Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 19, 1906, Image 8

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# TR ams A ite D Sunpesx. Tne | PorreRr.—Dr. Thomas B. Pol, ote AMC 0.) Nori tho Y. 11 a Hasson RISTMAS HRESENT—We ORDER WOUD--K1SKEAD. wd gidry op:
* Yk ele He ‘the oldest and best known physio ns M.C HAS How 80 far progressed fired to mentiin the fact, fact week, of | pointed wedding in Johnstown Wedueiday
y ¥ Sets that” ww, ntréBanhity,” died at e 10Phil- | that ther , cgriainty that it will be tal®| fhe very bandsonse Christmagpresent Mr. | evening at 6:30 0 "cleck, was that of
a ia Cruse, his home -at Axe ly completed. and all the. equipments. .in . H. Lingle reoeived from Ws emplovees. | Irwin Underwood, son of Mr. and
Manon nas 6.14 Eridaysevening of r com ne, 8 a plage. inside of wo or three. weeks at the, On Saturday afternoon, Degember 23cd, | Isase Underwood, of this plage, and Hi
erysipuins, The Cruses have lived av Axe |i Ft about ten weeks. tt ouldide aod Thursday a John Guisewhite went to Bir. Livgle's | Mafy PP. Kinkead, daoghter of Mr. and
’ iighied nies leg Jr arte Mobi dearly tWo years where Charles con-*| Deogased was born, at Potters ‘Mills, this 1eégibas tree set as the gime for. the formal | office aud told him be was fated in the Mrs, D. H. Kinkead, of Jolnstown. The
Eile Accom mid noted a small cigar mavafactory. A | county; November 21st, 1429, making his | opening of the same. “Thecccasion will be ea-ting house at guee. ME Lingle at] ceremony, which took place at the resis
4 e days prior to Christmal™ he closed | age 76years, 1 month and 22 days. He maile‘qite an evant il the "history oF (ie | ouce broame cousiderably #itated, coms | dence of the bride's parents and was’ wit-
THiNas ABOUT onan counry og hjs factory..and duri _ Holidays | was a descendant of one of ‘the’ pioneer associltion. bert E. Speer,” of New| juring in his mind all kinfls of direful | nessed hy only & féw close friends, was per-
. cre went, to Pittsburg to a positiui as, ad “well. “ms miost prominent families in | Yuk, bas Been § ited a od it is ox things from a sirike 10 a fighf, as on a pre- formgd Iy Rev. C. C. Hays, of the First
EN sin Tiarced 8 Stine ay any EE i mapu- Centre connty. ‘His father was Gen. John will pe present ay to the ‘speakers r vious occasion he wa< compelled 10 fin ro chnich, The couple went to
upon in dbe Bellefonte hospital, last. Pri: factpring company. He bad compleped on. located and died in Foo du that time. E. B; Backalew, the Y, M. C. | one of the latter. He at ooef hastenid fio | the altar unattended. Following a brief
a / all arrangement$ to start: out od his initial itconsin, and his gravdfather, Jodge Ax State secretary, will plso be present. A | the casting house and there, pure cucugh, | wedding trip they will take np their resi-
a wie’ fo Will Smith, of Johostown, 8 trip, had even practically rented a house James Poster, ove of the founders of Potters |» spédial opening of the gymubsiam will be were all the men fornied in a big ring—a la | dence in Renovo, where the groom bolds a
1 em i Te os i | which to move bis family when, on | Mills and origival owners of the, woolen | beld on Friday evening, Febraary 20d. .'7| prize fight style. Mr. Lingl& made a rush | good position in the train _dispatcher’s
undergoing (reatment n Ho a Tuesday of last ‘week, a small pimple, gn | and; grist mills at. thas place as well -p Regarding the cottipletion of “the fork and hroke through: the ring ibto the centre | office.
toriam. the side of his nese became. quite painful large amount of real estate. oh the new bailding much bas Been accom- | where he confronted —nct twh men in bat-
——The weather of this week hae cer and he, consulted a physician about it. | - The doctor's early life was speus atiihe plished during the past week. “The car- | tle array, bat young Charles Ghandier, who,
Min been variwhie esoughtro satisfy “the At that time there was nothing about the | place of kis birth, where he received his pentery are almost through. with he éxoéy, without giving his employer time to regain |
Best—Ko0XTZ —Quite a happy little
wedditg took place” at the home of
‘orifiod!. iL on ‘pimple to distinguish it from-aoy ordinary | first educational trainivg. Later he went | tion of layiug the floor in the gy wuasinw, his hreith, made his carethity prepared | land Mr. Charles Koontz, at.7.30 o’elock
po Edward Richards has 4h, gontem® | blood +ieruptioh. - Wedhesday mornit, | tp schoo! at Léwistows and afterwards took The old: paper has been removed trom: the | lirtle speech and pros-n od Mp Lingle with Wednesday evening, when their daughter,
i plationt the erection of a brick honke on. however, the Tphydician advised Lim to a course at Princeton. He hegan bis medic. | walls of she front. room and the force of | a valuable dinamo: d ring ax nx mark of she | Miss MaudeS. Koontz, was united io mar-
east Fl reer. come home at_pnee and consuls his family al studies under the supervision of Bis | paibters and paper hangers have their work esteem in which lie was hdl by his em. | riege to Howard E. Best. The ceremony
meaguhs Trafford will'not ake charge | physician, and he arrived home Wednesday | cousin, Dr, George L. Potter, of Bellefonte, | well under way. ploiees. * Mr. Lingle was =o * flustrated’ | | was performed by Rev Joli A. Wood Jr..
of his4oh as janitar at the court louse uns | night. Thursday and * Friday forenoon | then took a course in the University of | Int he gf wuasinm all of the: wuapeifed he has no remembrance of wiit he said in | i" the presence of about thirty invited
AI Febfinry Br” no passed and while the pain gradually grew Penna. from which be gradunted in 1851. apparatus have Beén pot in position and | acoeptasce, hut that he apprefiates the gifs | Bort The atiendania were Mr. ~ad Mre.
Rerieiiver t fhe ARE greater’ there wae no’ farther external evi- | Héat oboe located in Stormstown” where | the rest will | be pl “just as soon ax the | ver. deeply is erstain. Morton Smith. A wedding -aDper was
Catholic convent will ve held during the |! of the disease; while the patient him- | he prasticéd for five years then went to floor is. Jaid. Experts from Philadelphia LL erro served the bridal party after which Mr.
week Ti anfog Tauuary 29th. Friday morning kad no appreben- | Philipsburg where be soon became one of | are pow. lere erecting the howling alleys News ‘Purely Persgual, and Mrs. Best repaired to their own home
rtd ask all ow bis approaching death. Shortly | the leading physicians of “the town and h they expect to haye completed with: | po. 4 A Black, of Boalfhurg, made a which the u:room had already furnished in 4
f 4 ot ‘alter noon, onFiday the pais ‘Wechme so wh ere be. lived ever since. In 18 he inten days; #0 that theres little doubt | trip to Bellefonte yesterday, apartments over Shefler's stare. 5,
By, will goto Ty rone. today aud tonight great that a ypodermic injection of ether built the Potter block ‘and sowe few years but that everything will be'in good sbape| mon. James Wolfenden, of | Lamar, was a| I, An-TeE — Last Friday’ \ 7
’ | py the Three C's in that place. was administered. Shortly afterwards Mr. | later erected $be Potter house selling the for the dpening day, when the public’ is | viritor in Bellefonte on Monday. . Wh tidat's: Slot: ; py
7 Rev. Williaot Laurie, D. 'D., LL. | Crise became] uuconscious and ‘When the latter only a few years ago. = Ahoat four cordially invited to attend. Remember | —Frank McFarlane, of Boalsbirg, transscted ed earings otice of 2
D., ofthis Pises, speut lads week in’ Win" | ootor returned sh ortly after r o'clock | teen yeats ago, alter practicing.’ his pro- the time, Thursday ‘evening, February lst. bissindss in Bellefonte on Monday) {Anna K. Pd. ot B teflon op ’
buns atl thik weekihe iAEME. Uniop. he found him jo a dying condition.;, The | tetsion for forty years, in Which~be was |, A UNIQUE CONTEST. Stfon. James Rerr.of Clearfield wns o vastness | LLL CTL LT * vs the Ep
bi Katz bas decided to quit “Hotel | disease bad spread inwardly -and gone to | $0 successtalas to accumulate gate litle Red ‘aod orange will he popular colors | ¥/10r In Bellefonte on Wedncedsy. hi or Panaidoay oo Ju
Fe; rents iouse WHT" with Nis wite“and | the brain and no médical aid could | fot tine! Be retired to pritate tie and hus | during the next four weeks as Bellefoute fs | or, Ssh Breckerton pe we seit | 00 Cn ES he daughter of ow
son Joe go to houssheepiog'va the ol of [a 1 at tha that time. Ti ved until bis death, ove of the honored | tor be the scene of a great struggle between | (ne state, Wednesday dr 3 4 wt Mrs. George Lose, in ug Ee bik \
ns dam ¢ ae eldest son of Mr. and and esteemed citizens al Philipsburg. these popalar colors. On Tuesday next © “Miss Rebie Noll spent fast wedk in Warriors: | for some tile past oe been — iy
: 2D. M. i a_ brother of, shit Mrs. "Andrew J. Cruse afid was born in "Politically the doctor was a ‘Republican two companies’ of ‘thirty men each will be | fail with‘her sister, Mrs. ©. F| York, who is ber brother. Bosephi, in Altoooa. 2The
: Henry Kline, recently purchased Readicg January 19th, 1870. While quite and, while never very aggressive, alwags | athred in a contest for Y. M.C7 A. mem- | just convaleseing from a Serious illness. groom is a machinist in the employ of the
. cA jst beyond Axe Mann, vin young the family moved to this place. | took more or less interest in polities and bership, ‘company wearing ene of the ~Miss Eva Steinkirchner, who/spent the past : . ,
Penveglvania railroad company in th
A dollars thepefor. His education “was received in the public | was elected toa nomber of borough offices, above mentic oned colors. The contest will eight months with relatives in this locality, left pL y the Movhtain city. pany e
wise 2
SE le
: Srooday morning, fof her home if Newton, Kan,
ne i. schools of the town after whigh ‘he began | having been the second hurgess ever elect. | continue for four weeks and at the “end of em
Meserve, * seoiétary. of ¢
Beli ap cl has rehted ue work for his father in th: cigar maoulac- | ed in Philipsburg. During the. war of the ee the side that has seuss the le Rote oh Willi ee, pling GavLr—LoNG.—Thursday evening of
Nichols property on east Cartin Street and turing business. When his father died a | Rebellion be served eight months, trom Inrgest number of ‘points; or dol I” will | {50 to sell His fithers property onl Bishop streel, | last week James B. Gauls popular young
moved his: household belongings into is number of years ago he succeeded him and | October, 1862, until May, 1863; as assist | bé declared the winuers’ and will have a 5LW. 7B. Thomas, of ‘Milesburg, dropped info liveryman, of this place, and Miss Lyda
ri werk’ i continned the business until less than a | ant sargeon’is she army of Ténnessee, But | group picture made of the'team| which will tiie. Warcumax’ ofiie; on Tuesday, and made ye | Long were quitely married at the Reform-
iz i year ago when be sold out and opened up | Was conipelled {0 réaign on ackount ‘of im. | be framed and ‘hangin the new-todms. The | editor happy by not only renewing his own paper | od parsonage by Rev. ‘- Ambrose M.Sohwids.
‘Botte ie } ra Hut ‘vi taken 1 the |, or Ag when be. ‘Axe Maop. Phited health. © He was’ also ‘a’ prominedt losing team will give a public demonstra- for another yeatjist also that of a friend.
onte hospital, on Taesday, and on
Hesissurvived ‘by bis wile, who before member’of the Masouio fraternity 3 tion of the woodman’s art by sawing up —Joe Fauble wos in Baltimore tbe early part of | ———While coasting down Bishop street
Wednesday. _anderwens . quite. a. serious | \\o ingeh was Miss ‘Rebie Garnian, daugh- | ~ Dr. Potter was éwioe ei] e first ove of the largest logs that can be secured ig i Famte's sine og one day last week Hargiet Ray, daughter
rn Dr. Clark, of Baltimore. wa | yur of Mr. Daniel Garman, aud five ohil- | time iu 1868 to Miss Mary E. ore in the vicinity of Bellefonte. At the close | ka Bloom lay de in her home pt Huntingdon, | OF Mr: #4 Mss. 8. D. Has, and Paal Weta.
2 perform’ the operation.’ dren, namely : Lonise, Charles, Allen, Stormstown, hy whom a of. this:novel effors for Y:M.C. A. mem- |“ “Mrs. Thad Hamilton returapd, Wednesday | © "€™€ 1070" [rom thesled just opposite
A 4 ~ here J. 8. McCargar dives. Miss Ray
ne - Joh! Barnes, oo Pleasaiit Gap, on R b ahd Helen; Also his mother, Mis. | all “of; whani - are. dend His sroond: bers dll who have Joined the association evening. after a months. visit with her sons Tom | ¥
: Monday bought the Amos ra lame on Josephine Crase; three brothers, Dr. | was Miss Elien MeMullen, nan will be eerved ‘with a fine ‘sopper and will en Je, New, gio flo any she was quite badly hurt, the sudons in one
. Bishop street. The house will he pnt in Andrew J., of Denver, Col.}, Tenipleton, of | was marie: in ‘1880, nod who afi) st- | be preséuted with free fiokets toan excel- | jj, « : Me. po —— Bh a
good repair and will he ocenpied after the | Pittsburg, aod Wade, of Swismale; and | vives, they avivg vo children ‘He aléo | | it entertainment. T.ots of fun is goar- : been a difficult matter to get the swelling \
~—Mrs, “Gebrge W. Jackson and daughter, Mrs,
fit of Apsil by. Me. ‘Crigsie Tavner as a | one sister, Mm. 8. "Kine “Woodring. of | leaves one “grand son, , Thomas Boi anteed by the above effort and as ‘the 880- | George P. Brew, of Eonceverte, ¢ Va, were in down sofficiently to give the proper treat-
i ighording Bouse.” °° Bellefonte. Potter, | "eae ciation has one of ‘the best equipments in Beletdnta thi pus week on the dad mission of i ; Yousg vepuel had Abe we
: re wan ob. Austrian wedding in| The funeral was held on Monday after- The _taneral was Finials Soarze the State we feel, coufident | in igiga Mg tie fyaatattor 1 their sob and brother, = ghtly : now a 1.
7 church, at noon on Tuesday, noon at '2 o'glook, from’ the ‘Episcopal the Mason, and was hal Y: “MC A. boom. iy —After ta pit montifin Bellefonte oD aed siouidl) tie ue pr
20) the: fellow countrymen of the Wride ch by ‘Rev. George Israel Browne con- Monday 1 morning, Rev. Rede offciat. Re with her parents, Mr.-and Mrs. Jobin D, Sourbeck ' wa aun pi
oom had a mercy. time of it, takin duos 3 the Services. = [uterment was|jvg. wa Sl Two Fines. —Last’ Priday night ithe Bier Hay Retliiwptrs def glors her home tn | 5 > Thomas Shaugheusey, Jr., of east
—. i 6.8 Novara ba o made in the Union aemetery. : v.48 i Me ky | barn of George Larth, at Snow Shoe, caught Brooklyn on Monday. She was aécompanied by Howard street, bad his leg broken in a
raphers to ve their : Se o fiom - | fire and burned to the ground together her brother. Haxris, who was returning to resume coasting accident.
ipistares taken. Pm se A Jvc S AuvicLA FEA vi all the contents, which included: five | hid stiidies in Brown's business college. od RE;
——Thomas B. Rosser, who has heen | ot Samuel Frank, at his ‘ orses, four of which belonged to the Houk- “Mr. John’. Potter was a passenger west on | ——A freight train on the Bald Eagle
mail clerk on the Central Railroad nf Penne, n oo : | burg, Paesday night fb ok. ) ar Yambermen, and: ‘which Were the Bald Eagle train, Saturday Svening, going to | Valley railroad pulling into Lock Haven,
———— -aylvania the past conple years, with head- ha Be at 7.40 o'clock | county loses the last bufibne of the men. | ined b and doll pl | ady Ridge where he spent Sunday with Mr. | a4 five o'clock Sunday morning, sideswiped
sing, Jauuary Osh, after is who served on the tb Nisan. azmociote valued at over one thousand dollars, a Lawrence L. Brown and family, on Monday going | ooo y er or Joaded sliay. were: hein
-quartess at Mill Hall, has heen a : aan Risavate 1 ane the: ty of Larch; the latter also | to Philipsburg o atten tho {aera of Dr. Thor. eury ee being
0 a run on the Penus Teania_ with bead 0 isease “and : ’ h and B. Pliter. He returned Monday evening. shifted from a siding on to the main track ~~
arters at Harrish y % Atop un Poster town {10st a carriage, t 9 0 elgh aon i= ve ara to fae ¢
quarte rrishurg. i ip)
o Bt Sue Cot. | Wrecking a half dozen or more cars, among
" hirty-six wens obage. His in Belle. | them being two oars loaded with met-
at home on his father’s farm
1 was due to the infirmities
of 5id age as he had been in feeble health
actically ihanaged “for some | for some months.
several sets of harness, one of which wl e's pleasint ty resents who
f © —Last Friday “eveniog a Kno pe
gq valued at one hundred dollars. The Hous- fone on a thopping expedition, on Monday ; and | ohandise. Among the wreckage were bar-
school, up Buffalo ran, with Mee
; although she was very busy, apparently, she was i p
- Hatt as ‘teacher, an oy us. 1 brothers also lost all their harness, not too busy to call at the Warcumax office and Tels of whiskey and gin, Kegs of beer, thous. 4
and eatertaioment that proved most ine He was a most exemplary Deceased was a sou of Mr. and Mis. Larrh had $1,500 insurance on his barn | make us her debtor for another year to come. ands of cigars, tea, coffee, furniture, dry 5
ti n ir ; th i Te man, honest, industrious and pro- | George Frank and was born in Miles town-
tre ng affair ; the program of recitafinne, bis death is deeply deplored | ship, in 1821, thus making his age close to
alognes, ‘eto. eing 3 nite lengthy. +. y
Stewart Penrad, 5: i, non” of. Stews riends, 85 years. He was one of a family of eleven
but there was no insurance on any of the | —Michael Seunett, of Rupville, was a pleasant goods, writing tablets, coal, etc., all of
contents. The Mountain house stable was caller at the Warcnyax office, on Monday, and | which were scattered ‘along the truck for
on fire several times but the | amen were ‘made himself solid for the paper for another full | geveral hundred feet.
i ; year to come. . Sennett is having “consid rst oimern
Pearée, of Connen ut, Ohio, who Inet ithe fo ovis ute ie ane gl iad Se a Ee al Ml extinguished without doing any great dan- | erable trouble wil hiseyes just nowbut we hope — L. C. Bullock is very much plead
week was sa badly injured A Tallent ade oro tot Beiltont oe [om or oy . gorsed the Lr: age. they will soon im and that his sight will be | with hie new situation in Indiana, Pa.,
« cident (Fat it wast neotseary to @ 3 o ' y EL On sy. morning the outs) of So: spared for years to come. and will move his family there abo
* pate p ton a of Potter town- | ciples of his party as oom- “Mr. T. B. Jamison,’ ¥ihere abot Feb-
: 1 ne of his’ legs, -iav getting a a be wv phen Coontrap, at Sugat Camp, was to =r. T. B. Jamison, of Spring Mills, passed | ron Gry after. selling all bis in
5 i A falda Gitwon, oe York; Mrs. | missioned a at. [14 per. Which 4 .iroved by fire though all the a" sort re | Lirough Bellefonte, Wednesday morning, on his ! efteots |
J “mow with ry assurance of. ti all . | office he held a number of ¥ In 1876 y y oug way to Shelby, Ohio, where he has gone to see his Milesburg at a public sale on Saturday,
i , recovery. i dg ge o vol} A be . iP ing th bat the cook stove was saved. Cooutrap | son Harry, who is reported quite ill with kidney January 27th.
i ——The Centre Couuty Aviation 3 iad 1 $e mal oS y FEEVIIE The 10d $350 insurance on his house and $200 disease and heart trouble. It is to be hoped that ds nnd a
* PINd@pbia will” bold. ite Titer i ne. he i do . pe Berv-§ on his furniture. when Mr. ve reached there he found his —Mr. Isaac. Underwood and swo
| r t led of and. at var- “ste soa not as sick as reported. Ve . | daughters, Misses Mary and Blanche, at-
4 ngnet at the hotel Ma H aud Rev. Grom, of Centre ious Viren held. township offices. ‘For many LADIES OF THE GOLDEN TEMPLE. —Ab a -~Mr. and Mrs, Al 8, Garman ‘and Mrs and tended the wedding of their son and broth-
and Girard avenue, a : the funeral services which’ | years be was engaged in the tilel| meeting of the Bellefonte Castle, Knights | Mr. Robert Garman, of Tyrone ; Richard Gar- er in Johnstown, W evening.
Teh. The committee in. gha rapes ¢ 10 o'clock Friday mornivg. ness at ‘Rebersburg with sonl| of the Golden Easle, Wednesday evening on of Phingghie J3:. i go or] * HY — : lo ¥
iy to make this the banner id even [Interment made in the’ Ugiion ‘ceme- Luther. eg of last week, a branch of the Ladies of the Swissvale, and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Maitlan of V Sale” ie: r :
w dg belihy thie Resnciation./ ZL TAY Peasy yville.’ Th oJ ades Frank was ‘married in 1843 to}| Golden Temple, to be known as the Queen Williamsport, were in Bellefonte (0 attend the Bri. —A Chesson or Jo Jerry D a
© Measles are now rampant in Belle: | * § i i 0 iss Sarab Brongart, by whom he had — was organized with quite a large | faneral, on Monday, of the late Chatles H. Cruse | e Mant, Betacs:
: fonte'aud many § voy ad girl is: oa Edvard V. Correll. /gtltbd ohiien, "all Hevugw, as follow bership. Grand Pomplar * Sarah “A. | > —Mrs. Lowrie and her daaghter, Missi hioen, Auct. Sule at a arm
or in doors i of : P., Luther B., and Mrs. R. Df er, off ord or oers 8 | Lowrie, of Warriorsmark, were guests Phitad Markets.
s , #ebobr of d 3.2 Corel, of; She Easton, i 5 and Dr. G.. 8S. _ Frank, over from Ph ) hd part Lof sthe week at the home of Mrs. Ww. Er totlowing
& A ! Addition, on Millbeim’,, rs. Fravk died in 1886. The!| the A installed the following of- wo, igh woes rac Thoniug: | she Fie Tea
beginning ¢ : 3 CE ag s held from his late Bome, 1 aty| ficers for the ensuing year : ‘Foreign’ Missionary, society of the Presbyterian. "
5 * ing sick With Abe EIT hs ges y y : en morning, 1! Past templar “Mrs. a Jo ‘church at her home \ Miss Lowrie wives very in- ssnsnane
¢ - # " n euplo : : : Mis. Rof Jecguine talk of mission work jn China .
: ~The regalar meeting of bo i 's office as a pressman. He 1 Bly 1.r8,iL. Both ladies tefl for their ham on wed
Ek oy 4 op A oni Seas saawot Sumidernble prowiife, y plavitine Pio Mrs. Sar fee very mitch lik in| .
i » v ety Ros ’ ’ « ORIan eR on
: E 4 y 8 er haviog alrepdy attained to a position of AQ warsonll of ceremonies, Mrs. TB So RT will stop ving ou magdor 70
ly business transacted was
a Wiig cgpslderable promiveace in the city of Sountian, disd ou
{ ; . a the number of people who have been a
i & a w Bib noble grand of Eton lodge, Bloomington, 11, By rn 1 de 3:20 | Mvoring us with remittances lately. The bills mos N Wh gi
i of pm al € 0. F., aod a leading mem- app Ee inte 5 or era Yale bang cacied ang aed tothe {Ware F081.
$43034. bere . Slack, of ; 4 : ; ce ys are’ only “green : ———
ror : yo sabudlio, Hej . in, rtot dispairiihat bas extended | perteronte Grain Market.
ttle more than a year ago | =~ Dinner portals, Mrs. F r the past six weeks. The foreman of the
by his wife, bis tather avd | so : es hah re. wae of hy oe of Re Wagnen, z
: thr or to her marria he|| dian of outer portals, Mus. te. time and each one of the other employees ha
wartz, of near 1 Fam ompauy whick " Seis Post. | termittently gotten a pain or something else to | §
pod two brothen . rd Alten ro an 4! No. 95, G. A." IT | gause them to suspend operutions for
a it came tosuch » by i | Rye, ps
eR La ee EE TE
2 § here tha 0
ors, Holo, vet last Saturd A whe right re that we were never so
A :
. Be
tin, of Geo. L. Potter Post No. 271, was I before in all our
by ison + Charles Gai i cle the installing offic i» and 5 started out to
pao) Eo ba a was the list of officers: - ( w SEL
nial) to us this week i. Dr.
the clay mies of the Scootac H. Musser; senior v, te, 0 n WI alia Nitin Gervriah o. un
| Taylor ; i junior
faneral was beld on ey ie
y 3rd, and was quite large!
pany, at Bear Beampe: Wed-- ‘th h
; = Yr Armor ; ; surgeon, J.
ittte of Te t a oe we |p Harris ; ; officer of of the. day. ‘Jobn
a er er be the | CUD ; adjutant, | Noll ; quarter:
r oi and; . ‘Sohpyler wil | master, H. B. Poutins officer ot ir
h the sermon. Eckengoth. ad
te ; Mrs. James Re
Soring ii V
i ade
+ RT