Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 01, 1907, Image 3

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As one lamp lights another, nor grows less, |
So nobleness enkindles nobleness,
report, many of the rescuers were still
below when the second explosion oc-
curred, and it is estimated that the
casualty list from the two explosions
reaches a total of 300 men.
The drains and losses, the pains and tor-
ments suffered by so many women are un-
natural. They are against Nature and she
is their uncompromising foe. Let a wom.
an realize this and she must also realize
that Nature is her friend, avd stands ready
to help her when she will put herself in a
position where Natare's help can be given.
New York. Jan. 29.—The jury which
| Is to try Harry K. Thaw for the killing
of Stanford White is nearly completed.
Nine men have been secured. It is
txpected that the taking of testimony
Bemoreaic: Waldman
Bellefonte, Pa., February I, 1907. | is
EA N——— Is is not uncommon for a girl to wear a
dozen bangles on oue arm.
(Successors to Grant Hoover.)
ARM NOTES. ight n Wednesday afternoon. | New York Bankers Get Control of Lan. | It is at this place that the supreme worth
v When so many are worn* they are made Ee oe en and caster Railway and Power Co. of Dr. Fierce's Favorite Prescription is FIRE,
—There is wuch variation in the yield | of narrow bands of gold, each set with a | so rapidly were the remaining mem- Lancaster, Pa.. Jan. 26. — Berton, Seciovatrated. It is the means by which LIFE,
and quality of milk from the cows, and no | single jewel. | bers of the special panel dis 1 of | Storrs & Griscom, New York bankers, | Nature on wok with women Sor She rea- i
farmer can bave a herd uniform unless he Very wide gold bracelets are also worn, | that orders were hurried the | Who financed McCall's Ferry Power Yosdbion oth, Hagin douse yol Ae
breeds for uniformity by adbering to one | 4nd the more old fashioned in design they | rt for 2 Jom te company rot i the interests in yesoe} : ant you begin ol Sake ACCIDENT
ome partteniar. amie ol se” eel? o8 | are, the better they are liked. Io a eT rat in tl Art Ae peiale WE) nese INSURAN
reea, Pectin" family of he selected | Pargasise matrix in much weed for ban. | ’ This Light company, which includes nearly aNoE
—With pure bred fowls and selecting
the best of the flock for breeding purposes,
| fore Justice Fiezgerald. This will
make a total of 200 men thus far sum-
moned. Of the original panel there re-
to co-operate with Nature on Nature's plan. |
Of balf a willion women who bave nsed !
‘““Favorate Prescription” ninety-eight per
cent. have been perfectly and permanently
gles, and jade is also in fashiovable favor.
Among the bangles, many of the newest
show circles of garnets.
the entire trolley system in the city
and county, and the gas and electric
This Agency revresents the la
Fire Insuraice Companies gy
BTR os
it is said that no bad results wiil obtain
light plants in Lancaster and Colum-
y . cared. ——NO ASSESSMENTS, ——
from inbreeding for at least three years. | | be beagelot wet Vis She Wearer's oa bia. The stock issue of the local com.
The t results accredited to inbreeding | stone also ig . ! pany consists of $2,000,000, one each - re m—————_ Do not fail to give us a call before insuring
poo ] a Fi your Life or Property as we are in position
are frequently the effect of keeping inferior i of common and preferred. Fifty dollars Medical write large lines At any time.
birds for breeding aud selling off the best Decorations for the Neck.—-Some girls | was paid for the preferred and $100 real Office in Crider's Stone Buildin
stock. look best with a simple ribbon tied about | for the common, the latter having al- | == —— RT Ba81y BELLEFONTE. PA 8
3 the throat at night, and these ribhons can A EB, PA.
~The farmer who confines himself to be decorated with tiny heads, jewels and | most in its entirety been given as a
two or three staple crops, and who bas not spangles ” , i bonus when the preferred was origi-
ventured beyond them doe sok kaw the Seed Pes ou. pele veivel wre lovely; | nally issued. The purchase is on be-
full capacity of his farm. He should try 3 half of ‘the McCall's Ferry company,
some speoial crops on a small area, and en- See} and Jake os black for our elders must | which also agreed 10 place ar oie $ Ta: PREFERRED ACCIDENT
deavor to have a greater variety of articles ® . tional million of capital in the local == TEES
to sell. The canses of failures in some If a pearl, paste or steel buckle, accord- t for 4 15. Phe’ var INSURANCE CO.
crops do not inflaence other kinds. ing to the embroidery, finishes off the mid- | reasury for improvemen iS. pa man
dle of the front, a smart effect is obtained. | value of the common stock is $5). , —
— Late management of bees consists sim- idea i listle bo | ete —
ply in takiog away all surpios combs and | A Pretty 7g ausuy Haste bow ied in | TWO CHILDREN SUFFOCATED ‘ ;
honey as soon as the honey season closes, | L0€ front, with a dangling paste or mar. | es » THE $5.000 TRAVEL POLICY
and the best combs in the hive should be | 9uitite drop sewn into the center. Little Ones ‘Killed By Smoke In Burn- EeEem————1 ;
left for the bees. Those having the largest A lovely little neck ornament can be | ing House. B ACK GIVES OUT ’
amount of sealed and the least unsealed | made thus, with a tiny hook and eye under | Johnstown, Pa., Jan. 25.—The lives « Benefits : ;
honey are the beat. All further mavage- | the bow to fasten the ribbon end that goes | of two children, John and Mary Ma-| ents of Bellefonte readers have this 4 $5.000 death by accident,
ment during the fall and winter is the | around the throat. | chak, aged 3 and 5 years respectively, i aphepond kidneys—overwork them— . 5,000 loss of both feet,
same as with double story hives, — were sacrificed in a fire which broke They cun's keep ap the Soutinual straln. 5,000 loss of both hands,
—The shrink of corn varies according to | Braiding is to be a marked feature of she | out in a large double house in the 14th | Urinary troubles set in. w pales; 300 Joss of One hand und Re 700
the condition of the grain when put into i sult, braid bic sil ward, this city. The little ones were Don t wait longer—take Doan's Kidney 2,500 loss of either foot,
th: crib. Cases have been known in which e pu raids, which are so easily | Bellefont le tell how they act. 630 loss of one eye,
corn lost 20 per cent. from shrinkage, the | worked into special designs, even by u | Sui oeated Sy Sucks a DY a om Natoy evoople vil ast 25 per week, total disability.
corn being damp. From 8 to 12 per cent. | novice, are seen in all the new shades, with | Ww : un Upper . Logan St., Bellefonte, Pa., says : “I used (limit 52 weeks.)
is the average, the shrinkage depending | black greatly in the lead. Some of these | Ni s HE OF EAREY fective flue attacked the partition be- to suffer very mach with a weakness of 10 per week, partia! disability:
upon #0 many circumstances as to make an | barrow galloons and braids have beavy | WAVES aa rT y tween the two houses and shortly filled ie hack Sel severe put Sarough = limit 26 weeks.
exaot estimate very difficult, but the rule | cord edges; more a fancy edge. There is | = ° iderea | the side in which the children were I seemed to be unable to find any relief, PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR,
is to allow 10 per cent. less gilt and silver seen in them than lass | Mains but 35, and it was cons with smoke, suffocating them. The until I got Doan's Kidney Pills at F. Potts
season. | that this number would not be suffi- damage to the building was slight. Green's diug store avd Ssed tiem. hoy payable quarterly if desired.
v wi S0me Staves oats ate sown 2 Soe -“ | cient out of which to select the three em —— strength returned: | have never pa any Larger or ssaallar ds te
is av sat si'y the next season before A novelty of an extreme sort in dress | JUTYMen necessary to make the trial Negro Hanged at Wilmington. trouble of the kind since and am giad to portion. Any person, male or female
the dry period appears. In this section ) an extre r ress | recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills not only rol
oats are sown in the spring, bus it will | trimmings consists of large diamond-shap- | cOmplement of 12. Wilmington, Del, Jan. 26.—Quickly because they helped me but because | Snitued ia pref : occupation in ’
perhaps be found that certain varieties | ed pieces of dull green broadeloth, with ap-1 Of the 50 men examined, 43 were | and without a hitch the execution of Frow. 9 cihess whe tvs alto Jotoad getiet he we » pion pr uve * ‘
may used here for fall sowing as well as | plied designs of old rose velvet outlined | excused upon doctors’ certificates, or | Lawis Johns, colored, murderer of his & case in which this remedy ‘has failed to he condition may insure under
elsewhere. Farmers should test a small Mth Black hed wold, Jol danghé bere and | upon the ground that they had formed sweetheart, Arameda Jones, came off sive sfugsion= Pride this policy.
plot, and if successful a great advantage | there with tiny gilt buckles over capper. | opinions which were too strong to be | at the county workhouse. The man’s or sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. :
will be gained by sowing in the fall. colored taffeta. These diamonds are con- | chara by the testminoy, or for various | neck was broken by the fall, and death ¥ guter Miloura £0. Jilinie, Now York, FIRE INSURANCE
—Sawdust is oue of the best substances | Ered PY 80 irregular Sie Inktice work iu From reasons sufficient to incapacitate | cnsued in 11 minutes. The body was | Remember “ihe ame—Dontre—avd I invite your attention to my fire '
that can be used in the pig-pen, and is is or Dangiing hu on to Yan this | ® man for service in cases where the | allowed to hang for 25 minutes. Johns’ : a Insurance Agency, the stro
also excellent in the stalls. While saw- trimming are vaually sold with it. | penalty may be death. Five talesmen | crime was deliberate and revolting. and Moet Extensive Line of Solid ;
dust does not quickly decompose, yet it is | were challenged peremptorily, the | Waiting for the woman on the street Companies represented by any
an excellent absorbent, and in time is re- — i r f this agency in Central Pennsylvania.
duced 10 itn original elements. I 1x gra. Equally novel is a banding of oblong | state leading in the exercise o after a quarrel, he crept up to her and :
easily handled and is not balky, while its | connect figures in lemon-yellow bengaline, privilege, with three challenges. beat her to death with a stove leg. H. E. FENLON,
odor is not disagreeable. It also serves to
keep the manure in a finely divided condi-
—A Nebraska woman describes a simple
way of testing eggs to tell whether they
are fresh: “*When they are taken from the
nest or purchased from the grocery, pat
them in a pan of water. If they are per-
fectly fresh they will sink to the hottom
and lie still, directly on their sides. If
they are not quite fresh they will tilt a
little and rock about on the bottom of the
pan. If very bad they will float. The
best plan is to try one egg at a time.’
—The farmer reduces the value of his
own labor by keeping inferior stock, of fail-
ing to secure large yields of crops, as the
higher the prices and the greater the pro-
duction, the better the remuneration for
the labor hestowed. There are periods
when the farmer cannot perform work in
the fields, for which reason he should aim
to get his crops under shelter as soon as
possible, in order to do some kinds of work
which can be performed inside the barn.
—There may he disadvantages in fall
plowing, as it is believed by some that the
plowing of the land in the fall permits of
the loss of soluble plant food in winter by
leaching, but when the land is plowed late
in the year, and then cross-plowed early in
the spring, there is brought to the surface
the larvae of insects which perish on ex-
posure to cold at the surface. To prevent
leaching of the sil after plowing the work
ghould be dove in the fall and the land
seeded to rye, or the land may be plowed
in early spring.
All frait trees should be sprayed with.
out regard to whether they have been at-
tacked by insects or disease or escaped, as
it is less labor to prevent attacks than to
remedy the evil after it appears. It costs
more to repair damage than to ward off
danger. In some States, such as Califor
nia, spraying the trees and vines is enfor-
ced by law. If the grower neglects his
embroidered heavily in three tones of
deep |
blue hraids.
For a Crystal Wedding. —Dezcorate the
house with quantities of glass beads, white
ones, in festoons; put the cat glass that von
have on the table and the mantels. Serve |
the guests standing.
Use small glass plates if you wish to get |
them, as you can always use them for any
entertainment. On the table pot white |
flowers, green leaves and place on it chicken |
salad, tiny sandwiches of chopoed bacon, |
Spanish peppers aud cold chicken with i
lettuce and French dressing. Make these |
very small of battered graham bread. At
one end you could have coffee and ohoco- |
late poured by a friend or relative. From |
the kitchen serve broiled oysters and Sara- |
toga chips, ice cream with hot ance, and |
bave the cakes on the table. For souvenirs |
have small heart-shaped glass plates put in |
little white boxes for the women, and for |
the men have glass penholders, also in
boxes. Across one wall in the parlor have
the year of the wedding and the present
year done in crepe paper or in white and
green flowers. Of coarse, it would be very
attractive and novel if vou could bave these
in glass globes with electric lights, but you i
may not wish to go to that expense.
Do yon want to keep young? But that |
is rather a foolish question, for of course
you want to look younog—every woman
In order to look young yon must avoid
doing things that will make you look old.
You must not frown, for that brings
wrinkles, and they more than anything elve
age a woman's face.
Keep your face as smooth as possible—
don’t get into the babit of making faces
when you talk, avoid worry as much as
I can hear yon exclaim at that and say,
“It's al! very well to say ‘avoid worry,’
but who can do that?"
The two men of the 50 who proved
| acceptable to the state and to Thaw
and his counsel were Charles D. New:
ton, a retired railroad official, who is
perhaps 65 years of age, and Louis
Haas, the New York representative of
a Philadelphia wholesale candy con
{ cern, who is not more than 30 years
of age. In accepting the latter, Mr.
Jerome dwelt for some time upon the
question of reasonable doubt, question.
ing the talesman searchingly as to his
ideas of the differences between reas
onable doubt and a possible doubt.
Mr. Haas seemed to incline to the idea
that a conviction for murder in the
first degree should be voted only when
such doubt as one might feel in re
gard to some vital issue in his own
life had been removed by the evidence.
This seemed to satisfy the district at.
torney. Mr. Newton became juror No.
8 and Mr. Haas No. 9.
All of the defendant's family were
in court. Mrs. Harry Thaw and her
companion, Miss May MacKenzie, were
the first to arrive. Then came Mrs.
William Thaw, mother of the prisoner,
accompanied by her two daughters,
the Countess of Yarmouth and Mrs.
George J. Carnegie. Edward and Jo
siah Thaw and Mr. Carnegie also were
present. The family sat closely group
ed in two rows of chairs just back of
the prisoner. As usual they seldom
spoke to each other. Mrs. William
Thaw had a gracious bow and a smile
for the prisoner's wife when they first
met, and the latter was quick to re
turn the greeting. Thaw seemed de
lighted when he saw all of his family
in court, and appeared to be in high
spirits throughout the day.
The Caterpillar,
The caterpillar spends his life in try-
ing to keep out of everybody's way.
Some species hide on the under sur-
face of leaves, others on the stems or
blades of grass, which serve them as
food; others again build little nests for
concealment or else they lie snugiy hid-
den between the curled edges of leaves,
which they draw close together until
the opposite edges meet. The caterpil-
lar is na sociable creature in his own
family. He knows that there is safety
in numbers, and you will find whole
companies feeding side by side while
keeping a sharp lookout for their bird
enemies, but when a caterpillar is by
himself he scarcely dares to move for
fear of attracting attention. Even
when he is obliged to change his skin
he doesn’t venture to leave his old coat
lying around. The moment that he
takes it off he eats it. The caterpillars
that live in companies shed their skin
boldly. Only the poor solitary vellows
feel forced to swallow thelr old clothes.
Good for the Printer.
The Ohio Penitentiary News, for many
years a famous and flourishing daily paper
published by convicts, has suspended pab-
lication for the very good reason that there
is not lefe in that big penal institution a
single man who can handle type. There is
nota printer in the Ohio penitentiary. Bank-
ers there are in plenty. More than swen-
ty are there and more on the way. Several
convicts banks might be operated, with men
to spare.
Enough lawyers are there to take care of
an immense amonut of legal business. Doo.
tors, brokers and other *“‘eminentl, respect-
able’ citizens are not lacking. Basivess
men, farmers, mechanics and representa-
. We desire to thank our friends for {
stock of goods and discarding every-
- standard, aud we will, if possible,
Green’s Pharmacy.
their patronage during the past year.
We are now going over our whole
thing that we find is not up to the
_ be better prepared than ever before
‘to furnish our customers with the
BEST of everything iu our line.
4 We solicit your continued patronage. 5
50-21 Agent, Bellefonte, Pa.
Reduced in price—horse sheets,
lap spreads avd fly nets—for the
next thirty days. We have de-
termioed to clean up all summer
goods, if you are in the market for
this class of goods you can't do
better thav call and supply your
wants at thie store.
We have the largest assortment of
in the county and at prices to suit
the buyer. If you do not have
one of our
you have missed a good thing. We
are makiog a special effort to sup-
ply you with a harness that you
may have no concern about any
parts breaking. These harness
are made from select oak stock,
with a high-grade workmanship,
with each set of harness. We have
on haud a fine lot of single harness
ringing in price from $13.50 to
We carry a large line of oils, axle
grease, whips, brushes, curry-
combs, sponges, and everything
von need ahout a horse.
We will take pleasure in showing
you our goods whether you huy
Se he bn Sonsidered as vos Buimaiaing & | The answer is that nine out of ten wom. BRIDE SWALLOWED POISON § ves of almost every other department of | Bush House Block, or hot. Give us a call and see for
Sance, some oflicial is order- | o, worry when there is no necessity for do- activity are common there. 4 yoursell.
ed to spray the orchard and add the cost i Death Ends Her Brief Honeymoon of - BELLEFONTE, PA.
tor nba Mey ng "ae beans Hille hrisgs lines of care Seven Weeks. But there is not a printer. 14-26-1y Yours Respectfully,
—Considering the neglect given black-
herry and raspberry canes in late summer,
they pay well in comparison with other
orops. If fruit growers will cultivate the
canes, clean the ground well of weeds and
grass as soon as the herry harvest is over,
and apply fertilizer on the land, the effect
of the 00d treatment will be apparent the
following year. Weeds and grass rob the
A mouth that droops at the corners adds
years to a woman's apparent age. It usual-
ly means that she is peevish or discontented
and eventually draws lines from lips to
You all know those lines and know that
no young looking woman has them.
Take good care of your teeth, brushing
Reading, Pa., Jan. 24. — Elizabeth,
wife of Jeremiah Bloch, one of Read-
ing’s prettiest women, a bride of seven
weeks, took her life by swallowing
carbolic acid. Medical aid was sum-
moned, but when the doctors arrived
life was extinct. Deceased was 19
years of age. No cause is known for
Tbe fact throws new light on a character
that has long been commonly misjadged.
The printer today is a home owner. He is
of fixed employment and is the head of a
family. He is—and always was—far ahove
the average mau io information and intel
ligence. All the notable events of homan
life pass through his hands and make im.
press on his brain. —Milwaukee Journal.
Spring street,
sane, and whe is Condi dmed that with | them several times through the day and al- — (CURTIS Y. WAGNER,
the canes producing crops for several years ways when going to hed; the use of dental
in succession, and weeds and grass taking | floss and a good dentifrice will preserve AWFUL MINE DISASTER Medical. Brockernory Minis, Beuieronts Pa,
possession hetween the rows, the land be- | them wonderfully. 300 Men May Be Dead In Two Explo- |= er ee ACETYLENE Mabdlciuss
Sumer hauled; the crops fall off and the Notwiag f0 mars a persons appearance sions In Prussian Colliery. and wholesaler
canes die out. as neglected teeth, Saar Prussia and retailers of
A ordianber has: ‘bioh i Keep your hair in good condition by —h TbIneek, Re Sala, Ja2 2
. passed in | gaijy brushing and the use of a thoroughly p The Best and Cheapest Light. ROLLER FLOUR,
Portsmouth, England, prohibiting the reliable hair tonic if it seems to be getting the Reden coal mire at St. Johann. FEED, CORN MEAL, Rie.
crowing of cocks. How the cocks are go | hin. On-Saar, opposite Saarbrueck, and : .
ing to be informed of this ordinance is not | peal Air in plenty you must have if you | caused a loss of from 150 to 200 lives. COLT ACETYLENE Also Dealer in Grain.
Sleay, 20g whether shey wi pd 10 wish go keep soang, and plenty of sleep. | The Reden mine is owned by the Prus-
” J Late hours will make a woman look 10 t..
a ais tn (car 1 14 ta he snl | Sovnyaovn tues have been | non GENERATORS... I} soririmidia™ Va 2
be stopped of thin privilege, hut do not | wish your Eire ae rr brought to the surface, and 56 corpses | 15 Hour
state whether the legality or practicability
of the ardinance is questioned. In regard
to the latter point she London News says
that a hoard suspended above the 100st at
such a distance that the cock will hump
his head when Qe raises ap for #peech will
prove very discouraging and will cause him
to confine his crowing to daytime only.
— Dairy «chools are now in operation in
many States, and short courses of instrug
tion on buster and cheese making are given
at rome of the agrionltural colleges. It
was long ago demonstrated thas inferior
butter could not compete with oleomarga
rine, and that god butter of choice quality
c uld always be sold at a fair price. The
fact has also been demonstrated that there
was mach to learn in making good butter,
and that oleanliness and the proper man-
agement of the milk were essential in pro-
dueing the choice article. There has heen
a wonderful advance in methods of butter.
making, and oleomargarine is responsible
for it. Consamers will not purchase the
counterfeit article if they can ges the genu-
ine, and poor hatter is as much a counter-
feis ae any other imitation.
head erect. Don't slonch along—walk as
though you had some life and spirit in
You know you can’t keep young unless
you keep healthy, and the recipe for shat
is plenty of exercise aud fresh air.
You can’t keep up a continual round of
gavety and keep your youth at the same
You will find thas the woman who looks
young invariably takes excellent care of
Yun may think now that you can afford
to be careless about keeping your youth,
hut that is hecanse youn are young. Ina
few years’ time yon will wish vainly that
you had taken better care of your youth
while you had it,
The thing to do is begin right now and
take care of yourself—don’s wait until it
is too late,
Keep your mind young, be interested in
the shings and people about you. Keep
cheerful and sweet tempered, think pure
and happy thoughts and yoar youth will
linger long and lovingly with you.
are known to be still underground.
Only 50 live men, up to the present
time, have been brought out, and of
these the doctors say at least 35 will
surely dle, as they are frightfully in-
jured, through having been hurled
against the walls of the galleries by
the force of the explosion.
Immediately after the explosion res
cue workers were hurried from all the
adjacent mines and boldly entered the
Reden shaft in great numbers. The
work of rescue has been greatly ham.
pered by the poisonous gases result
ing from the explosion and by a fierce
fire that broke out immediately after
wards. During the afternoon the ef:
forts at rescue had to be suspended
for these reasons, and the rescue work-
ers had to be ordered out of the
After all the rescuers had reached
daylight, according to one version, a
second terrific detonation was heard
underground. But according to another
It is commonly inherited.
Few are entirely free from it.
Pale, weak, puny children are afflicted
with it in nine eases out of ten, and many
adults suffer from it,
Common indications are bunches in the
neck, abscesses, cutaneous eruptions, in-
flamed eyelids, sore ears, rickets, eat. rrh,
wasting, and general debility.
Eradicate it, positi ely and absolutely.
This statement is based on the thousands
of permanent cures these medicines have
“My daughter had serofula, with eleven
sores on her neck and about her ears.
Hood's Sarsaparilla was highly recom
mended and she took it and was cured.
She is now in goud health.” Mus. J. H.
Joxus, Parner City, Ind.
Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure
and keeps the promise.
Generators, Supplies
and F xtures. . . .
General Agent for Central Peansylvania
for she J. B. Colt Co.
Headquarters .
FANCY PATENT—formerly Phos-
nix Mills high grade brand.
The only place in the county where
an extraordinary
Spring Wheat Patent Flour can be
fine grade of
Whole or Manufactured,
All kinds of Grain bought at office,
Exchanges Flour for Wheat,
and STORE, -