RI J TOM JOHNSON DENOUNCED disapproval is awaited with interest. Whipping Post Bill Defeated. Washington, Feb. 18. — The house had sport with the whipping post bill for wife beaters, and then laid it on the table, effectively disposing of it by a vote of 156 to 57. The most impas- sioned speech for the measure was de- Mvered by Mr. Hepburn (Iowa), who depicted the brutality of the man who wculd beat his wife, and declared that to be whipped was hardly adequate punishment. Mr. Adams opened the discussion with a serious speech in favor of the bill. All of the opposing Speeches partook of levity, and Mr. Adams received more than one fling because he is a bachelor. Left All to Anarchists. Greensburg, Pa., Feb. 13.—The will of John Walker, of Valley Camp, who was killed on the Buffalo & Allegheny railroad, has been found. Walker was a recluse, professing anarchistic prin- eiples, which had estranged him from his family. When his will was opened it was found that he had given his three sons $1 each and had bequeathed the remainder of his $10,000 estate to the Anarchist Society, of Paterson, N. J., for the purpose of disseminating its literature. Walker's sons have brought suit to contest the will. ah S— Letter to R. B. Monigomery Belle: fonte, Pa. Dear Sir: People ask how many syuare feet a gallon wiil cover. Depends on condi- sion of building. There is a great deal of lying on this nt. The stock claim of lying paints is J square feet, two cents. It’s a lie, u« a rule. Devoe covers 300 wo 500, our agents think. We think 300 too low and 500 soo high; though doubtless, they hoth occur. How much the other paints cover is equally doubtful; we guess 100 to 400. The truth is found in another compar- ison. Devoe is all paint, true pant, strong paint, and fall-measare; the others in gen- eral are, at the best, diluted, adulterated and short-measure. They cover according to body aud weasure. You can’t paint with olay lime chalk and barytes water or air—no body in them. Gohy Devoe. Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co. Best Ronte to the Northwest. Io going to 8t. Paul, Minneapolis or the Northwest see that your ticker wess of Chicago reads via The Pioneer Limited on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way —thbe route over which your letters go. Standard and compartment sleepers with Re te a So, Sn tion, 0, 6.30 p. m. 3 arrives St. Paul next morning at 7.25 and Minneapolis at 8.00 o'clock. JOHN R. POTT, District r Agent, Room D, Park Building, Pitteburg. EE —————— New Advertisements. A PPLICATIONS FOR LICENSE.—No- tice is that the follow W. L. csrmuriiBollafonte West Ward C M& Garmen, a “" James A. bis “ Mosebarger. James W. Runkle......Centre Hall Boro Edwin ©. aa Boro Aya & a .- *" samacl SA hy “ 4. C. & W. H. jones... * “ Philipsb'g Brewing Co.Philipsburg 2nd Ward WHOLESALE BEER. . Chas, Moerschbacher... Bellefonte West Ward A. B. KIMPOR 5 PORT, Sn —_ em Books, Magazines, Etc. Auer Roossvair's Piovvre.—A particularly op- portunelnewspaper feature will be issued with the next Philadelphia (Sunday Inquirer on Sun- day,*February 18~the day after the marriage of worth, This will consist of an excellent reproduction of a most recent photograph of Miss Alice Roose- velt, handsomely printed in colors in vigneite Blue and a picture of the White House beneath it. It makes a very pretty souvenir of the much talkedjof wedding, and there will undoubtedly be an epormous demand for this issue. Those who would be sure of getting a copy should place their order with their newsdealer at once, asthe edition is of course limited to the number of souvenir pictures on hand. New Advertisements. Horses FOR SALE.—A large well Broken 1a. Hovis, belmess” San be. Barth cheap. Inquire of “MM,” care of Warcumax, 5048 OARDING.—Parties visiting Phila, all ons oi3 squares from business centre of : Dg $1.25 and $1.50 per day. ’ "Mas. E. EDWARDS, (Formerly of Bellefonte,) 1606 Green, St., 49-38-1y* Philadelph Lyon & Co. 4 { LYON & CO Miss Alice Roosevelt and Mr. Nicholas Long 5 style, with a background of the mew ‘‘Alice | sons a oS a. For the ia ovens ore A.M tos Pe THE PENNSYLVANIA MATCH COMPANY. ministration on estate of Mrs. of township, deceased, Raving bees up undersigned, he Teyuasts i aie Tike JLE1e esc Hoe i0d authenticated for settlement. AL sT-a-0te Spring Mills A GREAT§MONEY MAKER— i» THE NATIONAL CREAM SEPARATOR Is the best of its class becaovse it gets ALL the {Crean and does it EASILY. For price or partico- lars write or see B. F. HOMAN, OAK HALL, PENNA. Dealer in all Kinds of Farm: Implements. 51-28m Lyon & Co. di dnd LYON & CO. ~~ at Cost and some i. A. BA BB Bl BB BB Bl Bl BB Bde BB BA CLEARANCE SALE of ALL WINTER GOODS We are opening new Spring Goods every day and Winter Stuffs must go LESS THAN COST. at We must have thé room for the new Our White Sale is This we will continue Spring Goods. the greatest. Goods. eli Be Ml Be 0 Be MB. lO Br. OM lB, BM OB... B.. LYON & CO. 47-12 Allegheny St., NW UY ET OY WY WY WT ey Investments. until after inventory is taken. New White Shirt Waists and Waistings, the latest novelties in Spring Dress Watch our store for some- thing new and interesting. YY YY NT YY SY LYON & CO. Bellefoute, Pa. eve A AAA Ae All le lbs Bs Ae A { ARE YOU AN INVESTOR? 1 ! : $100. - - Jrooo. & We offer the CONSERVATIVE INVESTOR a < five 6 per cent Gold bearing Bond. INTER- & and ONE Tenis of PRINCIPAL 1 pa; semi-annually. t of princi- : pal in this manner DOES NOT IMPAIR the in. {1 vestment at all. ¢ The payment of 6 per cent on the face of the H bond continues or the ENTIRE LIFE OF THE : * nb ar ] tions of tho pep]. pom 1 Write for Booklet “A Plain Talk About Dollars.” 4 INVESTIGATE. 3 West Exp Finance Company, 4 ‘Land Title Building. 50-50-3m. Philadelphia, Pa. we SOFT DRINKS The subscriber having put in a ; = gicto pint is prepared 1 furnish ‘Sot BROTSE'S GROCERY STORE, ~ SELTZER SYPHONS, ES SARBAPARILLA, GOODS ALWAYS FRESH. _ SODAS, FAIR TREATMENT TO ALL. ~ POPS, ETC., Cash Paid for Fresh Butter and Eggs. = Sl Wiis ary ans on You ean get it Bivase’s hen you can't any ‘3 a PTOp STORE OPEN EVERY DAY AND EVE The public ts cordially invited to test UNTIL § 001 00K. Bandon tad 10, EVENING free of charge within the limits of the 5 Rn R. 8. BROUSE. ; C. MOERSCHBACHER, So321y High Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. OF A TRUTH THE BIG PIANO SALE OF M. C. GEPHART 29 S, Allegheny St., Aikens Block, Goes Merrily On. Never in the history of Piano selling in Bellefonte and Centre county have such values been known as we are giving, and never have there been so many fine pianos sold in so short a time as we have sold here during the past ten days, and THE END IS NOT YET. We have had to duplicate the orders we had placed for pianos almost daily, in order to fill the demand as well as to replenish the various styles and makes as they have gone out, You have such noted high grade makes to se- lect from as the Knabe, Behr Bros., Schomacker, Brambach, Haines Bros., Hobart M. Cable, Briggs, Boston and all the other standard makes, and we guarantee to furnish you the piano of your choice at lower cost than you can procure it elsewhere. DON'T BE DECEIVED BY GLOWING PRE-- - TENSES AND EXAGGERATED STATE- MENTS OF FICTITIOUS PRICES. WE HAVE FULLY AND CONCLUSIVELY DEMON- STRATED to the public that worth and merit win; that pianos are not pianos; that to represent a piano truthfully and place it in its proper class 1S HONORABLE AND TRUSTWORTHY ; that mislead- ing representations—rating a medium grade, or a low grade, ora stencil piano, if you please, at an exhorbitant price, and finally selling it at far more than itsreal worth—will not go with the people. That IT 1S A WELL ESTABLISHED FACT that there is nota dealer within the State of Pennsylvania who gives the values we are giving you right now. A piano is the most costly article which you place in your home, and you expect to buy but one in a lifetime, therefore, before you buy your piano, we ask of you to call and inspect our fine piancs and get prices, and be convinced. See- ing is believing. : We have a large number of Organs, piano case and cottage styles, such as the Estey, Far- rand & Voley, etc., recently taken in exchange on piano sales, at very low prices. : Second-hand and slightly used Pianos from #75 up. Terms to suit you. " "PHONE OR ADDRESS 29 SOUTH ALLEGHENY ST., BELEFONTE ACETYLENE | The Best and Cheapest Light. COLT ACETYLENE GENERATORS.......... GIVE THE LEAST TROUBLE, THE PUREST GAS, AND ARE SAFE. Generators, Supplies and Fixtures. . . JOHN P. LYON, BUSH ARCADE, General Agent for Central Pennsylvania for she J. B. Colt Co. - VW ORKMAN'S BARGAIN HOUSE oto As this is the last week for our sale come early and se- cure your bargains. HP Remember the right place. In the McBride Building, South Aliegheny St., : Bellefonte - Pa. OFFICE OF THE OAK EXTRACT CO. Es ne r of the Tm ey. To the deceased, late having ' been granted to the “undersigned ed said estate are ed to make to Afins} the same Jresent them, daly authen- IRA. N. McCLOSKEY, Executor. 512-6 Lock Haven, Pa. TOR SALE.—Ten beavy-wei Fe farm horses. Roe to 1. MURR 515