Deworra aan rr ———————— BY P. GRAY MEEK. esnsimse —— —— — Ink Slings. —Some people run for office as naturally as others run for meals. —The ice man doesn’t care what happens pow. Others may tell their troubles to marines, but his are over. —The first regular issue of United States stamps appeared in 1847 and they have been licked regularly ever since. —A smile and a cheerful word cost so little that we often wonder why it is that some people never have any. —It is not probable that navigation on the new Panama canal—il there ever is pavigation there—will be interrupted by ice. —The ground hog must sarely have seen his shadow if he took an eye opener before he emerged from his hole on Saturday morning. —The man with the shovel hasn't time to write any epics on beautiful snow. Yet hie is the man who knows best how beaati- fal it all is. —The non-political (?) character of the Daily News is very patent to its readire these days of strife over the office of bor- ough treasurer. —It it were not for the humiliation of baviog them do it we might be well off if we were to get into war with Japan in order to give them a chance to seize the Philippines. —Canned salmon and ice cream are all right in their places bat recent evidence proves the assertion that the stomach of a shirt factory gir) is not the place for them to get together. —Mis. RUSSELL SAGE has begun the work of dishorsing the SAGE millions, Her first gratuities indicate that she ie thoronghly capable of patting the money where it will do good. — Before we get through with this Japan. ese emhroglio mayhe we will have reason to regret the lavish sympathy we spent upon Japan at the expense of an older and more steadfast friend, Ronssia. —Senator DRYDEN is different from other men who have been licked in politics in that he bas had the courage to admit that he is sick. Most of them get sick enough but won't acknowledge is. —-Many of the Republican statesmen of the country are now advocating an income tax, yet it was the passage o' an income tax that lost Congress and the Presidency to the Democrats only a short time azo. —The recent borings for the Proneylva- pia railroad tunnel under New York have revealed that a large section of that eity is built upon «and. The district in not the one in which the stock exchange is located. —A fashion writer in one of the maua- zines declares that anklets are hecoming popular with women. If such alancy ever does hecome a fad men will have to carry a trained mouse else they will pever be the wiser. —[t didn’t need a decision of the court to tell whether our water hills are a tax or a rental. Any ons of a dizen motor-u