Demarralic Miacfuan — Belletonte, Pa., June I18 1909. Howard's Income $770,000 a Year, Brother George Declares on Witness Stand—Mrs. Gould Testified It Cost $35,000 a Year For Gowns and Gives Some Figures. New York, June 15.—Abandonment will be the sole issue upon which the suit for separation brought by Kather- ine Clemmons Gould against her hus- band, Howard Gould, third son of the late Jay Gould, will be decided. This ruling was made in the supreme court by Justice Dowling, after counsel for Mrs. Gould had rested the case for the plaintiff. This sweeps away sev- eral phases of the case—notably that of cruelty and non-support, and is a partial victory for Howard Gould. As to the charge of abandonment, the court held that this, too, might not stand unless the plaintiff was able to show that Howard Gould's stipulations for reconciliation with his wife were unreasonable. Howard Gould's Income $770,000. George Gould testified that he had caused an investigation to be made in regard to the alleged former marriage of his brother Howard's wife. He could not recall the date within one year of his brother's marriage. His father's estate, he said, had never been formally divided among the children, but it was valued approximately at $80,000,000. Howard Gould was enti tled to one-sixth of the estate in the will. In January, 1906, Mr. Gould tes- tified, Howard's income was about $770,000 and had mot varied much in years prior to or subsequent to that date. Honors were about even in the ver- bal battle between the cross-examiner and Mrs. Gould. Both sprang sur prises. The lawyer's most pertinent and apparently embarrassing thrust was the exhibition of a faded, old- fashioned photograph of a young wo- man sitting on a white horse, with the white canvas of a circus tent in the background. Mrs. Gould turned a dull red as it was shown, but she would not identify the photograph as one of herself, nor would she swear that it was not. She thought it was “hardly fat enough for me.” This picture was introduced to show if possible Mrs. Gould's former asso- elation with Buffalo Bill's show. In retaliation for the picture imci- dent Mrs. Gould made one cutting re- tort to her inquisitor. Mr, Nicoll had been asking the witness about her gowns, how many she wore, how often she wore them and what became of them. They were given away, Mrs. Gould testified. “One of them,” she shot in, “was given to your own sister, who is on the stage. I have aided many poor girls to get stage engage- ments by equipping them with my dis- carded gowns.” “Did it become her?” was Mr. Ni eoll's only rejoinder. Cost of Society Woman's Gowns. In answer to questions regarding the cost of her various dresses, etc., Mrs. Gould gave the following estimates: Dinner gowns, $500 to $600. Morning gowns, $100 to $150. Day gowns (worn shopping, etc.), |! $500. Tea gowns, $300 to $400. Reception gowns, $500. For motoring and coaching and yachting, the witness said, she requir- ed particular gowns, but did not say how much she paid for them. Mrs. Gould testified that her cos tuming cost her $35,000 to $40,000 a ear, Additional facts brought out during Mrs. Gould's cross-examination were: Her allowance was $10,000 a month. Never wore same gown twice, be cause it would be “very bad form.” Changed her gown three to five times per day. Time consumed in each change, twa or three hours. Assistance of two maids required at eack toilette. Inherits $25,000 From Old Sweetheart. Roanoke, Va., June 15.—Mrs. M. E. Mayo, a trained nurse, has been no tified by a Danville, Va., lawyer that Captain Willlam H. Blackwell, who died there recently, left his estate, worth $25,000 and unencumbered, to her. When she was a gird Mrs. Mayo and Blackwell were sweethearts. Rattlesnake in Beer Killed Eight Men. Raleigh, W. Va. June 15.—After eight laborers on the C. & O. railroad had died suddenly following their drinking from a barrel of beer the bar. rel was emptied. In it was a large rattlesnake. It is supposed that in its death agony it injected into the beer enough poison to kill the men. Jail Delivery Frustrated. Columbus, O., June 15.—Penitentiary officials discovered what they declare was a plot to release 500 prisoners. When a prisoner's cell was searched more than 500 keys were found con: cealed, each key fitting a separate cell. Several files were also found. At 105, Gets 30 Days For Wiis-Baating Muskogee, Okla., June 15—One hun- dred and five years old, John Black is Blew Off Portion of Parent's Heac During a Quarrel. liam Gray, twenty-seven years old shot and killed his father, John Gray jail. later and was taken to the Flemingtor Lived In One House 81 Years. Bloomsburg, Pa., June 15.—Abran 8. Shweppenheiser, who died in Mif flin township, aged eighty-one years was born in the house in which he died and lived his entire life in the same dwelling. On May 24 he and Mrs Schweppenheiser celebrated the sixty first anniversary of their marriage. Restores Salaries Cut In the Panic. New Haven, Conn. June 15.—An nouncement is made at the Nev Haven railroad offices that the direc tors have decided to restore the salar fes of officers and employes that wert cut some time ago, effective July 1. Murderer Electrocuted. Auburn, N. Y., June 15.—Willian Scott was put to death in Auburt prison for the murder of his step mother, Mrs. Delia M. Scott, near Che nango lake, in October of 1907. Tw: shocks were neegded to kill Bill For $5.77 Cause of Killing. Traverse City, Mich., June 15.—Ca leb Cox, a local butcher, was arrested charged with fatally injuring Fran Hardy after a quarrel over a bill fo $5.77 which Hardy is said to han swed the butcher. EC —— Dr. Alfonso Penna Was One of Em peror Dom Pedro's Ministers. Washington, June 15. — Presiden Penna, of Brazil, died Monday, accord ing to a dispatch received at the state department from the American ambas sador at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dr. Penna was elected to office bj universal suffrage in the twenty feder ated states in 1906, and assumed of fice Nov. 15 of that year. His tern would have expired in 1910. His suc cess was the outcome of a coalitior of the principal states against that o San Paulo, which has supplied all pas: presidents. Dr. Penna was one of Don Pedro's ministers who accepted anc supported the republic after its pro clamation. Philadelphia, June 15.—Dr. Josep! Goldberger, of the United States pub lic health and marine hospital servic: at Washington, is in this city assist ing the local health authorities t classify a new disease resembling the hives which has broken out here. A first some anxiety was caused on ac count of its similarity to smallpox. In a statement issued by the healt! department it is stated that about hundred cases have so far been dis covered, all of which have been con tracted by people sleeping upon nev straw mattresses. Only those whe slept on the mattresses or handle them freely have been affected. Ac cording to the official circular, “It I a hivelike inflammation of the skin resembling chickenpox, ordinary hive: and the ‘itch.’ This eruption affect: the body and upper parts of the arm: and legs, and to a slight extent the face. Each ‘hive’ has at its summit ¢ pinhead sized blister, which soor changes to a yellow head.” The report further says that the dis ease seems confined to Philadelphi: and is not contagious in the ordinar: sense of the term. The New Boarder. “What did you say your name was? inquires the landlady in a hoarse whis- per. “Camp.” “Ladles and gentlemen, this is Mr. Grant.” She waves you to a vacant chair, The young lady on your right drops a half bow. The young gentleman to your left drops a pork chop. Thus, amid covert sneers, supercilious glances and geuetal awkwardness, you take your place among an alien people. “A hash house introduction always reminds me of a minstrel show,” de- clares the humorous boarder. “Be seated, gentlemen; know each other and be acquainted.” Whereat you must smile. “Chase the cow this way,” continues the humorous boarder in time honored reference to the milk pitcher, whereat you must guffaw. “You are always master of ceremo- nies,” says a young lady boarder to the humorous one. “As for me, I'm too timid.” “Why are you timid? “Oh, I'm so little!” “Sweet goods come in small pack- ages.” “So does poison.” Fine old repartee! After dinner you ascend to your hall bedroom and won- der if you will ever be at home in this company. But you know you will Within a month you will be lending money to the humorous boarder and perhaps have a love affair started.— from whom I expected great things. He made a careful study of the litera- ture we supplied him with and was very enthusiastic. Judge of my prise when the first morning he out back he came and handed in resignation. “‘But you should not (ASTORIA. ——Do yon kucw where to get your garden seeds in packages or by measure Sechler & Co. —— Do you know we have the old style sugar syrups, pure goods as 40 cents and 60 cents per gallon, Sechier & Co. ——Do you know that you can ges the finess oranges, banannas and grape fruit, and pine apples, Sechler & Co. —Do you know where you can geta fine fat mess mackerel, bone ous, Sechler & Co. —Do you know that you can get the finest, oranges, bananas and grape [ruis, aud pine apples, Seohler & Co. ——Do you know where to get the finest canned goods and dried fruits, Secbler & Co. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and whict: nas been io use for over 30 years, has born, CHAS. H. FLETCHER you e the signature of fa this. All Counterfeits, and has been made nader his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive Imitations, aad ‘‘Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants aad Chil- dren—Experience against Experiment. WHAT IS CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine norj other Narcot- ic subs ance. Its age is its guarantee, It destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALwaAaYSs Bears the SHAC. H. Signature of FLETCHER THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. . 54.22-13t Insurance. + WOODRING. GENERAL FIRE INSURANCE. Represents only the strongest and mos prompt paying companies. Gives reliable insurance at the very lowest rates and pays promptly when losses occur. Office at 118 East Howard street, Bellefonte, Pa. 83-8¢ OOK READ — JOHN F. GRAY & SON, (Successors to Grant Hoover.) FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. This ney represents th Fire Aer " World. NO ASSESSMENTS, = Do not fail to give us a call hefore insurin; position r Life or Property J ite large lines at any Companies ra. as we are in time, Office in Crider's Stone Building, 43-18-1y BELLEFONTE, PA. VATA TAT HE PREFERRED ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY FIRE INSURANCE I invite your attention to my fire Insurance and Most phir, Line Companies the strongest of Bolid ted by represen agency in Central yin H. E. FENLON, Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. 50-21 Cozl and Wood. JP WARD K. RHOADS Shipping snd Commission Merchant, ——DBALEN [N— ANTHRACITE axp BITUMINOUS | «==CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OATS = sud other grains, —BALED HAY and STRAW-— COALS. BUILDERS’ and PLASTERERS' SAND ~=EKINDLING WOOD— by the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers. Respectfully solicits the patronage enuicite, dhe Io 0 vs B18 COAL YARD...... Telephone Calls {GOTTEN Wilh ase Bass £0 Psnangor Slatgn. Saddlery. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE Reduced in price—horse sheets, spreads and fly nets—for the next thirty days. We have de- termined to clean up all summer if you are in the market for of goods can’t do supply your We bave the largess assortment of SINGLE axp DOUBLE DRIVING HARNESS in the connty ana at to suit the buyer. If you not have one of our HAND-MADE SINGLE HARNESS you have missed a thing. We are eposior Alors © a barnes ig 8 about any . harness a ae select oak stock, with a high-grade workmanship, A GUARANTEE FOR TEN YEARS Respecitally, JAMES SCHOFIELD, 37 BELLEFONTE. OMFORTING WORDS. MANY A BELLEFONTE HOUSEHOLD WILL FIND THEM 80. To have the pains and aches of a bad back removed ; to be entirely free from an- disorders sole agents for the Remember the take no other. Fine Job Printing. Jee JOB PRINTING Owe A SPECIALT Yoo AT THE WATCHMAN OFFIOE. There is no style ot work, from the cheapes Dodger” to the Sheet {-BOOK-WORK,—1 that we cannot do in the most satisfactory man ner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Call om or communicate with this office. Hair Dresser. R THE LADIES.—Mise Jennie Mor- meel a4 u hut roous wn 8 plier 5 jolly, treatments of the scalp, facial mas. shoulder . Bhe ——— = LB T and will tollet articlen including Hudnat's I S014 Flour and Feed. al TBST lind ues Y. WAGNER, Baocksamorr Mis, Beuusronrs Pa. Manufacturer, and wholesaler aad retailers of ROLLER FLOUR, FEED, CORN MEAL, Be. Also Dealer in Grain. Manufactures and has on hand at all Huns the foliowing brands of high grade WHITE STAR, OUR BEST. HIGH GRADE, VICTORY PATENT, FANCY PATENT-—(formerly Phes- nix Mills high grade brand. The only place in the county where SPRAY, BET a ALSO: INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. FEED OF ALL KINDS, Whole or Manufactured. All kinds of Grain bought at office. Exchanges Flour for Wheat. OFFICE and STORE, - Bishop Street, Bellefonte. MILL - - - ROOPSBURE, all of which are man out of the purest syrups and properly carbo. The public is cordially invited to test these will be made free of charge within the limits of the C. MOERSCHBACHER, 5082-1y High Street, BELLEFONTE, PA A cure guaranteed if you use Attor neys-at-Law. C. MEYER— Rooms 20 & . & Crier Eaehanee altofonte, Pa. SPANGLER — Attorney-as-Law. Prae- . tices in ail the Courts. Consultation in ish and German. Office in Crider's Bx- change, Bellefonte, Pa. Wag 8. TAYLOR—Attorney and Counsellor sé ra Ar ds as y o tended to promptly. 40-40 5 KLINE WOODRING - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Beliefonte, Pa. Practices in all the courts. Office Room 18 Crider's Exchange, M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law. Pras tice in all . al the courts, Consult in Office sou court house. All business will receive prompt atten 19-5-1y® Physicians. S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Sur lege, Areooumty Bh Ww Office at ni reaidunce. E D* S. M. NISSLEY VETERINARY SURGEON, Office Palace Livery Stable, Bellefonte, Pa. 53-20-1v* Graduate University of Pa. Money to Loan. More vo LOAN on good secarity sad housas for rent. J. M.EEICHLINE Sl-14-1y Att'y at Law. Patents. PA ts, &c. RADE B41 n a descri ssneriplon ty uiZky enralh ob pale Communications nelly con Handbook on patents sent free. dest for securing i JR py Rng Ry out charge in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. a handsome illustrated weekly. i wi Largest ctroeuls a0, Terms your; four months $1. Boid ITs 8 MUNN & CO., 3681 Broad Branch Office, 625 F St, Washi D. C. 62-45-1y. Meat Markets. GET THE BEST MEATS. Y I LARGEST, FATTEST. CATTLE, su customers with the freshe I always have wee DRESSED POULTRY, cme Game in season, and any kinds of geod meats you waat, y Tar My Sucre. P. L. BEEZER. High Street, Bellefonte 5-34-1y Travelers Guide RAILROAD OF PENNA. Time Table effective June 17, 1808 E : Stations : & | = & 3 I Hi reBedssleBeadoe? ssEpEsEssgssassf 00 0 i nn i i oe OO SERENE esage’ eRe BBPPc PeePoe? guesgl bE TE. gs ==288 Nlowwwwewnnwwwownow? EE oC i 3 ¥ sssesassssEnnss? 20 00 00 of = od = = od 4 ot od od 2 ot 5 P S838RESE tet Wea F2F 2 wou ” » 7 68 1120 650 11 30 900 RO. Schedule to take effect Mondsy Jan, 6, 1908. WESTWARD EASTWARD read down read up No. hy Ena. io. 8/No. 4 VG: rN. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ennses 2 50 TIT 121... iH IIned , New York,