Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 27, 1908, Image 5

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    United States Supreme Court Hands
Down Decision Affecting Enforce-
ment of Rate Laws In Two States.
Justice Harlan Dissents.
Washington, March 24. — The bill
prepared by the National Civic Fed-
eration after conferences with the
president and representatives of eapi-
tal and of labor to relieve the string-
ency of the Sherman anti-trust law,
was introduced in the house by Repre-
sentative Hepburn, of Iowa, chairman
of the committee on interstate and for-
eign commerce. It was referred by
Speaker Cannon to that committee for
consideration and report. It is under-
stood that President Roosevelt, in a
message to congress, will make a re-
commendation concerning it.
One of the most interesting sections
of the federation bill is that which
seeks to relieve organized labor from
the suppressive effects of the recent
supreme court decision declaring labor
unions to be conspiracies in restraint
of trade, and, therefore, unlawful. The
bill, broadly speaking, aims to restore
to unions their right of peaceable ex-
{stence, including the right to strike,
but leaving them still amenable to the
Sherman act in the matter of boycotts,
picketing and similar coercive prac
tices. The section is as follows:
“Nothing in said act, appoved July
2, eighteen hundred and ninety, or in
this act is intended, nor shall any pro-
vision thereof be enforced, sc as to
interfere with or to restrict any right
of employes to strike for any cause or
to combine or to contract with each
other or with employers, for the pur-
pose of peacechly obtaining from em.
ployers satisfactory terms for their
labor or satisfactory conditions of em-
ployment, or so as to interfere with or
restrict any right of employers for any
cause to discharge all or any of
their emploves, or to combine or to
contract with each other or with em-
ployes, for the purpose of peaceably
obtaining labor or satisfactory terms.”
The bill has been prepared under
the auspices of the National Civic
Federation in consultation, on the one
hand. with the president and other
executive officers on the government,
and on the other hand with represen-
tatives of the business and railroad In-| \ 4. Tecently occupied by Lyon's Gar-
terests of the country and of organized
labor. The effort has been to pre.
pare a bill which in its general scheme
would command the support of the
president, and which would deal with
all interests affected by the Sherman
anti-trust law fairly, and, so far as con-
ditions would permit.
—A ton of stable manure usually con
tains 10 pounds nitrogen, 10 pouuds potash
and 5 ponnds phosporio acid, making a
total of 25 pounds of plant food.
The following are the prices charged for Announce
ments in this column : Congress $10.00; Leais-
lature $8.00; Treasurer $5.00};
Register $6.00 ; Recorder $6.00; Commissioners
$5.00 ; Coroner and County Surveyor each $3.00
We are requested to announce that W. Harri
son Walker, of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for
the nomination for Cou man from this the
21st district, subject to the action of the Demo-
cratic voters at the April primaries,
We are authorised to announce that J. C. Meyer
of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for the officr ot
Assemblyman subject to the decision of the
Democratic voters of Centre county as ex
at the coming Primary.
We are authorized to sonounce Robert M. Fos
ter, of State College, ax a candidate for the office
of Assemblyman, subject to the decision of the
Democratie voters of Centre county us expressed
at the Spring primaries. .
We are authorized to anuounce John Noll, of
Bellefonte, as n candidate for the office of As
semhlyman, subject to the decision of the Demo
cratic voters of Centre county as expressed at
the Spring primaries.
We are authorized to sonounce that Jaccb
Swires, of Philipsburg, is a candidate for nomi-
pation for Assembly, subject to the decision of
the Democratic volers ax expressed at the prims-
We are authorized to announce Fred F. Smith,
of Rush township, will be a candidate for the
nomination for sheriff Ly the Democratic ol
| voted as the primaries
April 11th, 1908. It is my sincere desire
the honor of the candidate of the party for
this office, I make my appeal for support (0 the
Democrats of Centre county and will cheerfully
abide by their decision.
February 18, 1908,
Hammox SEcHLER,
We are authorized to announce Frank E.
Naginey, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for dele-
to the National Democratic convention sub-
fet to the action of the Democratic voters of
this, the 21st congressional district,
New Advertisements.
For Rexr—House on East Linn St.
Inquire of
Notice is hereby given that application
will be made by J. W. Grantland, J. H. Lingle and
Harold B. Lingle, to the Honorable Edwin ~, Stu-
art, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
vania, at Harrisburg, on Monday, the 20th day of
April, A. D., 1908, at ten o'clock a. m., under the
provisions of an Act of Assembly entited “An Act
to provide for the incorporation and regulation of
certain corporations," approved the 26th day of
April, A. D., 1874, and the various supplements
thereto, tor an intended corporation to led
the “Central Sanitary Company,” whose principal
office is at Bellefonte Pennsylvania, the purpose
and object of which is the manufacture of tools,
plumbing appliances, valves, spigots and other
devices, in brass, iron, steel, nickel, and other
metas and for the prrpose of selling the same
for profit, und for these purposes to have, J hsen
and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges
by said Act of Assembly and supplements thereto
53-13:4¢ Solicitors,
ters of Adm!nistration on tie estate of Ru-
dolph Kreider, deceased, late of Ferguson town-
ship, having been granted to the undersigned he
requests all persons knowing themselves indebt-
ed to said estate to make immediate payment
and those having claims against the same to pre-
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
ISAAC KREIDER, Administrator.
53-11-6t% Duncansville, Pa.
UDITORS NOTICE.—In the Orphan’s
Court of Centre county, Pennsylvania,
in the matter of the estate of Clara R. Moyer late
of Tyrone, Blair county, Pa. deceased. The un.
dersigned, an Auditor appointed by the afore
uamed Court “to distribute the balance in the
hands of the Fidelity Trust Company, Executor
and Trustee as shown by the account of said
Fidelity Trust Company duly filed and confirm.
ed by the Court,” will meet the parties interest
ed for the purposes of hi< appointment on Fri
dny, April 3rd, 1908 at 1¢ o'clock a. m., at his office
No2 Eagle Block Bellefonte Pa., when and where
all parties interested are required to present and
prove their claims, or be forever debarred from
coming in upon said fund.
March 18th 1908, Auditor.
5312 at,
Having leased the two rooms in the Bash
age, we will open
there on or aboat April 6th.
Flowers of all varieties will be kept on
baud, and any special kind will be ordered
promptly. The first consignment will oon-
sist of
The very place to buy your Easter sup-
Pennsylvania telephone connection and all orders
promptly attended to.
53-12-tf. E. R. EYER, Mgr.
at the
FRIDAY, MAY 20TH, 1908,
at 0 o'clock a. m.
By virtue of an order and decree of the Court
of Common Pleas of Huntingdon County, Pa.
Sitting in Equity, the undersigned will expose to
ublic sale or auction, at the Court House in
untingdon, Pa. on Friday, the 9th day of May,
A.D. 1968, at ten o'clock A. M. of said day. the
following described real estate, situated in the
Connti-» of Huntingdon and Centre, State of
Pennsylvania, to wit;
1. All the iron ore and mineral rights under.
Iyiug a survey in the name of Robert (cooper,
situate in Warriors Mark Township, Huntingdon
county Pa. near the village of Warriors Mark,
and comprising the following farms.
A. All that certain farm, with the timber land
adjoining land now owned James B, Irwin,
formerly known as the Bell Nearhoof farm, con-
taining 76 acres 105 perches.
B. Allthe farm and timber land now owned
by Martin L. Beck comprising 160 acres 70
C, About 53 acres 134 percies of farm land
now owned by Thomas Tobin.
D. About 2 acres and 53 perches of farm
Special Four-Day Tour via Pennsylva
New Advertisements.
New Advertisements.
land lately owned by Robert L. Henderson, de-
E. About g acres and 65 perches of timber
land belonging to A. B. Henderson,
F. The farm of the late Jeremiah Nearhoof,
including detached portions thereof, adjoining
James B. Irwin and A. B. Henderson, and com-
prising in all 130 acres and 40 perches,
G. About 56 acres of the farm of Jessiah Fet-
Also all the iron ore under all of the following
described Jiesus parcels and tracts of land now
owned by Clark Grazier, Esq.
2. All that certain tract of land, situate in the
Townsnip of Warriors Mark, Huntingdon County,
Pa. known locally ax the Allison farm, containing
828 acres, more or less,
4 All that certain farm, situate in the Towd-
ship of Warriors Mark, Hontingdon County, Pa.
known locally as the Ganoe farm, containing 188
acres, more or less,
4. All that certain tract of land, situate in the
Tounubip,of Franklin and Warriors Mark, Hunt-
ingdon nty, containing 177 acres, more or
less, known locally as the Wilson farm,
5. All that certain tract of land, situated in
Franklin Township, Huntingdon Co., containing
about 405 acres, more or less ecomprisiog the
Furoace farm and the Western part of the Dry
Gap farm,
6. All thet certain tract of jand, situate in the
Township of Franklin, Huntingdon County,
Suntanifian acres, more or less, known as the
7. Ali that tract of land, situate in the Town-
ship of Franklin, County of Huntingdon, con-
joing 251 neres, more or less, and koown local
ly as the upper Mill farm,
8. All that certain tract of land, situate in the
Townships of Franklin and Warriors Mark,
Huntingdon County, Pa. containing 204 acres,
more or less, known as the Dry Hollow farm.
9. All that certain tract of land, situate in the
Townships of Franklin and Warriors Mark,
Huntingdon County, Pa. cootaining 243 acres,
more or jess, and known locally as the Old Seat
10. All that certain tract of land, situate in the
Township of Franklin, Huntingdon County, con-
taining 48 acres. more or less, and known locally
as the Miller Clearing.
11. All that certain tract of unimproved land,
situnte in the Tawnshinol Warriors Mark, Hunt
ingdon County, Pu, and heing unimproved por-
John Wallace, William MeCahan,
William Perry and William Thompson surveys,
containing acres, more or less,
12. All that tract of land, containing 2560 acres,
more or less, situate in the Township of Warriors
Mark, Huntingdon County, Pa. known locally as
the Shoenberger Ore Mines, and lying outside of
the Wilson farm and not including any portion !
of the Wilson Thompson survey.
13. All that tract of unimproved land, contain.
ing 150 acres, more or less, lying East of Hunt-
fngdon Furnace, and including portions of the
James Worrel, John Lyon and James Armitage
14. All that certain tract of unimproved land,
lving in Kale Hollow, and situate in Franklin
Township, Huntingdon Co, Pa. containing 1650
acres, more or less,
15. All thatcertain tract of unimproved land,
situnte in the township of Franklin, Huntingdon
County, lying East of the Old Seat farm and
West of the Upper Mill farm and containing 250
acres, more or loss,
16. All that certain tract of unimproved land,
situate in the township of Franklin snd Warriors
Murk, Huntingdon county, Iving West of the
od Seat farm, containing 200 acres, more or
ALSO ALL the iron ore under all the the fol-
lowing described tracts and parcels of land, to
wit; —
17. Allthat certain tract of land, situate in
Spruce Creek township, Huntingdon Co. Pa.,
bounded on the North by lands of E. F. Shoeun-
berger's and Sidney Isett, on the South and East
uw jands of £. F. ~hoeuberger's heirs and on the
ext by lands of same snd & M. Bell and Sidney
Isett, containing 138 acres, 54 perches, net, and
tions of the
known locally a« the Merrits, Sprankle or
Melthenny farm, and being | roperty lately sold
by John Philips, Master, to E. B, Isett.
18. All that certain tract of land situate inl
Franklin township, Huntingdon Co., bounded
on the North by lanas of Clark Grazier, on the |
South by the Chestnut Hill farm, on the East |
by lands of Clark Grazier, and E. F. Shoen.
berger's heirs and on the West by ‘ands of E. F. |
Shoenberger's heirsand Clark Grazier. Contain- |
ing 224 acres, 120 perches, more or less. Known |
as the Eastern part of the Dry Gap farm, and
Inteiy sold by John Philips, Master, to Clark
19. All that certain tract of land, situate 1n
Franklin township, Huntingdon County, bounded
4 ands of Clark Grazier, on the North and
st: on the South and West by lands of E. F.
Shoenberger's heirs and Sidney Isett, containing
210 acres, more or less, Known as the Johnson
or Pond farm, now owned by Edward Gem«imore
and lately so d to him by John Philips, Master.
20, All that certain tract of land, situate in the
township of Spruce Creek, formerly Frankiin,
Huntingdon county, Pa., bounded on the North
lands of Daniel Waite and E. F. Sheonberger's
children; on the South lands of E. B. Isett
Gensimore; ou the t hy lands of E. F.
Shoenberger's children and J. M. Bell; on the
West by lands of Samuel Henderson, D. Gensi-
more. Containing 226 acres, more or less, Known
as the Madden farm, and lately sold by John
Philips, Master, to John Stover.
21. All that certain tract of land, situate in the
Township of Franklin, Huntingdon ecourty,
bounded on the North by tract known as the
Pond Farm; on the south by lands of E. F. Shoen-
berger's heirs; on the West by lands of Ciark
Grazier and E. F. Shoenberger's heirs and on the
Fast by lunds of Clark Gragier and Benjamin
Sprankle. Known as the Massey or Chestout
ill farm. Containing :41 acres 105 perches net,
am Iately sold by John Philips, Master, to E. B.
22. All that certain tract of unimproved land,
sitoate in the township of Franklin and Spruce
Creek, Huntingdon Soubly; being part of the
Patrick Madden survey, adjoining lands of Sid-
ney Isetr and heir« of jel Waite on the North,
E. F. Shoenberger's children and J. M. Bell ov
the South and t; and Innd= of heirs of Daniel
Waite and E. F. Shoenberger's children on the
West. Containing 92 acres 80 perches, and lately
sold by John Philips, Master, to A. M. Brown.
23. All that certain tract of timber land, situ.
| Warriors Mark townsh i;
nia Railroad.
ate in the township of Franklin, Hunti
eounty, bounded on the North and East by
of Clark Grazier
and E F. Shosabatgers heirs;
and on the south and west by E. F. Schoenber-
ger's heirs. contuining 30 acres and 20 pe net,
Sad lately sold by John Philips, Muster to A. M.
24. All that certain trast of timber 'and situate
in the tounabip of Franklin, Huntingdon
county, Pa., bonn: on the North by lands of
E. F. Bhoenberger's children, on the South by
land of David Henderson and Oliver Stevens; on
the East by land of Benjamin Sprackle and R.
W. Henderson; on the West by land of J. M. Bell,
John McPherran and E. F.Shoenberger's heirs.
Containing 195 acres, 53 perches net. Being
erty lately sold by John Philips, Master, to R.
Seeds, Walter Seeds and John E. Seeds.
25. All that tract of timber land, situate in
Warriors Mark Township, Huntin don county,
com of two tracts of land known as the
David Porter and Mary Porter, containing 487
acres 60 perches, net measure. Belug the pop.
HY ely sold by John Philips, Master, to
rt 8S. Seeds, E.
alter Seeds and John
26. All that certain tract of timber land, situ-
ate in Franklin township, Huntingdon county
adjoining lands of E. F. Shoenherger's children,
Clark Grazier on the North, lands of E. F. Shoen-
burgers children, on the South and East and
lands of same and Sidney Isett on the West
Conwining 140 acres, i456 perches, being gor
Siiy lately sold by John Ph lips, Master, to E. B.
27. All that truct of unimproved land, lying
partly in Franklin township, Huntingdon county,
and partly in Ferguson township, Centre county,
comprising all, or portions of, the several sarye¥s
in the names of Patrick Moore, John Hail
Charles Rich and Robert Raney, containing 1245
acres, more or less, and lately sold to J
Isett by John Philips, Master.
28. All that certain tract of land, situate in the
township of Franklin, Huntingdon county, con-
taining 145 acres, more or less, lying between
Huntingaon Furnace and Colerain, and now own-
ed by William Loub, locally known as the Benja-
min Sprankle farm,
29. All that certain tract of unimproved land,
situate in the township of Warriors Mark, Hunt
ingdon county, Pa. adjoining, lands of Clark
Grazier, Uriah Gates, ngle Brothers, Thomas
Kooken's Estate, Daniel Waite's heirs and others.
Being part of surveys in the name of William
Perry, Willism Thompson and R. Chaney, con-
taining 325 acres, more or less.
30. All that certain tract of unimproved land,
situate in Warriors Mark township, and being
ris of what is known locally as the Lehman
rothers and Mrs. Samuel Kaufman farms, con-
taining 54 acres,
31. All that tract of unimproved land, situate
in Warriors Mark township, fuminjdon county,
adjoining lands of Heanor, eyers Estate, John
H. Harpster, Eli Grant, F. L. Peck, R 8. Seeds
and George Dickson. Being part of surveys in
the name of Willinm Birdsall and A. Henderson,
containing 425 acres, more or less,
32, All that piece of land, situate near the
Dorsey ore mine, in Warriors Mark township.
Huvtiugden county, now owned by Thomas Smith,
containing 10 acres, more or less,
#3. A small piece of land situste near the
Dorsey ore mine in Warriors Mark township,
Huntingdon county. owned by Elizabeth Patter
won and containing 12 acres, more or less.
3. A piece of land, situate on both sides of
the Juniata Branch of the Lewisburg and Tyrone
Railrond, near Juniata Junction in Ferguson
township, Centre county, warranted in the name
of David Mitchell, and containing 62 acres.
35. An unimproved tract of land, situate in
Franklin snd Warriors Mark township, Hunting-
don county, adjoining lands of Clark Grazer,
Jeflerson Decters, Henry Smith and A. L. Heo:
derson’s heirs, and Mrs, 8. Kauffman, Lehman
Brothers, A. C. Hutchison's heirs comprising
Portions of the William Hickman, Sarah Massey,
illiam Lamborn, Joshna Lewis, George Mentzer
surveys, containing 800 acres, more or less,
36. All that certain tract of land, situate in
Warriors Mark township, Huntingdon county,
containing 17 acres 46 perches, known as the
James Cox tract,
37. All that certain tract of land, situate in
ip, Huntingdon connty,
known as the David B, Mong treet, contaiuin 6
acres and 20 perches.
38. All that certain tract of land situate in
Warriors Mark township, Huntingdon county,
containing 22 acres, known as the Samuel M.
Hanoah tract.
39. All that certain tract of land, situate in
in Warriors Mark township, Huntingdon county,
containing 9 acres, known as the William Hutch.
ison tract.
40. All that certain tract of land, situate in
Warriors Mark township, on the banks of the
Juniata River, adjoining the Mountain Seminary
Junda containing 5 acres 110 perches, sold to L.
. Grier.
41. All that certain tract of land, situated in
Warriors Mark township, Huntingdon county,
containing 2 acres, known as the Thomas Kooken
Any prospective purchasers desiring any infor-
mation as to the location of wny of the above
described lands, or desiring maps of the same
showing the different locations, please call or
write to one of the undersigned, or R. A. Zent
myer, Tyrone, Pa., always giving numberof the
truct as appears on this bill,
TERMS OF SALE. When the property sells
for twc hundred dollars or less, teal y per cent
of the purchase money is to be paid when the
property ix knocked down, and the balance to be
pal when the sule has heen confirmed by the
X art and delivery of deed within ten days there-
When the property sells for over two hundred
dollars ten per cent of the purehase money is to
be paid when the property is knocked down;
forty per cent of the purchase money to be paid
when the sale hax been confirmed by the Conrt
and delivery of deed within ten davs thereafter;
filty per cent of the purchase money to be pai
within one year from the date of the comfirma-
tion of the sale, to be secured by the bond and
mortgage of the purchaser. In ease the master
deems it advisable to require additional security
hesides the judgment or mo of the pur-
chaser he shall have the right to do so.
Joux Puities, Master in Equity.
Alexandria, Pa,
JAMES 8, WOODS, Attorney,
Huntingdon, Ps, 53-12.10t.
of Centre county, in accordance with the provi.
sion of the primaries election law, *
We are requested to announce A. A. Pletcher,
of Howard, as a candidate for Register subject to
the decision of the Democratic voters of Centre
county, as expressed at the polls in accordance
with the Uniform Primaries Act.
We are authorized to announce G. F. Weaver,
of Gregg township, as » candidate for Register
subject to the decision of the Democratic voters
as expressed at the April primaries. .
We are authorized to announce that C. A.
Weaver, of Penn township, will be a candidate
for the Democratic nomination for County Com-
missioner at the Spring Primaries to be held Sat-
urday, April 11th, 1908.
We are authorized (oannounce John L. Dunlap,
of Spring township, as a candidate for the Demo
cratic nomination for County Commissioner at
id ring Primaries to be held Saturday, April
1 08,
We are authorized to announce Thomas How-
ley, of Bellefonte borongh, as a candidate for the
nomination for r, subject to the decision
of the Democratic voters as ex at tl
Spring Primaries,
We are authorized to anncunce F, P. Musser,
of Millheim borough, as a candidate for the nom-
ination of Recorder, subject to the decision of
the Democratic voters as expressed at the Spring
We are authorized to announce J. D. Miller, of
Walker township, as a candidate for the office of
County Trea-urer, subject to the decision of the
Democratic voters as expressed at the Spring
primaries, .
We are authorized to announce that W.J,
Carlin, of Miles towashlp, is a candidate for the
nomination for County Treasurer, subject to the
Shivles of the Demociatic voters at the prima.
In compliance with the Act of Assembly provid.
ing for the nomination of candiiates by direct
vote at the primaries, I have filed my petition in
the office of the Commissioners of Centre county
and my name will appear on the official ballot as
a candidate for the nomination for the office of
County Treasurer on the Democratic ticket to be
Square, Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Passenger Traffic Manager.
will be run from Wilkes-Barre to Washington and return.
at 6.35 A. M. A stop will be made at Harrisburg for luncheon on going trip.
covers transportation to and from Washington and hotel accommodations from dinner on date of
tour until after luncheon the following Thursday—three days.
For detailed itinerary and full information apply to Ticket Agents, or address Tourist Agent, 50 Public
Connecting train will leave Bellefonte
General Passenger Agent.
New Advertisements
uable Real Estate. The subscribers, Ad-
ministrators on
beth L. TE SD She Shi Sure DN ad town-
ship, will offer at’ public rale at the SE Soave
in Bellefonte, on
at 2 o'clock p. m., the following valuable real es-
tate :
Lot No. 1. Being sll that certain lot of ground
in Spring township, bounded on the ol
lands of Kuth Armor, on the east by lot of T. M.
Barahart, on the south by public road leading to
Jacksonville, and on the west by lot of Mrs. Uhl,
containing One-Fourth Acre, more or less, npon
which is erected a good Frame Dwelling House
and outbuildings,
Lot No. 2. Situate in Spring township, bound-
ed on the north by lands of Ruth Armor, on the
east by lot of Fannie Barnhart, on the south by
the public road leading from Bellefonte to Jack-
sonville, and on the west by lot of T. M, Barn-
hart, containing One and Three-Fourths of an
Acre, more or less,
Terms of Sale: Ten per cent. of bid to be paid
when property is knocked down ; balance of one-
halt upon confirmation of sale, and the remainder
16 out Suny in date of sale, last payment 30 be
v bond and mort,
with interest from oT Sage 8 tie prem
53-15-4¢ Admin
ARM FOR SALE.—'‘The Nittany
Iron Company offers for sale a house,
barn, orchard and 22 acres of excellent land alon
the Fishing Creck pike, at Gatesburg, for $600.
Tne company will guarantee to the purchaser
full title to this property.”
53-12 tf
's Court of Centre county. Inthe
matter of estate of Robers A. Douty, late of
Miles township, Centre county, Pennsylvanis,
deceased. The undersigned, an auditor appoint
ed by the Orphan's Court of Centre county to
make distribution of the balance in the hands of
the accountants of the above estate to and among
legally entitled thereto, will meet the
fes in interest at his offices in Hellefonte,
nnsylvania, on Thursday the 23rd day of April,
A Ds, so > Slouk, A. M. when nd whers
rested may appear or rever
debarred from coming in on said funds,
Appeals, 1908,
Notice is hereby given to the t
Centre county that A CS Ta I i
will be at their office in Bellefonte, Pa., on the
following dates, for the purpose of holding the
appeals for the annual assessment of 1908.
pril 4th.—Bellefonte and Milesburg Boroughs.
April 6th.—Millheim, Centre Hall and State Col-
dy Boroughs, and Spring and Benner Town-
April 14th. —Howard, U )
wi Phiipabirg Boroughs nionville, Snow Shoe
r Ha , Miles, , G
3 F Townihipe. nes es, Penn, Gregg and
ril 18th.— Harris, Ferguson, College, Half-
modus ud on uwashipa,
Pp ~~ Walker, fon,
wd Grin Fownanipe. arion, Liberty, Howard
Pp st.— Snow 8h -
ton and Huston Towashi o So, Burnside, Us
April 22nd.—Taylor, Worth and Rush Town- |
e assessors for the various Horoughs and
Townships will be present on the above dates to
hear and determine appeals,
NOT Noexonerations will be allowed on
State Tax after appeal day of tle respective dis-
Janes H. Con,
53-11-80 Clerk.
} Commissioners.
m— A ——_ A ——
Bellefonte Lumber Company.
New Advertisements.
R SALE.—A good Single Barrel Shot
Gan, 12 with ease, will sell for §3.00
eash, inquire at this office or A. B. Youvse,
PHOLSTERING.—~Have yon Sofas,
Chairs, Mattresses or anything in that line
to repair. If you have, call H. M. Bidwell on
Commercial ‘phone. He will come to see you
about it. 53-46m *
XFCUTOR'S NOTICE. —In the mat-
ter of the estate of Dr. J. Y. Dale, 'ate of
College township, decemsed. In the Orphan's
Court of Centre county, Pennsylvania.
Letters testamentary in the above stated matter
having been granted to the undersigned, al! per-
sons knowing themselves indebted to the deceas-
ed, are requested to make immediate payment,
and all persons having claims against the same,
are requested to present the same properly au-
thenticated for sayment.
MATILDA A. DALE, Exeeutrix.
James A. B. Mivoen, Lemon
Auorney. 08-7
ters of Administration on the estaie of
George W. Homan inte of Ferguson township,
Centre conuty, Penpsyivania, deceased, have
been granted to John M. Homan, whore postoffice
address is Pine Grove Mills, ana B. F. Howan
whose postoffice address is Oak Hall, in said
county, to whom all persons indebted to said es-
tate are requested to make payment, and those
having claims or demands, will make known the
same without delay.
B. F. HOMAN, } Adm.
Cremext Dave, Atty. 53-964
HARTER NOTICE. —Notice is hereb
given that an application will be made
to the Governor of the Si of Pennsylvania, on
Friday, the 10th day of April, 1908, at 1 o'clock p.
m. of said day, M. 8. Mcbowell, H. A. Lei
gel, Chas. H. Foster and William Frear, under
the provisions of the Act of Assembly of the Com-
monwealth of Pennsylvania enti “An Act to
provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of
certain Corporations,’ approved April 2h, 1874,
and the supplements thereto, for a charter for an
intended corporation to be called The Escee Com-
y, the character and object of which is min-
ne: manufacturing and selling bitaminons coal
and its products, and such other minerals as may
underlie the surface, and to manufacture soy
timber that may be on the lands of the Company,
and for this purpose to acquire coul lands, snd to
have and enjoy all the rights and privileges of the
said Act of Assembly and its supplements,
Ford 4-cylinder 1518 H. P. Runabout,
Model H. $600
Ford 4-cylinder 15-18 H. P. Runabout,
Model 8, $700
Ford 4-cylinder 1820 H. P. Toating
The Best, Cheapest, Most Satisfactory Car
on the murket today. Call at our Gar-
age and Shops, Water Street,
53-8 tf
tended for builders.
Going to use Wall Plaster, sand
or lime for building ?
Be sure you buy U. S. Gypsum
Company's Ivory Plaster, without
a doubt superior to all others.
We have it sanded and unsanded.
Best always to use lime and clean sand in-
The total prices can be doubly reduced by
forethought and by buying these items at
one place with the balance of the bill.
At any rate let vs talk it over with you.
Bellefonte Lumber Co.,
Bellefonte, Pa.
Wall Paper, Paints, Etc.
of decoration.
Bush Arcade,
In attractive colors and it will stand out from its
In combining colors harmoniously is at your serv-
ice, with Pure White Lead and Oil to back us up.
We have can be made to give many novel forms
We'd be glad to suggest original
treatment for your house—They need not be ex-
Wall papers, Window Shades, Curtain
Poles, Paints, Oil,
Glass, &c., at
Bellefonte, Pa.