said, “I remember him. He was a promising young man. Has he suc- i i in the air , upon me. tried to | while, that's my motto—nothing that does to preach a sermon on that verse some more ex- | | | “Not exactly—that is, not yet. His business has been on rather badly. He has a wife and little baby, you know. And now he has broken down with tu- berculosis. The doctor says his only the chance is a year or eighteen months in Colorado. I wish we could help him?" “How much would it cost?” ; “Three or four thousand perhaps, as a oan.” "Does the doctor say he will get well?” "A fighting chance—the doctor says.” The face of the older man changed subt- ly. Not a line was altered, but it seemed to have a different substance, as if it were carved out of some firm, imperishable stuff. "A fighting chance.” he said, "may do for a speculation, but it is not a good in- vestment. You owe something to young Rollins. Your grateful feeling does you credit. But don’t overwork it. Send him three or four hundred, if you like. You'll never hear from it again, except in the letter of thanks. But for Heaven's sake don't be sentimental. Religion is not a matter of sentiment; it's a matter of prin- | od ciple.” The face of the younger man changed now. But instead of becoming fixed and graven, it seemed to melt into life by the heat of an inward fire. His nostrils quiv- ered with quick breath, his lips were curied. “Principle!” he said. “You mean prin- cipal—and interest too. Well, sir, you . know best whether that is religion or not. | saved me from terial from my | “Certainly; there the influence ! less direct; and I must confess that I have my doubts in to the collec- tion for Foreign That always But if it is, count me out, please. Tom going to devil, six ago, and I'll be damned if I don't ie him to the best of my ability now." John Weightman looked at his son Steatily. “Harold,” he said at last, "you know I dislike violent language, and it never has any influence with me. If I could honestly approve of this proposition of yours, I'd let you have the money; but I can’t; it's extravagant and useless. But you have your Christmas check for a thousand dollars coming to you to-mor- row. You can use it as you please. I never interfere with private affairs.” you,” arold. “Thank you very much! But there's another pri- vate affair. | want to get away from this life, this town, this house. It stifles me. You refused last summer when | asked you to let me go up to Grenfell's Mission on the Labrador. [ could go now at least as far as Newfoundland tion. Have you changed your mind?” “Not at tll. Ithink it is an exceedingly foolish enterprise. It would interrupt the career I have marked out for you.” “Well, then, here's a cheaper proposi- tion. Algy Vanderhoof wants me to join him on his yacht with—well, with a little rty—to cruise in the West Indies. ' Would you prefer that?” "Certainly not! The Vanderhoof set is wild and gedless—1 do not wish to see you keeping company with fools who walk in the broad and easy way that leads to perdition.” “It is rather a hard choice,” said the young man, with a short laugh, turning toward the door. *“Accordi to you there's very little difference —-a fool's para. dise or a fool's hell! Well, it's one or the other for me, and I'll toss up for it to night; heads, 1 lose; taiis, the devil wins. Anyway, I'm sick of this, and I'm out of i’ “Harold,” said the older man (and there was a slight tremor in his voice), “don’t let us quarrel on Christmas Eve, All T want is to persuade you to think seriously of the duties and responsibilities to which God has calied you-—don't speak lightly of heaven and hell--remember, there is another life.” The young man came back and laid his hand upon his father’s shoulder. “Father,” he said, “I want to remem- ber it. [try to believe in it. But some- how or other, in this house, It all seems unreal to me. No doubt all you say is perfectly right and wise. [don't venture to argue against it, but I can’t feel it— that's all. If I'm to havea soul, either to lose or to save, I must really live. Just now neither the present northe future means anything to me. But surely we won't quarrel. I'm very grateful to you, and we'll part friends. Good night, sir.” The father held out his hand in silence. The heavy portiere dropped noiselessly behind the son, and he went up the wide curving stairway to his own room. : Meantime John Weightman sat in his carved chair in the Jacobean dining room. He felt strangely old and dull. The por- traits of beautiful women by Lawrence and Reynolds and Raeburn, which had often seemed like real company to him, looked remote and uninteresting. He fancied something cold and almost un- friendly in their expression, as if they were staring through him or beyond him. They cared nothing for his principles, his hopes, his disappointments, his successes; they belonged to another world, in which he had no place. At this he felt a vague resentment, a sense of discomfort that he could not have defined or explained. He was used to being considered, respected, appreciated at his full value in every ion, even in that of his own dreams. ny he rang for the butler, telling him to close the house and not to sit up, and walked with lagging steps into the long library, where the shaded lamps were burning. His eye fell upon the low shelves full of costly books, but he had no desire to open them. Even the care- fully chosen pictures that hung above them seemed to have lost their attrac- tion. He paused for a moment before an idyll of Corot—a dance of nymphs around scme forgotten altar in a vaporous glade —and looked at it curiously. There was something rapturous and serene zbout picture—a breath of spring-time in the misty trees—a harmony of joy in the dancing fifties tit wakened in him a feeling of half-pleasure and half-envy. It represented something that he had never known in his calculated, orderly life. He was dimly mistrustful of it. “It is certainly very beautiful,” he thought, “but it is distinctly pagan; that altar is built to some heathen god. It does not fit into the scheme of a Chris. tian life. 1 doubt whether it is consis- tent with the tone of my house. I will sell it this winter. It will bring three or four times what I paid for it. That was a good purchase, a very good bargain.” e dropped into the revolving chair before his big library table. It was cov- ered with pamphlets, and reports of the various enterprises in which he was in- terested. was a pile of newspaper clippings in which his name was mention- with praise for his sustaining power as a pillar of finance, for his judicious benev- dent reform movements, for his discre- tion in making permanent public gifts— “the Weightman Charities,” one very complaisant editor called them, as if they deserved classification as a distinct species. He turned the papers over listlessly. There was a description and a picture of the “Weightman Wing of the Hospital for Cripples,” of which he was president: and an article on the new professor in the “Weightman Chair of Political Jurispru- dence” in Jackson University, of which he was a Srusies; and 0 sHated ac- count o opening of t eightman Grammar-School” at Dulwich-on-the- Sound, where he had his legal residence for purposes of taxation. pe DTaP he mom sare of eightman Char- ities. He desired to win the confidence and support of his rural neighbors. had pleased him much when the local newspaper had spoken of him as an ideal citizen and the logical candidate for the Governorship of the State; but upon the whole it seemed to him wiser to keep out of active politics. It would be easier and better to put Harold into the running, to have him sent tothe Legislature from the Dulwich district, then to the national House, then to the Senate. Why not? The Weightman interests were large snough to need w direct representative guardian at ashington. But tonight all these plans came back olence, for his support of wise and pru- | the to him with dust upon them. were dry and crumbling like Te tions. The son upon whom his honorable ambition had rested had turned his back upon the mansion of his father's hopes. The break might not be final; and in any event there would be much to live for; the fortunes of the family would be se- cure. But the zest of it all would be gone if John Weightman had to give up the assurance of uating his name and his principlesin his son. It was a bitter disappointment, and he felt that he had not ed it. He rose from the chair and paced the room with leaden feet. For the first time in his life his age was visibly upon him. His head was heavy and hot, and the thoughts that rolled ‘in it were confused and depressing. Could it be that he had made a mistake in the principles of his existence? There was no argument in what Harold had said—it was almost childish—and yet it had shaken the elder man more deeply than he cared to show. It held a silent attack which touched him more than open criticism. Suppose the end of his life were nearer than he thought—the end must come some time—what if it were now? Had he not founded his house upon a rock? Had he not kept the commandments? Was he not, “touching the law, blameless?" And heyond this, even if there were some faults in his character—and all men are sinners—yet he surely believed in the saving doctrines of religion—the forgive- ness of sins, the resurrection of the body, the life everlasting. Yes, that was the true source of comfort, after all. He would read a bit in the Bible, as he did every night, and go to bed and to sleep. He went back to his chair at the library table. A strange weight of weariness rested upon him, but Ie opened the book at a familiar place, ard his eyes fell upon the verse at the bottom of the page. “Lav not up for vourselves treasures upon carth.” That had been the text of the sermon a few weeks before. Sleepily, heavily, he tried to fix his mind upon it and recall it. What was it that Doctor Snodgrass had said? Ah, yes—that it was a mistake to pause here in reading the verse. We must read on without a pause—Lay mof up treasures nton earth where moth and rust do corrupt end where thieves break through and steal—that was the true doc- trine. Our treasures upon earth must not be put into unsafe places, but into safe places. A most con:forting doctrine! He had always followed it. Moths and rust and thieves had done no harm to his veEmans : ohn Weightman's drooping eyes turn- ed to the next verse, at the top of the second column. “But lay up for yourselves treasures in ven.” Now what had the Doctor said about that? How was it to be understood—in what sense—treasures—in heaven? The book seemed to float away from him. The lightvanished. He sank slow- ly forward upon the table. His head rested upon his folded hands. He slipped into the unknown. How long afterward conscious life re- turned to him he did not know. The blank might have been an hour or a cen- tury. He knew only that something had happened in the interval. What it was he could not tell. He found great diffi- culty in catching the thread of his identity again. He felt that he was himself; but the Srouble was to ake pe SoRmections to verify place himself, to Ww Wi and where he was. At last it grew clear. John Weight- man was sitting on a stone, a little way off from a road in a strange country. The road was not a formal highway, fenced and graded. It was more like a great travel-trace, wort by thousands of t passing across open country in the same direction. Down in the valley, into which he could look, the road seemed on the hillside the threads were more firmly woven into one clear band of travel, though there were still a few dim paths joining it here and there, asif persons had been climbing up the hill by other ways and had turned at last to seek the From the edge of the hill, where John Weightman sat, he could see the yavel. ers, in little groups or larger compan gathering from tiie to time i the dif- erent paths, making ascent. They were ali clothed in white, and the form of their garments was him; it was like some old picture. fro Er ur Saul quietly or singing; in haste, but with a pi Hess wld joy as iit ars Sad on ir way to an i place. did not ran ap to him, but looked at him often and spoke to him a fri greeting, so they A him to be with " re was quite an interval betw g 388s 2 : ft :t 7 5 : : passed, blanching the long ribbon of the road for a little transient space, rising and among the rounded hillocks of aerial Continued on page 3, column 1.