Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 16, 1908, Image 7

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    Bellefonte, Pa., October 16, 1908.
It Is Said Louise Lonsdale, An Actress,
Jilted By Blaine Elkins, Told Family
Secrets to Italy's Dowager Queen,
Who Brought Measures to Bear On
the Duke That Completely Changed
His Plans—Senator Elkins Denies
They Were Engaged.
New York, Oct. 13.—The World has
received from Rome a dispatch which
The Duc Abruzzi will not visit
America. His proposed trip has been
abandoned, and should the fleet sail at |
all, its destination will not be Amer-
ica, as was at first decided on.
As to the cause of the change, opin-
fons differ. Some attribute it to the |
violent opposition of Dowager Queen |
Margherita to the duke's marriage to |
Miss Katharine Elkins. Others give |
the Baikan disturbance as the reason.
Still another and not an unlikely rea. |
son, is the rumored breaking of the
engagement between the duke and
Miss Elkins.
The reports reaching here from |
America stating that the Elkins de- |
clare no engagement has ever existed {
is laughed at.
Positive statements to the contrary
are made by members of the royal
family, and no one here doubts it.
Yet another reason assigned by the |
gossips of cqurt circles, and not an |
fmprobable solution to the mystery |
surrounding the rumored jiiting of tie
duke by Miss Elkins—which, by the
way, is indignantly denied by the no-
bility, who say if there was any jilting
it was done by the duke—is the re-
ported secret visit to the queen of
Louise Lonsdale, the American actress,
who sued Blaine Elkins for breach of |
These gossips say that the actress,
on invitation, iaid before the queen all
| was ordered to be returned to that in
| his marriage to Miss
‘Thief's Victim Searched in
Slayer of Stanferd White Ordered Re
turned to Matteawan.
White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 13.—Harry
K. Thaw was sent back to the State
Hospital for the Criminal Insane at
Matteawan, N. Y., until the court of
appeals shall decide whether he is en
titled to a hearing before a jury to
determine the question of his sanity.
The prisoner's counsel .gain moved
for a jury trial, and when this was de
nied asked that Thaw be discharged
from custody on the ground that the
jury in the last trial for murder did
got find him insane.
This also was denied. Thaw's coun
sel then declared that they had ap
gealed to the New York state court ol
appeals from the decision refusing o
fury trial, and that until the higher
court had given a decision they would
submit no evidence on the question of
Thaw's sanity,
Justice Mills said there was no oth
er alternative than for Thaw to be re
turned to Matteawan asylum, and h
Yarmouth Loses All Thaw Money.
London, Oct. 13.-——By an order of the
divorce court, all the rights and in
terests of the Earl of Yarmouth under
the financial settlement made prior to
Alice Cornelia
Thaw in Pittsburg are extinguished.
According to counsel, $600,000 was set.
tied upon Miss Thaw for hfe. If she
died before the earl $300.000 was to
pass to him. The settlement also gave
the ear! an income of $50,000 a year
from the day of the wedding. The earl
made no opposition to the order of the |
court. i
ia short, if you wish to sec
One of the most curious expressions of
emotional life is the application of whistles
to a flock of pigeons. ese whistles, very
lighs, weighing but a few grammes, are at-
tached to the tails of young pigeons soon
alter their birth by means of five copper
wire, so that when the birds fly the wind
blowing through the whistles sets them vi-
brating and thas produces au open-air con-
cers, for the instruments in one and the
same flook are all tuned differently. Oona
serene day in Peking, where these instru-
ments sre manufactured with great clever
ness and ingenuity, it is possible to enjoy
this aerial music while sitting in one's
There are two distinet types of whistles
—those consisting of hamboo suhes placed
side by side, and a type based oo the prin-
cipal of tubes attached to a gourd body or
wind-chest. They are lacquered in yellow,
brown, red and black, to protect the ma-
terial from the destructive influences of she
atmosphere. The tobe whisties have
either two, three or five rnhes, In some
specimens the five tobes are made of ox-
horn instead of bamboo. The gourd whis-
tles are furnished with a monthpicce and
small apertures to the number of two
‘three, six ten and even thirteen. Certain
among them have, bemide«, a number of
bamboo tubes, some oun the principal
mouthpiece, some arranged aroond it,
These varieties are distinguished by dil
ferent names. Thus, a whistle with one
mouothpiece and ten tubes ix called *‘the
eleven-eyed one.”
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have
Bears the Siguntore of
Always Bor ght
Toe oxplaasiion of the oes of this
quaint custom which the Chinese offer is
not very satisfactory. Accordiog to them,
these whistles are intended to keep the
flock together and to protect the pigeons
from attacks of birds of prey. There seems,
however, little reason to helieve that a bun-
wry hawk could ke induced hy this innocent
music to keep aloof from satisfsing his ap-
petite ; and this, dobiless, vavors of an
afterthought which came up long after the
introduction of this usage, throngh the at-
terupt to give a rational and practical in
terpretation of something that has no ra-
tional origin whatever ; for it is not the
pigeon that profits from this practice, hut
merely the human ear, which feasts on the
wind-blown tubes and derives aesthetic
pleasure from this music. And here, again,
it seems to be a purely artistic and emo-
tional tendency that has given rise to a
unigne indnstry and oustom applied to na.
tore-life. — [Scientific American.
—————————————— LT ————
H. Law,
| Bellefonte, Pa.
! tended to promptly.
Meat Markets.
Attorneys-at-Law. i
C. MEYER—AU -at-Law, Rooms 0: a
e 21, Crider's Exchaage, “Bellefon foe, Pa
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law. Prac- |
. tices in all the Courts. Consultation in
oglish and German, Office in Crider's = |
change, Bellefonte, Pa,
| D* 8. M. NISSLEY
Office Palace Livery Stable,
Bellefonte, Pa.
ap Graduate University of Pa.
8. TAYLOR—Attorney and Counsellor at
Office, Garman House Block,
All kinds of legal business at: |
40 % |
Bellefonte, Pa.
51-1-1y Practices in all the courts,
H. WETZEL—Attorney and Counsellor at !
ie) Law. Office No, 11, Crider's Exchange, |
Hood's Sarsaparitia.
But you cannot be well if you neglect
taking Hood's Sarsapsarilla when you
know vou should take it. Impure blood,
poor appetite, headache, nervousness,
these and other
that tired teeling—hy
signs your syst>m demands Hood's,
a bottle today.
Glow of Heslth—"My blood was very
wor, Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilia |
ve more color in my face, sleep and eat
well, and work is a pleasure.” Mrs, A,
A. Howard, Taunton, Mass,
In Worst Form—**1 had eatarrh in the
worst form and was advised to try Hood's
Sarsaparilla. I took seven bottles snd
am now in good healti, 1 hope everyone
who has eatarrh will give Hood's a fair
trial" Mrs. William Metealf, Parker.
ford, Pa.
Money to Moan.
ONEY TO LOAN on soul seoarity
and houses for rent,
Art'y at Law.
Colleges & Schools.
A Chemist,
An Engineer,
An Electrician,
A Scientific Farver,
ire a
£ Teacher,
A Lawyer,
A Physician,
A Journalist,
suit well for any honorable pursuit in life,
| Office at his residence,
| description may quickly ascertain our opinion
i floor. All kinds of Ie ‘gal business attend. |
ed to promptly. Consultation in Engiish or Ger-
man, 30-4
ETTIG, BOWER & ZERBY-—Attorneysat.
x Law, Eagle Block, Bellefonte, Pa. Sue-
Crusors to Orvis, Bower & "Orvis, Practice in all |
the courts, Consultation in English or German,
M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law. Prac
ef. tice in all the courts, Consultation jo ,
English and German (Office south of court!
house, All professional business will receive |
prompt attention, i9-5-1y* |
You save nothing by buying, poor, ib}
or gristly meats. | use only the
And supply my customers with the fresh.
est, cholcest, t blood and muscle mak «
ing Steaks and Roasts. My prices are
uo higher than poorer meats are eine:
! always have
Guane in =enscn, and any kinds of geod
ments you waol,
My Swuor.
High Street,
273-84. 0
Travelers Guide.
8. GLENN, M. D,, Physician and Sur-
geon, State College, Centre county, Pa,
R. YY E. WARD, D.D.S,, office next door to
M. C. A. room, iligh street, Beilefonte,
Pa. a administered for painless extracting
teeth, Superior Crown and Briage work. Prices
reasonable, 52-34.
R. H, W. TATE, surgeon
the Bush Arcade, Bellefonte,
modern electric applinnces used. Hus had years
of experience. All vork of superior quality and
prices reasonable, 15 8-1y
Dentist, office in
Pa. AN
rights, &c. Anyone sending a skete h and
free whether an invention is probainy patentable,
Communications strictly confidential, Handbook
on patents sent free, Oldest agency for securing
patents. 80 years experience. Pattens taken
Condensed Time Table effective June 17, 1908
Reap vows Reap vr.
Stations oT ——.
No 1 No 5 No 3] (No 6/No 4 Not.
a.m. p.m. p.m. Ly Jp.muip.o mL nw.
To06 665 200 BEL iL EFONT 910505 840
715 706) 2 33 .......Ni Be A857 452 9&7
7 20117 11] 2 37). ... [1B 51 4 47100 21
T2718 245 HELA PARE. $45 441 8 15
TH | 2 47...... Dunitles.. £43 438 913
T 33.07 &) 261. Hub Jershurg.. L118 30) 4 34 19 09
7387 7928 255..8n ydertown..... | $36 429 0b
7 4017 30] 2 38 ....... 42719 02
7 42/7 33} 3 01 124000
746, 738/305 42118 17
T4740] 308 41818 4
TH TH B12 Crs Siding. 822 414: 851
756/17 46 3 16... Mac keyville.... [18 18 4 00:18 46
S03 T84) 320, Cedar Spring... 81204 03) 8 20
B05 THY 35. Salona....... £10 401 8 48
810 802 330. MILLHALL... 805 85: 8°3
(N. ¥. Central & Hudson River RR.)
1 0 8 54).........Jersey Shore | 800 J 2
12 16) 9 SOA. | ware wll 235 20
Hg 20) 11 30) are} WMs'PORT I 230 830
{Paila, + Roding 4 Ay. )
7380 650]. HILA. eeerens] 1H B68; 1] HO
10 10, 9 00|........ NEW YORK......... 9 00
(Via Phila.)
Pp. m. a. m, ArT. Lve.a. m. p. m,
tWeek Days
shared by the king.
Just what Miss Lonsdale is reported
two weeks before he finally sought po-
Fauble's Great
Cloming House
? i § ’ “\ through Munn & Co. receive Special Notice, with. —_ General Superintendent.
the facts regarding her relations with | Vain For Two Weeks, THE PENNSYLVANIA eR ive . ee ENTRAL RAll
Blaine Elkins and embraced in the | STATE COLLEGE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. | I ELLEFONTE SE . d
gcandal many other private matters re- | — Salt a a handsome {lluserated week! I Largest etreuin Scheduls to take effect Monday Jan. 8, 1908.
garding the Elkinses which she glean- | gyyjington, N. J. Oct. 13.—To bide | OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL ADVANTAGES. | ation of apy so fegtie Journal, Te eae | ees rr rT J -
ed by reason/of her close relationship | fro; the man from whom he is al | ‘ FR MUNN & CO. | read aown { Tih up
with young Elkins. It is also stated | jageq to have stolen a fat pocketbook, | TU ITION IS FREE IN AL L COURSES. ! 461 Broadway, New York. No.8/No. Ie STATIONS. lon lang gl NO:
. 2 ST ———_— A ————— . on (OA NO. 2 ITNO. “
that the actress received a handsome | waiter Doyle, of this city, had him CARING EFFECT IX BET 100 ro rool died, . | Branch Office, 625 F St, Washington, D. C. | | [39
. Lb or . > } , “WC NSE GR, he Laeners irses have oe Axe . } OS-i0e1Y. — | em ee
allowance for divulging these secrets. | gar gent to the county jail. The rus " EE ee va rn i Fra year, than hereigfore. foclud. | |r. . an {Ly Bell WW an a
Fortified with thes# scandals, the ror . hile ; a. ing History ; the E rench, German, Spanish, Latin and Greek Languages and Litera- 2 1% In 2015 |
gueon ie. reported fo Bwve summoned | S00 107 len days while Doyle re- | tures ; Psychology ; gies, and Political Science. These courses are especially Hair Dresser. | 2071020638 $47, 12 37 & 17
queen is reported 10 have i | mained In a cell and C. H, Leith | adapted to the wants of those who ~eek either the most thorough training for the Profession 212 10 23/6 38 .... Moriis.......| 887) 1% 47
the duke and to have shown him that | coo. hed the county for the man he | of Teaching, or a genera! College Fdneation ns | 217) 10 27/6 43 yp stent. th 12 8
an alliance with one of the Elkins type ! ’ Cho i The courses in Chemistry, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering are among the ver . , 2 Mi io 030 6 46 Hunter s Park.| 831 12 315 10
would not only be a blow to rovalty, | says robbed him. Then Leith sought | best in the United States. Grad inte have no difficulty in securing and holding positions. y FE R THE LADIES. wim Jeon) Mor. $+ » 34 6 50 ...,.Fillmore...... 8 uo iu %'5 15
b 11 at 3 It hown | the ald of the police and Doyle Wis | young WOMEN are admitted to all courses on the same terms as Young Men. used as offices by Dr. Locke, is now ready fo | 382/10 40 6 56|...... Briarly..... SM I Nen
on ew it Brace. t i a | arrested shortly after he had been re | progr SEMESTER begine Thursday, September 17th, 1908 tmeet any and all patients wishing treatments by | iw Is $17 00. ee py Ait om EN
ie duke that marriage to Miss EIKins | ja0004. { i E : — electricity, treatments of the scalp, tacial mas. r—— eo — 3
would not in any way benefit his noble The two men were drinking in a sa- | For specimen examination papers or for catalogue giving full intormation respecting courses of | *#&¢ or neck and shoulder massage. She has | an an oT = a ane pars ————
; also for sale a large collection of real and imita- To rubles 5 45 330
self, but be a blot on the court that | jon when Leith says Doyle took the | study, expenses, ete., and showing positions held by graduates,’address tion shell pins, combs and ornaments and will be Ta oe ol 720
could only be wiped out by his 4080 | ingney trom his pocket. Doyle dashed | THE REGISTRAR, abet supply Jou wish, i Elude of wlel wien | gto [73 Binerove iin 78 aor
lute banishment from the kingdom. | 5u4 of the room, and Leith after him | State College, Centre County. Pa. tracts and all of Hudnut's preparations. 50-16 | F. H. THOMAS, Supt.
This opinion, it is reported, was also | ¢5 continue the unfruitful search for | — en
to have said to the queen is not
vouched for, but certain it is some
radical and siringent measures have
been brought to bear on the duke and
have completely changed the plans
of the fleet going away, and, of course,
his proposed marriage to Miss Elkins.
The jilting of the duke by Miss Elkins
is scouted. It is the belief prevalent
here that the engagement has been
broken. but by the duke and not by
Miss Elkins.
The duke denies himself to all, even
the queen not having access to his
quarters at Turin.
That he loved and is grieving over
the necessity of giving up Miss Elkins,
no one doubts, but they prophesy he
will soon forget the foreign “enchan-
tress” and form an alliance befitting
his station in life.
Elkins Denies Story of Wedding.
Pittsburg, Oct. 13.—United States
Senator Stephen B. Elkins, speaking
over the long distance telephone from
his home at Elkins, W. Va., emphati-
cally denied that there ever had been
any engagement between his daugh-
ter Katharine and the Duke of the
“There is no foundation for the re-
ports that have come out, both in Eu- |
rope and America,” he said. “No an-
nouncement of an engagement has
ever been made; there is no engage-
Mr. Elkins made this statement in
connection with a report that his wile
had denied the story of the engage-
ment. When asked whether Mrs. Ei-
kins had made this statement, he said
she had not; that she had never made
any statements at all; that there was
no use discussing something that had
never existed.
Preacher Held As Firebug.
Houlton, Me., Oct. 13.—Rev. T. V.
Hunter, who up to eight months ago
was in charge of a church at Monti-
cello, is confined in the Arostock
county jail, charged with incenaiarism
at Island Falls on Sept. 28, when his
house and barn were burned. Mr. Hun-
ter was brought before Justice George
H. Dunham at island Falls, and from
the evidence presented by the state
probable cause was found and he was
bound over to the April term of the
supreme court.
John W/. Kern's Son Has Paralysis.
Indianapolis, Oct. 13. — The eight-
year-old son and namesake of John W.
Kern, Democratic candidate for vice
president, is seriously ill from infan
tile paralysis.
Terrible Tests,
“So you are still looking for an hon-
est man?"
“] am.” answered Diogenes,
“What is the lantern for?”
“That's to test him with. I am going
to lend him the lantern, and if he
brings that back I'm going to try him
with an umbrella.”—Washington Star,
lice aid. Dovle made a disturbance on
the street in order to be arrested, and
Magistrate Smith, who held him under
bail for the grand jury, had unwit-’
tingly heiped him hide from his pur
suer by sending him to the jail.
Slayer of Reading Shirt Manufacturer |
Gets Long Prison Sentence. |
Reading, Pa., Oct. 13. — Abraham |
Rosenthal, of Philadeipnia, who was
convicted a month ago of the murde:
of Lewis B. Clawson, a wealthy shirt
manufacturer, was denied a new trial
in court and sentenced to twenty
vears' imprisonment.
Rosenthal appeared as if stunned
for a time, but quickly recovered his
composure. He had been hopeful of
securing a new trial.
Clawson, who was Rosenthal's
brother-in-law, was murdered in his
office last February. Rosenthal fled
and was captured in Oklahoma. At
the trial he put in a plea of self- |
defense. Rosenthal is about thirty |
years of age.
Former Cogressman Scranton Dead.
Scranton, Pa., Oct. 13.—Former Con-
gressman Joseph A. Scranton died at
his home in this city after an illness
of a year, a general break-down fol-
lowing heat prostration last summer
being the cause. He was sixty-nine
years of age and a native of Augusta,
Ga., being born there while his par-
ents were on a visit. He served as
revenue coilector, postmaster and
county treasurer and was elected to
congress in 1880 and re-electd to the
forty-ninth, fifty-first, fifty-third and
fifty-fourth congresses,
Lightning Cured His Rheumatism.
Clayton, N. J, Oct. 18.—Walter W
Keen, who was nearly killed by a bolt |
of lightning during the phenomenal |
electrical storm this summer, had becn |
afflicted with rheumatism for many
weeks previous, and was unable to!
walk without a cane. The lightning
so nearly cured his rheumatism (hat!
he threw away his cane and has not |
used it since,
May Form Fish Combine. |
Crisfield, Md. Oct. 13. — Frederick |
Thorton and Charles Maddrix left |
Crisfield for Chicago, where they wili |
meet several capitalists of that city
who are forming a fish combine to
control the fish business of the Great
Lakes and of this, the center of the
fish industry of Maryland.
Drowns In Vat of Wine.
Santa Rosa, Cal, Oct. 13. — Mrs.
George Collier, wife of a prominent
vineyardist, was accidentally drowned
in a vat of wine. She climbed to the
rim of the vat to look in and, over
come by the fumes, lost her balance
and fell in.
i 2s, 2
fy (7%
- L
You Won't be Fair
A ——
With yourself if you buy your
New Fall Suit without first seeing
what the Fauble Stores
ing this season.
The Best they have ever seen.
You will agree with them if you
take the time to see for yourself.
You really can’t afford to miss us.
We Are the Best Ever
Brockerhoff Block,
Hundreds of
Centre County’s Best Dressers
have pronounced oyr this season’s
showing of Men’s and Young Men's
are show-
Bellefonte, Pa.